Quantum~Wisdom inures following table's list of Wisdom T¤¤ls:
1. | Onæ's btwsdq t¤¤ls are quantum. | |||
2. | Onæ's language issi predominately quantum. (Only two Doug currently, CeodE 2013, knows about are Autiot and Quantonics.) | |||
3. | Onæ's oeuvre (roughly 'oover') uhsæs t¤¤ls pred¤minatæly qualihtatihvæ, subqjæctihvæ. | |||
4. |
Onæ's c¤re t¤¤l bælihæf issi "flux issi crux." | |||
5. | Onæ's c¤re faith issi ihn Aleph AKA DQ, [enthy]memetic flux EIMA interrelationshipings, quantonic transmutative~evolution, quantized quantonic~scintillation, absolute individual choice, chance, change, free~willq ontologiesq, etc. | |||
6. | Onæ's qua to ræjæct Zeno (quantum~hermeneutics), Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Buridan, Newton, and Einstein among many others. Simply, " Ræjæct Yod, and ræjæct ESQ (SQ without DQ)." | |||
7. | Onæ's qua to embrace Zenoq, Heraclitus, Cratylus, Hamann, Bergson, Suares, Pirsig, Bohm, Ho (Mae-wan), among many others. Simply, "Have faith in Aleph, and take sides with Aleph." | |||
8. | Onæ's ability to uhsæ "indetermination and uncertainty" as tools of wisdom. (Gn¤sis: "...embrace indetermination.") | |||
9. | ...more over next few days, weeks, years... | |||
10. | ||||
11. | ||||
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17. | ||||
Classical~Stupidity inures following table's list of Stupidity Toolsc:
1. | One's btwsdc toolsc are classical. | |||
2. | One's language, unremediated, is predominately dialectical. (For example, Anglicized Hebrew, Latin, Greek, German, English, etc. Some ideographic languages have been Anglicized.) | |||
3. | One's Babelc uses tools predominately quantitative, objective. | |||
4. |
One's core belief is dialectic monistic 'state' is crux. | |||
5. | One's core faithc is in Yod EEMD objects AKA ESQ, ideal stuckness, hegemonic-compulsory 'disciplinary-matrixed' status-quo, material stability, objective mechanicity, perpetual formal state, etc. | |||
6. | One's indoctrinated, socially compulsory habitc to accept Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Buridan, Newton, and Einstein among many others. Simply, "Accept Yod, and reject Aleph." | |||
7. | One's indoctrinated, socially compulsory habitc to reject-denyc Zeno (mis-ciphered classically), Heraclitus, Cratylus, Hamann, Bergson, Suares, Pirsig, Bohm, Ho (Mae-wan), among many others. Simply, "Have faith in Yod, and take sides with Yod AKA ESQ." | |||
8. | One's ability to use "predication based in a presumptionc of root-cause single-effect determinism and certainty" as tools of 'wisdomc' AKA stupidity. | |||
9. | ...more over next few days, weeks, years... | |||
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