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We offer our contrived list of classical assumptions about time:

  • Time exists
  • Time is a change meme for classical philosophy | science
  • There is only one time; time is a homogeneous classical concept
  • It flows unidimensionally
  • It is measurable but not definable (Classicists presume their classical concept of space is a proxy for time measurement; they measure time as space/space; they offer n¤ coherent definition of time in terms of itself or some other n¤nspatial proxy. In our Quantonics view Millennium III quantum theory needs a real, quantum c¤herent, temporal exegetic for change other than space. Bergson agrees — see his Time and Free Will topics 16, 17, 18, 19. Pirsig agrees. Stein agrees. Added 22Jun2002 - Doug.)
  • Time is continuous
  • Time is infinitely divisible, thus differentiable and integrable, thus stoppable and restartable for any analyst's convenience (See James on Zeno's discrete motion paradox. See Bergson's Time and Free Will Zeno comments in TaFW's topics 23, 15, 19, 22, and 34. See our own memetics in Zeno's Paradice.).
  • Time is conveniently (conventionally) stoppable (See our comments on quantum impossibility of classical analytic stoppability in Bergson's Creative Evolution, Topic 40, page 310 comments. Large >300k page.)
  • Time may be either negative or positive (except for Maxwell's 2nd law)*
  • Time is relative (since Einstein, ~1905; see Poincaré below)
  • Time's relativity depends upon constant light velocity
  • Time and space form a Minkowskian/Einsteinian identity

*This is what we call classical time reversibility. Note it is either/or. Quantum reversibility distinguishes itself as both/and. Omnimensionally, omniadically, we can say "all/and," for quantum time's direction. (Our use of 'direction' here is purely classical. We should QELRemediate it using more quantum present participle plural, like this: directionings. Classical inanimate singularity of di-rection may be Victorian correct grammar, but it offers n¤ generally valid exegetics n¤r exoterics of quantum reality. Doug - 3Jul2002.) Maxwell's 2nd law assumes all classical behavior involves thermalized energy transfer. Thermalized energy transfers impose Maxwell's non-reversible classical arrow of time. Maxwell did not know about quantum coherence (both partial and non-partial) which permits non-thermalized, lossless energy transfers. Quantum non-thermalized energy transfers do not adhere Maxwell's 2nd law, and thus do not adhere its implied classical arrow of time. See Mae-wan Ho's, the Rainbow and the Worm.

On Classical Mechanics:

Henri Poincaré offers his anti-Platonic position on classical time in his, Science and Hypothesis, Dover, 1952 reprint of 1905 translation, p. 90 of 244 total pages:

"1. There is no absolute space, and we only conceive of relative motion; and yet in most cases mechanical facts are enunciated as if there is an absolute space to which they can be referred.

"2. There is no absolute time. When we say that two periods are equal, the statement has no meaning, and can only acquire a meaning by a convention.

"3. Not only have we no direct intuition of the equality of two periods, but we have not even direct intuition of the simultaneity of two events occurring in two different places. I have explained this in an article entitled, Mesure du Temps,1

"4. Finally, is not our Euclidean geometry in itself only a kind of convention of language? Mechanical facts might be enunciated with reference to a non-Euclidean space which would be less convenient but quite as legitimate as our ordinary space; the enunciation would become more complicated, but it still would be possible.

"Thus, absolute space, absolute time, and even geometry are not conditions which are imposed on mechanics. All these things no more existed before mechanics than the French language can be logically said to have existed before the truths which are expressed in French..."

1 Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, t. vi., pp. 1-13, January, 1898.

Assuming classical time is reversible, then future as shown above,
can predict past. Maxwell's 2nd law of thermodynamics denies this

Philosophers and scientists of classical ilk still argue whether
classical time has a unilogical ontology, i.e., a beginning and an end.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2000-2027 Rev. 28Dec2014  PDR Created 31Jan2000  PDR
(21Nov2000 rev - Date.)
(20Jun2001 rev - Extend time analyticity remarks in red.)
(6Dec2001 rev - Add top of page frame-breaker.)
(31Dec2001 rev - Add 'stoppable' and 'restartable' links.)
(24Feb2002 rev - Add anchor to Poincaré quotes.)
(22Jun2002 rev - Added red text comment under time assumptions above.)
(3Jul2002 rev - Add red text extension to temporal reversibility footnote. Add 'begin,' 'end' links at page bottom.)
(3Jul2002 rev - Add
TaFW Zeno comment links to Time is Infinitely Divisible item above.)
(21Jul2002 rev - Change QELR links to A-Z pages.)
(9Jan2003 rev - Add Zenos_Paradice link under our classical assumptions above.)
(7Feb2003 rev - For browser compatibility, substitute GIFs for some symbol fonts.)
(30Apr2003 rev - Add CE, Topic 40, p. 310 link.)
(28Nov2004 rev - Reset red text. Omni[di]mensional to omnimensional.)
(29Sep2006 rev - Add recent QELRs' links under our 'assumptions about time.')
(28Dec2014 rev - Add links to 'quantum time and quantum reality.' Make page current. Adjust color.)

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