Item | Acronym | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||
ADQ | - Absolute Dynamic Quality. Quantum reality is "Absolute Dynamic Quality." Classical notions of reality depend upon ideal objective stability which we call "ESQ." | |||||||||||||||||||||||
AFM | - Atomic Force Microscope (See STM.) 'AFM' is an inept classical appellation for 'STM.' It is inept because 'force' is classically 'mechanical.' SOM reality is classically conceptual. See Bergson's Radical Mechanism and his Radical Finalism. Quantum/MoQ/Quantonic reality is n¤n-mechanical. Quantum tunneling is an adept n¤nmechanical quantum meme. See nMoQ. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
AI | - Artificial Intelligence | |||||||||||||||||||||||
AIA | - WJS' book, The Animate and the Inanimate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
AKA | - Also Known As | |||||||||||||||||||||||
ApoG | - Absencepartial of gravity (ApoG) . See PpoG. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
AToHN | - Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature book title. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
AVD | - Absolutely Varying Durationings. Compare to Einstein's relativities' Invariant Geometrical Interval. See IGI. See RIGI. See duration. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
BAAM | - Quantum "both-all/amd-many." Quantonics inanimate pluralistic both/and cooption of classical either/or. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- Binary Alternative Denial. A key dialectical EOOO Sheffer's stroke genetic defect in CTMs. Essence of classical Popperian 'proof' via 'contradiction.' Classical "quantum-mechanics'" Eigenvalues are BAD. Why? They lack quantum~reality's positive energy wave~stochastics! Eigenvalues are bivalent. Either zero or one, false or true, etc. See Doug's coining of omnivalence. A great reference on Sheffer's stroke is Simon Blackburn's Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy. See Doug's QQA on dialectic. Nearly all 'decision making' in western cultures today finds its bases in BAD. Bivalent 'decision making' is simply bogus in its extreme naïveté. What is a quantum alternative? Poisson Bracketing on ensemble wave stochastics. See Henri Louis Bergson below on Quantization of Free Will. Avoid BAD via wMBU. Quantization of Free Will is one of Quantonics' wMBU quantum~instruments. |
- Quantum "both-all/while/amd-many." Quantonics animated pluralistic both/and cooption of classical either/or. More quantumesque purely, "bothing-all/while/anding-many." See a more detailed description of BAWAM under our How to Become A Student of Quantonics. |
[Bb]ine | - Beginning in end. Qabalically, its game is a complementaryq antinomialq quantized loop where, "The beginning is in the end and the end is in the beginning." Manifesta include quantons(Aleph,Tav), quantons(1,2), quantons(Hæ,Shæ), etc. Aleph nhissihn Tav, 1 nhissihn 2, Hæ nhissihn Shæ, Up nhissihn Down, Right nhissihn Wrong, East nhissihn West, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
BWA | - Quantum "both/while/amd." Quantonics animated dualistic both/and cooption of classical either/or. More quantumesque purely, "bothing/while/anding." | |||||||||||||||||||||||
BEC | - Bose-Einstein Condensates; many atoms condensed as a super zero-spin bosonic atom | |||||||||||||||||||||||
BTW | - By The Way | |||||||||||||||||||||||
btwsd | - believe, think, write, say, do. If we show btwsdc we intend classical believe, thingk, write, say, and do. If we show btwsdq we expect quantum bælihævæ, thinkq, wrihte, sahy, amd d¤. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
CAF | - Coherent Adiabatic Fuzzon | |||||||||||||||||||||||
CCP | - Cell Chip Pragmadigm; QELRed as Cæll Chip Prægmadigm(ing(s)) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
CCQ | - Cell Chip Quantology; QELRed as Cæll Chip Quant¤l¤gy(ing(s)) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
CEO | - Classical Either-Or. For example, Classical Executive Orders as radicallyc Either-Or Binary Alternative Denial (BAD), bivalent, "Either our way Or the highway," classical, tyrannical. Please see Friedrick von Hayek's opus, e.g., Road to Serfdom. Also fathom von Mises' opus, especially his stochastic~subjective quantumness. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
CeodE | - Current era of dialectical Error, [Cc]. e. o. d. E, or as an acronym CeodE. See dialectic. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
CH3 |
- Choice, Chance, Change. Choosings, Chancings, Changings. A nowistic, a priori (i.e., QLO, anticipating nextings), perpetual quantum selection ontology. This is analogous classical notions of PM and PMM, except this quantum ¤nt¤l¤gy issi ¤næ ¤f pærpætual, mahssihvely ænsehmble EIMA quantum pr¤cæssings' fluxings. Sææ: pærpætual moti¤n, ænsehmble, amd pr¤cess. Also see our reality loops which minimally~exhibit CH3 graphically: MoQ I Reality Loop, MoQ II Reality Loop, Generation III Reality Loop, and QVH Table quanton(scin,quan) loop. |
COORs | - SOM's Church Of Objective Reason(ing)s | |||||||||||||||||||||||
CPE | - Circular Probable Error, also CEP, Circular Error Probability | |||||||||||||||||||||||
CPN | - Classical Prime Number (Also see FPN.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
CR CRites CRland CRwits |
- Cultural
Relativism (one of SOM's classically-based
derived ISMs) - Sentients who practice CR. See our Famous CRites. - Where cultural relativists 'live.' Sometimes we call it CReveland. ![]() - Students of CR who do politically correct relativistic thing-king |
crsp | - Classically Radical Static Plan. Compare MBO (crsp Management By [dialectical] Objective) to waveMBU, i.e., qrup: wave Management By Uncertainty | |||||||||||||||||||||||
CSG | - Classical Social Governance; classicists, SOMites and CRites believe classical society is above classical individual. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- Classical Thinking Method (both SOM and CR use dialectic) See our quantum stage.
Here is a quote of Doug from our recent, 2004, review of chapter 8 of Max Jammer's The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics:
CTMs are all based on primitive, only apparently tautological and thus deludedly-veritable assumptions, carefully examined, proffer a bottom line that classical truth is little more than cultural, local opinion. Our view is that Heraclitus had a better set of hermeneutics which included his view that, "Dialectic blinds humans to the logos." Heraclitus' logos is much more like what we refer "coquecigrues" and "quantum reality" today at Earth Millennium III's commencement. See our SOM's Bases of Judgment. Yellow background table cells there are what Pirsig refers as, "SOM's Church of Reason." In Quantonics we call it a, "classical dialectical analytic deign to feign." |
DAF | - Decoherent Adiabatic Fuzzon | |||||||||||||||||||||||
DEK, dek | - Driving, Enabling Key; when Doug says a meme, a memeo is "dek," he is saying said meme[o] enables and pulls one's quantum~stage into ensemble quantum~futurings' awarenessings. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
DIQ | - Dialectical IQ; Classicists and SOMites have dialectical Intelligence Quotients. DIQs are measurable. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
DNA | - DioxyriboNucleic Acid | |||||||||||||||||||||||
DQ | - Dynamic Quality (SQ's c¤mplement) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
dumbass | - dialectical über mob bosses assuaging sociopathetic sepsis - an affine description of, e.g., NObama, da Dimbaughlb, el Papa, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bu()sh(), etc... | |||||||||||||||||||||||
DWUM | - Dwelling [co]Within Unspecifiable Manifestations; Michael Polanyi's dual of Henri Bergson's intellectual sympathy and think being directly, thibedir. Unspecifiable Manifestations permits, too, an inference of Pirsig's DQ and its nearly countless classical and quantum, e.g., included~middle, everywhere~association analogues. See our review of Polanyi's Study of Man. Search there for <DWUM>. See especially Polanyi's remarks regarding a LaPlacean Predicament. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
EEE | - Empirical Evolute Extension - This is nature's incremental delivery-of-reality as quantized (see quanta; see also wMBU's Quantization of Free Will below) stochastic~ensemble~modalities based on massively heterogeneous quanta ensemble~selectings whatings~happenings~nextings as QLOistic betterings. We see nature here as intrinsically moral. How? Two large tells are quantum reality issi positive. All stochastics are n¤n~negative. Too, quantum reality's quantons are all coobsfective and coaware: they are always, up to Planck rates, selecting what is l¤cally better in their own l¤cal~quantum~coherent and quantum~autonomous views what issi betterings. Pirsig's Lila philosophically describes this as morality. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
EEMD | - Everywhere-Excluded-Middle-Dissociative/Dissociatively/Dissociativity; essential metaphor of dichons, and their objective classical interactions; | |||||||||||||||||||||||
EIMA | - Everywhere-Included-Middle-Associate/Association/Ass¤ciative/Ass¤ciatively/Ass¤ciativity; essential metaphor of quantons, quantum SONs; qubits aræ quantum SONs; EIMAs, key quantum pr¤cessings of quantum c¤mplementarity, are source (sourcings) and agency (agencies) of what classicists call "Bell inequalities;" | |||||||||||||||||||||||
[Ee]inb | - End in beginning. Qabalically, its game is a complementaryq antinomialq quantized loop where, "The end is in the beginning and the beginning is in the end." Manifesta include quantons(Tav,Aleph), quantons(2,1), quantons(Shæ,Hæ), etc. Aleph nhissihn Tav, 1 nhissihn 2, Hæ nhissihn Shæ, Up nhissihn Down, Right nhissihn Wrong, East nhissihn West, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
EMM | - Einstein Meets Magritte conference, Brussels, Belgium, May/June, 1995 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
EOOO | - Classical "either-one/or-other." Aristotle's dialectical 'law' of classical contradiction. See Aristotle. Either-or is classical dialectic. See Heraclitus on dialectic (browser search for 'dialectic'). | |||||||||||||||||||||||
EPR | - Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen; see our critical review of their famous 1935 paper | |||||||||||||||||||||||
EQCx, ECO¤ |
- Ensehmble Quantum C¤mplexity, also Ensehmble Quantum C¤mplementarity | |||||||||||||||||||||||
EQEG | - Ensehmble Quantum Entropy Gradients; In quantum reality each quanton has its own quatrotomous ensehmble of entr¤pies, and each quanton may be an ensehmble of quantons, e.g., ensehmble(ensehmble...(quantons)). Each quanton's quantum p¤sentr¤py gradient may be changing islandically am¤ng ¤ther quanton's c¤mplementary p¤sentr¤py gradient changæs. Similar quantum n¤ti¤ns apply t¤ each quanton's quantum zer¤entr¤py, negentr¤py, and mixentr¤py gradients. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
EQI | - Ensehmble Quantum Inertia | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- Ensehmble Quantum Uncertainty A fine, but cogent, point is that quantum ensembles are not classical. Classically, we can thingk of historical a posteriori ensembles as di(omni)-stinct from parallel-simultaneous a priori ensembles. Quantum ensembles are adirectional, atemporal, amagnitudinal, massihvely prægmallel (vis-à-vis classically, state-ically 'parallel'), etc. Flux rate is quantum essence. Direction, time, and magnitude are, among countless others, classical hyperboxland (4D) Feynmanian-collodionesque interpretations of quantum flux. An excellent example, in Quantonics, of what we intend by EQU is: any diffraction pattern. Any diffraction (rather, quantum omniffraction) pattern directly measures animate, included~middle~everywhere~associative EQU. To understand quantum~omniffraction, one must study challenging memes surrounding quantum~scintillation. When a photon is absorbed by an atom's electron in an omniffraction pattern's 'target' screen, that photon's energy is transferred to, modulates, said electron. When that 'happenings,' absorbed photon's light tentatively 'goes away.' After some uncertain delay, said electron may choose to 'decay' to a lower energy shell. Fathom, briefly, how electron decay may be viewed innovatively and elegantly as quasi~rectification, demodulation, quantum~style. (Doug begs you to ask self, "Self, how can I do this quantum~electron 'rectification' on isoflux?") When 'electron~decay' is 'happenings,' a photon is emitted. Absorbed photon's light suddenly reappears. Classically this 'uncaused' light is called paradoxically an 'apparition.' Classicists view this as 'inexplicable phenomena.' Classically it is inexplicable. Doug just showed you how, quantumly, it is explicable. If you grasp Doug's intent here, you see essence of classical enigma called "effectless cause," and "causeless effect." A huge issue here is that quantum~scintillation must be viewed as Bergsonian~gn¤stic durational quantum~pr¤cæss (wave flux changings). Quantum~scintillation appears classically acausal, n¤t 'because' quantum~reality is acausal, rather quantum~reality is flux durational and always changing. What that means is that we cann¤t 'measure' scalarbatively dichon(when, where) a 'cause' occurs. John von Neumann tried and failed. Doug's description here explicates von Neumann's 'failure.' Actually it was a 'success' in showing why we cann¤t 'measure' quantum~reality classically. See monitor. Classicists naïvely and DIQheaded conventionally choose to analyse scintillation as stoppable state-event immobilities. When you view scintillation quantumly, there are n¤ classical enigma. Try it. Describe classical scintillation. Describe quantum~scintillation using Doug's grundlagen. Compare them side-by-side. If you do this 'without cheating,' you will understand both quantum and classical realities thoroughly. Your quantum~stage~mind and its potential qua will exceed your own expectations! Doug. When you view scintillation classically, "effectless cause," and "causeless effect" oxymora emerge. Why? Dialectic depends upon 'event-state' 'science.' So we may choose to obtain how CTMs induce classical paradice. Note: This paragraph offers one to three sequential courses worth of curricula for teaching tertiary-and-post-level quantum~memes. For a relevant discussion see Jammer, The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics, pp. 113-117. Included within those pages ponder this remarkable comment by Einstein, "If one works only with Schrödinger waves, the interpretation II of |Y|2, [i.e., quantum mechanics is considered as a complete theory of individual processes] I think, contradicts the postulate of relativity." Elsewhere we have mentioned how most quantum theorists today try to ignore Schrödinger's wave mechanics. Is this part of an answer to why? We should pay more attention to Huygens, Göethe, de Broglie, Schrödinger, and Bohm! In Quantonics, quantum theory is not relative, quantum relativity theory is quantum. We must not relativize quantum theory, rather quantumize relativity theory. But that is unnecessary! Quantum theory, Quantonics style, intrinsically bears its own, more Poincaréan version of relativity. See our Quantum Uncertainty as Macroscopic. |
EQV | - Ensehmble Quantum Value | |||||||||||||||||||||||
ESOOQFAN | - Evolving Self~Other~Organizing Quantum~Fractal Antennæ Network - A Quantonics modalings of our quantum~stagings, and in a way, a modalings of quantum~reality itself. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
ESQ | - Exclusive SQ; in Quantonics SOM is
ESQ, i.e., we have idealized SOM as a perfectly mechanical, exclusively
state-ic strawman. Said strawman adheres reality as concrete,
as ESQ. Said strawman claims emergent evolving reality is "absurd,
nonsense, impossible, ridiculous, non credible, etc." Parmenides,
Plato, and Aristotle
are good examples of our SOM strawman. Heraclitus
is a good example of their antitheses. - Pirsig's ESQ shares some semantic with ancient gnosticism which says that "(dead, ESQ) material is evil." Gnostics held that old testament's 'God' (yahweh) was an evil archon (bad word, bad DNA, bad semantic, evil belief, etc.). Too, gnostics adhered (living, pr¤cæss~rædeæmptive) knowledge and eschewed (dead, decoherent, demiurge's ESQ) faith. In that regard, they were early 'scientists.' According Roman 'Christianity,' since Constantine and Irenæus, gnosis was "upside down." In Quantonics, (living, pr¤cæss~rædeæmptive) faith is essence of human potentia. Faith is a child of quantum creation. By comparison dialectical 'Christianity' is gnosticism inverted, yet still dialectically ESQ. Dialectic is about stux. Quantonics is about flux. Flux effaces ESQ. - Quantonics adepts note that quantum reality's 'material' is fermionic and fermions are absolute flux and only apparently material 'state.' Modern quantum scientists refer fermions in terms of Prince Louis de Broglie's "matter waves." So we can see that quantum science drives out any ancient gnostic ESQ. It also drives out ESQ born of Greek Attic dialectic. - In Autiot ESQ issi Mawt-Hamawt which ciphers quantumly as a return to isoflux with a total loss of Value. In quantonicsese, "Isop(sings) to ison(sings) absent any isob(sings) and isop(sings) to ison(sings) absent any isoV(sings). |
- Evolutionarily Stable Strategy; from Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene; students of Quantonics should be aware that quantum-ESSs demand ubiquitous quantum individual awareness, and free will, immersed in a quantum ontology of CH3 (choosings, chancings, and changings); See Boris Sidis on this topic in Ch. X of his Nervous Ills. Before digging into details here please review Doug's recent (CeodE 2011) 'Is Stable Survivability an Oxymoron?' This acronym has evolved in Quantonics. Biggest reason for its evolution is 'Stable.' In quantum~reality naught is classically 'stable.' As a result of that, Doug has evolved ESS to quantonic semantic, interpretation, hermeneutics and semasiologies of Evolutionary Survival Strategy. Doug didn't think anyone would notice his subtle change in usage of ESS, but Dale (AKA AH and DMD) did notice. Doug wants to share a brief dialogue with Dale here on this issue:
Dale, You wrote:
Yours Quantumly, ~Dale Doug's response:
Begin This isn't simple Aside 29Mar2012:
End This isn't simple Aside 29Mar2012. See also: Doug's QELRs of equilibrium
and gradience.
Doug's recent CeodE
2011-21012 A Primer
on Quantum~Cuneiform of Chaos and Equilibrium. |
EWings |
- Energy Wellings. See Doug's 3D Fuzzons. Quantonics' EWings are quantum~holograilic, quantum~holographic and quantum~hologramic. See Doug's What is Grail? Doug wants students of Quantonics to view EWings as quantum~semblance (~semblancings) of "what is." |
feces | - fetid elite chicanery extruding sociopathy. Gives novel semantic head to H5W TSHTF. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
FEP | - Finance, Economics, Politics | |||||||||||||||||||||||
FFE | - Far From Equilibrium. Please omnistinguish classical vav quantum. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
FoF | - Quantum: Frequency[ings] of Frequency[ings]. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
FPN | - Fermionic Prime N¤mbær. For a review of basics on fermionic primæs and their interrelationships to EQC, EQI, EQU, IPACs, MTBUEs, and PSIUEs, see Bergson's TaFW, topic 34, page 192 comments. (Also see CPN.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
FTL | - Faster Than Light | |||||||||||||||||||||||
FUD | - Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt; stuff of rulers' hylic-dialectical-objective-formal-mechanical-determinate control; few's means of ruling many. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
FUP | - Freedom, Uncertainty, and Peace. Quantum traits of quantization (Noun, finalNoun) all wave~functionings cowithihn quantum~reality. See Doug's treatise on Peace as a symptom of Uncertainty. See PUF. Doug - 13Aug2015. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
FYE | - For Your Edification, also FYI or For Your Information | |||||||||||||||||||||||
GoG | - Gradient of Gradient, Gradience of Gradience, etc. Chaoequil issue of quantized~choice, ~chance and scintillation~changes in chaos and equilibrium having transmutative~gradience, whose gradience has gradience, and so on. Gradience exhibits quantum~reality's perpetual and ubiquitous alternations of both 'higher~order' and 'higher~omnisorder' fractal~self~other~referent~quantized~packet~flux~recursionings. For more on recursion see Doug's recent Pribram~Sherrington~Nexus~1. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
GUT(s) | - Grand Unifying Theory or Theories | |||||||||||||||||||||||
H5W |
- How, why, what, who, when, where Students of Quantonics can use comparisons of classical vis-à-vis quantum views of these simple terms to shred classical reasoning. Howings? Like this:
See dialectic. |
HTML | - Hyper Text Markup Language | |||||||||||||||||||||||
HtTIRE | - How to Tap Into Reserve Energy; see HtTIRE | |||||||||||||||||||||||
I2APTSO2 | - Our acronym for Philip R. Wallace's "Interpretation Involves According Primacy To Subjectivity Over Objectivity," slightly paraphrased from Wallace's 1996 Paradox Lost. See ch. 34, p. 151. Interpretation and hermeneutics beg heterogeneity. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
idiot | - ideal dialectical isochrony on time - Classicists, SOMites, hylics are idiots since they treat time classically as monistic, stoppable, capable of ideal simultaneity, state-ic, objective, formal, predicable, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- Einstein's Invariant Geometrical Interval. Compare to quantum AVD. Readers must be aware that Einstein's notions of Invariant Geometrical Interval and Relative Invariant Geometrical Interval are both invalid in quantum reality. That phasement carries strong implications for classical science. A great example is that classical notions of Lorenz (Lorentz) 'invariance' are also invalid in quantum reality. Simply, Lorenz Invariance is wrong, invalid! |
IMO | - In My Opinion | |||||||||||||||||||||||
IPAC | - Inertial Persistence of Apparent Certainty (Essence of SOM delusions of classical stability: apparent_truth, apparent_state, apparent_causation, apparent_effectation, apparent_logic, apparent_constancy, apparent_ideal_absence_of_change, apparent_determinacy, etc. All in denial of a quantum reality which is absolute flux and change.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
ISM | - SOM ISMs, e.g., realism, idealism, subjectivism, dualism, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
lisr |
- local, isolable, separate, reductionist - SOM objective attributes See our Bases of Judgment. |
M3K | - Millennium (ending year-)3000 problem; dwarfs Y2K! How do we manage quantum onset? | |||||||||||||||||||||||
MBO | - Management By Objective; a classical passé way (method) of business management. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
wMBU |
- wahvæManahgæmænt By Uncertainty; a quantum ascendant way (mode, m¤dalings: quantum~radically st¤chastic (see QLO; see fuzzon; see fermionta), quantum~radically wahvæ~phasistic~æncodings) of Millennium III business wahvæ~management. Quantum wMBU subsumes and devolves MBO as a relic of ancient dialectical management practices and theories. Quantonics' wMBU is strategic. "But Doug, What do you mean, 'wMBU is strategic?'" We follow nature. We follow (quantumly, n¤t classically) Richard Dawkins. See ESS, 'Evolutionarily Stable Strategy,' and follow links there. If you are familiar with Hyman P. Minsky, you might better grasp what Quantonics is all about in terms of strategy. Capitalism is uncertain, quantum~uncertain. Our only possibility of doing ESS in a capitalistic society is to practice wMBU. Dialectic (and all its paraphernalia, like MBO, classical maths, analysis, etc.) is bogus and wholly inept at even understanding quantum~uncertainty. If we are to manage uncertainty, we must embrace it...quantumly. Quantonics has been teaching how to do that for over fourteen years! So what Quantonics tools do we have to do wahvæManahgæmænt By Uncertainty? Let's start a list:
MGC, MMC | - Many Global Comtexts; we could also use MMC here: Many Multiversal Comtexts; SOM assumes OGC: One Global Context. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
MLFA | - Many Laws Fit All; juxtapose classicism's OLFA below. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
MoC | - Meme of C¤mplementarity; AH offers us another quantum acronym | |||||||||||||||||||||||
MoQ, MOQ MoQite(s) MoQland MoQwits |
- Metaphysics
of Quality - (latter is Pirsig's version) - Students, practitioners who claim erudition in Pirsig's MoQ: Famous MoQites. Also known, at least in Quantonics, as QICheads. - Where MoQites 'live.' - Students of MoQ who do Quantonic/quantum think-king |
MoQ I | - MoQ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
MoQ II | - Mechanics of Quanta (MoQ I's quantum dual) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
moron | - Mentally-Objective, Retarded-Ockhamistically Naïve | |||||||||||||||||||||||
MRTs | - Cultural Relativism's Many Relative Truths; many polylogical truths | |||||||||||||||||||||||
MSFA | - Many Sizes Fit All (comstituent quantons in any ensemble(s) are omnique) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
MTBUE | - Mean Timings Between Uncertainty Ævæntings | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Mtty | - Doug's, 'Many truths to you,' standard adieux; in Latin, "omniplex veritas." | |||||||||||||||||||||||
NEO | - N¤nsyn¤nym¤us Ev¤luti¤mary Omnihværgæncæ; Classically: Nonsynonymous Evolutionary Di(omni)vergence. NEO is essence of quantum~evolution (radical OEDC change) as uncertainty at all scales of reality. NEO begs we all learn wMBU quantiques. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- N¤n Deterministic Periodic Quantum Waves; From Gleick's Chaos; Papers on Chaos and NDPF: Non Deterministic Periodic Flow... We may also write, "Stochastic Periodic Quantum Waves: SPQW." Readers must grasp a quantum meme that quantum~reality is radically stochastic. An implication of that key enabler is that waves cann¤t predict events! Waves can only uncertainly 'guess' at what future wave patterns may look like. See NEO just above. Classically physicists say, "Quantum theory can only predict 'probabilities.' Quantum theory may n¤t predict specific events." We see, glaring back at us, classical thing-king's arrogant deign to feign: "Classical mechanics can predict events." That's roughly equivalent to Einstein's bogus, "God does not roll dice." Einstein's great error, one of many and a tragedy of commons sense, will haunt classical science forever more... G¤d's consummate quantique is NEO! Why "N¤n Deterministic?" Quantum reality is uncertain. Quantum reality is always partial, quantum~partiality issi quantum~enthymemetic, due its perpetual quantum~evolution at up to Planck rate fluxings. All motion, all change in quantum reality is open. All orbits are very complex poly cycloids. Classical H5W may n¤t be classically-stoppably assessed in quantum reality. See our coined term scalarbation. |
NLT | - No(t) Later(s) Than (plural for heterogeneous times) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
nMoQ | - David Bohm's "nonMechanics of Quanta." See Bohm's Quantum Theory, Chapter 7, Section 26, 'The Need for a Nonmechanical Description.' | |||||||||||||||||||||||
NN | - Neural Network; see SON. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
NoQ | - David Bohm's "Nonmechanics of Quanta." See Bohm's Quantum Theory, Chapter 7, Section 26, 'The Need for a Nonmechanical Description.' See our reviews of his papers: EUUaC, PandP, QIoN, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
NSFA | - N¤ Size Fits All. This is one of few quantum~radicalisms. Doug meliorates said radicalness with his quantum~subjective negation. Essence here is that 'identity' ha n¤ place in quantum~reality. However, autsimilarity does have a firm place in quantum~reality. Though we always qualify, "N¤ two autsimilars can be classically molded, classically die cast, since n¤ autsimilar can be 'classically identical' to itself longer than a few Planck moments. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
NTE | - Near to Equilibrium. Please omnistinguish classical vav quantum. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
NTQ | - Near to Quiescence. Please omnistinguish classical vav quantum. See Doug's first usage of this NTQ acronym. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
O | - Object/Objective | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- Ontic Emergent-Deemergent Cycle (AH's acronym used in our recent dialog; permission granted.) For a good example here take a look at our quantum MoQ II
reality loop as showing OEDC iterations. Next, ponder humans'
individual cellular apoptosis OEDC. Our above estimate is wrong based upon an error Doug made when he first read Mae-wan Ho's the Rainbow and the Worm. We wrongly used ATP (adenosine triphosphate, intracell energy) molecule count in place of cell count! Here is corrected paragraph...
...Search WWW for <estimated total cells per human body>. We have used this example in about 10 locations in Quantonics. All must be repaired. We'll do this ASAP! We found this error during our review of Daniel C. Dennett's Breaking the Spell. Dennett claims that DNA transcription error rate is less than 1 error in 1012 transcriptions and refers those 'errors' (that's how dialectical classicists view transcription evolutionary mutations) as happening "almost never." However, if we take our (even our corrected) calculation above as a proxy for transcription rate we find that "errors" happen rather often! |
OEDhP | - Ontic-Emergent-Demergent-holographic-Phasicity Also see our coined phasement. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
O'gadon | - Oh! Great adept one. What we call students of quantonics who have studied well and have learned to commence their compenetrations and coinsidences cowithining "reserve energy." | |||||||||||||||||||||||
l a s s i c a l |
T h i n g k i n g |
OGC: | - One Global Context (SOM contexts singular/inanimate/monistic; deny real animate plurality) | |||||||||||||||||||||
OGT: | - One Global Truth (SOM truths are singular/inanimate/monistic; deny real animate plurality) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- One Belief Fits All | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- One Culture Fits All | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- One Government Fits All (One World Order, Universalism, Monism, etc.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- One Law Fits All, One Legal (system) Fits All, One Label Fits All, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- One Meaning Fits All | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- One Nation Fits All | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- One (the, our) People Fits All | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- One Religion Fits All, One (class of) Reason Fits All, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- One Size Fits All, One System Fits All, One Science Fits All, One State Fits All, One Socialized-religionc Fits All [OSRA], etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- One Truth Fits All, One Theory (GUT, ToE) Fits All, One Time Fits All, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- One Uniform Fits All, One Union Fits All, etc. (Recall how Nazis labeled Jews to make them easily identifiable? Notice how Muslim terrorists label all who disagree with them, "Satan?") - One Weather Fits All, NObama's socialist Keynesian Climate Control..."stable weather for all?" Sounds like another AlGorebasm. |
- Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Element Doug first time ever read this phrase in Lawrence Gardner's fabulous Magdalene Legacy. Those of you who (think you) know Doug fathom how important Magdalene is in Doug's spiritual life. That importune provided vital impetus for Doug to read Gardner's Magdalene Legacy. Allow Doug to quote Gardner on relevance of ORMEal Gold to those of us Qabalistsq and Gnosticsq, "We saw in chapter 6 that the Knights Templars were active in the Bézu region of Languedoc, where they used the area's alluvial gold to manufacture their fabulous Ormus powder, which modern science now classifies as an Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Element. Recent analysis tests at Qumrân reveal that the Dead Sea precipitate contains 70% gold in the monatomic state. It is now also known that this exotic white-powder gold has precisely the qualities attributed to it by the Therapeutate priests, and it will resonate with human DNA to stimulate hormonal production and enhance the immune system." Doug's unintended showing of ORM~Meal carries interpretive Valueq with it. Qabalists and Gnostics con(m)sumed this ORME white powder gold as 'bread,' AKA challah, AKA spiritual bread as Hhayt as living breath, living spirit (Ruah and Ruakh: Raysh~Waw~Khaf, hermeneuted as "Cosmic exalted coherenceq libidically ~tunnelingq its exalted spiritual~cosmic Grailq.") in its supreme healing power. Browser web~engine~search Ormus. Focus on Elaine Pagels' opus. Gardner goes on to write, "Inasmuch as some people these days are once again using monatomic gold as a dietary supplement, there is 'no reason' to suppose that the Magdalene missionaries were not doing the same." Both quotes taken from Lawrence Gardner's Magdalene Legacy, p. 192, Barnes and Noble, 2005 first edition. Gardner asserts his moral right to be identified as author of this fine text. Lawrence Gardner is one of most incredible humans Doug has studied assiduously. If we could hologrally~genomically admix~superpose Gardner and Suares, we might be close to seeing proto~neosapiens emerscing in Millennium III. What a blessing posthumously we have their opuses to pneumatically inhale. Doug - 19Dec2014. |
PCAF | - Partially Coherent Adiabatic Fuzzon | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PCHcomtextq | - Partially Coherent Hologram with omnique comtext given optionally | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PDAF | - Partially Decoherent Adiabatic Fuzzon | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PDHcomtextq | - Partially Decoherent Hologram with omnique comtext given optionally | |||||||||||||||||||||||
peaqlo, peaQLO add 'Four Peaqlos on Their Way to a Fermion' link to 3D Fuzzon page |
- Partial
(emerqancings) of animate REIMAR
QLO, also Ensemble
Quantum Likelihood
Omnistributionings, EQLO, also Here is a list of relevant links showing applications of fuzzons to memeos of peaqlo:
Perhaps our best applied application of peaqlo as quantum likelihood omnistribution appears under probability. Others include our 2005 How CRites Measure Reality, How MoQites Measure Reality and How SOMites Measure Reality. What are some examples of peaqlos? All quantons are peaqlos, but that likely isn't what you intend with your question, so...
PES | - Physical Energy Space; VES' latched, fretted, actual c¤mplement. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PJBafo PJ Bafo P J Bafo P. J. Bafo |
- Pirsig, James, Bergson and a few others. These people are Doug's titanic precursors of Quantonics. A few others include all quantum~gn¤stics, Zeno, Heraclitus, Cratylus, Essene Jesus of Judæa, Magdalene, Chaldæans, Peratæns, Cathars, Merovingians, probably Leonardo da Vinci (and a very few other GM Priori), Johann Georg Hamann, etc. Doug probably can spend another whole lifetime omniscovering others... Thank you for reading, |
PM | - Perpetual Motion. A classical dialectical notion denigrated as "absurd." Its quantum analogy is perpetual ch3ings. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PMA | - Planck Moment(ing)s of Action(ings). Thanks to DMD for this one. He uses it regularly in emails to Quantonics. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PMM | - Perpetual Motion Machine. QELR is PMQ for Perpetual Motion Quanton. Examples: photon, proton, electron. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PNF PNFings |
- Past(ings), Now(ings), Future(ings)...a posteriorai (probabilityings), a iamai (plausibilityings), a priorai (likelihoodings)... See our QELR of time. See that QELR's subtext on Pastings, Nowings, Futurings. |
PPF PPFings |
- Past(ings), Present(ings), Future(ings). | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PPL | - Probability-Plausibility-Likelihood: quantum stochastics in three heterotemporal quantum~stochastic partialities. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PpoG | - Presencepartial of gravity (PpoG). See ApoG. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
pjctd |
- Projected emanations from n¤n æxistence (opticalq mirror reverse of projection); a most tellqing (a signatureq) exemplar of complementaryq~antinomialsq of quantons(projected,projection). Review what Doug intends by signature under his QELR of Cancellationq: Signature is Never Zero. See projection vav projected detail exegesis. A quantum~revelation! |
pjctn | - Existential (actual) autiot wave~function we see in actuality (opticalq mirror reverse of projected optical emanation); a most tellqing (a signatureq) exemplar of complementaryq~antinomialsq of quantons(projected,projection). Signature is a key enabler of memes of ancients. To ancients, they would refer signature, "Residue of Residues," which in a quantum worldview issi qwf phase~interrelationshipings of self~other recursion in phase hyperspace. For contemporary classical examples see mickeyman's worldcomplex. (Don't be comstrained by Doug's usage of 'optical.' This mirror~reversal phenomenonq (a kind of antinomialismq as pattern~reversal~chiraltyq) of quantum~reality applies to all flux, however it manifests usually in bosonic flux which we QED use to see, hear, taste, balance, feel, smell, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PSIUE | - Potential Scope of Impact of Uncertainty Ævæntings | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PUF | - Peace, Uncertainty, and Freedom. Quantum traits of quantization (Noun, finalNoun) all wave~functionings cowithihn quantum~reality. See Doug's treatise on Peace as a symptom of Uncertainty. Doug - 13Aug2015. See FUP. Ponder palindromesq puffup, and fuppuf. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PVRC | - Perpetual Variable Rate Change. Essentially this describes quantum~reality. In quantum~reality all is change, but all change is variable rate and each rate itself may be varying. See our quantum~bandwidth-perspicacities and perspicuities. In quantum~reality change is absolute in this sense: quantum~change is consistent and quantum~change is complete. Quantum~consistency says "All ihn quantum~reality always changes." Quantum~completeness says, "All ihn quantum~reality has opportunity to affectively change all ihn quantum~reality...distilled as quantum~reality changes all." | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Q | - Quality, Quantum, Quantonic | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QAI | - Quantum Artificial Intelligence | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- Quantum Chromo Dynamics (strong photon-quark-lepton-QVF animate interrelationships; classical version is interactive-object-excluded-middle state-ic; quantonics version is quanton-included-middle animate; classically QCD and QED (below) are about unitemporal, unispatial, mathematical/formal/mechanical 'motion' of ideal lisr objects/'particles,' and as such need quantum included-middle, c¤mplementary~antin¤mial, everywhere-associative absolute flux remediation in Quantonics) See our QCD 2004 News. |
QE QÆings |
- Quality Event (Note: In Quantonics there are n¤ state-ic classical 'events.' Rather, to us, QE hermeneutically becomes (grammatically, plural present participle) Quality Ævæntings (QÆings), where Ævæntings are quantum pr¤cess/flux: plural, animate, c¤mplementary, included-middle interrelationships.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QED QEOD - quantum electro~optical dynamics QOD - quantum optical dynamics Try substituting ~Sensoro~ in place of Electro. QSOD - quantum sensoro~optical dynamics, essence of qubits as signaturings. |
- Quantum Electro [Optical, Fluxo, etc.] Dynamics (electromagnetic photon-electron-QVF animate interrelationships; classical version is interactive-object-excluded-middle state-ic; quantonics version is quanton-included-middle animate; classically QED and QCD (above) are about unitemporal, unispatial, mathematical/formal/mechanical 'motion' of ideal lisr objects/'particles,' and as such need quantum included-middle, c¤mplementary, everywhere-associative absolute flux remediation in Quantonics). Paul Dirac speaks quite eloquently regarding interpretation of QED in his The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, in Chapter XII, Section 81. Let's set up our quotation. Dirac describes a no-particle, i.e., a particles-absent 'state' called "Q" which he represents (to us classically, dyslexically) as a ket, |Q>. Then he goes on to describe Q as analogous Pirsig's DQ and Quantonics' n¤nactuality. He tells us that our tendency might be to think of it as a quantum vacuum, but it cannot be a vacuum since it is absolute flux. Then he calculates mathematically a probability for particles to ontologically emerge/immerge ("transition") from/to this state. His calculated probability is "infinite." He tells us like this, "This gives an integral that diverges, so the transition probability is infinite...From these calculations one can conclude that the state Q is not even approximately stationary [i.e., absence of classical 'zero momentum']. A theory which gives rise to infinite transition probabilities of course cannot be correct. We can infer that there is something wrong with QED. This result does not surprise us., because QED does not provide a complete description of nature." Page 307 of 314 total including index, OUP, 1958. Dirac goes on to tell us that we can only use QED in very limited and relatively low energy experimental situations. In his 1957 Preface To The Fourth Edition Dirac says, "The main change from the third edition is that the chapter on QED has been rewritten." Previous editions described QED classically, with classical conservation. Classical QED "is a form of theory in which the number of charged particles is conserved and it cannot be generalized to allow [] variation of the number of charged particles...A QED which demands conservation...is therefore out of touch with physical reality...It seems that the classical concept of an electron is no longer a useful model in physics..." It is interesting to us that Dirac derived a Quantonics QED-reality, but then could not accept it as "correct." CTMs do this to their inuring users. See Banesh Hoffmann's account of Dirac's abstraction of Poisson's bracket followed by more detail by Doug in our March, 2005 TQS News editorial. See Doug's 2007 quantum~exegeses of QED described as real quantum~scintillation. |
QELP | - Quantonics' English Language Problematics (Also see QELR below.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QELR | - Quantonics' English Language Remediation (Also see QELP above.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QEQI | - Quanton Ensehmble Quantum Interrelationships | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QEWcomtextq | - Quantum Energy Well with omnique comtext given optionally | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QEWOL | - Quantum Energy Well Ontological Life | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QEWQ | - Quantum Energy Well Quantized | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QEWsWOHT | - Quantum Energy Well's Worth of Holographic Thought | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- Quantum Gn¤stic Pneuma of Sophia, QGP¤S See QsHE just below. |
QIAE | - Quantum Interrelationship Attractor Ensemble AKA fuzzon | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QIC | - Quantum Intellectual Curiosity; MoQites and quantumists share QIC; QICings are monitorable. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QIF | - Quantum Isotropic Flux | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- Quantum Ihndihvihdual Governance - HotMeme ; quantumists and MoQites believe that adult quantum individuals are above (more highly and more rapidly evolvings) than any society; it is individuals' duty to question all attempts by any society to induce social, societal, group, herd, universal, catholic, religious, corporate, governmental, common-sense, consensual, etc., hegemony:
No society can tell us what to believe, but all societies have viscously-evolving opinions which other societies and individuals must learn to respect and attempt to change respectfully (attempts to change may only be made deftly; in Doug's Quantonic perspectives classical politicians are manifestly undeft, indeed, daft, e.g., 2005 Schiavo incident). Concomitant QIG attend vastly increased ihndihvihdual responsibilities, and significantly attenuated "social 'responsibilities.'" This acronym is a quantum complement of a much more classical CSG. As a result "quantum~individual" appears here as anthropocentric, Earth chauvinistic. All quantons may be thought of as "quantum individuals." E.g., viruses and bacteria exercise QIG and their individual quantum free wills regardless whether humans like it. Human society has n¤ current means amd n¤ current capabilities to generically 'outlaw' viral and bacterial individual quantum free wills. |
QLO | - Quantum Likelihood Omnistribution; see our 3d Quantum Fuzzon | |||||||||||||||||||||||
heQLT | - holographic~enfoldingsQuantum Learning Tool. See description of it under wMBU, near bottom of that acronym description. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- Quantum~Metamemetic VaVing - Quantum recapitulative, fractal, self~other~referent, durational~holographic, recursive EIMA omniscriminationings~selectionings borne of vaving ensemble heterogeneous comtextings in reality. A kind of quantum~stindyanic sweeping-panoramic, phoxonic coobsfection of local reality. - Quantum memetic VaVing - Quantum~Enthymemetic VaVing |
QnM |
For a good exemplar, see Doug's quantum~subjectiv[] Hamiltonian Quaternion. |
QQA | - Quantonic Questions and Answers. A link on our top page. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
qreon QREON |
- Quantum~reality's edgings of nowings. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
qrup | - Quantum~radically~uncertain~planning. All planningq ihn any quantum~world view must adhere and embrace indeterminationq and uncertaintyq. Compare crsp. Observe, given qrup's quantum~world~view, how MBO's socialc crsp for predicable future results is bogus. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QsHE | - Quantum super~Holographic Empiritheory, Quantum super~Holographic Empiricism | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- Quantum Stochastic~Omnistributionings of PPFings' PPLings. All quantum~stochastics are quantum~waves. All quantum~waves are positive flux. All positive flux issi directly, immediately stochastic. See peaqso above. |
QSP | - Quantum Stochastic~Phase, Phasicity, Phasistically (Affected, Affectation, Obsfection, Coobsfection...Quantum Included~Middle Macro~Stochastic Every~Where~Association...etc.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QTM Add 'at once' link to Chaldæan At Once Aside. |
- Quantonic/Quantum/Quality Thinking Mode; MoQ way to think See our quantum stage. QTMs memeotically recapitulate all at once. It is extremely advantageous to re cognize that phasement as quantum~pr¤cæssings of holographic ræ~ænærgy~wællings. James Gleick, in his Genius biography of Richard P. Feynman recalls Feynman's sister wishing that she could muster earning a Ph.D. She worried that she did not have what it takes to earn that lofty badge of academic excellence. She told Richard how she had great difficulty understanding materials from difficult textbooks, especially those in physics. Richard explained that she had adequate intellect and motivation to accomplish her goal, and added that she should read difficult texts using his method: read until you do not understand what an author is saying. Back up to where you felt you were on solid ground. Read again. And again. Reread until you understand. Move on. Repeat. This kind of learning technique is what we call "serial recapitulation." It is "a little at a time" incremental progress learning. More you do it, easier it becomes, faster you can proceed! Trouble is, it is classical. Notice its kinship with Bergson's notion of a classical cinematographic, frame-by-frame conception. Notice its heritage from Castalia. Its Hessean Glass Bead Game, incremental methodic, serial procedural para beading of an intellectual necklace. Most reading is serial, by inured lingual necessity. De facto classical language is like that, almost innately. This is another 2500 year old ingrained classical maltuitional problematic. Have you ever studied Frisby's Seeing? It explicates, at least for Doug it does, that our quantum stages are animate, EIMA SONs. Frisby offers some color dotted 'noise pictures' which at first appear as chaos. However, when one stares at them a minute or more our mental SONs associatively energy well reorganize a picture (say an alligator) which was 'not' there at first glance. (Ponder that 'not' as modern science's approach to that which apparently does 'not exist.' A very contemporary exemplar is perpetual motion.) This is a parallel version of recapitulation, faster than serial, except it is still 'not' all at once. It takes timings for our quantum stages to learn to do parallel recapitulation, and it takes longer to learn to do it fast, let's say almost with zero latency. Latter is what we mean by "all at once." An excellent example of what we describe here is that young boy autist in Mercury Rising. He ~all at once decoded a crypto-puzzle which was not supposed to be decodable. Another, perhaps less obvious example, is Ruthie ("Rootie") in Richard Powers' 2003 The Time of Our Singing. Talbot, Pribram, and Bohm appear to imply that latter may be achieved, with Feynmanian stalwart practice, when we straddle both implicate and explicate order: quanton(implicate,explicate). That is analogous quanton(DQ,SQ) and quanton(n¤nactual,actual). Implicate~explicate straddling is also brethren of what we call "tapping reserve energy." We agree with Feynman that most of us can do it. We only need learn how and then practice, practice, practice. Just like learning golf, piano, art, physics... How? Practice first serial recapitulation, then parallel recapitulation, finally all at once recapitulation. But when we do this we become adepts of quantum coobsfective self~other~referent recursion: quantum sophism (sorso).Very Zen! (Loads of examples of latter in Talbot's Holographic Universe.) QTM think-king generations can renew in milliseconds and faster. When we compare this to CTMs, we see that classicists only recapitulate rote, state-ic know-ledge, 'non' self~other~referently. They treat their know-ledges as sacred paradigmatic palimpsests of objective, lisr state-icity. CTMs depend upon rote, mostly-serial "trusted scientific legacy" recall! CTM thing-king generations often take years to reconstitute their static bases of rote. (Recent examples here are: prions as real (classicists rejected this meme for decades), angiogenesis as cancer nutrition factors (rejected by classicists as "charlatanism" for decades), a notion that females are born with a fixed number of egg haploids (bogus classical notion), and glass as a fluid flows measurably over 100s of millennia (bogus classical notion), a notion that our brains do 'not' emerse 'new' neurons (this one lasted nearly a century!), list is almost endless and offers a strong clue that "all science is provisional: n¤ science is final." Doug expects during next 20-50 years that a current 'scientifically final' belief that CO2 is a major anthropocentric 'cause' [i.e., anthropogenesis] of global warming will fall to its way side, also. CTMs are notoriously viscous (socially positive, tragedy of common sense state-ic) and, from a quantum~epistem¤l¤gical view, embarrassingly omnifficult to set aside. Sad... By comparison, QTMs take full advantage of a Quantonics memeo that our minds are quantum stages fully capable of animate, EIMA, all at once, quantum recapitulation. We do n¤t classically recall facts and de jure principles, rather we are always in quantum ensehmble pr¤cessings of massively SON~associatings our quantum stage's latest recapitulationings. Think about it. It's very similar what Zen Masters do by putting some-most of their SQ to sleep (roughly analogous intentionally Bergsonian intellectual sympathizing cowithin implicate order; sort of like Polanyi's "plunging reorientation[ings]" and his "dwell[ings] [co]within[ings] unspecifiable manifestation[ing]s"). We call it "all at once straddling." N¤wings you are k~n¤w~ings whatings Dougings meanings whenings heings issi referrings QTMings. PS - Doug cannot perform all
at once QTMings yet, on demand, reliably. He is
still and yet working on it, still a student, always a student...
We experience two or three all
at once avatars now, roughly, per day. Imagine
quantum stage mental load if this were relentless. Probably n¤t
yet a Good and Valuable pursuit as Satinover warns. Doug has
trouble, as it is, keeping up with all these avatars... N¤t
too bright as Neo neo sapiens go... We're, possibly, only protocursors...
QTP | - Quantum Tentative Persistence (Also see QVP below.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QuPo | - Quantum~Politics (Commencement of Doug's latest quantum~innovation: A N¤væl Quantum~Politics.) See Doug's very recent CeodE 2011 A Primer on QuPo. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QAF | - Quantum Actual Flux; also see PES; physical metaphor of SQ and actuality | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QVF | - Quantum Vacuum Flux; also see VES; physical metaphor of DQ and n¤nactuality | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QVI | - Qualitative (Quantum) Value Interrelationshiping. See Quantonic~Interrelationshipings. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QVH | - Quantum Value Hierarchy. See QVH~Table, QuPo, Value Archetypes. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
QVP | - Quantum Variable Persistence (Also see QTP above.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Q~V | - Quantum~Value. Repair this link when new Chapter Three of www online text is instanced. See Doug's very recent CeodE 2011 A Primer on QuPo. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
qwf | - quantum wave function; a mathematical metaphor of SQ portion of quanton(DQ,SQ); see probability, What is Wrong with Probability as Value?, peaqlo, fuzzon, fuzzons to fermionic onta. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
qwfal | - quantum wave functional | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- Rat Brain Biological Analogue(s) Quantons are RaBBAs and RaBBAs are quantons. |
rcoc | - radical (quantum) change of comtext | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Quantons physially REIMAR. Dichons innately cannot REIMAR. Dichons "rote tote" know ledges and staysses of databaysses. Dichons run on mechanized automaticity. We can mechanically turn dichons ideally either on or off at any 'outside' 'director's' will.
I.e., 'outside directed' is classically "other, usually societally-, institutionally-directed" vis-à-vis quantumly "ihndihvihdual~sælf~diræcted;" for example classical 'education' is "other directed," stux-sux push vis-à-vis quantum æducati¤n issi m¤stly sælf~diræcted flux~issi~crux pull. See classical push vis-à-vis quantum pull will. Quantons REIMAR QTM~unstoppably (except for what we might call, classically, "death"). Dichons 'recall' rules and principles. Quantons adapt. Dichons believe 'state' is simple. Quantons believe flux is simple. |
- Einstein's Relative Invariant Geometrical Interval. Compare to quantum AVD. See failure of Lorenz Invariance remarks under IGI. |
RH | - Riemann's Hypothesis: "...all non-trivial zeros of the zeta function lie on the line ½ + it as t ranges over the real numbers," quoted from G. Pugh's The Riemann Hypothesis in a Nutshell. Also see Dr. Matthew R. Watkin's Number Theory and Physics Archive for more extensive coverage of Riemann's Hypothesis. Our thanks to Dr. Watkin for including a link to Quantonics on his web site. Too, see Quantonics own 7Jun2002 Möbius 3-Primæ Fermion. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
RHIC | - Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, Long Island, NY | |||||||||||||||||||||||
rioq |
- radical instability of quantization, etc. This acronym exegetizes how nature conducts her business: how Nature measures herself, quantumly. Readers please observe Doug's first use of this acronym in his QVH Table. Observe further, quanton(rioq,rqcs). We need use 'nissin:' rioq nissin rqcs which means rioq issi ihn rqcs and rqcs issi ihn rioq. |
RMP | - Robert M. Pirsig | |||||||||||||||||||||||
rqac | - radical quantum~adaptive~choosings. This acronym follows in footsteps of rqfv and rqis. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
rqcs |
- radically quantum~comtext~sensitive, radical quantum~comtext~sensitivity, etc. Readers please observe Doug's first use of this acronym in his QELR of quantum~gradience. Observe further, quanton(rqcs,rioq). We need use 'nissin:' rqcs nissin rioq which means rqcs issi ihn rioq and rioq issi ihn rqcs. |
rqed |
- radically~quantum~electro~dynamics. See QED above. Doug - 1Dec2015. |
rqes |
- radically~quantum~evolve~sema. All semasiologies, semantics, semiotics cowithihn quantum~reality evolve~quantumly from very slowly, almost imperceptibly, up to Planck rates and harmonics thereof. Doug - 1Oct2015. |
rqei | - radically quantum~enthymemetic~interrogative(s). | |||||||||||||||||||||||
rqfi |
- radically quantum~flux~interrelativ[[e][ity]], etc. This quantum~radical annihilates Einstein's classical objective, Planck's clock off, Special- and General-Relativities. rqfi is complementary other quantum~radicals. So we may write rqfi nissin rqcs, rqfi nissin rioq, etc. In any quantum~hologram, to some Value of interrelationshipings' opennessq, all EWings nissin all EWings: all nissin all AKA all quantum~c¤mplæmænts all. Quantum~openness involves according primacy to a wide variety of quantum~phenomena, e.g., partial~presence~absence of quantum~entanglement, enthymemetic~partial~presence~absence of quantum~coherence, partial~presence~absence of quantum~gradiencings manifesta of quantons(chaos,equilibria). See voV, Vov, VoV. Opennessq inheres Philip R. Wallace's "Interpretation involves according primacy of subjectivity [opennessq] over objectivity [closurec]..." in quantum~hologra. Doug's brackets in his paraphrased quote of Wallace. |
rqfp | - radically quantum~fecund~permeability. Relevance? Autiot's Thav as a semi~silvered reflector. Energy can both leak through Thav and energy can be cavitated, reverberated, mirrored by Thav. Thav also offers rqfv, its own vicissitudinalityings. Thav as Aleph's immanent quantum~metabolic antinomial also exhibits Aleph~like rqis imperative spontaneity. This is one, Thav, of T[h]av''s two "double" (Jekyll,Hyde) lives, other life issi rqim. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
rqfv | - radically quantum~fecund~vicissitudinality, etc. Relevance? Bergsonian quantum~Elan~Vitale. This issi one of Aleph's 'lives.' Other life issi rqis. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
rqim | - radically quantum~imperative~mirroring. Relevance? Autiot's Tav as a ideally silvered fully reflective mirror. Energy cann¤t escape Tav's cavitation which provides Atta's immanent perpetuity as life's unending life~death cyclings. This is one, Tav, of T[h]av''s two "double" (Jekyll,Hyde) lives, other life issi rqfp. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
rqis | - radically quantum~imperative~spontaneity, etc. Relevance? Bergsonian quantum~Elan~Vitale. This issi one of Aleph's 'lives.' Other life issi rqfv. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
rqpu | - radical quantum peace of, as, by, via uncertainty, etc. See Doug's Uncertainty as Peace. Compare warc as dialectical, intolerance borne of objective, formal, mechanical certainty. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
rqsa | - radical quantum~super~adiabaticity (essence of atemporalityq and zær¤ entropy quantum actions). | |||||||||||||||||||||||
rqsu |
- radically quantum~stochastic~uncertain[[ess][ty]], etc. Quantum~reality is radically~quantum~stochastically uncertain due quantum~reality's absolute quantal and scintillating change and self~other transmutation of radical evolution. |
rsqs | - radical stindyanicity of quantization and scintillation, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
RR | - Recommended Reading | |||||||||||||||||||||||
RTM | - Relativism Thinking Mode; CR way to think (relative truth; chaos = freedom) (may be viewed as 'many CTMs') | |||||||||||||||||||||||
S | - Subject/Subjective | |||||||||||||||||||||||
SaS-ERPs | - From our review of Henri Louis Bergson's Time and Free Will, Topic 32, Doug commented: "Classical thing-kers are a bunch of politically correct, Socially and Self-Encrusted Role-Players." Bergson's uses of crust and encrusted correspond "hard" science concepts of reality as solidified, stuck, immutable, determinate, absolutely certain, objective, stable, axiomatically independent, paradigmatic, symbolic, analytic, lisr, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
SEP | - Subjective
Evidentiary Pr¤¤f, Pr¤vings - A n¤væl
quantonic memeo that subjective evidence may be adequate for
meta~pr¤vings. This is a much lower 'standard' of 'proof'
than that expressed by classical platonically-ideal predicate
logical notions of 'proof.' Latter in Quantonics are simply bogus
since dialectic is bogus by SEP. ![]() |
SoD | - 'Spirit of the Depths,' Jung's analogue of Aleph, DQ, quantum~thinkqing, etc. See SoT. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- Subjects, Objects, Data, & Values, Pirsig's '95 EMM paper |
SOM SOMite SOMitic SOMland SOMtalk SOMthingk SOMwits |
- Subject-Object
Metaphysics See our
very popular How SOMites
View Reality. - Sentients who practice SOM. See our Famous SOMites. Also known, at least in Quantonics, as DIQheads. - Where SOMites 'live.' As Doug says it, "That utopian paradice where truepers rule over the bad goods." - Dialectic; language of SOMthingk/CTMs - CTMs; Classical Thing-king Methods; classical science/scientific 'method;' analytic thing-king SOMitic thingking "runs on automatic" SOMitic thingking "recapitulates rote: state-ic, inanimate, EEMD, know-ledge" - Legacy Western culturalists who do classical thing-king SOMwits thingk |
- Self-Organizing
Network(s) (See Jeffrey Satinover's fabulous 2001 The
Quantum Brain.) - Self~reOrganizing Network(s) (Quantum~adaptive~networks REIMAR, quantum~fractally reorganize themselves given affective exposure(ing)(s) to n¤vel quantum~l¤cal amd quantum~n¤nl¤cal comtextual phæn¤mæna.) |
SOON | - Self~Other~Organizing~Network. See SON. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
SOrON | - Self~Other~reOrganizing~Network. See SOON. This is a way of explaining quantum~reality as genuinely h¤l¤graphic: h¤l¤gra within h¤l¤gra within h¤l¤gra... | |||||||||||||||||||||||
SOQ | - Subject-Object Quality (original trinity from ZMM; derived from SVO) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
sorso, SOrSo | - self~other~referent sophism (this is quantum animate, heterogeneous EIMA sophism) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
SoSR | - Structure of Scientific Revolutions, by Thomas Kuhn | |||||||||||||||||||||||
SoT | - 'Spirit of this Time,' Jung's analogue of Yod, SQ, dialectical thing-king, etc. See SoD. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
SPoP | - Some Problems of Philosophy, by William James | |||||||||||||||||||||||
See our What is Wrong with Probability as Value? See our Chautauqua on Quantum~Evolution of SPoVs. |
SQ | - Static Quality
(DQ's c¤mplement) - MoQites perceive SQ cowithin a larger Quantonic frame: quanton(DQ,SQ) - SQ, as quanton(DQ,SQ), is commingling DQ, it is alive with Quality - Sometimes SQ loses its DQ Quality; Pirsig calls DQ-less SQ, "exclusive SQ" - Exclusive SQ is MoQ's only 'evil,' i.e., not-alive, a-live, or 'evil,' live reversed - SOM denies any of MoQ's DQ 'exists.' SOM lost its Quality when Parmenides, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, et al., insisted reality is purely substantial, purely objective. - MoQ says reality intrinsically has no exclusive SQ, just that SOM worships SQ's objective part ignorantly and blindly. Even so, Pirsig describes many examples where we can lose our Quality, so this point has not been fully resolved. See esp., Pirsig's Lila. - SOM's dichons (perceived classically) have no DQ. |
STM | - Scanning Tunneling Microscope (a device which can see and move individual atom quantons around) STMs are perfect examples of what we mean when we talk about quantum reality's included-middle. Quantum tunneling depends upon atoms being wave probability distributions. STMs' atoms probabilistically compenetrate atoms being 'scoped.' Scoped and scope coobsfect one another. Your hand is an STM whenever it touches or picks any other quanton up. Hand quanton and scoped quanton interpenetrate probabilistically one another. See AFM. 'AFM' is an inept classical appellation for 'STM.' It is inept because 'force' is classically 'mechanical.' SOM reality is classically conceptual. See Bergson's Radical Mechanism and his Radical Finalism. Quantum/MoQ/Quantonic reality is n¤n-mechanical. See nMoQ. Quantum tunneling is an adept n¤nmechanical quantum meme An extraordinarily provocative quantum meme: STMs demonstrate that quantons in quantum reality are both quantum animate and both quantum coobsfective and quantum codependent! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
stupid | - scientific truepers understand principled ideal dialectic - Doug's use of scientific here, of course, is 'classical scientific.' | |||||||||||||||||||||||
SVO | - Subject Value Object (rarely used, from ZMM) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
TaFW | - Time and Free Will, a text by Henri Louis Bergson | |||||||||||||||||||||||
- Top, Bottom, Charmed, Strange, Up, Down QCD quarks. All are fermions. TBCS are isots. UD are isops. UDD is neutron. UDU is proton. See our QCD 2004 News. |
TLS TLSmate |
- The Lila Squad
- discussion group whose focus is Pirsig's Lila &
his MoQ - Subscriber/members of TLS. |
TOE(s) | - Theory Of Everything or Theories Of Everything; also ToEs | |||||||||||||||||||||||
TPoQM | - The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, a text by P. A. M. Dirac | |||||||||||||||||||||||
TQC | - Classicists call this "Total Quality Control," however, if you investigate you will find that their TQC is only 'Total Quantity Control.' Classicists do not believe in Quality! They hate Value! Classicists scalarbate all of reality (AKA objective reification) and equate quantity with quality. Morons! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
tRatW | - the Rainbow and the Worm a text by Mae-wan Ho | |||||||||||||||||||||||
vav vaving, VaVing |
- vis-à-vis (as compared to; juxtaposed; related; related to; with regard to; in regard to; concerning; with respect to (WRT); tête-à-tête; love seat (e.g., a sort of quantonic, Tao-shaped sofa); etc.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
vov, voV |
Acronyms for 'value' revalue sustaining and lowering Value. Thinkq of first 'v' as an quantum~redemptive operatorq on second V. All quantum~radicals 'value' diminished apply, e.g., rioq, rqcs, rqfi, etc. |
Vov |
Acronym for Value reValue raising 'value.' All quantum~radicals Value~enhanced apply, e.g., rioq, rqcs, rqfi, etc. |
VoV |
Acronym for Value evolving (stindyanic verb: pragmaq) Value. All quantum~radicals apply, e.g., rioq, rqcs, rqfi, etc. |
VES | - Vacuum Energy Space, also QVF or quantum vacuum flux | |||||||||||||||||||||||
VoRE | - Varieties of Religious Experience. A book written by William James. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
WJS | - William James Sidis, "The April Fool," Son of Boris and Sarah Sidis. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
ZMM | - Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by RMP, also ZAMM | |||||||||||||||||||||||
qfe, qf= | - quantonic font equals sign, i.e.,
![]() |
wdv, wfv | - Wingdings font lower case 'v,'
i.e., ![]() |
-esque | - suffix, e.g., MoQesque, i.e., akin MoQ | |||||||||||||||||||||||
-ese | - suffix, e.g., language of MoQ is MoQese | |||||||||||||||||||||||
-ite | - suffix, e.g., one who claims allegiance to MoQ is an MoQite | |||||||||||||||||||||||
-itic | - suffix, e.g., SOMitic, SOM dogma/doctrine | |||||||||||||||||||||||
-land | - suffix, e.g., SOMland or MoQland, one's context |
EPR - ~1934 gedanken experiment to show quantum theory incomplete what EPR said was quantum theory is 'unreasonable' and 'absurd' (action at a distance, worse superluminal action at a distance) but what EPR said was 'absurd' turned out to be 'real.' Note: classical concept of gravity is incoherent because gravity is superluminal action at a distance. I.e., gravity is n¤t an analytic function of time. Einstein told us that it 'was' an analytic function of time (iso acceleration), thus disclosing his extreme classical predilections, same ones which 'caused' him to call quantum theory 'absurd.' Return
©Quantonics, Inc., 1999-2030 Rev. 19Feb2016 PDR Created 17Sep1999 PDR
(16Jan2000 rev - Extend description of SQ.)
(28Jan2000 rev - Add anchors for CTM and QTM.)
(2Feb2000 rev - Add anchor for lisr.)
(5Apr2000 rev - Add ESS. Add anchor for ESQ.)
(7Apr2000 rev - Correct anchor names.)
(14May200 rev - Extended comment under SQ. See red highlight.)
(15May2000 rev - Add AIA and WJS.)
(25Jun2000 rev - Repair anchor locations.)
(22Jul2000 rev - Add H5W. Add CRites. Add SOMites.)
(1Aug2000 rev - Add FTL.)
(17Aug2000 rev - Add anchor to 'BEC.')
(18Aug2000 rev - Add 'NoQ.')
(29Aug2000 rev - Add 'TLS.')
(3Sep2000 rev - Add 'QIF.')
(9Sep2000 rev - Add 'PES.')
(18Sep2000 rev - Add 'vav.')
(25Sep2000 rev - Add 'EEE.')
(29Sep2000 rev - Add anchor to 'SPoV.')
(15Oct2000 rev - Add 'QCD' and 'QED.')
(19Oct2000 rev - Add anchor to QQA.)
(20Oct2000 rev - Add both 'OGT' and 'OGC.')
(22Oct2000 rev - Add both 'GUT' and 'TOE.')
(27Oct2000 rev - Change CTMode to CTMethod.)
(31Dec2000 rev - Correct OGT's 'Context' to 'Truth.')
(8Mar2001 rev - Add links to our new MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table.)
(8Mar2001 rev - Add 'wits' to CR, MoQ, and SOM. Extend some comments.)
(27Jun2001 rev - Add 'SoSR.')
(3Jul2001 rev - Add 'MRTs.')
(15Jul2001 rev - Add 'nMoQ.')
(16Jul2001 rev - Add 'BAAM.')
(22Jul2001 rev - Add 'EOOO.')
(21Aug2001 rev - Add link to OGC/OGT definitions.)
(10Sep2001 rev - Add link to Kuhn's SoSR.)
(25Oct2001 rev - Add 'BAWAM,' and 'BWA.' Add comment and link to 'qfe.')
(27Oct2001 rev - Add 'inanimate' to OGC/OGT acronym descriptors.)
(30Oct2001 rev - Add 'animate' to OGC/OGT acronym descriptors.)
(1Nov2001 rev - Add anchor to 'DNA.')
(4Dec2001 rev - Add 'QELP,' and 'QELR.')
(7Dec2001 rev - Add 'RHIC.')
(21Dec2001 rev - Add 'SON.' Add top of page frame-breaker. Add 'HtTIRE.)
(31Dec2001 rev - Add page links to 'QELP,' and 'QELR.')
(21Jan2002 rev - Remediate quantum comtextual occurrences of 'complement' to 'c¤mplement.)
(9Feb2002 rev - Extend 'BEC.')
(15Feb2002 rev - Add 'QVF.')
(19Feb2002 rev - Add link to 'SON.')
(20Mar2002 rev - Add 'STM.')
(30Mar2002 rev - Add 'AFM.')
(21Apr2002 rev - Add AH's 'OEDC.')
(22May2002 rev - Add 'SPoP.')
(26May2002 rev - Add 'SaS-ERPs.')
(30May2002 rev - Add 'EQC,' 'EQI,' 'EQU,' 'FPN,' 'IPAC,' 'MTBUE,' 'PSIUE,' and 'RH.')
(1Jun2002 rev - Extend 'FPN' comments. Add 'EQV.')
(7Jun2002 rev - Change 'prime' to 'primæ' under 'FPN.' Add link to our Möbius 3-Primæ Fermion under 'RH.')
(8Jun2002 rev - Add QELR links to Primæ and N¤mbær under 'FPN.')
(19Jun2002 rev - Add EPR link to our review of EPR's 1935 paper.)
(24Jun2002 rev - Add 'CPN,' 'QTP,' and 'QVP.')
(5Jul2002 rev - Add AH's 'MoC.')
(8Jul2002 rev - Add 'TaFW.')
(12Jul2002 rev - Add anchor to 'Mtty.')
(17Jul2002 rev - Extend OEDC comments.)
(21Jul2002 rev - Change QELR links to A-Z pages.)
(24Jul2002 rev - Extend EQC comments.)
(27Jul2002 rev - Add OEDC entry link to our Quantonics recursive ontology.)
(29Jul2002 rev - Add long-missing EPR_Return anchor to 'EPR.')
(4Aug2002 rev - Update 'MTBUE,' and 'PSIUE.')
(8Aug2002 rev - Extend 'AFM,' and 'STM.')
(9Aug2002 rev - Extend 'STM.')
(22Aug2002 rev - Extend 'QCD,' 'QE,' and 'QED.')
(26Aug2002 rev - Add 'QEQI.' Add QEQI link to Quanton Ensemble Quantum Interrelationships page.)
(12Sep2002 rev - Add 'qwf,' and 'EIMA.' Extend 'QVF.')
(14Sep2002 rev - Add 'EEMD.')
(26Sep2002 rev - Remediate all quantum comtextual occurrences of 'ensemble.')
(13Dec2002 rev - Add 'NN.')
(23Dec2002 rev - Under 'CTM' add 'dialectic' link to Jun2000QQA.)
(25Dec2002 rev - Add 'SOMtalk' and 'SOMthingk.')
(31Jan2003 rev - Add links in QED and QCD acronyms to recent Quantonics work on QED and QCD.)
(22Feb2003 rev - Add 'I2APTSO2.')
(14Mar2003 rev - Add Dirac quotes and comments under QED.)
(17Mar2003 rev - Repair and extend QED.)
(23Mar2003 rev - Add link under QED to our review of PAM Dirac's TPoQM in RR. Add RR and TPoQM.)
(23Jun2003 rev - Extend 'vis-à-vis.')
(9Jul2003 rev - Extend 'H5W.')
(12Jul2003 rev - Extend 'EIMA.')
(17Jul2003 rev - Minor H5W upgrades.)
(12Sep2003 rev - Add 'COORs.')
(18Nov2003 rev - Correct typo-spelling.)
(28Nov2003 rev - Extend 'CTM' and 'QTM.')
(19Dec2003 rev - Extend 'ESS.')
(29Dec2003 rev - Add 'thingk' link.)
(8Jan2004 rev - Add anchor to 'FYE.')
(8Feb2004 rev - Remove red text and update markers.)
(14Feb2004 rev - Reset remaining red text. Minor text changes.)
(23Feb2004 rev - Repair EPR Note link & anchor problem. Eliminate rev's. SQ link.)
(25Apr2004 rev - Add 'sorso.')
(11May2004 rev - Add 'CH3.')
(16May2004 rev - Extend 'EQU.')
(30May2004 rev - Minor extensions throughout.)
(11Jun2004 rev - Add 'QLO.' Add 'peaqlo.' Remove some legacy red text.)
(2Jul2004 rev - Add EQU link to Quantum Uncertainty as Macroscopic, a subtext of our What is Wrong with Probability as Value.)
(13Jul2004 rev - Update 'lisr,' 'SODV,' and 'SPoV.')
(14Jul2004 rev - Add PMM.)
(17Jul2004 rev - Add ADQ.)
(18Jul2004 - Revise 'mtty.')
(10Aug2004 rev - Update 'ch3.')
(8Sep2004 rev - Reset red text boxes. Exten 'peaqlo.')
(18Sep2004 rev - Add 'PM.')
(29Sep2004 rev - Extend ESQ.)
(15-20Oct2004 rev - Add 'DWUM.' Extend 'QTM' for all at once recapitulation. Long overdue exegesis.)
(23Oct2004 rev - Add 'QIAE.')
(29Oct2004 rev - Add 'CPE.')
(9Nov2004 rev - Repair 'MoQ.')
(22Nov2004 rev - Add 'affectation' link to H5W-Why? Reset legacy red text.)
(5-26Dec2004 rev - Update 'SOM.' Reset red text. Update 'peaqlo.' Add 'emerscenture' link under 'how' of 'H5W.')
(6-21Jan2005 rev - Add 'RaBBA,' and 'REIMAR.' Add 'SaS-ERP' anchor. Add 'tRatW.' Update 'how,' and 'why' of 'H5W.')
(7-23Feb2005 rev - Reset height constraints to minimum. Add 'think' link to 'QTM.' Add 'CCP,' and 'CCQ.' Extend 'CTM.' Zukav to Gleick under QTM. Repairs.)
(6,11,23,25,30-1Mar2005 rev - Update peaqlo with novel links. Update peaqlo: EIMA to REIMAR, and update 'QCD.' Add 'DIQ,' and 'QIC.' Add 'TBCSUD.' Add 'CSG, and 'QIG.")
(3Apr2005 rev - Update 'peaqlo.' Add 'OSFA.' Reset legacy red text.)
(13,28Jun2005 rev - Repair typo. of hermeneutics: swap e and u. Update 'EOOO,' and 'qwf.')
(24Jul2005 rev - Reset legacy red text. Add 'AVD,' 'IGI,' 'RIGI.')
(31Aug2005 rev - Extend 'BAWAM.')
(2Sep2005 rev - Add ' OEDhP.')
(6,7,8Dec2005 rev - Update 'SON.' Update 'ESQ.' Update 'MoQite' and 'SOMite.')
(21,26,31Jan2006 rev - Reset red text. Add 'Pastings Nowings Futurings' link under 'EQU.' Add 'Ogadon.' Link CH3 'Choosings' to our QELR of 'select.')
(3Feb2006 rev - Add 'SOON.')
(22Mar2006 rev - Update 'peaqlo' list of examples.)
(6,25Apr2006 rev - Reset legacy red text. Change 'red' to 'pink.' Add 'SOrON.' Add 'MBO,' and 'MBU.' Typos, spelling.)
(5May2006 rev - Add GenIIIRealityLoop link under 'CH3.' Clean up lots of legacy "micro messes." Add more links due innovations since acronyms were originally listed.)
(1,24Jul2006 rev - Add 'QAF.' Update 'IGI.')
(18Sep2006 rev - Update 'QED.')
(7Nov2006 rev - Add 'partial' link, under 'peaqlo,' to Kuhn's partial puzzle enthymeme exemplar. Quantonics views partial puzzles as enthymemetics.)
(2,14,16Dec2006 rev - Add SOrSO anchor to 'sorso.' Add 'Four Peaqlos on Their Way to a Fermion' link under 'peaqlo.' Add 'PNFings.' Add 'LaPlacean Predicament' link under 'DWUM.')
(22Dec2006 rev - Fix a table height problem. Change all column(2,3)-rows to cell top alignment.)
(3Jan2006 rev - Add 'ApoG,' and 'PpoG.')
(10Feb2007 rev - Update 'EEE.')
(16Mar2007 rev - Add 'QSP.')
(29Apr2007 rev - Add 'MSFA.')
(4,27May2007 rev - A 'strikeout' minor edit to 'OEDC.' Minor update to 'SOM.')
(6,9,26,30Jun2007 rev - Reset legacy red text. Add 'MGC,' 'MMC.' Minor update to 'QTM.' Minor updates to 'EIMA,' and 'QTM.')
(18,20,28-29Jul2007 rev - Add 'PPL.' Reset legacy red text. Add some OxFA variations and labeled them 'Classical Thingking.' Add under QTM 'Chaldæan At Once Aside' link.)
(2,5Aug2007 rev - Typos. Add 'QVI.')
(2,16Sep2007 rev - Helpful QTM update. Add new 'MLFA.' Update 'waveMBU.')
(19Jan2008 rev - Update 'EQU,' and reformat slightly, reset legacy red text markups.)
(16Feb2008 rev - Reset legacy red text. Under 'CTM' add Bergson's 3rd desnoured classical delusion that 'Negation is Objective.')
(22Mar2008 rev - Add 'DEK' and 'dek.')
(29-31Mar and 1Apr2008 rev - Add 'NDPQW,' 'QGPoS,' 'QnM,' 'QsHE.')
(3Apr2008 rev - Add 'NEO.')
(1,14Jun2008 rev - Add 'PVRC.' Add 'QREON,' and 'CeodE..')
(26Jul2008 rev - Add 'BTW' anchor.)
(13,17-18Aug2008 rev - Add 'AToHN.' Update 'wMBU.' Reset legacy pink background markups. wMBU typos. Add scintillation link under peaqlo's 'experience.')
(8,16,30Nov2008 rev - Replace wingdings and symbol fonts with gifs. Reset legacy markups. Add 'Pribram~Sherrington Nexi' under 'wMBU.' Add 'ESOOQFAN.')
(5,24Dec2008 rev - Add 'peaQLO' anchor. Update 'QED.')
(18Jan2009 rev - Add 'PJBafo.')
(12-13,21,23Feb2009 rev - Update wMBU. Add 'wMBU Quantization Tool' anchor. Add 'What is Gnosis?' link under wMBU. Add link to recent QELR of 'aware' under 'ESS,' and 'IGI.')
(18-20,22Mar2009 rev - Add 'QSO.' Add link to 'dialectic' under 'CeodE.' Add 'idiot' ideal dialectical isochrony on time. Add 'stupid' scientific truepers understand principled ideal dialectic.)
(28Mar2009 rev - Add 'change' link to 'Change as Quantum Waves' under 'wMBU' sub bullet 'Quantization' omniscription. Add 'wave' QELR link there too.)
(30Mar2009 rev - Introduce most recent wMBU tools and memeos.)
(1,8-9Apr2009 rev - Add 'PMA' a donation from DMD. Thank you DMD! Add 'peaqso.' Add 'heQLT'. Under 'CTM' add 'the logos' link to wisdom, and 'logos' link to What is Gnosis?)
(9,17Apr2009 rev - Under 'QTM' add 'holographic energy~wellings recapitulation' link to 'QLT Description.' Add 'SEP.')
(17May2009 rev - Add SPoV Evolution link under SPoV.)
(22Jul2009 rev - Reset legacy red markups.)
(6,26Aug2009 rev l- Update 'ESQ.' Add uppercase versions of 'stupid' and 'dumbass.')
(19Oct2009 rev - Update 'wMBU' with 'Quantization of Free Will.')
(3,7Nov2009 rev - Add 'Free Will as Quantization' anchor under 'wMBU.' Add second anchor entitled 'Quantization of Free Will.')
(12,15May2010 rev - Remove legacy markups. Adjust some colors. Minor rev's under wMBU.)
(21May2010 rev - Add 'detail' link to 'Evolutionary Stable Strategy' under 'ESS.')
(8,11Jun2010 rev - Append Autiot version of ESQ. Change 'proscribed' to 'prescribed' under Quantization of Free Will. Big typo by Doug.)
(23,30Jun2010 rev - Add 'NObama' to dumbass list. Add OWFA's AlGorebasm. Add partial list of Quantum AI relevant acronyms.)
(7Jul2010 rev - Add 'FUD.')
(8,12Aug2010 rev - Reset legacy markups. Add 'VoRE.')
(2-3,7,22Nov2010 rev - Add 'BAD.' Add 'Idiot' upper case anchor. Add 'Quantum Partiality Tool' anchor.)
(18Dec2010 rev - Add 'Qupo.')
(26Jan2011 rev - Add 'What is Simple?' "What is Grail," and 'Finding One's Inner' QuPo tools under wMBU. Adjust colors. Reset legacy markups.)
(8,22-23Feb2011 rev - Add 'Q~V.' Add 'NSFA.' Change QV link to Chapter 3 from HodgePodge 2011.)
(26Feb2011 rev - Add links to Doug's A Primer on QuPo under 'QuPo' and 'Q~V.' Add commentary on political brands' saids and unsaids: how dying political systems wors(e)ship both 'state' and 'certainty.')
(28Feb2011 rev - Add 'EWings.')
(28Jun2011 rev - Add 'atemporal' link under 'EQU.' Reset legacy markups. Make page current.)
(16,18-19Jul2011 rev - Add 'FEP.' Add 'TQC.' Highlight SP[o¤]Vs. Add 'fractal' links to "How to do quantum~fractals.")
(1Aug2011 rev - Add FFE and NTE.)
(20Dec2011 rev - Add 'coquecigruesical~abductive' link, under wMBU tool list, to FEP Chapter 3 Segment 8.)
(7Jan2012 rev - Add links to Acronym ESS.)
(12,20Feb2012 rev - Add acronym rqcs. Add rioq. Add 'believe, think, write, say, and do' wMBU tools.)
(9,29Mar2012 rev - Update EWings. Reset some legacy markups. Change 'to' to 'two' under ESS: "This cannot happen with out two quantum~miracles...")
(15Apr2012 rev - Add ESS link to Doug's 'Is Stable Survivability an Oxymoron.')
(14Jun2012 rev - Add '~semblancings of what is' under EWings.)
(17,24Jul2012 rev - Add link to new remediation of 'chaos' under 'ESS.' Repair typo under NSFA.)
(4Aug2012 rev - Add 'GoG.')
(5Sep2012 rev - Add 'One Time Fits All' under OTFA.)
(27Dec2012 rev - Add 'FoF,' 'voV,' 'Vov,' 'VoV' acronyms.)
(19Jan2013 rev - Add 'rqsu.' Radical quantum stochastic uncertainty. Update CH3ings for 'select' QELR 'quanta' QELR and 'scintillation' detail.)
(10,11-12,21Feb2013 rev - Add 'feces.' Add 'btwsd.'j Add a 'ceodE' anchor to CeodE. Add 'SoD,' and 'SoT.' Add 'QVH.')
(4Apr2013 rev - Add 'rsqs:' radical stindyanicity of quantization and scintillation.)
(30Jun2013 rev - Add 'vov.')
(3Jan2014 rev - Update OSFA with One Socialized-religion Fits All.)
(25Mar2014 rev - Add 'CEO.' Add 'crsp.' Add 'qrup.')
(1Apr2014 rev - Add 'rqeh,' and 'rqei.')
(16,28May2014 rev - Add 'rqfv,' and 'rqis.' Add 'rqac.')
(6Jul2014 rev - Add 'rcoc.')
(29Sep2014 rev - Minor update ('antin¤mial') to QCD.)
(10Nov2014 rev - Add 'Einb,' and 'Bine.')
(2,19Dec2014 rev - Slight change to 'SEP.' Add 'rqsa and ORME.')
(28Jan2015 rev - Add 'OGFA.')
(16,21Feb2015 rev - Add 'rqpu.' Add 'pjctd,' and 'pjctn.')
(4,16Mar2015 rev - Update 'pjctd' with a 'projection vav projected' link. Update QED.)
(29-30May2015 rev - Add 'rqfp,' and 'rqim.')
(7Jun2015 rev - Add 'moron.')
(13Aug2015 rev - Add 'FUP,' and 'PUF.')
(1-2,5Oct2015 rev - Add 'rqes.' Dark green embolden with Apple Chancery font all occurrences of 'all at once' under 'QTM.' Emboldened "infinite transition probabilities" under QED.)
(24,27Nov2015 rev - Fix minor punctuation lacuna under QED. Add 'SaSERP' anchor under 'SaS~ERP.')
(1,8Dec2015 rev - Add 'rqed.' Add 'SOMitic' anchor to 'SOM.')
(19Feb2016 rev - Add 'qwfal.')