
Doug's Translation
Genesis L
Verses 16-20
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Genesis L:16-20:

Doug is following a Hebrew interlinear English version of Genesis which he found on Internet. Version which Doug is using is from Scripture 4 All. This resource is new to Doug, but it appears to be a good one. It shows idiom from left to right with individual Hebrew words ciphered appropriately right to left. It is an authorized translation taken from Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels. Idiom used here is very unlike what Doug is familiar with from Carlo Suares. Doug prefers latter and will use that in both his retranslation of idiom sometimes with quantum~remediation, and QCS™ combined with relevant Comcision. This source does not appear to reflect what Doug means by 'modern' (dialectical) Hebrew. So it may be closer to how Abraham's Autiot initiates may have read it. Let's hope so...

Doug has noticed in this reference, however, that ~Qof~ appears to be treated without what Suares refers, "Qof's role and ~situation~ of destroying illusions and delusions." This is important, at least to Doug, regarding how we treat Caheen (Cain), and all other ~schema~ (Autiot) which have Qof in them. That is what we ~experience~ elsewhere so far... Doug will follow his approach used so far in John (Magdalene), and that is to use a light green text background throughout wherever Qof appears (in idiom, remediation, and ~qwfal~ Comcision).

It is good to keep in mind that contemporary Hebrew, excepting Autiot and ~Gematria~ do not carry sema of Abraham's Autiot. Modern Hebrew idiom (apparently) carries little resemblance to Aut (~ana~coquecigruesical~) symbols' sema of Abraham's time. Doug is assuming that Abraham had a grasp of Autiot more ~metabolic~ than its modern versions' relatively intransigent objective, formal, dialectical idiom.

Doug, following Suares, assumes reality issi ~metabolic~. If that assumption is acceptable, then all of Autiot, its ~Gematria~, its Qabala, its Gnoses, its Seraphim, and Sefirot should reflect a language which too is ~metabolic~.

Our reference text does not do that. So part of Doug's retranslation effort will be to remediate as Doug sees fit. This may offend some. Doug isn't doing this for any purpose of offense, rather a way of bringing ancient ~metabolic~ memes into a more quantum real expression of our world CeodE 2018... We are in Day three. Prophecy expects great change during this millennium, likely much chaos too. Doug may be viewed as part of that change and chaos, if you prefer.

To retranslate Genesis in Suares' quantum~hologralq~fluxodynamic language, we need a legend of Autiot and their ~Gematria~. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Genesis
Doug Renselle

Genesis L:16

Genesis L:17


Genesis L:19

Genesis L:20

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Retranslation of Genesis L:16

Doug - 20Sep2019.

Genesis L Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered epic poetically by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."copulative grail twistings of all exihstential ~structurationings~, Lorenz chaoequil occur cowithihn and ~grailingsq~ Theht Name's Mobius twistings pristine guidance teaching via a pure copulation reference;"

Copulative grail twistings of all exihstential ~structurationings~, Lorenz chaoequil occur, assa FOCHR wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ fermionic ~structurationings~ ~mirrorings~ FOCHRS ~{cav~...~cohereings~fecundationingsq~...~rev}~ ~laseings~ pristine Lorenz reference ~synapses~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, cowithihn and ~grailingsq~ Theht Name's Mobius twistings pristine guidance teaching via a pure copulation reference...]

Copulative Lorenz Guidance

~{6 ~10.90~ ~{6}~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~10.90~ ~{6}~ pristine soliton reference ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~how to work~ ~{referrings}~ soliton exemplar ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Study Sepher Yetsira's Liber Primus Tools, Book I of three Sepharim [three books of

. . .

This ~schema~, for Doug, issi quantum~philosophical, ~metaphysical.

Ihn a sense, iht teaches uhs regardings AEFings copulative generic ~QR~ ~interrelationshipings~ ~grailingsq~.

Iht teaches uhs:

~{cav~ issi a grail twisting of ~rev}~™

"Copulative grail twistings of all exihstential ~structurationings~, Lorenz chaoequil occur cowithihn and ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings pristine guidance teaching via a pure copulation reference."

How's that for "epic ~QR~ poetry?"

Ponder ~{AR~ ~grailingsq~ ~RA}~.

How might wæ "teach" that ~useings~ a pristine copulative reference?

Imagine ~10.90~ ihn complementary~antinomial left wing of that Lorenz soliton. Imagine a pristine copulative 'teaching' reference [a kind of "keep ~10.90~ dialectically clean, i.e., free of dialectic"] ihn complementary~antinomial right wing of that Lorenz soliton.

~Useings~ Sepher Yetsira's ~Sepharim~, "Keep iht clean."

Copulative Lorenz Guidance

Can you write QCScript™ for missile shield?

Why issi it impossible to QCS™ SOM's Box?

Does your AI application use Lorenz attractionings to learn?

. . .

Ponder deeply these QCS™ skeletons:

~{N~ ... ~{N}~ . ~N}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{N~ . ~{N}~ ... ~N}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

N...1 to 9.


~{6~ ... ~{60}~ .. ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

SoD anyone? Hermaphrodite anyone?

~{6~ female ~{60}~ male ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Can wæ show SoD assa Lorenz soliton? How?

What about:

~{60~ ... ~{6}~ .. ~60}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~?

Omnifferentiate them ~holograllyq~, heterolithically.

Do all pixels inter~relateq~ all other pixels, all at onceings?

Doug - 20Sep2019.





..."Aleph.1q puts itself to and ihnto metabolismings thus ~engenderings~ ~sempiternalq~ evolution;"

Aleph.1q puts itself to, assa ~Aleph.1q~ ~engenderings~ evolutionary ~metabolismings~, and ihnto metabolismings thus ~engenderings~ ~sempiternalq~ evolution...]

Apply Doug's forensics of this epic poetry to ~Ben Adam~.






..."specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht] cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ possibilityings;"

specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht], assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ hermaphroditic attractionings ~reverberationalq~feminineq~fecundationingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~, cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~...]

~10~ ~{6 60}~ ~800~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Baphomet, Yeshooaa~Iht] cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~."

"Doug, did y¤u intend uhs to quantum~associate Yeshooaa~Iht and Jesuit?"

Yæs, however, with former ~quantum~ and latter |classical|.

"Would San Loyola approve?" Dunno...

Doug - 19Sep2019.





..."said hermaphrodite's sayings arera metabolic material Alephic apoptoseings;"

said hermaphrodite's sayings arera, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~evokeingsq~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~cowithihn~ material ~biosphereings~ ~experienceingsq~ multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings, metabolic material Alephicq apoptoseings...]





..."wæ call iht theht Name of ihts exihstential>---< ~livingsq~ of both Iht and uhs ~cosmic~ grailings;"

wæ call iht theht Name of ihts, assa vestigial Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ parental spin 1/2 ~somaq~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, exihstential>---<~livingsq~ of both Iht and uhs ~cosmic~ ~grailingsq~...]

Theht Big ~Chooseings~

~{1 ~2~ ~10}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{theht Name~ ~cowithihn}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{1 ~2~ ~10}~ ~cosmic~grailingsq~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{iht and uhs~ ~cowithihn}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Theht Big ~~Chooseings~~

. . .

Though with all our years of learnings, upon what arera ~chooseings~ based?

Grail ~interrelationshipings~ ~among~ fermionic sub~systems!

Theht Big Twistings

Euler's disk is a good fermion~to~fermion exemplar of twistings from Vayt of duration Veyn to Bayt of of duration Beyn of a disk's wobbleings on a parabolic disk [dish].

Our vision issi grailed vertically. Our viewings arera grailed horizontally: ponder you thence you ihn a mirror.

N¤ one reads or writes about it as far as Doug knows, but ¤ur hearings arera ~grailingsq~ twisted. Plucked guitar strings notes arera ~grailingsq~ of bosonic~fermionic ~hologralq~ ~interrelationshipings~.

Our data comm junctions arera twisted: recall null modems? They undo~due grail twistings.

All fermion to fermion subsystems ~experience~ grail ~interrelationshipings~, naturally.

"But why Doug?"

HotMeme™ "The Mobius Twist intrinsic cowithihn ~QR~ issi nature's means of broad spectrum sensoryium comscious ~hologralq~ networkings pixel to pixel awarenessings, ~includeings~ vast multiversal memesets of atemporal spin 2 gravity."™ HotMeme

Again, this issi n¤t your [|mentally dead|] father's tragedy of classical social commons Boolean hyper bullshit stux sux logic.

It issi coquecigrues of ~hologralq~wayveic quantum flux issi crux!

Of great importance arera AEFings memesets of integer [bosonic] and ~fractional~ [fermionic] spins and their grail quantum~relative~ right and left handed chiralities.

"Doug issi atemporal gravity a quantum tell of all at once ~cosmic~comsciousness?"


A New Ontology issi Ihn Town

A New Philosophy issi Ihn Town


Theht Big Twistings

"Common baby, let's do~due the twist." Chubby, the dude, Checkers.

Doug - 1Sep2019.





..."generic teachings for ~fecund~ quantized livings;"

generic teachings, assa exihstential fermionic ~structurationings~ cleanly wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ copulateings of quantized ~livingsq~, for ~fecund~ quantized ~livingsq~...]

How issi this schema relevant Copulative Lorenz Guidance?

Doug - 20Sep2019.





..."quantum a priori with obeisanceings;"

quantum a priori, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ before and ihn face of obeisance to ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, with obeisanceings...]





..."pristine endings of Theht Name's livings;"

pristine endings, assa Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ ~overlapq~ ~entangleingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ expectationings dyings via persistentq permeable ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, of Theht Name's quantized ~livingsq~...]

Again, wæ sææ copulative instructions re The Wall endings an iteration of a lifeq's epistemic epigenomic trajectory.

. . .

~{40 ~{6 ~400}~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{40 ~overlapq~ ~entangleingsq~ ~{6 ~400}~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{pneumatic copulative solitonic death}~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{40 ~{6 a The Wall soliton ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Keenly observe The Wall issi quantum.

Doug - 20Sep2019.





..."Theht Name's hermaphroditic sayings arera metabolic material Alephic apoptoseings;"

Theht Name's hermaphroditic sayings arera, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~evokeingsq~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~cowithihn~ material ~biosphereings~ ~experienceingsq~ multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings, metabolic material Alephicq apoptoseings...]

This issi much like, "Dyings ihn one's own words."

Doug - 20Sep2019.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Copulative grail twistings of all exihstential ~structurationings~, Lorenz chaoequil occur,...
...assa FOCHR wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ fermionic ~structurationings~...
...~mirrorings~ FOCHRS ~{cav~...~cohereings~fecundationingsq~...~rev}~...
...~laseings~ pristine Lorenz reference ~synapses~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~,...
...cowithihn and ~grailingsq~ Theht Name's Mobius twistings pristine guidance teaching via a pure copulation reference

Aleph.1q puts itself to,...
...assa ~Aleph.1q~ ~engenderings~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~,
and ihnto metabolismings thus ~engenderings~ ~sempiternalq~ evolution

specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht],...
assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ hermaphroditic...
...attractionings ~reverberationalq~feminineq~fecundationingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~,
...cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~

said hermaphrodite's sayings arera,...
assa evolutionary ~metabolismings~ ~evokeingsq~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~cowithihn~...
...material ~biosphereings~ ~experienceingsq~ multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings,...
...metabolic material Alephicq apoptoseings

wæ call iht theht Name of ihts,...
assa vestigial Valueings fount of life ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ parental spin 1/2 ~somaq~...
...attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings,...
...exihstential>---<~livingsq~ ~cosmic~ ~grailingsq~

generic teachings,...
...assa exihstential fermionic ~structurationings~ cleanly wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ copulateings of quantized ~livingsq~,...
...for ~fecund~ quantized ~livingsq~

quantum a priori,...
...assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ before and ihn face of obeisance... ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~,...
...with obeisanceings

pristine endings,...
...assa Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ ~overlapq~ ~entangleingsq~ vestigial...
...~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~...
...expectationings dyings via persistentq permeable ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~...
...~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~,...
...of Theht Name's quantized ~livingsq~

Theht Name's hermaphroditic sayings arera,...
...assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~evokeingsq~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~cowithihn~...
...material ~biosphereings~ ~experienceingsq~ multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings,...
...metabolic material Alephicq apoptoseings.

. . .


Copulative grail twistings of all exihstential ~structurationings~, Lorenz chaoequil occur cowithihn and...
...~grailingsq~ Theht Name's Mobius twistings pristine guidance teaching via a pure copulation reference

Aleph.1q puts itself to and ihnto metabolismings thus ~engenderings~ ~sempiternalq~ evolution

specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon,...
...Yeshooaa~Iht] cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~

said hermaphrodite's sayings arera metabolic material Alephicq apoptoseings
wæ call iht theht Name
of ihts exihstential>---<~livingsq~ ~cosmic~ ~grailingsq~
generic teachings for ~fecund~ quantized ~livingsq~
quantum a priori with obeisanceings
pristine endings of Theht Name's
quantized ~livingsq~
Theht Name's hermaphroditic sayings arera metabolic material Alephicq

Doug - 20Sep2019.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Retranslation of Genesis L:17

Doug - 21Sep2019.

Genesis L Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered epic poetically by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."thus y~¤ur fermionic ~grailingsq~ quantized livings;"

Thus y~¤ur fermionic ~grailingsq~, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings quantized ~livingsq~, quantized ~livingsq~...]





..."wæ shall say accordings ¤ur mind's matchings of ¤ur comsciousnessings;"

wæ shall say, assa Valueings permeable ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q's~ attractorings y~¤ur ~reverberationalq~biosphereings}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ of your linguistic ~fecundationingsq~, accordings ¤ur mind's matchings of ¤ur comsciousnessings...]

Expression of Nousq~Mind Comsciousnessings

~{400 ~1~ ~40}~ ~200.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .

"Y~¤ur matchings of ¤ur minds' comsciousnessings."

. . .

Dallet~Bayt~Raysh~Waw: ~

Thaem vav Dab: issi ~Em~ a female ~somaq~?
Bara vav Mara: somatic creation vav biospheric creation.

Whereings and whenings issi mind ~cowithihnq~ all of this?

Try this: ~hologralq~mind~ issi qwfal memesets of quantons(mind,body) issi quantons(unsaid,said) issi quantons(nonactual,actual) issi quantons(atemporal,temporal) issi quantons(isocoherent,de[~&~]coherent) issi quantons(uncomscious,quantons(subcomscious,comscious)) issi

Mind of ~intelligence~, ~thought~, ~purpose~, ~spiritq~, ~opinion~.

Does Doug show uhs, ¤ur quantum~nousq, ¤ur quantum~minds ihn all of those linguistic forensic sema, heuristics, and hermeneutics?

Look up all of those versions of mind in Webster's and cipher their codes mimicking Suares and Doug. Embrace Mu ~whileq~ do~due~ings so...

Y¤u ~comsciously~
[Moodaa: ~Mem~Waw~Dallet~Ayn~]
will never go back...

To where Doug?

Dichons(|mind|, |body|). Dialectical mind issi pure deceit, bogus, a dogmatic orthodox catholic deign to feign. A doxology of mechanical stux sux: OWO, OGT, OBFA, OSFA, OTFA, OLFA, etc. Classically |manufactured| |mind|, classically |manufactured| |body|. BS, unadulterated BS!

Instead here's ~Moodaa~:

~{40 ~6~ ~4}~ ~70~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Comscious: "Valueings ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ ~fecundationingsq~ neuron~synapse ~hologralq~~ attractionings quantadulative ~reverberationalq~gate~wayveings}~ intentional destruction of dialectic ihn quantum QED ~enlightenmentings~."

Compare ~Yeshooaa~.

~Yod~Sheen~Waw~Ayn~: ~10.300.6.70~

"~Exihstenceingsq~ ~cowithihn~ uhs of ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~evolutioningsq~ via QED's ~fecund~ ~enlightenmentings~."

"I am ihn y¤u and y¤u arera ihn mæ."

You may fathom: Quantonics Issi Strategic!

Expression of Nousq~Mind Comsciousnessings

Crux! ~Aleph.1q~ Issi Reserve ~Energyings~.™

Doug - 7-8Jan2019, 21Sep2019.





..."to specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht] cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ possibilityings;"

to specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht], assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ hermaphroditic attractionings ~reverberationalq~feminineq~fecundationingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~, cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~...]

~30.10~ ~{6 60}~ ~800~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"To specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Baphomet, Yeshooaa~Iht] cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~."

"Doug, did y¤u intend uhs to quantum~associate Yeshooaa~Iht and Jesuit?"

Yæs, however, with former ~quantum~ and latter |classical|.

"Would San Loyola approve?" Dunno...

Doug - 19Sep2019.





..."Oh ! ~Divineq~ soliton of Aleph.1q's quantons(female,male) SoD middle~inclusionings quantons(mind,body) exihstential life ~principleingsq~ of indeterminationings;"

Oh ! ~Divineq~ soliton of Aleph.1q's quantons(female,male) SoD middle~inclusionings quantons(mind,body), assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic ~{~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ synaptically ~laseings~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~}~ exihstential lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~, ...]


~{~{1 ~50~ ~1}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{soliton}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{mind.1~ ~50~ ~body.1}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"~Divineq~ soliton of Aleph.1q's quantons(female,male) SoD middle~inclusionings quantons(mind,body) exihstential life ~principleingsq~ of indeterminationings:"

Ponder Jungian female Aleph.1q cowithihn a male.

Ponder Jungian male Aleph.1q cowithihn a female.

Josephian? Quantons(Josephine,Joseph)?

"We're not in [dialectical] Kansas...anymore..."

. . .

This ~schema~ issi a kind of radical antinomial~complementq of Satan's entrapping ~Tayt~ twixt finalNoun's ~potentiaq~ for tyrannical absolute concrete and Sheen's absolute change.

Ponder similarly ~Noun~Waw~finalNoun~ ~potentiaq~ for entrapment of ~Waw~.

Providence: Notice SoD's and C. G. Jung's extreme emphases on quantum wayve~functional evolutionaryq forensic heuristics attention to Situation and Role with quantum prudential avoidance of |mind|body| |female|male| dialectical abstraction.


Doug - 21Sep2019.





..."metabolic focusings of Aleph.1q enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~ for liftings and bearings loads;"

metabolic focusings of Aleph.1q enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~, assa evolutionaryq highly focused ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~cohereings~ ~Aleph.1q~, for liftings and bearings loads...]

A mirror of Esh. Esh: fire.

Does S[h]ae put fire out?

"Metabolic focusings of Aleph.1q enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~ for liftings and bearings loads."

Doug ponders this memeset assa prerequisite teleportation. To teleport fermions one must coherently envelop them.

See Doug's prior Quantum Oqqum.

Idiom here suggests a meme of forgiveness assa forbearance [patience absent anxiety].

Doug - 21Sep2019.





..."please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm presence of Aleph.1q cowithihn self;"

please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm, assa ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ borne of ~Aleph.1q~, presence of Aleph.1 cowithihn self...]

Find Your Inner

Please forbear...

"Please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm presence of Aleph.1q cowithihn self."

Suares and Doug agree that once one has achieved this level of initiation ihnto Qabala and Abraham's Gnoses, one may commence a similar please process of accepting presence of Iht.

Find Your Inner

Doug - 22Sep2019.





..."~cosmic~ metabolic transgression against Light;"

cosmic metabolic transgression, assa ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for transgression via evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ endarkenmentings of bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~, against Light...]

...transgression against Light.

This issi very interesting.

Chaotic metabolisis of photons may affectq qwfal self~entanglement plausibly evokeings endarkenment.

Doug - 21Sep2019.





..."siblings shared ~spiritualq~ epigenomes of uhs;"

siblings shared ~spiritualq~ epigenomes, assa Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~engenderings~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, of uhs,...]

~{1 ~8~ ~10}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~





..."and ¤ur sin of thorough ~fecund~ biospheric cellular entrapment of Alephic spirit;"

and ¤ur sin of thorough ~fecund~ biospheric cellular entrapment, assa vestigial Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ of pre fermionic ~cellularizationingsq~ entrappings fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ thoroughly and permeablyq ~cosmic~vital~impeded~ expectationings for fruition of ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~, of Alephicq spiritq...]

~{6 ~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Sin: "Thorough ~fecund~ biospheric cellular entrapment of Alephicq spiritq."

Compare ~Satan~ assa kind of endarkened cellular tiny~mindedness. Imagine a cell entrapped twixt ~cosmic~ powers of absolute change's evolutionary metabolismings and lifeq ~principleingsq~' potential dialectical social tyranny. Imagine your feet in concrete [equilibrium's absolutely stable principles: Simon Peter's hypocritical dialectic] and your body beingq battered relentlessly [chaos: limitless metabolic change].

Doug - 21Sep2019.





..."that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other;"

that grail which enables, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ offeringsq ~QA~ Mobius twistings of ~exihstenceingsq~, comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other,...]

Suares tends to refer this ~Ki~, "because."

Doug likes 'that' better since it somewhat meliorates possible dialectical ideas and notions of |causation|.

Oversimply, comscious self~other assessment [~QA~] isn't possible without [~Beli~] "~grailingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~."

Doug - 11Sep2019.





..."and ¤ur reputations assa ones who escort evil endarkenings ¤ur livings;"

and ¤our reputations assa ones who escort, assa multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ entrappings bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ quantized ~livingsq~, evil endarkenings ¤ur ~livingsq~...]

One may escort evil both from and to self and others.

Escortings arera complementary antinomial AEFings.

Doug - 21Sep2019.





..."evolutionary organicq metabolic ~movementingsq~ of material ~biosphereings~ return to favor of ~fecund~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings;"

evolutionary organicq metabolic ~movementingsq~ of material ~biosphereings~ return to favor, assa vestigial Valueings BroMo ~{cavitational~organicq~movementingsq~ material ~biosphereings~ attractionings evolutionary ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~ requital via wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, of ~fecund~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings...]

~{3 ~40~ ~30}~ ~6.500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Evolutionary organicq metabolic ~movementingsq~ of material ~biosphereings~ returnq to favor of ~fecund~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings."

Doug - 21Sep2019.





..."and at ^ ~ ~enlightenmentings~ k~n¤w~ings quantized ~livingsq~ impeded tilde~brake~Bayt;"

and at ~ ^ ~ ~enlightenmentings~, assa ~fecundationingsq~ of ~enlightenmentings~ ~encounterings~ wholly permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ adiabatic up to Planck rate ~livingsq~ at ~edgeings~ of, k~n¤w~ings quantized ~livingsq~ impeded tilde~brake~Bayt...]

~QR~ Nowings

~ ^ ~
Carrot marks tildes' QREONings.


Ponder Vayt~tilde~Bayt.

Ponder Vayt~Bayt.

Ponder Aleph|~|Tav male haploid of Atta.

Ponder Tav|~|Aleph female haploid of Atta.

. . .

N¤w~ingsq issi pixel by pixel ~hologralq~ ~realityings~. Pirsig called it, rather them, paraphrased by Doug, "...theht leading ~edgeings~ of theht train[ings]:" There isn't just one now however...

Apparently "you alive," ...and ~fecund~ represents an ensemble of n¤w~ing, ~among~ many other n¤w~ingsq.

Very quantum! Indeed!

Assa PAM Dirac's many individual quantons' timings, and Paul Suppes' local ~stochasticsq~ for all ~metabolic~ quanton QREONings.

Assiduously ~abiding~ and ~adhereingsq~ Mae~wan Ho's cellular "~comminglings~of~coherent~autonomyings" ~among~ vast ensembles of many quantons...muscle cells in muscular ~structurationings~ working both alone and together, quasi adiabatically, "all at once."

Toto, we're n¤t in SOM-witted DI-alethic Kansas anymore... We're n¤t in OGC OGT classical mechanical reality any more...we're n¤t in SOM's box anymore...

There, DI-git-al bivalently-bumbling dimwits, take that...

~QR~ Nowings

. . .

AReRA QCs going to have bandwidth scanners?



To cover [un~couvert, desnouer], vast ranges of actual quantum~fluxings~, at QREONings.

Doug, "Won't novel sensors have to be prototyped and evolvedq to cover frequencies above SHASB?"

Yes, but it is unlikely QCs will have qua to sense flux above say, 1033 cycles ~vis~a~vis~ some reference [much lower] flux rate.

Tough part is that each scan must happen nearly all at once.

And that requirement will repeat endlessly during all quantum~assessmentings.

Maybe scan breadths can be adjusted based upon rqcs, but how does a QC ~assess~ its own ~relative~ rqcs? That assessment too must be ongoing and happening nearly all at once.

Rates of comtextual change may be assessed to further limit Doug's narrative extremes. But how many of those are there...?

It isn't easy, at least from Doug's and today's quantum~world~viewings. Doug may be putting his own legacy thought habit limitations on this sequence of thoughts...

Learn to eliminate one's own habitual limitations...

Lots of room for innovation...

Our struggle should ease as we learn more from our prototyping efforts.

Doug - 6Jun2018, 15Jul2018, 19Sep2018, 21Sep2019.





..."metabolic focusings of Aleph.1q enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~ for liftings and bearings loads;"

metabolic focusings of Aleph.1q enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~, assa evolutionaryq highly focused ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~cohereings~ ~Aleph.1q~, for liftings and bearings loads...]

A mirror of Esh. Esh: fire.

Does S[h]ae put fire out?

"Metabolic focusings of Aleph.1q enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~ for liftings and bearings loads."

Doug ponders this memeset assa prerequisite teleportation. To teleport fermions one must coherently envelop them.

See Doug's prior Quantum Oqqum.

Idiom here suggests a meme of forgiveness assa forbearance [patience absent anxiety].

Doug - 21,23Sep2019.





..."please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm presence of Aleph.1q cowithihn self;"

please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm, assa ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ borne of ~Aleph.1q~, presence of Aleph.1 cowithihn self...]

Find Your Inner

Please forbear...

"Please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm presence of Aleph.1q cowithihn self."

Suares and Doug agree that once one has achieved this level of initiation ihnto Qabala and Abraham's Gnoses, one may commence a similar please process of accepting presence of Iht.

Find Your Inner

Doug - 22Sep2019.





..."to mitigated both exihstential and ~cosmic~ metabolic transgression against Light;"

to mitigated both exihstential and ~cosmic~ metabolic transgression, assa Valueings evolutionaryq ~{cavitational~metabolismings~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for transgression via evolutionary expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~metabolismings}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ endarkenmentings of bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~, against Light...] transgression against Light.

~{30 ~80~ ~300}~ ~70~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This issi very interesting.

Chaoequil metabolisis of photons may somewhat affectq qwfal self~entanglement plausibly ~evokeingsq~ some endarkenment.

Doug - 21Sep2019.





..."[and their] ~enlightenmentings~ destruction of dialectic ~among~ their exihstential soma;"

[and their] ~enlightenmentings~, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ their spin 1/2 ~somaq~ with ~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic ~among~ their ~exihstenceingsq~, destruction of dialectic ~among~ their exihstential somaq...]

"~Enlightenmentings~ destruction of dialectic ~among~ exihstential somaq."

Doug - 15Sep2019.





..."those of Uhs Alephicq evolutionaryq metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn [metabolic Qabala] ~exihstenceingsq~ of;"

those of Uhs Alephicq evolutionary metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn [metabolic Qabala], assa vestigial Valueings ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ of quantized ~livingsq~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~, ~exihstenceingsq~ of...]

~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Uhs: "Alephic evolutionaryq metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~."

~Elohi~ issi a partial ~hologralq~metabolic anagram of Qabala!!!

We ~fathom~ Qabala ~evolutionarily~ metabolized.

Doug - 7Jul2019.





..."wæ call iht theht Name of ihts exihstential>---< ~livingsq~ of both Iht and uhs ~cosmic~ grailings;"

wæ call iht theht Name of ihts, assa vestigial Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ parental spin 1/2 ~somaq~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, exihstential>---<~livingsq~ of both Iht and uhs ~cosmic~ ~grailingsq~...]

Theht Big Twistings

~{1 ~2~ ~10}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Euler's disk is a good fermion~to~fermion exemplar of twistings from Vayt of duration Veyn to Bayt of of duration Beyn of a disk's wobbleings on a parabolic disk [dish].

Our vision issi grailed vertically. Our viewings arera grailed horizontally: ponder you thence you ihn a mirror.

N¤ one reads or writes about it as far as Doug knows, but ¤ur hearings arera ~grailingsq~ twisted. Plucked guitar strings notes arera ~grailingsq~ of bosonic~fermionic ~hologralq~ ~interrelationshipings~.

Our data comm junctions arera twisted: recall null modems? They undo~due grail twistings.

All fermion to fermion subsystems ~experience~ grail ~interrelationshipings~, naturally.

"But why Doug?"

HotMeme™ "The Mobius Twist intrinsic cowithihn ~QR~ issi nature's means of broad spectrum sensoryium comscious ~hologralq~ networkings pixel to pixel awarenessings, ~includeings~ vast multiversal memesets of atemporal spin 2 gravity."™ HotMeme

Again, this issi n¤t your [|mentally dead|] father's tragedy of classical social commons Boolean hyper bullshit stux sux logic.

It issi coquecigrues of ~hologralq~wayveic quantum flux issi crux!

Of great importance arera AEFings memesets of integer [bosonic] and ~fractional~ [fermionic] spins and their grail quantum~relative~ right and left handed chiralities.

"Doug issi atemporal gravity a quantum tell of all at once ~cosmic~comsciousness?"


A New Ontology issi Ihn Town

A New Philosophy issi Ihn Town


Theht Big Twistings

Doug - 1,21Sep2019.





..."evokes an high energy ~fecund~ somaticq ~cosmic~emotional Mobius quantons(joy,sadness) response;"

evoke an high energy ~fecund~ somaticq ~cosmic~emotional, assa wave~makeings prolificq ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn spin 1/2 ~somaq~ ~experienceingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, Mobius AEFings quantons(joy,sadness) response...]

joy - self leaps to a new level of individual Gnostic endeavor

sadness - self suffers loss of key mentor: self must mature

Doug - 10Sep2018





..."specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht] cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ possibilityings;"

specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht], assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ hermaphroditic attractionings ~reverberationalq~feminineq~fecundationingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~, cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~...]

~10~ ~{6 60}~ ~800~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Baphomet, Yeshooaa~Iht] cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~."

"Doug, did y¤u intend uhs to quantum~associate Yeshooaa~Iht and Jesuit?"

Yæs, however, with former ~quantum~ and latter |classical|.

"Would San Loyola approve?" Dunno...

Doug - 19Sep2019.





..."solitonic somaticq destruction of dialectic coherently createings speech assa somaticq ensembleings of spin 1/2 pneumatic aural emerqancyings;"

solitonic somaticq destruction of dialectic coherently createings, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic spin 1/2 ~{cavitational~somaq~ ~laseings~ ~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic ~mirrorings~ vestigial Valueings spin 1/2 scintilla of ~{cav~...~coherent~somaq~...~rev}~ creative ensembleings vocal expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~, speech assa somaticq ensembleings of spin 1/2 pneumatic aural emerqancyingsq...]

~{2 ~4~ ~{2}~ ~200}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{2 soliton ~{2}~ ~200}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{2 ~4~ ~{2}~ createings ~200}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Solitonic somatic destruction of dialectic coherently createings speech assa somaticq ensembleings of pneumatic aural emerqancyingsq."

W&aelig may choose...
...[heretically, against philo~androgenic gender biased patronizeing orthodox dialectical dogma and canon 'law']... ~fathom~ a Lorenz~like quanton(destruction~of~dialectic,~speakings~).

Doug - 21Sep2019.





..."~fecund~ Alephic evolutionaryq metabolismings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ of both Theht Name and Uhs;"

~fecund~ Alephicq evolutionaryq metabolismings cowithihn, assa vestigial Valueings fount of life ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~whileq~ ~evolutionarily~ ~metabolismings~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ ~affectingsq~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ of, ~exihstenceingsq~ of both Theht Name and Uhs...]

~{1 ~30~ ~10}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"~Fecund~ Alephic evolutionaryq metabolismings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~."

Doug - 21Sep2019.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Thus y~¤ur fermionic ~grailingsq~,...
...assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings quantized ~livingsq~,...
...quantized ~livingsq~

wæ shall say,...
...assa Valueings permeableq ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q's~...
...attractorings y~¤ur ~reverberationalq~biosphereings}~...
...~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ of your linguistic ~fecundationingsq~,...
...accordings ¤ur mind's matchings of ¤ur comsciousnessings

to specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht],...
...assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ hermaphroditic...
...attractionings ~reverberationalq~feminineq~fecundationingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~,...
...cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~

Oh ! ~Divineq~ soliton of Aleph.1q's quantons(female,male) SoD middle~inclusionings quantons(mind,body),...
...assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic ~{~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ synaptically...
...~laseings~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~}~...
...exihstential life ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~,

metabolic focusings of Aleph.1q enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~,...
...assa evolutionaryq highly focused ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~cohereings~ ~Aleph.1q~,...
...for liftings and bearings loads

*** Find Your Inner ***

please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm,...
...assa ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ borne of ~Aleph.1q~,...
...presence of Aleph.1 cowithihn self

Take a few moments quantons(~hereings~,~n¤wings~) and review Doug's Now.

*** Find Your Inner ***

~cosmic~ metabolic transgression,...
...assa ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for transgression via evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~...
...~coobsfectingsq~ endarkenmentings of bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~,...
...against Light

siblings shared ~spiritualq~ epigenomes,...
...assa Valueings fount of life ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~engenderings~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~...
...attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings,...
...of uhs,

and ¤ur sin of thorough ~fecund~ biospheric cellular entrapment,...
...assa vestigial Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ of pre fermionic...
...~cellularizationingsq~ entrappings fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ thoroughly and permeably ~cosmic~vital~impeded~...
...expectationings for fruition of ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~,...
...of Alephic spiritq

that grail which enables,...
...assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ offeringsq ~QA~ Mobius twistings of ~exihstenceingsq~,...
...comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other,

and ¤our reputations assa ones who escort,...
...assa multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ entrappings bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ quantized ~livingsq~,...
...evil endarkenings ¤ur ~livingsq~

evolutionaryq organic metabolic ~movementingsq~ of material ~biosphereings~ returnq to favor,...
...assa vestigial Valueings BroMo ~{cavitational~organicq~movementingsq~ material ~biosphereings~...
...attractionings evolutionary ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~ requital via...
...wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings,...
...of ~fecund~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings

and at ~ ^ ~ ~enlightenmentings~,...
...assa ~fecundationingsq~ of ~enlightenmentings~ ~encounterings~ wholly permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~...
...~coobsfectingsq~ adiabatic up to Planck rate ~livingsq~ at ~edgeings~ of,...
...k~n¤w~ings quantized ~livingsq~ impeded tilde~brake~Bayt

metabolic focusings of Aleph.1q enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~,...
...assa evolutionaryq highly focused ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~cohereings~ ~Aleph.1q~,...
...for liftings and bearings loads

*** Accept Presence of Iht ***

please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm,...
...assa ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ borne of ~Aleph.1q~,...
...presence of Aleph.1 cowithihn self

*** Accept Presence of Iht ***

to mitigated both exihstential and ~cosmic~ metabolic transgression,...
...assa Valueings evolutionary ~{cavitational~metabolismings~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for transgression via evolutionaryq...
...expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~metabolismings}~...
...~coobsfectingsq~ endarkenmentings of bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~,...
...against Light

[and their] ~enlightenmentings~,...
...assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ their spin 1/2 ~somaq~ with ~gate~wayveings~...
...Atbash antinomial destruction of dialectic ~among~ their ~exihstenceingsq~,...
...destruction of dialectic ~among~ their exihstential somaq

those of Uhs Alephic evolutionaryq metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn [metabolic Qabala],...
...assa vestigial Valueings ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ of quantized ~livingsq~...
...attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~,...
...~exihstenceingsq~ of

wæ call iht theht Name of ihts,...
...assa vestigial Valueings fount of life ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ parental spin 1/2 ~somaq~...
...attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~...
...~experienceingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings,...
...exihstential>---<~livingsq~ of both Iht and uhs ~cosmic~ ~grailingsq~

evoke an high energy ~fecund~ somaticq ~cosmic~emotional,...
...assa wave~makeings prolific ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn...
...spin 1/2 ~somaq~ ~experienceingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings,...
...Mobius AEFings quantons(joy,sadness) response

specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht],...
...assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ hermaphroditic...
...attractionings ~reverberationalq~feminineq~fecundationingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~,...
...cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~

solitonic somatic destruction of dialectic coherently createings,...
...assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic spin 1/2 ~{cavitational~somaq~ ~laseings~ ~gate~wayveings~...
...Atbash antinomial destruction of dialectic ~mirrorings~ vestigial...
...Valueings spin 1/2 scintilla of ~{cav~...~coherent~somaq~...~rev}~ creative ensembleings vocal...
...expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~,...
...speech assa somaticq ensembleings of spin 1/2 pneumatic aural emerqancyingsq

~fecund~ Alephic evolutionaryq metabolismings cowithihn,...
...assa vestigial Valueings fount of life ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~whileq~ ~evolutionarily~ ~metabolismings~...
...attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ ~affectingsq~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ of,...
...~exihstenceingsq~ of both Theht Name and Uhs.

. . .


Thus y~¤ur fermionic ~grailingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~
wæ shall say accordings ¤ur mind's matchings of ¤ur comsciousnessings

to specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht]...
...cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~

Oh ! ~Divineq~ soliton of Aleph.1q's quantons(female,male) SoD middle~inclusionings quantons(mind,body) exihstential lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~,
metabolic focusings of Aleph.1 enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~ for liftings and bearings loads

*** Find Your Inner ***

please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm presence of Aleph.1q cowithihn self

*** Take a few moments quantons(~hereings~,~n¤wings~) and review Doug's Now. ***

*** Find Your Inner ***

~cosmic~ metabolic transgression against Light
siblings shared ~spiritualq~ epigenomes
of uhs,
and ¤ur sin of thorough ~fecund~ biospheric cellular entrapment of Alephicq spiritq
that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq
quantum~assessmentings of self~other,
and ¤our reputations assa ones who escort evil endarkenings ¤ur ~livingsq~
evolutionaryq organicq metabolic ~movementingsq~ of material ~biosphereings~ returnq to favor of ~fecund~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings
and at ~ ^ ~ ~enlightenmentings~ k~n¤w~ings quantized ~livingsq~ impeded tilde~brake~Bayt
metabolic focusings of Aleph.1q enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~ for liftings and bearings loads

*** Accept Presence of Iht ***

please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm presence of Aleph.1q cowithihn self

*** Accept Presence of Iht ***

to mitigated both exihstential and ~cosmic~ metabolic transgression against Light
[and their] ~enlightenmentings~ destruction of dialectic
~among~ their exihstential somaqq
those of Uhs Alephicq evolutionaryq metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn [metabolic Qabala] ~exihstenceingsq~ of
wæ call iht theht Name
of ihts exihstential>---<~livingsq~ of both Iht and uhs ~cosmic~ ~grailingsq~
evoke an high energy ~fecund~ somaticq
~cosmic~emotional Mobius AEFings quantons(joy,sadness) response

specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht]...
...cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~

solitonic somatic destruction of dialectic coherently createings speech assa somaticq ensembleings of spin 1/2 pneumatic aural emerqancyingsq
~fecund~ Alephicq evolutionaryq metabolismings cowithihn
~exihstenceingsq~ of both Theht Name and Uhs.

Doug - 22Sep2019.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Retranslation of Genesis L:18

Doug - 22Sep2019.

Genesis L Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered epic poetically by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."and ¤ur ~fecund~ solitonic ~exihstenceingsq~ metabolismings fermionic ~grailingsq~ arera goings;"

And ¤ur ~fecund~ solitonic ~exihstenceingsq~ metabolismings, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, fermionic ~grailingsq~ arera goings...]

~{6 ~10.30.20~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6~ soliton ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"And ¤ur ~fecund~ solitonic ~exihstenceingsq~ metabolismings fermionic ~grailingsq~ arera goings."

Doug - 22Sep2019.





..."moreover evolutionaryq Brownian motionings arera ubiquitous and sempiternal;"

moreover evolutionaryq Brownian motionings arera, assa BroMo evolutionary ~organicq~movementingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~, ubiquitous and ~sempiternalq~...]

Brownian Motionings [BroMo] arera ubiquitous.

Doug - 9Jun2019, 30Jul2019.





..."Alephic holy blood siblings of said hermaphrodite;"

Alephicq holy blood siblings, assa ~sempiternalq~ recursive Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q's~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ attractionings cowithihn ~cavitational~exihstenceingsq}~ ~fecundationingsq~, of said hermaphrodite,...]

~{1 ~8~ ~10}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"~Aleph.1q's~ ~fecund~ ~existentialq~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~."

Doug - 19Jun2018.





..."and our solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~unlimitedq~ quantons(riseings,fallings) metabolic possibilityings;"

and our solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ engendered via evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~ of ¤ur, ~unlimitedq~ quantons(riseings,fallings) metabolic ~possibilityingsq~...]

~{6 ~10.80.30~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Carpe Undulaq th~¤ughts re Gametraic™ quantons(mind,body), quantons(left,right), etc.

. . .

"Our solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~unlimitedq~ metabolic ~possibilityingsq~."

Doug - 11Jun2019, 22Sep2019.





..."of life principled evolutionaryq metabolic faceings quantons(up,down) said ~fecund~ hermaphrodite;"

of lifeq principled evolutionaryq metabolic faceings quantons(up,down), assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ accordings ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~, said ~fecund~ hermaphrodite...]

"Life principled evolutionaryq metabolic faceings quantons(up,down) said ~fecund~ hermaphrodite."

Doug - 22Sep2019.





..."with solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ ~nestingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~ of Motherly [~Emet~] Hær apoptosis [quantum~diveings] of Aleph.1q ihnto ~cosmic~ emerqancyings;"

with solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ ~nestingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ ~nestingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ Motherly attractorings fount of life ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ Hær ~biosphereings~ apoptosis ihnto ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, of Motherly [~Emet~] Hær apoptosis [quantum~~diveings~] of Aleph.1q ihnto ~cosmic~ emerqancyingsq...]

~{6 ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~nestingsq~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~{10 AmR~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 soliton ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"With solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ ~nestingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~ of Motherly [~Emet~] Hær apoptosis [quantum~diveings] of Aleph.1q ihnto ~cosmic~ emerqancyingsq."

Doug - 17Sep2019.





..."behold our ~fecund~ quantized ~livingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ solitonic lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ !;"

behold our ~fecund~ quantized ~livingsq~, assa vestigial Valueings Lorenz attractor quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ ~overlapq~ ~entangleingsq~ attractionings ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic ~{cav~...~coherent~lifeq~principleingsq~...~rev}~ synaptically ~laseings~mirrorings~ ~assiduous~adhereingsq~ ~reverberationalq~lifeq~principleingsq}~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ of, ~adhereingsq~ solitonic life ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ !...]

Lorenz issi blatant here:

~{5 ~{50}~ 50}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Behold Full Lorenz:

carpe undulaq

~{5 ~{tight~solitonic~attraction}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Behold our ~fecund~ quantized ~livingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ solitonic lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~."

Doug - 12Jun2019.





..."those evolutionaryq beingsq and their ~cosmic~ ~grailingsq~ ~among~ uhs;"

those evolutionaryq beingsq and, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, their cosmic ~grailingsq~ ~among~ uhs...]





..."~metabolicallyq~ ~enlightenedq~ servants, destroyers of dialectic ~among~ uhs;"

~metabolicallyq~ ~enlightenedq~ servants, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ of bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ spin 1/2 ~somaticq~ ~gate~wayveings~ Atbash antinomial destruction of dialectic cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~, destroyers of dialectic ~among~ uhs...]

"For ~metabolicallyq~ ~enlightenedq~ servant destroyers of dialectic ~among~ uhs."

Doug - 22Sep2019

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

And ¤ur ~fecund~ solitonic ~exihstenceingsq~ metabolismings,...
...assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ cowithihn...
...~exihstenceingsq~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~,...
...fermionic ~grailingsq~ arera goings

moreover evolutionaryq Brownian motionings arera,...
...assa BroMo evolutionary ~organicq~movementingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~,...
...ubiquitous and ~sempiternalq~

Alephicq holy blood siblings,...
...assa ~sempiternalq~ recursive Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q's~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~...
...attractionings cowithihn ~cavitational~exihstenceingsq}~ ~fecundationingsq~,...
...of said hermaphrodite,

and our solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~,...
...assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS wayve~makeings...
...~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~...
...engendered via evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~ of ¤ur,...
...~unlimitedq~ quantons(riseings,fallings) metabolic ~possibilityingsq~

of lifeq principled evolutionaryq metabolic faceings quantons(up,down),...
...assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ accordings ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of...
...~indeterminationings~ of FUPings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~,...
...said ~fecund~ hermaphrodite

with solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ ~nestingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~,...
...assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~...
...~laseings~ ~nestingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~...
...Motherly attractorings fount of life ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ Hær ...
...~biosphereings~ apoptosis ihnto ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~,...
...of Motherly [~Emet~] Hær apoptosis [quantum~~diveings~] of Aleph.1q ihnto ~cosmic~ emerqancyingsq

behold our ~fecund~ quantized ~livingsq~,...
... assa vestigial Valueings Lorenz attractor quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ ~overlapq~ ~entangleingsq~...
...attractionings ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic...
...~{cav~...~coherent~lifeq~principleingsq~...~rev}~ ...
...synaptically ~laseings~mirrorings~ ~assiduous~adhereingsq~ ~reverberationalq~lifeq~principleingsq}~ of...
...~indeterminationings~ of FUPings wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ of,...
...~adhereingsq~ solitonic lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ !

those evolutionary beingsq and,...
...assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings,...
...their cosmic ~grailingsq~ ~among~ uhs

~metabolicallyq~ ~enlightenedq~ servants,...
...assa evolutionary ~metabolismings~ of bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ spin 1/2 ~somaticq~ ~gate~wayveings~...
...Atbash antinomial destruction of dialectic cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~,...
...destroyers of dialectic ~among~ uhs.

. . .


And ¤ur ~fecund~ solitonic ~exihstenceingsq~ metabolismings fermionic ~grailingsq~ arera goings
moreover evolutionaryq
Brownian motionings arera ubiquitous and ~sempiternalq~
holy blood siblings of said hermaphrodite,
and our solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~unlimitedq~ quantons(riseings,fallings) metabolic ~possibilityingsq~
of life principled evolutionaryq metabolic faceings quantons(up,down)
said ~fecund~ hermaphrodite,
with solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ ~nestingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~ of Motherly [~Emet~] Hær apoptosis [quantum~~diveings~] of Aleph.1q ihnto ~cosmic~ emerqancyingsqq
behold our ~fecund~ quantized ~livingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ solitonic lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ !
those evolutionaryq beingsq and their ~cosmic~ ~grailingsq~ ~among~ uhs,
~metabolicallyq~ ~enlightenedq~ servants destroyers of dialectic ~among~ uhs.

Doug - 22Sep2019.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Retranslation of Genesis L:19

A Gnostic Confirmation

Look ahead in ~timeings~ to when Yeshooaa issi allegorically beingq,
by canon dialectical 'law,'
'tried' for claims of beingsq cowithihn Iht and Iht beingsq cowithihn Yeshooaa...
Simon Peter dialectically betrays Yeshooaa.
Sadducees, Pharisees, Romans, and Zealots dialectically betray Yeshooaa.

Here, it appears to Doug, that said Hermaphrodite [Yoossaph] anticipates such ~possibilityingsq~.

To Doug this verse may be interpreted:

First, Yoossaph's beingq cowithihn Iht issi not? a comcern.
Second, Yoossaph isn't claiming quantons(self,Iht).

A third ~possibilityingsq~ issi Yoossaph issi sayings hereings and n¤wings what Yeshooaa claims: Yoossaph issi quantons(self, Iht).

Doug heurists that prior verse's:

*** Find Your Inner ***

please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm presence of Aleph.1q cowithihn self

*** Take a few moments quantons(~hereings~,~n¤wings~) and review Doug's Now. ***

*** Find Your Inner ***


*** Accept Presence of Iht ***

please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm presence of Aleph.1q cowithihn self

*** Accept Presence of Iht ***

...appear to favor latter, number three.

It at least issi plausible~possible that OT's Genesis issi ~useings~ Yoossaph to set a historical precedent.

Doug agrees.


Yoossaph assa quantons(self,Iht),
Yeshooaa assa quantons(Aleph.1q,Iht).

Doug senses Yeshooaa might say, "All of y¤u [uhs] arera autsimilar Yoossaph."

C. G. Jung's quantons(selfmale,anima), quantons(selffemale,animus) quantum~affirms that autsimilarity.

A Gnostic Confirmation

S~he issi cowithihn all of uhs and all of uhs arera cowithihn He~r.

"Shelah Na Gig."

"Behold ! He~r openq acceptance of presence of He~r solitonic organicq ~movementingsq~ evolutionaryq reproductionings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~."

The Earth~G¤d~Mother.

Bravah! In most important ~wayveings~, ancients have been standingsunderings. Opine.

S~he, ¤ur creatrix: "Creationings of quantized~livingsq~ green shootings."

Doug - 22,23Sep2019.

Genesis L Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered epic poetically by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."and he is saying abideings ~situationingsq~ and roleings;"

And he issi sayings, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~existenceings~ attractorings fount of lifeq ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ ~whileq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ material ~biosphereings~ of multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings, abideings ~situationingsq~ and ~roleings~,...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{10 A}~ ~40.R~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

A very key meme of "saying" issi how saying forensically, linguistically apoptoses Aleph.1q. And Autiot shows uhs that, yæs?

You may be aware how language and maths dialectical "context free" expressions objectively entrap sema.

Compare Rota and Ulam's rqcs quantons(comtext,function),

This, to Doug, offers at least partial exegesis of Yeshooaa's "Eli eli lama sabahhthani."

Objective words and expressions, assa Yeshooaa might have said, "Sabahhthani." "Your dialectical words stop the Noun of my Yod."

. . .

In Doug's early Quantonics days when he had a blog, this appropriately was a major comcern. Dan Glover, Doug, et al., struggled with it...


Mae~wan Ho referred, "The scourge of language..."

Suares, "An abomination..."

David Bohm, "A mechanical misrepresentation of ~realityings~..." paraphrased by Doug.

Those titans of system ~understandings~ partially show why Doug refers most languages, "for idiots."

Exemplar? Peano's Latino sine Flexione. Talk about a linguistic mechanical abomination... a language for petrified socio~politically correct [LOL, ROFLMao] stux sux retards.

|Social| Retards want all to uni~verse~ally FIT only in Their Intelligently Designed PC Box.

Intelligent Design: an oxymoron of supreme retardation.

Cleanse self with Doug's Mind assa POSIT.

Doug - 5Sep2019.





..."to Alephic metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn cosmos;"

to Alephicq metabolic quantized ~livingsq~, assa fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~metabolismings~ ~livingsq~ ~cowithihn~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~ of, cowithihn cosmos,...]





..."specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht] cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ possibilityings;"

specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht], assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ hermaphroditic attractionings ~reverberationalq~feminineq~fecundationingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~, cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~...]

~10~ ~{6 60}~ ~800~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Baphomet, Yeshooaa~Iht] cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~."

"Doug, did y¤u intend uhs to quantum~associate Yeshooaa~Iht and Jesuit?"

Yæs, however, with former ~quantum~ and latter |classical|.

"Would San Loyola approve?" Dunno...

Doug - 19Sep2019.





..."accrueings Alephicq metabolic ~evolutioningsq~ to;"

accrueings Alephicq, assa cowithihn fount of life ~Aleph.1q~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~, metabolic ~evolutioningsq~ to...]

This simple ~schema~ has a multitude of rqcs interpreta.

Doug - 5Sep2019.





..."y¤u arera fearings y¤u may be impedeings ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~ resurrectionings of Aleph;"

you arera fearings, assa wholly permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ of multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ensembleings attractorings ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q's}~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~, y¤u may be impedeings ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~ resurrectionings of Aleph...]

~400~ ~{10 ~200~ ~1}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~400~ ~{10 ~R~ ~A}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug senses it won't harm quantum memesets to mime ~1}~ assa Lorenz~esque quantons(attractorings,affectorings).

. . .

"Impedeings ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~ resurrectionings of Aleph.1q."

Doug - 29May2019, 22Sep2019.





..."that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other;"

that grail which enables, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ offeringsq ~QA~ Mobius twistings of ~exihstenceingsq~, comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other,...]

Suares tends to refer this ~Ki~, "because."

Doug likes 'that' better since it somewhat meliorates possible dialectical ideas and notions of |causation|.

Oversimply, comscious self~other assessment [~QA~] isn't possible without [~Beli~] "~grailingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~."

Doug - 11Sep2019.





..."quantized ~livingsq~ alternative ~chooseings~ of solitonic ~impedanceings~ of ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ possibilityings;"

quantized ~livingsq~ alternative ~chooseings~ of solitonic ~impedanceings~, assa ~livingsq~ ~divineq~ FOCHRS permeable ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~laseings~ ~unlimitedq~spiritualq~possibilityingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~, of ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~,...]

~5~ ~{400 ~8~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5~ ~{400~ ~spiritualq~soliton~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Quantized ~livingsq~ alternative ~chooseings~ of solitonic ~impedanceings~ of spiritual ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~."

This double impedance offers uhs a "Buridan's Ass" hermeneutic memeset of ~chooseings~ ~holograllyq~ quaqua.

Irving Stein's approach at that link, issi one of extreme simplicity. He uses linear monocursal bivalency to modal Buridan's ass. In that specific example, it is pedagogy on Ockham.

That said, Stein was a genius. May he rest in peaceq.

Stein taught Doug, as did Mae~wan Ho [May she rest in peaceq.] and Dana Zohar, memes about ~QR~ which partially emerqed H6Wings Doug issi k~n¤w~ingsq.

Do self a favor: study at least Stein's Quantum Schrodinger Object. If you wish to move closer to Quantonics, study Stein's very brief summary: Quantum Dirac Object.

~Evolveingsq~ self from Stein to Qabala, gradually took Doug almost a score of years [1998~2015+]. Doug could n¤t have done that without Carlo Suares and his ~Hologral~ Quantum ~Sempiternalq~ Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher~Yetsira, its Abrahamic Chaldaean Gnoses, its Ancient Texts.

FOCHRS: Fractal, ~Omnilateral~, Coherent, ~Hologral~, ~Recursioningsq~, ~Synapses~.

Doug - 23Sep2019.





..."Aleph.1q's ~sempiternalq~ AEFings metabolisis of quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn y~¤our ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn provident quantum bounty of ~cosmic~ biosphereings;"

Aleph.1q's ~sempiternalq~ AEFings metabolisis of quantized ~livingsq~, assa vestigial Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ inciteings evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~engenderings~ quantized ~livingsq~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~. cowithihn y~¤our ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn provident quantum bounty of ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~...]

~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Aleph.1q's ~sempiternalq~ AEFings metabolisis of quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn y~¤our ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn provident quantum bounty of ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~."

Doug - 23Sep2019.





..."I, cowithihn Aleph.1q, am ~adhereingsq~ lifeq principleings;"

I, cowithihn Aleph.1q, assa vestigial Valueings cowithihn fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ am ~adhereingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~, am ~adhereingsq~ life ~principleingsq~,...]

~{1 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

And he issi sayings,...
...assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~existenceings~...
...attractorings fount of lifeq ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ ~whileq~ ~coobsfectingsq~...
...material ~biosphereings~ of multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings,...
...abideings ~situationingsq~ and ~roleings~,...]

to Alephicq metabolic quantized ~livingsq~,...
...assa fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~metabolismings~ ~livingsq~ ~cowithihn~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~ of,...
...cowithihn cosmos,...]

specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht],...
...assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ hermaphroditic...
...attractionings ~reverberationalq~feminineq~fecundationingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~,...
...cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~...]

accrueings Alephicq,...
...assa cowithihn fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ evolutionary ~metabolismings~,...
...metabolic ~evolutioningsq~ to...]

you arera fearings,...
...assa wholly permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~coobsfectingsq~...
...Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ of multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ensembleings...
...attractorings ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q's}~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~,...
...y¤u may be impedeings ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~ resurrectionings of Aleph...]

that grail which enables,...
...assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ offeringsq ~QA~ Mobius twistings of ~exihstenceingsq~,...
...comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other,...]

quantized ~livingsq~ alternative ~chooseings~ of solitonic ~impedanceings~,...
...assa ~livingsq~ ~divineq~ FOCHRS permeable ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~laseings~...
...~unlimitedq~spiritualq~possibilityingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~,...
...of ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~,...]

Aleph.1q's ~sempiternalq~ AEFings metabolisis of quantized ~livingsq~,...
...assa vestigial Valueings fount of life ...
...~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ inciteings evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~engenderings~ quantized ~livingsq~...
...attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~....
...cowithihn y~¤our ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn provident quantum bounty of ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~...]

I, cowithihn Aleph.1q,...
...assa vestigial Valueings cowithihn fount of life ...
...~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ am ~adhereingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of...
...~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~...
...attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~,... ~adhereingsq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~,...]

Doug - 23Sep2019.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

Retranslation of Genesis L:20

Doug - 23Sep2019.

Genesis L Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered epic poetically by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






..."~fecundlyq~, thoroughly via bounty of you;"

~Fecundlyq~, thoroughly, assa vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings y¤ur ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ borne of fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1s~ ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ of expectationings of y¤ur bounty cowithihn ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~, via bounty of you...]

~{6 ~1.400~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 thoroughly ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"~Fecundlyq~, thoroughly via bounty of you."

Doug - 23Sep2019.





..."spiritual ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of y¤ur devised somatic ~cosmic~ metabolisimings ~encounterings~ ~impedanceings~ y¤u devised bounty cowithihn ~cosmic~ biosphereings;"

spiritual ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of y¤ur devised somatic ~cosmic~ metabolisimings ~encounterings~ ~impedanceings~, assa y¤ur ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of y¤ur spin 1/2 ~somaq's~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~, y¤u devised bounty cowithihn ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~...]

"Spiritual ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of y¤ur devised somatic ~cosmic~ metabolisimings ~encounterings~ ~impedanceings~ y¤u devised bounty cowithihn ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~."

Doug - 23Sep2019.





..."enfoldings metabolic ~enlightenmentings~ ihnto exihstenceings;"

enfoldings metabolic ~enlightenmentings~, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, ihnto ~exihstenceingsq~,...]





..."and y¤ur reputation assa one who escorts evil endarkenings ~among~ y¤ur ~livingsq~ against;"

and y¤ur reputation assa one who escorts, assa multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ entrappings bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ quantized ~livingsq~, evil endarkenings ~among~ y¤ur ~livingsq~ against...]

One may escort evil both from and to self and others.

Escortings arera complementary antinomial AEFings.

Doug - 21,23Sep2019.





..."insuperable Aleph.1q's ~sempiternalq~ AEFings metabolisis of quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn y~¤ur ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn provident quantum bounty of ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~, however;"

insuperable Aleph.1q's ~sempiternalq~ AEFings metabolisis of quantized ~livingsq~, assa vestigial Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ inciteings evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~engenderings~ quantized ~livingsq~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~. cowithihn y~¤ur ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn provident quantum bounty of ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~, however...]

~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Aleph.1q's ~sempiternalq~ AEFings metabolisis of quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn y~¤our ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn provident quantum bounty of ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~."

Doug - 23Sep2019.





..."S~he devised ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of H~er~self cowithihn somaticq ~cosmic~ metabolisimings of H~er quantized livings;"

S~he devised ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of H~er~self, assa ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of H~er~self cowithihn ¤ur spin 1/2 ~somaq's~ quantized ~livingsq~, cowithihn somaticq ~cosmic~ metabolisimings of H~er quantized ~livingsq~...]





..."enhanceings metabolic Qualityings of somaticq pre fermionic ~cellularizationingsq~ of quantized livings;"

enhanceings metabolic Qualityings of somaticq pre fermionic ~cellularizationingsq~, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ pre fermionic ~cellular~ spin 1/2 ~somaticq~ quantized ~livingsq~, of quantized ~livingsq~...]





..."evolutionary metabolismings of material ~biosphereings~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ all ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ of indeterminationings;"

evolutionary metabolismings of material ~biosphereings~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ all, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ material ~biosphereings~ Valueings bosonic QED ~{cavitational~enlightenmentings~ expectationings assiduous ~adhereingsq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq}~, ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~...]

~30.40~ ~{70 700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Evolutionary metabolismings of material ~biosphereings~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ all ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~."

Doug - 23Sep2019.





..."focused cosmic metabolic bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ do~dueings ¤ur quantized livings;"

focused ~cosmic~ metabolic bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ focused evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of ¤ur quantized ~livingsq~, do~dueings ¤ur quantized ~livingsq~...]

Compare O[aa]sser [10] and Aasseh.

Ponder that ~10~ subjunctively, ordinally, ~qwfally~ assa ~Yod~, when representing uhs, issi a bio~coquecigruesical 'comtainer' of light [biophotons] which multi~day hyperbolically exodus just prior and durings ¤ur passings. Read Mae-wan Ho's the rainbow and the worm.

"Focused cosmic metabolic bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ do~dueings ¤ur quantized ~livingsq~."

Compare sunlight on one's skin...

Ponder interstellar telescopeings photons ihn one's eyes.

Ponder functional ~roleings~, ~situationingsq~ and ~roleings~.

Doug - 23Sep2019.





..."assa iht issi both exihstentially and ~cosmically~ ~grailingsq~ ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~' Mobius twistings;"

assa iht issi both exihstentially and ~cosmically~ ~grailingsq~, assa Valueings fermionic ~{cavitational~grailingsq~ Mobius ~grailingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ expectationings fermionic ~reverberationalq~cosmic~grailingsq}~, ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~' Mobius twistings...]

~{20 ~10.6~ ~500}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Assa iht issi both exihstentially and ~cosmically~ ~grailingsq~ ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~' Mobius twistings."

Here, Doug fathoms quantum~memesets of 'day' assa He~r omnitorings uhs.

Issi S~he also issi asking uhs whether wæ may [~Autiot~] choose [with blatant heresy] to quantumly sææ He~r...?

Do~due y¤u choose [heretically against all orthodox dogma and 'canon' 'law'] to find your Inner ~Aleph.1q~?

Do~due y¤u choose [heretically against all orthodox dogma and 'canon' 'law'] to accept presence of ~He~r~?

Doug - 23Sep2019.





..."~unlimitedq~ quantized solitonic ~livingsq~ ~potentiaq~ of vestigial quantons(~mind~,~body~);"

~unlimitedq~ quantized solitonic ~livingsq~ potential, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS quantized solitonic ~{~{cavitational~livingsq~ ~laseings~ ~synapticq~unlimitedq~potentiaq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~}~, of vestigial quantons(~mindq~,~bodyq~)....]

A Simple View of Mind~Body Nexi

~{~{5 ~7~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{5~ soliton ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

For example: ~{~{living~mind ~7~ ~living~body}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

To fully grasp coquecigrues of this ~schema~ wæ can use Doug's Gametria™.

Allow Doug to use assa an antenna.

Ponder ~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~ of ~mind~body~.

How does that work?

~Unlimitedq~ ~nexi~ of cerebellum's nine thought lobes [~includeings~ corpus callosum assa predominately nexial lobe] and cerebrum's single ~mind~body~ motor lobe ~cowithihn~ quantons(~mind~,~body~).

Keep in mind: Doug assumes all of this may be viewed assa QED fluxodynamic metabolic system.

Now view Doug's very exegetic comma~nospace like this:

~neuronal~ ~axons~ ~synapses~ ~neuronal~ ~dendrites~

Ponder ~possibilityingsq~ for many of those
in parallel and serial ~interrelationshipings~ with
one another...

Where does phasicity play a huge role here?
Ponder sema of entanglement(~presence~,absence) and
quantum~partialingsq of those.

When does kick in? Why does matter?

View ~synapses~ assa unbounded
~ethereal~ ~adiabatic~ ~nexi~.

View ~axons~ assa quantized [QED]
~phoxonic~ nearly ~adiabatic~ wayve~guides.

Thinkq of Josephson junction re Doug's "nearly adiabatic." Read all of that...

That view issi quantum. Mechanics' venue, purchase, and rend are banished as infantile and inutile...forever. Mechanics is just an old and worn out mantra.

A Simple View of Mind~Body Nexi

Doug's narrative above may help you grasp why a few rat brain ~neurons~ could successfully assist running a YF-22 flight simulator...

Doug - 19Feb,16Mar2019;2,13Aug2019,23Sep2019.





..."evolutionary metabolismings of quantized ~livingsq~ ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ preserveings and growings stronger via permeableq ~cosmic~ impedanceings;"

evolutionary metabolismings of quantized ~livingsq~ ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ , assa evolutionary ~metabolismings~ quantized ~livingsq~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ preserveings and growings stronger via permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~, preserveings and growings stronger via permeableq ~cosmic~ ~impedanceings~...]

"Evolutionary metabolismings of quantized ~livingsq~ ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ preserveings and growings stronger via permeableq ~cosmic~ ~impedanceings~."

Doug - 23Sep2019.





..."bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ of bountiful fruition of ~cosmic~ biosphereings;"

bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ of bountiful fruition, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ of ~cosmic~biosphereings~, of cosmic ~biosphereings~...]





..."cosmic comtainmentings of many soma;"

cosmic comtainmentings, assa ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ protectings many spin 1/2 ~somaq~, of many somaq...]


~200.2~ "comtainings many."

~2.200~ "createings many"

Doug - 23Sep2019.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039

~Fecundlyq~, thoroughly,...
...assa vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings y¤ur ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ borne of fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1s~ ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ of expectationings of y¤ur bounty cowithihn ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~,...
...via bounty of you

~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of y¤ur devised somaticq cosmic metabolisimings ~encounterings~ ~impedanceings~,...
...assa y¤ur ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of y¤ur spin 1/2 ~somaq's~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~,...
...y¤u devised bounty cowithihn ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~

enfoldings metabolic ~enlightenmentings~,...
...assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~,...
...ihnto ~exihstenceingsq~,

and y¤ur reputation assa one who escorts,...
...assa multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ entrappings bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ quantized ~livingsq~,...
...evil endarkenings ~among~ y¤ur ~livingsq~ against

insuperable Aleph.1q's ~sempiternalq~ AEFings metabolisis of quantized ~livingsq~,...
...assa vestigial Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ inciteings evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~engenderings~ quantized ~livingsq~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~....
...cowithihn y~¤ur ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn provident quantum bounty of ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~, however

S~he devised ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of H~er~self,...
...assa ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of H~er~self cowithihn ¤ur spin 1/2 ~somaq's~ quantized ~livingsq~,...
...cowithihn somaticq ~cosmic~ metabolisimings of H~er quantized ~livingsq~

enhanceings metabolic Qualityings of somaticq pre fermionic ~cellularizationingsq~,...
...assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ pre fermionic ~cellular~ spin 1/2 ~somaticq~ quantized ~livingsq~,...
...of quantized ~livingsq~

evolutionary metabolismings of material ~biosphereings~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ all,...
...assa evolutionary ~metabolismings~ material ~biosphereings~ Valueings bosonic QED ~{cavitational~enlightenmentings~ expectationings assiduous ~adhereingsq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq}~,...
...~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~

focused ~cosmic~ metabolic bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~,...
...assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ focused evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of ¤ur quantized ~livingsq~,... ¤ur quantized ~livingsq~

assa iht issi both exihstentially and cosmically ~grailingsq~,...
...assa Valueings fermionic ~{cavitational~grailingsq~ Mobius ~grailingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ expectationings fermionic ~reverberationalq~cosmic~grailingsq}~,...
...~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~' Mobius twistings

~unlimitedq~ quantized solitonic ~livingsq~ potential,...
...assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS quantized solitonic ~{~{cavitational~livingsq~ ~laseings~ ~synapticq~unlimitedq~potentiaq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~}~,...
...of vestigial quantons(~mindq~,~bodyq~)

evolutionary metabolismings of quantized ~livingsq~ ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~,...
...assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ quantized ~livingsq~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ preserveings and growings stronger via permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~,...
...preserveings and growings stronger via permeableq ~cosmic~ ~impedanceings~

bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ of bountiful fruition,...
...assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ of ~cosmic~biosphereings~,...
...of ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~

cosmic comtainmentings,...
...assa ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ protectings many spin 1/2 ~somaq~,...
...of many somaq.

. . .


~Fecundlyq~, thoroughly via bounty of you

~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of y¤ur devised somaticq cosmic metabolisimings...
...~encounterings~ ~impedanceings~ y¤u devised bounty cowithihn cosmic ~biosphereings~

enfoldings metabolic ~enlightenmentings~ ihnto ~exihstenceingsq~,
and y¤ur reputation assa one who escorts evil endarkenings ~among~ y¤ur ~livingsq~ against

insuperable Aleph.1q's ~sempiternalq~ AEFings metabolisis of quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn y~¤ur...
...~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn provident quantum bounty of ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~, however

S~he devised ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of H~er~self cowithihn somaticq ~cosmic~ metabolisimings of H~er quantized ~livingsq~
enhanceings metabolic Qualityings of somaticq pre fermionic ~cellularizationingsq~ of quantized ~livingsq~

evolutionary metabolismings of material ~biosphereings~ bosonic QED...
...~enlightenmentings~ all ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~

focused ~cosmic~ metabolic bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ do~dueings ¤ur quantized ~livingsq~
assa iht issi both exihstentially and ~cosmically~ ~grailingsq~ ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~' Mobius twistings
~unlimitedq~ quantized solitonic ~livingsq~ potential of vestigial quantons(~mind

evolutionary metabolismings of quantized ~livingsq~ ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ cowithihn...
...~exihstenceingsq~ preserveings and growings stronger via permeableq ~cosmic~ ~impedanceings~

bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ of bountiful fruition of cosmic ~biosphereings~
~cosmic~ comtainmentings
of many somaq.

Doug - 23Sep2019.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2019-2039 - Rev. 20-23Sep2019  PDR - Created: 20Sep2019  PDR
