Doug wants to use his New Quantum Philosophy to answer What Is Consciousness?
Answer: Consciousnessq issi th~¤ughtq ihn actionq. Also see Doug's QELR of conscious. Too, see Doug's coquecigrues of 'action.' See Doug's QELR of action.
More theoretically consciousnessq issi radically~quantum~comtext~sensitive (rqcs) selective per se comjugation of quanta. In a sense then, consciousnessq is what holograq do, a kind of hologra[[il][m][ph]]icq Jungian synaptic perpetual and ubiquitous Libido.
A most rudimentary exemplar of consciousnessq is a photon synaptically modulatingq an electron (by selective synaptic per se coobsfective choiceq, by selective per se coobsfective heresyq): QED. Notice that photon mutually chooses electron which (also) mutually chooses said photon. This is primal consciousq synaptic manifestaq of natural selection. Choosing, as used by Doug here, is a symptom of cosmic consciousnessq. Our nous, our minds, our quantum~stagings do this!
Doug's description (omniscription) of actionq ihn this case represents "quantized flux scintillationq."
Doug's QVH Table depicts quantum~action in its ubiquitous and perpetual hologra[[il][m][ph]]icq cosmic~consciousness processingsq.
Doug was wholly impressed by Prigogine and Stengers' (Order Out of Chaos) comparison of Fourier's heat flow (subjective) comparison to gravity, even though it was bogus at its core since heat flow is temporal and gravity issi atemporal.
Fourier wrote, quite simply, "heat flow is proportional to gradient of temperature." That simple quantum~essence blew Newton and his mechanical friends completely out of their dialectical stuckness. Indeed Prigogine and Stengers wrote how they thought Fourier was introducing a core memetic of a new 'science.' Doug agrees. This story of heat gradience is fairly~thoroughly covered at that gradient link.
Given that, Doug thinks we can make more headway in mimicking Fourier regarding this page's query, What is Consciousness?
Doug, "How can we compare heat and con(m)sciousness? What are you saying, i.e., what makes Fourier's approach more general and perhaps applicable to all quantum~memes of transmutative, adaptive, evolutionary flow?"
It is so easy when one is k~n¤w~ings quantum memeotics! What is shared by both heat flow and con(m)sciousness (as a gradient flow of thought) is heat and thought both exhibit quantons(scin,quan) phenomena (as all transmutative change in quantum~reality does). Heat propagation finds its quantum~bases in scintillation of quanta. Our quantum~stagings, our nous' flow of thought finds its quantum~bases in scintillation of quanta!!! This is profound - Doug.
As we read just above, preference issi a symptom of consciousness, perhaps as temperature is a symptom of heat. Some meme more important is emerging here though, and that is, "consciousness is about making choices, about choosing, about adapting and evolving thoughts based on choosings via selection." What do photons do when they are closing in on a target field of electrons? They select! What do photons and electrons need in order to select their tentative quanton(scin,quan) mate? They need a symptom of con(m)sciousness which Doug desnouered in one of those HotMemes above: preference. Preference is an aspectq of waviculate~libidoq which Doug has coined quantadulation. So, instead of using con(m)sciousness as our source of gradienceq our mimicking of Fourier appears to select, to choose, to quantadulate preference and gradience of preference:
Following a Fourier memeotic and Doug's relevancies just written we might write, "thought flow is proportional to gradiencings of preference in holographic minds." We know that gradience of EWings interrelationshipings have signatures which 'measure' (omnitor) relative EWings energy omnifferencings. Higher gradience of preference, thus increases thought flow among EWings in quantum~mind. See signatureq is never zero.
Doug cann¤t thinkq of any push~back which might diminish quality of this preferential~gradience proportionality to flow of thoughts in any quantum~stagings. We could use gradience of Latin libido. We could use gradience of quantadulation. We could use gradience of Greek eros. We have some, perhaps many, choices.
At very least, approach appears viable. It appears possible that Fourier mimics might be applicable to all quanton(scin,quan) transmutative, adaptive, evolutionary interrelationshipings. That's better, if it is apropos.
End 31Jan2015 aside.
There is much more to write here, but con(m)ciseness appears as greater Value for now,
10-11Sep2013 - Doug.
Doug offers some relevant quotes regarding others' perceptions of consciousness: "If we fail to understand
that consciousness is everywhere and in everything, and that
everything is related, we will soon belong to past history. Allow, permit Doug to quantum~remediate Suares' words half a century later... "If we fail to understand
that comsciousness is quanton(scin,quan)~everywhereings
and ihn every quanton, and that
ensemble of all quantons is QCD-QED Ihn quantum~reality primitive
quanta (Qabalic
"dust") are primitively self~other aware
and make "Matter or mind, reality has appeared to us as a perpetual becoming. It makes itself or it unmakes itself, but it is never something made. Such is the intuition that we have of mind when we draw aside the veil which is interposed between our consciousness and ourselves. This, also, is what our intellect and senses themselves would show us of matter, if they could obtain a direct and disinterested idea of it. But, preoccupied before everything with the necessities of action, the intellect, like the senses, is limited to taking, at intervals, views that are instantaneous and by that very fact immobile of the becoming of matter." Henri Louis Bergson's Creative Evolution Topic 39, p. 272. "But life and consciousness are this very ascension. When once we have grasped them in their essence by adopting their movement, we understand how the rest of reality is derived from them. Evolution appears and, within this evolution, the progressive determination of materiality and intellectuality by the gradual consolidation of the one and of the other. But, then, it is within the evolutionary movement that we place ourselves, in order to follow it to its present results, instead of recomposing these results artificially with fragments of themselves. Such seems to us to be the true function of philosophy." Henri Louis Bergson's Creative Evolution Topic 47, p. 369. Readers please obtain Bergson's " is within the evolutionary movement that we place ourselves..." is part of what we intend semantically by "finding one's inner," by "understanding the logos." In Quantonics Doug calls "finding one's inner," "quantum~omnitoring self." Today's Millennium III quantum~medicine refers it "self~management" (Stanford University). Heraclitus' nous placed (managedq) itself within 'the fire' of quantum~flux in order to describe that which others simply cann¤t grasp, cann¤t fathom, cann¤t understand. |