Regarding Song of Songs V:9-16:
Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.
Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...
...quantum aspects of Song of Songs from their readers.
Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.). An outlier of interest here is Delores Cannon's opus re Jesus' Essene (Qumran) Gnosis (Specifically see her They Walked with Jesus.).
Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, especially in Song of Songs. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica Doug is unsure whether it is available elsewhere and in Suares' quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believes Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist. But Gnosis shows us that monism is deceit. Doug believes latter, not Suares' apparent monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can.
Doug shows, for each verse and word of Chapter V of Song of Songs, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes, thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].
Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Song of Songs)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.
Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.
To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:
Song of Songs V:9 | Song of Songs V:10 | Song of Songs V:11 | Song of Songs V:12 | Song of Songs V:13 | Song of Songs V:14 | Song of Songs V:15 | Song of Songs V:16 |
Song of Songs V:1-8 |
o - "Mah-Do'dekh'
Mi-Dod: counting syllables rhythm 3.2, See p. 122, Suares' SoS. |
1 - 3.2 in letters issi Ghimel~Vayt. Ghimel
quantum~middle~inclusion projected in a home, a body, a nous,
etc. See p. 122, Suares' SoS. Doug added some quantonese! We see an Autiot~Gematraic implicit, a tacit of quantum~essence. We see Doug's logo as 123! |
" Ab'Ga'Yeek!' "
" 1.2.'3.1.'10.100' "
" Aleph~Bayt'~Ghimel~Aleph'~Yod~Qof' "
"Destroyer of Illusions."
Doug - 12-13Jul2015.
..."What is your beloved;"
..."more than another beloved;"
..."Oh! fairest;"
..."among women;"
..."What is your beloved;"
..."more than another beloved;"
..."that you this;"
..."adjure us?;"
Hes is the cell united with mine, to elaborate earthly strength. He and I are two bodies in one." Suares' SoS, p. 122 Qabala witnesses Qabala! |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Thallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod |
[Dodi,Thodi: |
..."My lover;" |
My mate issi permeably and resonantly gating my fecundity while gating our existence together...] | ||
2 | Tsadde~Hhayt |
[Tsahh: |
..."is all radient;" |
He is existentially structuring our spirits' unlimited possibilityings...] | ||
3 | Waw~Aleph~Dallet~Waw~finalMem |
[We'Edom: |
..."and ruddy;" |
His fecundity quantum~cavitates vital~impetus' gating of us cowithihn our cosmic biosphere...] | Another resonant cavity with Waw reverberating Aleph~Dallet. | |
4 | Thallet~Ghimel~Waw~Lammed |
[Dagol: |
..."distinguished;" |
His permeable quantum~gating of our organic movements fecundating existential metabolism...] |
Compare Gadol as great. Dagol issi fishy fecundation cowithihn existential metabolism. |
5 | Mem~Raysh~Vayt~Vayt~Hay |
[Marvavah: |
..."among ten thousand;" |
evolves our mutual existential biospheres' cosmic comtainment quantum~middle~including~cosseting both of us cowithihn life existence...] |
This resonant cavity issi pure. It shows a male and a female in pure coitus resonating life. Apparently this word has naught to do with Gematraic 'counting' as "ten thousand." |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Waw |
[Rosho: |
..."His head is;" |
His head offers cosmic comtainment of vital~impetus fecundly (quantum~hologral~memetically) cosmic metabolizing...] | Compare Raysh~Aleph~Sheen and Raysh, and Sheen~Aleph~Raysh and Shyar. | |
2 | Kaf~Tav~finalMem |
[Ke'Tam: |
..."as;" |
and impermeably grailing vital~impedance cowithihn cosmic biosphere's...] | ||
3 | Phay~Zayn |
[Paz: |
..."pure gold;" |
unlimited existential possibilityings, and their archetypal unlimited potentia...] | ||
4 | Qof~Vav~Tsadde~Waw~Tav~Yod~Waw |
[Qevootsotav: |
..."his curls;" |
His curls appear as cosmic vital~impetus (destroying all dark illusions) via leaky fractal~quantum~fecund~recursion of two, that is, a nested fecund structuration process, and a nested fecund cavitation of vital~impedance cowithihn existence process..] |
This issi a terrific exemplar of nested, up to Planck rate, quantum~fractal~recursion. We see three Waws, three fecundity archetypes. That triple is preceded by Qof, "Destroyer of illusions," Ponder 1.10.100 as first columnar triple, Compare 1,2,3 and 1,10,100. We see three nests of cavitation: Vav{[~Tsadde~]Waw[~Tav~Yod~]}Waw Vav cavitation of "Structural fecundity Waw{~Tsadde~}Waw Waw cavitation of "Existential structuration." Waw{~Tav~Yod~}Waw Waw permeable cavitation of "Vital~impedance of~ihn existence." In idiom, Suares writes, "his curls" of hair. Outermost Vav permeable cavitation qycloidally, productively generates and transmutes 'spirals' curls as both cavitating~structuration and cavitating~vital~impedance of existence. Note that many octogenarians have toe nails which 'curl.' Hair and nails are forms of structuration cowithihn existence which manifest Pirsig's latching Static Quality, i.e., "vital~impedance." Does cosmos make 'curls' of its quantum~comstituents trajectories? What about 'rings' of Saturn? Does each 'tiny' satellite's trajectory qycloidally curl? Is its trajectory quantized qycloidally? How is this related to what 'scientists' mean by 'curl?' Doug - 14-15Jul2015. |
5 | Thav~Lammed~Thav~Lammed~Yod~finalMem |
[Taltaleem: |
..."are wavy;" |
His curls are leaky permeably cavitating existential metabolism cowithihn existential metabolism cosmically biosphered cowithihn existence filled with light and absence of darkness...] |
Compare Alt (theme of SoS) and Tlt. Thav~Lammed~Thav shows a permeable cavitation of existential metabolism by two leaky vital~impedances. All of that happening cowithihn existential metabolism: happening every day. Yom issi usually, ihn idiom, 'day,' and 'light.' Absence of darkness: Layla. His curls are light and shiny. Pronounced (Pro~Noun~Ced) Yeem, it becomes plural. |
6 | Sheen~Hhayt~Raysh~Waw~Tav |
[Shehhorot: |
..."black as;" |
yet endarkened too by cosmic metabolism's spiritual light cosmically comtaining and vitally~impeding light's fecundity...] |
Compare Sh'Hharhhoret. Making waves, qwfs, of natural music while strumming some of nature's strings of its existential ~143 octave 'guitar.' Doug - 14Jul2015. |
7 | Kaf~Ayn~Waw~Raysh~Vayt |
[Ka'Orev: |
..."a raven;" |
unable to impermeably grail fecundity of light, thus allowing it out of its home of cosmic comtainment...] | Think of a Raven's flying as its quantum~coinsident~permeation of spatial existence. | |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Ayn~Yod~Noun~Yod~Waw |
[Aunav: |
..."His eyes;" |
His coobsfecting lightings and all of their unsaids existentially cavitating his visually fecund quantization of his freedom, uncertainty, and peace...] |
We see a Yod cavitation. 'Observe' how his eyes appropriately existentially cavitate fecund quantization (photons) of visual peace, uncertainty, and freedom. Doug's use of "unsaids" is an admission that light is and light issi naught, light may be referred as "that which issi naught." Doug - 15Jul2015. |
2 | Kaf~Yod~Waw~Noun~Yod~finalMem |
[Ki'Iyweneem: |
..."as mire, as liquid mud;" |
are as existential quantum~impermeable~grailings cavitating fecund quantization, its peace, its uncertainty, its freedom existentially cowithihn his cosmic biosphere...] | We see a Yod cavitation of fecund quantization. | |
3 | Aleph~Lammed - Aleph~Phay~Yod~Qof~Yod |
[Aal-Afiqei: |
..."on our borders;" |
Vital~impetus cavitating existential metabolism of unlimited existential possibilityings nurtured by existential reverberation of exalted cosmic~vital~impetus' evolutionings of all things...] |
We see Aleph cavitation of existential metabolism. We see a Yod cavitation of comic~vital~impetus. This has a sense of waves evolutionarily~transemerqantly lapping borders as beaches. |
4 | Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Maim: |
..."of waters;" |
of his existential biosphere cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] |
See Doug's Hologralexology of Maim. Waters as used here in OT means 'humanity.' 27Aug2015 rev - Correct Doug's phonemic, aural dyslexia of 'hear' to 'here.' |
5 | Raysh~Hhayt~Tsadde~Waw~Tav |
[Rahhatsot: |
..."washed;" |
washing his cosmic comtainment of archetypal spirit and its unlimited possibilityings structured and fecundating cosmic vital~impedance...] |
Compare Met and Tsot. I.e., Mem~Waw~Tav vis-à-vis Tsadde~Waw~Tav. |
6 | Bayt~Hhayt~Lammed~Vayt |
[Be'Hhalav: |
..."with milk;" |
with fluid reverberation of his spiritually unlimited possibilityings existentially metabolizing him...] | We see a Bayt~Vayt, ruby rod like silvered~semisilvered cavitation of unlimited spiritual possibilityings cowithihn existential metabolism. | |
7 | Yod~Sheen~Vayt~Waw~Tav |
[Ishbot: |
..."they swell, they become tumescent;" |
His eyes' existence at home swells with cosmic metabolism fecundating cosmic-vital~impedance...] | He sees much... | |
8 | Aleph~Lammed - Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Tav |
[Aal-Milet: |
..."in the multitude, in his cavitating fractally recursive hologram;" |
His cavitating cosmic vitally~impeded vital~impetus~existential~metabolismexistential~metabolic~vital~impetus of his Waters (his hoi poloi)...] |
...of his cavitating existential hologram. Doug chooses to see Aleph~Lammed and Lammed~Aleph as a quantum~hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]ic resonant cavity. His 'Waters' of his existential biosphere are cavitating while being cosmically~vitally~impeded. We may choose to view quanton(Aleph~Lammed,Lammed~Aleph) assa Notice how Lammed~Aleph (N¤) juxtaposes Tav's cosmic~vital~impedance! See Doug's Hologralexology of YahWeh. Doug - 15Jul2015. |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Lammed~Hhayt~Yod~Waw |
[Lehhayav: |
..."His cheeks are;" |
His existential metabolism puts fire ihn his face and his existence' fecundity...] | He flushes and blushes at quantum~presence of her. | |
2 | Kaf~Ayn~Raysh~Waw~Ghimel~Tav |
[Ka'Aroogot: |
..."like beds of;" |
as he existentially grails his turgid and rising efflux thus enlightening its cosmic comtainment's fecund organic movements and desires overriding cosmic vital~impedance resistance, and thus...] | He knows his spirit grails her spirit. These spiritual quantum~energyings of absolute flux are their common bonds; only they, paired, have this sensation omnique to their comjugation, and both are keenly aware of her as Bashertah and him as Bashert. | |
3 | Ha~Bayt~Seen~finalMem |
[Ha'Bossem: |
..."spices;" |
his life's home focuses its cosmic metabolism coherently on her cowithihn cosmic biosphere, so too...] | He desires her. | |
4 | Mem~Ghimel~Thallet~Lammed~Waw~Tav |
[Migdelot: |
..."yielding;" |
his existential biosphere's organic movement metabolizing a leaky existential flux gatewayveing existential metabolism's fecundity outwitting her cosmic vital~impedance, and...] | She resists him, but her desire weakens her resistance! | |
5 | Mem~Raysh~Qof~Hhayt~Waw~finalMem |
[Mer-Gahheem: |
..."fragrance;" |
his existential biosphere issi cosmically comtained yet cosmic~vital~impetus spiritually uplifts his fecundity cowithihn its cosmic biosphere...] | Fragrance as orgasm here! | |
6 | Seen~Phay~Tav~Waw~Tav~Yod~Waw |
[Siftotav: |
..."His lips are;" |
He experiences and bravely endeavors his challenge of her impermeable cosmic~vital~impedance cavitating his fecundity while his victorious fecundity issi cavitating existence' cowithihn her cosmic~vital~impedance, so...] |
We see Gestalt fractal recursive cavitations as {Tav~[Waw~Tav}~Yod~Waw]: {Tav~Waw~Tav}. amd [Waw~Tav~Yod~Waw]. {...}issi impermeable cosmic~vital~impedance cavitating his fecundity. Notice that this is female~male coital cavitation~vibration~reverberation~resonance n¤t aural~oral Peehou pulsation. [...]issi his fecundity cavitating existence' cosmic~vital~impedance. Notice this issi penile~vaginal, n¤t aural~oral. Sheen~just reflected~mirrored~echoed vibrationally from~Tav issi breathing~ihn, dark, Layla, night, vaginal, feminine (both two ihn one and one ihn two). Doug - 15-16Jul2015. |
7 | Sheen~Waw~Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem |
[Shoshanaim: |
..."lilies;" |
his very enduring hermaphroditic and diffuse cosmic metabolism cavitating his fecundity with his coherent flux allegorically "in a safe cave" quantizing his existential freedoms, uncertainties, and peace existentially cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] |
We see a very endarkening diffuse cosmic metabolism cavitating his fecundity and that coherent flux allegorically "in a safe cave" quantizing his existential freedoms, uncertainties, and peace cowithihn cosmic biosphere. Ponder Havyani in light of Shoshanaim. |
8 | Noun~Tayt~Phay~Yod~Tav |
[Notfot: |
..."distilling;" |
as his quantized peace, uncertainty and freedom's cellular unlimited possibilityings are cosmic~vitally~impeded cowithihn existence, and...] | ||
9 | Mem~Waw~Raysh |
[Mor: |
..."Myrrh;" |
his existential biosphere issi fecundating its cosmic comtainer, while...] |
Again, think of myrrh as Value, exchange Value for services rendered. Probably, sperm as living exchange Value. Invested in an ovum one garners huge cellular gains! Doug - 15Jul2015. |
10 | Ayn~Vayt~Raysh |
[Oover: |
..."flowing liquid;" |
his existential light and its antinomials straddling fluidly home cowithin cosmic comtainment...] | ||
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Yod~Dallet~Yod~Vav |
[Yadav: |
..."His arms;" |
Fecund cavitation of his gatewayveings cowithihn existence show...] |
We see cavitation of gatewayveings reverberating cowithihn existence. Suares writes, "This shows Quality of Resistance." Page 126, ibid. |
2 | Ghimel~Lammed~Yod~Lammed~Yod |
[Ghelilei: |
..."are rounded;" |
his archetypical organic movement of existential metabolism cavitating existence, while quantum~middle~including~existence fractally~recursively and Gestaltly cavitates existential metabolism, as...] |
We see a double Gestalt cavitation as {~Lammed~[Yod~Lammed}~Yod~] Doug - 16Jul2015. Suares writes, "Woman sees his hands in a circuit." |
3 | Zayn~Hay~Vayt |
[Zahav: |
..."gold;" |
golden, unlimited potentia of life's permeable home, as...] |
Compare Ahavah. " transmuted into gold." |
4 | Mem~Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Yod~finalMem |
[Memoolaim: |
..."set;" |
divine existential biospheric self cavitation of existential metabolism's vital~impetus of existence cocavitationally cowithihn cosmic biosphere, covering his...] |
We see a double Mem as an empty divine self~self cavitation. This double is divinely cavitating Lammed~Aleph~Yod cocavitationally with finalMem. This issi very tightly tuned existential biosphere cowithihn its cosmic biosphere. We see a superposition of existential cavitation and cosmic cavitation. According Suares this is intensely metabolic, pneumatic, breath, etc. |
5 | Bayt~Tav~Raysh~Sheen~Yod~Sheen |
[Be'Tarsheesh: |
..."with jewels;" |
body encountering cosmic~vital~impedance' cosmic comtainment of cosmic metabolism's cavitation of existence...] |
We see a single cavitation of ~Sheen~Yod~Sheen~. Jewelesque sparklings tightly packaged. Its cavitation Suares refers as "two breaths." |
6 | Mem~Ayn~Yod~Vav |
[Maav: |
..."His body;" |
His fecundity biosphering his radiance cowithihn existence...] | "...his belly..." | |
7 | Ayn~Sheen~Tav |
[Ayshet: |
..."a work of;" |
his body issi his radiance cosmically metabolising its cosmic vital~impedance...] |
Compare Aleph as Shyt, Genesis I:1. Compare Aleph~Sheen~Tav. Ayn takes Aleph's place, and opens memes of quantum~electro~dynamics as existential work of quantum~adaptation and ~transmutation: QED. Compare Aleph's role as specified in Gen I:1 as one of quantum~creation, QCD. "...strong..." |
8 | Sheen~finalNoun |
[Shen: |
..."ivory;" |
his body as cosmic metabolism of a cosmic life quantizing peace, uncertainty, and freedom...] | ||
9 | Mem~Ayn~Lammed~Phay~Tav |
[Mailefet: |
..."encrusted with;" |
issi existential biosphere's radiance metabolizing unlimited possibilityings cosmically, vitally impeded...] |
Suares, p. 127, "Mailefet is a complete equation. The sequence Mem~Ayn~Lammed~Phay~Tav: (, expresses the entire biological process in its relation to Tav. It is mysterious and has been said to be frightening. Its root is Ayleph, Ayn~Lammed~Phay, is a permutation of Aleph: Aleph: 1.30.800 its idiomatic meaning is to cover, to wrap, to be frightened, weak, faint. Some rabbis thought it to be the very expression of sacrilege. What better corroboration of that meaning than the last schema, Sapireem, the Sepher changed to Sapphires?" Sepher issi book. To change the book into stones is as frightening as 9 Av. Correlate Sepher Yetsira, Book of Formation. Peter means stone. It patriarchically-petrifies that which it touches with dialectic's Exclusive Static Quality (ESQ: Pirsig). We see classical mindset's Stux Sux aka death, dead objects. Compare quantum nous' abiding Flux issi Crux aka life, living quantons! |
10 | Sammekh~Phay~Lammed~Yod~Lammed~finalMem |
[Sapireem: |
..."sapphires;" |
with feminine fecundity's unlimited possibilityings borne of metabolic cavitation of existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] | We see, similar jewels, metabolic cavitation of existence as sparkle. | |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Sheen~Qof~Yod~Vav |
[Shoqav: |
..."His legs are;" |
His cosmic metabolism's cosmic~vital~impetus fecundly destroys all existential illusions...] |
Standing tall, implacable, fearless. Suares emphasizes that his two legs represent Aleph~Tav and Tav~Aleph, Autiot's Reality Loop, Atta. |
2 | Ayn~Mem~Waw~Dallet~Yod |
[Aamodei: |
..."columns of;" |
while his stalwart brilliance compenetrates his existential biosphere's fecund gatewayveings ihnto existence...] | ||
3 | Sheen~Sheen |
[Shesh: |
..."alabaster;" |
of pure whiteness of his resonant~cavitating cosmic~metabolismcosmic~metabolism...] |
We see bare~desnoured cavitation of Sheen, cowithihn all its staggering white light. Again, Suares emphasizes that his two legs represent Aleph~Tav and Tav~Aleph, Autiot's Reality Loop, Atta. Here we have an opportunity to show a triple~nested, quantum~palindromic cavitation: ~{Aleph~[Sheen~(Tav~Tav)~Sheen]~Aleph}~ Attempt to write Autiot script for that! Do it while realising Aleph~Sheen~Tav issi "breathing out, masculine," and Tav~Sheen~Aleph issi "breathing in, feminine." Obtain: whatever is easy to script in quantons, sometimes issi much more challenging to translate~write from Autiot. Compare Seen~Sheen! Ruby rod analogy... Doug - 17Jul2015. |
4 | Mem~Yod~Sammekh~Dallet~Yod~finalMem |
[Meyossadeem: |
..."set upon;" |
having Iht's (both his and her) way cowithihn her nested cavitation of her feminine gatewayveings opening and closing resonantly ihn existence, all cowithihn and cavitated by her reverberating biosphere cowithihn Iht's cosmic biosphere...] |
We see a comcentric cavitation like this: ~{Mem~[Yod~Sammekh~Dallet~Yod]~finalMem}~ We have cavitation of feminine gatewayveings opening and closing resonantly cowithihn existence. That cavitation issi reverberating cowithihn an encompassing cavitation of her existential biosphere vibrating cowithihn its cosmic biosphere. He issi having his way with Her. quantons(She,He) quantons(Iht,They) An ultimate living, evolving We have to keep apparent ihn our minds that coitus issi profoundly "Ben Adam," evolution of vital~impetus (Iht) cowithihn both her blood and his blood. Notice a quantum~coherent fractally~recursive spiritual trinity of 1,2,3. cavitation(123,123), cavitation(1.2.3,1.10.100). AbgAyeek! Doug - 17Jul2015 |
5 | Ayn~Lammed - Aleph~Dallet~Noun~Yod - Pay~Zayn |
[Aal-Adoni-Paz: |
..."bases of gold;" |
together they form existential radiance of vital~impetus' golden quantal~gatewayveings' freedom, uncertainty and peace ihn existence, and...] |
Their omnification cowithihn Iht issi pure gold. See Doug's quantum~coining of omnify. |
6 | Mem~Raysh~Aleph~Hay~Waw |
[Marahoo: |
..."appearance is;" |
their mutual existential biospheres are cosmically comtained, fecundating their lives' vital~impetus...] | ||
7 | Kaf~Lammed~Vayt~Noun~Waw~finalNoun |
[Ka'Levanon: |
..."like Lebanon;" |
Our existential grailing metabolisms's homes are quantizing our freedoms, our indeterminations and our peace perpetually being cosmically~quantized cowithihn cosmic life...] |
We see resonant cavitation of three fecundities (Iht's, Hers, His) among existential and cosmic quantizationings. As Suares' writes, "A double process." Spelled out Noun issi this double cavitational process: Noun~Waw~finalNoun, just as it appears quantum~coherently cowithihn Lebanon. According Suares, this use of Lebanon has naught to do with Lebanon as a place, as a city, as a state. It means 'white,' which represents an abstract unsolved omniscription of a double process. |
8 | Bayt~Hhayt~Waw~Raysh |
[Be'Hhoor: |
..."choice;" |
and their trinity chooses their home spiritually fecundating their cosmic comtainment...] | ||
9 | Kaf~Aleph~Raysh~Zayn~Yod~finalMem |
[Ka'Erezeem: |
..."as cedars;" |
while their omnity issi existentially grailing vital~impetus' (Iht's and Their) cosmic comtainment iridescing unlimited potentia cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] | We can view a female cedar tree as an existential cosmic comtainment of unlimited potentia. | |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Hhayt~Kaf~Waw |
[Hhiko: |
..."His speech is;" |
His spiritual unlimited possibilityings are fecundly grailing my existential desires...] | ||
2 | Mem~Mem~Tav~Qof~Yod~finalMem |
[Mamtaqeem: |
..."most sweet;" |
His divine existential biosphere issi experiencing impermeable cosmic~vital~impedance of cosmic~vital~impetus cowithihn existence cavitating cowithihn Iht's reverberating cosmic biosphere...] |
We see Mem~Mem barely cavitating finalMem. Tav~Qof~Yod are experiencing this divine and cosmic cavitation of them. Cavitation of "cosmic~vital~impedance of cosmic~vital~impetus cowithihn existence." |
3 | Waw~Khaf~Lammed~Waw |
[We'Kkoulo: |
..."and he is all together;" |
His fecund cavitation of my permeable existential grailing of existential metabolism...] |
We see fecundity cavitating, "permeable existential grailing of existential metabolism." This is very vaginal, vagina as a sheath, a grail. |
4 | Mem~Hhayt~Mem~Dallet~Yod~finalMem |
[Mahhamadeem: |
..."desirable;" |
His spiritually divine existential and cosmic biospheric cavitation of my gatewayveings cowithihn existence...] | We see a nested cavitation of 40.8.40...600 biospherically cavitating Dallet~Yod: 40.4. | |
5 | Zayn~Hay |
[Zeh: |
..."this;" |
His unlimited potentia affecting my life so that...] | We see Zayn happening to life. | |
6 | Dallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod |
[Dodi: |
..."as antinomial SOrONic lovers;" |
My double resistances fecundate their bimodal union...] |
We see a Double~Dallet. Here Double Dallet appears as quantum~complementary~antinomiality of two lovers embedded cowithihn complementary~antinomiality of Autiot's Reality Loop metabolizing cosmically and existentially their mutual existential and cosmic livings and dyings. One Dallet issi gating fecundity, other Dallet issi gating existence. |
7 | Waw~Zayn~Hay |
[We'Zeh: |
..."an this;" |
and His unlimited potentia affecting my life so that...] | ||
8 | Raysh~Ayn~Yod |
[Reayi: |
..."is my friend;" |
He cosmically comtains my light of existence, I tell you...] | ||
9 | Bayt~Noun~Waw~Tav |
[Benot: |
..."daughters of;" |
evolution issi fecundulating my vital~impedance...] |
'ot' issi feminine plural,' suffixed to 'boy' Women are responsible for Men, sowing seed, go unimpeded. |
10 | Yod~Raysh~Waw~Sheen~Lammed~finalMem |
[Yero'Shalom: |
..."Jerusalem;" |
cowithihn our existential cosmic comtainment fecundating cosmic metabolism's actualization as existential metabolism cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] |
Sheen~Lammed~Mem Suares sometimes shows We then have, "existential |