
Doug's Translation
Song of Songs V
Verses 1-8
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Song of Songs V:1-8:

Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.

Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...

...quantum aspects of Song of Songs from their readers.

Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.). An outlier of interest here is Delores Cannon's opus re Jesus' Essene (Qumran) Gnosis (Specifically see her They Walked with Jesus.).

Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, especially in Song of Songs. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica Doug is unsure whether it is available elsewhere and in Suares' quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believes Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist. But Gnosis shows us that monism is deceit. Doug believes latter, not Suares' apparent monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can.

Doug shows, for each verse and word of Chapter V of Song of Songs, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes, thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Song of Songs)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Song of Songs
Doug Renselle

Song of Songs V:1 Song of Songs V:2 Song of Songs V:3 Song of Songs V:4 Song of Songs V:5 Song of Songs V:6 Song of Songs V:7  Song of Songs V:8

Song of Songs V:9-16

Her home is one of vital~impetus resonating, recapitulating vital~impedance cowithihn existence.
Her self's alter ego quantum complement issi metabolizing organic movement evolving her life and her life's quantization as freedom, uncertainty, and peace cowithihn her existence.
Her quantum~complement's vital~impetus issi evoking her reverberating spiritual unlimited possibilityings echoing her vital~impedance cowithihn her existence.
Their grailing together (in union), their twoness cowithihn spiritual oneness challenging vital~impedancings of their lives together cowithihn existence.
Her vital~impetus issi cosmically comtaining resonantly vital~impedance cowithihn her existence.
Her existential biosphere's fecundation of cosmic comtainment cowithihn existence,
with existential light's quantum~nexus twixt her and her cosmic biosphere.
Her home of her focused cosmic metabolism issi biosphered cowithihn existence.
Her vital~impetus issi permeably grailing her metabolism and encountering vital~impedance cowithihn existence.
Her existence resonates her light cosmically comtained,
with existential light's quantum~nexus twixt her and her cosmic biosphere.
Her double resistancings are home of her nourishing cosmic metabolism cowithihn her.
Her vital~impetus (Sheen~Yod~Tav as Aleph) impeded by an intervening vital~impedance, resisting her cosmic metabolism's transmutation of her existential quantum~wave~functionings.
Her divine intoxication quantizes her freedom, uncertainty, and peace cowithihn existence,
with existential light's quantum~nexus twixt her and her cosmic biosphere.
Her spiritual food (Hhallah) of her metabolism issi at home cowithihn her existence.
Her vital~impetus issi permeably grailing her existential metabolism fecundly.
Her cosmic comtainment of her light's existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere.
Inebriate (verb) her vital~impedance fecundly.
She encourages all to fecundly, resonantly cosmically metabolize via a permeable grail their cosmic comtainers.
Enjoy my double bivalently gating fecundities existentially cowithihn your cosmic biospheres.

Doug - 28-30Jun,5-6Jul2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

Retranslation of Song of Songs V:1

Song of Songs V Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Bayt~Aleph~Tav~Yod



..."I came,
I am evolving;"

Her home is one of vital~impetus resonating, recapitulating vital~impedance cowithihn existence...]

Doug's version of this idiom issi "I am evolving, I am cosmically metabolizing." She is resaying her Song of Songs theme: Alt, Aleph~Lammed~Tav.

Compare Amt, Aleph~Mem~Tav:

YahWeh (Aleph), mother (Em), birth (mother),
biosphere (Mem, womb), death (Met, Mot, Mawt), truth (Emet)
(some from Mitchell Chefitz, his T7thT, pp. 218-219. Doug added biosphere, YahWeh n¤t as 'god,' rather as demiurge, and multiple death 'spellings').

Chefitz issi saying, paraphrased in quantonicsese
"Truth issi quantons(life,death)," and we all now
fathom that is Qabala's Game of Life Autiot Reality Loop
existential metabolic cycling quantum~commingling
cosmic metabolic cyclings Quantum HotMeme™.

Doug - 5,7Jul2015.

2 Lammed~Ghimel~Noun~Yod



..."into garden of me;"

Her self's alter ego quantum complement metabolizing organic movement evolving her life and life's quantization freedom, uncertainty, and peace cowithihn her existence...] Her spiritual life assa quanton(quantization,quanton(freedom,quanton(uncertainty,peace))).
3 Aleph~Hhayt~Tav~Yod



..."sister of me;"

Her quantum~complement's vital~impetus evoking her reverberating spiritual unlimited possibilityings echoing her vital~impedance cowithihn her existence...]

By invoking evolution we see her garden as a complement of her, a complementary~antinomial sister of her:


This is very similar Pirsig assa quanton(Iht,Pirsig).

This issi a spiritual quantum~middle~inclusion!

Compare orchard (Pay~Raysh~Dallet~Sammekh: paradise).

Compare Doug's paradise and paradice
(Pay~Raysh~Dallet~Qof: paradice, plural of paradox).

Doug uses Qof as Catalyan 'ç' as in Autiot's 'cinnamon.'
(Catalan: language of Catalonia.)

Compare grove, say of almonds, figs, dates, olives, myrtle, myrrha, etc.

Doug - 28Jun2015.

4 Khaf~Lammed~Hay



[..."wedded, permeably grailing SOrON;"]

Their grailing together (in union), their twoness cowithihn spiritual oneness challenging vital~impedancings of their lives together cowithihn existence...]

Kalah: [Kahhati:] Their taking hands twoness permeably grailing cowithihn spiritual oneness together challenging vitally~impedance of their livings.

Both bride and groom issi quanton(bride,groom).



Quanton(1,quanton(30,400)) issi Alt.

In some cases masculine is 1 else 2.

In some cases feminine is 2 else 1.

We see first two primes as radically self~other quantum~complementary~antinomial.

Doug - 20Jun,7Jul2015.

5 Aleph~Raysh~Yod~Tav~Yod



..."I gathered;"

Her vital~impetus issi cosmically comtaining resonantly vital~impedance cowithihn her existence...]

Resonance of Tav cowithihn two Yods evident here.

Compare this to Pirsig's mentions of importance of arête (Gr.). Arête, Greek Godess of Excellence.

Note, in quantum~reality Greek dialectica and their Koine are classical-antithetics, -opposites of quantum~linguistic~thinkqing. Pirsig refers dialectic "...a genetic defect in human reason."

6 Mem~Waw~Raysh~Yod



..."myrrh of me;"

Her existential biosphere's fecundation of cosmic comtainment cowithihn existence...]

View myrrh as Value~flux. In Qabala, there issi n¤ 'value-stux.'

Myrrh assa flux issi Zahav assa flux assa Value~flux...

Doug - 6Jul2015.

7 Ayn~finalMem




with existential light's quantum~nexus twixt me and my cosmic biosphere...]
8 Bayt~Seen~Mem~Yod



..."spice of me;"

Her home of her focused cosmic metabolism biosphered cowithihn existence...]

Shem may mean 'name.'

Her spice effervescence issi her identity,her 'name.'

9 Aleph~Khaf~Lammed~Thav~Yod



..."I ate;"

Her vital~impetus issi permeably grailing her metabolism and encountering vital~impedance cowithihn existence...]

We may view 'throat' as a leaky existential grail which passes food into stomach as vital~impedance.

Similar Shetiti below where Sheen~Tav~Yod~Tav issi Shyt with an extra Tav before Yod, we see Aleph~Khaf~Lammed~Tav assa Alt with an extra Khaf before Lammed.

So we see below Shyt with an extra Tav, and
we see Alt (theme of Song of Songs) with an extra Khaf.

Aleph~Lammed~Tav iss similar Sheen~Yod~Tav in respect those
extra insertions of Khaf (a permeable grail) and Tav (an extra vital~impedance)

Alt issi vital~impedance using existential metabolism to comfront vital~impedance.

Shyt issi cosmic metabolism's 'hammer' transforming all existence, reshaping (emerqing) its quantum~wavicles on vital~impedance's anvil.

Please compare and ponder words 9 and 13 of this verse.

Shetiti's "I cann¤t always have my way," issi notably similar
Ikelti's "I am always evolving, perpetually, ubiquitously."

Food and wine are energyings of our perpetual evolution which some of us refer, "An adventure of life," "Qabala's Game of Life," "A Quantum Life Motif™."

Adventure of life: Hay~Raysh~Pay~Tav~Qof~Noun (Harpatka: adventure) Shel'Hhaim (of life).

Game of Life: Ehieh (Qabala) Esher (Witnesses) Ehieh (Qabala). (Mosheh, Exodus III:14.)

A Quantum Life Motif: Mem~Raysh~finalTsadde (Marets: energy) Mem~Ayn~Tayt~Phay~Hay (Metapha: packet) Haim (life) Raysh~Ayn~Yod~Waw~finalNoun (Rayon: motif).

Doug - 30Jun2015.

10 Yod~Ayn~Raysh~Yod



..."honeycomb of me;"

Her existence resonates her light cosmically comtained...] We see existential resonance of existential light cosmically comtained.
11 Ayn~finalMem




with existential light's quantum~nexus twixt me and my cosmic biosphere...]
12 Dallet~Vayt~Sheen~Yod



..."honey of me;"

Her double resistancings are home of her nourishing cosmic metabolism cowithihn her...]
13 Sheen~Tav~Yod~Tav~Yod



..."I drank;"

Her vital~impetus (Sheen~Yod~Tav as Aleph) impeded by an intervening vital~impedance, resisting her cosmic metabolism's transmutation of her existential quantum~wave~functionings...]

Sheen~Yod~Tav (Shyt) issi Aleph as archetypical vital~impetus with Sheen hammering Yod against its shaping~morphing~transmuting anvil Tav.

So Doug Sees first Tav after Sheen vitally impeding Sheen's hammering of Yod against second Tav, all of this transforming existence itself as second Yod.

In this case translator's idiom simply doesn't grasp what appears to be a better sema.

Doug's idiom would be, "I cann¤t always have my way."

Sheen may n¤t always metabolize Yod.

This may be divinity of Yayeen removing inhibitions of her doing what her metabolism insists.

Sexual excitement in coital male~female blinds them to nearly all external threats. Watch mating robins ignore an oncoming vehicle.

This partially explains quick departure of male after coitus, to save himself and her from such threats.

Doug - 28Jun,6Jul2015.

14 Yod~Yod~Noun~Yod



..."wine of me;"

Her divine intoxication quantizes her freedom, uncertainty, and peace cowithihn existence...]

This could also be pronounced in idiom YaYeeni!

Again, Yod~Yod is divine.

15 Ayn~finalMem




with existential light's quantum~nexus twixt you and your cosmic biosphere...]

Here we see light as quantum~middle~inclusion.

Like vision includes what you see cowithihn you, hologrally.

Ditto what you hear, feel, smell, think, say, do, etc.

Quantons(scin,quan) with comma n¤~space as QED phoxons.

16 Hhayt~Lammed~Vayt~Yod



..."milk of me;"

Her spiritual food (Hhallah) of her metabolism at home cowithihn her existence...] Vayt issi permeable, here, to support lactation.
17 Aleph~Khaf~Lammed~Waw




Her vital~impetus permeably grailing her existential metabolism fecundly...]
18 Raysh~Ayn~Yod~finalMem




Her cosmic comtainment of her light's existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]
19 Sheen~Tav~Waw




Inebriate her vital~impedance fecundly...] Spiritual feeling via inebriation.
20 Waw~Sheen~Khaf~Raysh~Waw



..."and drink fill!;"

She encourages all to fecundly, resonantly cosmically metabolize via a permeable grail their cosmic comtainers...] We see resonance Sheen~Khaf~Raysh cowithihn existential fecundity.
21 Dallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod~finalMem




Enjoy my double bivalently gating fecundities existentially cowithihn your cosmic biospheres...]

All lovers drink my wine and be happy.

Suares asks us to view this as Aleph cowithihn each of us speaking to us and asking us to enjoy life's adventure and be happy.

Fathom Dallet~Waw~Dallet too as fractallyq recursingq reverberationq of fecundityq cowithihn double gatewayveings.

It's a kind of quantum~plural breastation.

Doug - 6Jul2015.

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Vital~impetus issi quantizing Her freedom, uncertainty, and peace cowithihn existence.
Her existence issi cosmically metabolizing and quantizing freedom, indetermination and peace of Her life.
She experiences fecund metabolism of her home cowithihn existence.
She perceives cosmic comtainment of light of her life.
She and her lover co experience cosmic~vital~impetus' fecundity of their mutual metabolisms.
Her double resistances fecundate their bimodal union.
Their opportunities for all possible gatings of their mutual fecundities incited by cosmic~vital~impetus [Qof].
Their unlimited spiritual possibilityings encounter vital~impedance of their mutually cavitating and wide open metabolisms.
Their qabalic~spiritual life cyclings are driven by vital~impetus and restricted by vital~impedance of them cowithihn existence.
He appears as cosmic comtainment of his life's light ihn existence while its vital~impedance issi being cavitated by His life's existence.
His existential fecundity quantizing Her freedom, uncertainty, and peace encounters vital impedance cowithihn their mutual existence.
Their vital~impedances are enfolding their biospheres cowithin existence.
She experiences Her cosmic metabolism's cavitation of Her cosmic comtainment of vital~impetus cowithihn existence.
They are quantizing their biospheric freedoms, uncertainties, and peace metabolizing them via vital~impetus' cellular cavitating metabolisms.
Their cosmic~vital~impetus' fecundity cavitates their fecund structuration vitally~impeded cowithihn existence.
Their cosmic comtainment issi doubly reverberating Her womb cowithin existence and existence cowithihn her womb.
They experience cavitation of their metabolic coexistences as their qabalic Quantum~Life~Motifs™.

[This is toughest verse I have experienced since I started doing these translations in April, 2015.
Please read Suares' SoS to grasp this verse's fullness. It is jammed with goodies!]

Doug - 30Jun,2-3,6Jul2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

Retranslation of Song of Songs V:2

This verse is heart of Song of Songs.

Its V is Hay.5.

Its 2 issi Bayt~Vayt comtainer: home. This represents quantum~complementary~antinomial pairing of existentially
comtained (B[V]ayt energy~wellings whose evolutionings follow Veyn~Beyn new beginnings and old endings.

Recall that in Sepher Yetsira both Aleph (anagrammed) and Vayt (anagrammed) are created as Phayliot (sixth word of SY:1) and Nativot (fifth word of SY:1).

Doug - 30Jun-2Jul2015.

. . .

Song of Songs V Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation
(Suares uses Qabala's Person here and it simply does not jibe RSV naïveté; see Doug's comcision, next column.)

1 Aleph~Noun~Yod




vital~impetus quantizing Her freedom, uncertainty, and peace cowithihn existence...] "I am quantizing, free, uncertain, and peaceful cowithihn existence."
2 Yod~Sheen~Noun~Hay



..."though asleep in duration;"

Her existence cosmically metabolizing and quantizing freedom, indetermination and peace of Her life...] "Existence quantum fluxially coresides~cohabits, coherently~coinsides cosmic metabolism quantizing, freely, uncertainly, peacefully and we call it 'life existence.' "
3 Waw~Lammed~Bayt~Yod



..."my heart beats;"

She experiences fecund metabolism of her home cowithihn existence...] "cowithihn my fecund existential home my heart metabolises my livings."
4 Ayn~Raysh




She perceives cosmic comtainment of light of her life...] Ayr assa Ayn~Yod~Raysh issi city. "...light of my cosmic comtainment." A kind of wakeful cosmic awareness~perception.
5 Qof~Waw~Lammed



..."maturity of us, both female and male;"

She and her lover co experience cosmic~vital~impetus' fecundity of their mutual metabolisms...] "...cosmic vital~impetus maturely fecundates our existential metabolisms..."
6 Dallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod



..."as antinomial SOrONic lovers;"

Her double resistances fecundate their bimodal union...]

We see a Double~Dallet. Here Double Dallet appears as quantum~complementary~antinomiality of two lovers embedded cowithihn complementary~antinomiality of Autiot's Reality Loop metabolizing cosmically and existentially their mutual existential and cosmic livings and dyings.

One Dallet issi gating fecundity, other Dallet issi gating existence.

7 Dallet~Waw~Phay~Qof



..."enticing one another, hearts beating antinomially;"

their opportunities for all possible gatings of their mutual fecundities incited by cosmic~vital~impetus[Qof]...]

Suares shows us that antinomialism, a quantum~complementary kind, issi essence of this Verse 2 of Chapter V of Song of Songs.

We see V as 5 as Hay.5 as "life," "La Hhaim!"

We see 2 as sexual, marital, mate pairing of quantons(EWings,EWings), quantons(Aut,Aut), quantons(qwfs,qwfs), quantons(Shæ.Hæ). Two! Two cowithihn one. One cowithihn two. "What will you do when you become two?"

Learn to harmonize your mutual impedances!

Suares writes, "The schemata of this verse contain a double Dallet, three double Yod, a double Tav, a double Sheen, a double Waw, a double Sammekh, and a [two] double Lammed[s]. The key word, translated 'knocking,' is Dofeq (Dallet~Waw~Phay~Qof: pulse." Page 112, SoS.

All of those doubles represent a divine (for Doug's attempted use of a better word) redemption of each said pair of Autiot:

Doug refers these Song of Songs, Chapter V, Verse 2 'doubles'
Suares' Divine Redemptive Doubles
1 Dallet: divine archetypal comtainment, fencing, dooring, windowing.
2 Yod: divine existence playing Qabala.
3 Tav: divine impedance, keeping life perpetually~ubiquitously evolving.
4 Sheen: divine cosmic~metabolism scin~quantally chancing all, choosing all, and always changing all.
5 Waw: double fecundity of mated pairs procreating n¤væl livings.
6 Sammekh: quanton(ovum,sperm) divinity of a self evolving larvum which matures into a newborn which then adventures (verb) its own life trajectory.
7 Lammed: divinity of existential metabolism cowithihn cosmic metabolism QCDing and QEDing existence perpetually~ubiquitously.

It issi a tad esoteric, but there are also seven Aut whose symbol pronunciations and sema are doubles too: 1 - Bayt~Vayt, 2 - Ghimel~Djimel, 3 - Dallet~Thallet, 4 - Kaf~Khaf, 5 - Pay~Phay, 6 - Seen~Sheen, and 7 - Tav~Thav.

These are described rather well in Part 2, Section 9 of Suares' Sepher Yetsira.

Doug fallibly uses five of (seven semantic~pronunciation) doubles 1 (Bayt), 3 (Dallet), 4 (Kaf), 5 (Pay), and 7 (Tav) as impermeables~permeables and n¤n leakies~leakies. Sheen and Seen represent typically diffuse (sees forest and trees) vis-à-vis focused (sees trees only), and so on...

For permeable examples, windows may be opaque,clear and open,closed, grails may cup and channel perfectly,sieve~like, impedances may be imperfect,perfect (ruby rod laser's silvering vav semisilvering ends), etc.

Only three of those semantic~pronunciation doubles appear in Doug's list of Suares' seven 'divine redemption' doubles above.

Key to this word, though, is Suares' use of 'pulse.' We see Cosmic~Aleph, Qof, commingling, straddling existence and cosmos: quantons(cosmos,existence). It issi an ultimate quantum~middle~inclusion which destroys all deceit, all illusion, and all delusion.

Pulse to Doug means quantization attended by twoness cowithihn oneness of quantum~scintillation. Essence of cosmic~vital~impetus!

Doug - 1-3Jul2015.

8 Pay~Tav~Hhayt~Yod - Lammed~Yod

(80.400.8.10 - 30.10)

[Pit'Hhi - Li:

..."open to me;"

their unlimited spiritual possibilityings encounter vital~impedance of their mutually cavitating and wide open metabolisms...]

Hæ says to Hær, "Open yourself for me, from you I am being born." SoS, p. 110.

Hypotheses borne of this word are plethoric. Abundance of sema here issi staggering!

One possibility issi that Shæ will make a n¤væl Hihm. But Shæ can also make a Hær. Shæ can make n¤væl multiples of both. Clearly there is masculine-patriarchal gender bias here. Essentially that kind of classical masculine gender bias is satan worseship. Males tend to be sources of most evil on earth. Dialectic does this to them, in spades. They intuitively see quantum~antinomialism as classical-opposition. They (predominately males) do n¤t understand the logos, the account!

Doug - 2Jul2015.

9 Aleph~Hhayt~Tav~Yod



..."Our Qabala's impeding one another;"

their qabalic~spiritual life cyclings driven by vital~impetus and restricted by vital~impedance of them cowithihn existence...]

Altering Blavatsky's "Ah~Hi" Qabala to show vital~impedance embedded cowithihn Ah~Hi then as Ah~Tav~Hi. (Two Hays. emerge from Hhayt.)

Compare her Qabala Ah~Hi with Moses' Qabala Ehieh (also Ahyeh).

All three mean quantum~both Aleph~living ~and Yod~living, together. this issi essence of Autiot's Metabolic Reality Loop: quantum~breathing~out and quantum~breathing~ihn together (Atta).

We fathom 'living' as this perpetual~ubiquitous both existential~ and cosmic~metabolic qycloids middle~including one another an all: "La Hhaim!"

Compare Alt (theme of SoS) and Ahht: 1.30.400 and 1.8.400. When one does that comparison one commences fathoming At (and Ta: Atta) as an antinomial metabolism of The Game of Life: Qabala! Hhayt shows unlimited possibilityings of Qabala's Atta metabolism!

Hær game of Qabala and his game of Qabala are antinomially impeding one another, and they call it "mature love" of them. Their maturity manifests itself as their self~other harmony of self~other management of their unique mixturings of their mutual impetuses and impedances all at once.

Suares writes, "...two partners [both Aleph and Yod] for and against each other..." Page 111, SoS. Readers please observe that Aleph as Shyt (Gen I:1) shows us that Sheen, Yod, and Tav are Aleph in its metabolic processings of evolution, quantum~evolution! All Yod are qwfs! All qwfs are Yod.

Again, this is life's essence: quantum~metabolic~complementary~antinomialism.

Suares refers this verse, "The heart of the Song."

Ahht: heart of SoS,
Alt: theme of SoS.

Doug 1-3Jul2015.

10 Raysh~Ayn~Yod~Tav~Yod



..."darling of me;"

He appears as cosmic comtainment of his life's light ihn existence while its vital~impedance issi being cavitated by His life's existence...]

We see a Double~Yod.

Yod~Tav~Yod is an existential cavitation of vital~impedance.

Raysh~Ayn issi cosmic comtainment of existential light.

11 Yod~Waw~Noun~Tav~Yod



..."dove of me;"

His existential fecundity quantizing Her freedom, uncertainty, and peace encounters vital impedance cowithihn their mutual existence...]

We see a Double~Yod.

Waw~Noun~Tav assa fecund quantization of freedom, uncertainty, and peace encountering vital~impedance reverberating cowithin a pair of existences.

Dove issi often thought, interpreted 'Israel.'

12 Tav~Mem~Tav~Yod



..."flawless one of me;"

their vital~impedances are enfolding their biospheres cowithin existence...]

We see a Double~Tav.

"...existential biosphere trapped and struggling flawlessly~resonantly twixt two vital~impedances, all happening cowithihn existence..." This is dialectical perfection as classical state, classical stux sux.

Doug - 2Jul2015.

13 Sheen~Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Yod



..."for head of me;"

Her cosmic metabolism's cavitation of Her cosmic comtainment of vital~impetus cowithihn existence...]

We see a Double~Sheen.

"...metabolic cavitation of cosmically comtained vital~impetus cowithihn existence..."

Rosh issi head issi capit.

14 Noun~Mem~Lammed~Aleph - Tayt~Lammed

( - 9.30)

[Nimla - Tal:

..."being drenched dew;"

They are quantizing their biospheric freedoms, uncertainties, and peace metabolizing them via vital~impetus' cellular cavitating metabolisms...] We see a Double~Lammed.
15 Qof~Waw~Tsadde~Waw~Tav~Yod



..."hairs of me;"

Their cosmic~vital~impetus' fecundity cavitates their fecund structuration vitally~impeded cowithihn existence...]

We see a Double~Waw.

Waw~Tsadde~Waw: "...fecund cavitation of existential structuration..."

16 Raysh~Sammekh~Yod~Sammekh~Yod



..."dampnesses of;"

Their cosmic comtainment doubly reverberating her womb cowithin existence and existence cowithihn her womb...]

We see a Double~Sammekh. We see a Double~Yod.

View dampness as middle~inclusion of water cowithihn, say a sponge, a cloth, a cake...

That middle~inclusion appears to Doug, here, as two overlapping resonantq cavities:

  1. 60.10.60
  2. 10.60.10

"...existence reverberating cowithihn two wombs, and
a womb resonating cowithihn two existences..."

quanton(Sammekh,Yod): Sammekh issi ihn Yod, and Yod issi ihn Sammekh!

To Doug this issi quantum~cavitational~complementary~antinomialism aperio.

How would we write drying of this cavitation?

What would 'exist' with all? moisture removed?

How does this relate to clouds?

Doug - 2-3Jul2015.

17 Lammed~Yod~Lammed~Hay




they experience cavitation of their metabolic coexistences as their qabalic quantum~life~motifs...]

We see a Double~Lammed.

In a way, life issi cavitating metabolisms evolving existence.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

I am [Shæ is] experiencing my [Hær] unlimited possibilityings of my [Hær] cosmic metabolised self [cell] cosmic~permeably vitally impeded cowithihn existence.
My vital~impetus' directly encountering its impermeable cosmic vital~impedance affects [abducts] existential impermeable grailing of my existential quantizationings peace, uncertainty, and
freedom resonating cowithihn two permeable cosmic vital~impedancings all happening cowithihn my existence.
I sense vital~impetus of existence divinely [permeably] grailing~channeling my life.
My vital~impetus encountering its cosmic vital~impedance issi existentially metabolising me cowithihn cosmic metabolism's quantization of my life's peace, uncertainty, and freedom.
Cosmic comtainment of my spirit's unlimited possibilityings encountering cosmic vital impedance cowithihn my existence.
My vital~impetus issi cosmically comtained cowithihn my feet and their radical organic movementings and their existential radically evolutionary metabolism.
I sense vital~impetus of existence divinely [permeably] grailing~channeling my life.
Vital~impetus of my self's [cell's] quantized unlimited possibilityings of my peace, uncertainty, freedom cowithihn cosmos' biosphere.

Doug - 3,9Jul2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

Retranslation of Song of Songs V:3

Song of Songs V Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Pay~Sheen~Tayt~Thav~Yod



..."I put off;"

My [Hær] unlimited possibilityings of my [Hær] cosmic metabolised self [cell] cosmic~permeably vitally impeded cowithihn existence...]

Peshet (root) is "...the extreme simplification of unstructured energy, through breath, in a single cell~element." Suares, SOS, p. 113.

Doug, quantumly would show this using Quantonicsese as:

quanton(isoPlanck_quanton,Planck_quanton) which in Quantonics issi a quanton(isogluon,becoming~Planck_boson).

From our Quantonics Symbols page, MoQ~Quanton:





Then, Planck's least quantum:

After that we show a Planck's Least Quanton,


Thence dynamically:

These represent P[h]ay's least quantum unstructured iso possibilityings as they may appear structured cowithihn SQ~Yod.

Dotted blue issi quantum~isoflux
unstructured possibilityings.

Solid black represents SQ-Yod quantum~bosonic~structured~existence.

Doug - 3Jul2015.

2 Aleph~Tav - Kaf~Thav~Noun~Thav~Yod

(1.400 - 20.400.50.400.10)


..."my garment;"

My vital~impetus' directly encountering its impermeable cosmic vital~impedance affects [abducts] existential impermeable grailing of my existential quantizationings peace, uncertainty, and freedom resonating cowithihn two permeable cosmic vital~impedancings all happening cowithihn my existence...]

Cavitation of Thav~Noun~Thav!

Quantization's existential peace, uncertainty, and freedom issi resonating cowithihn two permeable cosmic vital~impedances.

Hær garment does n¤t hermetically seal n¤r dialectically separate Hær quantum~spiritually from all of quantum~reality.

Suares paraphrased, "I have discarded [dialectical Error's] SOM's Walls."

Aleph~Tav issi Atta's breathing~out semi qycloid.

3 Aleph~Yod~Khaf~Khaf~Hay



..."how could I;"

I sense vital~impetus of existence divinely [permeably] grailing~channeling my life...]

Double Khaf here is a divine, thus leaky, quantum~spiritually permeable grail.

Imagine Khaf~Khaf as...


...(a grail). a lazy hourglass with both ends open.

4 Aleph~Lammed~Bayt~Sheen~Noun~Hay



..."put it on [Hær self];"

My vital~impetus issi existentially metabolising me cowithihn cosmic metabolism's quantization of my life's peace, uncertainty, and freedom...] "Nothing can keep me [Hær] in SOM's Dialectical Box!"
5 Raysh~Hhayt~Tsadde~Thav~Yod



..."I had bathed;"

Cosmic comtainment of my spirit's unlimited possibilityings encountering cosmic vital impedance cowithihn my existence...] "I cleanse myself by struggling with all impedances, and I learn, I grow my wisdom while doing so."
6 Aleph~Tav - Raysh~Ghimel~Lammed~Yod

(1.400 - 200.3.300.10)


..."my feet;"

My vital~impetus encountering its impermeable cosmic vital~impedance issi cosmically comtained cowithihn my feet and their radical organic movementings and their existential radically evolutionary metabolism...]

Oral and written traditions of feet are deep and vast. Suares does a fine job of making us aware of this on pages 113-114 of his SoS.

Doug's retranslation of SoS does n¤t capture this traditional essence. My 'modern, post modern' cultural ignorance ancient's deeply rooted idioms prevents it. However my retranslation uses Suares' own quantum~comtemporary memes.

To Doug, there is Value in that.

Aleph~Tav issi Atta's breathing~out semi qycloid.

Doug - 3,9Jul2015.

7 Aleph~Yod~Khaf~Khaf~Hay



..."how could I;"

I sense vital~impetus of existence divinely [permeably] grailing~channeling my life...]

Double Khaf here is a divine, thus leaky, quantum~spiritually permeable grail.

Imagine Khaf~Khaf as...


...(a grail). a lazy hourglass with both ends open.

8 Aleph~Tayt~Noun~Phay~finalMem



..."soil them;"

Vital~impetus of my self's [cell's] quantized unlimited possibilityings of my peace, uncertainty, freedom cowithihn cosmos' biosphere...]

This meme may have to do with too much PUF (peace, uncertainty and freedom) as "soil." My guess is that 'soil' is dialectical, thus bad-worse simply due its dialectical sema.

Doug - 3Jul2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

My quantum~resonant, vibrating fecundity issi thrilled by His presence cowithihn me.
His cosmic metabolism cowithihn my (Hær) existential metabolism spiritually comes and goes with each breath with each heart beat (¤ut~ihn, ¤ut~ihn...),...

["comes and goes:" Aleph issi quantons(living,n¤n_living) cowithihn us, only spiritually (coquecigruesically), n¤t biologically!
Aleph.1, like Jeshus (i.e., Reb YhShWh), issi perpetually being reborn cowithihn us!]

...but then His love reverses, complementing my thrill, complementing one of my gateways, complementing my fecundity,
and Hæ falls ihnto my biosphere's cosmic quantization of freedom, uncertainty and peace, Hæ falls ihnto a new life spiritually fecundating cosmic comtainment.
My fecundity, that of my biosphere brightly enlightens our existence as quantons(female,male).
I feel His life's fecund antinomialism [i.e., His coming and going as quantons(coming,going)] cowithihn my fecund biosphere.
Light of us, quanton(Mæ,Hihm) unites cowithihn our existential metabolisms fecundly cowithihn existence of us as a mating quantum~complementary~antinomial pair.

[Revelation of this cowithihn quantum~being issi an epiphany beyond worthiness of having: quantons(we_have,we_have_n¤t).
Acceber, you understood this when Doug didn't. And you were half my age, yet more than twice my spiritual maturity!]

Doug - 3-4,9Jul2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

Retranslation of Song of Songs V:4

In this verse colloquial idiom is useless here as made apparent by foulness of dialectical 'scholars'' translations:
"An authorized Jewish version in French," and a "King James version." Suares calls them idiomatically obscure.

See pp. 114-115, Suares' SoS.

Suares' Qabala: Woman: "My love makes him resilient.
"As soon as he appears in the richness of my body, he disappears in the empty places of my mind.
"A [quantum~complementary~antinomial] movement!
"He goes inversely to his coming, yet the cave of my being is quickened by his vibration."

This is so beautiful, it makes Doug yearn...illeatically... Bashertah, where are you?..., shall you dissemble longer?...

However, on page 115 of Suares' SoS he writes, "Let us clarify the context. In the last verse of the preceding Chant (IV:16), 'She' had expressed a wish:

"May my twofold organic resistance enter the organic life of Breath!

"Breath answered (V:1) that such a wish could not be fulfilled because Aleph has no organic life of its own [it represents 'cosmic life.']
Alive as Aleph may be, at times, in a human body, whatever is felt, understood, said, taught, written, made or built, is not IT, but
its 'exchange [Value]:' symbols, myths, creeds, theologies, or any other equivalent [fiat money, etc.] of Aleph in terms of human minds.
Breath had added that IT had consumed what wilderness still remained in 'Her.'
The result of that consummation was that no thought remained in her mind, so 'She' knew herself to be 'asleep in Duration' (V:2), yet
perceiving Breath (or Aleph, or Timeless Energy{Value}) as the continuous discontinuity [quantization] of a Cosmic Pulse,
reflecting itself in her own heart-beat: a tremendous Revelation, the deepest that the deepest layers of unconscious consciousness
can be aware of! And the innermost inner voice acknowledged the fact (V:3):
'Yes, all images are gone, this is the throb of Life, born unborn.' "

Mae~wan Ho, in Doug's opine, refers this quanton(unborn,born), this perpetual~ubiquitous Brownian motion throbbing, as "pure flux."
(Read her the Rainbow and the Worm.)

Doug's brackets illustrating revelation of Qabala as Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay.

Doug's brackets as sic of [fiat money], and braces to emphasize quantized energyings as Value itself.

Doug wants to relate some phrases Suares uses to their analogues in Quantonics:


quantons(unsaid,said) assa quantons(unborn,born), and

Jung's hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq quantons(unconscious,conscious), and

"innermost inner voice" assa "Finding One's Inner," and

"asleep in Duration" assa Pirsig's "putting SQ to sleep," and

Cosmic Pulse assa Planck's tick-tock.

As you can surmise, this page 115 quote of Suares shows that he meant what he said (wrote, implied...), paraphrased,

Suaresean Qabalic HotMeme™ "Abraham's Chaldæan Qabala re presents quantum~reality!" Suaresean Qabalic HotMeme™ .

Doug - 4Jul2015.

. . .

Song of Songs V Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Dallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod



..."My beloved;"

My resonant, vibrating fecundity issi thrilled by His presence cowithihn me...]

Double Dallet.

Double fronted point of view.

Double bivalently gated windows-doors.

But Aleph always dissembles self.

2 Sheen~Lammed~Hhayt



..."He put;"

His cosmic metabolism cowithihn my (Hær) existential metabolism spiritually comes and goes with each breath with each heart beat (¤ut~ihn, ¤ut~ihn...)...]
3 Yod~Dallet~Waw



..."His hand;"

but then His love reverses, complementing my thrill, one of my gateways, my fecundity...]

Observe another version of iDod, but spelled iDo.

Suares asks us to visualize

We see love quantum~antinomial itself.

Hæ pulls ¤ut, Hæ pushes ihn.

Shæ has him, Shæ loses him...

Hæ comes, Hæ goes...

4 Mem~finalNoun - Hay~Hhayt~Waw~Raysh

(40.700 -


..."to the latch;"

and Hæ falls into my biosphere's cosmic quantization of freedom, uncertainty and peace, Hæ falls into a new life spiritually fecundating cosmic comtainment...]
5 Waw~Mem~Ayn~Yod



..."and my heart;"

My fecundity, that of my biosphere brightly enlightens our existence as quantons(female,male)...]
6 Hay~Mem~Waw



..."was thrilled;"

I feel His life's fecund antinomialism cowithihn my fecund biosphere...]
7 Ayn~Lammed~Yod~Waw



..."within me;"

Light of us, quanton(Mæ,Hihm) unites cowithihn our existential metabolisms fecundly cowithihn existence of us as a mating quantum~complementary~antinomial pair...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

Cosmic vital~impetus compenetrates my existential biosphere while holding me against cosmic vital~impedance pushing me,
ihnto pregnancy of me.
My existential metabolism's unlimited spiritual~allelomorphic possibilityings struggle with cosmic vital~impedance,
against my existential metabolism's reverberation of my fecundity cowithihn existence,
attempting to reverse, to invert, to undo fecund reverberation of my open and gatewayveing resistances.
My existential quantization of freedom, uncertainty, and peace of my larvum (cell) offers unlimited possibilityings for its own fecundity cowithin my existential biosphere as it fecundates its cosmic comtainment.
Is my fecundity, as it is affectedq by vital~impetus, structuring a new life's light struggling with its entrapment in vital~impedance of its emerging existence?
Is my existential biosphere fecundly improving cowithihn its cosmic comtainment?
Or am I losing fresh light of fetus' new home cowithihn cosmic comtainment?
But, light of my existential metabolism issi my peace which [biophotonicallyq] shines cowithihn me, and
my existential grailing of unlimited fecund possibilitying can survive Ihts vital~impedance!
Life existence of my envaulting existential biosphere's n¤væl fetal emerscence quantizing freedom, uncertainty, and peace of its own light metabolising its own fecundity.

Doug - 5Jul2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

Retranslation of Song of Songs V:5

Song of Songs V Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Qof~Mem~Thav~Yod


[Qamati, Doug would write Qamathi:

..."I was set;"

Cosmic vital~impetus compenetrates my existential biosphere while holding me against cosmic vital~impedance pushing me...]

Substitute Aleph for Qof: Aleph~Mem~Tav~Yod.

She issi showing us Amt Alt. Qmt vis-à-vis Qlt.

If we view Am as Em, we grasp 'Mother.'

Qm, we may grasp as "Cosmic Mother."

2 Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."on my going;"

into pregnancy of me...] Her becoming pregnant.
3 Lammed~Phay~Thav~Hhayt



..."to develop, to set loose,to bestow an organic life [Value];"

My existential metabolism's unlimited spiritual~allelomorphic possibilityings struggle with cosmic vital~impedance...] To herald a n¤væl larvum.
4 Lammed~Dallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod



..."to my two resistances;"

against my existential metabolism's reverberation of my fecundity cowithihn existence...] My breasts will be needed for existentially feeding my newborn, my newest existential beloved.
5 Waw~Yod~Dallet~Yod



..."and hands of me;"

attempting to reverse, to invert, to undo fecund reverberation of my open and gatewayveing resistances...]

[Fecund] Double existential reverberation of her gatewayings.

Compare Dodi:

6 Noun~Tayt~Phay~Waw - Mem~Waw~Raysh

( - 40.6.200)


..."biological development [Value] of my cell;"

My existential quantization of freedom, uncertainty, and peace of my larvum (cell) offers unlimited possibilityings for its own fecundity cowithin my existential biosphere as it fecundates its cosmic comtainment...]

Suares says she now realizes that her lustfully sought perfectly spiritual [myrrh as] Value will always be entangled cowithihn her biosphere's Yod. She issi in Iht and Iht issi ihn her, but Iht comes and goes (lacks permanence) cowithihn her existential biosphere. She wants to be with Aleph.1000, but she must relent to ultimate Sabachthani of her Yod's existence.

Doug views her 'development' as omnimensional [myrrh as] Value printingq of fetus evolving ihnto newborn.

Compare fiat printing which has n¤ value!

We see Value [myrrh] as Mem~Waw~Raysh: 40.6.200.

Compare Zahav (gold) and Awr (light) as Value. Ponder QED cowithihn Hær.

Compare Ahavah and Zahav!

Observe that light and biophotons are immensely involved cowithihn Hær "omnimensional printing" of her newborn's Value!!!

Doug - 4Jul2015.

7 Waw~Aleph~Tsadde~Bayt~Ayn~Tav~Yod



..."my attempts — at painting vital~impetus which hides in our fingers, legs, and blood — add;"

Is my fecundity, as it is affectedq by vital~impetus, structuring a new life's light struggling with its entrapment in vital~impedance of its emerging existence?...]

Suares asks, "Can we paint Aleph [vital~impetus] alive?

Doug's quantonics QELRs language to move closer to being able to paint with words a living~comscious quantum~reality.

Keep in mind livingq issi quantons(livings,dyings).

8 Mem~Waw~Raysh



..."Value to my cell;"

Is my existential biosphere fecundly improving cowithihn its cosmic comtainment?...] Again, we see myrrh as Value.
9 Ayn~Vayt~Raysh



..."or possibly to take value from my cell;"

Or am I losing fresh light of fetus' new home cowithihn cosmic comtainment?...]
10 Ayn~Lammed



..."I am uncertain, my uncertainty witnesses my peace;"

But, light of my existential metabolism issi my peace which [biophotonicallyq] shines cowithihn me and...]
11 Kaf~Pay~Waw~Tav



..."in my canal of unlimited possibilityings;"

my existential grailing of unlimited fecund possibilitying can survive Ihts vital~impedance!...] In Doug's opine, canal here is vaginal.
12 Hay~Mem~Noun~Ayn~Waw~Lammed



..."my womb envaults its Value;"

Life existence of my envaulting existential biosphere's n¤væl fetal emerscence quantizing freedom, uncertainty, and peace of its own light metabolising its own fecundity...] This appears to affirm Doug's opine.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

Her unlimited possibilityings of Her impermeable cosmic vital~impedance reverberating its antinomial permeable cosmic vital~impedance of Her life opens to
Her vital~impetus quantizing Her freedom, uncertainty, and peace cowithihn existence
against Her existential metabolism's reverberation of Her fecundity cowithihn existence
but His existential copulation of Her issi antinomial Her openings and closings for Him.
His spiritually energetic biosphere struggles with His encountering cosmic vital~impetus.
His existential light of Him goes out.
My (Her) individual quantized indetermination of freedom and peace finds unlimited existential living possibilityings for me cosmically metabolized cowithihn existence.
My structural existence cannot arouse vital~impetus as living existentially.
I vibrated cowithihn my being's gating cosmic comtainment of my fecundity.
My home's encounter with illusion~destroying cosmic vital~impetus, whose cosmic metabolism struggles with cosmic vital~impedance, fecundates my life's existence.
My fecundity could n¤t metabolize vital~impetus.

[Key emphasis here issi n¤t. Existence cann¤t make vital~impetus 'existent.'
They, both existence and vital~impetus, can commingle spiritually, [iso]fluxially, but n¤t actualize vital~impetus mechanically.]

My existential biosphere's attempts to structure cosmic~impetus fail in their strugglings to do so, yet offer discovery of cosmic vital~impedance' fecundation of my life's existence.
My struggling with cosmic vital~impetus cosmically comtained my breathing out (At) fecundly to Him cowithihn existence.
My fecundity could n¤t metabolize vital~impetus.
I directly experience double quantizationings' darkening of my light's existential peace, uncertainty, and freedom.

[This inability to 'actualize' vital~impetus issi essene~ce of Magdalenic Fourth Gospel's primal Gnostic Secret as clarified by Reb YhShWh during The Last Supper.]

Doug - 23Oct2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

Retranslation of Song of Songs V:6

Song of Songs V Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Pay~Tav~Hhayt~Thav~Yod



..."open to;"

Her unlimited possibilityings of Her impermeable cosmic vital~impedance reverberating its antinomial permeable cosmic vital~impedance of Her life opens to...]

Cavitation of Tav~Hhayt~Thav.

This issi a perfect Autiot analogy of a silvered~semi~silvered ruby rod laser!

2 Aleph~Noun~Yod




Her vital~impetus quantizing Her freedom, uncertainty, and peace cowithihn existence...] "I am quantizing, free, uncertain, and peaceful cowithihn existence."
3 Lammed~Dallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod



..."to my beloved;"

against Her existential metabolism's reverberation of Her fecundity cowithihn existence...] My breasts will be needed for existentially feeding my newborn, my newest existential beloved.
4 Waw~Dallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod



..."but my beloved;"

but His existential copulation of Her issi antinomial Her openings and closings for Him...]

Suares left this pattern out of his idiom.

Doug finds it interesting since we see an Autiot fractal recursion like this:

Waw~Dallet~Waw, thence Dallet~Waw~Dallet.

First Dallet issi cavitating twixt two fecundities.

Second Waw issi cavitating twixt two Dallets.

Let's call first cavitation, double fecundation of Hær opening and closing. His copulation of Hær.

Let's call second cavitation, double gating of Hær fecundity. Hær bivalent openings and closings of Him.

We see His antinomials: quanton(ihnings,¤utings).

We see Hær antinomials: quanton(¤pænings,cl¤sings).

Literally, she opens (is available) when he is out, she closes (is sealed) when he is in!

Very quantum!

Counter intuitive! Oxymoronic! Ironic!

Doug - 9Jul2015.

5 Hhayt~Mem~Qof



..."he had turned;"

His spiritually energetic biosphere struggles with His encountering cosmic vital~impetus...]
6 Ayn~Vayt~Raysh



..."and gone;"

His existential light of Him goes out...]
7 Noun~Phay~Sheen~Yod



..."with my whole person, my soul, my breath;"

My (Her) individual quantized indetermination of freedom and peace finds unlimited existential living possibilityings for me cosmically metabolized cowithihn existence...]
8 Yod~Tsadde~Aleph~Hay



..."failed me;"

My structural existence cannot arouse vital~impetus as living existentially...]
9 Vayt~Dallet~Bayt~Raysh~Waw



..."when he spoke to me;"

I vibrated cowithihn my being's gating cosmic comtainment of my fecundity...] Reverberation of Hær 'home' cosmically comtaining Hær fecundity
10 Bayt~Qof~Sheen~Thav~Yod~Hay~Waw



..."I sought him;"

My home's encounter with illusion~destroying cosmic vital~impetus whose cosmic metabolism struggles with cosmic vital~impedance fecundates my life's existence...]
11 Waw~Lammed~Aleph



..."and not;"

My fecundity could not metabolize vital~impetus...]
12 Mem~Tsadde~Aleph~Tav~Yod~Hay~Waw



..."found him;"

My existential biosphere's attempts to structure cosmic~impetus fail in their strugglings to do so, yet offer discovery of cosmic vital~impedance' fecundation of my life's existence...]
13 Qof~Raysh~Aleph~Tav~Yod~Waw



..."I called him;"

My struggling with cosmic vital~impetus cosmically comtained my breathing out (At) fecundly to Him cowithihn existence...]
14 Waw~Lammed~Aleph



..."and not;"

My fecundity could not metabolize vital~impetus...]
15 Ayn~Noun~Noun~Yod



..."he gave an answer;"

I directly experience double quantizationings' darkening of my light's existential peace, uncertainty, and freedom....]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

My existential biosphere encounters an abominable attempt to structure vital~impetus by means of existential quantization of vital~impetus cowithihn existence.
Those who should be protecting my life's cosmic metabolism, my biosphere cosmically comtained cowithihn existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere,
rather they were surrounding and entrapping my life's feminine fecundity in two layers of existential comtainment cowithihn existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere,
and they wanted to keep (comtain) my life's light existentially, cosmically comtained.
They impermeable channeled my life's fecundity by existentially quantizing it cowithihn existence.
They attempted to structure my life's light and its fecund unlimited existential possibilitying by quantizing me cowithihn existence.
In a very focused cosmic metabolic manner they existentially quantized my spiritual vital~impetus' fecundity cowithihn me.
As part of my life's breathing~out cycle, they cosmically comtained my doubly recursing resistant gateways cowithihn and reverberating existence.
My existential biosphere's light they metabolized cowithihn existence,
that protected my life's cosmic metabolism, my biosphere cosmically comtained cowithihn existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere,
that protected my life's spiritual unlimited possibilityings, my feminine fecundity existentially biosphered and cosmically vitally~impeded.

[This is most negative script Doug has attempted to retranslate so far in Song of Songs. Of course masculinity is at heart of dialectical evil and Error, again.
Doug is unsure about some of his uses of 'cowithihn' here. Formal dialectic would deny them on a canonic basis of ideal stability, separability and objective independence.
See Henri Louis Bergson's two primary classical illusions, self-delusions. Also see Doug's SOM's Bases of Judgment, yellow background text, bottom up.]

Doug - 10Jul2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

Retranslation of Song of Songs V:7

Song of Songs V Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Mem~Tsadde~Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."they attack me;"

My existential biosphere encounters an attempt to structure vital~impetus by means of existential quantization of vital~impetus cowithihn existence...]

Aleph~Noun~Yod , Ani, is me, myself, I.

Suares in his commentary, p. 120 of his SoS, writes that Tsadde~Aleph issi an attempt to 'structure' Aleph. That is a filthy thing to do. As we have written prior Aleph middle~includes, interfuses, compenetrates, superposes, interpenetrates actuality, but cannot be actualized. To do so, mechanically, dialectically is Error, a filthy act.

2 Hay~Sh[S]een~Mem~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."guardians, powers that be, etc.;"

Those who should be protecting my life's cosmic metabolism, my biosphere cosmically comtained cowithihn existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]

Sh[S]een~Mem~Raysh~Yod appears again by itself in word 10 of this verse.

3 Hay~Sammekh~Vayt~Vayt~Yod~finalMem



..."who are turning around (dancing?);"

rather were surrounding my life's feminine fecundity in two layers of existential comtainment cowithihn existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]

Vayt~Vayt is a hard, strong enclosure.

Suares writes (by masculinity) that this is an attempt to squeeze feminine fecundity out of Her existence.

4 Bayt~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."in the city;"

and they wanted to keep (comtain) my life's light existentially, cosmically comtained...]
5 Hay~Kaf~Waw~Noun~Yod



..."they beat me;"

They impermeable channeled my life's fecundity by existentially quantizing it cowithihn existence...]
6 Phay~Tsadde~Ayn~Waw~Noun~Yod



..."they bruised me;"

They attempted to structure my life's light and its fecund unlimited existential possibilitying by quantizing me cowithihn existence...]
7 Noun~Seen~Aleph~Waw



..."they took;"

In a very focused cosmic metabolic manner they existentially quantized my spiritual vital~impetus' fecundity cowithihn me...]
8 Aleph~Tav - Raysh~Dallet~Yod~Dallet~Yod

(1.400 -


..."my veil;"

As part of my life's breathing~out cycle, they cosmically comtained my doubly recursing resistant gateways cowithihn existence...]

Again we see another, new to Doug, fractal recursion of...


...shown as cosmically comtained.

Yod issi reverberating fractally cowithihn Dallet reverberating fractally cowithihn Yod. A fractally recursive double~divinity.

Recall that Dallet appears as bivalency of gating, whereas Thallet appears as permeable omnivalence of gating.

Dallet and Thallet are one of seven 'Doubles.'

Doug - 10Jul2015.

9 Mem~Ayn~Lammed~Yod



..."from upon me;"

My existential biosphere's light they metabolized cowithihn existence...]
10 Sh[S]een~Mem~Raysh~Yod



..."that protected me;"

that protected my life's cosmic metabolism, my biosphere cosmically comtained cowithihn existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]
11 Hay~Hhayt~Mem~Waw~Tav



..."from heat, from a hot death;"

that protected my life's spiritual unlimited possibilityings, my feminine fecundity existentially biosphered and cosmically vitally~impeded...] Mem~Waw~Tav issi dead, death.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

My living cosmic metabolism's light vitally~impeded ihn existence asks
your vital~impetus vitally~blocked grail~channeling cosmic biospheres, you
young ladies' cowithihn your evolving and fecundulating vital~impedances
of Jerusalem's existential cosmic comtainment fecundating cosmic metabolism's actualization as existential metabolism cowithihn cosmic biosphere.
If your existential biospheres' vital~impetus experiences vital~impedance of your existential biospheres' abilityings to find fecund structuration of His vital~impetus, then
His vital~impetus' breath shall be echoed by vital~impedance while my double resistancings fecundate their bivalent gatewayveings existence for Him.
What can I tell about my existential biosphere's living, enduring cosmic vital~impedance of my organic movement cowithihn existence gatewayveing my fecundity
to His existential metabolism's fecundity?
I am darkened (transmuted) by cosmic metabolism of my breath's attempted fecundation of my impermeably, vitally~impeded existential metabolism.
My living vital~impetus issi living cowithihn its archetype of comtainment yet living,
I still am.

. . .

In summary, Suares writes, "This verse V:8 (Hay~Hhayt) is the culmination of all the preceding verses that
dealt with the awakening of the unconscious mind. 'She' has become creative, as the Holy Rhythm of the Cosmic Life is creative.
Her whole body is attuned to it as was her heart to the Heart of the World. She will dance it."

As a pre initiate, this isn't obvious yet to Doug.

Does Suares mean 'physically' dance?

Our beings' Autiot Reality Loopings (At~Ta...) are both existentially and cosmically metabolized!
To Doug that is a dance of our uncountable quanta of which each of us issi individually created via quantum~evolution.
Our minds dance with unlimited n¤væl memes, and from those quantum~memes our imaginations dance with our own
creative quantum~hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]ic spawn and their middle~inclusion cowithihn our existential world.

Doug - 11Jul2015.


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Retranslation of Song of Songs V:8

Song of Songs V Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Hay~Sheen~Bayt~Ayn~Thav~Yod



..."I adjure you;"

living cosmic metabolism's light vitally~impeded ihn existence...]

Ish~ah as Esha issi woman.

We see here vital~impedance (softened)
as hegemony invoking unilaterally
a mandated 'oath.'

Vital~impedance partially blocking light.

2 Aleph~Tav~Khaf~finalMem




vital~impetus vitally~blocked grail~channeling cosmic biosphere...]
3 Bayt~Noun~Waw~Tav



..."daughters of;"

evolution fecundulating vital~impedance...]

'ot' issi feminine plural,' suffixed to 'boy'
(Ben as evolution of Aleph ihn blood)
apparently issi girls-daughters.
Doug thought it should be Batot.

Women are responsible for
sustaining evolution of humanity,
and to do so they must
sheroically take on all impedances.

Men, sowing seed, go unimpeded.

4 Yod~Raysh~Waw~Sheen~Lammed~finalMem




existential cosmic comtainment fecundating cosmic metabolism's actualization as existential metabolism cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]

Shalom: peace.

Suares sometimes shows
Jerusalem as Jerushalom.

We then have, "existential
cosmic comtainment
fecundating peace."

5 Aleph~Mem - Thav~Mem~Tsadde~Aleph~Waw

(1.40 - 400.


..."if you [cannot] find;"

If your existential biospheres' vital~impetus experiences vital~impedance of your existential biospheres' abilityings to find fecund structuration of His vital~impetus, then...]

Em is often Mother.

Ensemble of 'girls of Jerusalem' appear potentially as Sophia[s], i.e., 'mother[s].'

There is an implication of potential failure to find. And we know that is so, since vital~impetus cann¤t be structured cowithihn existence.

6 Aleph~Tav - Dallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod

(1.400 -


..."my pneumatic lover;"

His vital~impetus' breath shall be echoed by vital~impedance while my double resistancings fecundate their bivalent gatewayveings existence for Him...] Compare Dodeykha.
7 Mem~Hay - Thav~Ghimel~Yod~Dallet~Waw

(40.5 - 400.


..."What will I tell?;"

What can I tell about my existential biosphere's living, enduring cosmic vital~impedance of my organic movement cowithihn existence gatewayveing my fecundity...]

If what She built cowithihn Her self has failed, due extreme cosmic vital~impedance, to appear, then...

See Suares' SoS, p. 121.

8 Lammed~Waw



..."to him;"

to His existential metabolism's fecundity?...]
9 Sheen~Hhayt~Waw~Lammed~Tav



..."My heaving breath is encountering dark resistance;"

I am darkened (transmuted) by cosmic metabolism of my breath's attempted fecundation of my impermeably, vitally~impeded existential metabolism ...]

Compare Alt, Mlt, and Olt.

We see Aleph~Lammed~Tav with substitutions of Mem and Waw for Aleph. Aleph~Lammed~Tav issi the theme of Song of Songs.

Compare Chalt, Cholt. (Ch: Hhayt)

10 Aleph~Hay~Vav~Hay




My living vital~impetus living cowithihn archetype of comtainment yet living...]

Aleph~Vayt is a revelation of
quantum~life's Motif.

Here we see Aleph and Vayt
enfolded cowithihn three Hays.

Suares would say, "Don't just
keep vital~impetus (Aleph)
with your existence (Yod),
also keep Aleph with your
home (Vayt)."

Aleph~Yod and

11 Aleph~Noun~Yod




I still am...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030 Rev. 10Feb2016  PDR Created: 28Jun2015  PDR
(31Jul2015 rev - Repair all misspellings of cowithihn[n].)
(23Oct2015 rev - Add 'Nafshi' anchor in verse six.)
(10Feb2016 rev - Add link to 'Genetic Defect in Human Reason' under Verse 1, Word 5.)
