Regarding Genesis L:16-20:
Doug is following a Hebrew interlinear English version of Genesis which he found on Internet. Version which Doug is using is from Scripture 4 All. This resource is new to Doug, but it appears to be a good one. It shows idiom from left to right with individual Hebrew words ciphered appropriately right to left. It is an authorized translation taken from Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels. Idiom used here is very unlike what Doug is familiar with from Carlo Suares. Doug prefers latter and will use that in both his retranslation of idiom sometimes with quantum~remediation, and QCS combined with relevant Comcision. This source does not appear to reflect what Doug means by 'modern' (dialectical) Hebrew. So it may be closer to how Abraham's Autiot initiates may have read it. Let's hope so...
Doug has noticed in this reference, however, that ~Qof~ appears to be treated without what Suares refers, "Qof's role and ~situation~ of destroying illusions and delusions." This is important, at least to Doug, regarding how we treat Caheen (Cain), and all other ~schema~ (Autiot) which have Qof in them. That is what we ~experience~ elsewhere so far... Doug will follow his approach used so far in John (Magdalene), and that is to use a light green text background throughout wherever Qof appears (in idiom, remediation, and ~qwfal~ Comcision).
It is good to keep in mind that contemporary Hebrew, excepting Autiot and ~Gematria~ do not carry sema of Abraham's Autiot. Modern Hebrew idiom (apparently) carries little resemblance to Aut (~ana~coquecigruesical~) symbols' sema of Abraham's time. Doug is assuming that Abraham had a grasp of Autiot more ~metabolic~ than its modern versions' relatively intransigent objective, formal, dialectical idiom.
Doug, following Suares, assumes reality issi ~metabolic~. If that assumption is acceptable, then all of Autiot, its ~Gematria~, its Qabala, its Gnoses, its Seraphim, and Sefirot should reflect a language which too is ~metabolic~.
Our reference text does not do that. So part of Doug's retranslation effort will be to remediate as Doug sees fit. This may offend some. Doug isn't doing this for any purpose of offense, rather a way of bringing ancient ~metabolic~ memes into a more quantum real expression of our world CeodE 2018... We are in Day three. Prophecy expects great change during this millennium, likely much chaos too. Doug may be viewed as part of that change and chaos, if you prefer.
To retranslate Genesis in Suares' quantum~hologralq~fluxodynamic language, we need a legend of Autiot and their ~Gematria~. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:
(some guesses) |
(some altered epic poetically by Doug) |
1 |
Vav~Yod~Tsadde~Waw~Waw |
[Ve'Yetsoo: |
..."copulative grail twistings of all exihstential ~structurationings~, Lorenz chaoequil occur cowithihn and ~grailingsq~ Theht Name's Mobius twistings pristine guidance teaching via a pure copulation reference;" |
Copulative grail twistings of all exihstential ~structurationings~, Lorenz chaoequil occur, assa FOCHR wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ fermionic ~structurationings~ ~mirrorings~ FOCHRS ~{cav~...~cohereings~fecundationingsq~...~rev}~ ~laseings~ pristine Lorenz reference ~synapses~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, cowithihn and ~grailingsq~ Theht Name's Mobius twistings pristine guidance teaching via a pure copulation reference...] |
quantum~wayveings]. ~{cav~ issi a grail twisting of ~rev}~ HotMeme |
2 |
Aleph~Lammed |
[Al: |
..."Aleph.1q puts itself to and ihnto metabolismings thus ~engenderings~ ~sempiternalq~ evolution;" |
Aleph.1q puts itself to, assa ~Aleph.1q~ ~engenderings~ evolutionary ~metabolismings~, and ihnto metabolismings thus ~engenderings~ ~sempiternalq~ evolution...] |
3 |
Yod~Waw~Sammekh~finalPhay |
[Yoossaph: |
..."specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht] cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ possibilityings;" |
specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht], assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ hermaphroditic attractionings ~reverberationalq~feminineq~fecundationingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~, cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~...] |
4 |
Lammed~Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[La'Amer: |
..."said hermaphrodite's sayings arera metabolic material Alephic apoptoseings;" |
said hermaphrodite's sayings arera, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~evokeingsq~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~cowithihn~ material ~biosphereings~ ~experienceingsq~ multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings, metabolic material Alephicq apoptoseings...] |
5 |
Aleph~V[B]ayt~Yod~finalKhaf |
[Abikh: |
..."wæ call iht theht Name of ihts exihstential>---< ~livingsq~ of both Iht and uhs ~cosmic~ grailings;" |
wæ call iht theht Name of ihts, assa vestigial Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ parental spin 1/2 ~somaq~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, exihstential>---<~livingsq~ of both Iht and uhs ~cosmic~ ~grailingsq~...] |
6 |
Tsadde~Waw~Hay |
[Tsooah: |
..."generic teachings for ~fecund~ quantized livings;" |
generic teachings, assa exihstential fermionic ~structurationings~ cleanly wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ copulateings of quantized ~livingsq~, for ~fecund~ quantized ~livingsq~...] |
7 |
Lammed~Phay~Noun~Yod |
[Leefney: |
..."quantum a priori with obeisanceings;" |
quantum a priori, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ before and ihn face of obeisance to ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, with obeisanceings...] |
8 |
Mem~Waw~T[h]av~Waw |
[Mawthu: |
..."pristine endings of Theht Name's livings;" |
pristine endings, assa Valueings material ~{cavitational~biosphereings~ ~overlapq~ ~entangleingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ expectationings dyings via persistentq permeable ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, of Theht Name's quantized ~livingsq~...] |
9 |
Lammed~Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[La'Amer: |
..."Theht Name's hermaphroditic sayings arera metabolic material Alephic apoptoseings;" |
Theht Name's hermaphroditic sayings arera, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~evokeingsq~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~cowithihn~ material ~biosphereings~ ~experienceingsq~ multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings, metabolic material Alephicq apoptoseings...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered epic poetically by Doug) |
1 |
Kaf~Hay |
[Kah: |
..."thus y~¤ur fermionic ~grailingsq~ quantized livings;" |
Thus y~¤ur fermionic ~grailingsq~, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings quantized ~livingsq~, quantized ~livingsq~...] |
2 |
T[h]hav~Aleph~Mem~Raysh~Waw |
[Thaemroo: |
..."wæ shall say accordings ¤ur mind's matchings of ¤ur comsciousnessings;" |
wæ shall say, assa Valueings permeable ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q's~ attractorings y~¤ur ~reverberationalq~biosphereings}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ of your linguistic ~fecundationingsq~, accordings ¤ur mind's matchings of ¤ur comsciousnessings...] |
Dallet~Bayt~Raysh~Waw: ~ Bara vav Mara: somatic creation vav biospheric creation. etc. [Moodaa: ~Mem~Waw~Dallet~Ayn~] will never go back... Crux! ~Aleph.1q~ Issi Reserve ~Energyings~. HotMeme |
3 |
Lammed~Yod~Waw~Sammekh~finalPhay |
[La'Yoossaph: |
..."to specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht] cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ possibilityings;" |
to specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht], assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ hermaphroditic attractionings ~reverberationalq~feminineq~fecundationingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~, cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~...] |
4 |
Aleph~Noun~Aleph |
[Anae: |
..."Oh ! ~Divineq~ soliton of Aleph.1q's quantons(female,male) SoD middle~inclusionings quantons(mind,body) exihstential life ~principleingsq~ of indeterminationings;" |
Oh ! ~Divineq~ soliton of Aleph.1q's quantons(female,male) SoD middle~inclusionings quantons(mind,body), assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic ~{~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ synaptically ~laseings~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~}~ exihstential lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~, ...] |
5 |
S[h]een~Aleph |
[Shae: |
..."metabolic focusings of Aleph.1q enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~ for liftings and bearings loads;" |
metabolic focusings of Aleph.1q enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~, assa evolutionaryq highly focused ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~cohereings~ ~Aleph.1q~, for liftings and bearings loads...] |
6 |
Noun~Aleph |
[Na: |
..."please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm presence of Aleph.1q cowithihn self;" |
please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm, assa ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ borne of ~Aleph.1q~, presence of Aleph.1 cowithihn self...] |
7 |
Phay~Sheen~Ayn |
[Phashaa: |
..."~cosmic~ metabolic transgression against Light;" |
cosmic metabolic transgression, assa ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for transgression via evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ endarkenmentings of bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~, against Light...] |
8 |
Aleph~Hhayt~Yod~finalKhaf |
[Ahhikh: |
..."siblings shared ~spiritualq~ epigenomes of uhs;" |
siblings shared ~spiritualq~ epigenomes, assa Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~engenderings~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, of uhs,...] |
9 |
Vav~Hhayt~Tayt~Aleph~T[h]av~finalMem |
[Ve'Hhataethem: |
..."and ¤ur sin of thorough ~fecund~ biospheric cellular entrapment of Alephic spirit;" |
and ¤ur sin of thorough ~fecund~ biospheric cellular entrapment, assa vestigial Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ of pre fermionic ~cellularizationingsq~ entrappings fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ thoroughly and permeablyq ~cosmic~vital~impeded~ expectationings for fruition of ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~, of Alephicq spiritq...] |
10 |
Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other;" |
that grail which enables, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ offeringsq ~QA~ Mobius twistings of ~exihstenceingsq~, comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other,...] |
11 |
Raysh~Ayn~Hay |
[Raah: |
..."and ¤ur reputations assa ones who escort evil endarkenings ¤ur livings;" |
and ¤our reputations assa ones who escort, assa multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ entrappings bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ quantized ~livingsq~, evil endarkenings ¤ur ~livingsq~...] |
12 |
Ghimel~Mem~Lammed~Waw~finalKhaf |
[Gemlookh: |
..."evolutionary organicq metabolic ~movementingsq~ of material ~biosphereings~ return to favor of ~fecund~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings;" |
evolutionary organicq metabolic ~movementingsq~ of material ~biosphereings~ return to favor, assa vestigial Valueings BroMo ~{cavitational~organicq~movementingsq~ material ~biosphereings~ attractionings evolutionary ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~ requital via wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, of ~fecund~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings...] |
13 |
Vav~Ayn~Thav~Hay |
[Ve'Aathah: |
..."and at ^ ~ ~enlightenmentings~ k~n¤w~ings quantized ~livingsq~ impeded tilde~brake~Bayt;" |
and at ~ ^ ~ ~enlightenmentings~, assa ~fecundationingsq~ of ~enlightenmentings~ ~encounterings~ wholly permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ adiabatic up to Planck rate ~livingsq~ at ~edgeings~ of, k~n¤w~ings quantized ~livingsq~ impeded tilde~brake~Bayt...] |
| Carrot marks tildes' QREONings. ~everywhereings~everywhenings~ all~at~¤ncæings. |
14 |
S[h]een~Aleph |
[Shae: |
..."metabolic focusings of Aleph.1q enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~ for liftings and bearings loads;" |
metabolic focusings of Aleph.1q enhanceings Alephicq ~coherenceingsq~, assa evolutionaryq highly focused ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~cohereings~ ~Aleph.1q~, for liftings and bearings loads...] |
15 |
Noun~Aleph |
[Na: |
..."please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm presence of Aleph.1q cowithihn self;" |
please ! quantum~self~assess and quantum~stochasticallyq affirm, assa ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ borne of ~Aleph.1q~, presence of Aleph.1 cowithihn self...] |
16 |
Lammed~Phay~Sheen~Ayn |
[La'Phashaa: |
..."to mitigated both exihstential and ~cosmic~ metabolic transgression against Light;" |
to mitigated both exihstential and ~cosmic~ metabolic transgression, assa Valueings evolutionaryq ~{cavitational~metabolismings~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for transgression via evolutionary expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~metabolismings}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ endarkenmentings of bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~, against Light...] |
17 |
Ayn~V[B]ayt~Dallet~Yod |
[Aabadi: |
..."[and their] ~enlightenmentings~ destruction of dialectic ~among~ their exihstential soma;" |
[and their] ~enlightenmentings~, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ their spin 1/2 ~somaq~ with ~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic ~among~ their ~exihstenceingsq~, destruction of dialectic ~among~ their exihstential somaq...] |
18 |
Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod |
[Elohi: |
..."those of Uhs Alephicq evolutionaryq metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn [metabolic Qabala] ~exihstenceingsq~ of;" |
those of Uhs Alephicq evolutionary metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn [metabolic Qabala], assa vestigial Valueings ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ of quantized ~livingsq~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~, ~exihstenceingsq~ of...] |
19 |
Aleph~V[B]ayt~Yod~finalKhaf |
[Abikh: |
..."wæ call iht theht Name of ihts exihstential>---< ~livingsq~ of both Iht and uhs ~cosmic~ grailings;" |
wæ call iht theht Name of ihts, assa vestigial Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ parental spin 1/2 ~somaq~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, exihstential>---<~livingsq~ of both Iht and uhs ~cosmic~ ~grailingsq~...] |
20 |
Vav~Yod~V[B]ayt~finalKhaf |
[Ve'Yebokh: |
..."evokes an high energy ~fecund~ somaticq ~cosmic~emotional Mobius quantons(joy,sadness) response;" |
evoke an high energy ~fecund~ somaticq ~cosmic~emotional, assa wave~makeings prolificq ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn spin 1/2 ~somaq~ ~experienceingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, Mobius AEFings quantons(joy,sadness) response...] |
21 |
Yod~Waw~Sammekh~finalPhay |
[Yoossaph: |
..."specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht] cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ possibilityings;" |
specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht], assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ hermaphroditic attractionings ~reverberationalq~feminineq~fecundationingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~, cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~...] |
22 |
Bayt~Dallet~Bayt~Raysh~finalMem |
[Ba'Daborem: |
..."solitonic somaticq destruction of dialectic coherently createings speech assa somaticq ensembleings of spin 1/2 pneumatic aural emerqancyings;" |
solitonic somaticq destruction of dialectic coherently createings, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic spin 1/2 ~{cavitational~somaq~ ~laseings~ ~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic ~mirrorings~ vestigial Valueings spin 1/2 scintilla of ~{cav~...~coherent~somaq~...~rev}~ creative ensembleings vocal expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~, speech assa somaticq ensembleings of spin 1/2 pneumatic aural emerqancyingsq...] |
...[heretically, against philo~androgenic gender biased patronizeing orthodox dialectical dogma and canon 'law']... ~fathom~ a Lorenz~like quanton(destruction~of~dialectic,~speakings~). |
23 |
Aleph~Lammed~Yod~Waw |
[Alioo: |
..."~fecund~ Alephic evolutionaryq metabolismings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ of both Theht Name and Uhs;" |
~fecund~ Alephicq evolutionaryq metabolismings cowithihn, assa vestigial Valueings fount of life ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~whileq~ ~evolutionarily~ ~metabolismings~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ ~affectingsq~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ of, ~exihstenceingsq~ of both Theht Name and Uhs...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered epic poetically by Doug) |
1 |
Vav~Yod~Lammed~K[h]af~Waw |
[Ve'Yelakhoo: |
..."and ¤ur ~fecund~ solitonic ~exihstenceingsq~ metabolismings fermionic ~grailingsq~ arera goings;" |
And ¤ur ~fecund~ solitonic ~exihstenceingsq~ metabolismings, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, fermionic ~grailingsq~ arera goings...] |
2 |
Ghimel~finalMem |
[Gem: |
..."moreover evolutionaryq Brownian motionings arera ubiquitous and sempiternal;" |
moreover evolutionaryq Brownian motionings arera, assa BroMo evolutionary ~organicq~movementingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~, ubiquitous and ~sempiternalq~...] |
3 |
Aleph~Hhayt~Yod~Waw |
[Ahhioo: |
..."Alephic holy blood siblings of said hermaphrodite;" |
Alephicq holy blood siblings, assa ~sempiternalq~ recursive Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q's~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ attractionings cowithihn ~cavitational~exihstenceingsq}~ ~fecundationingsq~, of said hermaphrodite,...] |
4 |
Vav~Yod~Phay~Lammed~Waw |
[Ve'Yephloo: |
..."and our solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~unlimitedq~ quantons(riseings,fallings) metabolic possibilityings;" |
and our solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ engendered via evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~ of ¤ur, ~unlimitedq~ quantons(riseings,fallings) metabolic ~possibilityingsq~...] |
5 |
Lammed~Phay~Noun~Yod~Waw |
[La'Phanioo: |
..."of life principled evolutionaryq metabolic faceings quantons(up,down) said ~fecund~ hermaphrodite;" |
of lifeq principled evolutionaryq metabolic faceings quantons(up,down), assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ accordings ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~, said ~fecund~ hermaphrodite...] |
"Life principled evolutionaryq metabolic faceings quantons(up,down) said ~fecund~ hermaphrodite." Doug - 22Sep2019. |
6 |
Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh~Waw |
[Ve'Yaemroo: |
..."with solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ ~nestingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~ of Motherly [~Emet~] Hær apoptosis [quantum~diveings] of Aleph.1q ihnto ~cosmic~ emerqancyings;" |
with solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ ~nestingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ ~nestingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ Motherly attractorings fount of life ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ Hær ~biosphereings~ apoptosis ihnto ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, of Motherly [~Emet~] Hær apoptosis [quantum~~diveings~] of Aleph.1q ihnto ~cosmic~ emerqancyingsq...] |
7 |
Hay~Noun~Noun~Waw |
[Ha'Nanoo: |
..."behold our ~fecund~ quantized ~livingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ solitonic lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ !;" |
behold our ~fecund~ quantized ~livingsq~, assa vestigial Valueings Lorenz attractor quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ ~overlapq~ ~entangleingsq~ attractionings ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic ~{cav~...~coherent~lifeq~principleingsq~...~rev}~ synaptically ~laseings~mirrorings~ ~assiduous~adhereingsq~ ~reverberationalq~lifeq~principleingsq}~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ of, ~adhereingsq~ solitonic life ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ !...] |
carpe undulaq ~{~{soliton}~}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ |
8 |
Lammed~finalKhaf |
[Lakh: |
..."those evolutionaryq beingsq and their ~cosmic~ ~grailingsq~ ~among~ uhs;" |
those evolutionaryq beingsq and, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, their cosmic ~grailingsq~ ~among~ uhs...] |
9 |
Lammed~Ayn~V[B]ayt~Dallet~Yod~finalMem |
[La'Aabdim: |
..."~metabolicallyq~ ~enlightenedq~ servants, destroyers of dialectic ~among~ uhs;" |
~metabolicallyq~ ~enlightenedq~ servants, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ of bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ spin 1/2 ~somaticq~ ~gate~wayveings~ Atbash antinomial destruction of dialectic cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~, destroyers of dialectic ~among~ uhs...] |
by canon dialectical 'law,' 'tried' for claims of beingsq cowithihn Iht and Iht beingsq cowithihn Yeshooaa... Simon Peter dialectically betrays Yeshooaa. Sadducees, Pharisees, Romans, and Zealots dialectically betray Yeshooaa. vav Second, Yoossaph isn't claiming quantons(self,Iht). vav Yeshooaa assa quantons(Aleph.1q,Iht). |
(some guesses) |
(some altered epic poetically by Doug) |
1 |
Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[Ve'Yamer: |
..."and he is saying abideings ~situationingsq~ and roleings;" |
And he issi sayings, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~existenceings~ attractorings fount of lifeq ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ ~whileq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ material ~biosphereings~ of multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings, abideings ~situationingsq~ and ~roleings~,...] |
AKA comtext(Ihn~Situ,Role). |
2 |
Aleph~Lammed~Hay~finalMem |
[Alahem: |
..."to Alephic metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn cosmos;" |
to Alephicq metabolic quantized ~livingsq~, assa fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~metabolismings~ ~livingsq~ ~cowithihn~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~ of, cowithihn cosmos,...] |
3 |
Yod~Waw~Sammekh~finalPhay |
[Yoossaph: |
..."specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht] cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ possibilityings;" |
specifically ~exihstenceingsq~ hermaphroditic [Holy Blood, San Graal, Benjamite Templar Blazon, Yeshooaa~Iht], assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ hermaphroditic attractionings ~reverberationalq~feminineq~fecundationingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~, cavitational ~fecundationingsq~ burgeonings ~cosmic~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~...] |
4 |
Aleph~Lammed |
[Al: |
..."accrueings Alephicq metabolic ~evolutioningsq~ to;" |
accrueings Alephicq, assa cowithihn fount of life ~Aleph.1q~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~, metabolic ~evolutioningsq~ to...] |
5 |
Thav~Yod~Raysh~Aleph~Waw |
[Thiraeoo: |
..."y¤u arera fearings y¤u may be impedeings ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~ resurrectionings of Aleph;" |
you arera fearings, assa wholly permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ of multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ensembleings attractorings ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q's}~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~, y¤u may be impedeings ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~ resurrectionings of Aleph...] |
6 |
Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other;" |
that grail which enables, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ offeringsq ~QA~ Mobius twistings of ~exihstenceingsq~, comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other,...] |
7 |
Hay~T[h]av~Hhayt~T[h]av |
[Ha'Thahhath: |
..."quantized ~livingsq~ alternative ~chooseings~ of solitonic ~impedanceings~ of ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ possibilityings;" |
quantized ~livingsq~ alternative ~chooseings~ of solitonic ~impedanceings~, assa ~livingsq~ ~divineq~ FOCHRS permeable ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~laseings~ ~unlimitedq~spiritualq~possibilityingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~, of ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~,...] |
8 |
Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."Aleph.1q's ~sempiternalq~ AEFings metabolisis of quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn y~¤our ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn provident quantum bounty of ~cosmic~ biosphereings;" |
Aleph.1q's ~sempiternalq~ AEFings metabolisis of quantized ~livingsq~, assa vestigial Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ inciteings evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~engenderings~ quantized ~livingsq~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~. cowithihn y~¤our ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn provident quantum bounty of ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~...] |
9 |
Aleph~Noun~Yod |
[Ani: |
..."I, cowithihn Aleph.1q, am ~adhereingsq~ lifeq principleings;" |
I, cowithihn Aleph.1q, assa vestigial Valueings cowithihn fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ am ~adhereingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~, am ~adhereingsq~ life ~principleingsq~,...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered epic poetically by Doug) |
1 |
Vav~Aleph~Thav~finalMem |
[Ve'Athem: |
..."~fecundlyq~, thoroughly via bounty of you;" |
~Fecundlyq~, thoroughly, assa vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings y¤ur ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ borne of fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1s~ ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ of expectationings of y¤ur bounty cowithihn ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~, via bounty of you...] |
2 |
Hhayt~Sheen~V[B]ayt~Thav~finalMem |
[Hheshbathem: |
..."spiritual ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of y¤ur devised somatic ~cosmic~ metabolisimings ~encounterings~ ~impedanceings~ y¤u devised bounty cowithihn ~cosmic~ biosphereings;" |
spiritual ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of y¤ur devised somatic ~cosmic~ metabolisimings ~encounterings~ ~impedanceings~, assa y¤ur ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of y¤ur spin 1/2 ~somaq's~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~, y¤u devised bounty cowithihn ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~...] |
3 |
Ayn~Lammed~Yod |
[Aali: |
..."enfoldings metabolic ~enlightenmentings~ ihnto exihstenceings;" |
enfoldings metabolic ~enlightenmentings~, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, ihnto ~exihstenceingsq~,...] |
4 |
Raysh~Ayn~Hay |
[Raah: |
..."and y¤ur reputation assa one who escorts evil endarkenings ~among~ y¤ur ~livingsq~ against;" |
and y¤ur reputation assa one who escorts, assa multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ entrappings bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ quantized ~livingsq~, evil endarkenings ~among~ y¤ur ~livingsq~ against...] |
5 |
Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."insuperable Aleph.1q's ~sempiternalq~ AEFings metabolisis of quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn y~¤ur ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn provident quantum bounty of ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~, however;" |
insuperable Aleph.1q's ~sempiternalq~ AEFings metabolisis of quantized ~livingsq~, assa vestigial Valueings fount of lifeq ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ inciteings evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~engenderings~ quantized ~livingsq~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~. cowithihn y~¤ur ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn provident quantum bounty of ~cosmic~ ~biosphereings~, however...] |
6 |
Hhayt~Sheen~V[B]ayt~Hay |
[Hheshbah: |
..."S~he devised ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of H~er~self cowithihn somaticq ~cosmic~ metabolisimings of H~er quantized livings;" |
S~he devised ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ of H~er~self, assa ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of H~er~self cowithihn ¤ur spin 1/2 ~somaq's~ quantized ~livingsq~, cowithihn somaticq ~cosmic~ metabolisimings of H~er quantized ~livingsq~...] |
7 |
Lammed~Tayt~Vayt~Hay |
[La'Tovah: |
..."enhanceings metabolic Qualityings of somaticq pre fermionic ~cellularizationingsq~ of quantized livings;" |
enhanceings metabolic Qualityings of somaticq pre fermionic ~cellularizationingsq~, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ pre fermionic ~cellular~ spin 1/2 ~somaticq~ quantized ~livingsq~, of quantized ~livingsq~...] |
8 |
Lammed~Mem~Ayn~finalNoun |
[La'Maan: |
..."evolutionary metabolismings of material ~biosphereings~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ all ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ of indeterminationings;" |
evolutionary metabolismings of material ~biosphereings~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ all, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ material ~biosphereings~ Valueings bosonic QED ~{cavitational~enlightenmentings~ expectationings assiduous ~adhereingsq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq}~, ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~...] |
9 |
Ayn~S[h]een~Hay |
[Aassah: |
..."focused cosmic metabolic bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ do~dueings ¤ur quantized livings;" |
focused ~cosmic~ metabolic bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ focused evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of ¤ur quantized ~livingsq~, do~dueings ¤ur quantized ~livingsq~...] |
10 |
Kaf~Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Ka'Yom: |
..."assa iht issi both exihstentially and ~cosmically~ ~grailingsq~ ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~' Mobius twistings;" |
assa iht issi both exihstentially and ~cosmically~ ~grailingsq~, assa Valueings fermionic ~{cavitational~grailingsq~ Mobius ~grailingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ expectationings fermionic ~reverberationalq~cosmic~grailingsq}~, ~fecund~ ~exihstenceingsq~' Mobius twistings...] |
11 |
Hay~Zayn~Hay |
[Ha'Zah: |
..."~unlimitedq~ quantized solitonic ~livingsq~ ~potentiaq~ of vestigial quantons(~mind~,~body~);" |
~unlimitedq~ quantized solitonic ~livingsq~ potential, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS quantized solitonic ~{~{cavitational~livingsq~ ~laseings~ ~synapticq~unlimitedq~potentiaq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~}~, of vestigial quantons(~mindq~,~bodyq~)....] |
12 |
Lammed~Hay~Hhayt~Yod~T[h]av |
[La'Ha'Hheeth: |
..."evolutionary metabolismings of quantized ~livingsq~ ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ preserveings and growings stronger via permeableq ~cosmic~ impedanceings;" |
evolutionary metabolismings of quantized ~livingsq~ ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ , assa evolutionary ~metabolismings~ quantized ~livingsq~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ preserveings and growings stronger via permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~, preserveings and growings stronger via permeableq ~cosmic~ ~impedanceings~...] |
13 |
Ayn~finalMem |
[Aam: |
..."bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ of bountiful fruition of ~cosmic~ biosphereings;" |
bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ of bountiful fruition, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ of ~cosmic~biosphereings~, of cosmic ~biosphereings~...] |
14 |
Raysh~V[B]ayt |
[Rab: |
..."cosmic comtainmentings of many soma;" |
cosmic comtainmentings, assa ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ protectings many spin 1/2 ~somaq~, of many somaq...] |