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TQS News Archive

November, 1998 News:

Whew! Busy Month! Lots of new connections and new memes!

We continue work on material which we will add to our review of Irving Stein's, The Concept of Object as the Foundation of Physics, which debuted in October. Stein likes the review! One focus of his current interests relative to the book is the problem of interaction (Quality Events, special events, measurement, interrelationships, etc.).

We spent nearly the entire month of November continuing work on the Hughes' Buridan Review. We targeted it for completion by the end of November, but the review blossomed into a thing with many tentacles and connections. We decided it was better to delay until at least the end of December.

To appease those of you who are anxious we added some of new artwork for the Buridan review to the top page of the Quantonics site. Here are some new artwork links for your consideration:

SOM Formal Reality — Context: SOM Reality in Larger Reality
Here we see the limited, dichotomous SOM dialectic in the context of larger quantum Reality. We embedded one of Buridan's sophisms in the middle of SOM reality. In the Buridan review we want to show how sophisms are paradice (paradoxes) in SOM, but all of the paradice evaporates when you move to the larger MoQ/quantum context of many truths/many isles of truth.
Two Local Truths — Two: Local Truths and Local Contexts
This graphic shows only two of the potential infinite local truths and local contexts in the larger Reality.
Chimeras Exist — Chimeras Both Do And Do Not Exist!
Similar to the previous graphic, but uses Hughes' and Buridan's "absurd" chimeras as Real examples in two local contexts. (The review illustrates ample evidence that chimeras do indeed exist in our Earth-centric, anthropocentric reality.)
Quantum Interrelationships — A, B, & C in quantum logic
This artwork shows that everything in the larger Reality is interconnected. We used 2D graphical 'pipes' to show the quantum interrelationships. The art shows the interrelationships in closed form. Clearly, this is wrong, in general. All quantum/Quantonic interrelationships are potentially open (omnicontextual).
Quantum Egg — An Arial font 'C' depicted as a quantum object
Here we see an egg shape straddling the actuality/nonactuality 'surface.' Recall that in Pirsig's MoQ, Quality equals Reality = DQ + SQ. Similarly in the quantum realm Reality = Actual Part + Nonactual Part. This art shows the quantum egg straddling the DQ/SQ 'surface' and the quantum Actual/Nonactual 'surface.' The part above the line representing the 'surface' is the actual part of reality we all know. The part below the line is the nonactual part which is there but we have great difficulty sensing anything but its affects at the 'surface.'

As you may see, the review will contain many graphics. We will introduce an enormous number of new memes and drive another stake in the heart of SOM's substance-based formal logic of One Global Truth and One Global Context.

If you just cannot wait to dig more into Buridan, see the new links under our philosophy links. We just added a link to Gyula Klima's page hosted at Notre Dame. This page looks superb. We have not delved deeply there yet.

Also just search using "buridan."

[Note: We like Copernic for searching. The price is right. Their (Agents Technologies Corp.) support is automatic and they use 10-20 of the top engines. Too, Copernic's ordering/billing is the easiest and best we found so far. These folk are real pro's. (We derive no benefit from this recommendation, except to assist our readers better experience the Web.)]

We added a letter from Doug to Anthony McWatt to the site during November. See: Have A DQ Moment!

In the letter we describe our moment of enlightenment when we used Pirsig's MoQ to intuit that classical science's three founding undefinables are definable! Not only are they definable, they are unified! We had our own personal insight (September/October 1998) that mass, length, and time are all metaphors/proxies of the more fundamental flux! I.e., m, l, t = f(flux). Amazingly, this epiphany occurred just before we started our review of Stein's book. We wrote the letter to Anthony after we discovered that Stein affirmed that flux is a proxy for both mass and length. Einstein had already given us the space-time identity in his special relativity. Too, Einstein gave us his mass-energy unification. For us, the mass-energy proxy was the missing piece. Now we see that Pirsig is right! His Dynamic Quality is flux! Our derivative adventure now is to show the interrelationships among flux, bosons, latching, and measurement. See Rhett Savage's site and search on 'spin' for some clues as to where this is going. Especially interesting is his wine glass maneuver as a metaphor of integer spin. Also, see Rhett's forum called quantum-d. The posts there are excellent.

One of the most talked about issues of the 20th century is the unification of science and religion. Some believe they are separate — naught the threads shall twine. Now when you throw in philosophy, and ask that the three threads commingle, some folk actually become visceral in their reactions. However, Pirsig's MoQ — in its awesome brilliance — allows us to unify the three! See our response to Matt Workman on this very issue:

Relate MoQ to Christianity?

Meanwhile, we are still getting some good letters with very good questions. We are amazed at the number of responses to our reviews at Amazon. Also, people are beginning to talk and think more about quantum reality and how it relates to Pirsig's MoQ. Some of you want to know about the most fundamental aspects of our new quantum reality. We attempted to make that easier for you here: Quantum Essence. This link uses our epiphany about flux to mimic Pirsig's MoQ and show what quantum science is about fundamentally. Note: this isn't easy! You have to work and persist if you want to understand the new Reality and the new way of thinking. But the rewards are potent and distinguish those who will survive in the next millennium and those who will become extinct.

Larry Riss copied us a link to the site with Micro$oft's Halloween memos. See: Bazaar is Killing MS!

Previously we sent this link to Larry: Virtual Bazaar or Monolithic Cathedral?

We ranted long about the fact that Micro$oft simply does not understand the new meme. The above are both vindication. No longer will we bear the MS strategy of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). Isn't that a hell of a way to treat customers, vendors, and competition? We will be glad to see the MS Cathedral slide into its own moat. MS is rapidly descending the slippery slope into ultimate negatives. We encourage them...go for it!

For those of you entrepreneurs, those of you who manage operations pay attention to the bazaar vis-à-vis cathedral models. The cathedral is passé. The bazaar is virtual. Businesses with bazaar models will survive. Businesses with cathedral models will become extinct. You should be transforming your business NOW!

On that same topic, we found this new book: The Philosophical Computer

The authors offer games of life cellular automata with multiple strategies. You can run one of the automata on the above site. The strategies which always win are more bazaar like. The strategies which always lose are MS-cathedral like. Beware: these strategies are generational in scope. There is no quick fix here. There are Values here.

We just received our copy of The Philosophical Computer. It contains a CD ROM with the full book text plus a plethora of animations and public code useful to those of you who wish to pursue the automated philosophical experience of reality. We think it will help us, in Quantonics, to model graphically MoQ's many truths and quantum logic's many isles of truth. In this regard, also see Benoit B. Mandelbrot's book on fractals, The Fractal Geometry of Nature. See especially, Apollonian nets and study the concept of circle inversion. Appollonian nets appear as we imagine we might depict MoQ's many truths or quantum science's islands of truth.

Finally, you can see that we made some revisions to our review of Amy Wallace's, The Prodigy. We added to the list of Boris Sidis' publications. We added further interpretations of William's, "Folupa."

Thanks for reading.

See you next month, and Mtty. J

October News:

We spent nearly the entire month of October on a review of Irving Stein's extraordinary book, The Concept of Object as the Foundation of Physics. Stein begins with the Newtonian classical object and derives post modern quantum mechanics. He invents a new ontology. Remarkably, his new ontology is almost identical to Pirsig's MoQ. See the review at:

The Concept of Object as the Foundation of Physics

We also added the following to the site:

Have A DQ Moment! (Doug had a defining epiphany on the classical undefinables!)

Plus we added a few news flashes on virtual banking and virtual universities. As we predicted, the new virtual paradigm is either eliminating or transforming all intermediaries. Note that a recent issue of Red Herring documented plans of Netscape, et al., to pursue the Bazaar product development model further. (Bazaar model is virtual vis-à-vis Cathedral model which is traditional-monolithic.) Recent news articles are even discussing virtual surgery. If you are currently an intermediary of any sort, prepare for change! To put this in a Quantonic perspective, our reality is undergoing a paradigm shift toward increased global cohesion and greater individual autonomy. This is a fundamental quantum effect, disclosed to us by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho in her, the Rainbow and the Worm.

Due to the effort required for the Stein review, we were unable to prepare the Q/A transcript for the Loyola tape. This may be delayed for the foreseeable future.

Our plans to initiate a forum here in Quantonics are on hold. Our ISP is pretty much non-responsive. They moved our mail server to a separate server which is incapable of majordomo list names that use sponsor domains. We very likely will move to a new ISP during 1999. Look for announcements to that end.

Next month we will provide the Buridan review promised on the top page of our site. This review ties together several issues left somewhat ambiguous by Pirsig in his three works. It is apparent to us now, that Pirsig's works, quantum theory, and Buridan's Sophismata are all pieces of a whole.

To whet your appetites for next month's review, let us ask you this question, "Would you say that SOM should be the parent philosophy of Western culture if you knew that SOM portrays quantum science as a sophism?"

Thanks for reading.

See you next month, and Mtty. J

September News:

Last month, we failed to tell you about some changes you probably are already familiar with. Before we left for New Mexico, we managed to add a new section to the front page of the Quantonics site called, Flash. In that new section we place links and brief journal article reviews which are timely and relevant to Pirsig's MoQ and Quantonics. Examples are a couple of links to sites that tell you about BECs or Bose-Einstein condensates. These are important because many of you are interested in consciousness, especially quantum consciousness. Others of you are interested in quantum biology. BECs are crucial to understanding both, because condensates exhibit coherent quantum behavior. Coherence is critical to consciousness and offers an explanation of physical muscle-limb motion and natural synchronous motions which SOM classical science is incapable of describing.

In that same Flash section we placed a couple of reviews:

  1. Faster_Than_Light
  2. Virtual_Universities_Article

The first review is about dramatic experiments that demonstrate light tunneling faster than Einstein's presumed (common sense) limit of ~one foot per nanosecond. One particular experiment shows light tunneling at 1.7 times c.

This is pure DQ!

The second review tells about more effects of the emergent Internet architecture's paradigm shifting effects. The classical cathedral model of the bureaucratic university organization is being replaced by a virtual/bazaar Internet model.

The impact of the Internet's virtual/bazaar model is enormous, especially on academic professionals — how and where they work. We see this as a precursor of vast similar changes in other bureaucracies. In relation to this we also added a link under Quantonics — a New Meme: Virtual Bazaar or Monolithic Cathedral? Under this link we see further affirmation of the ongoing paradigm shift. The old monolithic (cathedral) approaches to product development and organization structure are passé. They are being replaced in the new paradigm by the virtual/bazaar model.

We also recently added Flash news about the bazaar paradigm impact on Microsoft. Linux is developed using a bazaar model. Microsoft's products are all designed, developed, and delivered using a cathedral model. If you read the last segment of the above Bazaar vs. Cathedral link, you will see that Netscape, et al., decided to change from their current business models to the bazaar model. (See: 13. Epilog: Netscape Embraces the Bazaar!) This is a big deal! Recently Intel announced a deal with Netscape and Red Hat Linux! Here we see the beginning of the end for Microsoft! They simply do not understand this meme.

From an MoQ perspective this is about Static Quality that has become exclusive. Pirsig tells us about exclusive Static Quality throughout Lila. Here is one of many quotes from him on this subject:

"Dynamic Quality is the pre-intellectual cutting edge of reality, the source of all things, completely simple and always new. It was the moral force that had motivated the brujo in Zuni. It contains no pattern of fixed rewards and punishments. Its only perceived good is freedom and its only perceived evil is [exclusive] static quality itself —- any pattern of one-sided fixed values that tries to contain and kill the ongoing free force of life." Page 115/410 of Lila, Bantam hard bound.

The metaphor here is Microsoft's evil of exclusive stasis resisting the good of the moral force of DQ. Microsoft is about exclusive stasis via monolithic structure. Linux, Red Hat, Intel, Netscape, Sun, et al., are about SQ willing to move with the relentless wave of DQ via the new bazaar, virtual, incremental delivery, mass customization structure.

We decided to present similar business and science metaphors to you under the Flash section of our top page.

We also added a section to our top page called, Letters to Editors. Our first letter is to the conservative Washington Times. The letter responds to an article the Times published on the evils of cultural relativism. We affirmed their position, but argued that SOM is inadequate as the legacy alternative. Western culture needs something new! MoQ is the way to go. See:


We did not announce it previously, and you have probably already found our new page about what is wrong with SOM's boolean logic. It is worth your effort. Keep in mind that MoQ's many truths tell us that there are many omni-contextured truths in Reality. Given that, we may surmise there are limitless logics too, not just the one logic which SOM assumes. See:


During September we were busy. We did an extensive review of Amy Wallace's, The Prodigy. It is a book that was published in 1986. It is about William James Sidis — a genius with an estimated IQ of 300. Pirsig mentions Sidis four different places in Lila. We include those quotes in the review. We used Copernic to search using multiple engines for additional Sidis information. We found several interesting links which appear in the review.

Amy's book is difficult to find. We found a first edition through a used-book dealer on the internet. We also found Boris Sidis' book which contains Appendix IV, Unconscious Intelligence, an essay by William James Sidis. We added that material to the review. Watch for more additions to the review over time. There is a powerful story here which reflects more exclusive stasis in our education system which needs to feel the force of DQ's paradigm shift. See:


We also added a new section to our top page called Essence. The first part, MoQ Essence, answers the question, "What is MoQ?" The second part is a treatise on MoQ Language. Here, for the first time, we begin tying the heuristics of quanton, Niels Bohr's complementarity, omni-contexture, and Quantonic interrelationships together. We use this to discuss the many languages of MoQ and how SOM is facile in describing reality given its stasis-exclusive axioms. In that light, we state explicitly the purpose of MoQ language and the purpose of SOM language.

For you quantum motorcycle aficionados we added a PDR quote to the top page:

"Quantum Mechanics Ride & Maintain Quantum Cycles."

During October, we will add a review of GE Hughes' book, John Buridan on Self-Reference. We will also add the Q/A portion of the Loyola video tape transcript which so many of you requested.

Also in October, we should get our new forum underway. If you wish to join, send us a note.

Thanks for reading.

See you next month, and Mtty. J

July/August News:

We took a break from de rigueur The Quantonics Web Site to visit northern New Mexico, USA. Awesome!

We added Taos, NM as a candidate work location for future Quantonics Society endeavors.

Most of the changes to the site in the last two months have been correction of typographical mistakes, some grammar, and some semantic evolution based on new knowledge. We attempted to change the rev. dates on all of the pages affected.

We also want you to know that we are about to announce new forums for discussion of Pirsig's work, Pirsig's work as it relates to quantum science, and other philosophical discussion. If you want to participate in these new forums, please send us a note. We are interested in your particular sensitivities and proclivities.

Let us know at: NOFLAMEqtx{at}earthlink{dot}netNOSPAM

Also note that we will be adding a significant new meme to The Memes. It will be the Quantum Energy Meme. It will discuss one of the most profound new areas of change in quantum science variously known as: vacuum energy space (VES), zero point energy (ZPE), quantum vacuum energy (QVE), etc. The importance of this is almost unimaginable. It is akin to other trends we see in our world, especially the commoditization of communication, computation, software, intermediaries, etc. Imagine the new world of Millennium III where energy is an abundant, non-polluting, nearly free resource. Imagine the new world without power utilities. Imagine near-zero fuel costs for all transportation! Seems impossible but these imaginings appear destined to become reality.

We are just adding a review of The Prodigy, by Amy Wallace. It is a biography of William James Sidis who is mentioned four times in Pirsig's Lila. Sidis' parents claimed to tap into an energy similar to that described above in order to achieve extraordinary intellectual feats. Perhaps there is a relationship. It will be fun to pursue that subject on this site over the next few months and years.

FYE, we are receiving many requests for the transcript of the Q/A session from the Loyola presentation. Hopefully we will have that some time in October, 1998.

We are also reviewing GE Hughes' review of John Buridan's Sophismata, chapter eight. That review should appear during October, 1998.

Thanks for reading.

See you next month, and Mtty. J

June, 1998 TQS News:

This has been an incredibly busy month. We garnered some new friends including a few very prominent ones via email and they visited our site to see what Quantonics is all about. Expect to hear from some of them in the near future.

Our efforts to grow the site activity and requests are paying off, with compounded growth running greater than 25% per week. Clearly, that is unsustainable, but we'll take it while we can get it.

The Quantonics site gains depth and variety with each passing month. In June, we added eight new site pages and evolved four existing pages.

As promised last month we put the transcript of the Loyola University videotape presentation on the site at: Video Tape Transcript. The transcript is long and covers the first 50+ minutes of the presentation, excluding the Q/A session and reception.

We did a lengthy review of Dr. Mae-Wan Ho's book, the Rainbow and the Worm (tRatW). With a title like that, one might ask, "What does that book have to do with Pirsig's MoQ and quantum science?"

Are you getting that strange feeling now? Doesn't that question have a ring of familiarity to it? Remember when you asked a similar question about ZMM? "What does a book about motorcycles have to do with philosophy? (or vice versa)" Remember the angry motorcycle enthusiasts who really were upset when they discovered that ZMM was a covert means to get them to read philosophy? Of course, many of them enjoyed the surprise and still talk about it and have web sites about it today.

Mae-Wan Ho's book, tRatW, is the first book we know of which talks about the SOM vis-à-vis MoQ vis-à-vis quantum science ideas the way Pirsig does. However, she does this, apparently without any prior knowledge of Pirsig's work, and she does it from a scientific perspective instead of a philosophical perspective. To the reviewer, the affinities of her book to Pirsig's work are uncanny. Further, the book affirms our conviction that Pirsig's MoQ is the parent philosophy of the new science, quantum science.

Her book is full of marvelous stuff, which one approaches through a tangled technical jungle. The jungle is necessary to provide foundation for her remarkable conjectures and conclusions. When you read the book, be prepared to make some challenging adjustments to your Intellectual Static Patterns of Value. If you just cannot wade through the book, at least peruse the review below and the link to her startling statements with nearby reviewer comments.

A fascinating connection occurred serendipitously when Nick Adams of SiliconSalon found our site at the same time we were doing the tRatW review. In the book, Mae-Wan Ho decries the violence of Western scientific experiments based on SOM's reductionist, analytical proclivities. Nick, a student of The Great Books of the Western World, reminded us that the first word in the first book in the original Greek is WRATH. That book is Homer's Iliad. So, indeed, our Western culture is based on violent terminology and violent thinking. Too, we see daily the oppositional nature and consequences of the Aristotelian Subject-Object schism. Mae-Wan Ho resoundingly denounces this schism and its ill-effects on science. She seeks new, quantum scientific approaches to non-destructively perform experiments on living and other quantum systems. But she tells us we need a new way of thinking to develop these new approaches. That new way of thinking, in our opinion, kens Pirsig's MoQ and Quantonics.

See the review at: the Rainbow and the Worm. Also see the quoted startling statements and commentary with page number references at: Startling statements with the reviewer's comments.

For those of you more interested in the MoQ fundamentals, we added a new page called the MoQ Primer. We see this document and its antithetical twin the SOM Primer as living documents which we will change often as the MoQ evolves and more ills of SOM manifest. The MoQ Primer contains many of Pirsig's most basic statements about what distinguishes MoQ and its two divisions from the legacy SOM. See: the MoQ Primer, and the SOM Primer.

Remember ZMM? Remember the scene where Phaedrus' new SOM-altered, mind-erased self goes back to the college where he tried to teach Quality? He finds his old office and sees the picture on the wall, and this evokes a cascade of recall. The picture is a print of one of Feininger's originals called, Church of the Minorites. Nick Adams sent us a GIF of it which he found on the web. Here it is: Church of the Minorites. Enjoy! Thanks, Nick!

We started a living, emerging list of MoQ definitions in June. Some of these terms are what we in Quantonics see as the most rudimentary. See: MoQ Definitions.

We added three quotes from Mae-Wan Ho's tRatW to our page called About the Arches.

Her comments regarding language/words, science, and education find coherent resonance here in our work. We hear echoes of Niels Bohr on the limitations of human language. Her words on science disclose her apparent predilections for intuition and imagination, both of which Pirsig and his MoQ hold in high regard as the most highly evolved Static Patterns of Value in Reality. She talks of science as poetry... On education, she lacerates deeply the ills of our current legacy SOM educational system.

Fatefully and very, very interestingly we see in the latest, 26June98 issue of Science on page 2019, page title: NetWatch — a column about imminent changes in our tertiary educational system. Science claims that the state of Washington, USA has plans to save money by replacing educators with 'techno-substitutes.' Classrooms will be virtual via the net! They speak of 'virtual universities!' The University of Washington faculty are rightfully frightened by this aspect of technical evolution. Certainly it begs the question whether the SOM legacy classroom environs are better than a quantum coherent actinocrasy of virtual students working from their cocoons and home-caves just like the rest of us net-nauts. Besides, education is not, per se, a baccalaureate, Masters, or Ph.D. It is a lifetime reality adventure. Education should be virtual just like our work is now, and as it is becoming more virtual. Faculty should not fear this change, but see the endless bounty of new opportunities and more new ways of thinking and learning.

Imagine the savings in time, transportation, fuel, heat, infrastructure, etc.!

We also added an old letter from The Lila Squad archives — from Doug to Bodvar Skutvik entitled, the Mother of All Relativity. It gives a bit more foundation on the connections twixt MoQ and science.

While surfing one of our favorite sites, Rhett Savage's H is for h-bar, we found a paper by Dr. John G. Cramer, Department of Physics, University of Washington — the same UW mentioned above , re: virtual universities. Cramer's paper is about another interpretation of quantum theory called, "The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics." At the very beginning of the paper, we found a graphic Dr. Cramer created to depict the DQ to SQ and SQ to DQ transactions otherwise known as the Quality Event in MoQ and the special event in quantum science. We asked Dr. Cramer for his permission to use the graphic in Quantonics and he said we could. See it at: Cramer's Special Transaction.

Also, we must thank Rhett Savage for the reference and recommendation of Dr. Mae-Wan Ho's book, tRatW.

Finally, we added a new meme to The Memes. See The Quantum Parthenogenesis Meme. This one arose from the review of tRatW and new ways of thinking garnered from practicing Mae-Wan Ho's perspective.

We also added more links to the Quantonics site's various URL link lists. We added tRatW to the recommended reading list and moved it to number five behind Pirsig's three works, and Herrigel's Zen in the Art of Archery.

These new additions should help you expand your MoQ horizons.

Thanks for reading.

See you next month, and Mtty. J

May, 1998 TQS News:

On April 31, 1998 we received the LUCID production tape of the Loyola presentation. On May 1, 1998 we sent a copy to Robert M. Pirsig for his review and comments. In response, Pirsig shares his views of the Loyola presentation in a brief letter. See his transcribed letter at:  9 May 1998 Letter From Pirsig.

You may recall from earlier news that James Shea and Dan Neafsey invited Pirsig to do the Loyola presentation. Pirsig recommended Doug to them. Well, James and Dan graduate from Loyola this Spring - congratulations! James Shea heads for Japan to teach English. We are unsure, but we think Dan is off to grad school. We wish both Dan and James the best Dynamic Quality for the future.

There have been multiple requests for copies of the Loyola video tape. We are preparing a video tape transcription which will appear on this site soon. We also want to tie the audio to the presentation transparencies. You will be able to click on areas of each transparency and hear the audio segment that attends it. Watch for these changes to the Quantonics site.

During May we modified the Quantonics site's index page to provide direct hyperlinks to areas of interest to frequent visitors. As a result, few people even hit the top organization page which links to the arches. We are glad you like the direct links.

Site volume (requests) are up more than 300% in three weeks. J

We added new pages to the site during May:

SOM Primer,
The Birth of SOM,
SOM Limitations,
SOM Issues Letters (two on Mu, one on Classical Science, and one on 'Are you alive or dead?' and on the latter, see the Quantonic Questions meme at The Memes page.),
SOM Art, shows some ills of SOM's objective view of the world,
Li - La, this new page shows a few alternate semantics for Pirsig's Lila. Use your favorite search engines to investigate related semantics: wu li, wu wei, etc. Fun! Tell us about any other interesting semantics you discover. And see,
Quantum Interpretations, note: this is one of the most popular pages on the site now,
Quantum Links, (needs a lot more expansion, including Gerry Harp's site)
Philosophy Links, Cultures Links, and
The famous Mtty letter with a graphic added to clarify the paradox solution.

We also added more links to the MoQ Links.

We added the Decidable Gödel meme to The Memes. It delineates some structural weaknesses of SOM. This piece is a tad theoretical, but it is worth your effort to read it. If you take the effort to grasp the essence of completeness and consistency, you may begin to see why SOMland is full of "Classical Boole." J

We added new Quantum Links and a review of David Deutsch's famous book, The Fabric of Reality. We also found Gerry Harp's site at Ohio University. Gerry's site will be linked into our Quantum Links soon. He and colleagues performed yeoman effort to put VRMLs of selected quantum wave functions there. Great work!

We added a couple of new recommendations to Recommended Reading for you folk interested in the two MoQs for Millennium III.

We edited the MoQ Moral Codes. You may find they are easier to read.

Thanks for visiting the Quantonics web site, and thanks for your support. We have a lot of new material to add to the site during June. Watch for it.

See you next month, and Mtty.

April, 1998 TQS News:

Loyola University produced and published a video tape from the 24Mar98 Loyola presentation. If you are interested in a copy for evaluation and to see whether your school or organization wants a similar presentation please email TQS at:


We will arrange for you to get a copy at a nominal charge. For Pirsig fans, note that a copy has been sent directly to him for his review and comment. Perhaps he will share his perspective of the video with us.

The Quantonics site is growing as you can tell. We added many new pages during April and March, including a page on The MoQ Duality Perspective Introduction and another on the Quantonic Memes. See the Perspective Introduction at: Perspective Introduction.

The page on Quantonic Memes lists many of the memes cogent to Quantonics for Millennium III. Only a few of the memes are 'ready' and those are marked with a READY button. Others will be added during 1998 at a gradual pace. See: The Memes. Note this is a large HTML file and takes some time to load.

We also added a page of Recommended Reading for you folk interested in the two MoQs for Millennium III.

The SOM page is neglected, probably because we in MoQland see SOM as passe', but we added a cursory and preliminary list of SOM limitations which help to show why SOM must be subsumed by Pirsig's MoQ. See: SOM Limitations. This page needs much work. There are a few statements whose context is insufficient for proper interpretation by newbies, so beware. We will work on these problems and add more to the SOM pages in the next couple of months. The quickest way for you to do this independently is read Pirsig's works in order: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, then Lila, and finally his paper Subjects, Objects, Data and Values (reprinted here with permission from Pirsig).

We also added an interpreted list of Pirsig's MoQ moral codes. Several of you expressed interest in this and it was a topic of interest at the Loyola talk. Feedback received so far says these codes help newbies to see the profound ethical advantages of MoQ over SOM. See: MoQ Moral Codes.

Art updates to the site include a MoQ-SOM piece entitled Western Culture's Fruit. Brief affinity and antilogy lists below the artwork denote some of its subtleties. We also added three graphics for the two MoQ dualities (MoQ I is Pirsig's Metaphysics of Quality; MoQ II is Renselle's Mechanics of Quanta - one purpose of TQS is to research and study the duals between the two MoQs) and they are:

  1. A Quantum Logical View of MoQ
  2. MoQ I Reality Loop
  3. MoQ II Reality Loop

Also new on the site is a list of vis-à-vis duals, direct side-by-side comparisons of Pirsig's MoQ to quantum science's Mechanics of Quanta. See: MoQ I & MoQ II Duals.

You may have previously enjoyed the MoQ-Two (pronounced 'mach-2') poem Renselle dedicated to Pirsig in January of 1998. Renselle prepared a separate web page version of the poem with the original quantum interpretations of the words in the poem. See his quantum interpretation of the poem at: Quantum Interpretation.

Finally, you should review the results of the presentation at Loyola on the TQS page under Loyola. Again, we send sincere thanks to Loyola University and in particular James Shea, President of the Loyola Honors Student Association, and Dan Neafsey, VP. Our humble gratitude goes also to Robert M. Pirsig for recommending Doug to Loyola University. Thanks to Jamie Workman for contributing a Spanish pronunciation of St. Loyola's name: Iñigo de Oñez y Loyola (play the wav file on the TQS page).

March, 1998 TQS News:

Renselle Speaks at Loyola University Crown Center Auditorium on March 24, 1998.

See Loyola MoQ Talk for more details including: prereading material, the actual transparencies used for the talk, and a subsequent status report outlining some anecdotal material from the Loyola Chautauqua.

Most common requests after the talk were for copies of the video taken of the presentation.

The cups and tee shirts were of little interest. Few realized the significance of the artwork on both items. It is original artwork depicting simultaneously: MoQ, SOQ, sVo, and waves. The legs of the letter M are waves. The curly-cue that finishes the Q is a wave. The S line that divides the Tao symbol is a wave. The Tao symbol simultaneously represents Subject and Object. The two short waves constituting the middle part of the M represent a V.

So you see, if you did not get one of these cups or tee shirts you are remiss; however, you may order one from The Quantonics Society's web site. More products whose sales contribute to TQS's research and study grants will appear there in the future. Watch for them.

We introduced a draft design of the TQS business cards at Loyola. Final design is in progress using CMYK four color art which appears quite real from a reasonable distance. The final design uses 3D art which we hope will be collectible. We hope to keep the Static Quality in words and the Dynamic Quality in art on each edition of the cards.

Renselle continues active participation in The Lila Squad activities. Please consider sending Diana McPartlin an email expressing your interest in TLS. You may wish to send her your biography and join us. Squad mates are both active participants and passive lurkers. Some go back and forth twixt active and passive roles based on their own personal waves of life. See: for more information about TLS and how to join.

Via TLS' active member Bodvar Skutvik, we hear that Pirsig is back from his winter break. Some of us hope for more artistic work product from him, but he denies any future ventures of this sort.

Pirsig appears to offer some counsel to Anthony McWatt at TLS. Anthony shares quotes from Pirsig's letters fairly often. That is just one good reason for joining TLS!

Renselle continues work on his first book. Also he continues his seemingly endless study of quantum science and its quantonic interrelationships to Pirsig's MoQ. A tentative conclusion is: MoQ as a philosophy explains quantum science better than any current philosophy centered on the Subject-Object Metaphysics, 'SOM.'

Watch the TQS site for new material showing the manifest limitations of SOM when compared to MoQ and quantum science. Watch also for new material showing the plethora of quantonic interrelationships twixt MoQ and quantum science.

February, 1998 TQS News: becomes an official Web site mid-February, 1998.

January, 1998 TQS News:

Renselle Invited to Speak at Loyola University

In December, 1997, The Quantonics Society Director, Doug Renselle received the following email invitation:

HSA Invitation Letter

Subsequent negotiations with Mr. Neafsey and Mr. James Shea, the Loyola Honors Student Association president has solidified a topic, time, date and location:

Topic: Pirsig’s MoQ Fundamentals Compared to SOM — A New Way Thinking
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. (45 minute talk, followed by 45 minute Q/A session)
Date: Tuesday, March 24, 1998
Location: Crown Center Auditorium, Northeast corner of Loyola's Lake Shore Campus

Through its Honors Student Association, Loyola University became the first academic institution donor to TQS.

Thanks Loyola!

The Quantonics Society appreciates your support.


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(25Aug2002 rev - Add 'consensus' link to common sense above.)
(17Jan2005 rev - Correct 'p a r d i c e' to 'paradice.')