
Doug's Translation
Song of Songs III
Verses 1-11
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Song of Songs III:1-11:

Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.

Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...

...quantum aspects of Song of Songs from their readers.

Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.). An outlier of interest here is Delores Cannon's opus re Jesus' Essene (Qumran) Gnosis (Specifically see her They Walked with Jesus.).

Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, especially in Song of Songs. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica Doug is unsure whether it is available elsewhere and in Suares' quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believes Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist. But Gnosis shows us that monism is deceit. Doug believes latter, not Suares' apparent monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can.

Doug shows, for each verse and word of Chapter III of Song of Songs, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes, thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Song of Songs)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Song of Songs
Doug Renselle

Song of Songs III:1 Song of Songs III:2 Song of Songs III:3 Song of Songs III:4 Song of Songs III:5 Song of Songs III:6 Song of Songs III:7  Song of Songs III:8  Song of Songs III:9  Song of Songs III:10  Song of Songs III:11

Light's permeable existential metabolism of my biosphere cosmic metabolically grailing me cowithihn existence.
My resting soma enfolding itself cowithihn a double existential metabolism issi fecundating vital~impedance.
My resting soma renews itself via cosmic~vital~impetus cosmically metabolising my existential encounter with vital~impedance.
Ihn my searching for him I journey from vital~impetus to vital~impedance.
I experience cosmic metabolic vital~impetus alive, and living cowithi
hn me.
My individual quantized indetermination of freedom and peace finds unlimited existential living~possibilityings for me cosmically metabolizing cowithihn existence.
Voila! My resting soma renews itself via cosmic~vital~impetus cosmically metabolising my existential encounter with vital~impedance while fertilizing my existence.
My fecundity existentially issi metabolizing vital~impetus cowithi
hn me.
My existential biosphere's attempted structuration of vital~impetus cowithi
hn me issi vitally~impeding my existence' fecundity (ability to make waves).

[These last six Autiot words are repeated in next verse as its last six Autiot words. Significance of this Doug does n¤t yet understand, but it IS significant. Ihn Qabala all repetitions are very important.]

Doug - 2,8Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Retranslation of Song of Songs III:1

Song of Songs III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Ayn~Lammed-Mem~Sheen~Kaf~Vayt~Yod




light's existential metabolism of my biosphere cosmic metabolically grailing me cowithihn existence...] This appears as a kind of exaltation of her cowithihn cosmos and existence.
2 Bayt~Lammed~Yod~Lammed~Waw~Tav



..."my bed;"

my resting soma enfolded cowithihn a double existential metabolism issi fecundating vital~impedance...]

Again, Layla, as a darkness, as
a time of sleep and rejuvination.

Lammed~Yod~Lammed issi divine.

Lammed~Yod~Lammed~Hay issi Layla.

3 Bayt~Qof~Sheen~Thav~Yod



..."by night;"

my resting soma renews itself via cosmic~vital~impetus cosmically metabolising my existential encounter with vital~impedance...]

Doug views this as a quantum~thermodynamic
omniscription of deep sleep.

We must keep reminding self
that all of this is analogy,
thermodynamic flux analogy!

4 Aleph~Tav



..."I sought him whom;"

searching for him I journeyed from vital~impetus to vital~impedance...]

Here we see
as a searching
'for him' journey from
Aleph through Tav.

From vital~impetus
reality's life~death
breathing~out half~cycle.

See At.

5 Sheen~Aleph~Hay~Vayt~Hay



..."my soul loves;"

I experience cosmic metabolic vital~impetus alive, and living cowithihn me...]

From any thermodynamicq view,
this issi just incredibly fluxq~hologral.

Doug issi narrating an apparency that
every EWing ihn any hologram issi
quantadulated by all other hologra
cowithihn said hologram: love!

To ostense that, view, e.g.,
gravityq as love.

6 Noun~Phay~Sheen~Yod



..."with my whole person, my soul, my breath;"

my individual quantized indetermination of freedom and peace finds unlimited existential living possibilityings for me cosmically metabolized cowithihn existence...]
7 Bayt~Qof~Sheen~Thav~Yod~Waw



..."I have obtained a cosmic communion of Qof and Tav;"

Voila! My resting soma renews itself via cosmic~vital~impetus cosmically metabolising my existential encounter with vital~impedance while fertilizing my existence...]
8 Waw~Lammed~Aleph



..."and yet;"

My fecundity existentially metabolizes vital~impetus cowithihn me...]
9 Mem~Tsadde~Aleph~Tav~Yod~Vav



..."organic Aleph I have not yet structured;"

My existential biosphere's structuration of vital~impetus cowithihn me issi vitally~impeding my existence' fecundity...] A parable: do n¤t try to 'structure' vital~impetus! Vital~impetus has
n¤ structure, n¤ inertia, n¤ mechanicity.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

My vital~impetus' exalted cosmic self fecundates my living biosphere,
via my existential quantizing indetermination of my CH3ing freedom and peace borne on vital~impetus at edgings of k~now~ings.
My fecund vital~impetus' femininity attempts to doubly fecundate my life.
My travels through the city, through its leaky comtainment of light of existence cosmically comtained,
through its comtained cosmic metabolism fecundating my cosmic~vital~impetus cowithihn existence cowithihn my cosmic biosphere.
My leaky fecundation of myself cowithihn cosmic comtainment spiritually, breathlessly, and fecundly escaping double existential comtainment.
My vital~impetus and its cosmic exaltation break free from existential (dialectical) comtainment ihnto breatheingsq of livingsq.
Ihn my searching for him I journey from vital~impetus to vital~impedance.
I experience cosmic metabolic vital~impetus alive, and living cowithi
hn me.
My individual quantized indetermination of freedom and peace finds unlimited existential living~possibilityings for me cosmically metabolizing cowithi
hn existence.
Voila! My resting soma renews itself via cosmic~vital~impetus cosmically metabolising my existential encounter with vital~impedance while fertilizing my existence.
My fecundity existentially issi metabolizing vital~impetus cowithi
hn me.
My existential biosphere's attempted structuration of vital~impetus cowithi
hn me issi vitally~impeding my existence' fecundity (ability to make waves).

[These last six verses are repeated from last six Autiot words of verse 1. Doug does not understand yet significance of this repetition. Ihn Qabala all repetitions are very important.]

Doug - 2,8Jun2015, add QCS™ scripts for words 5 and 6 of this verse - 1Feb2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Retranslation of Song of Songs III:2

Song of Songs III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Aleph~Qof~Waw~Mem~Hay



..."I will rise;"

My vital~impetus' exalted cosmic self fecundates my living biosphere...]

She realizes she cann¤t find him so she decides to fractallyq~recursivelyq try to find herself, to find her inner.

We see 'getting up' as 'making waves.'


Today, colloquially, 'get my ass in gear!'

2 Noun~Aleph




via my existential quantizing indetermination of my CH3ing freedom and peace borne on vital~impetus at edgings of k~now~ings...] Scintillation issi crux
of 'doing at nowings.'
3 Waw~Aleph~Sammekh~Waw~Vayt~Vayt~Hay



..."and walk about;"

My fecund vital~impetus' femininity attempts to doubly fecundate my life...]

Suares refers this double~Vayt as
a duality which can be a vicious circle.

Quantumly, if her life issi open, then we must intuit circle (journey) must be open, n¤t its closedc projectionc on a surface, rather its openq cosmically evolving projectionq.

Observe that this word's cavitationings are very interesting. Ponder:

~{6 ~1 ~{60  6}~}~ ~{2  2}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

4 Vayt~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."the city;"

My travels through the city, through its leaky comtainment of light of existence cosmically comtained...]
5 Bayt~Sheen~Vav~Qof~Yod~finalMem



..."through the city;"

through its comtained cosmic metabolism fecundating my cosmic~vital~impetus cowithihn existence cowithihn my cosmic biosphere...]

This issi an omniscription of herself, her inner, her soma, her nous, ...

. . .

QCS™ gives us:

from Gematria

~2.300~ ~{6 ~{100 ~10}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

to Autiot


housing, sheltering


cosmic qwf~pneumatic~breathings (Atta) and their qwf~evolutionings~tempestuous~quantadulative~affectationings of qwf~vibrationings of


columnar ascendant cavitationings affecting qwf~vibrationings of

100.~{perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolvingq noveltyingsq with(~and)~

cowithihn and qwf~straddling its own temporal columnar descendant reverberationings


columnar ascendant reverberationings of hologralq isoenergyings


iso~vibrationings cowithihn


Doug - 1Feb2016.

6 Waw~Vayt~Raysh~Hhayt~Vayt~Waw~Tav



..."through the streets;"

my leaky fecundation of myself cowithihn cosmic comtainment spiritually, breathlessly, and fecundly escaping double existential comtainment...]

Finding her inner entails her breaking free from double, dialectical, formal, objective mechanism.

Compare Dodi and Idod.

(Dodi: her lover and antinomial
Idod: YahWeh as demiurge.)

. . .

QCS™ gives us:

from Gematria

~{6 ~{2 ~{200}~ ~8.2}~~ 6.}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

to Autiot


bilateral divine re emerqancyings of qwf~vibrationings of


tuned vibrationings qwf~modulating ascendant columnar antinomialq cavitationings qwf~vibrationings of


qwf~oscillationings of columnar complementaryq precipitousq qwf~reverberationings


assa pneumaticq principleq of indeterminationingsq reverberationings cowithihn


bilateral divine qwf~reverberationings cowithihn


cavitational~qwf~vibrationings persistently attempting to compenetrateq ultimate At~Ta (qwf~peregrinationings of "streets") resistanceingsq of


resisting absoluteq "struggle with g¤d: Isra~el," "chanceings, chooseings, changeings," quantum~assessmentings



Doug - 1Feb2016.

7 Aleph~Vayt~Qof~Sheen~Hay



..."and through the squares;"

my vital~impetus and its cosmic exaltation break free from existential (dialectical) comtainment ihnto breatheingsq of livingsq...]

She finds her inner and she escapes Sabachthani.

Sabach: trap, web, net, lattice, matrix,
Thani: vital~impedance stopping her freedom.

8 Aleph~Tav



..."I sought him whom;"

searching for him I journeyed from vital~impetus to vital~impedance...] This and next five words of verse 2 are a repeat of last six words in verse 1.
9 Sheen~Aleph~Hay~Vayt~Hay



..."my soul loves;"

I experience cosmic metabolic vital~impetus alive, and living cowithihn me...]

This issi verse 2. We see many
doubles cowithihn this verse.

Double occurrence of these six words...
pay attention! Code issi telling us...

10 Noun~Phay~Sheen~Yod



..."with my whole person, my soul, my breath;"

my individual quantized indetermination of freedom and peace finds unlimited existential living possibilityings for me cosmically metabolized cowithihn existence...]

Two lives: Life of attempting to find him, and failing.

Life of attempting to find herself, and succeeding.


Success issi ihn failure and failure issi ihn success!

Iht issi ihn us. We do n¤t have to look outside ourselves for Iht!

Ben~Adam: Evolution of Aleph cowithihn Blood.


11 Bayt~Qof~Sheen~Thav~Yod~Waw



..."I have obtained a cosmic communion of Qof and Tav;"

Voila! My resting soma renews itself via cosmic~vital~impetus cosmically metabolising my existential encounter with vital~impedance while fertilizing my existence...]
12 Waw~Lammed~Aleph



..."and yet;"

My fecundity existentially metabolizes vital~impetus cowithihn me...]
13 Mem~Tsadde~Aleph~Tav~Yod~Vav



..."organic Aleph I have not yet structured;"

My existential biosphere's structuration of vital~impetus cowithihn me issi vitally~impeding my existence' fecundity...] A parable: do n¤t try to 'structure' vital~impetus! Vital~impetus has
n¤ structure, n¤ inertia, n¤ mechanicity.

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My existential structuration can be found as vital~impetus' fecund (quantum~wave~making) indeterminate freedom and peace quantizing my existence,
by watchers' living cosmic metabolisms which have their cosmically comtained existences enfolded cowithihn both existential and cosmic biospheres.
My life's femininity doubles my existence cowithihn my cosmic biosphere. [This may explain double repetitions ihn verses 1 and 2. ???]
My travels through the city, through its leaky comtainment of light of existence cosmically comtained,
searching for him I journeyed from vital~impetus to vital~impedance.
I experience cosmic metabolic vital~impetus alive, and living cowithihn me.
My individual quantized indetermination of freedom and peace finds unlimited existential living possibilityings for me cosmically metabolized cowithihn existence.
His cosmic comtainment of his vital~impetus' existence vitally~impeded cowithihn his cosmic biosphere, issi hidden from me.

Doug - 4,8Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Retranslation of Song of Songs III:3

Song of Songs III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Mem~Tsadde~Aleph~Waw~Noun~Yod



..."they found me;"

My existential structuration can be found as vital~impetus' fecund indeterminate freedom and peace quantizing my existence....]

Suares, "Metsa'Ooni is a very
strong word. Its root, Mitsah
or Matsah means to drain,
to squeeze, to wring out,
to exhaust; it is also unleavened
bread, deprived of watery
substance." Page 84, SoS.

Ani issi Aleph~Noun~Yod.
Here we see it with Waw
after Aleph.

Ani issi me, myself, I.

With Waw it becomes
"my fecund self."

Mem~Tsadde issi my (her)
existential biosphere's

Apparently, in idiom,
'structuration' does said
"wringing out."

2 Hay~Sheen~Mem~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."the watchmen;"

by watchers' living cosmic metabolisms which have their cosmically comtained existences enfolded cowithihn both existential and cosmic biospheres...]

Sheen here issi double dotted!!!

Doug has never seen this prior.

We see cosmic metabolism here as
both focused (M) and diffuse (F).

This is a very interesting way
to show cosmic metabolism's
two lives: masculine and feminine.

Again, we see Carl Jung's
anima (M) and animus (F)!!!

This vastly omniffers genetics'
haploidal hermaphrodicity.

This phenomenon
issi (appears) epigenomic.

This issi a kind of

It describes thermo[fluxo]dynamic
EWings of those who monitor!

Doug - 4Jun2015.

3 Hay~Sammekh~Vayt~Vayt~Yod~finalMem



..."as they went about the city;"

My life's femininity doubles my existence cowithihn my cosmic biosphere...]

This word makes Doug
believe that Carl G. Jung
encountered it during his
Red Book spiritual
'She' re cognizes herself
as a double:


Suares refers this
double~Vayt as
a duality which can
be a vicious circle.

Quantumly, if her life
issi open, then we
must intuit circle
('her' journey) must be
open, n¤t its closedc
projectionc on a
surface, rather its
openq cosmically
evolving projectionq.

4 Vayt~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."the city;"

My travels through the city, through its leaky comtainment of light of existence cosmically comtained...]
5 Aleph~Tav



..."I sought him whom;"

searching for him I journeyed from vital~impetus to vital~impedance...]

Here we see
as a searching
'for him' journey from
Aleph through Tav.

From vital~impetus
reality's life~death
breathing~out half~cycle.

See At.

6 Sheen~Aleph~Hay~Vayt~Hay



..."my soul loves;"

I experience cosmic metabolic vital~impetus alive, and living cowithihn me...]

From any thermodynamicq view,
this issi just incredibly fluxq~hologral.

Doug issi narrating an apparency that
every EWing ihn any hologram issi
quantadulated by all other hologra
cowithihn said hologram: love!

To ostense that, view, e.g.,
gravityq as love.

7 Noun~Phay~Sheen~Yod



..."with my whole person, my soul, my breath;"

My individual quantized indetermination of freedom and peace finds unlimited existential living possibilityings for me cosmically metabolized cowithihn existence...]
8 Raysh~Aleph~Yod~Tav~finalMem



..."have you seen?;"

His cosmic comtainment of his vital~impetus' existence vitally~impeded cowithihn his cosmic biosphere, issi hidden from me...]

Raysh issi cosmic comtainment.

Aleph~Yod issi a quantum~antinomial~complementary
pair of Aleph and its
existential projection.

Tav issi vital~impedance,
Aleph's mirror.

finalMem issi cosmic biosphere.

So we see 'him' as

Compare Sheen~Yod~Tav as Aleph.

Then expand Aleph~Yod~Tav using Aleph's triple, like this:


Sheen issi hammering perpetual
iterationings of existence against
vital~impedance' as an anvil.

This is fecundity of evolution shaping
and evolving and adapting all qwfs
ihn reality perpetually, ubiquitously.

Now Yod~Tav appears doubled!

'He' is (his life cyclings are)
tentatively enfolded somewhere
ihn his evolving cosmically
comtained self cowithihn, his
comtextually shared cosmic

Doug - 4,8Jun2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Her existential grailing of her biosphere issi enlightening her cell.
She experiences cosmic metabolic enlightening of her home cosmically comtained by a permeable vital~impedance of existence.
My life's tribulations of static enfoldment in two biospheres, desnouers
light's dialectical doorway perpetually opening and closing. (Quantum~being, "In the Light.")
I found his cosmic metabolism cowithihn existential structuration of his vital~impetus struggling with vital~impedance cowithihn his existence,
and ihn all my searching for him I journeyed from vital~impetus to vital~impedance, and back over and over again (Atta).
I experience cosmic metabolic vital~impetus alive, and living cowithihn me.
My individual quantized indetermination of freedom and peace finds unlimited existential living possibilityings for me cosmically metabolized cowithihn existence.
I held my masculine lover, his vital~impetus' unlimited possibilityings and their potentia against a permeable vital~impedance cowithihn fecund existence,
and found that my fecundity cowithihn existential metabolism cann¤t totally comtain his vital~impetus.
and thus his vital~impetus' cosmic comtainment's unlimited existential possibilityings fecundly quantizing his indetermination, his peace, his freedom.
Until I had his existential living~cyclings divinely enfolded ihnto a living home's fecundity,
ihnto a place of vital~impetus' existential metabolism at home existentially encountering vital~impedance, ihnto
my mother's vital~impetus' existential biosphere enfolding me,
her (my mother's) fecundity of vital~impetus' existential metabolism,
experienced through a quantum~spiritual gateway ihnto cosmic comtainment,
ihnto my mother's living fecundity cosmically comtained and struggling cowithihn existence struggling with vital~impedance.

Doug - 4Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Retranslation of Song of Songs III:4

Song of Songs III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Kaf~Mem~Ayn~Tayt




existential grailing of biosphere enlightening her cell...]

This feels like daybreak,
just enough light to see...

Tayt offers comcern,
danger, impending

Compare 9 Av. Scary.

2 Sheen~Ayn~Vayt~Raysh~Thav~Yod



..."had I passed;"

cosmic metabolism enlightening home cosmically comtained by a permeable vital~impedance of existence...] Thav's permeability allows
her to pass through...
3 Mem~Hay~finalMem



..."from them;"

My life's tribulations of static enfoldment in two biospheres...]

Hay life existence here
issi embedded twixt
existential~ and cosmic~biospheres.

So 'she' is passing from
both biospheres ihnto a
light~filled omniscovery
of 'him.'

Spiritual interpretants of
this meme are profound!

Light issi metabolic,
mutative, transformative,
evolution via QED itself.

4 Ayn~Dallet



..."when, in light of day, 'i.e., eternal light's expectation as signature assessments of residue of residues';"

light's dialectical doorway perpetually opening and closing...]

Quantized light of day
allows her to residually
find him, to quantum
assess her own finding
of him.

This is essence of quantum~
fluxo~, thermo~dynamics.

Yom, Layla, Yom, Layla,...

and expectation as quantum~assessment as quantum~measurement as

"Shyar Ha Shyareem..." SoS, I:1.

Doug - 30May2015.

5 Sheen~Mem~Tsadde~Aleph~Tav~Yod



..."I found him;"

I found his cosmic metabolism cowithihn existential structuration of his vital~impetus struggling with vital~impedance cowithihn his existence...]

Again we see 'him' as
Aleph~Tav enfolded
twixt Tsadde~Yod.

This appears as allegory
of discovery, finding.

All of this finding
abducted a priori by

Vividly he is experiencing
multi levels of quantum fractal~recursion.

6 Aleph~Tav




searching for him I journeyed from vital~impetus to vital~impedance...]

Here we see
as a searching
'for him' journey from
Aleph through Tav.

From vital~impetus
reality's life~death
breathing~out half~cycle.

See At.

7 Sheen~Aleph~Hay~Vayt~Hay



..."my soul loves;"

I experience cosmic metabolic vital~impetus alive, and living cowithihn me...]

From any thermodynamicq view,
this issi just incredibly fluxq~hologral.

Doug issi narrating an apparency that
every EWing ihn any hologram issi
quantadulated by all other hologra
cowithihn said hologram: love!

To ostense that, view, e.g.,
gravityq as love.

8 Noun~Phay~Sheen~Yod



..."with my whole person, my heart, my soul, my breath;"

My individual quantized indetermination of freedom and peace finds unlimited existential living possibilityings for me cosmically metabolized cowithihn existence...]
9 Aleph~Hhayt~Zayn~Thav~Yod~Waw



..."I held him;"

I held my masculine lover, his vital~impetus' unlimited possibilityings and their potentia against a permeable vital~impedance cowithihn fecund existence...]
10 Vav~Lammed~Aleph



..."and would not;"

and found that my fecundity cowithihn existential metabolism cannot totally comtain his vital~impetus...] A strange kind of
Qabalic subjective
11 Aleph~Raysh~Phay~Noun~Waw



..."let him go;"

and thus his vital~impetus' cosmic comtainment's unlimited existential possibilityings fecundly quantizing his indetermination, his peace, his freedom...]
12 Ayn~Dallet~Sheen~Hay~Vayt~Yod~Aleph~Tav~Yod~Vav



..."until I had brought him;"

until I had his existential living~cyclings divinely enfolded ihnto a living home's fecundity...]

Ayn~Dallet issi
till, until, when, etc.

We see Aleph~Tav ('him')
enfolded cowithin
a double Yod, and
that enfolded cowithihn

So 'his' existence issi
brought ihnto and
cowithihn a living
home's fecundity.

13 Aleph~Lammed~Bayt~Yod~Tav



..."into house of;"

ihnto a place of vital~impetus' existential metabolism at home existentially encountering vital~impedance, ihnto ...]
14 Aleph~Mem~Yod



..."mother of me;"

my mother's vital~impetus' existential biosphere enfolding me...]
15 Waw~Aleph~Lammed



..."and to;"

fecundity of vital~impetus' existential metabolism...]
16 Hhayt~Dallet~Raysh



..."chamber of;"

through a quantum~spiritual gateway ihnto cosmic comtainment...]
17 Hay~Waw~Raysh~Tav~Yod



..."her that had conceived me;"

ihnto my mother's living fecundity cosmically comtained and struggling in existence with vital~impedance...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

(Your) living cosmic metabolism's light (is) vitally~impeded (by hegemons) ihn existence.
(Your) vital~impetus (is) vitally~blocked (from) grail~channeling cosmic biosphere.
(Your) evolution (should be) fecundulating vital~impedance cowithihn
(your holy city:) existential cosmic comtainment fecundating cosmic metabolism's actualization as existential metabolism cowithihn cosmic biosphere.
(You must learn to manage self with guidance of) life and death trajectory thence rebirth of structuration fecundating vital~impedance,
(while keeping your) vital~impetus fecundulating
(cowithihn your) home of vital~impetus' existential metabolism fecundly~struggling with vital~impedance.
(Your struggle will always take its place in an arena of) living cosmic metabolising larva dialectically gated by life.
(Avoid) vital~impetus enfolded cowithihn (your) cosmic biosphere.
(Avoid) vital~impedance shutting off light's existence via cosmic comtainment of fecundity.
(Keep your) fecund vital~impetus enfolded cowithihn cosmic biosphere.
(Keep your) vital~impedance of fecund light ihn existence divinely cosmic~comtained.
(Keep your) vital~impetus mirroring, echoing, reverberating, cavitating, etc., vital~impedance,
(for as long as your) living vital~impetus (issi) living cowithihn archetype of comtainment living.
(Persist with and live eternally with) light's dialectical doorway perpetually opening and closing.
(Expect) cosmic metabolism coobsfecting vital~impedance garnering (your) unlimited possibilityings projectionings existentially cowithihn cosmos' most powerful structurationings.

Doug - 5Jun2015, 15Nov2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Retranslation of Song of Songs III:5

This is a duplicate of Song of Songs II:7

Suares comments on this duplication, thusly:

"This verse is the exact repetition of II,7 and as such has been commented upon many times, in many ways, with no
positive result as to making sense out of it. It is not in the rules of Qabala to repeat anything without purpose. If we go
back to II,7 and read it in its context, we see that it deals with abstract generalities. If we read again this III, 5, keeping
in mind the verses that precede it, we find ourselves in the actual source of life, where the two flows of Aleph and Tav
are operating and awake. The verse, II, 7 is a vision of reality III, 5, if we have lived psyche's inner call, is its blossoming.

"In brief, love, Ahavah, Aleph alive and Vayt alive, is the double process of the One in us. In the psyche, Aleph alive
destroys in succession all the structures1 of the mind, so as to keep it constantly free and agile. In the body, Vayt alive
rebuilds in succession, the structures of the body so as to keep it whole and in good health. [See Veyn.]

"When the inverted directions of Energy are free to operate in us, their process is Ahavah, love, because we commune
with Aleph and with Bayt in everything that is."

One of many important issues Suares broaches, which for Doug assists in understanding both Qabala and Sepher Yetsirah, is his comparison of abstraction vis-à-vis role and situation.

Doug's bold, color, Apple Chancery font, footnote, brackets and links. 5Jun2015.

Note 1 - Structures as Errors of: dialectic, mechanical, formal, objective, ideal, independent, closed, only posentropic, only decoherent, dead, stable, material, substantial, predicable, determinate, etc.


Song of Songs II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Hay~Sheen~Bayt~Ayn~Thav~Yod



..."I adjure you;"

living cosmic metabolism's light vitally~impeded ihn existence...]

Ish~ah as Esha issi woman.

We see here vital~impedance (softened)
as hegemony invoking unilaterally
a mandated 'oath.'

Vital~impedance partially blocking light.

2 Aleph~Tav~Khaf~finalMem




vital~impetus vitally~blocked grail~channeling cosmic biosphere...]
3 Bayt~Noun~Waw~Tav



..."daughters of;"

evolution fecundulating vital~impedance...]

'ot' issi feminine plural,' suffixed to 'boy'
(Ben as evolution of Aleph ihn blood)
apparently issi girls-daughters.
Doug thought it should be Batot.

Women are responsible for
sustaining evolution of humanity,
and to do so they must
sheroically take on all impedances.

Men, sowing seed, go unimpeded.

4 Yod~Raysh~Waw~Sheen~Lammed~finalMem




existential cosmic comtainment fecundating cosmic metabolism's actualization as existential metabolism cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]

Shalom: peace.

Suares sometimes shows
Jerusalem as Jerushalom.

We then have, "existential
cosmic comtainment
fecundating peace."

5 Bayt~Tsadde~Vayt~Aleph~Waw~Tav



..."with a great deity;"

life and death trajectory thence rebirth of structuration fecundating vital~impedance...] See Beyn and Veyn in finalNoun.
6 Aleph~Waw




vital~impetus fecundulating...] Coital, copulative linguistic con(m)junction.
7 Bayt~Aleph~Yod~Lammed~Waw~Tav



..."with strength, power;"

home of vital~impetus' existential metabolism fecundly~struggling with vital~impedance...]
8 Hay~Seen~Dallet~Hay



..."battle field;"

living cosmic metabolising larva dialectically gated by life...] Appears as idiom for an illusion
of life ideally living, ideally dying.
9 Aleph~finalMem



..."do not;"

vital~impetus enfolded cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]

This is similar 1.30.

Existential metabolism cann¤t
enfold vital~impetus.

Cosmic~biosphere cann¤t
enfold vital~impetus.

Please realise that vital~impetus
issi quantum~affectional.

Its affectation my n¤t be harnessed.

Doug - 24May2015.

10 Tav~Ayn~Yod~Raysh~Waw



..."shut away in city;"

vital~impedance shutting off light's existence via cosmic comtainment of fecundity...]

Ayr issi city.

A king size chastity belt.

11 Vav~Aleph~finalMem



..."and do not;"

fecund vital~impetus enfolded cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] This is subjunctive,
ordinal negation.
12 Tav~Ayn~Yod~Raysh~Raysh~Waw




vital~impedance of fecund light ihn existence divinely cosmic~comtained ...]
13 Aleph~Tav




vital~impetus mirroring, echoing, reverberating, cavitating, etc., vital~impedance...]

See At.

See Autiot's Reality Loop.

14 Hay~Aleph~Hay~Vayt~Hay



..."the love;"

living vital~impetus living cowithihn archetype of comtainment living...]

Aleph~Vayt is a revelation of
quantum~life's Motif.

Here we see Aleph and Vayt
enfolded cowithihn three Hays.

Suares would say, "Don't just
keep vital~impetus (Aleph)
with your existence (Yod),
also keep Aleph with your
home (Vayt)."

Aleph~Yod and

15 Ayn~Dallet




light's dialectical doorway perpetually opening and closing...] Yom, Layla, Yom, Layla,...
16 Sheen~Thav~Hhayt~Phay~finalTsadde



..."splendor of emanation;"

cosmic metabolism coobsfecting vital~impedance garnering unlimited possibilityings projectionings existentially cowithihn cosmos' most powerful structurationings...] "...splendor at its highest level of structuration."

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Your biospherical existence'
unlimited potentia of vital~impetus cavitating vital~impedance.
Your existential light metabolising life existence.
Your existential biosphere n¤nexistentially quantizing indetermination, freedom, and peace of living biosphere gatewaying our home in cosmic comtainment.
Your actual grailing of vital~impedance' closed resonant cavitation of and in existential biosphere cosmically comtained (this is a kind of hermetic reverberation which can also, somehow, grail actuality).
Your existential light cosmically metabolising cosmic quantization of indetermination, freedom and peace.
Your existential biosphere's cosmic~vital~impetus removing all deceit from femininity's cosmic comtainment and vital~impedance,
your existential biosphere cosmically comtained.
Your fecundation of existential metabolism and its leaky new home's fecund quantization of life, and
your existential biosphere unleaky grailing of existential metabolism.
Your vital~impetus' leaky new home as cosmic~vital~impetus cavitating vital~impedance.
Your cosmically comtained and fecundating a leaky existential grailing of existential metabolism.

. . .

[Doug sees all of this as a precis of Solomon's comic appearance on our narrative scene.
Notice few quantum copulatives. Too, language appears to have a dialectical deadness to it.
Is there any deceit in female's womb? Can a throne of earthly feminine procreation evoke deceit? How?
It appears...a narrative~more~dialectical denigration of Solomon is underway...]

[Doug is heuristing on his own quantum~incense, his own quantum~insense here...without Suares' guidance.]

Doug - 5-6Jun2015, 15Nov2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Retranslation of Song of Songs III:6

Song of Songs III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Mem~Yod




biospherical existence...]
2 Zayn~Aleph~Tav




unlimited potentia of vital~impetus cavitating vital~impedance...]
3 Ayn~Lammed~Hay



..."coming up;"

existential light metabolising life existence...]
4 Mem~finalNoun - Hay~Mem~Dallet~Bayt~Raysh

(40.700 -


..."from the desert;"

existential biosphere n¤nexistentially quantizing indetermination, freedom, and peace of living biosphere gatewaying our home in cosmic comtainment...]

Bar issi 'son.'

Bat issi 'daughter.'

Bar issi soma cosmically comtained.

Bat issi soma cosmically impeded.

Doug - 15Nov2015.

5 Kaf~Tav~Yod~Mem~Raysh~Yod~Tav



..."like columns of;"

actual grailing of vital~impedance' closed resonant cavitation of and in existential biosphere cosmically comtained (this is a kind of hermetic reverberation which can also, somehow, grail actuality)...]

Notice candidate cavitational~palindrome of

What does it imply?

A big answer issi divinity.

Vital~impedance of existence,
?, ?,
existence vitally~impeded.

Now let's fill in queries:

Vital~impedance of existence,
existential biosphere, and
cosmic comtainment,
existence vitally~impeded.

We know that without
vital~impedance, there
is no life! That explains

But divinity of what?

Existential biosphere
cosmically comtained.

OK, then what is Kaf about?

Kaf is a n¤n leaky existential
grail. Think of an aqueduct,
an hour glass, a pipe...

So that divinity issi
existentially grailing
in and of actuality.

How can that be?

Recall that Aleph and Tav
are life~death cycling mirrors of one another.

Then we can view our
palindrome as a resonant
cavity keeping biosphere
cosmically comtained,
while grailing actuality!

Doug - 5Jun2015, 15Nov2015.

6 Ayn~Sheen~finalNoun




existential light cosmically metabolising cosmic quantization of indetermination, freedom and peace...] Smoke as a cloud of quantized dust residuals.
7 Mem~Qof~Tayt~Raysh~Tav



..."being perfumed of;"

existential biosphere's cosmic~vital~impetus removing all deceit from femininity's cosmic comtainment and vital~impedance...]
8 Mem~Raysh




existential biosphere cosmically comtained...]
9 Waw~Lammed~Vayt~Waw~Noun~Hay



..."and incense;"

fecundation of existential metabolism and its leaky new home's fecund quantization of life...]
10 Mem~Kaf~Lammed



..."from all of;"

existential biosphere unleaky grailing of existential metabolism...]
11 Aleph~Vayt~Qof~Tav



..."spice of;"

vital~impetus's leaky new home as cosmic~vital~impetus cavitating vital~impedance...]
12 Raysh~Waw~Khaf~Lammed



..."one being merchant;"

cosmically comtained and fecundating a leaky existential grailing of existential metabolism...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Her life issi quantized free, indeterminate, peaceful existential livings.
Her existential feminine biosphere comfronting (Solomon's comic) vital~impedance fecundly.
His (comic) cosmic metabolism of existential metabolism cavitating cosmic metabolism alive in existential biosphere.
She experiences Solomon's double immature cosmic metabolism projecting a puerile and warlike existence ihnto cosmic indetermination, freedom and peace.
Her archetypical organic movement evolving home (soma) while cosmically comtained cowithihn a mature cosmic biosphere.
Her femininity of leaky soma's cavitation of existence,
provides abundant existential metabolism of life.
We observe strength of her existential biosphere's organic movement of her soma comfronting Solomon's vital~impedance cowithihn existence.
Her soma~nous' existence and its focused raison d'é'tere issi cosmic metabolically cowithihn cosmic comtainment while her vital~impetus issi cowithihn existential metabolism.

. . .

[Notice how this verse issi much more quantum, much less dialectical than verse 6. Suares' interpretation of this verse puts Solomon as a pretender, an effeminate drag queen.

Some 'elite' morons in pastings have referred Song of Songs, 'Song of Solomon.' Ha ha, ha ha, ho ho, he he, hay hay...we're coming to take you away...]

Doug - 6Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Retranslation of Song of Songs III:7

Song of Songs III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Hay~Noun~Hay




life quantized free, indeterminate, peaceful existential livings...]

This peaceq issi spontaneous, uncertain.

Compare peacec as static, inertial, certain..

2 Mem~Tayt~Tav~Waw



..."it is litter, carriage of;"

her existential feminine biosphere comfronting vital~impedance fecundly...] Women sometimes have to carry a creep.
3 Sheen~Lammed~Sheen~Mem~Hay



..."that of Solomon;"

cosmic metabolism of existential metabolism cavitating cosmic metabolism alive in existential biosphere...]

Reverberation in cosmic metabolism as a living biosphere.

We can almost see his blubber
jiggling like Jello.

It is almost as if cosmos is
laughing at Solomon's obesity.

4 Sheen~Sheen~Yod~finalMem




a double cosmic metabolism projecting existence into cosmic indetermination, freedom and peace...]

Numerically this is female womb.

Compare Tayt as V~Jay~Jay.

Double Sheen is Sheening of Sheen.

Quantum recursion of cosmic metabolism.

5 Ghimel~Bayt~Raysh~finalMem




archetype of organic movement evolving home (soma) while cosmically comtained cowithihn a mature cosmic biosphere...]

War viewed as evolution?

War usually emerges from Error,
AKA dialectical beliefs and practices.

6 Sammekh~Vayt~Yod~Vayt




femininity of leaky soma's cavitation of existence...]
7 Lammed~Hay



..."about her;"

existential metabolism of life...]

W¤mæn possess reproductiveq systems.

Men do not.

W¤mæn have highly~creativeq reproductiveq energyingsq.

Men do not.

This partially exegetizes Doug's claim, "W¤mæn are wise. W¤mæn possess wisdomq."

Doug - 15Nov2015.

8 Mem~Ghimel~Bayt~Raysh~Yod



..."from noble ones of;"

existential biosphere's organic movement of her soma comfronting vital~impedance in existence...]
9 Yod~Seen~Raysh~Aleph~Lammed




existence focused cosmic metabolically in cosmic comtainment with vital~impetus cowithihn existential metabolism...]

Isra~El: "Struggle with G¤d."

Doug - 15Nov2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

We see phony grailings of existential metabolism ihnto cosmic biosphere,
their supposed vital~impetus' spiritual unlimited breath, its unlimited potential cowithihn existence.
We see self appointed archetypes of spiritual breath cosmically comtained and at home.
Self divined pretension of double existential biospheres bogus-apodictically cavitating existential metabolism dialectically gatewaying existence.
A closed double existential biosphere's divinely (in a vicious deadly circle) cavitating existential metabolism with (presumed) breath and unlimited spiritual possibilityings all pretentiously alive and living
(without) vital~impetus cowithihn existence cosmically metabolized.
We see a pretension of unlimited spiritual breath's possibilityings cosmically comtained and at home cowithihn fecundity,
a pretension of existential light's existence cosmically comtained at home cowithihn fecundity.
An intentional deceit of existential biosphere cowithin unlimited possibilityings and their archetype breathing~gatewaying bivalently-dialectically via biosphere's opening~closing (deadly vicious circling) archetype .
Home of metabolic cavitation of (demiurgic) existence fecundating vital~impedance, going nowhere, fast.

. . .

[To Doug, this whole verse is a joke. It's a clear putdown of Solomon as a typical weak showing off man, a self promoting pretender-dilettante to something he views greater than self.
King Solomon: Drag Queen of degenerate masculinity. Today, Keynesianism: drag queen of inept self appointed patriarchy and masculinity!]

Without Doug's embellishments, just treat plain text as SoS author's intentional cynicism.

Run lemmings, run!!!

Doug - 6Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Retranslation of Song of Songs III:8

Song of Songs III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Kaf~Lammed~finalMem



..."all of them;"

grailings of existential metabolism ihnto cosmic biosphere...]
2 Aleph~Hhayt~Zayn~Yod



..."ones wearing of;"

vital~impetus' spiritual unlimited breath, its unlimited potential cowithihn existence...]
3 Hhayt~Raysh~Vayt




archetype of spiritual breath cosmically comtained and at home...]
4 Mem~Lammed~Mem~Dallet~Yod



..."ones being experienced of;"

double existential biospheres divinely cavitating existential metabolism gatewaying existence...]

Mem~Lammed~Mem issi
double existential biospheres
divinely cavitating existential metabolism.

Dallet offers a bivalent gateway
ihnto existence.

Note that Mem~Dallet issi projected and its projection issi Dallet~Mem: blood.

Allow Doug to project Meloomdi ihnto its projection Eedamoolam.

So what issi Eedamoolam?

What issi Eedam? Existential Adam?

What issi Oolam? "Many coming~upings cowithihn cosmic biosphere?"

Doug - 15Nov2015.

5 Mem~Lammed~Hhayt~Mem~Hay




double existential biospheres divinely cavitating existential metabolism with breath and unlimited spiritual possibilityings all alive and living..]

issi similar above, except
Lammed~Hhayt replaces

So we have double existential
biospheres divinely cavitating
existential metabolism with
breath and spiritual unlimited
possibilityings with all of that
alive, and living!

6 Aleph~Yod~Sheen




vital~impetus cowithihn existence cosmically metabolized...]

Always keep Aleph with your Yod.

Always keep DQ with your SQ.

Doug - 6Jun2015.

7 Hhayt~Raysh~Bayt~Waw



..."sword of him;"

unlimited spiritual breath's possibilityings cosmically comtained and at home cowithihn fecundity...] How anyone gets 'sword' out of this is beyond me.
8 Ayn~Lammed - Yod~Raysh~Vayt~Waw



..."at side of him;"

existential light's existence cosmically comtained at home cowithihn fecundity...]
9 Mem~Pay~Hhayt~Dallet



..."for terror;"

existential biosphere cowithin unlimited possibilityings and their archetype breathing~gatewaying bivalently via biosphere's opening~closing archetype ...]

Doug is unsure how to treat this one,
but a pattern is apparent which is
often useful: we see 80.8 enfolded
cowithihn 40.4.

In Autiot that issi existential unlimited
possibilityings archetyped, and
existential biosphere archetyped.

10 Bayt~Lammed~Yod~Lammed~Waw~Tav



..."of the nights;"

Home of metabolic cavitation of existence fecundating vital~impedance...]

Lammed~Yod~Lammed issi divine.

With Hay appended, it issi Layla.

We see existence cowithihn a double
Lammed resonantq cavityq.

Interestingly vital~impedance of Layla issi Yom's birth, Yom's Veyn.

Onset of light, to Doug's nous, isn't Terror! It's success, novel opportunity.

Light issi onset of darkness, while
Darkness issi onset of light!!!


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

To carry him, a vital~impetus' unlimited existential possibilityings cowithihn existence fecundating cosmic quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace.
With focused light of life he made,
for his metabolic fecundity (being),
a life of a king's existential biosphere existentially metabolizing cosmic isoenergies' grailings (view this as a kind of tap into spiritual reserve energy),
Solomon as both cosmic and existential metabolisms biosphering life.
Its woody existential biosphere structured by existential light cowithihn existence.
Its wood came from a place locally called Lebanon as, life's existential metabolism leaky gating existential quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace fecundating cosmic quantizations' freedom, indetermination, and peace.

Doug - 7Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Retranslation of Song of Songs III:9

Song of Songs III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Aleph~Phay~Raysh~Yod~Waw~finalNoun




To carry him, a vital~impetus' unlimited existential possibilityings cowithihn existence fecundating cosmic quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace...]
2 Ayn~Seen~Hay



..."he made;"

with focused light of life he made...]
3 Lammed~Waw



..."for him;"

for his metabolic fecundity (being)...]
4 Hay~Mem~Lammed~finalKhaf




life of a king's existential biosphere existentially metabolizing cosmic isoenergies' grailings (view this as a kind of tap into spiritual reserve energy)...]
5 Sheen~Lammed~Mem~Hay




Solomon as both cosmic and existential metabolisms biosphering life...]
6 Mem~Ayn~Tsadde~Yod



..."from wood of;"

woody existential biosphere structured by existential light cowithihn existence...]
7 Hay~Lammed~Vayt~Noun~Waw~finalNoun



..."the Lebanon;"

life's existential metabolism leaky gating existential quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace fecundating cosmic quantizations' freedom, indetermination, and peace...]

Notice narrative copulation of Noun and finalNoun.

This says a lot about Lebanon as a place of industry, innovation, individual freedom, indetermination, and peace.

A place of quantum~being and quantum~peace.

Its Vayt suggests fresh born.

See Veyn and Beyn.

Doug - 7Jun2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

His enlightened existential biosphere fecundly enfolding bivalent gateways of existence (posts).
His existential light focuses life's energyings,
existentially grailing of femininity and her unlimited cosmic possibilityings.
Cosmic comtainment of his existential unlimited possibilityings cowithihn existence gatewaying spiritual breath's fecundity,
unlimited potentia of life's permeable home,
existential biosphere's seat of (status quo) fecundity,
vital~impetus' organic movement evolving existential biosphere's cosmic quantization of isoenergyings freedom, indetermination,and peace.
His partially mirroring, echoing, reverberating vital~impedance enfolding, cavitating existential leaky grail cowithihn fecundity.
His cosmic comtainment of existential structuration fecundating cosmic unlimited possibilityings.
Girls doing his work provide vital~impetus living perpetually cowithihn a permeable (partiallyq openq) home of living,
borne of femininity's existential biosphere of quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peaceful feminine evolution of vital~impedance,
cowithihn peaceful Jerusalem, an existential cosmic comtainment fecundating cosmic metabolism's actualization as existential metabolism cowithihn cosmic biosphere.

Doug - 7Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Retranslation of Song of Songs III:10

Song of Songs III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Ayn~Mem~Waw~Dallet~Yod~Waw



..."posts of him;"

his enlightened existential biosphere fecundly enfolding bivalent gates of existence (posts)...]
2 Ayn~Seen~Hay




his existential light focused life's energyings...]
3 Khaf~Sammekh~finalPhay




existential grailing of femininity and her unlimited cosmic possibilityings...]
4 Raysh~Phay~Yod~Dallet~Hhayt~Waw



..."base of him;"

cosmic comtainment of his existential unlimited possibilityings in existence gatewaying spiritual breath's fecundity...]
5 Zayn~Hay~Vayt




unlimited potentia of life's permeable home...]
6 Mem~Raysh~Kaf~Vayt~Waw



..."seat of him;"

existential biosphere's seat of (status quo) fecundity...]

Raysh~Kaf~Vayt is column two of Autiot Table inverted.

Literally it means cosmic comtainment of existential impermeable grail of permeable home. It's a variation (Doug heuristic) on ESQ which issi 2.20.200 none of which are permeable.

7 Aleph~Raysh~Ghimmel~Mem~finalNoun




vital~impetus' organic movement evolving existential biosphere's cosmic quantization of isoenergyings freedom, indetermination,and peace...]
8 Thav~Waw~Khaf~Waw



..."interior of him;"

partially mirroring, echoing, reverberating vital~impedance enfolding, cavitating existential leaky grail cowithihn fecundity...]
9 Raysh~Tsadde~Waw~finalPhay



..."being inlaid;"

cosmic comtainment of existential structuration fecundating cosmic unlimited possibilityings...]
10 Aleph~Hay~Vayt~Hay




vital~impetus living perpetually in a permeable (partiallyq openq) home living...]
11 Mem~Bayt~Noun~Waw~Tav



..."by daughters of;"

borne existential biosphere of quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peaceful feminine evolution of vital~impedance...]
12 Yod~Raysh~Waw~Sheen~Lammed~finalMem




existential cosmic comtainment fecundating cosmic metabolism's actualization as existential metabolism cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]

Shalom: peace.

Suares sometimes shows
Jerusalem as Jerushalom.

We then have, "existential
cosmic comtainment
fecundating peace."

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Girls come out and observe structuration of vital~impetus cowithihn existence assessed quantumly via quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace of living flux.
Girls look at fecund while cosmically comtained vital~impetus cowithihn existence assessed quantumly via quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace of living flux.
Girls' use your evolution fecundulating vital~impedance
to dwell cowithihn Sion's existential structuration of existence fecundating cosmic quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace, and
said girls are visiting home of a king's existential biosphere existentially metabolizing cosmic isoenergies' grailings (view this as a kind of tap into spiritual reserve energy).
He appears as Sholomoh: cosmic metabolism of existential metabolism alive in existential biosphere.
He is at home with his crown as: existential light (emanation) celled ihn cosmic comtainment living.
She (his mother) issi cosmically metabolizing his crown with existential light (emanation) celled ihn cosmic comtainment living.
She does this for his metabolic fecundity (being).
She issi vital~impetus' existential biosphere (Mother) of his fecundity,
both at home existing fecundly cowithihn cosmic biosphere.
His wedding manifests as breathings, spiritual breathings of vital~impedance quantizing freedom, indetermination, and peace of vital~impedance' fecundity,
cavitating fecundity of existence' home cowithihn cosmic biosphere.
All rejoice as cosmic metabolism of existential biosphere whose spiritual breath encounters vital~impedance (to sustain metabolism itself), and
now existential metabolism (heart) issi fecundly at home.

Doug - 7Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Retranslation of Song of Songs III:11

Song of Songs III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Tsadde~Aleph~Yod~Noun~Hay



..."come out;"

structuration of vital~impetus cowithihn existence assessed quantumly via quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace of living flux...]

Today's attempts at quantum computing do something very similar this. They 'structure' dialecticallyc fluxq which issi unstoppable and they call that computing. But at its core, it issi dialecticalc. They practice oxymorons. They are practicing oxy morons.

Quantum~'structure' is flux: fermions, and their evolution issi unstoppable.

Read Doug's recent efforts describing these quantum phenomena.

Here, 'coming out' issi a quantum~tell of livingq processingsq.

Ponder Hanyets.

Doug - 7Jun2015, 15Nov2015.

2 Waw~Raysh~Aleph~Yod~Noun~Hay



..."and look;"

fecund while cosmically comtained vital~impetus cowithihn existence assessed quantumly via quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace of living flux...]

This word is autsimilar prior word.

Prior word starts with Tsadde.

This word starts with Waw~Raysh.

They both end with Aleph~Yod~Noun~Hay.

Simply, that says, "vital~impetus issi cowithihn existence which issi quantized life itself."

We can use quanta to assess (quantum~omnitor) life's livingq processingsq.

Here, 'looking' issi quantum~assessment!!!

Ponder Haniroo.

Doug - 7Jun2015, 15Nov2015.

3 Bayt~Noun~Waw~Tav



..."daughters of;"

girls' evolution fecundulating vital~impedance...]

'ot' issi feminine plural,' suffixed to 'boy'
(Ben as evolution of Aleph ihn blood)
apparently issi girls-daughters.
Doug thought it should be Batot.

W¤mænq are responsible for
sustaining evolutionq of humanityq,
and to do so they must
sheroically take on all impedances.

Menc, sowing seed, goc unimpeded, splaying war, hatred, and patriarchalc incompetencec.

Doug - 7Jun2015, 15Nov2015.

4 Tsadde~Yod~Waw~finalNoun




cowithihn Sion's existential structuration of existence fecundating cosmic quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace...]

Note that this issi n¤t spelled with a Zayn, rather with a Tsadde.

Doug - 15Nov2015.

5 Bayt~Mem~Lammed~finalKhaf



..."at the king;"

said girls are visiting home of a king's existential biosphere existentially metabolizing cosmic isoenergies' grailings (view this as a kind of tap into spiritual reserve energy)...]
6 Sheen~Lammed~Mem~Hay




he appears as Sholomoh: cosmic metabolism of existential metabolism alive in existential biosphere...]
7 Bayt~Ayn~Tayt~Raysh~Hay



..."with the crown;"

He is at home with the crown as: existential light (emanation) celled ihn cosmic comtainment living...]

"With the clown crown."

He covers selfc with regalia of medals and shiny-showc.

Inept selfc levitationc.

Doug - 15Nov2015.

8 Sheen~Ayn~Tayt~Raysh~Hay



..."which she crowned;"

She issi cosmically metabolizing the crown with existential light (emanation) celled ihn cosmic comtainment living...] Ayn~Tayt~Raysh~Hay repeats from prior word.
9 Lammed~Waw



..."for him;"

She does this for his metabolic fecundity (being)...]
10 Aleph~Mem~Waw



..."mother of him;"

She issi vital~impetus' existential biosphere (Mother) of his fecundity...]
11 Bayt~Yod~Waw~finalMem



..."on day of;"

both at home existing fecundly cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]
12 Hhayt~Tav~Noun~Tav~Waw



..."wedding of him;"

his wedding manifests as breathings, spiritual breathings of vital~impedance quantizing freedom, indetermination, and peace of vital~impedance' fecundity...]

We see another resonant cavity (as a wedding) of Tav~Noun~Tav.

It means vital~impedance fractally~recursively quantizing its own freedom, indetermination, and peace perpetually, durationally.

In Doug's opine both Tavs should be Thavs.

13 Waw~Vayt~Yod~Waw~finalMem



..."day of;"

cavitating fecundity of existence' home cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]
14 Sheen~Mem~Hhayt~Tav




rejoicing as cosmic metabolism of existential biosphere whose spiritual breath encounters vital~impedance (to sustain metabolism itself)...]
15 Lammed~Bayt~Waw



..."in his heart;"

existential metabolism fecundly at home...] Idiomatically existential metabolism's home is 'heart.'

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2033 Rev. 5Jun2017  PDR Created: 2Jun2015  PDR
(18Aug2015 rev - Add III:5 link to Suares on issues of abstraction vav role and situation.)
(15Nov2015 rev - Correct typo from Vav to Vayt in III:5 word 14. Repair plain text to Apple Chancery in III:6.)
(1Feb2016 rev - Update SoS III V2 W5 and W6 narratives.)
(5Jun2017 rev - Add Song_of_Songs_III_11_W6 anchor.)
