Regarding Song of Songs IV:1-8:
Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.
Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...
...quantum aspects of Song of Songs from their readers.
Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.). An outlier of interest here is Delores Cannon's opus re Jesus' Essene (Qumran) Gnosis (Specifically see her They Walked with Jesus.).
Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, especially in Song of Songs. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica Doug is unsure whether it is available elsewhere and in Suares' quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believes Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist. But Gnosis shows us that monism is deceit. Doug believes latter, not Suares' apparent monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can.
Doug shows, for each verse and word of Chapter IV of Song of Songs, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes, thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].
Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Song of Songs)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.
Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.
To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:
Song of Songs IV:1 | Song of Songs IV:2 | Song of Songs IV:3 | Song of Songs IV:4 | Song of Songs IV:5 | Song of Songs IV:6 | Song of Songs IV:7 | Song of Songs IV:8 |
Song of Songs IV:9-16 |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Hay~Noun~finalKhaf |
[Hinakh: |
..."see-you!;" |
I perceive your existential life quantized free, indeterminate, and peacefully grailing cosmic life...] |
'Grailing' as used here takes on a 'His' seeing 'Her.' |
2 | Yod~Phay~Hay |
[Yafeh: |
..."beautiful;" |
Your existence' unlimited existential possibilityings living beautifully...] | ||
3 | Raysh~Ayn~Yod~Tav~Yod |
[Raayati: |
..."darling of me;" |
Your comic comtainment enlightens existence resonant and endless struggle with vital~impedance...] | Yod~Tav~Yod issi a resonant cavity of vital~impedance in existence. |
4 | Hay~Noun~finalKhaf |
[Hinakh: |
..."see-you!;" |
I perceive your existential life quantized free, indeterminate, and peacefully grailing cosmic life...] |
'Grailing' as used here takes on a 'His' seeing 'Her.' |
5 | Yod~Phay~Hay |
[Yafeh: |
..."beautiful;" |
Your existence' unlimited existential possibilityings living beautifully...] | ||
6 | Ayn~Yod~Noun~Yod~finalKhaf |
[Aynaikh: |
..."eyes of you;" |
Your existential light resonates, reverberates your existential quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace cowithihn you...] | Yod~Noun~Yod issi a resonant cavity of existential quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace cowithihn existence. |
7 | Yod~Waw~Noun~Yod~finalMem |
[Yonim: |
..."doves;" |
Your eyes glimmer your struggle with god, a resonance of your (as existential creatrix) fecund (wave making) quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace cowithihn you...] |
Dove is idiomatically, allegorically 'Israel.' "Struggle with God." We see again a resonant cavity of Doug - 10Jun2015. |
8 | Mem~Bayt~Ayn~Dallet |
[Mi'Baad: |
..."at behind;" |
Your existential biospheric home's light is resistantly gatewayed...] | ||
9 | Lammed~Tsadde~Mem~Tav~finalKhaf |
[LeTsomatekh: |
..."to veil of you;" |
Your existential metabolic structuration of your biosphere's vital~impedance is grailing cosmic life...] | ||
10 | Seen~Ayn~Raysh~finalKhaf |
[Shaarikh: |
..."hair of you;" |
Your focused cosmic metabolism's enlightenment issi cosmically comtained and grailing cosmic life...] | Hair as focused cosmic metabolism's light. | |
11 | Kaf~Ayn~Dallet~Raysh |
[Ke'Ayder: |
..."like flock of;" |
Your existential grailing of light cosmically comtained...] | ||
12 | Hay~Ayn~Zayn~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Azeem: |
..."goats;" |
Life's lightings of unlimited potentia cowithihn existence' cosmic biosphere...] | ||
13 | Sheen~Ghimel~Lammed~Sheen~Waw |
[Shegleshoo: |
..."that they descend;" |
Their cosmic metabolism's organic movement existentially metabolized and cosmically fecund (making waves)...] |
3.30.300 is column three of Autiot Table. Too, we may choose to view 300.3.30.300 Doug - 10Jun2015. |
14 | Mem~Hay~Raysh |
[Ma'Har: |
..."from mount of;" |
Existential biosphere alive and cosmically comtained while...] | ||
15 | Ghimel~Lammed~Ayn~Dallet |
[Ghilaad: |
..."Gilead;" |
emitting organic movements' existential metabolism as opened and closed gatewayveings of light...] | Mountain's shades of shadow and light. | |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Sheen~Noun~Waw~finalKhaf |
[Shneykh: |
..."teeth of you;" |
cosmic metabolism's quantized fecundation of cosmic life's perpetual grailings...] | ||
2 | Kaf~Ayn~Dallet~Raysh |
[Ka'Ayder: |
..."like flock of;" |
existential grailing of light being bivalently gated ihnto cosmic comtainment...] | ||
3 | Hay~Qof~Ayn~Waw~Vayt~Waw~Tav |
[Ha'Qtsovot: |
..."the ones being shorn;" |
living cosmic vital~impetus enlightening fecund reverberation of soma encountering vital~impedance...] | ||
4 | Sheen~Ayn~Lammed~Waw |
[Shealoo: |
..."that they come up;" |
cosmic metabolism's light existentially metabolising making of waves (fecundity)...] |
"...come up" here appears I.e., "risings of fecundity." |
5 | Mem~finalNoun - Hay~Raysh~Hhayt~Tsadde~Hay |
[Min'Ha'Rahhtsah: |
..."from the washing;" |
existential biosphere's cosmic quantization of freedom, indetermination, and peace living spontaneous cavitation of cosmic comtainment and its unlimited spiritual possibilityings restructuring life...] |
This sounds like "washing as reformation and redemption,"
emergence (emerqancy) of Actually, it appears to be Solomon believing he can redeem himself by washing. Keep in mind, it's all metaphor, and allegory. |
6 | Sheen~Kaf~Lammed~finalMem |
[Shekoolam: |
..."that each of them;" |
cosmic metabolism existentially grailing existential metabolism cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] | ||
7 | Mem~Tav~Aleph~Yod~Mem~Waw~Tav |
[Mat'I'Mot: |
..."death~not~death; 'ones having twins';" |
existential biospheric resonance cavitating Autiot's existential reality loop fecundating vital~impedance possibly, Met reverberating quanton(Aleph,Yod) cowithihn a Mawt resonant cavity...] |
We see Mem~Mem cavitating If we interpret both Mem~Tav and Mem~Waw~Tav as Mawt~Ha~Mawt (dead the dead), we can imagine living Aleph~Yod being reverberated cowithihn death. For Doug this is really strange! In a way it omniscribes Atta. I guess I just do not understand. Doug - 11-12Jun2015. |
8 | Waw~Sheen~Kaf~Lammed~Hay |
[We'Shakoolah: |
..."and alone;" |
fecund cosmic metabolism existentially grailing living metabolism...] |
9 | Aleph~Yod~finalNoun |
[Ain, Ayn: |
..."was not ("there is not" as a universal key to spiritual freedom), Ayn issi general equation of universe;" |
Qabalic spirit (Aleph~Hay) and existence (Yod~Hay) isocoherently immersed in cosmic light immanent (isoflux)...] . . . Observe that Qabala issi Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay, Ehieh. Observe both Aleph and Yod cowithihn and key to Ayn's universal semantic! Doug did this more formally below... Doug - 27Nov2015. |
10 | Bayt~Hay~finalMem |
[Ba'Hem: |
..."of them;" |
home of life cowithihn living cosmic biosphere...] | ||
. . . |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Kaf~Hhayt~Waw~Tayt |
[Ke'Hhoot: |
..."like ribbon of, 'thread';" |
Your existential grailing of spiritual unlimited possibilityings fecundationings of unstructured cellularizationings...] |
Doug on his original retranslation of this schema read ~Noun~ in place of ~Waw~. Now that flaw issi repaired. Doug - 28May2018. |
2 | Hay~Sheen~Noun~Yod |
[Ha'Shney: |
..."the scarlet;" |
Your living cowithihn cosmic metabolism's quantization of your existence...] | ||
3 | Seen~Phay~Tav~Waw~Tav~Yod~finalKhaf |
[Sh'Ptaotaykh: |
..."lips of you;" |
Your focused cosmic metabolism's unlimited possibilityings encountering vital~impedance reverberating your fecundity existentially grailing cosmic life...] | ||
4 | Waw~Mem~Dallet~Bayt~Raysh~Yod~finalKhaf |
[We'Midbarekh: |
..."and mouths of you;" |
Your fecundity's biospheric existence resists bivalently your cosmic comtainment existentially grailing your cosmic life's...] |
Error of her dialectic! Prevents... |
5 | Noun~Aleph~Waw~Hay |
[Naweh: |
..."is comely, 'lovely';" |
quantizing vital~impetus' fecundation of your n¤væl life...] |
...Noun~Aleph issi quantized vital~impetus. Waw~Hay issi fecundity of life. |
6 | Bayt~Phay~Lammed~Hhayt |
[Ka'Pelahh: |
..."like half of;" |
Your dialectic separates (prevents) your unlimited possibilityings' existential metabolism cowithihn spiritual breath...] | ||
7 | Hay~Raysh~Mem~Waw~finalNoun |
[Ha'Rimon: |
..."the pomegranate;" |
Your life existence' biosphere cosmically comtained fecundating cosmic quantization of your freedom, indetermination, and peace...] | ||
8 | Raysh~Qof~Tav~finalKhaf |
[Raqatekh: |
..."temple of you ;" |
You become cosmically comtained while cosmic vital~impetus encounters vital~impedance preventing your grailing of cosmic life...] | ||
9 | Mem~Bayt~Ayn~Dallet |
[Mi'Baad: |
..."at behind;" |
Your existential biospheric home's light is resistantly gatewayed...] | ||
10 | Lammed~Tsadde~Mem~Tav~finalKhaf |
[Le'Tsometekh: |
..."to veil of you;" |
Your existential metabolism's biospheric structuration vitally~impedes your grailing cosmic life...] | ||
our mnemonics include QED and QCD: quantum~electro~dynamics and quantum~chromo~dynamics (plus radiation).] |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Kaf~Mem~Ghimel~Dallet~Lammed |
[Kemigdal: |
..."like tower of;" |
Via your existential grailing of biospheric organic movement gatewayveing according existential metabolism...] | ('Her') Neck issi a 'tower like' structuration in actuality. | |||||||||||||
2 | Dallet~Waw~Yod~Dallet |
[David: |
..."David;" |
Your double resistances are cavitating my fecundity cowithihn existence...] |
This is what Suares refers as 'the clever These Dallet, according Suares, contrast Solomon's ESQ. Now recall that Dallet attends bivalency. Thallet evokes quantum~omnivalency. So should "Daveed" be 'said?' Should "Thaveeth" be 'said?' Should "Dodi" (my lover) be 'said?' Should "Thothi" be 'said?' When? Whenings? And what about Idod (YahWeh)? YahWeh issi like Solomon, both demiurgic ESQ (Berikhvey). Should we never say "Ithoth?" Doug - 15Jun2015. |
3 | Tsadde~Waw~Aleph~Raysh~finalKhaf |
[Tsawarekh: |
..."your neck;" |
Your existential structuration of your fecund vital~impetus cosmically comtained and grailing life's...] |
Neck complementsq, antinomiallyq quanton(head,body), quanton(nous,soma). As corpus callosum complementsq (verb) Neck issi grailq middle~includingq head and body. |
4 | Bayt~Noun~Waw~Yod |
[Bano: |
..."one being built;" |
evolution of one's fecundity cowithihn existence...] |
Classical interpretation of this And it probably should be Ben issi evolution of... ...We issi fecundity of existence. |
5 | Lammed~Tav~Lammed~Phay~Yod~Waw~Tav |
[Le'Talpiot: |
..."with elegance;" |
Your existential metabolism reverberating, resonating vital~impedance' cavitation of unlimited existential possibilityings cowithihn fecund, fertile existence...] |
Compare: Talpiot Parse Talpiot as T~Alp~Iot. Thence T~Aleph~Iot. Thence Phayl~Iot. Compare Phayl and Aleph. Ponder Alyph. Anagrams anyone? ???? coding anyone? These are fifth and sixth They are ciphers of Bayt Fathom possibilityings of Imagine an organ pipe Imagine a laser cowithin Doug - 14Jun2015. |
6 | Aleph~Lammed~Phay |
[Aleph: |
..."thousand of;" |
Your unlimited possibilityings of vital~impetus cowithihn existential metabolism...] |
A keen observation to make However there are multiple Hay Aut, for example in both Phays: 80.5. Then, obtain, Hay.5 issi Any memes relevant vitality of quantum~reality, to Doug, involves
an implicit, an intrinsic, Recall Doug's Similarly for Doug's |
7 | Hay~Mem~Ghimmel~finalNoun |
[Ha'Maghen: |
..."the shield;" |
Your life existence' biospheric organic movement issi cosmically quantizing your freedom, indetermination, and peace...] | ||||||||||||||
8 | Thav~Lammed~Waw~Yod |
[Taloo: |
..."being hung;" |
Your permeable vital~impedance' of your existential metabolism's fecundity cowithihn existence...] | This word begins with Thav~Lammed. Its ending issi a permutation of next word's ending. | |||||||||||||
9 | Ayn~Lammed~Yod~Waw |
[Aalav: |
..."on him;" |
Your existential light issi metabolising your existence' fecundity...] | This word begins with Ayn~Lammed. Its ending issi a permutation of previous word's ending. | |||||||||||||
10 | Kaf~Lammed |
[Kol: |
..."all of;" |
Your grailing comtainer of existential metabolism...] | ||||||||||||||
11 | Sheen~Lammed~Tayt~Yod |
[Shiltav: |
..."shields of;" |
Your cosmically metabolized existential metabolism's archetype of structuration issi cowithihn existence...] | ||||||||||||||
12 | Hay~Ghimel~Bayt~Waw~Raysh~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Gaborim: |
..."the warriors;" |
Your life's organic movement at home fecundating your cosmic comtainer's existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] | ||||||||||||||
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Sheen~Noun~Yod |
[Shney: |
..."two of;" |
Your cosmic metabolism existentially quantizing your freedom, indetermination, and peace cowithihn existence...] |
Somehow this is masculine two. In Autiot's Reality Loop breathing out as exhalation issi one, masculine. In ARL breathing in as inhalation issi two, female. Yet Aleph~Tav (breathing out) as At issi feminine one?! One issi antinomial two. Two issi antinomial one. One issi ihn two and two issi ihn one. Quanton(one,two). Aleph issi ihn Bayt and Bayt issi ihn Aleph! Aleph issi antinomial Bayt. Bayt issi antinomial Aleph. Quanton(Aleph,Bayt). Quantons(Aleph~Tav,Tav~Aleph). Quantons(breathing~out,breathing~ihn). Quantons(1,2). Quantons(male,female). Quantons(men,women) Cuneiformically... Quantons(Y,X). Doug - 15Jun2015. |
2 | Sheen~Dallet~Yod~finalKhaf |
[Shadaykh: |
..."breasts of you;" |
your cosmic metabolism's gatewayings of existence ihnto cosmic livings...] | See Dodeykha. | |
3 | Kaf~Sheen~Noun~Yod |
[Ki'Shnev: |
..."like two of;" |
while existentially grailing cosmic metabolism's quantization of existence...] | ||
4 | Ayn~Phay~Raysh~Yod~finalMem |
[Aaphareem: |
..."fawns;" |
Your existential lightings of unlimited possibilityings cosmically comtained and biosphered...] |
Doug prefers an interpretation of "dust." It fits our usings of quanta. It fits "Dust to dust." Dust scintillate one another. Clouds, in essence, are scintillation! Fawns here may be perceived as sperm and ova. |
5 | Thav~Aleph~Waw~Mem~Yod |
[Teomy: |
..."twins of;" |
and your permeable vital~impedance mirroring vital~impetus giving breathing~ihn to your fecund existential biosphere...] | It may be helpful to review Song of Songs II:9. | |
6 | Tsadde~Vayt~Yod~Hay |
[Tsebiah: |
..."gazelle;" |
and your existential structuration living at home cowithihn existence...] | ||
7 | Hay~Raysh~Waw~Ayn~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Roieem: |
..."the ones browsing;" |
Your life's cosmic comtainment of fecund lightings of existence cosmically biosphered...] | ||
8 | Bayt~Sheen~Waw~Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem |
[Ba'Sho'Shaneem: |
..."among the lilies;" |
provides a home cosmic metabolically and fecundly reverberating, existentially quantizing freedom, uncertainty and peace of itself cosmically biosphered cowithihn existence...] |
Doug left Noun out, unintentionally. Corrected - 6,15Aug2015. Doug. |
to your two aspects. One is your holy uncertaintyq, the other will go back to the unshaped substance." one who speaks. In their colloquial sense, the meanings of the following words are disconnected: Ha'Mor: the exchange, or change of religion. We'El: and the Almighty. Ghibaat: puts in a cast. Ha'Lvoonah: the whitening (or the grinding)." is not myrrh (spelt Mem~Raysh). This key word must be compared to Awr light: Mor: Mem.Waw.Raysh" and we see Mor as a 'class' of Yod, since all Yod, all existence issi a QED transmutingq projectionq of light - Doug - 16Jun2015] a materialized projection of Aleph~Waw~Raysh. Aad Sheiaphooahh Ha'Yom Ve'Nassoo. Yom (Yod~Waw~Mem) is also a materialization of Aleph~Waw~Raysh. The sequence Yom~Mor is: Yod~Waw~Mem Mem~Waw~Raysh. Thus Mor starts from Mem and reverses the direction of the Energy Yom. the disappearance (Nasso) of Tsalaleem: whereas those symbolical shadows structure, by Tsadde, two Lammed in Mem, Nasso (Noun Sammekh)) thrusts back that energy in a womb, Sammekh. This, says Breath in IV:6, must not happen. Lammed is Aleph's active Agent. Its action must not be destroyed. So the verse proceeds: Elekh: Al upon finalKhaf (500: cosmic life); Li (Lammed upon Yod, the existence) El~Har: Al and Hay~Raysh, life of the emanation. The Sacred Language is all inclusiveq. The most exalted abstract meaning is conveyed in its physical support. 'She' receives the impact of Al's energy, and and indeed reverses the flow called Yom. Then Al appears again, and, metaphorically, puts her in a cast, moulds her purity. (In Ghibaat, the uncertainty of Ayn is projected in Tav.) It relates what is known as the Gnostic Nuptials." quantum~subscripts, and extraneous use of tilde as qwfs. Quantum~Spiritual~Buoyancy! |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Ayn~Dallet |
[Aad: |
..."eternal expectation as signature assessments of residue of residues;" |
light's dialectical doorway perpetually opening and closing...] |
Yom, Layla, Yom, Layla,... and expectation as quantum~assessment as quantum~measurement as "Shyar Ha Shyareem..." SoS, I:1. Doug - 30May2015. |
2 | Sheen~Yod~Phay~Waw~Hhayt |
[Sheyafooahh: |
..."breathes;" |
cosmic metabolism's existential unlimited possible qwf~energyings...] |
Compare Sheen~Yod~Phay and Sheen~Yod~Raysh. |
3 | Hay~Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Ha'Yom: |
..."the day;" |
an awakening living existence fecundating cosmic biosphere...] |
Compare Hay~Yod~Waw and Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay. |
4 | Vav~Noun~Sammekh~Waw |
[Ve'Nassoo: |
..."and escape, depart, travel, disappear;" |
fecund quantization of indeterminate freedom and peace of woman's fecundity...] |
Nso issi travel. Travel as gypsy peace? Nasso as disappearance. |
5 | Hay~Tsadde~Lammed~Lammed~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Tslaleem: |
..."the structure of night;" |
living structuration divinely double~metabolising existence' "oneness" cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] |
We see double Lammed (Tsalel) We see quanton(light,dark) We also see This is one most beautiful exemplar of Heraclitus' hologralq "oneness" on steroids! Quantons(coherenceq,autonomyq)!!! Doug - 1Jun2015. |
6 | Aleph~Lammed~finalKhaf |
[Elekh: |
..."towards you;" |
Your vital~impetus' agent existential metabolism grailing cosmic life...] | ||
7 | Lammed~Yod~Aleph~Lammed - Hay~Raysh |
[Li'El-Har: |
..."to me and towards the mountain;" |
My existential metabolic cavitation of Almighty cowithihn living existence cosmically comtained as living emanation...] | ||
8 | Hay~Mem~Waw~Raysh |
[Ha'Mor: |
..."materialization of light;" |
living existential biosphere fecundating cosmic comtainment...] | ||
9 | Waw~Aleph~Lammed - Ghimel~Vayt~Ayn~Tav |
[We'El-Ghibaat: |
..."and towards the hill;" |
fecund Almighty vital~impetus' metabolism, its organic movement at home, its quantized light encountering vital~impedance...] | ||
10 | Hay~Lammed~Vayt~Waw~Noun~Hay |
[Ha'Lvoonah: |
..."the frankincense;" |
living existential metabolism at home fecundating quantized freedom, uncertainty, and peace of life existence....] | ||
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Bayt~Lammed~finalKhaf |
[Koolakh: |
..."you are;" |
Your home's existential metabolism grails cosmic life...] | ||
2 | Yod~Phay~Hay |
[Yaphah: |
..."all fair;" |
Your existence has unlimited possibilityings cowithihn life...] | ||
3 | Raysh~Ayn~Yod~Tav~Yod |
[Raayati: |
..."[my wife] my love;" |
cosmic comtainment of light~ameliorating life~existence' enfolding, reverberating vital~impedance...] |
Websters shows this as "my wife." In a sense, "marriage issi a struggle, It's too bad that modern 'governments' Our con(m)stitution should be a To reuse our resonant cavity metaphor, Intercourse is a reverberation of vital~impedance Doug - 21,27May2015. |
4 | Waw~Mem~Waw~finalMem |
[Oomoom: |
..."flaw;" |
Your existential fecundity reverberating~undulating its biosphere cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] |
Oom is 'nuts' in idiom. Oom~Oom appears to mean flawed, double nuts. Another way of interpreting this is Waw~Mem~Waw This issi quanton(cosmic_biosphere,resonant_existential_biosphere). 'Oo,' and 'oo' imply uncertainty in translation... Is quantum~uncertainty being treated colloquially, idiomatically here as a classical 'flaw?' |
5 | Aleph~Yod~finalNoun |
[Ain, Ayn: |
..."was not ("there is not" as a universal key to spiritual freedom), Ayn issi general equation of universe;" |
vital~impetus and its existential antinomial~complement cosmically quantized cowithihn freedom, indetermination, and peace...] . . . See a less formal version (translation) above showing Qabala's involvement cowithihn Ayn. Doug - 27Nov2015. |
Existence cann¤t be cosmic God. God can be partially cowithihn existence, but existence may not 'pretend to be' nor 'role play' God. Existence cann¤t bootstrap itself volitionally ihnto Godliness. As Suares writes it, paraphrased, "The flesh cann¤t give birth to or become spirit." Spirit cowithihn flesh does n¤t imply spirit is flesh! This issi known as "general equation of universe." See p. 473 of Suares' Trilogy, 'Sepher Yetsira,' Text. Doug - 27Nov2015. |
6 | Bayt~finalKhaf |
[Bakh: |
..."in you;" |
your home cowithihn and grailing cosmic life...] |
You are not trying to be God. Were you attempting that, you would be flawed!!! You would be a flawed Gawd pretender. You would be a first rogue claiming self divinity meeting a first fool. You would be a 'rope a dope popess.' Doug - 17Jun2015. |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Aleph~Thav~Yod |
[Iti: |
..."come with me;" |
Journey with me cowithihn living's half~cycle from vital~impetus through permeable vital~impedance, both of us together cowithihn fermionic existence, and it is implied that I will join with you cowithihn deathings' half~cycle from permeable vital~impedance through vital~impetus, both of us together cowithihn fermionic existence...] |
Vital~impetus (He) meets vital~impedance (Her) cowithin existence. |
2 | Mem~Lammed~Vayt~Noun~Waw~finalNoun |
[Mi'Levanon: |
..."from Lebanon;" |
Our existential biospheric metabolisms's homes are quantizing our freedoms, our indeterminations and our peace perpetually being cosmically~quantized cowithihn cosmic life...] | According Suares, this use of Lebanon has naught to do with Lebanon as a place, as a city, as a state. It means 'white,' which represents an abstract unsolved omniscription of a double process. | |
3 | Kaf~Lammed~Hay |
[Kalah: |
..."my bride;" |
Let us existentially grail our metabolic lives together...] | During Iti~Mi'Levanon~Kalah He sinks. | |
4 | Aleph~Thav~Yod |
[Iti: |
..."come with me;" |
Journey with me cowithihn living's half~cycle from permeable vital~impetus through vital~impedance, both of us together cowithihn fermionic existence, and it is implied that I will join with you cowithihn deathings' half~cycle from permeable vital~impedance through vital~impetus, both of us together cowithihn fermionic existence...] |
Vital~impetus (He) meets vital~impedance (Her) cowithin existence. See Autiot's Reality Loop. |
5 | Mem~Lammed~Vayt~Noun~Waw~finalNoun |
[Mi'Levanon: |
..."from Lebanon;" |
Our existential biospheric metabolisms's homes are quantizing our freedoms, our indeterminations and our peace perpetually being cosmically~quantized cowithihn cosmic life...] | According Suares, this use of Lebanon has naught to do with Lebanon as a place, as a city, as a state. It means 'white,' which represents an abstract unsolved omniscription of a double process. | |
6 | Thav~Vayt~Waw~Aleph~Yod |
[Taboi: |
..."you come;" |
From our comfrontation of vital~impedance our beings will fecundate vital~impetus cowithihn existence...] |
During Iti~Mi'Levanon~Taboi they meet and He rises. "He" disappears and reappears in antinomial omnirections. Suares writes, "In our Midrash we did not enter into all the elaborate details of this verse. We are dealing here with a double exploration of the origin of Life, in the ovule and in the Zodiac, by means of a complex semantic code, and an analogical way of thinking through which the Autiot can find their way into us. When this happens, those powerful centres of Energy release the Revelation that is said to be Abraham's." p. 99, SoS. |
7 | Thav~Sheen~Waw~Raysh~Yod |
[Tashoori: |
..."you descend;" |
Upon y~our reflection (breathing~ihn) from vital~impedance, we shall experience cosmic metabolism's creative copulation with cosmic comtainment cowithihn existence...] |
This is one of Qabala's more mysterious words. Notice Shoori sounds a little like Shyar AKA Then note that Shor is a mirrored projection of Rosh, which is 'head.' In Latin, 'capit.' Suares asks us to realize order of Sheen and Raysh in Shor and Rosh. They too are mirrored! Now realize that Rosh as 'head' is a place of many, unlimited, potential memeos. So should Rosh have many sema? As for Shor, Rosh's projection mirror, which we must thinkq of as Rosh's antinomial, Shor too must have many interpreta. Behold! We see quanton(Rosh,Shor)! Shor exegetizes self as all that Rosh can comprehend and imagine! Notice Rosh and Shor are NØT classically 'opposite.' At this juncture, Suares narrates something rather incredible, "Thus all the idiomatic connotations [of Shor as Rosh's antinomial~complementq] are true, unconsciously: our idioms and creeds appear, from this point of view, as solid dreams." Page 99, SoS. Doug's subscripts, brackets, bold, and italics. Obtain, Suares writes, "...appear as solid dreams." Our Rosh can do~due that. In essence that is what we mean by quantum~comsciousness! Our thoughts and imaginationings on our quantum~stagings can be lucid! Apparently, apparitionally 'solid!' Too, they often are animate. This is a very powerful quantum~tell of living creation itself! It issi what Suares means by "cosmic comsciousness." Do you have lucid dreams? Jung did... Are they real? What does 'real' mean? Read Mitchell Chefitz' Seventh Telling, where Michael Kaytan (Moshe Katan) descends (Tashoorni). Marvelous. It issi an extreme emerqancy of spiritualq straddlingq. Quanton(making_Aleph,with_Mem's_Rosh_Shoring)! Now try this with SoS Verse I:1... Shyar Ha Shyareem Esher Le'Shalomoh. Rosh Ha Rosheem Esher Le'Rouahh. We may obtain quantization and scintillationq of nousq procreating a memeoryq palaceq of unlimited energy~wellingsq. Note Doug's use of Shor as mirror of Rosh. Doug - 19Jun2015, 6Aug2015. |
8 | Mem~Raysh~Aleph~Sheen |
[Me'Rosh: |
..."from crest of;" |
Our existential biospheres cosmically comtain evolution of new vital~impetus' experiencing its own mutative cosmic metabolism...] | "Aleph being born of Mem." p. 99, ibid. | |
9 | Aleph~Mem~Noun~Hay |
[Amanah: |
..."Amana;" |
Vital~impetus evolves its existential biosphere by quantizing freedom, indetermination, and peace of its livings...] | "Mem being born of Aleph." p. 99, ibid. | |
10 | Mem~Raysh~Aleph~Sheen |
[Me'Rosh: |
..."from top of;" |
Our existential biospheres cosmically comtain evolution of new vital~impetus' experiencing its own mutative cosmic metabolism...] | "Aleph being born of Mem..." p. 99, ibid. | |
11 |
Sammekh~Hhayt~Raysh~Hhayt~Waw~Raysh~Tav Seen~Noun~Yod~Raysh |
[Sehharhhoret, Shneer: |
..."Swirl, 'Senir';" |
We focus our attention upon an unending~ubiquitous spiritual dance of cosmic metabolism's quantizing freedom, indetermination, and peace of our existence cosmically comtained...] |
See Sh'Hharhhoret. " a complete swirl of temporal and timeless energies giving birth to each other..." p. 99, ibid. |
12 | Waw~Hhayt~Raysh~Mem~Waw~finalNoun |
[We'Hhermon: |
..."even Hermon;" |
Our fecundity of unlimited cosmically comtained possibilityings cowithihn our biosphere fecundly, cosmically quantizing our freedom, indetermination, and peace...] | ||
13 | Mem~Mem~Ayn~Noun~Waw~Tav |
[Mi'Mo'Onot: |
..."from dens of;" |
Our biosphere's fractal~recursive~cavitation of selves quantizes lightings of our freedom, indetermination, and peace encountering copulatively y~our vital~impedance...] | "Mem projecting Ayn into Tav." p. 100, ibid. | |
14 | Aleph~Raysh~Yod~Waw~Tav |
[Arayot: |
..."lions;" |
Our vital~impetus cosmically comtained cowithihn existence copulates y~our vital~impedance...] | "Aleph projecting itself through Raysh into Yod so as to fertilize Tav." p. 100, ibid. | |
15 | Mem~Hay~Raysh~Raysh~Yod |
[Me'Harerey: |
..."from mountains of;" |
Our existential living biosphere perpetually reverberates its straddling of both cosmic comtainment and existence...] | Result of this copulation: "two Raysh: to worlds, temporal and timeless, existing and alive!" p. 100, ibid. | |
16 | Noun~Mem~Raysh~Yod~finalMem |
[Nemireem: |
..."leopards;" |
We sense and experience our existential quantization imbuing freedom, indetermination, and peace of our cosmic comtainment existentially straddling our cosmic biosphere...] | To Doug, obviously, this has naught to do with 'leopards.' | |