Bahharoozeem - Antinomialism "whirling con(m)tra" of quantal~making and ~unmaking, quantal~living and ~dying, quantal~breathing~out and ~breathing~in, quantal~light and ~darkness, quantal~male and ~female...many strings of quanta like strings of beads... | Banasheem - Evolution of all antinomials in non apparent and exalted biosphere | Banot - Girls, daughters, maidens, young women | ||||
Bara[h] - To evolve a quantum~holographic memeory palace | Bara~Shyt~Bara~Elohim - Living Yod playing Qabala's game of life | Batoreem - To~tour, i.e., with [cum~, L.]touring, to go round and round con(m)trarotationally, antinomiallyq, in full complementarityq without con(m)tradictionc-q | Bayom - [by, on, etc.,] the day | Ben - All evolutionaryq potentia open to humanity - quantized manifesta: uncertainty, chance, choice, change | Beenah - Gnosis, wisdom, comprehension, understanding | |
Bein - Cosmically quantized [mature] evolution of Yod as Yod ihn Ben Bni - Existential quantized immature evolution of Yod as Ben Yod (Yod n¤t ihn Ben) |
Belimah Without what? Essentially this word issi asking us to fathom a Gnostic~Qabalic meme of "Without death there is n¤ life, and without life there is n¤ death: quantons(livings,dyings). Again we see Heraclitus' quantum~meme of "up and down are same (autsimilarq)." New! - 27-29Feb2016 |
Binah - Water dust clouds (3rd of 10 Sephira - Intelligence) Rev - 25Feb2016 |
Berikhvey - Exclusive Static Quality, ESQ Rev -29Feb2016 |
Bohou - Living emerqless (formless) B[V]ayt (container archetype) |
(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs) |
Exegeses |
Antinomialism "whirling con(m)tra" of quantal~making and ~unmaking, quantal~living and ~dying, quantal~breathing~out and ~breathing~in, quantal~light and ~darkness, quantal~male and ~female...many strings of quanta like strings of beads... Antinomialism "whirling con(m)tra" of quantal~making and ~unmaking, quantal~living and ~dying, quantal~breathing~out and ~breathing~in, quantal~light and ~darkness, quantal~male and ~female...many strings of quanta like strings of beads... |
Index |
Bahharoozeem (Bayt~Hhayt~Raysh~Waw~Zayn~Yod~finalMem: Again, we are reminded of that double~turning comtrarotational table, said "emerald table," said table of occult and alchemy. For Doug, too, it is a table of antigravity solubility. It is a table of Zayn potentia, unlimited unsaids making possible whatever saids we may seek: Ayn~Sof. Many are beads and one is their thread...
...all strung on Aleph's threads... Fathom amino acid beads used by ribosomes to make threaded nucleic acid polypeptide~ and protein~necklaces. But...there are many necklaces, too... Bayt - Con(m)tainer archetype. Hhayt - Beads of spiritual archetectonic energy quanta con(m)tained twixt Bayt and Raysh. Raysh - Cosmic n¤n existential projection of Bayt into Hær hugely energetic cosmic con(m)tainer. Waw - Beads co fertilizing one another in a Lila dance. Zayn - Unlimited potentia of bead modalityings. Yod - Aleph existing as fermionic~bead projections of Hær antinomial Yod[ings], all of which...strung on Hær thread of perpetual and ubiquitous spiritual life. finalMem - All of those beads co existing and biospherically straddling actuality of Yod (co within Aleph 1) and n¤n actuality of Aleph 1000. Quantons(n¤nactuality,actuality), quantons(Aleph,Yod), quantons(DQ,SQ), etc. Beads of quantons(n¤nexistence,existence). |
Evolution of all antinomials in non apparent and exalted biosphere Evolution of all antinomials in non apparent and exalted biosphere |
B[ae]n~Nasha~Sheem See Ben just below. |
Banasheem (Bayt~Noun~Sheen~Yod~Mem: 2.50.300.10.40) Bayt - Archetype of all con(m)tainers. Noun - Quantized life and its perpetualq and ubiquitous (hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq) con(m)sciousnessq. Noun's quanta scintillate all quanta in all quanta quantadulatively. Sheen - As cosmic breath, [Noun~]quantized~breath[e]ings, spiritual breath. Sheen is cosmic exaltation of archetype Ghimel's [Arch 3] n¤n existent [n¤n actual] organic movementq as multiversal spiritq. We see from our list of Nine Ancient Archetypes that Sheen is essene~ceq of evolutionq based ihn immanenceq of spiritual energy: becomingq and unbecomingq, evolutionq and devolutionq. Too, we see those evolutionary processings as antinomialsq, complementaryq~antinomialsq omniscribed by Nasha's prescient unfolded Autiot! Yod - Actual (existential) antinomial projection of archetype Aleph. Typically we may think of Yod, e.g., in QCD as actualized Up and Down, UD, fermionicq quarks. All of actualityq including humanity are made [Aassa] of Yod (UD). Mem - Here Mem is used as finalMem. Mem then is feminine exaltation of Waw (masculine) archetype as divine~spiritual living biosphereq of cosmically~con(m)scious and cosmically~aware n¤n existence. We may holograview finalMem as 'dark~feminine~isoenergyq.' |
Ben: Evolution Nasha: All antinomialsq (which are also complementaryq) Sheem: Spiritual exalted organic breathing~out~breathing~in isoenergyq ihn cosmic biosphere. |
Banot (Bayt~Noun~Yod~Tav: Bayt - Archetypical home (shell, comtainer) of Noun - quantized freedom and peace of indetermination Yod - existentially struggling with Tav - vital~impedance. |
See Song of Songs II:2, "Ke'Shoshanah Bein Ha'Hhohheem Ken Raayati Bein Ha'Banot." | ||||||||||||||||||
To evolve a quantum~holographic memeory palace To evolve a quantum~holographic memeory palace To evolve a quantum~holographic memeory palace To evolve a quantum~holographic memeory palace To evolve a quantum~holographic memeory palace To evolve a quantum~holographic memeory palace To evolve a quantum~holographic memeory palace To evolve a quantum~holographic memeory palace |
~Barashyt~Barah~Elohim~ |
Barashyt (Bayt~Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Yod~Tav: That representation of Bara (without Aleph) issi incomplete! Doug has learned and experienced much since he did that omniscriptioning of Bara. First, realize there are several, perhaps many words in Autiot which use Bayt~Raysh.
If we look at first few words of OT Genesis I we find, "Barashyt Barah Elohim..." Let's show first Barashyt: ( So we have to make an inference that Barah issi 2.200.1 in Autiot Bayt~Raysh~Aleph. Above, Doug showed Bara as Suares used it, but managed to ignore that ending Aleph. Doug surmises that, among initiates, Bara issi spelled~out 2.200.1. Just as a reminder Barashyt means, "create Aleph as its three stroke components: Sheen~Yod~Tav. Notice how Aleph recurses in Barah and issi emerscitecturally given as Shyt: Doug found this problem when he started using his new, CeodE 2016, QCS application to translate Autiot words. You need to read that QCS link if you want to have a chance of fathoming what follows. Doug translated Bara as Bayt~Raysh: 2.200 and got this (He has committed this error throughout his OT opus, and it will take awhile to make all of those repairs...): m¤dælings That Book 1 reference issi from Sepher~Yetsira, SY I:1 starting with word 34. Above cavitational script issi a translation of Bar: Bayt~Raysh, 'son,' and has n¤ relevance to Genesis' first act of creation. Doug immediately knew something was amiss. He went back and re read first few words of Genesis I, and found that Bara from OT needs Aleph appended to Bar as Barah (apparently some write it as Bara, and just know that 'a' means Aleph appended): Bayt~Raysh~Aleph: 2.200.1. QCS translates Barah like this: Notice that QCS means Quantum~Cavitational~Script. Exalted columnar cavitation from 2 to 200 (Bayt~Raysh) emersced cowithihn 1 (Aleph) as vital~impetus issi quintessence of creation, "in the beginning, actually just another new beginning, whose recursive~fractal process never classically, dialectically 'stops.' |
To create |
Best exemplar is Genesis I:1's "Barashyt Barah Elohim et Ha Shamaim Vayet Ha Ertz." Translated coarsely by Doug, "Createq Aleph.1, createq ["two-lives," freedom of choice AKA heresy]YahWeh~YhShWh, from heaven [isoflux, isovlux, isolux, isoV, isawV, isawrV] into a mutableq Earthq." See Doug's IsoV. Regarding Doug's use of 'choice' here, recall Noun represents actual "freedom of choice," and its mature finalNoun represents n¤nactual "isoexistential cosmic freedom of choice." Too, realize importantly that finalNoun issi "Ultimate Principle of reality's Cosmos!" Quantum~uncertainty reigns over all cosmos' existence and n¤nexistence! See p. 88, Cipher of Genesis, Chapter 7, 'The Light that is Darkness,' Weiser Books, 2005. Keenly observe, obtain Shamaim (heaven) has n¤ finalNouns. This is where we see finalNoun as a grail twixt Shamaim and Eretz. That grail bequeaths (transitively, subjunctively) a principle of indetermination and uncertainty and freedom and choice on all Yom. Disregard YahWeh and his patriarchalc demiurgicc women-hating dialectical 'certaintyc' B.S. View Grecoc heresyc transmogrifiedq as chancings, changings, and choosings by all quantum~Gnostic individualsq, regardless of what hegemonsc want to do to preventc us from freedomq and peaceq of uncertaintyq. "Hegemon's classical, dialectical certainty ends in Day III!" Abgayeek! See Genesis I:5's, "...Le~Awr Yom...," roughly Aleph as isoflux is transmuted into actual~biospheric 'existence' as bosons and fermions. Read, "Transmutative~creative~projections..." there, right most column. Refer Suares' Cipher of Genesis, pp. 90-91, Chapter 7, 'The Light that is Darkness,' Weiser Books, 2005. |
Living Yod playing Qabala's game of life Living Yod playing Qabala's game of life Living Yod playing Qabala's game of life Living Yod playing Qabala's game of life Living Yod playing Qabala's game of life Living Yod playing Qabala's game of life |
First line in Genesis |
Barashyt (Bayt~Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Yod~Tav: Bara (Bayt~Raysh~Aleph: 2.200.1) is first word in Genesis. Bara~Shyt~Bara~Elohim is first sentence~phrase in Genesis. This, essentially, exegetizes what actualityq doesq. Doug's use of 'essentially' is an indirect reference (nexus) to Song of Songs' Qabalistic [Shyar] title hermeneutics as Quintessencings of Quintessencings. Parsed: To create Sheen~Yod~T[h]av is to create 'god' as an earthly (Yodc projection in existence) demiurge (alternatively, if Yod chooses heretically to do so, Qabalic Yodq). Shyt: Sheen and T[h]av trap Yod (humanity: Jesus' 'church') between them. We know that Yod can choose itself as demiurgic Yodc and alternatively as Qabalic Yodq. Yodc is Yod without Aleph. Yodq is Y¤d with Aleph in its blood. Doug - 5Aug2014. To see toposical exegesis of quantum~hermeneutics applied re read Ben. Doug - 2Feb2016. |
Bara: to create Shyt (Sheen~Yod~Tav: 300.10.400) Actual living Yodq shown antinomially~complementingq Sheen and Tav. Doug views this as living Yodq playing its actual Qabalic role interrelating Elohim and 'T[h]av as role playing' Aleph's echo. Novice Doug k~now~ings n¤t his competence in this interpretation, but it sounds a lot like Isra~el (struggle with God, to choose Yodc, else to choose Yodq), only with quantum~holographic~scintillating interrelationshipings~associationings through Yod of:
Sorry for sentence length: stream of consciousness... Elohim (Aleph~Lammed~Waw~Hay~Yod~Mem: Also, more simply, (Aleph~Lammed~finalMem: 1.30.600) which is Suares' version. Doug's longer version should use a finalMem. Recall that Waw's vertical tricodon expresses Waw[Vav]~Sammekh~finalMem. Waw is masculine. Sammekh is Waw's feminine antinomial actual projection. finalMem is Waw's exalted feminine n¤nactual projection. An interesting onion style -- antinomialq layers -- phenomenon emerges here. Hylic interpretationc of... ...makes it easy to improperlyc deducec woman as being madec ('rib bone' brain-booferc) from man (classical naïvetæ). However, Aleph 1000 hermaphroditically creates [using better Qabalic translationq of Genesis] both man and woman as antinomialq subspecies of species homo Sapien. Too, man's (archetypical) creationq is at a lower level energy (6: haploidally hermaphroditic, XY) than woman (60: haploidally n¤n hermaphroditic, XX). One ramification of that disparity is absence of Aleph in original man's blood (man as Dam AKA Eesh). Recall that Genesis describes management of Eesha's and serpent's grail of energy (from Aleph) into Eesh thus transmutingq Eesh into Adam: man with Aleph (1) ihn his blood. Doug. |
Very over simplified Bara~Shyt~Bara~Elohim, from Doug's quantum~complementarospective, is roughly, "To createq holographicq scintillatingq interrelationshipingsq is to createq YahWeh as a (demiurgic: YahWeh vis-Ý-vis Qabalic: YhShWh) version of Elohim." Recall Doug's claim that more nexi in any hologram make said hologram's projection clearer: simpler. Since human's cannot be k~nowq~ing 'god,' we appear doomed to viewing 'god' in a humanistic model: an anthropomorph. But most treat that as dialectical concrete, and Genesis is implying, not concretec, rather holographicq interrelationshipingsq. If you grasp Essene[ce] of Bara~Shyt~Bara~Elohim, you have a leg up in finding your inner, understanding the account and the logos. You have become a quantum~being! |
(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs) |
Exegeses |
To~tour, i.e., with [cum~, L.]touring, to go round and round con(m)trarotationally, antinomiallyq, in full complementarityq without con(m)tradictionc-q To~tour, i.e., with [cum~, L.]touring, to go round and round con(m)trarotationally, antinomiallyq, in full complementarityq without con(m)tradictionc-q |
Index |
Batoreem (Bayt~Tav~Waw~Raysh~Yod~finalMem: 2.400. Observe and abduct two archetypes (Bayt and Waw), one existential projection (Yod) and three n¤n existential projections (T[h]av and Raysh~Shyar third of which (Mem) is a final). Raysh~Shyar desnouers this letter script's very quantum Literal almost ad occulos...eidetically. Bayt - Yod's (Thav~)con(m)tainedq cyclic trajectory in life~death... T[h]av - One semi~silvered end of a life~death~cyclic resonant cavity. Waw - Perpetual and fecund~vicissitudinal fertilization of this resonant cycling of Yod's Qabala. (In a ruby rod laser, Waw here is a metaphor of said laser's scintillating (imperative~spontaneity) light~flash pump.) Waw, in agency of Aleph, and "as always" faithful in Aleph. Raysh~Shyar - Resonance of cosmic life~death cyclings. Yod - Livingq sentienceq experiencingq Aleph's vitalq impetusq. finalMem - Bayt and finalMem emerq a resonant cavity whose note(s) are Tav~Waw~Raysh~Shyar~Yod. Yod issi comsciously touring its existential life~death cosmic~cycles as part of Qabala's game. |
An overly simple vulgate literal is Tour cum (L.) with me...come with me...let me show you my etchingsq (my carvingsq of Yah Yahweh). We see Latin cum and Bayt as used here saying, "with." What are we touring? Qabala: its Game of Life. Our journey isn't a vicious circlec as suggested by "round and round," rather, and cosmicallyq, it is an openq and cosmically immanenqt redemptiveq processq of cosmic~comsciousness' perpetualq renewalq via its apoptosis~resurrection life~death cycles in which spiritq livesq perpetuallyq, but all Bayt of our current iterationings' trajectories returns to fermionic dust (quanta). Comparatively ponder evolutionq of a cloud's life~death~cyclings...ungrammatically, death is but an apparition...death issi an apparition...Suares' cosmic~comsciousness never 'diesc'... |
Take the Tour: |
(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs) |
Exegeses |
Index | Bayom (Bayt~Yod~Waw~finalMem: 2.10.600) |
Yod~Mem literally, colloquially is 'day.' Ciphered according its Aut and Gematria, it is an existential cosmic~affected fecund~biosphere. Bayt comtains said fecund~biosphere in a 'day' ordinal subjunctive comtainer. All mechanical, formal, objective cardinality is disallowed ihn quantum~reality. |
This word appears twice in verse 2 of Genesis 2. | ||||||||||||||||
(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs) |
Exegeses |
All evolutionary potentia open to humanity - quantized manifesta: uncertainty, chance, choice, change All evolutionary potentia open to humanity - quantized manifesta: uncertainty, chance, choice, change |
Ben - (Bayt~finalNoun: 2.700) Bayt, is container whose existential antinomial (quantum~complement) is Kaf, and whose nonexistensial projection (exaltation) is Raysh. See Bayt~Kaf~Raysh triple. Bayt - Archetypal comtainerq, homeq, somaq, finalNoun - maturely quantized evolvingq its freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq. See finalNoun. Doug - 29Nov2015. |
Ben, ihn quantum~reality (cosmic~energyings' realityings), represents very high energy quantization of reality's actual home, comtainer. Recall remediations' topos of all 'con' terms:
So toposically Ben is:
Most often we see Ben used like this, "Ben Adam," which pneumatically means "Evolution of Aleph in Blood." It becomes rather apparent that, if one cann¤t see one's inner, one isn't even aware that Aleph issi ihn (nhissihn) our blood (i.e., Yod without Aleph). Doug's use of nhissihn makes blatantly apparentq "...quantization and scintillation and quantum~evolution of livingq bloodq quanta and their hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq pneumatic interrelationshipingsq..." |
quantization and scintillation and quantum~evolution of livingq bloodq quanta and their hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq pneumatic interrelationshipingsq
(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs) |
Exegeses |
Index |
Beenah - (Bayt~Yod~Noun~Hay: Bayt - Archetype of all kinds of comtainers ihn Yod - existence Noun - with quantized freedom and uncertainty Hay - for all individual life. Compare Shakal: to be wise. |
This issi Gnosis! | Seventh word of verse one of Proverbs IV:1 7. | ||||||||||||||||
(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs) |
Exegeses |
Cosmically quantized [mature] evolution of Yod as Yod ihn Ben |
Index |
Bein (Bayt~Yod~finalNoun: 2.10.700) Bayt - Con(m)tainer archetype. Yod - Aleph 1's existential antinomial projection in actuality, her it is "me," "Hær," "Shæ." finalNoun - Shæ issi maximally quantized [made mature] via her quantum~enfoldment with non existential cosmic energyings. She experiences feminine cosmic~wisdom as maximal mature uncertaintyings as cosmic~peace. Compare less peaceful, immature Bni (Bayt~Noun~Yod: 2.50.10) Noun - here is immature quantization as evolution of Yod. A great exemplar of this immaturity appears in I:6 of Song of Songs as "...Ha'Shemesh Bni Imi..." which is enunciating comparative maturation of "two sons," Shem (immature YahWeh) and Mesh (mature YhShWh): YahWeh (immature demiurge) and mature YhShWh (livingFather), latter being YahWeh's n¤n existential cosmic complement. Doug's use of 'evolution' here is mature finalNoun version of 'Ben.' infixing 'i' puts Yod in mature~cosmic~evolution. Bni uses immature Noun. |
"~Li~Bein~Shadai~Yeleen~ "My [~Bein~] organic movement [~Li~] issi cosmically~quantized [finalNoun ihn Bein], thus spiritually (300.4.10 gematria of Shadai) (quantons(scin,quan)) opening self's windows and doors so that I can [Yeleen:] sing (give birth to) my (Yod ihn Ben as Bein) Songs of Songings." With Doug's comment lacuna removed, "My organic movement issi cosmically~quantized, thus spiritually opening self's windows and doors so that I can sing my Songs of Songings." From Doug's limited Qabalic perspective, Shæ is singing for some who "have ears to listen." As Suares writes, She is carrying on, a "theme that is being developed all through the Song..." of Songs. See p. 58 of Suares' Song of Songs. 300 gematria of Sheen in Shadai, here, appears to be representing Rouahh~Elohim as Hær singing's vital~impetus. |
Bein is fifth word of Song of Songs' I:13, "Tsarawr Hamor Dodi Li Bein Shadai Yaleen." | ||||||||||||||||
(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs) |
Exegeses |
Without what? Essentially this word issi asking us to fathom a Gnostic~Qabalic meme of "Without death there is n¤ life, and without life there is n¤ death: quantons(livings,dyings). Again we see Heraclitus' quantum~complementary~antinomial~meme of "up and down are same (autsimilarq)." |
Index |
Belimah (Bayt~Lammed~Yod~Mem~Hay: Bayt - Somatic Lammed existential metabolism Yod cowithihn existence Mem in an existential biosphere Hay living physically. Doug 27,29Feb2016. |
Following Suares' lead, we find that it issi important to compare Belimah with Elohim: Some of you are familiar with memes (actually notions in this case) say, "the walking dead." Belimah shows us that one may have a physical life, without any spiritual life. So, again, without what? Life without spirit, without pneuma, issi a kind of "walking deadness." Doug senses this issi what Belimah is saying to us, and too Belimah, except for absence of vital~impetus (replaced by physical soma) issi very much like Elohim. Observe that Elohim has both vital~impetus and life, where Belimah has both lifec and hyle, soma, physicalness. Elohim has qua to be living~spirit. (Ponder, according Autiot as "two lives," how Elohim has a free will choice to be 1) physical (i.e., demiurge), 2) pneumatic (a living Father, a kind of spiritq guide). Belimah is constrained to living-physicalness. Belimah is without living~spirit! Belimah is dialectical, formal, mechanical, objective, etc. Elohim issi (demiurgically has a choice to be) quantum, emerqant, hologral, subjunctive, etc. Read that Belimah link top of column right. Doug 27,29Feb2016. |
(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs) |
Exegeses |
Water dust clouds (3rd of 10 Sephira - Intelligence) Water dust clouds (3rd of 10 Sephira - Intelligence) Water dust clouds (3rd of 10 Sephira - Intelligence) |
Index |
Binah (Bayt~Yod~Noun~Hay: Ba'Binah (Bayt~Bayt~Yod~Noun~Hay: Ba'Binah means "with intelligence." Bayt - Here we see a cavity ~{2.2}~, a divine resonance of "two somas." We may choose to thinkq of this as "two livesq" as "two quantum~complementary~antinomial brain lobesq" (normally) cowithihn each of our selves' quantum~beings. This issi quantum~agency of our nous, our minds, our quantum~stageings, our wisdom, our intelligence, our psyche~pneuma, etc. Yod - Our "two~lives" minds exist. Noun - Our "two~lives" minds are quantized. Hay - Our "two~lives" minds are metabolicallyq aliveq, living cowithihn Iht. Doug - 25Feb2016. |
Quantized water as dust AKA "Waters of breath." Intelligence! See Lawrence Gardner re Dew Cup as Grail. This, interpretatively, expresses cloud con(m)densation as its grail~like accumulation in a cup as grail. However, grail isn't just a cup. It can be a tunnel, aqueduct, gutter, pipe, worm~hole (atemporalq aspect of grail), etc. Many ephemera~quantum~phenomena are atemporal, including grail, immanence, coherenceq, remote~viewingq, communicationsq, and gravity among them. Y=f(t)c, in general, doesn't holdc, which simply destroys Einstein's deludedc and illusoryc y=f(t)c theoriesc of 'relativityc.' Ditto Newton, excepting his atemporal formulæ for gravity. But that Newtonian assumption of atemporal gravity is self destructive of his other temporal classicisms. For example, Newton's implicit, perhaps tacit, assumption of reality as only posentropic (material). Monotemporalc assumptions by both Einstein (e.g., 3D1T, etc.) and Newton are simply bogus in quantum~reality. Why? "One time does n¤t fitc all changingsq." Every ensembleq of quanta has its own (evolvingq) natural frequencyq, its own localq timeq base. Evolutionq of said ensembleq, e.g., our cloudq exemplar, has its own quantum~wave~function signatureq which allows us to omnitor its evolutionq. |
See Zincgreff's Y~Cloud. See Doug's What is a Cloud? Ponder clouds' chaosq and their life~deathq cycles' strange~attractorsq evolutionq. Binah also means in popular terms of Renaissance "dew," "breath," and "Ros." Ç a t h o l i ç 'church' did its damnedest to destroy all belief in what they called "heretical" thought like this. Their obscene mind-control efforts produced "the dark ages." Much like Keynesians and Marxists today. Fascists all! |
(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs) |
Exegeses |
ESQ Exclusive Static Quality, ESQ Exclusive Static Quality, ESQ |
Lessoossati~Berikhvey |
Berikhvey (Bayt~Raysh~Khaf~Vayt~Yod: Bayt - Con(m)tainment in a archetypical sense of protecting an archetypal life~trajectory, which is perpetuallyq and ubiquitouslyq, ...spirituallyq (pneumatically) recycledq by T[h]av. Raysh - N¤nexistential cosmic projectionq of Bayt. Powerful cosmic con(m)tainment. Khaf - Existential projectionq (predominantly as fermionsq and bosonsq) of Bayt which usually actsq as a cup, aqueduct, pipe, etc., but is still a 'class' of con(m)tainment. We may also thinkq of Khaf here as a grailesqueq (channeledq) lifeq trajectoryq. Vayt - In this comtextq thinkq of Vayt as a shell con(m)text which may be broken, yet n¤t intended to 'break' since it may be protectingq a Sammekh~Sammekh ovumq, as in Lessoossati (Lammed~Sammekh~Sammekh~Thav~Yod: which Suares refers, "Sass as larva." Soss is a infix root as used here. It implies Sass as used by Suares. Yod - That Aleph~projected 'material' (quanton) existential antinomialq which is being powerfully con(m)tained. |
Suares: "...a powerfully static container." He observes four 2s ESQing Yod. If we adhere Pirsig's MoQ topos of DQ, SQ, ESQ...permit Doug to 'coin' Bikhvey ( as SQ. Doug simply removed Raysh from Berikhvey's Autiot: Three 2s. Pirsig's topos:
Aleph issi DQ! So in Quantonics script we may educe quanton(DQ,SQ) as actuality shown in Autiot as quanton(Aleph,Bikhvey). In that mapping of DQ and SQ we see actuality's Autiot Yod appropriately as DQ's SQ complementaryq~antinomialq. |
First two spelled~out ciphers of Chapter I, Verse 9 of Suares' Song of Songs. | | | | DeviliveD Y |
Index | Bohou (Bayt~Waw~Hay~Waw: | container archetype alive without form | |||||||||||||||||
(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs) |
Exegeses |