
Doug's Translation
Song of Songs I
Verses 1-9
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Song of Songs I:1-9:

Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.

Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...

...quantum aspects of Song of Songs from their readers.

Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.). An outlier of interest here is Delores Cannon's opus re Jesus' Essene (Qumran) Gnosis (Specifically see her They Walked with Jesus.).

Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, especially in Song of Songs. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica Doug is unsure whether it is available elsewhere and in Suares' quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believes Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist. But Gnosis shows us that monism is deceit. Doug believes latter, not Suares' apparent monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can.

Doug shows, for each Verse and word of Chapter I of Song of Songs, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes, thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Song of Songs)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole Verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Song of Songs
Doug Renselle

Song of Songs I:1 Song of Songs I:2 Song of Songs I:3 Song of Songs I:4 Song of Songs I:5 Song of Songs I:6 Song of Songs I:7  Song of Songs I:8 Song of Songs I:9
Song of Songs I:10-17



Cosmic metabolic wave~functions cowithihn my existence cosmically comtained,
as living pluralityings of wave~functionings cowithihn my existence divinely cavitating, reverberating their cosmic comtainment cowithihn our shared cosmic biosphere,
witnesses my vital~impetus' cosmic metabolism cosmically comtained,
witnesses divine cavitation by my existential metabolism reverberating durationally cosmic metabolism cowithihn my living existential biosphere.

. . .

She issi expressing a memeq that listeningq issi one kind of quantum~measurement.
What we hear
q issi a composite 'songing as signatureq' of many holophonic~fluxingsq cowithihn our (Hær) current roleq and situationq.

Listening becomes a sensoryq metaphorq of all roleq situationalq omniscriptiveq
flux senses including seeing, smelling, feeling, balancing, touching, smelling, etc.

Put that ihn a hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq situationq and roleq relevant Jeshua's,
"Those of you who have ears had better listen." See Thomas Gospel. Search on <listen>.

Jeshua issi saying, "You must be capable of doing quantum~measurement!" You must be Kosher! You must have qua!

Doug - 2-3Sep2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Song of Songs I:1

Excepting Genesis I:1 (creation of Aleph cowithihn existence, and Bayt), and Exodus 3:14 (Moshe's "Ehieh Esher Ehieh,"
i.e., "Qabala witnesses Qabala") this verse, to Doug, issi the most important verse in entire Old Testament (OT).

HotMeme"From any genuine quantum~complementarospective, a quantum~view of Autiot, Gematria, Gnosis, Qabala, Sepher Yetsira, and Sefirot,
as co benchmarks of quantum~philosophy and Quantonics SoS I:1 issi The most important verse ihn OT!"

Doug's opine!

Reasons for Doug saying, writing that are simply mind~blowing. To explain would take volumes, but to go right to quint~Essene~ce, this verse says very simply,

"Let me show you, tell you, in five Autiot words, 'How to do quantum~measurement.' "

To grasp that first time issi somewhat an epiphany of epiphanies!

Doug Spent over 30 years of his life laying quantum grundlagen to be able to fathom that when he read SoS I:1. First time, it didn't register.
Doug had to reread it about 10 times over several weeks, and then Pow! he saw it for his first time!!!

In English, what does SoS I:1 say, Doug?

In idiom it says, "Songing of Songings witnesses my peace."

Doug would rewrite that to make it more quantum as, "Songing of Songings witnessings my peaceings."
Doug should probably also use "myings." All issi quantum~processings!

"But how does it say anything quantum, Doug?"

To share Doug's epiphany, you need minimally these memetic analogues:

o A Songing issi a quantum~wave~function (qwf).

o Witnessing corresponds quantum~assessment, quantum~measurement.

o A songing of songings as a qwf of qwfings turns out to be how Millennium III physialists will do their due
re quantum~measurementings, quantum~assessmentings of quantum~realityings. MIII quantum~computers will do qwfing of qwfings!


o Her peace issi Her uncertainty!

You need more than that, but for a novice, it gives one a start.

Observe that this verse issi mostly about existential~ and cosmic~metabolic (QED: fluxodynamicq qwf) quantum~interrelationshipings.

HotMeme™ "Quantum~measurement issi quantum~metabolic."™ HotMeme™.

See omnitor.

Doug - 2-3Sep2015.

. . .

Song of Songs I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Sheen~Yod~Raysh




Cosmic metabolic wave~functions cowithihn existence cosmically comtained...]

Doug's bold re 300 gematria for fluxodynamicq cosmic~metabolism.

Observe that Shyar issi a mirror~reversal of Raysh.

Shyar and Raysh together are a palindromicq revelationq!

SoS, at its getgo, offers us a key revelation of Qabala!

Shyar and Raysh together say that, "All beginnings aræra cowithihn all endings and all endings aræra cowithihn all beginnings," perpetually and ubiquitously, absent classical dialectical contradiction absent classical finality.

This issi a revelation of perpetual evolutionq.


C. G. Jung's Amor Triumphat (Libido Triumphant).

Triumph of peace borne of evolution'sq intrinsic uncertaintyq.

We seeq that graphically depicted as Autiot's Reality Loop which Doug memeoticallyq shows throughout Quantonics web site as.

Both Shyar and Raysh are metabolic (they are spelled using Aut Sheen.300). Raysh issi a cosmic comtainer (a universe, a plenum) of existential metabolism (us, Yod) interrelating cosmic metabolism Sheen (Iht, Aleph): us cowithihn Iht and Iht cowithihn us.

Songings are autsimilar, perpetual, ubiquitous, yet evolutionarilyq always n¤vælq.

Quoting self, from 30Jul2014, a Doug page note on p. 37, of SoS, "Quanta are qwf musical notes which scintillate one another to make all music of reality," and "Two quantum essentials (qwf 'songs' ensembling songings as: )

  • quanta, and their (causelessc),
  • scintilla (heresyq)."

"We see quanta as 'residue,' 'signature,' quintessence."

On his SoS, p. 38, Suares summarizes, slightly paraphrased (Doug's brackets and bold green), "It will be seen in our following pages that both meanings [residue vis-à-vis quintessence] are perfectly adapted to those [SoS] poems, whose ultimate title, is therefore Residues of Residueings."

Signaturesq of Signaturingsq.

Quantum~omnitoring!!! Stuff of qubitsq.

We may look at Raysh~Sheen (Raysh~Shyar) as a "two lives ihn each of us soliloquasciously" mirror~echoingq quantum~middle~inclusion of existenceq and its cosmic complementq. In Song of Songs this is just what Shæ experiences over and over again, throughout.

Notice close autsimilarity of Qof's perpetual~life straddling of vital~impetus assa cosmic~vital~impetus.

Qof, like Dexter, takes out 'the garbage.'

Qof takes out dialectic and all its classical accoutrements.

Doug - 3Sep2015.

2 Hay~Sheen~Yod~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."of Songings;"

as living pluralityings of wave~functionings cowithihn existence divinely cavitating, reverberating their cosmic comtainment cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]

We see divinity of cosmic~metabolic~Yod's simplex existential cavitationq of cosmic comtainment.

Doug - 2-3Sep2015.

3 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh




witnesses my vital~impetus' cosmic metabolism cosmically comtained...]
4 Lammed~Sheen~Lammed~Mem~Hay



..."my peace;"

witnesses divine cavitation by my existential metabolism reverberating durationally cosmic metabolism cowithihn my living existential biosphere...]

We see divinity of existential metabolism's simplex cavitation of cosmic metabolism. This appears as a powerful quantum~situation~role analogue of peace. We observe that peace issi n¤t classical action, peace issi n¤t a classical abstraction. Quantum~peace issi an implicit of quantum~reality!

Doug - 2-3Sep2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Let his fire of his kisses set me aflame, his two lips' existence cavitating cosmic metabolism's cosmic vital~impetus existentially quantizing me full of freedom, uncertainty, and peace,
with kisses of his existential metabolism, his lips cavitating my quantization's PUF cosmically metabolizing an...
...ascendent cavitation of my existence ihnto vital~impetus' fecundity, against a very resistant cosmic vital~impedance
of his mouth, its unlimited possibilityings cowithihn existence' living fecundity.
His quality, because of feminine cellular fecundity's cavitation, reverberates an exaltation of my soma's existence ihnto cosmic biosphere's isoflux.
My lover's desire for my two resistances and their divine cavitation~excitation of his existence cosmically grailing cosmic isoflux,
issi better than wine's existential biosphere divinely cavitating our spiritual cosmic quantizationings' FUP cowithihn cosmic isoflux.

. . .

Doug used ellipses to break a long line.

Doug - 3Sep2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Song of Songs I:2

Song of Songs I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Yod~Sheen~Qof~Noun~Yod



..."primal awakening of a (the) woman (Eesha) showing fire of her desire for a (the) man (Esh: Adam's mutableq precursor);"

let his fire of his kisses set me aflame, his two lips' existence cavitating cosmic metabolism's cosmic vital~impetus existentially quantizing me full of freedom, uncertainty, and peace...] We see triplex existential bilateral cavitation of ~Sheen~Qof~Noun~ by a divinity of Yod.
2 Mem~Noun~Sheen~Yod~Qof~Waw~Tav



..."cosmic energy clouds, as quanta of water (dust) cowithin spirit, having traversed their guantlets of chautauqua, fertilizing their comtainers;"

with kisses of his existential metabolism, his lips cavitating, my quantization's PUF cosmically metabolizing an ascendent cavitation of my existence ihnto vital~impetus' fecundity, against a very resistant cosmic vital~impedance...]

There are two cavitations here, both ascending. Inner one issi divine. Outer one ascendently cavitates infixes of this word.


Note that 40.400 issi Mem~Tav, death.

Here we view it as a portion of a breathing~out Atta cycle and part of what happens when humans kiss one another: kisses always end (almost, at least).

Sometimes we never forget them...

3 Pay~Yod~Hay~Waw



..."his mouth, but according to Sepher Yetsira the human mouth is made and shaped by Tav;"

of his mouth, its unlimited possibilityings cowithihn existence' living fecundity...]
4 Kaf~Yod - Tayt~Waw~Vayt~Yod~finalMem

(20.10 -


..."because of his quality;"

His quality, because of feminine cellular fecundity's cavitation, reverberates an exaltation of my soma's existence ihnto cosmic biosphere's isoflux...] We see an exalting cavitation of archetypical fecundity ascending to cosmic biosphere acting upon soma's existence.
5 Dallet~Thallet~Yod~finalKhaf



..."my lover;"

My lover's desire for my two resistances and their divine cavitation~excitation of his existence cosmically grailing cosmic isoflux...]
6 Mem~Yod~Yod~finalNoun



..."wine from a vine usually associated with spirit[s]ually divine Quality;"

issi better than wine's existential biosphere divinely cavitating our spiritual cosmic quantizationings' FUP cowithihn cosmic isoflux...]

Wine issi divine! Wine issi spiritual!

Wine shows us cosmic principle of life: intrinsic cosmic~quantization (and its boundless hologralq scintilla).

Doug - 3Sep2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Your perfume's existential metabolism cosmically comtains (increases hang~time of) its existence while exhibiting unlimited spiritual possibilityings of its fragrance, and
richness of your name's cosmic metabolism existentially biosphered issi columnarly cavitating your existential quantizationings of your existence while cosmically grailing isoflux.
Your quality of your fecund cellular archetype of structurationings issi columnarly cavitating~reverberating your soma's existence cosmically biosphered,
while your perfume's cosmic metabolism issi biospherically~columnarly cavitating your cosmic quantization's FUP...
...encountering permeable cosmic vital~impedance' fecundation of your cosmic comtainment experiencing cosmic vital~impetus persistently destroying all your dialectical illusions.
Your name's richness issi cosmic metabolism of your existential biosphere cosmically grailing isoflux,
for this richness of your duplex enlightened columnar cavitation of your existential metabolism existentially grailing your bestowed cosmic quantization's FUP,
for those maidens' vital~impetuses aræra columnar~biospherically cavitating~reverberating while fecundating their struggle against a impermeable cosmic vital~impedance, simply
my darling they love your vital~impetus' living columnar cavitation exalting~reverberating your soma's fecundity tautologously against a permeable cosmic vital~impedance.

. . .

Doug used ellipses to break a long line.

Doug - 4Sep2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Song of Songs I:3

Song of Songs I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 ~Lammed~ - Raysh~Yod~Hhayt

(30 - 200.10.8)


..."Your perfume;"

Your perfume's existential metabolism cosmically comtains (increases hang~time of) its existence while exhibiting unlimited spiritual possibilityings of its fragrance...]

No cavitation in this one.

Compare listening and smelling as quantum~senses, as innate human qua to quantum~omnitor their surroundings. "Smells of smellings witness my peace."

Doug, under his Sepher Yetsiral Hologralexologyq™ of Rayhha emphasizes how scent, like sound and all other hologralq sensesq ebb and flow, wax and wane...

This patternq of quantons(partial_absence,partial_presence) issi Essene~ce of Atta, Aleph~Tav, Tav~Aleph..., absoluteq fluxq of any Quantum Life Motif™.

Doug - 4Sep2015.

2 Sheen~Mem~Noun~Yod~finalKhaf



..."names richness of you;"

richness of your name's cosmic metabolism existentially biosphered issi columnarly cavitating your existential quantizationings of your existence while cosmically grailing isoflux...] 50.10.500 issi a simplex Noun~finalKhaf columnar cavitational ascension of Yod as existence from quantization ihnto (cowithihn) grailing cosmic isoflux.
3 Tayt~Waw~Vayt~Yod~finalMem



..."your quality;"

Your quality of your fecund cellular archetype of structurationings issi columnarly cavitating~reverberating your soma's existence cosmically biosphered...] issi a duplex Waw~finalMem columnar cavitational exaltation of Vayt~Yod as somatic existence ihnto (cowithihn) cosmos' biosphere.
4 Sheen~Mem~finalNoun - Thav~Waw~Raysh~Qof

(300.40.700 - 400.6.200.100)


..."issi perfumeq of youq poured out;"

while your perfume's cosmic metabolism issi biospherically~columnarly cavitating your cosmic quantization's FUP encountering permeable cosmic vital~impedance' fecundation of your cosmic comtainment experiencing cosmic vital~impetus persistently destroying all your dialectical illusions...]

We can think of this as Hær perfume as breathq, fractally, recursively naming its self~processq as cloudsq of scent, as water dustq of quantized clouds of scent. Smelling as metabolicq processq. Scenting as metabolicq processq. Recognizingq Hær fragrance as comsciousnessq' metabolicq processq.

We begin to sense an Essene Qabalic memeq of two lives! This issi a c¤mm¤n (see Heraclitus' the account) memeq ihn all of Qabala, Autiot, Gematria, Gnosis, Sepher Yetsira, and Sefirot. Aut~Iot ciphered means "two lives." Atta's breathing out (male), and breathing ihn (female) analogizes role and situation (Star of David's haploidal cuneiform) of male~female, quantons(female,male), quantons(Shæ,Hæ).

This phrase may be viewed as having a 40.400 ascendant simplex cavitation of finalNoun. Doug has n¤ meme of its appropriateness. One guide issi that original OT text has n¤ Anglican objective, dialectical spaces; OT has n¤ Anglican linguistic SOM Walls, n¤ SOM Box..."...tear down that wall!"

Doug - 4Sep2015.

5 Sheen~Mem~finalKhaf



..."your name issi you as richness;"

Your name's richness issi cosmic metabolism of your existential biosphere cosmically grailing isoflux...] No cavitation here.
6 Ayn~Lammed - Kaf~finalNoun

(70.30 - 20.700)


..."for this;"

for this richness of your duplex enlightened columnar cavitation of your existential metabolism existentially grailing your bestowed cosmic quantization's FUP...] Treating this as one pattern, we have a duplex Ayn~finalNoun cavitational projectionings of existential metabolism ihnto an existential grail.
7 Aleph~Lammed~Mem~Waw~Tav




for those maidens' vital~impetuses aræra columnar~biospherically cavitating~reverberating while fecundating their struggle against a impermeable cosmic vital~impedance, simply...]

40.6.400 issi a simplex Mem~Tav columnar cavitationings of archetypal fecundityings.

Mem~Waw~Tav issi usually hermeneuted as 'death.' I.e., Mawt.

For a woman, sometimes begging fecundation of a male's vital~impedance can appear as a great perhaps that is what is intended here...perhaps a maiden's loss of her virginity.

8 Aleph~Hay~Vayt~Waw~finalKhaf



..."my darling, they love you;"

my darling they love your vital~impetus' living columnar cavitation exalting~reverberating your soma's fecundity tautologously against a permeable cosmic vital~impedance...] issi a duplex columnar cavitation exalting~reverberating Vayt~Waw from archetype to cosmic projection, borne of vital~impetus.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

I want (He to king) to be cowithihn your biosphere's cosmic metabolism breathing, grailing your quantizationings FUP (principles of life) cowithihn existence.
I want to be with you and g¤d's unlimited possibilityings cosmically comtained cowithihn existence grailing cosmic isoflux.
So that y~our existential quantized PUF (principles of life) cavitationings of y~our open cosmic comtainment fecundating existential living emerqant ensembles
may accept my cavitating life's soma divinely cavitating y~our existencings vital~impetus reverberating y~our quantizationings PUF, reverberating y~our divine existencings,
as a king's cavitating, exalting life existence biosphering his metabolism while reverberating his grailing of cosmic isoflux
in your chambers unlimited possibilityings gatewayveing cosmic comtainment cowithihn fecund existence.
Let us rejoice that our apparent existence (Yod) issi being cavitated by an ascension from organic movement to existential metabolism cowithihn...
...a descending cavitation from existential quantization's PUF principles of life to archetype of our lives' existence,
and we delight ihn your fecund quantizationings of your focused cosmic metabolism's existential biospheric unlimited spiritual possibilityings reverberating cowithin quantum~life existence,
especially your soma's grailing cosmic isoflux.
We will praise your existential quantizationings' FUP cavitating unlimited potentia of cavitationings of existential grailings of existence,...
...of appearances reverberating cowithihn cosmic comtainment reverberating cowithihn life existence.
(You and I, king, praise) Her divine existence grailing cosmic isoflux,
her biospheric divine existential cavitationings cosmically quantizing cosmic principles of life's freedom, uncertainty, and peace so that
quantum~beings can evolveq relentlessly, palindromically, fractally, recursively, coherentlyq cavitating their...
...existential~cosmic biospheres, cavitating their existences, cavitating their cosmically comtained cosmic metabolisms,
and those quantum~beings adore y~our livingq soma's vital~impetus fecundating and grailing cosmic isoflux.

. . .

Doug uses ellipses to break long lines.

Doug - 5Sep2015, 17Dec2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Song of Songs I:4

Here, Suares takes us right ihnto Jung land. Quoting from p. 42 of Suares' SoS, " 'She' has named 'Him.' " His name was hidden in the structure of her own substance." That issi Jung's female animus!

Next, Suares writes, "Now, she is aware of that structure: it is fashioned by the One Energy, flowing from Aleph (or Qof)
to Tav and from Tav to Aleph. 'He,' being now named, has become a living entity, and the poem will unfold a
dialogue between two symbols, through which the reader will be in touch with the factual cosmic life." P. 42. Ibid.

Her awareness, Her comsciousness we see here re cognizes His energy flowing cosmically cowithihn Her! This issi Jung's animus!!!

Further, we see it as a cavitation, first of Aleph~Tav, and also as a subcavitation of cosmic~Aleph~Tav [Qof~Tav]. Latter
issi a heightened libidic~quantadulative excitement of Her for Him which happens cowithihn
cosmic energyings' levels (100 to 400, subcavitationally~reverberating cowithihn Atta).

Be keenly aware that 'Him, He' issi n¤t Solomon!!!
(Apparently, Solomon, the dialectical-materialist-clown-king, somehow? has introduced Her to Him...)

Ihn a biblical sense, She issi ihn love, falling ihn love, with Jeshua (allegorically as
an instance of Hær man) as Aleph.1 cowithihn her (as Jung's animus) quantum~being.
(Philosophicalq ramifications of this memeq aræra astonishing! Ponder Jung's male analogue, anima.
Ponder Mal[e]'s dialectical-mechanical-formal inability to find 'His' inner, His inability to abide Aleph ihn Yod.)

In another sense, a very Essene Gnostic sense, She has found Her individual inner!

Doug - 5Sep2015, 17Dec2015.

. . .

Song of Songs I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Mem~Sheen~Khaf~Noun~Yod



..."I want to be cowithihn your breathing biosphere;"

I want to be cowithihn your biosphere's cosmic metabolism breathing, grailing your quantizationings FUP (principles of life) cowithihn existence...]

No cavitation here.

Supposedly 'He' issi speaking with a king about 'Her.'

2 Aleph~Hhayt~Raysh~Yod~finalKhaf



..."I want to be with you, with g¤d cowithihn our humanity;"

I want to be with you and g¤d's unlimited possibilityings cosmically comtained cowithihn existence grailing cosmic isoflux...] No cavitation here.
3 Noun~Raysh~Waw~Tsadde~Hay



..."so that y~our quantized emerqancyings of all living ensembles;"

So that y~our existential quantized PUF (principles of life) cavitationings of y~our open cosmic comtainment fecundating existential living emerqant ensembles...]

We see a columnar cavitational descension from Noun to Hay.

What do we see being quantum~cavitated?

~Raysh~Waw~Tsadde~ that is...

Cosmic open comtainment fecundating existential structuration.

See Doug's SY Hologralexology™ of Narootsah

4 Hay~Vayt~Yod~Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."may accept my lodging cowithihn you;"

may accept my cavitating life's soma divinely cavitating y~our existencings vital~impetus reverberating y~our quantizationings PUF, reverberating y~our divine existencings...]

We see overlapping cavitationings...


Columnar ascension of 5 to 50.

Bilateral divinity of 10 and 10.

See Doug's SY Hologralexology™ of Havyani.

5 Hay~Mem~Lammed~finalKhaf



..."as a king;"

as a king's cavitating, exalting life existence biosphering his metabolism while reverberating his grailing of cosmic isoflux...]

We see exalted columnar cavitationings...


See Doug's SY Hologralexology™ of Hhedarov

6 Hhayt~Dallet~Raysh~Yod~Waw



..."in your chambers;"

in your chambers unlimited possibilityings gatewayveing cosmic comtainment cowithihn fecund existence...]
7 Noun~Ghimel~Yod~Lammed~Hay



..."let us rejoice, we choose to praise;"

let us rejoice that our apparent existence (Yod) issi being cavitated by an ascension from organic movement to existential metabolism cowithihn descending cavitation from existential quantization's PUF principles of life to archetype of our lives' existence...]

We see nested columnar cavitationings...


Yod is being cavitated by an ascension from organic movement to existential metabolism cowithihn descending cavitation from existential quantization to archetype of life existence.

Doug's use of "apparent existence" in this word's cipher, is to remind us that Yod is roughly autsimlar QCD's Up and Down Quarks: UD as Yod, as "apparitional existence."

Quarks are apparitional fuzzonic fluxq becoming actual fermions: protons, neutrons, electrons.

Doug - 5Sep2015.

8 Waw~Noun~Seen~Mem~Hhayt~Hay



..."and we delight in;"

and we delight ihn your fecund quantizationings of your focused cosmic metabolism's existential biospheric unlimited spiritual possibilityings reverberating cowithin quantum~life existence...]

More columnar cavitationing...


Seen~Mem~Hhayt reverberating cowithihn a cavitating descension from Noun (freedom, uncertainty, and peace as quantum~flux principlings of life) to Hay (quantum~life existence cowithihn actuality).

Doug - 5Sep2015.

9 Bayt~finalKhaf



..."your soma grailing cosmic isoflux;"

your soma's grailing cosmic isoflux...]
10 Noun~Zayn~Kaf~Yod~Raysh~Hay



..."we will praise;"

We will praise your existential quantizationings' FUP cavitating unlimited potentia of cavitationings of existential grailings of existence, of appearances reverberating cowithihn cosmic comtainment reverberating cowithihn life existence...]

We see two nested columnar cavitationings here:

  • 50...5, a declination from existential to archetype, from existential quantization as principle of life to archetype of life, and
  • 20...200, an inclination from existential to cosmic, from existential grailings to cosmic open comtainment.



11 Dallet~Dallet~Yod~finalKhaf



..."Her divine nipples grailing cosmos' energyings;"

Her divine existence grailing cosmic isoflux...]
12 Mem~Yod~Yod~finalNoun



..."finer than wine;"

her biospheric divine existential cavitationings cosmically quantizing cosmic principles of life's freedom, uncertainty, and peace so that...]

We have an empty, bilateral divine cavitation of her double fronted coexistencings.

13 Mem~Yod~Sheen~Raysh~Yod~finalMem




quantum~beings can evolveq relentlessly, palindromically, fractally, recursively, coherentlyq cavitating their existential~cosmic biospheres, cavitating their existences, cavitating their cosmically comtained cosmic metabolisms...]

We have doubly~divine palindromic columnar, and a bilateral middle~including self~other, cavitationings here...


As you may recall, Raysh and Sheen are side~by~side, 200 and 300 in 3rd row of Autiot.

They are, in a quantum sense, mirrors of one another. This issi a revelation of Autiot's Qabala.

Doug shows their palindromicity like this: Raysh~Shyar.

Derivatively we see then:


That quantum wave~function issi a triple divinity!!! 123

Shyar~Raysh issi quintessentially a palindromic cosmic included~middlingq ihn quantum~realityings.


"Shyar Ha'Shyareem..."


"...Esher Le'Shalomoh."

Allegoricallyq view comtainment here as autsimilar a detended string cowithihn a guitar, a piano, etc. Thinkq of our lungs as resonant cavityings. Similar our heart as a resonant cavitying.

All openq, awareq, comsciousq, aliveq! All goodq!

As Qabalists we have faith ihn that immortal ubiquity.

"Ehieh Esher Ehieh." Exodus 3:14.

"Qabala witnesses Qabala."

Doug - 5Sep2015.

14 Aleph~Hay~Vayt~Waw~finalKhaf



..."they adore you, adorable woman;"

and those quantum~beings adore your livingq soma's vital~impetus fecundating and grailing cosmic isoflux...]

We see an ascendent columnar cavitation from life's existence to life's cosmic quantizationings (cosmic life's principlings of peace, uncertainty, and freedom).

1.5.2 issi a crucial qwf. Recall in Genesis I:1 Aleph.1 issi created first then Bayt.2 issi created next, and they are made alive.5.

Waw.6 makes fecund (fertile) 1.5.2. And that creationq cosmically grails.500 isoflux!!!

Doug - 5Sep2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

As a female speaker whose breath issi cosmically~metabolic full of spiritually unlimited possibilityings fecundating cosmos' comtainment of my life as,
a quantum~being whose vital~impetus quantizes my freedom, my uncertainty, my peace cowithihn existence,
and my body'sq vital~impetus issi a beautiful quantizing fecundityq of my life'sq peaceful, uncertain, and free existenceq.
O daughters, whose soma are evolving as quantizing peace, uncertainty, and freedom are perpetually, ubiquitously fecundating cosmic vital~impedance,
of Jerusalem's existential cosmic comtainment of fecundity divinely~cavitationally, cosmically and existentially metabolizing cosmos' biosphere,
like a great tabernacle whose vital~impetus of life existentially metabolizing all its existence,
of Kedar's cosmic vital~impetus eliminating all delusions and illusions of all gatewayveings ihnto cosmic comtainment.
It becomes apparent how my grailing existence quantum~cavitating cosmic comtainment of my life's quantum~sensory~energyings fecundating cosmic vital~impedances issi essential, and
issi my peace of divine both cosmic and existential metabolisms' cavitational and uncertain reverberationings of my life's biosphere giving me peace, and that uncertainty issi my peace.

Doug - 10Sep2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Song of Songs I:5

Song of Songs I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Sheen~Hhayt~Waw~Raysh~Hay



..."As a female speaker;"

As a female speaker whose breath issi cosmically~metabolic full of spiritually unlimited possibilityings fecundating cosmos' comtainment of my life as...]

No cavitation here.

Doug - 10-11Sep2015.

2 Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."I am a quantum~being;"

a quantum~being whose vital~impetus quantizes my freedom, my uncertainty, my peace cowithihn existence...]





..."but a beautiful fecundityq of lifeq;"

and my body's qvital~impetus issi a beautiful quantizing fecundityq of my life'sq peaceful, uncertain, and free existenceq...]

We see columnar cavitational declination from 50 to 5 of 1.6.

Think about her peregrination from Aleph~Noun~Yod to Vayt~Noun~Aleph. Then compare mirror~projection of latter as Aleph~Noun~Vayt to Aleph~Noun~Yod.

Then compare Vayt and Yod as bilateral and columnar neighboring~antinomials of Aleph. Recall Genesis I:1's Bara~Shyt Bara~Elohim~At. Latter issi saying "Create G¤d's language from A to Z (Aleph through Tav)." First Aleph itself is created. Next in sequence issi Bayt!!!

We see "Iq amq," and that mirror projection as "Myq bodyq issiq."

Doug - 10Sep2015.

4 Bayt~Noun~Waw~Tav


[Benot, Banot:

..."O daughters as evolving individuals;"

O daughters, whose soma are evolving as quantizing peace, uncertainty, and freedom are perpetually, ubiquitously fecundating cosmic vital~impedance...]

We see allegory of all women taking on, almost cherishing their wants and needs to take on, an ultimate cosmic resistance.

To Doug anyway, it appears they really want to play Qabala's Game of Life!

We know now, we are k~now~ings, Riyot (a quantum libidic 'riotq') issi relentless!

This word may also be perceived as:


Ben as "evolution of," and Ot as "one woman, herself."

Doug - 10-11Sep2015.

5 Yod~Raysh~Waw - Sheen~Lammed~finalMem

(10.200.6 - 300.30.600)


..."of Jerusalem;"

of Jerusalem's existential cosmic comtainment of fecundity divinely~cavitationally, cosmically and existentially metabolizing cosmos' biosphere...]

We see a divine columnar cavitational declination from 300 to 30 acting energetically upon 600.

Doug - 10Sep2015.

6 Kaf - Aleph~Hay~Lammed~Yod

(20 - 1.5.300.10)


..."like the tabernacle;"

like a great tabernacle whose vital~impetus of life existentially metabolizing all its existence...]
7 Qof~Dallet~Raysh



..."of Kedar;"

of Kedar's cosmic vital~impetus eliminating all delusions and illusions of all gatewayveings ihnto cosmic comtainment...]
8 Kaf~Yod - Raysh~Yod~Ayn~Waw~Tav

(20.10 -


..."see: [quantum~]uncertainty;"

It becomes apparent how my grailing existence quantum~cavitating cosmic comtainment of my life's quantum~sensory~energyings fecundating cosmic vital~impedances issi essential and...]

We see Yod divinely, quantumly cavitating Raysh.

Suares describes Riyot as Solomon's (the clown 'king's') rigid dialectical structuration of thought and actuality. It thus becomes a symbol of her juxtapose of her own uncertainty and thus peace (by comparison) to 'king's' certainty.

In a sense then 'riot' is appropriate since dialectical determinism is a house of cards awaiting its denouement during MIII. Riyot abduces uncertainty.

We see 'riot' as an antinomialq of uncertaintyq.

Doug - 10-11Sep2015.

9 Sheen~Lammed~Mem~Hay



..."is my peace;"

issi my peace of divine both cosmic and existential metabolisms' cavitational and uncertain reverberationings of my life's biosphere giving me peace, that uncertainty issi my peace...]

Again, we see a divine columnar cavitational declination from 300 to 30 acting energetically upon her living (Hay) existential (relatively immature, compared to finalMem) biosphere (Mem).

Uncertainty of this divine energy acting upon her issi her peace!

Doug - 10Sep2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

God's evolutionary~organic existential life (SoS) theme of vital~impetus existentially metabolizing cosmic vital~impedance,...
...cosmically comtains me middle~includingq vital~impetus' quantized freedom, uncertainty, and peace of my existence cowithihn cosmic flux,
while cosmic metabolism's breathing~ihn of my vital~impetus quantizing my freedom, uncertainty, and peace may entrap me cowithihn existence, and that entrapment
kindles ihn me cosmic metabolism's living cosmic comtainment cavitating cosmical metabolism's unlimited possibilityings trapped by cosmic vital~impedance, while
borne of 'the' sun's doubly divine cosmic~metabolic fire~filled cavitationing of my unlimited potentia, my unlimited possibilityings encroaching...
...cosmic vital~impedance quantizing signaturings as witnesses of my existencings' freedoms, uncertaintyings, and peace coating my existence with
the sun's name of fire issi livings of cavitation of doubly divine cosmic~metabolisms reverberating living biospheres of
sons' somatic quantizationings' freedom, uncertainty, and peace cowithihn existence borne of
mother's vital~impetus existentially biosphered cowithihn existence.
My PUF quantizing my spiritual unlimited possibilityings cosmically comtained and fecundating my soma cowithihn existence despoil
my prior cosmic~metabolism of my existential biosphere singing quantal music cowithihn existence.
I no longer want my life trapped cowithihn a stopped quantal cell killed by cosmic~comtainment of
any breathing~out, my life's lush impermeable reverberating grailing of my vineyards' cosmic comtainment bearing a bounty of reverberating biospheres of juice from
my vine's lush impermeable reverberating grailing of their cosmic comtainers bearing a bounty of biospheres of juice.
I no longer want empty columnar cavitation of my vines' cosmic~existential metabolisms cowithihn existence.
It's impossible for me to bear anymore.
I begrudge them, I no longer want them cellularly trapping my life, disabling my quantization of my FUP,...
...endlessly forcing my encounters with impermeable vital~impedance cowithihn my existence.

. . .

Doug used ellipses to break long lines.

Doug - 11Sep2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Song of Songs I:6

Song of Songs I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Aleph~Lammed - Thav~Raysh~Aleph~Noun~Yod

(1.30 - 400.


..."God's evolutionary~organic life processings fills me with living cosmic flux;"

God's evolutionary~organic existential life (SoS) theme of vital~impetus existentially metabolizing cosmic vital~impedance, cosmically comtains me middle~includingq vital~impetus' quantized freedom, uncertainty, and peace of my existence cowithihn cosmic flux...]

Again, we see SoS' major theme: Aleph~Lammed~T[h]av.

Theme: quantum~existential~metabolism of Aleph through T[h]av.

Quantum~reality issi metabolic: archetypically, existentially, and cosmically!!!

Doug - 11Sep2015.

2 Sheen~Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."reverberating me according my song's theme, and;"

while cosmic metabolism's breathing~ihn of my vital~impetus quantizing my freedom, uncertainty, and peace may entrap me cowithihn existence, and that entrapment...]

Study Al-Tirooni-She'Ani link under Al-Tirooni just above.

Doug - 11Sep2015.

3 Sheen~Hay~Raysh~Hhayt~Raysh~Tav



..."kindles in me, evokes strife in me;"

kindles ihn me cosmic metabolism's living cosmic comtainment cavitating cosmical metabolism's unlimited possibilityings trapped by cosmic vital~impedance, while...]

Usually that first Hay issi Hhayt.

Unsure what omnifferencings are?

Doug's Hologralexology™ of it uses Hhayt.

Let's compare them:

Hhayt twice: 300.

Hay thence Hhayt: 300.

Hhayt twice version shows a doubly divine overlapping self other cavitationings of unlimited possibilityings reverberating cowithihn and overlapping cosmic~comtainment.

You should be able to figure other one out as a simple 200.8.200.


Doug - 11Sep2015.

4 Sheen~Sheen~Zayn~Phay~Tav~Noun~Yod



..."sun's divine cosmic~metabolism issi signaturing my peace, coating me with darknessings of;"

borne of 'the' sun's doubly divine cosmic~metabolic fire~filled cavitationing of my unlimited potentia, my unlimited possibilityings encroaching cosmic vital~impedance quantizing signaturings as witnesses of my existencings' freedoms, uncertaintyings, and peace coating my existence with...]

Beware definite articles. They squealc for dialectical predicationc and determinationc.

Doug - 11Sep2015.

5 Hay~Sheen~Mem~Sheen



..."the sun's;"

the sun's name of fire issi livings of cavitation of doubly divine cosmic~metabolisms reverberating living biospheres of...] Shem~Esh issi ihn idiom, "name of fire, AKA sun."
6 Bayt~Noun~Yod



..."sons of;"

somatic quantizationings' freedom, uncertainty, and peace cowithihn existence borne of...]

In Doug's opine, this should be Bri, sense Bn issi "evolution of."

A 'son' would be Br, in my opine.

Doug - 11Sep2015.

7 Aleph~Mem~Yod



..."mother of existence;"

mother's vital~impetus existentially biosphered cowithihn existence...]
8 Noun~Hhayt~Raysh~Waw - Vayt~Yod

( - 2.10)


..."I feel discompassion regarding;"

My PUF quantizing my spiritual unlimited possibilityings cosmically comtained and fecundating my soma cowithihn existence despoil...]
9 Sheen~Mem~Noun~Yod


[Shamooni, Samooni:

..."my prior metabolic love song;"

my prior cosmic~metabolism of my existential biosphere singing quantal music cowithihn existence...]
10 Noun~Tayt~Raysh~Hay



..."I did not want;"

I no longer want my life trapped cowithihn a stopped quantal cell killed by cosmic~comtainment...]
11 Aleph~Tav - Hay~Kaf~Raysh~Mem~Yod~Mem

(1.400 -


..."my lush vineyard's;"

any breathing~out, my life's lush impermeable reverberating grailing of my vineyards' cosmic comtainment bearing a bounty of reverberating biospheres of juice...]

See Kerem.

We fathom a empty columnar exalted cavitation from 2 to 200.

We fathom a doubly divine cavitation of Yod cowithihn two existential biospheres.

12 Kaf~Raysh~Mem~Yod




my vine's lush impermeable reverberating grailing of their cosmic comtainers bearing a bounty of biospheres of juice...] See Kerem.
13 Sheen~Lammed~Yod



..."spiritual love;"

I no longer want empty columnar cavitation of my vines' cosmic~existential metabolisms cowithihn existence ...]
14 Lammed~Aleph



..."not anymore;"

It's impossible for me to bear anymore...]
15 Noun~Tayt~Raysh~Tav~Yod



..."I begrudge them;"

I begrudge them, I no longer want them cellularly trapping my life, disabling my quantization of my FUP, endlessly forcing my encounters with impermeable vital~impedance cowithihn my existence...]

For Doug, this is beyond remarkable!

Allegory abounds.

Nuance abounds.

Guile abounds.

Subtlety abounds

Quantal hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icity abounds


Doug - 11Sep2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Emit your divine livings' cavitationings of your organic movementings gatewayveings of your existential speech to
me, my existential metabolism's existence.
You, cosmic metabolism of living vital~impetus cavitating your living soma, whom I love,
show me via your existential principles of life quantizing freedom, uncertainty, and peace of your unlimited existential possibilityings cosmically metabolized cowithihn existence.
Show me your place of vital~impetus cowithihn existence grailing your
work, your place of impermeable cosmic vital~impedance cosmically comtaining your life's lightings.
Show me your place of vital~impetus cowithihn existence grailing your
leisure, your place of permeable vital~impedance cosmically comtaining your soma's existence experiencing cosmic isolux structuration of you
at noon, at your soma's existential structuration of your life cosmically comtained existentially cowithihn cosmos' biosphere,
ihn peace of your divine columnar reverberating cosmic~existential~metabolisms' biosphering of your life.
I want to play Game of Life with you, to be both vital~impetus alive and our existences alive, together I am
who wanders with you grailing our cellularq photonsq of lightq, livingq and evolvingq cowithihn existenceq
among both of our lightings cowithihn existential metabolism with
groups of them whose lightings open gatewayveings of our existencings cosmically comtained, groups
of your friends whose spiritualq unlimited possibilityings of their somas cowithihn existence aræra cosmically comtained while cosmically grailingq quantum~isoflux.

Doug - 12Sep2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Song of Songs I:7

Suares refers this, "A very holy scripture, not just a poem." See SoS, p. 49.

. . .

Song of Songs I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Hay~Ghimel~Yod~Dallet~Hay




Emit your divine livings' cavitationings of your organic movementings gatewayveings of your existential speech to...]

~Ghimel~Yod~Dallet~ being double~divinely cavitated by life~existence.

Hay issi showing us a precursor to love AKA Ahavah.

Jung's Amor Triumphat!

Doug - 12Sep2015.

2 Lammed~Yod




me, my existential metabolism's existence...]
3 Sheen~Aleph~Hay~Vayt~Hay



..."you whom I love;"

you, cosmic metabolism of living vital~impetus cavitating your living soma, whom I love...]

Compare to Sheen~Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay, i.e., cosmic metabolism of Qabala!

Doug - 12Sep2015.

4 Noun~Phay~Sheen~Yod



..."show me;"

show me via your existential principles of life quantizing freedom, uncertainty, and peace of your unlimited existential possibilityings cosmically metabolized cowithihn existence...]
5 Aleph~Yod~Khaf~Hay



..."your place of;"

your place of vital~impetus cowithihn existence grailing your...]
6 Tav~Raysh~Ayn~Hay




work, your place of impermeable cosmic vital~impedance cosmically comtaining your life's lightings...]
7 Aleph~Yod~Khaf~Hay



..."your place of ;"

your place of vital~impetus cowithihn existence grailing your...]
8 Thav~Raysh~Bayt~Yod~finalTsadde




leisure, your place of permeable vital~impedance cosmically comtaining your soma's existence experiencing cosmic isolux structuration of you...]
9 Bayt~Tsadde~Hay~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."at noon;"

at noon, at your soma's existential structuration of your life cosmically comtained existentially cowithihn cosmos' biosphere...]
10 Sheen~Lammed~Mem~Hay



..."in peace borne of divine cosmic and existential evolutionq of livingq waters;"

ihn peace of your divine reverberating cosmic~existential~metabolisms' biosphering of your life...]

Divine columnar descending cavitation from cosmic to existential metabolism evolving an existential living biosphere.

We are all bags of water experiencing Brownian Motion.

Doug - 12Sep2015.

11 Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay



..."Qabala, I want to play Game of Life with you;"

I want to play Game of Life with you, to be both vital~impetus alive and our existences alive, together I am...]
12 Kaf~Ayn~Tayt~Yod~Hay



..."who wanders with you;"

who wanders with you grailing our cellularq photonsq of lightq, livingq and evolvingq cowithihn existenceq...]
13 Ayn~Lammed




among both of our lightings cowithihn existential metabolism with...]
14 Ayn~Dallet~Raysh~Yod




groups of them whose lightings open gatewayveings of our existencings cosmically comtained, groups...]
15 Hhayt~Vayt~Raysh~Yod~finalKhaf



..."of your friends;"

of your friends whose spiritualq unlimited possibilityings of their somas cowithihn existence aræra cosmically comtained while cosmically grailingq quantum~isoflux...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

If you cannot cavitate and use your divine vital~impetus, your existentially metabolized biosphere
to look for me ihn descendings of many comtainments resisting lights' denouement of my existence,
you, existential metabolism grailing cosmic isoflux,
lovely woman, exemplar of life's reverberating existence of unlimited possibilityings, then
allow your soma's quantizationings of your peace, uncertainty, and freedom to cosmically metabolically become an existential biosphere, by
structuring cowithihn you, your vital~impetus of your existence metabolically grailings cosmic isoflux.
Then our two somas resonating cosmic vital~impetus with its spirit lighting of our two lives cowithihn existence, we can then experience together
our uncertaintyings of our structuration's vital~impetus cosmic quantizationings of our free and peaceful livings,
those livings of us cosmically comtaining all uncertaintyings of our antinomialsq cowithihn full lightings of existence,
allowing us to cyclically~cavitationally ponder Atta's evolutionaryq emergence of our gatewayveings cowithihn...
...existence and our vital~impedances cowithihn existence all cosmically grailing cosmic isoflux,
among both of our lightings cowithihn existential metabolism with
durational cosmically metabolizing cavitations of us, of our biospheresq of spiritual fire existentially grailing...
...fecundq quantizationings of our freedoms, uncertaintyings, and peace echoingq against cosmic vital~impedance,
our two~lives entangledq, cosmically comtaining spiritual lightings of us cowithihn existence while straddling cosmos' biosphere.

. . .

Doug uses double ellipses to break long lines.

Doug - 14-15Sep2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Song of Songs I:8

Song of Songs I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Aleph~Mem - Lammed~Aleph

(1.40 - 30.1)

[Im Lo:

..."If you cannot;"

If you cannot cavitate and use your divine vital~impetus, your existentially metabolized biosphere...]

Suares writes, "Im Lo..., Aleph diving into Mem vis-à-vis Aleph emerging from Lammed: two flows of energy in inverted directions. This is the answer to the quest of the previous verse. In many important passages of the Scriptures, the first schema is the equation developed and solved in the verse. If 'She' wants to find 'Him,' she will allow Aleph to penetrate her (Aleph~Mem) then she will give it birth (~Lammed~Aleph~)." See p. 51 of SoS.

Again Aleph~Lammed~Tav as fluxodynamicq themeq of SoS, manifests modulationq of fluxingsq everywhere, always.

It shows vital~impetus resonantly cavitating existential biosphere's metabolism.

2 Tav~Dallet~Ayn~Yod



..."find me;"

to look for me ihn descendings of many comtainments resisting lights' denouement of my existence...]

We see an empty columnar declining cavitation from exalted to archetypal impedance, resistance.

This fluxodynamic reverberating energy of extremes issi enlightening existence so that Shæ can find Him.

Doug - 14Sep2015

3 Lammed~finalKhaf




you, existential metabolism grailing cosmic isoflux...]

Here, you issi a reference via Autiot to Hær human spiritual abilityings to grail isoflux quantumly.

So an inference may be made that some humans are cosmic grails.

To Doug this issi relevant understanding logos, account, and finding one's inner as funda of qua to grail cosmic isoflux, to tap ihnto reserve energyings.

Doug - 14Sep2015.

4 Hay~Yod~Phay~Hay



..."lovely woman;"

lovely woman, exemplar of life's reverberating existence of unlimited possibilityings, then...]

Similar word 1 above ( we see, however ihn this case life issi "diving" ihnto existence, and lifeq issi emergingq from existence' unlimitedq possibilityingsq borne of isofluxq, of undifferentiated energyq actualized cowithihn existenceq. As Suares suggests, we see two 'inverted' (reversed: projection vis-à-vis projected) fluxodynamicq flowsq of energyingsq.

Doug - 14Sep2015.

5 Bayt~Noun~Sheen~Yod~Mem



..."allow evolution'sq timelessnessq to becomeq aliveq;"

allow your soma's quantizationings of your peace, uncertainty, and freedom to cosmically metabolically become an existential biosphere, by...]
6 Tsadde~Aleph~Yod - Lammed~Khaf

(90.1.10 - 30.500)

[Tsei Lakh:

..."structuring cowithihn you;"

structuring cowithihn you, your vital~impetus of your existence metabolically grailings cosmic isoflux...] We see columnar cavitation of existential structuration ascending from 1 to 10.
7 Bayt~Ayn~Qof~Vayt~Yod



..."our somas resonating cosmic spirit's lightings of us cowithihn existence we experience;"

our two somas resonating cosmic vital~impetus, its spirit lighting of our two lives cowithihn existence, we can then experience together...]

We see divine archetypal comtainment cavitation of existential lightings engendering Aleph.100 (cosmic vital~impetus) cowithihn existence.

This issi nearly pure ruby rod laser allegoryq.

In a way, this issi how previous word's structuration issi accomplished.

8 Hay~Tsadde~Aleph~finalNoun



..."our uncertaintyings of our structuration's livings;"

our uncertaintyings of our structuration's vital~impetus cosmic quantizationings of our free and peaceful livings...]

Suares: "This schema conveys a sense of uncertainty," of quantum~uncertainty.

See page 51 of SoS.

9 Vav~Raysh~Ayn~Yod



..."those borne of antinomialsq;"

those livings of us cosmically comtaining all uncertaintyings of our antinomialsq cowithihn full lightings of existence...]
10 Aleph~Tav - Ghimel~Dallet~Yod~Tav~Yod~finalKhaf

(1.400 -

[Et Ghediotaykh:

..."allowing us to cyclically ponder from A to Z all our possible archetypal movements struggling;"

allowing us to cyclically~cavitationally ponder Atta's evolutionary emergence of our gatewayveings cowithihn existence and our vital~impedances cowithihn existence all cosmically grailing cosmic isoflux...]

We see an divine cavitation of two Yods reverberating cosmic vital~impedance. Organic movement's archetypal resistance issi cosmically grailing that divine resonancingq.

This ideographs [verb] two existences grailing cosmic isoflux as one.

See Atta, Autiot's Reality Loop.

Doug - 14Sep2015.

11 Ayn~Lammed




among both of our lightings cowithihn existential metabolism with...]
12 Mem~Sheen~Kaf~Noun~Waw~Tav



..."durations of us, tents of us, existential biospheres of quantum~fire of us;"

durational cosmically metabolizing cavitations of us, of our biospheres of spiritual fire existentially grailing fecundq quantizationings of our freedoms, uncertaintyings, and peace echoingq against cosmic vital~impedance...]

Fathom Mesh as a projection of projected Shem.

Ponder M~Esh (Mem~Aleph~Sheen: 40.1.300); biosphereq of fireq, of pneumaticq energyingsq.

Take fec und as making (Gr.) waves (Latin). Of course making issi durationalq quantum~processings. Of course wavings are durationalq quantum~wave~functionings.

[Observe that Doug isn't using 'duration' as classical y=f(t) continuation!!!]

We see columnar ascending cavitation from from existential biosphere to cosmic vital~impedance of ~300.20.50.6~.

Doug - 14Sep2015.

13 Hay~Raysh~Ayn~Yod~finalMem



..."two shepherds becomeq as one;"

our two~lives entangledq, cosmically comtaining spiritual lightings of us cowithihn existence while straddling cosmos' biosphere...]

Roaym issi plural for 'shepherd.'

We see two lives of 'us.' We see two lives of 'us' both existential and straddling cosmic biosphere.

Antinomialism issi ubiquitous, perpetual.

Doug issi rereading Dumas Club by Reverté.
(Movie The Ninth Gate with Johnny Depp (proxy: A. Torchia) and Emmanuelle Seigner (proxy: ~Lammed~Phay~) made from Reverté's fab text.)

It issi apparent there too, that antinomialism issi quintessence of solving riddle of Novem Portus, and their shadowings vis-à-vis their enlightenings...Yom (day, light) antinomial Layla (night, dark), and so on...

Emmanuelle: Aleph~Mem~Noun~Waw~Aleph~Lammed~Lammed~Aleph.
Compare Renselle.

Nuelle: Noun~Waw~Elle


Nselle: Noun~Sammekh~Elle.

Doug - 14Sep2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

I see your existential metabolism's fecund femininity issi emerqing a larval instance of us shell~like cosmic vitally~impeded cowithihn existence.
Said shell's larval stillness, its somatic cosmic comtainment cupped~grailing cavitationally, recursively, fractally cowithihn your own soma cowithihn existence
appears under a spiritual influence whose unlimited possibilityings, cosmically comtained, enlightening its own livings, yet coherent your
ascending metaphysical~understanding cavitationally maturing from archetypal resistance to cosmic vital~impedance yet that...
...cavitation being divinely recavitated via existence reverberationings of it while grailing cosmic isoflux while
those misguided classicists and their SAS-ERP prestige cannot fathom reality's cosmically comtaining light...
...abducing~transmuting~evolving existential reverberation of shell's imposed cosmic vital~impedance...
...quantum~omnimensional hologramicq printingq an fetal infantq.

. . .

Doug uses double ellipses to break long lines.

Doug - 14-15Sep2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Song of Songs I:9

Song of Songs I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Lammed~Sammekh~Sammekh~Tav~Yod



..."I see you are;"

I see your existential metabolism's fecund femininity issi emerqing a larval instance of us shell~like cosmic vitally~impeded cowithihn existence...]
2 Bayt~Raysh~Khaf~Vayt~Yod




Said shell's larval stillness, its somatic cosmic comtainment cupped~grailing cavitationally, recursively, fractally cowithihn your own soma cowithihn existence...]

Very complex empty and ascendant and descendant cavitationings:


From any MoQ quantum~complementarospective this issi classically ideal ESQ, Exclusive-Static-Quality.

Yet we may intuit its inner self's radical quantum EIMA holographic fluxings.

Doug - 15Sep2015.

3 Phay~Raysh~Ayn~Hay



..."under some spell of;"

appears under a spiritual influence whose unlimited possibilityings, cosmically comtained, enlightening its own livings, yet coherent your...]
4 Dallet~Mem~Yod~Tav~Yod~finalKhaf



..."metaphysicalc understandingc, worldlyc understandingc of;"

ascending metaphysical~understanding cavitationally maturing from archetypal resistance to cosmic vital~impedance yet that cavitation being divinely recavitated via existence reverberationings of it while grailing cosmic isoflux while...]

Nested overlapping cavitationings: {~4.200.[10.400}.10].500~

Again only classical-apparition,

antinomially vis~à~vis


Doug - 15Sep2015.

5 Raysh~Ayn~Yod~Tav~Yod



..."those with bon vivant formal-materialistic-dialectical prestigec;"

those misguided classicists and their SAS-ERP prestige cannot fathom reality's cosmically comtaining light abducing~transmuting~evolving existential reverberation of shell's imposed cosmic vital~impedance quantum~omnimensional hologramicq printingq an fetal infantq...] Cavitation: ~200.70.{10.400.10~}

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034 Rev. 27Feb2016  PDR Created: 2Sep2015  PDR
(17Oct2015 rev - Add 'SoS_ChI_V1' anchor to Verse 1 text.)
(17Dec2015 rev - Add 'Clown-King' anchor to SoS I:4 narrative.)
(27Feb2016 rev - Add 'SoS_I_V4_W13' anchor. Repair typo. Add 'Autiot and Fibonacci' link there to Advanced Autiot page.)
