Regarding Song of Songs I:10-17:
Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.
Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...
...quantum aspects of Song of Songs from their readers.
Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.). An outlier of interest here is Delores Cannon's opus re Jesus' Essene (Qumran) Gnosis (Specifically see her They Walked with Jesus.).
Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, especially in Song of Songs. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica Doug is unsure whether it is available elsewhere and in Suares' quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believes Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist. But Gnosis shows us that monism is deceit. Doug believes latter, not Suares' apparent monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can.
Doug shows, for each Verse and word of Chapter I of Song of Songs, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes, thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].
Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Song of Songs)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.
Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole Verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.
To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:
Song of Songs I:10 | Song of Songs I:11 | Song of Songs I:12 | Song of Songs I:13 | Song of Songs I:14 | Song of Songs I:15 | Song of Songs I:16 | Song of Songs I:17 |
Song of Songs I:1-9 |
symbol, , acknowledges realityq of that (up to) Planck rate realityq loop. the static schemata into new combinations [say Autiot] on its revolving wheels [say, quantum~metabolic Atta]. The first art [i.e., art of memory as 'mediæval encyclopædic schemes'] is the more artistic, but the second [Lull's] is more scientific." Dame Frances A. Yates, in her The Art of Memory, University of Chicago Press, paperback, 1966. Two lives (quantum~metabolically At, thence Ta, perpetually, ubiquitously) issi a recurring themeq in all of Qabalaq and its Autiot. Aleph~Hay issi one of two livingsq, and Yod~Hay issi second of two livesq. They are antinomialq one another as our loopq depicts. So we have Aut (Aleph~Waw~Tav: 1.6.400) life one, and Iot (Yod~Waw~Tav: 10.6.400) life two: Two lvingsq. Gnosis, Sepher Yetsira, and Sefirot. For example, top sphere of Sefirot depicts "whirlingq of antinomialsq." principles of life (Hay as quantized) perpetual, ubiquitous quantizing~essence of "whirlingq of antinomialsq." cavitation~rotation~resonance~reverberationq phenomenonq?" two electrons (two livesq as one) cowithihn a comducting 'metal' acting like a boson (e.g., photon) cowithihn a fibre optic cable. |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Noun~Aleph~Waw~Waw |
[Naoo: |
..."But I shall fertilize;" |
My quantizationings vital~impetus shall fertilize your divine fecundity...] |
We see empty cavitation of divinely paired Waws. He is telling Her that he wants to modulate Her fecundity with His fecundity. Flux fux flux! Qwfs modulate qwfs! Doug - 16Sep2015. |
2 | Lammed~Hhayt~Yod~Yod~finalKhaf |
[Lehhayakh: |
..."your duality;" |
I shall fertilize your metabolic spiritually~divine double existence by grailing cosmic isoflux...] | We see empty cavitation of divinely paired Yods. | |
3 | Bayt~Thav~Raysh~Yod~finalMem |
[Batoreem: |
..."I shall explore you and;" |
I shall vibrationally explore and cavitate your soma's cosmic vital~impedance cosmically comtained cowithihn existence cosmically biosphered and...] | We see ascendant columnar cavitationings of cosmic vital~impedance resonating cowithihn Bayt and Raysh. | |
4 | Tsadde~Vav~Aleph~Raysh~finalKhaf |
[Tsavarekh: |
..."make fecundation cowithihn you;" |
I shall start a new structuration cowithihn you borne of my fecundation of you whose vital~impetus will emerge cosmically comtained and grailing cosmic isoflux...] | ||
5 | Bayt~Hhayt~Raysh~Waw - Zayn~Yod~finalMem |
[Bahharoo-Zeem: |
..."undoing your certainties of status quo;" |
I shall unmake your soma's reverberation of its spiritual status quo cowithihn cosmic comtainment and vibrationally fecundate unlimited potentia (i.e., "what issi yet unsaid") and possibilityings of your existence cosmically biosphered...] | We see two ascendant columnar cavitations, first from 2 to 200 reverberating spirits unlimited possibilitying; second from 6 to 600 reverberating unlimited potentia (that which remains yet unsaid) and uncertainty of existence. | |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Tav~Waw~Raysh~Waw |
[Torey: |
..."We [Eim, see word 4 below...] shall shape your life's trajectory;" |
We transmute your journey encountering cosmic vital impedance while fecundly cavitating your cosmic comtainment...] |
We see fecund, divine cavitation of cosmic comtainment as a 'tour' of vital~impedance. Tav issi 'as a tour, a journey' around Hær, shaping Hær, transmuting Hær. |
2 | Zayn~Hay~Vayt |
[Zahav: |
..."as golden;" |
as your golden unlimited potentia, your as yet unsaids comtained cowithihn your soma perhaps as bread of gold, like wine of blood, while...] |
Auts are all archetypes. Gold as unlimited potentia, unlimited Value, n¤t fiat, quantum~living, n¤t dead (n¤t Mawt~Hamawt), somatically comtained. See ORME at that Zahav link, regarding, "Bread of Qumran." |
3 | Noun~Ayn~Seen~Hay - Lammed~finalKhaf |
[Naasseh-Lakh: |
..."mature evolutionings of you grailing cosmos are;" |
your compound columnar cavitating quantized freedom, uncertainty, and peace of your bosonic flux' descending metabolicq columnar cavitationings cosmically metabolizing your life's existential metabolism maturely grailing cosmic isoflux are...] |
See Nasha. Read all of Doug's Interpretations there. It gives dead classical dialectical mechanical 'mind' a quantum ass~kicking! We see all of column 5's Aut (Hay~Noun~finalKhaf) in compound cavitation of Hær and evolving quantized light of Hær existential and cosmic metabolisms. There, Doug summarizes Hay~Noun~finalKhaf as: ..."quantized life maturely grailing cosmos"... Quantum~reality issi heterolithic, metabolicq and chancings, choosings, changings of flux issi crux. Classical-reality is monolithic, staticc, state, stuck, stux sux. Doug - 13Nov2015. |
4 | Ayn~finalMem |
[Eim: |
..."hermaphroditicq maturity of you and me together and;" |
desnouring our lightsq' maturity cowithihn our shared cosmic biosphere, and...] | ||
5 | Noun~Qof~Dallet~Waw~Tav |
[Neqoodot: |
..."nurturing our holy~pneumatic~libidic;" |
nurturing our spiritual quantization, its freedom, uncertainty, and peace, abiding cosmic vital~impetus and cavitating our ascensionings from primal resistance fecundly to cosmic vital~impedance, nurturing...] | We see columnar ascendant cavitation of fecundity from 4 to 400. | |
6 | Hay~Kaf~Sammekh~finalPhay |
[Ha'Kasseph: |
..."desires;" |
desires of our lives grailing existential feminine fecundity and achieving cosmic unlimited possibilityings for and of a new life's omnimensional quantized printing...] | A hint of structuration absent Tsadde or finalTsadde. | |
My sharply awakened senses drive me into the Universal Unknown." that one word says most of what Psyche's interpretation issi about. |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Ayn~Dallet - Sheen~Hay~Mem~Lammed~finalKhaf |
[Aad-Sh'Hamelekh: |
..."I am not any more under the seeming eternity of the king;" |
I am [Shæ issi] now enlightened, my doors are sharply opening and cavitating my cosmic metabolism's living~reverberating biospheric organic metabolism cavitating living cavitational~echoings cowithihn cosmic isoflux, no longer subject to...] |
We see three enlightened overlapping columnar cavitations of:
70.{~4 - (~300.[~5.40~}.30~).500~]. Doug's challenge: "How does one write that in any language?" If we describe it holographically, it might be easier. Observe each gematrum as a node in an omnimensional hologram. Each gematrum issi coobsfected by others cowithihn three 'islands' of cavitation, which due their hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icityings overlap and straddle cowithihn one another. It's somewhat like an orchestra playing Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. Holograview each musician as a node cowithihn our hologral orchestra. Suares writes, "Aad is a key-word in the Scriptures, and the key-word in this verse. In idiom it means Eternity...The word eternity is not really conceivable, but it can be stated as the mystery of the existent universe." Doug's view of Aad issi existential light attempting to get through archetypal resistancings of Dallet~Thallet. RSV version has this as Clown Solomon's eros being seduced by Hær. RSV doesn't say it, but Suares claims Shæ is pushing back on his rebuke of Hær in SoS I:9. For Doug, during CeodE 2015, this offers a prophecy of MIII annihilation of western european elite global, one world order hegemony. Doug - 13Nov2015. |
2 | Bayt~Mem~Sammekh~Bayt~Waw |
[Bi'Msiboo: |
..."on his couch;" |
his corpulent effeminate soma and his pseudo masculine fecundity...] |
We have two overlapping cavitationings, one divine soma, other columnar fecundity descending: {~2.40.[~60.2~}.6~] Doug - 18Sep2015. |
3 | Noun~Raysh~Dallet~Yod |
[Nirdi: |
..."My spikenard, My sharply awakened senses;" |
My awakened senses realize my existentially quantized principles of life cowithihn my cosmically comtained existence have opened sharply my doorways and...] | ||
4 | Noun~Tav~finalNoun |
[Natan: |
..."he spread, drive me into;" |
driven my cosmic vital~impedance my principle of life being while radically both existentially and cosmically quantizing my freedoms, my uncertainties, my peace while straddling...] |
Compare Satan. Compare Nahhash. |
5 | Raysh~Yod~Hhayt~Waw |
[Rayhho: |
..."on himself, the Universal Unknown;" |
the Universal Unknown's cosmic comtainment of existence and its yet unsaid fecund spiritual unlimited energy possibilityings...] |
Compare Isoflux (quantum vacuum flux, great unsaidings). Suares summarizes fabulously on p.56 of his SoS, "One of the most interesting themes of the Song is the relation between libido and timeless eternity." Carl Gustave Jung captured Song's essence in his Plate 127 of his Red Book. Paraphrased, "Eternity triumphant, Libido triumphant." Doug - 18Sep2015. |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Tsadde~Raysh~Waw~Raysh |
[Tsarawr: |
..."Tied up in me;" |
Tied up in me, my existential structuration issi cosmically comtained, my fecundity issi cosmically comtained and that comtainment cavitates me seemingly, endlessly...] |
We see cavitationings of archetypal fecundity reverberating cowithihn two cosmic~comtainments mirroring one another. We may also view this as two lives: Tsadde~Raysh and Waw~Raysh. Suares compares both Arawr and YHWH. Both of them, and each, as two lives: Aleph~Raysh and Waw~Raysh and Yod~Hay and Waw~Hay. |
2 | Hay~Mem~Raysh |
[Hamor: |
..."representing my reiterative self~other quantum~changings, my quantum~evolutionings, my quantum~uncertaintyings;" |
representing my life's existential metabolism cosmically comtained yet evoking radical quantum~uncertaintyings which...] | |||
3 | Dallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod |
[Dodi: |
..."find me resonating, endlessly comparing my loverq and his antinomial YhWhc;" |
find me oscillating, comparing my lover's adoration of my fecund breasts ranking Him higher than existence' demiurge...] |
Compare Dodi and Idod. Dodi: Dallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod Bottom line, issi Idod says, "Existence is more important than your breasts." Dodi says, "Your breasts are more important than existence." Which issi hyper? Existence? Breasts? Which issi hyper? Existence? Vital~impetus? Which issi hyper? Demiurge? Her Lover? They are quantum~wave~functional gematraic antinomials: Hær Lover antinomialq Demiurge. Notice that Idod issi Dodi's antinomial fluxodynamic projection. Notice that Dodi issi Idod's antinomial fluxodynamic projection. Quantons(Dodi,Idod)! Compare Aut~Iot: Aleph~Waw~Tav and Yod~Waw~Tav. Quanton(Aleph,Tav) vis-à-vis quanton(Yod,Tav). Latter is plurality (Iot). Former is singularity (Aut). Both are feminine. Quanton(Yod,Tav) issi quantons(quantons(Lover,YhWh),Tav))!!! Both resistantly~cavitate fecundity, but Dodi cavitates fecundity above~hyper existence. By comparison Idod is saying existence is hyper-above fecundity. She issi telling~showing us that Hær Loverq issi above YhWhc! Shæ has made that choiceq! To dialectical retards Shæ has committed heresyc. A breast nexus here issi Hær Lover suckles her breasts, Hæ loves her body (soma, [BV]ayt). Hæ loves Hær breasts and all else of Her. She sees Dodi, "between my two resistancings." Doug - 19Sep2015. |
4 | Lammed~Yod |
[Li: |
..."My Lover lies between my breasts;" |
Hæ existentially metabolizes my~Hær existence' resistancings...] | Inference here of metabo[Ll]i, possibly n¤nexistential: Sheen. | ||
5 | Bayt~Yod~finalNoun |
[Bein: |
..."his body inserted into my life trajectoryings;" |
Hæ cosmically quantizes somatic new(novel) their [His~Hær] beginning[s] of indetermination as the principle of livings, livings' freedomings, uncertaintyings, and peace~ings cowithihn their mutual existencings...] | Compare Ben as evolutionq (n¤t 'sonc'). | ||
6 | Sheen~Dallet~Yod |
[Shadai: |
..."His breathingsq ¤pæn my resistancingsq;" |
His breathings are of cosmic metabolism opening my existential resistance to him...] |
Suares writes, slightly rearranged and paraphrased by Doug, "[She says,] Bein issi inserted into Shadai: the breath that acts upon Dallet." In Suares' footnote he writes, "When the roots [of Autiot]
are thus studied, they open immense vistas. In Shadai,
idiomatically God, the Sheen from 'above' meeting its resistance
Dallet produces Yod. But Metabolicallyq breathing~out we see as Sheen flow
from Aleph to Tav. Notice there are multiple trajectories. Sperm trajectories which are (new beginnings, Veyn) of green shoots (n¤væl offspring) end (Beyn) upon com(n)ception. Metabolicallyq breathing~in we see Sheen flow from
Tav to Aleph. Use of Veyn implies birth of a n¤væl lifeq (womb, egg, chrysalis, etc.) trajectory. Use of Beyn implies death of an old trajectory (and beginnings of a n¤væl trajectoryq). To standunderq this well in Suaresianq grammarq, ask selfq to viewq (at least) three actualityings here: roleq and situationq of spermatozoaq, roleq and situationq of pre and post fertilizedq ovumq, roleq and situationq of com(n)ceivedq infantq. Father's roleq and situationq is simply to fertilizeq Hær. (Action) Hær role and situation issi to gestate (molecularlyq omniprint) and birthæ a n¤væl infantq. (Formation) Their combined Formation and Action are cowithihn and ihn agencyings of Creation, all standingunder a spiritual 'umbrella' of cosmic~metabolic Emanationings (for Doug this issi is¤fluxq). Sepher Yetsira! Genesis! Songings of Songingings! We see quantum~metabolisis of all qwfs! Both existential and cosmic! See finalNoun. Apprising, for Doug here, issi Dallet's creative role. Its situation issi cowithihn Yod. Its role issi to put a (say, violin) string in a musical instrument, detend it, make it tunable, make it playable. Make music! Resistance issi necessary to make music, to make life! Compare Tav as cosmic impedance, ultimate cosmic resistance. Compare Gen. I:1's "Bara Shyt Bara Elohim..." Suares showsq us how classical logical analytic abstraction issi replaced in Qabalic~Realityq with analogicalq descriptiveq wave~functionalq Situationq and Roleq. Compare waveq cancellationq as Role~Situationalq. Doug - 19Sep,14Oct2015, 17Dec2015. |
7 | Yod~Lammed~Yod~finalNoun |
[Yaleen: |
..."Hæ existentially cavitates evolution of my existence and cosmically quantizes me and my songs echo forth;" |
Hæ vibrates my existential metabolismq evoking cosmic change's principlesq of life'sq freedom, uncertainty, and peace cowithihn my quantum~being...] |
Yod vibrates, cavitates Her existential metabolism. Suares' Qabala: Psyche: "Because you are in me I am the Holy Apostasy, Breath from the lower depths over against Breath from on high." Some view YahWeh as "Breath from on high." She views Her Lover as breath from on high, and YahWeh as breath from the lower depths! Her uncertaintyings witness her role here as the Holy Apostasy. She issi against organized patriarchal hegemoniacal clown-king institutional religion and all its dialectical kindergarten potty time hylic linguistic Babel. Solomon, the 'clown king,' represents this facile religious SaS-ERP scat. Browser search this page for 'clown-king.' Doug - 19Sep2105, 17Dec2015. |
religious, scientific, poetic venues in modern culture and its guilt-ridden references to our predecessors both ancient and comtemporary. partial, of its metaquery, "What issi Life?" then Doug senses we have made progress. Quantum~cosmic~metabolism? Chaos assa quantons(chaos,equilibria)? Heart phaseq~interrelevant~sinus rhythm? And so on... their Beyn~Veyn qycloidings, their antinomial life~death, living~dying, Beyn~Veyn (life~trajectory, birthing~shell) intrinsics, their fractal SOrON hologra[[il][lex][m][mmat][ph][view]]ic perpetual, ubiquitous qycloidings. revelation issi Jung's treatment of male~female "Two Lives" fractal~recursive quantum~antinomialism:
This should evoke an epiphany ihn you. Ponder relevancy of this pair of "Two Lives" juxtapositions to Heraclitus' B1 and B2 quotes. apparent that Pirsig's attempts to omniscribe MoQ aræra a pragmadigmq of Fount of Life. |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Aleph~Sheen~Kaf~Lammed |
[Eshkol: |
..."I am measuring my spiritual wisdom;" |
I am measuring my perpetual~ubiquitous cavitationing of a columnar declension of cosmic~metabolism to existential metabolism reverberating an existential quantum~gatewayveing of Aleph 's vital~impetus quantum~Atta~antinomially both ihnt¤ and ¤ut¤f existence...] |
Esh: Fire, spiritual~energyingsq. Kol: To measure, to be(come) wise, to be(come) a wise [wo]man. See Eshkol under Dodi. Shæ issi omniscribing her processingsq of becoming wiseq, e.g., using antinomialismq (rather than classical 'opposition') to enhance Hær wisdomq. Suares refers this verse, "The verse of knowledge." He writes, "It practically ends Song I. Remaining verses are congratulatory. The purpose of Qabala is knowledge, and here we learn in this verse what knowledge is. This is a typical qabalistic writing. No translator has ever been able to read its schemata according to their proper meaning or to link them grammatically in logical sequence, because every one of them is an equation integrated in [quantum~coherent cowithihn] a whole. With our modern [quantum~]field theory approach, we can well understand [standunder] the necessity of regarding the problem of knowledge not soley as a succession of units. All the equations introduced by the schema Eshkol must be understood simultaneously [fractal SOrON hologra[[il][lex][m][mma[r][t]][ph][view]]ically] so as to meet Ayn Ghedi, where Eshkol, (timeless Esh and Kol the All) are the eternally fresh and new Sacred Fount." Doug's brackets. See p. 59 of SoS. Song of Songs I:14 Hotmeme "All issi quantons(flux,omnitorings)!!!" Song of Songs I:14 Hotmeme. Song of Songs I:14 Hotmeme "All issi quantons(fire,antinomial~measurement)!!!" Song of Songs I:14 Hotmeme. See Doug's "measurement requires instability." Now, relate this back to SoS I:1, "Songingq of songingsq measuresq my peaceq, uncertaintyq, and freedomq." This verse SoS I:14 is a direct tellq of her gaining of quantum~wisdomings. In that first verse, Doug's comcisionings of it, he wrote, "All issi quantum~processings." Compare Suares' "(Maturity of) All issi timeless Esh (fluxq) and Kol (mature~wisdomq), the Sacred Fount." Doug's parentheses and subscripts. We fathom Wisdomq issi quantons(peace,quantons(uncertainty,freedom))! Literally in this gematria of 1.{~300.20.30~} we see a perpetual~ubiquitous cavitationing of a declension of cosmic~metabolism to existential metabolism reverberating an existential gatewayveing of Aleph quantum~antinomially both ihnt¤ and ¤ut¤f existence. Perpetual signaturings of our songings (qwfs) issi our peace. Doug - 13Nov2015. |
2 | Hay~Kaf~Phay~Raysh |
[Hakofer: |
..."to antinomially quanton(reconcile,deny);" |
to antinomially reconcile~deny my life's gatewayveings grailing their unlimited existential possibilityings cowithihn cosmic comtainment...] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Dallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod |
[Dodi: |
..."your contact with my resistances;" |
your comtact with my two resistancings allows my gatewayveings to resonate my fecundity cowithihn existence, and so...] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | Lammed~Yod |
[Li: |
..."I measure you as you turn again into yourself;" |
I measure your organic metabolism as it recurses its perpetual living and dying cycles cowithihn existence....] |
Fountain of Life! Compare resurrection and apoptosis of life's biological cells. In humans it happens roughly one million times per second! Doug - 22Sep2015. |
5 | Bayt~Khaf~Raysh~Mem~Yod |
[Bekharmay: |
..."like my vineyards blossoms and vines;" |
like my vineyards ascending columnar cavitation from soma to cosmic comtainment of grailing of fruits of my vineyard existentially biosphered cowithihn existence...] |
We see an ascending, columnar cavitation from Bayt to cosmic comtainment of grailing of fruits of her vineyard existentially biosphered cowithihn existence. It issi n¤t a simple cavitationing: {(~2.[~20~).200~]}. ~2.20~ fractallyq~recursivelyq overlaps (middleq~includesq) ~20.200~. |
6 | Aleph~Yod~finalNoun |
[Ayn: |
..."I see;" |
I see wisely, maturely as light spirit's vital impetus cosmically~quantizing peace, uncertainty, and freedoms of...] . . . See other translations of Ayn here. Doug - 27Nov2015. |
With finalNoun we see maturation of quantization of Hær PUFings. Obtain, too, how Ayn ciphered issi Ayn~Yod~finalNoun. Compare Bayt~Noun assa evolutioningsq of somaq. Do that with Ayn, assa evolutioningsq of existentialq lightingsq, QED!!! Doug - 13Nov2015. |
7 | Ghimel~Dallet~Yod |
[Ghedi: |
..."your giving birth and rebirth to your living organic processings;" |
your archetypal organic movementings recursively~fractally gatewayveings' birthings and rebirthings of your roles and situations cowithihn existence...] |
Mature result: Hologra[[il][lex][m][mma[r][t]][ph][view]]ic coherenceq of you cowithihn existence. Song of Songs I:14 Hotmeme "Wæ (Shæ and Hæ) are Quantum~Beings!" Song of Songs I:14 Hotmeme. Doug - 13Nov2015. |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Hay~Noun~finalKhaf |
[Hinakh: |
..."Hæ congratulates Hær, Behold;" |
I behold your life's quantizationings of your peace, uncertainty, and freedom cosmically grailing isoflux...] |
Again, we see a non simple columnar ascending cavitation of: {(~5.[~50~).500~]}. ~5.50~ fractallyq~recursivelyq overlaps (middleq~includesq)~50.500~. Doug - 23Sep2015. |
2 | Yod~Phay~Hay |
[Yafah: |
..."You are beautiful;" |
You are a beautiful existence of unlimited living possibilityings...] | ||
3 | Raysh~Ayn~Yod~Tav~Yod |
[Raayati: |
..."My love;" |
My love, I behold your enlightened cosmic comtainment of cosmic vital~impedance cavitating and resonating cowithihn your divine existential vital~impetus' reverberationings...] |
We see divine cavitation of her exalted vital~impedance resonating cowithihn existential vital~impetus' reverberationings. We see Hær cosmic~brakes' complementaryq~antinomialq vibratingsq. Compare Dodi as "my lover." |
4 | Hay~Noun~finalKhaf |
[Hinakh: |
..."Behold;" |
I behold your life's quantizationings of your peace, uncertainty, and freedom cosmically grailing isoflux...] | See above, word 1. | |
5 | Yod~Phay~Hay |
[Yafah: |
..."You are beautiful;" |
You are a beautiful existence of unlimited living possibilityings...] | ||
6 | Ayn~Yod~Noun~Yod~finalKhaf |
[Ayna'Ikh: |
..."your eyes;" |
Your light's divine existential cavitationing of your quantization's life principle columnar overlapping your cavitating existence cowithihn your ascendant cosmic quantizationings of your freedom, uncertainty, and peace all cosmically grailing cosmic isoflux...] |
We see overlapping double cavitation thus: {~10.[~50.10.~}500~]. Divine existence issi cavitating Hær quanta, while Hær existential~cosmic quantizationings are overlap~cavitating Hær existence divine echoing. |
7 | Yod~Waw~Noun~Yod~finalMem |
[Yoneem: |
..."are doves;" |
are doves of divine cavitationings of both your fecundityings and your life principles of freedom, uncertainty, and peace cosmically biosphered...] |
Doves usually refers Israel. We see divine cavitationings of both Hær fecundityings and Hær life principles of freedom, uncertainty, and peace cosmically biosphered. |
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Hay~Noun~finalKhaf |
[Hinkha: |
..."What;" |
What your life's quantizationings of your peace, uncertainty, and freedom cosmically grailing isoflux...] | This one issi pronounced omnifferingly Hinakh which we found twice in prior verse. See. | |
2 | Yod~Phay~Hay |
[Yafah: |
..."beauty;" |
Your beauty cowithihn existence of unlimited living possibilityings provokes my desire and...] | ||
3 | Dallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod |
[Dodi: |
..."my love;" |
my comtact with your two resistancings allows your archetypal gatewayveings to resonate my fecundity cowithihn existence, and so...] | ||
4 | Aleph~finalPhay - Noun~Ayn~Yod~finalMem |
[Aph-Naaym: |
..."you compenetrate isoflux - your quantal light existing in its cosmic biosphere;" |
your vital~impetus compenetrates cosmic unlimited possibilityings of undifferentiated energyings - your quantizing life principles' uncertainty, peace, and freedom are enlightened existentially cowithihn cosmos' biosphere...] | ||
5 | Aleph~finalPhay - Ayn~Raysh~Seen~Noun~Waw |
[Aph-Aarsenoo: |
..."and I compenetrate isoflux - my light cosmically comtained, yet cosmically metabolizing my focus on quantizing y~our fecundity;" |
and like you, I compenetrate our shared vital~impetus cosmically comtained, yet cosmically metabolizing my focus on my endeavors, my need to be quantizing y~our fecundities profundities...] | ||
6 | Raysh~Ayn~Noun~Noun~Hay |
[Raeinanah: |
..."together in our divine freshness of our lives together;" |
all cosmically comtaining our double lightings divine vibrating quantizationings of us and our principles of freedom, uncertainty, and peace of our shared lives...] | ||
Word |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Qof~Raysh~Waw~Tav |
[Qorawt: |
..."The place;" |
The safe place of our exalted illusion~delusion destroying cosmic~vital~impetus cosmically shielding us from dangers of our fecundityings encountering cosmic vital~impedance...] |
Suares only comments in advanced detail on this one schema of SoS I's last verse: "This stupendous equation shows the cosmic Aleph (Qof: 100), through the universal emanation, Raysh (200) in copulation, Waw (6), with its resistant sanctuary Tav (400)." SoS, p. 60. To Doug, it is interesting that Raysh~Waw~Tav skips over Sheen, unless we see Sheen in Raysh as Shyar. However intra schema cavitation isn't apparent here except for Atta's perpetual~ubiquitous ¤pæn life~death qycloidings. As Suares suggests, this schema issi hologrally fractally~recursively ¤pæn to "many other [interpretive] precisions." Doug's brackets. Doug - 26Sep2015. |
2 | Bayt~Thav~Yod~Noun~Waw |
[Batayno: |
..."where we;" |
where our somas' encounter cosmic impedance cowithihn our place ihn existence and our freedoms, uncertaintyings, and peace quantize our fecundityings where we...] | ||
3 | Aleph~Raysh~Zayn~Yod~finalMem |
[Arazeem: |
..."rest;" |
rest ihn our vital~impetus cosmically comtaining our unlimited potentia cowithihn existence cosmically biosphered...] | ||
4 | Raysh~Hhayt~Yod~Tayt~Noun~Waw |
[Rahhiteno: |
..."together cannot;" |
together cannot cosmically comtain our spiritual energyings' existence cellularly~archetypally quantizing freedom, uncertainty, and peace of our fecundityings where...] | ||
5 | Bayt~Raysh~Waw~Tav~Yod~finalMem |
[Baroteeem: |
..."be destroyed;" |
our somas' are mutually reverberating cosmic comtainment and cannot, unstoppably cosmic~vitally~impede our fecundityings' cosmic biospheric cavitationings...] |
Here we observe two columnar ascendant cavitationings, first ~2.200~ thence ~6.400.10.600~. First issi empty exalting cavitation from Bayt to Raysh. Second issi another exalting cavitation from Waw to finalMem of Tav~Yod (as final stoppability, as destruction of existence). Compare Mem~Tav and Mem~Thav. Doug - 26Sep2015. |