Regarding Sepher Yetsira IV:7-11:
Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.
Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...
...quantum aspects of Sepher Yetsira from their readers.
Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.).
Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, too in Sepher Yetsira. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica, especially quantum~alchemical and ~astrological aspects (E.g., in chapter VI, Suares shows how Abraham's Qabala refers "flow of flux." Doug assumes hologral quantum~fluxings and their quantum~two~lives~antinomial~complementary metabolismsq. Doug is unsureq whether Qabalic esoterica issi exegetically available elsewhere in addition to Suares' opus and his quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believesq Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist (classical, quantum...?). But Gnosis shows us that monismc is deceit. Doug believes latter, n¤t Suares' apparent, perhaps classical, monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can, keeping in mind that there are many classes of monism including both classical (EEMD formal mechanisms) and quantum (coherent hologral EIMAings).
Doug shows, for each Verse and word of Chapter VI of Sepher Yetsira, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes (which Doug sometimes substitutes his own...), thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].
Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Sepher Yetsira)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.
Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole Verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.
To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:
Retranslation of Sepher Yetsira IV:7 Doug grouped these five verses on one page for several reasons. One is that Suares grouped them together. Another is that there is so much word redundancy. Word redundancy in Autiot usually signifies memes extraordinary.
Trouble is, Doug is still learning about seven doubles. In spite of that Doug decided to just publish as is...and comtinue learning about seven doubles as an evolutionary processq which shall manifest in these SY Chapter IV pages. Seven Doubles issi a crucial ensemble of quantum~memes. Base meme appears to be a cube with six sides and one 'center.' (Doug views this primitive cube immersed cowithihn and hologrally interrelating a fuzzonic hyper~cube, a omnimensional hyper~cube.) Sides of cube represent three pairs of quantum~antinomials, each pair encompassing, enfolding a wide variety of entendres. Six sides correspond Bayt, Ghimel, Dallet, Kaf, Pay, Raysh. Center corresponds both Tav and hermaphroditicq
whose metabolismingsq fermionically~cavitateq, Six sides taken one at a time have tacit quantum~antinomialism
which Doug likes to show as Bayt issi quanton(Vayt,Bayt), Center issi quanton(Thav,Tav) and quantons(Mother,mother), latter following Chaldæan Gnosis' Emerscitecturingsq. Doug issi making an assumption, actually a presumption that one entendre of those pairs issi permeabilityings. Left antinomial ihn each quanton appears to have a kind of quantum~middle~including permeability (leakiness). Right antinomial ihn each quanton appears to have some impermeability roughly corresponding, say ihn Dallet's case, a door which is open, closed, unknown (mu, tertium non datur). These antinomialsq show many variegations, however,
and those appear to correspond say (always flux relative)
maxima and minima Also they represent Zodiacally some planets. Too, binaries
of human anatomy like two nostrils Clearly quanton(Thav,Tav) as center has some subtly apparent variegations. Center can exhibit resistance as extreme role~playing cosmic vital~impedance. That aspect of center is crucial to quantum~reality being metabolicq. We see that metabolismq expressed blatantly
ihn Autiot's (Qabala's) Reality
Loop Atta,
Aleph~Tav~Tav~Aleph, Aleph~Tav~Tav~Aleph Ihn that regard center represents pulmonary~metabolic heart, ~metabolic lungs, etc. Every aspect of reality centers on quantized (cuneiformic) anabolism (Aleph~Tav) and catabolism (Tav~Aleph). Every quantum~process
cowithihn reality
issi metabolicq! Evolutionq issi metabolicq,
creationq borne of evolutionq issi metabolicq, Seven Doubles offer us views of hologral~quantum~realityings which carry implicit sema of quantons(n¤nactualityings,actualityings) centered on metabolisimingsq. Doug exemplifies those Double Quantum Complementary Antinomials many issi one: See Doug's Quantonics Symbols: Quantum Island of Uncertainty Attractor and Isop. ... and here issi another which Doug uses to explain Yod's (i.e., actual quantum~existenceings') implicit metabolicq quantum~hysteresis:
Middle column issi an (one of many) expression of Adam as A~Dam, i.e., "Aleph ihn blood." Doug - 16Apr2016. . . . |
Word | Sepher Yetsira IV Letter~Text Spelled Out | Gematria | Pronunciation (some guesses) |
Suares Idiom (some altered by Doug) |
Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation | Comcision | |||||||||
1 | Hay~Mem~Lammed~Yod~finalKhaf | ( |
[Ha'Melikh: |
..."the kingship conferred;" |
the conferred kingship of life's cosmic~grailings cavitationings of existential metabolic orchestrationings of beings...] |
. . . QCS invites us to perceive: ~{5 ~40.30.10 500}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ 5.~{archetypal~life~energyings~ exalted columnar tri~populated qwf~cavitationings of and 40.~cowithihn~existential~biosphereings~ unbounded fullnessings evolving via 30.~existential~metabolismings~ tuneings, playings, transmuteings, evolveings, frettings, strummings, shape~shiftings of 10.~actual~existenceings~ seeking exalted kingship via ephemeral columnar tri~populated qwf~reverberationings 500.~cosmic~grailings}~ qwf~tunnelings cowithihn Iht ~{~{iso1000}~}~ Doug - 26Mar2016. |
2 | Aleph~Waw~Tav | (1.6.400) |
[Aut: |
..."on the Aut, feminine singular;" |
singular of name of Autiot spelled out...] |
See Autiot. See Aut. | |||||||||
3 | Dallet | ((4)) |
[D[Th]allet: |
..."Dallet;" |
Dallet...] |
This issi double Dallet, Thallet. This double issi in same column as double Tav, Thav.400. Column 4 issi column of resistanceings all of which are necessary for metabolicq perpetually~evolving ubiquitous life~death cyclings symbolized by Atta. Doug - 12Apr2016. |
4 | Vav~Qof~Sheen~Raysh | (6.100.300.200) |
[Ve'Qosher: |
..."and fastened;" |
and fastenings fecundly, abundantly all cavitationings of both cosmic~metabolismings and their comtainmentings...] |
QCS invites us to perceive: ~6.100~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ 6.~archetypal~masculine~fecundationings~ horn of plenty offering fastenings via 100.~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolving n¤væltyings with(~and)~ quantum~assessmentings of 300.~{cosmic~metabolismings~ single~level palindromic Shyar~Raysh "nature likes to hide" qwf~cavitationings dynamically~resonating cowithihn self~other~mirrorings, we are quantum~beings and our single~level palindromic relentlessly evolveings Shyar~Raysh "nature likes to hide" qwf~reverberationings of 200.~cosmic~comtainmentings}~ vibrationings while iso~qwf~isohologrally isobeings cowithihn Iht ~{~{iso1000}~}~ Doug - 29Mar2016. |
5 | Lammed~Waw | ((30.6)) |
[Lo: |
..."him;" |
him as metabolismings of his fecundityings...] |
6 | Kaf~Tav~Raysh | (20.400.200) |
[Keter: |
..."a crown;" |
a crown which quantum tunnels vital~impedance ihnto cosmic~comtainment...] |
Keter: (Kaf~Tayt~Raysh: 20.9.200) issi crown of Sefirot, Tree of Life, it issi sphere ~Emanationings~ 1 (ordinal one). We might think of it as a 'crown,' but n¤t likely. It issi more like fluxodynamic~spinnings of quantons(isoflux,flux) at quantum~metabolic~n¤wings of Iht, of 'face of g¤d.' So Keter here issi n¤t (apparently) relevant Tree of life. A big clue issi vastly omniffering sema of Tayt vis-à-vis Tav. . . . QCS invites us to perceive: ~{20 ~400 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ 20.~{existential~grailings~ ascendant columnar populated qwf~cavitationings of 400.~cosmic~vital~impedancings~ resistings of ascendant columnar populated qwf~reverberationings resonateings 200.~cosmic~comtainmentings}~ and role~playing a controlling crown cowithihn Iht ~{~{iso1000}~}~ Doug - 26Mar2016. |
7 | Vav~Tsadde~Raysh | (6.90.200) |
[Ve'Tsar: |
..."and to be formed, of the "Sacred Rock," of the sacred hermaphrodite;" |
and the sacred rock to be formed as fecund structure(ation) cosmically~comtained...] |
Suares asks us to compare: Light: Awr: Aleph~Waw~Raysh: 1.6.200 and Sacred Rock: Tawr: Tsadde~Waw~Raysh: 90.6.200 Suares describes that comparison re: verse 14, on p.76 of his Song of Songs text. The rock issi "two ihn one." It issi a graphical oversimplification of Star of David degenerated into a four-edged diamond shape. Doug's use of degeneration of Star of David issi assuming we 'conjoin' two equilateral triangles then erase their 'join' to make a diamond.
That rendition of Sacred Rock begs quantum~fermionic structuration like this: and Observe too that a stone often marks entry to a grail. Fermions as entry wayveings to~from quantons(isoflux,flux)? A The Fountain HotMeme: "Fluxq issi the road to awe!" The Fountain, paraphrased. A The Fountain HotMeme. Too, compare Natsoor: as "I willq structureq." See SoS VIII V9 W9. Doug - 3Mar2016. |
8 | Bayt~Waw | ((2.6)) |
[Bo: |
..."in us;" |
in us...] |
9 | Mem~Aleph~Dallet~Yod~finalMem | ( |
[Meadim: |
..."many goodnessings, very high Value, many myrrh, and in any planetary sense Mars;" |
many goodnessings, very high Value...] |
40.1.4 issi Mead which means "very good." Meadim issi masculine plural of Mead. Doug uses myrrh as an example. Myrrh issi spelled Mem~Waw~Raysh, Mor. Masculine plural of myrrh issi Morim. Feminine plural of myrrh issi Morot. Observe that masculine plural involves Mem as resistance, where feminine plural involves a much more qwf~energetic~reproductive Tav as resistanceings. Mead appears in Gen: I:31 word 7. Similarly, Meadim appears, here in this verse, here in SY:IV7 word 9. Compare Meotim (Meatim) (masculine plural of feminine plural) as used in SoS:VIII:12 word 7 (again). We can look at Meat Qabalically assa "existential~biosphereings of breathings~¤utings." Meot (Mem~Aleph~Tav: 40.1.400) issi (Aleph~, n¤t Waw~) feminine plural (of Meah [Mem~Aleph~Hay:40.1.5]) hundreds of whatever... Usually 'ot' issi spelled~out Waw~Tav. In this case we see 'ot' sounding like At which issi Aleph~Tav and doesn't represent plurality in an 'ot' sense. However, A~T and T~A resound with memeos of plurality! Many of Qabala's sema are like that: polysynonymous, polyheteronymic, etc. Quantum~reality issi like that too! Tayt issi ninth Aut. It represents one of many Autiot. It issi an amalgamq of both feminine~singularity (Aut) and feminine~plurality (Autiot). Tayt issi a cellular structuration archetype, typically an archetype anticipating great chaoequil "green~shoots" emergent qwf~changeings qwf~imminenceings. Realize k~now~ings that there are seven doubles, so we must esoterically make a hologral nexus that Mead as Value issi saying that seven as a symbol in Qabala's Autiot~Gematria issi a very, very important symbol, perhaps almost sacred, almost divine. Doug's opine. Indeed, seven doubles describe (in a lay~level rudimentary way) six faces (omnimensions) of Qabala's Zodiacal "(Hilbertian~)space (hyper~)cube." Seventh issi (omniscribes) quantum~l¤cality~n¤nlocality of cube's l¤cation~arbitrary center (which means its l¤cus issi everywhereings and everywhenings, agreeing profoundly with quantum empiritheory. Exemplars of latter include electrons, nucleons, photons, etc.,...quintessentials of temporalq quantum~realityings. Fathom l¤cus~stochastics of atoms' electron energy shells. . . . QCS shows us compound cavitationings of Meadim rather well: ~{~{40 ~{1 ~4}~ ~10}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ 40.~{~{cowithihn~existential~biosphereings~ ascending multi~populated overlapping qwf~cavitationings and descending unit~populated overlapping qwf~cavitationings modulationings of 1.~{archetypal~vital~impetusings~ ascending columnar unit~populated overlapping qwf~cavitationings and descending unit~populated overlapping qwf~reverberationings 4.~archetypal~gatewayveings}~ ascending columnar unit~populated overlapping qwf~reverberationings' many goodnessings resonateings cowithihn 10.~actual~existenceings}~ ascending multi~populated overlapping qwf~reverberationings sempiternal temporal~atemporal sustainings 600.~cowithihn~cosmic~biosphereings'~hologral~isoenergyings~}~ cowithihn Iht ~{~{iso1000}~}~ Doug - 12Apr2016. |
10 | Bayt~Ayn~Vav~Lammed~finalMem | ( |
[Baa'Ve'Lom: |
..."your soma of light will be comtained cowithihn universeings;" |
your light will be comtained somatically housing ~powers~of~generation~of~universes~ [Ayn] fecundating existential metabolisms cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...] |
QCS offers this script: ~2.70 ~{6 ~30 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ 2.~archetypal~somatic~comtainmentings~ of "that which issi not's (i.e., transmutative light's unsaids')" 70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~ universe, for all, according light's general (QED) quantizationings and scintillationings, light's (bosonic~fluxings') ubiquitous pulsating 6.~{archetypal~masculine~fecundationings~ exalted ascendant qwf~cavitationings fertilizing our 30.~existential~metabolismings~ of and modulating our indeterminate qwf~uncertain organic qwf~movementings and qwf~restings cowithihn exalted ascendant qwf~reverberationings comtained 600.~cowithihn~cosmic~biosphereings'~hologral~isoenergyings}~ achieveings wisdom and lofty rankings cowithihn Iht ~{~{iso1000}~}~ Doug - 20Mar2016. |
11 | Vav~Yod~Waw~finalMem | ( |
[Ve'Yom: |
..."and day;" |
and day...] |
QCS assesses n¤væl scriptings as: ~{6 ~10 ~{6.}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ 6.~{archetypal~masculine~fecundationings~ horn of plenty abundanceings with qwf~cavitationings of 10.~actual~existenceings~ quantum~assessing overlapping qwf~reverberationings of 6.~{archetypal~masculine~fecundationings~}~ bilaterally overlapping cowithihn above heavenly exalted columnar ascendant qwf~reverberationings 600.~cowithihn~cosmic~biosphereings'~hologral~isoenergyings~}~ cowithihn Iht ~{~{iso1000}~}~ When you read above script you might thinkq of a Tao symbol showing quantons(day,night). Suares juxtaposes both Yom and Layla similarly as quantum~complementary~antinomials quantons(Yom,Layla). Yom overlapping Layla: issi ihn Layla and Layla.night issi ihn Yom! Compare Schrödinger's lissajous hydrogen atom graphic: Ditto Aleph.1 and its quantum~antinomial projection Yod.10. Comparably Aleph issi ihn Bayt and Bayt issi ihn Aleph! Quantons(Aleph,Bayt) issi Ha'Shem. Try Aleph.1, its projection Yod.10, and its exalted~projection Qof.100 similarly. Three Alephs! . . . See Suares omniscussionings of Yod vis-à-vis Awr on page 90 of CoG, Weiser paperback, 1970. Compare: Aleph~Waw~Raysh (light energyings) and Yod~Waw~Mem (day). Aleph.1 becomes its projection antinomial Yod.10. This transemerqancyings of quantons(Aleph,Yod) allegorically as quantons(night,day) mimicks a quantum meme of what we intend by neutrino. Neutrino issi quantons(isoflux,flux). We may choose to view that assa complementary~antinomial oscillationings of both isoflux and flux, together in a neutrino, alternating over and over and over. A quantum phenomenon emerges! Neutrinos are half fermionic (massive) and half bosonic (massless) and that hybridicity enables neutrinos to pass through cosmically massive 'bodies.' To make an Aleph~Yod allegory using our neutrino memeo we can script quantons(intemporal~isoflux,temporal~flux) assa quantons(Aleph,Yod). Doug's allegory isn't pure, though, since both fermions and bosons are temporal! To beg intemporalityings, Doug would have to rename bosons "isons." Neutrinos more accurately omniscribed then... alternate quantons(isons,fermions). Isons are, paraphrasing Doctor Irving Stein (may he rest in peace), "n¤n preferential isoflux," to oversimplify. Raysh.200 weakens flux~energy~wise ihnto immature (morning) Yom's Mem.40 and strengthens ihnto mature (evening) Yom's finalMem.600. Doug - 7-9Apr2016. |
12 | Ghimel | ((3)) |
[Ghimel: |
..."Ghimel~Mem~Lammed;" |
Ghimel..] |
~{3 ~40 30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ | |||||||||
13 | Bayt~Sheen~Noun~Hay | (2.300.50.5) |
[Ba'Shenah: |
..."in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time;" |
in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time...] |
We may choose to view this as similar Atta, Aleph's Reality Loopings, both female fluxoids and male fluxoids: Mobius metabolicq fermion graphics here, both Atta and M~F. Doug - 28-29Mar2016. . . . Fathom QCS hermeneutics of this word: ~2.300~ ~{50 ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ 2.~archetypal~somatic~comtainmentings~ housing, sheltering 300.~cosmic~metabolismings~ of quantum~evolution as quantum~realityings' major quantum~metabolic revelationings coobsfecting 50.~{existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~ cavitationings of all livings reverberationings cowithihn timings, changeings and absolute evolutionings of 5.~archetypal~life~energyings}~ vibrational quantum~metabolic~evolutionings cowithihn Iht ~{~{iso1000}~}~ Doug - 28-29Mar2016. |
14 | Vav~Aleph~Waw~Zayn~finalNoun | ( |
[Ve'Or'Zan: |
..."we have ~both~and~or~ species of;" |
we have ~both~and~or~ species of...] |
This corresponds, apparently, Doug's usage of BAWAM. . . . QCS provides this interpretation of Ve'Or'Zan. ~{6 ~1 6.}~ ~{7 ~700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ 6.~{archetypal~masculine~fecundationings~ bilateral unit~populated qwf~cavitationings of both ~temporal~species~ 1.~archetypal~vital~impetusings~ and ~atemporal~species~ quantum~assessmentings experienceings bilateral qwf~reverberationings resonateings 6.~archetypal~masculine~fecundationings}~ qwf~vibrationally buoyings qwf~coobsfectings~signatureings with 7.~{archetypal~unlimited~potentialings~ potential exalted via columnar unpopulated qwf~cavitationings 700.~cosmic~life~principle~quantizationings'}~ co~vibrating quantum~straddling archetypal~potentia and cosmic energy~wellings of quantum~beings cowithihn Iht ~{~{iso1000}~}~ Doug - 12Apr2016. |
15 | Yod~Mem~Yod~finalNoun | ( |
[Yamin: |
..."existential cavitationings of all biosphereings experienceings quantum~principleings of quantizationings;" |
existential reverberationings of all biosphereings obeyings~adhereings cosmic~life~principleings of quantizationings...] |
...Yamin. . . . QCS assesses n¤væl scriptings as: ~{10 ~40 10}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ 10.~{actual~existenceings~ bilateral unit~populated qwf~cavitationings of and 40.~cowithihn~existential~biosphereings~ bilateral unit~populated qwf~reverberationings resonateings 10.~actual~existenceings}~ qwf~vibrationally quantum~assessmentings life's many variegationings of SEP obeyings~adhereings quantum~indeterminationings of 700.~cosmic~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings~ cowithihn Iht ~{~{iso1000}~}~ Doug - 7-8Apr2016. |
16 | Bayt~Noun~Phay~Sheen | ( |
[Ba'Nefesh: |
..."cowithihn select individuals, in the~your soul, in the~your individual private breathing~evolvingq selfq,;" |
guarding and cowithihn select individuals each their private breathing~evolvingq selfq and its unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic metabolism...] |
Your Gnostic individualq selfq's metabolicq ~breathing~¤ut~~breathing~ihn~ A great exemplarq of nissin. I.e., Atta quanton(breathing~ihn,breathing~¤ut). Both complementarityq and antinomialityq shown ad occulos. Doug - 28Nov2015, 25Mar2016. |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
Hay~Mem~Lammed~Yod~finalKhaf |
[Ha'Melikh: |
..."the kingship conferred;" |
the conferred kingship of life's cosmic~grailings cavitationings of existential metabolic orchestrationings of beings...] |
Aleph~Waw~Tav |
[Aut: |
..."on the Aut, feminine singular;" |
singular of name of Autiot spelled out...] |
Kaf |
[K[h]af: |
..."Khaf;" |
Khaf...] |
Vav~Qof~Sheen~Raysh |
[Ve'Qosher: |
..."and fastened;" |
and fastenings fecundly, abundantly all cavitationings of both cosmic~metabolismings and their comtainmentings...] |
Lammed~Waw |
[Lo: |
..."him;" |
him as metabolismings of his fecundityings...] |
Kaf~Tav~Raysh |
[Keter: |
..."a crown;" |
a crown which quantum tunnels vital~impedance ihnto cosmic~comtainment...] |
Vav~Tsadde~Raysh |
[Ve'Tsar: |
..."and to be formed, of the "Sacred Rock," of the sacred hermaphrodite;" |
and the sacred rock to be formed as fecund structure(ation) cosmically~comtained...] |
"Two~stones" as quantonic~cuneiform hermaphrodite. |
Bayt~Waw |
[Bo: |
..."in us;" |
in us...] |
Hay~Mem~Hay |
[Hemah: |
..."they are aliveq, livingq;" |
they exist as archetypes of life existence fractal~recursively quantum~cavitating their living existential biospheres...] |
Bayt~Ayn~Waw~Lammed~finalMem |
[Baa'Ve'Lom: |
..."your soma of light will be comtained cowithihn universeings;" |
your light will be comtained somatically housing ~powers~of~generation~of~universes~ [Ayn] fecundating existential metabolisms cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...] |
Vav~Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Ve'Yom: |
..."and day;" |
and day...] |
Aleph issi ihn Yod and Yod issi ihn Aleph! |
Dallet |
[Dallet: |
...";" |
Dallet...] |
Bayt~Sheen~Noun~Hay |
[Ba'Shenah: |
..."in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time;" |
in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time...] |
Vav~Aleph~Zayn~finalNoun |
[Ve'A'Zan: |
..."and marking species with and via;" |
and marking species with and via...] |
quantum~oscillatings with exalted columnar unpopulated qwf~reverberationings of |
Sheen~Mem~Aleph~Lammed |
[Shemel: |
..."metabolicq energyings both cosmic and existential of Mother;" |
metabolicq energyings both cosmic and existential of Mother...] |
(This begs each of us having "Aleph ihn blood." Opine.) Shemel: 300.40.1.30 Shomel: 300.6.40.30 |
Bayt~Noun~Phay~Sheen |
[Benefesh: |
..."cowithihn select individuals, in the~your soul, in the~your individual private breathing~evolvingq selfq,;" |
guarding and cowithihn select individuals each their private breathing~evolvingq selfq and its unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic metabolism...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
Hay~Mem~Lammed~Yod~finalKhaf |
[Ha'Melikh: |
..."the kingship conferred;" |
the conferred kingship of life's cosmic~grailings cavitationings of existential metabolic orchestrationings of beings...] |
Aleph~Waw~Tav |
[Aut: |
..."on the Aut, feminine singular;" |
singular of name of Autiot spelled out...] |
Pay |
[P[h]ay: |
..."Phay;" |
Phay...] |
Waw~Qof~Sheen~Raysh |
[Ve'Qosher: |
..."and fastened;" |
and fastenings fecundly, abundantly all cavitationings of both cosmic~metabolismings and their comtainmentings...] |
Lammed~Waw |
[Lo: |
..."him;" |
him as metabolismings of his fecundityings...] |
Kaf~Tav~Raysh |
[Keter: |
..."a crown;" |
a crown which quantum tunnels vital~impedance ihnto cosmic~comtainment...] |
Vav~Tsadde~Raysh |
[Ve'Tsar: |
..."and to be formed, of the "Sacred Rock," of the sacred hermaphrodite;" |
and the sacred rock to be formed as fecund structure(ation) cosmically~comtained...] |
"Two~stones" as quantonic~cuneiform hermaphrodite. |
Bayt~Waw |
[Bo: |
..."in us;" |
in us...] |
Noun~Waw~Ghimel~Hay |
[Nogah: |
..."Venus, right nostril;" |
Venus, right nostril...] |
Bayt~Ayn~Waw~Lammed~finalMem |
[Baa'Ve'Lom: |
..."your soma of light will be comtained cowithihn universeings;" |
your light will be comtained somatically housing ~powers~of~generation~of~universes~ [Ayn] fecundating existential metabolisms cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...] |
Vav~Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Ve'Yom: |
..."and day;" |
and day...] |
Aleph issi ihn Yod and Yod issi ihn Aleph! |
Hay |
[Hay: |
..."Hay;" |
Hay...] |
Bayt~Sheen~Noun~Hay |
[Ba'Shenah: |
..."in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time;" |
in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time...] |
Vav~Noun~Hay~Yod~Raysh |
[Ve'Nahir: |
..."and river;" |
and river...] |
Yod~Mem~Yod~finalNoun |
[Yamin: |
..."existential cavitationings of all biosphereings experienceings quantum~principleings of quantizationings;" |
existential reverberationings of all biosphereings obeyings~adhereings cosmic~life~principleings of quantizationings...] |
Bayt~Noun~Phay~Sheen |
[Benefesh: |
..."cowithihn select individuals, in the~your soul, in the~your individual private breathing~evolvingq selfq,;" |
guarding and cowithihn select individuals each their private breathing~evolvingq selfq and its unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic metabolism...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
Hay~Mem~Lammed~Yod~finalKhaf |
[Ha'Melikh: |
..."the kingship conferred;" |
the conferred kingship of life's cosmic~grailings cavitationings of existential metabolic orchestrationings of beings...] |
Aleph~Waw~Tav |
[Aut: |
..."on the Aut, feminine singular;" |
singular of name of Autiot spelled out...] |
Raysh |
[Raysh, Shyar: |
..."Raysh~Shyar;" |
Raysh~Shyar...] |
Waw~Qof~Sheen~Raysh |
[Ve'Qosher: |
..."and fastened;" |
and fastenings fecundly, abundantly all cavitationings of both cosmic~metabolismings and their comtainmentings...] |
Lammed~Waw |
[Lo: |
..."him;" |
him as metabolismings of his fecundityings...] |
Kaf~Tav~Raysh |
[Keter: |
..."a crown;" |
a crown which quantum tunnels vital~impedance ihnto cosmic~comtainment...] |
Vav~Tsadde~Raysh |
[Ve'Tsar: |
..."and to be formed, of the "Sacred Rock," of the sacred hermaphrodite;" |
and the sacred rock to be formed as fecund structure(ation) cosmically~comtained...] |
"Two~stones" as quantonic~cuneiform hermaphrodite. |
Bayt~Waw |
[Bo: |
..."in us;" |
in us...] |
Kaf~Waw~Kaf~Bayt |
[Kawkab, Kokhav: |
..."messenger of god;" |
messenger of god ubiquitous sempiternal existential grailingsq cavitating our fecundityings...] |
Bayt~Ayn~Waw~Lammed~finalMem |
[Baa'Ve'Lom: |
..."your soma of light will be comtained cowithihn universeings;" |
your light will be comtained somatically housing ~powers~of~generation~of~universes~ [Ayn] fecundating existential metabolisms cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...] |
Vav~Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Ve'Yom: |
..."and day;" |
and day...] |
Aleph issi ihn Yod and Yod issi ihn Aleph! |
Sheen~Sheen~Yod |
[Sheshi: |
..."six;" |
six...] |
Bayt~Sheen~Noun~Hay |
[Ba'Shenah: |
..."in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time;" |
in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time...] |
Vav~Noun~Hhayt~Yod~Raysh |
[Ve'Nahhir: |
..."atemporal, spiritual river;" |
atemporal spiritual river...] |
Sheen~Mem~Aleph~Lammed |
[Shemel: |
..."metabolicq energyings both cosmic and existential of Mother;" |
metabolicq energyings both cosmic and existential of Mother...] |
(This begs each of us having "Aleph ihn blood." Opine.) Shemel: 300.40.1.30 Shomel: 300.6.40.30 |
Bayt~Noun~Phay~Sheen |
[Ba'Nefesh: |
..."cowithihn select individuals, in the~your soul, in the~your individual private breathing~evolvingq selfq,;" |
guarding and cowithihn select individuals each their private breathing~evolvingq selfq and its unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic metabolism...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
Hay~Mem~Lammed~Yod~finalKhaf |
[Ha'Melikh: |
..."the kingship conferred;" |
the conferred kingship of life's cosmic~grailings cavitationings of existential metabolic orchestrationings of beings...] |
Aleph~Waw~Tav |
[Aut: |
..."on the Aut, feminine singular;" |
singular of name of Autiot spelled out...] |
Tav |
[T[h]av: |
..."Thav;" |
Thav...] |
Waw~Qof~Sheen~Raysh |
[Ve'Qosher: |
..."and fastened;" |
and fastenings fecundly, abundantly all cavitationings of both cosmic~metabolismings and their comtainmentings...] |
Lammed~Waw |
[Lo: |
..."him;" |
him as metabolismings of his fecundityings...] |
Kaf~Tav~Raysh |
[Keter: |
..."a crown;" |
a crown which quantum tunnels vital~impedance ihnto cosmic~comtainment...] |
Vav~Tsadde~Raysh |
[Ve'Tsar: |
..."and to be formed, of the "Sacred Rock," of the sacred hermaphrodite;" |
and the sacred rock to be formed as fecund structure(ation) cosmically~comtained...] |
"Two~stones" as quantonic~cuneiform hermaphrodite. |
Bayt~Waw |
[Bo: |
..."in us;" |
in us...] |
Lammed~Bayt~Noun~Hay |
[La'Benah, Lavanah: |
..."y~our two lives phasementings of their mouth, moon;" |
two lives phasementings and their...] |
Bayt~Ayn~Waw~Lammed~finalMem |
[Baa'Ve'Lom: |
..."your soma of light will be comtained cowithihn universeings;" |
your light will be comtained somatically housing ~powers~of~generation~of~universes~ [Ayn] fecundating existential metabolisms cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...] |
Vav~Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Ve'Yom: |
..."and day;" |
and day...] |
Aleph issi ihn Yod and Yod issi ihn Aleph! |
Sheen~Bayt~Tav |
[Shevat: |
..."seven;" |
seven...] |
Bayt~Sheen~Noun~Hay |
[Ba'Shenah: |
..."in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time;" |
in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time...] |
Vav~Phay~Hay |
[Ve'Phay: |
..."and Phay;" |
and Phay...] |
Bayt~Noun~Phay~Sheen |
[Ba'Nefesh: |
..."cowithihn select individuals, in the~your soul, in the~your individual private breathing~evolvingq selfq,;" |
guarding and cowithihn select individuals each their private breathing~evolvingq selfq and its unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic metabolism...] |