
Doug's Translation
Sepher Yetsira IV
Verse 4
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Sepher Yetsira IV:4:

Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.

Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...

...quantum aspects of Sepher Yetsira from their readers.

Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.).

Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, too in Sepher Yetsira. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica, especially quantum~alchemical and ~astrological aspects (E.g., in chapter VI, Suares shows how Abraham's Qabala refers "flow of flux." Doug assumes hologral quantum~fluxings and their quantum~two~lives~antinomial~complementary metabolismsq. Doug is unsureq whether Qabalic esoterica issi exegetically available elsewhere in addition to Suares' opus and his quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believesq Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist (classical, quantum...?). But Gnosis shows us that monismc is deceit. Doug believes latter, n¤t Suares' apparent, perhaps classical, monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can, keeping in mind that there are many classes of monism including both classical (EEMD formal mechanisms) and quantum (coherent hologral EIMAings).

Doug shows, for each Verse and word of Chapter VI of Sepher Yetsira, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes (which Doug sometimes substitutes his own...), thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Sepher Yetsira)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole Verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Sepher Yetsira
Doug Renselle

Sepher Yetsira IV:1

Sepher Yetsira IV:2

Sepher Yetsira IV:3

Sepher Yetsira IV:4

Sepher Yetsira IV:5

Sepher Yetsira IV:6

Sepher Yetsira IV:7

 Sepher Yetsira IV:8

Sepher Yetsira IV:9

Sepher Yetsira IV:10

Sepher Yetsira IV:11

Sepher Yetsira IV:12

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Sepher Yetsira IV:4


Sepher Yetsira IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation







Seven doubles.

Verse 4 of chapter IV of Sepher Yetsira offers a demarcation.

Verses 1 to 3 have given us preliminary omniscriptionings of Seven Doubles.

Verses 4 to 11 describe each Double in terms of its "kingship."

Suares' word, "kingship."

Doug has problems with models of realityings which dimensionally limit our quantum~memes of realityings. Doug worries that may be a weakness of Seven Doubles omniscriptionings of realityings.

It doesn't have too! What Doug has to do issi map SY's apparent 3D descriptionings of realityings onto, for example, an omnimensional hyper~fuzzon. Doug won't attempt that here (back to Pov~Ray), but is running that kind of quantum~m¤daling n¤w~ings ihn background.

Allow Doug to simplify Suares' omniscriptionings of Seven Doubles in 3D.

Six doubles are faces of a Zodiacal cube. Seventh Double issi 'center of that cube.'

Thus may we choose to complementaroceive upper~lower, north~south, east~west, and kernel AKA core.

It issi an over~simplified model of quantum~realityings.

One issue is Dirac's claim that QR issi without classical directionings.

We may commence standingunder that quantum~memeo by grasping well quantum memes of complementaryq~antinomialismq.

Doug believes what Dirac was claiming about classical directionality issi that we may n¤t treat direction as an dialectical absolute. Why?

Simply, upper~lower, north~south, east~west, and kernel are all quantum memeos, and thus are quantum~complementary~antinomial. Doug shows that using quantons as interrelationshipings.


those quantons narrate for us ihn script these memes:

"North issi ihn south and south issi ihn north."
"East issi ihn west and west issi ihn east."
"Upper issi ihn lower and lower issi ihn upper."
"Core issi ihn kernel and kernel issi ihn core."

All of those quotations are specifics of Heraclitus' perhaps more generic:

"Up issi ihn down and down issi ihn up."

Doug, "What issi quantum~quintessenceings of antinomialityingsq?" Simply:


Keep in mind that spatial coquecigrues also applies to tihmeings, gravityings, massings, etc.

I.e., "L¤calityings (AKA 'place,' et al.) arera always quantum~complementary~antinomial!"

So, if we superposeq our Zodiacal cube with hyper fuzzons of Hilbert spaceings, we can imagine a quantum~generic of Suares' Zodiacal cube. That does n¤t "cover the waterfront," but it gives us a few teeth ihnto solveings this 'problem' more generically.

At least you n¤w have a simpler mental picture of Seven Doubles in their Zodiacal roles and situationings.

Just keep reminding self, "Self, all quantons ihn omnimensional Hilbert space represent peaqlos of fuzzons, and thus their roles and situationings are all always quantum~metabolic~complementary~antinomial."

Here are some simple graphics of peaqlos:

Simply Peaqlo

A Reservoir of Wave Functions

Doug - 5-7Apr2016.



[Kafolot (Doug's guess):

..."compelled to encounter cosmic resistance;"

via mature wisdom of existential grailing of unlimited possibilityings under compulsory fecundularq cavitationings of existential metabolismq encountering vital~impedance...]

We see ~20.80~ affecting ~{6..6}~ of ~30~ affecting ~400~.

When one plays Qabala's Game of Life and more deeply fathoms Kafolot, one sees (one may see) Kafol as Kol with a Phay middle~includedq. This might be like saying, "...mature wisdom superposeingq existential unlimited possibilityings."

Then too that way of seeing Kafolot offers an ostensedq heuristicq somewhat like this, "...compelled to, with mature wisdom of unlimited possibilityings, courageously encounter cosmic resistance."

Sounds a tad like Luke taking on Darth Vader with Luke's Force of "mature wisdom of unlimited possibilityings" taking on Darth Vader's (only) apparently indefatigable PC-tyrannical impedance.

Doug - 19Dec2015, 10Feb2016.

. . .

QCS™ offers:

~20.80 ~{6 ~30 6.}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~




buoying without end


horn of plenty abundanceings bilateral unit populated qwf~cavitationings of


transmuting~evolveings all existenceings with abundanceings of bilateral unit populated qwf~reverberationings sempiternally resonateings


whose spheres (qwf~energy~wellings) of emanation qwf~vibrationings arera encroaching and persistently attempting to breach (Shyt as Aleph) evolutionary~tuneings~frettings imposed by


resistings and struggleings guaranteeing life itself with quantum~assessmentings chanceings, chooseings, changeings metabolizeings all cowithihn Iht


Doug - 30Mar2016.





Vayt~Djimel"Thallet, and...]

First three doubles.

Gematria 2, 3, 4.






Last four doubles.

Gematria 20, 80, 200, 400.

In seven doubles notice all of column two issi used. Notice top and bottom of column four are used. Three and eighty are alone.

Five of seven doubles emphasize comtainmentings.2.20.200 and impedanceings.4.400. Both of these patterns are intrinsically cavitational:

~{2 ~{20}~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

In quantum~Lightings pronounced, "Bekar." (very masculine, tumescent)

Compare Zekhar.

In quantum~Darknessings pronounced, "Vekhashyr." (breathing~ihn as "house of grailing comtainmentings (very feminine~vaginal)."

Compare Neqivah.


~{4 ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Ghimel.3 emphasizes archetypal organic~movementings.

Phay.80 emphasizes existential unlimited~possibilityings.

Doug - 2Apr2016.




..."graven, serious;"

with serious, even graven, fathomings of divine cosmic~vital~impetus assessing all, and experiencing cosmic~quantizationings of all life principleings, uncertaintyings, and peaceings...]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~8 ~{100 100}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


pneumatically invigorating adiabaticityings ubiquitous and serious

100.~{perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)~

self existentially straddleing cosmos with self~self bilateral naked cavitationings while fecundly~vicissitudinally divinely~self~self qwf~ensemble omnifferentiateing existence cowithihn resonant echoings by self's

100.~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)}~

coaffectationings~hologral~qwf~freedomings, ~uncertaintyings, and ~peaceings cowithihn and borne of

700.~cosmic~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings~

cowithihn Iht


Doug - 2Mar2016.




..."carved, quantum~metabolic qwf~lysings of quantons;"

quantal qwf~lysings of and cowithihn archetypal spirit's unlimited possibilityings for transformationings of soma experiencing cosmic~quantizationings of all life principleings, uncertaintyings, and peaceings...]

See Hhaqaq.

Doug - 3Mar2016.




..."amalgamated, ensembled;"

sacred rock shall be amalgamated via evolutionary transformationings with unlimited existential possibilityings experiencing cosmic~quantizationings of all life principleings, uncertaintyings, and peaceings...]

To incrementally extract sema from any Autiot word try this:




Fathom each Aut's gematrum as a role. Fathom any pair, and any ensemble in which they are embedded, as tentative linguistic~situationings.

That is part of what QCS™ does.

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~cosmic~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings~

That generically illustrates situation~role rqcs of Autiot words, verses, chapters, and books.

You may think of every sema as an intra~word grail, a quantum~grail.

Doug - 5Apr2016.





formed via fecund abundanceings of existential structurationings cosmically comtained...]




..."with them;"

with them, with their somatic livesq ensconced~enfolded cowithihn cosmic biosphere's isoenergyingsq...]

'Them' issi often Otam, and Lahem.

Doug - 3Mar2016.



[Kawkabim, Kokhaveem:

..."messengers of the gods;"

messengers of gods ubiquitous sempiternal existential grailingsq cavitating our fecundityings and nurturingq our somaticq existence cosmically~biosphered...]

QCS™ offers:

~{20 ~{6 ~{20 }~ ~2}~ ~10 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


bilateral unit~populated overlapping qwf~cavitationings of


whose abundanceings are experienceings both bilateral unit~populated overlapping qwf~reverberationings and exalted columnar triple~populated overlappings nestings qwf~cavitationings while also overlapping cowithihn


both unpopulated overlappings descendant qwf~cavitationings and unpopulated overlappings via descendant qwf~reverberationings cowithihn


grailings~coobsfectings compoundings~qwf~vibrationings of all


experienceings exalted columnar triple~populated overlappings nestings qwf~reverberationings finding individual qwf~interpreta of Qabala's Game of Life "Messengers of Gods"


cowithihn Iht


Doug - 5Apr2016.




..."your soma of light will be comtained cowithihn universings;"

your light will be comtained somatically housing ~powers~of~generation~of~universes~ [Ayn] fecundating existential metabolisms cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

QCS™ offers this script:

~2.70 ~{6 ~30 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


of "that which issi not's (i.e., transmutative light's unsaids')"

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

universe, for all, according light's general (QED) quantizationings and scintillationings, light's (bosonic~fluxings') ubiquitous pulsating


exalted ascendant qwf~cavitationings fertilizing our


of and modulating our indeterminate qwf~uncertain organic qwf~movementings and qwf~restings cowithihn exalted ascendant qwf~reverberationings comtained


achieveings wisdom and lofty rankings cowithihn Iht


Doug - 20Mar2016.




..."and existential waters;"

and divine existential cavitationings of H¶r biosphere cowithihn cosmic biosphere...

~{~6 ~{10 ~{40 10}~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~~

This comes across, for Doug, as "Vibrant~exalted quantum~beings co~cavitationings cowithihn both H¶r and existenceings."

Doug - 5Apr2016.




..."in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time;"

in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time...]

We may choose to view this as similar Atta, Aleph's Reality Loopings, both female fluxoids and male fluxoids:

Mobius metabolicq fermion graphics here, both Atta and M~F.

Doug - 28-29Mar2016.

. . .

Fathom QCS™ hermeneutics of this word:

~2.300~ ~{50 ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


housing, sheltering


of quantum~evolution as quantum~realityings' major quantum~metabolic revelationings coobsfecting

50.~{existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

cavitationings of all livings reverberationings cowithihn timings, changeings and absolute evolutionings of


vibrational quantum~metabolic~evolutionings cowithihn Iht


Doug - 28-29Mar2016.




..."and portals, hologral Values, measures, signatures, etc.;"

and Shyar~Raysh cavitating portal~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered...]

~{6 ~{300 ~70 200}~ ~10 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


exalted columnar multi~populated~nested qwf~cavitationings of


Shyar~Raysh unit~populated qwf~cavitationings of

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

enlightenings Shyar~Raysh populated qwf~reverberationings resonateings cowithihn


qwf~vibrationally qwf~fractally~recursively portal~hologrally~measureing~signatureing~transmuteing all


cowithihn exalted columnar multi~populated~nested qwf~reverberationings of qwf~everywhere~middle~inclusion~associationings all holowaters (quantum~beings) fermionic~wayveings


all immersed cowithihn Iht


Doug - 5Apr2016.




..."in the~your soul, in the~your individual private breathing~evolvingq selfq,;"

guarding your individual private breathing~evolvingq selfq and its unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic metabolism...]

Your Gnostic individualq selfq's metabolicq


A great exemplarq of nissin.

I.e., Atta quanton(breathing~ihn,breathing~¤ut).

Both complementarityq and antinomialityq shown ad occulos.

Doug - 28Nov2015, 25Mar2016.




..."and reliably living;"

and reliably living adhereings quantum~principleings...]

~6.40~ ~{5 ~50}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~




..."carve, chisel, cut, etc.;"

compartmentalized via archetypal spirit of unlimited possibilityings affecting divine cavitationings of cosmic~vital~impetus fractally~recursing itself, carving...]

We see naked cavitationings ~{100.100}~.

This issi very high energyq reverberating~resonant~straddleingq of "Qoof."

This issi a kind of spiritual~adiabaticityq generatorq which destroys all classical dialectical-mechanical illusions-delusions.

As Doug has written, dialectic's death knell issi imminent during Millennium III.

Doug - 15Dec2015, 10Feb2016.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~8 ~{100 100}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


pneumaticallyq invigorating adiabaticityings ubiquitous and

100.~{perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~

transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolvingq n¤væltyings with(~and)~

bilateral naked cavitationings while

cowithihn resonant echoings by

100.~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~

destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~..
....~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolvingq n¤væltyings with(~and)}~

reverberantly while cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 8-10Feb2016.




..."seven [in idiom];"

seven cosmically metabolizing soma are QED life~evolvingq brightlyq and...]




..."many Mobius fermionic energyings metabolic space~comsumeings evolutioningsq;"

many living cosmic~comtainmentings of cosmic vital~impetus existential scintillatingq lightingsq and their QED principleings of life...]

Refer Doug's retranslation of Genesis I:6. Search for <Raquiy>. Read text. Important!

Here is a crucial portion of that text re quoted here for your comvenienceings:

"Let us not forget that we are dealing with a treatise on thermodynamics. We have seen in Genesis I:1 a double equation of energy as Aleph and Yod (as infinite animation and as its own physical casting). Awr is the equation of their symbolic wedlock (Raysh, 200 being the symbol of the entire cosmic physical support). We have then seen Yavdel as the biosphere's process which originates two trends of structures in each of the two aspects of energy, Awr and Hhosheykh. In Genesis I:6-8, which we are now considering this entire process is seen as from the point of view of Bayt (2), so-called the second 'day;' Bayt being the symbol of all containers. The protagonists, Raysh and Aleph must be expressed now as they appear in existence. But we know that Aleph [being intemporal~atemporal] does not possess the quality of existence in duration. Therefore its symbol must perforce be Qof (100) because, as we have already stated, Qof is symbol of cosmic Aleph in existence, both Aleph and Yod, blending the [antinomials]; timelessness and time. Raysh and Qof assert their existence Yod. But what is the result of this wedlock? It obviously is Ayn (70), the principle of indetermination, which is the common stake of both parties. The equation thus formed, Raysh~Qof~Yod~Ayn ( reads Raquiy, and is an energy which, not being fixed in extent, has the intrinsic quality of expansion. Energy in expansion: that is the definition [rather, omniscriptionings] of space according to Qabala. It is in expansion because, as its own con[m]tainer, energy cannot cope with itself. It cannot but be perpetually its own overflowing."

CoG, pp. 91-92, Doug changed Suares Mem~Yod~Mem to Mem~Yod~finalMem. Doug emboldened (Diracean) 'infinite animation.' Doug's brackets replacing Suares' 'oppositesc' with antinomialsq. See "...Q is not even approximately stationary," p. 307, 1-1/2 pages into section 81 of Dirac's The Principles of Quantum~Dynamics, fourth edition, OxUP, 1958.

Doug's brackets, underlines, bolds, etc.

Here issi what QCS™ offers us quantum~wayveings~scriptings functionally:

~200 ~{100 ~{10 ~70 10}~}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Word metabolism does n¤t appear in that script; however, without ...~{10 ~70 10}~}~... [quintessenceings of space~comsumeings bosonic~fermionic quantons(scin,quan) QED], without quantons(scin,quan), i.e., ...~{fermions ~light~bosons~ fermions}~}~..., there simply issi n¤ metabolismq ihn actualized EWings cowithihn actualized~temporal realityings. See Doug's March 2005 Awesome Dirac Note.

Simply, "animate con(m)sumption of space" implies, issi a quantum~tell of, hologral metabolismingsq.

Doug - 5-6Apr2016.




..."and seven;"

and seven...]

See word 1 above for much more detail.

Doug - 6Apr2016.




..."times as many Adamah whose vital~impetuses are hidden cowithihn triple resistanceings of ~4.40...400~;"

times as many Adamah whose vital~impetuses are hidden cowithihn triple resistanceings of ~4.40...400~...]

Per QCS™:

~1~ ~{4 ~{40}~ ~6.400}~~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


~1~ ~{Dallet ~{Mem}~ ~6.Tav}~~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


imposeings of perpetual~ubiquitous quantum~metabolismings of absolute quantum~changeings hidden cowithihn all quantum~beings via their triple resistanceings of ~Dallet~Mem~...~Tav~


both ascendant columnar qwf~cavitationings and exalted columnar unit~populated qwf~cavitationings cowithihn ascendant columnar qwf~reverberationings resonateings


ascendant columnar unit~populated qwf~cavitationings of


whose ~fertile~spawn~abundanceings~ are experienceings both ascendant and exalted columnar qwf~reverberationings resonateings cowithihn


all quantum~eventings~occurrenceings cowithihn Iht


Doug - 6Apr2016.




..."and seven;"

and seven...]

See word 1 above for much more detail.

Doug - 6Apr2016.




..."plural of Sabbath, and loved of the holy Seventh ones under all of the living cosmos;"

holy ones under all of the living cosmos...]

~300.2 ~{400 ~6 400~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 6Apr2016.




..."metabolismings cowithihn existenceings grailing cosmic isoenergyings cowithihn;"

metabolismings cowithihn existenceings grailing cosmic isoenergyings cowithihn...]

~{30 ~3}~ ~10~ ~{20 500}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 6Apr2016.




..."living divine soma;"

living divine soma...]




..."many sevens;"

life cosmically metabolizes existence cowithin 'Light of Days, Seven(th) of Days'....]




..."place, place of;"

Populated bilateral cavitationings of unlimited qwf~spiritualings in place of and cowithihn and bilateral qwf~reverberationings of cosmic~vital~impedanceings..]

Using QCS™ we can infer:

~{400 ~8 400~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


cavitationings of


spiritual unlimited possibilityings reverberationings below~against, in place of, ihn superpositionq of ultimate qwf~resistanceings of


cowithihn Iht


Doug - 17Feb2016.





All grailings existentially metabolized...]




..."living cosmos;"

as living cosmos, its cosmic metabolism reverberating all existence cowithihn all existential biospheres and cosmic biospheres...]

Idiomatically Shamaim is 'heavens.'

. . .

QCS™ offers:

~5.300 ~{40.10.600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


giving life (spiritual fire) to cosmos, to cosmos' sky, a living cosmos, its


quantum~assessmentings of and ihncluding signatureings of self's quantum~evolutionings


columnar ascendant qwf~cavitationings bosonic~fermionic quantons(scin,quan) qwf~tuneings and qwf~retuneings of skies


with their columnar ascendant qwf~reverberationings bosonic~fermionic quantons(scin,quan) evolveings via qwf~tuneings and qwf~retuneings of the seas, the cosmic waters


cowithihn Iht


Doug - 6Apr2016.

. . .

Suares describes (omniscribes) evolutionq of Shamaim on p. 81 of his CoG text, "The so-called 'heaven' in the first verse, the name of which is Shamaim, contains a Yod between two Mem. This sequence indicates the cosmic movement [of column 3.30.300] of Sheen acting against [in any sense of relentlessly, sempiternallyq evolvingq] Mayim, the so-called waters: the two Mem...

[columnarly ascending, toward 'heavens,' from existential Mem.40 to finalMem.600]

...between which Yod is playing against its [antinomialq] partner Aleph [Aleph.1] in the game of existenceq [Yod.10] versus lifeq [Hay.5]." Doug's brackets and quantum~subscriptings.

Suares doesn't speak or write of Gematraic~energyq cavitationingsq. Doug does, since Atta implicitly prescribes fermionic~esque hologra[[il]lex][m][mmat][ph][view]]icq quantum~cavitationings:

We may also view that cavity as Möbius~Metabolsimingsq:

When Doug refers "ruby rod laser as a resonant cavity," above issi a graphic proxy of said referral. If At~Ta resonates, reverberates perpetually~ubiquitously, then divine pairs of Aut both bilaterally and columnarly energetically~fluxodynamically quantum~resonate cowithihn all Autiot textings. "How about those apples," made explicit by a HotMeme™...

Quantonic Revelation HotMeme
"Autiot~Gematria fluxodynamicsq quantum~wave~functional~cavitationings..."™
Quantonic Revelation HotMeme

...and that HotMeme's™ intrinsic quantum~qua?

Doug - 28-30Sep2015. (Quote borrowed from Sidis~esque Good Will Hunting movie with Matt Damon. Following OT's exemplar, Doug might have asked, "How about those grapes?")

Change (correct) 'metabolisms' to 'biospheres' under translated text.

Doug - 29Oct2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030


via mature wisdom of existential grailing of unlimited possibilityings under compulsory fecundularq cavitationings of existential metabolismq encountering vital~impedance

Vayt~Djimel~Thallet, and

with serious, even graven, fathomings of divine cosmic~vital~impetus assessing all, and experiencing cosmic~quantizationings of all life principleings, uncertaintyings, and peaceings.

Quantal qwf~lysings of and cowithihn archetypal spirit's unlimited possibilityings for transformationings of soma experiencing cosmic~quantizationings of all life principleings, uncertaintyings, and peaceings.

Sacred rock shall be amalgamated via evolutionary transformationings with unlimited existential possibilityings experiencing cosmic~quantizationings of all life principleings, uncertaintyings, and peaceings.

. . .

[Again Doug reminds: "sacred rock" is very likely allegory for Star of David and its intrinsic quantum~complementary~antinomial Atta hermaphrodicityingsq:

. One can almost see AYN in a partial A and a partial Y. An enthymemetic "equation of multiverseings."]

. . .

Formed via fecund abundanceings of existential structurationings cosmically comtained
with them, with their somatic l[quantons(female,male)] livesq ensconced~enfolded cowithihn cosmic biosphere's isoenergyingsq.

Messengers of gods ubiquitous sempiternal existential grailingsq cavitating our fecundityings and nurturingq our somaticq existence cosmically~biosphered

Your light will be comtained somatically housing ~powers~of~generation~of~universes~ [Ayn] fecundating existential metabolisms cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
and divine existential cavitationings of Hær biosphere cowithihn cosmic biosphere... in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time,
and Shyar~Raysh cavitating portal~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered
guarding your individual private breathing~evolvingq selfq and its unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic metabolism,
and reliably living adhereings quantum~principleings
compartmentalized via archetypal spirit of unlimited possibilityings affecting divine cavitationings of cosmic~vital~impetus fractally~recursing itself, carving
seven cosmically metabolizing soma are QED life~evolvingq brightlyq, and
many living cosmic~comtainmentings of cosmic vital~impetus existential scintillatingq lightingsq and their QED principleings of life,

and seven

times as many Adamah whose vital~impetuses are hidden cowithihn triple resistanceings of ~4.40...400~,

and seven

holy ones under all of the living cosmos'
metabolismings cowithihn existenceings grailing cosmic isoenergyings cowithihn
living divine soma.

Life cosmically metabolizes existence cowithin 'Light of Days, Seven(th) of Days'.

Populated bilateral cavitationings of unlimited qwf~spiritualings in place of and cowithihn and bilateral qwf~reverberationings of cosmic~vital~impedanceings.

All grailings existentially metabolized
as living cosmos, its cosmic metabolism reverberating all existence cowithihn all existential biospheres and cosmic biospheres.

Doug - 5-7Apr2016.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030 - Rev. 5-7Apr2016  PDR - Created: 5Apr2016  PDR
