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A Sepher Yetsiral Quantum Hologralexology
Autiot Z Words and Phrases


Doug Renselle

Commencing June, 2014


A B  (C) D E H I K L M N O  P Q R S T V Y Z

Hologralex™ Z Words Index
Zayn - Archetype of all possibilities, i.e., archetype of all saids and unsaids: quantons(unsaids,saids) Zafat - Pitch as black, potential for sun's light to be stopped Zahav - Gold, compare Awr Zekhar - Male

Hologralex™ Z Words' Content




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)

Archetype of all possibilities, i.e., archetype of all saids and unsaids: quantons(unsaids,saids)

Archetype of all possibilities, i.e., archetype of all saids and unsaids: quantons(unsaids,saids)

Archetype of all possibilities, i.e., archetype of all saids and unsaids: quantons(unsaids,saids)

Archetype of all possibilities, i.e., archetype of all saids and unsaids: quantons(unsaids,saids)

Archetype of all possibilities, i.e., archetype of all saids and unsaids: quantons(unsaids,saids)

Archetype of all possibilities, i.e., archetype of all saids and unsaids: quantons(unsaids,saids)

Archetype of all possibilities, i.e., archetype of all saids and unsaids: quantons(unsaids,saids)

Zayn (Zayn~Yod~Noun: 7.10.50)

Due evolutionq and absoluteq changeq and its perpetual motionq...

All saidsq are saidingsq, i.e., quantum~pr¤cæssings. See Doug's QELR of process.

Some unsaidsq are unsaidingsq and may become said(ing)sq.

Some unsaidings are ineffable.

All saidingsq are antinomialq self and other, due evolutionq, up to Planck rate, and its perpetualq and ubiquitousq changeq and motionq.

There is n¤ classical 'state.' N¤ 'saidc' is durablec.

N¤ saidingsq are reifiable.

N¤ saidingsq are classically: objective, material (purely-platonic-ideally hylic-literal), formal (symbolically significate), mechanical, analytic (including classical bogus notions of stoppability), linear, closed, conservative, one-to-one causally-effective, determinate, predicable, middle-excluded, identical, contradictory, independent, ideal, universally posentropic, synthetic, etc. Each listed word-phrase is assumed to have an idealc SOM (Quantonics' strawman) classical OSFA context.

Why? All saidingsq are hologralq fluxq assa quantons(isoflux,flux) issi quantons(pneuma,pneuma~psyche) issi quantons(Aleph,Aleph~Yod).

All saidings are quantized and thus self~other QED transmutable.

From page 213 of Suares' Cipher of Genesis:

Suares calls gematrium 7, "the sacred number of indetermination." This is quantum~uncertainty!

We are k~n¤w~ings 7 (Zayn) as the "archetype of all possibilities."

Many of these possibilities can be interpreted using gnostic topos' levels of hyle, psyche, and pneuma, thence enthymemetically~combinedq as quantons(pneuma,pneuma~psyche) and dichons(psyche-hyle, hyle).

Doug refersc those dichons(psychic-hylic, hylic) as classicists, i.e., dialecticc thingking types.

Doug refersq those quantons(psychic~pneumatic,pneumatic) as quantumists, i.e., holographicq thinkqing types .

Enter Autiot's seven antinomialq doubles. Here's a list:

  1. Vayt(undotted: shell protecting new life which breaks to allow a new life to begin: Hhaim)~Bayt(dotted: new life which eventually dies...physially~selectively~quantadulatively to be reborn: Mot)
    1. This is essence of individual choice, free will:
      1. Chooseq Yodq quanton(Aleph,Yodq),
      2. Choosec Yodc dichon(Yodc, Yodc)
  2. Djimel~Ghimel
  3. Thallet~Dallet
  4. Khaf~Kaf
  5. Phay~Pay
  6. Shyar~Raysh
  7. Thav~Tav

(Do n¤t edit above red and green color highlights.)

Doug shows detail for Vayt~Bayt. Others are similar that interpretation via generalizations Suares uses, e.g., Bayt "finishes its own trajectory," while Vayt by comparison "starts a new trajectory." See Suares' Trilogy, Sepher Yetsira, p. 505, for his list of those Autiot doubles.

So Bayt could, if its resistance to life is strong enough, terminate (choice: just Mawt (Yodq), thence Mawt~haMawt (Yodc)) a life. But if Vayt, say as a shell, a womb, limited uterine dilation, is too strong, it too can terminate a life(s). We see pure quantum~antinomialism ihn both Vayt and Bayt both ihn combinationq and as individualsq. (Only, as far as Doug is k~n¤w~ings, hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]ingsq can d¤~duæ this.)

Key memeoq here is that lifeq (Hay) isn't possibleq without resistancesq! This is one of Qabala's great secrets in any sense that dialectical, mechanical minds, formal minds cann¤t grasp its essence. More key than that is one of resistances'q own antinomialismq (in place of classical ideal platonic oppositionc). All quantons' parametersq are both complementaryq and antinomialq one another. Doug - 19Jul2014.

In general, (right doubles are dotted, e.g., Vayt isn't dotted, Bayt is dotted, however both Vayt and Bayt are still and yet self~antinomialq) right doubles are greater threats to life's processings. These threats have their own antinomialismq (to be explicit re self antinomialism 'alive' implies imminence of that life's (trajectory toward) death, and 'death' may imply imminence of (resurrection of) a new life; comparatively comsider cellular apoptosis life cycles...) of quanton(n¤t_enough_resistance,too_much_resistance).Their (kind of, to Doug, hokey, e.g., to Doug hologra beg a kind of dreaminessq) colloquial versions as a list look like this:

  1. alive~death
  2. peace~bad (in any sense of lethargy, yes, in any sense of peace as quantum~uncertainty and indetermination, it's good!
  3. intelligence~folly
  4. health~poverty
  5. charm~dreamy
  6. seed~waste
  7. government~slavery

(Do n¤t edit above red and green color highlights.)

A subtle point Suares is making here is that hylic-psychicsc are dialecticiansc and thus thingkc like Satan of Autiot doubles as platonicc either-orsc, as idealc, formalc, mechanicalc, objectivec 'opposites'c. Jesus calls this genetically-defective thingkingc, "Error." Pirsig calls it, "Platypusean." (N¤væl semantic~head potentia there.)

Please omnistinguish governmentq vav governmentc. Latter is slavery! Mae~wan Ho made that insight glaringly apparent in her 1993 Rainbow and the Worm, p. 153. Doug - 19-21Jul2014.

To Doug, those seven doubles, as listed and viewed classically, are (may be interpreted as) all dialectical hylic~psychic classical materially reifyingc over simplifications.

Seven doubles fathomed according Qabala and its Sepher Yetsira have huge philosophicalq Value via any gnosticq's hermeneutics, heuristics, and imaginationings.

In Mark xvi, 9 Jesus casts out seven devils from Mary Magdalene. Without grasping essence of Qabala and Sepher Yetsira, a lay reader cann¤t grasp sema of Mark's words.

Jesus cast out seven 'badc' (i.e., BAD: binary alternative (Satanic, dialectical, ideally 'oppositec') denials) antinomialsc from Qabala's seven doubles, while keeping 'goodq' antinomialsq.

Any hylic (adhering a mechanical, Newtonian mindsetc of realityc) mind thingks of that casting out as "Jesus cast out seven 'badc' dialectical opposites from Qabala's seven doubles, while keeping 'goodc' dialectical opposites."

Jesus' nous, clearly, is quantum! We have another hint why Jesus referred "dialectical thingking" Error, Satan.

Why? Dialectical thingking is dead the dead (Mawt~haMawt). Dialectical thingking is petrified (Peter-fied) thingking, dead thingking.

Now it is obvious why classicists worseship the dead, and dead (Peteresque) things.

Romans killed (crucified) Jesus so they could worseship his deadness.

Jesus insisted that he was always spiritually alive and via Aleph in our blood, alive ihn all of us, ubiquitously, perpetually. He told us to follow a living Father who too is ihn all of us: Aleph ihn blood.

This is what Qabala means: Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay. Aleph living. Yod living.

Dialectical Petrified (Satanic) minds claim Yodc is dead, notc spirituallyq alive!

Jesus' intent is for us to circumcise our individual psyche~pneuma of all petrified çatholiç thoughtsc.




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)

Pitch as black, potential for sun's light to be stopped

Pitch as black, potential for sun's light to be stopped

Pitch as black, potential for sun's light to be stopped

Pitch as black, potential for sun's light to be stopped

Zafat (Zayn~Phay~Tav: 7.80.400)

Zayn - (Zayn~Yod~Noun: 7.10.50) Observe that Noun might be final. We see Yod enwebbed [Sabach] twixt Zayn's unlimited potentiaq, quanton(unsaid,said) and realityq's agent of absoluteq changeq Noun as quantization of packets of energyq scaling from Planck's quantum to galaxies and multiverses. Yodc (via it's Dallet excluded-middlec bivalentc closurec) can dialectically ignore Noun's quantization. Yodq (via it's Thallet included~middleq omnivalentq opennessq) may holograllyq embraceq Noun's uncertaintyingsq.

P[h]ay - (Phay~Hay: 80.5) Clearly Hhayt's existential projection of Phay as living [Hay] spiritual energyq. Phay is livingq, changingq, adaptingq, evolvingq primally awareq energyq fully capable of quantadulation AKA libidoq as scintillationq of fluxq.

Tav - (T[h]av~Waw: 400.6) Tav as Aleph's echo, its mirror, a kind of Aleph looking at itself in a mirror, seeing both its projection and that which is projected. Tav can resistantly and stuxically keep life in its near equilibrium cycle. Thav can fluxically leak life, at varying gradiencings, into its spiritual exaltation.


Literally unlimited potentia for sun's light to be blackened, to be tentatively "put out." Some call it "pitch." This makes Doug think of The Oracle's "picatrix," a woman who paints boat hulls with pitch.

Fathom shadows. Fathom diffraction patterns. Ponder eclipses. Ostense...emotional pain and its abysmal darkness. Weigh grayness of stigmata and how some religious organizations use them as hegemonic control of flock's [hive drones'] thoughts. Compare better memesq of umbrellas, protecting us from sun and rain...

Imagine bogus classical interpretations of 'not,' 'null,' 'empty,' 'void,' 'negation,' etc.

The quantum aspects of this are quite phenomenal and will need further interpretation here and comtextually...




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)

Gold, compare Awr

Gold, compare Awr

Gold, compare Awr

Zahav (Zayn~Hay~Vayt: 7.5.2 )

Zayn - Here as unlimited potential as a meme of gold as a ken of love: Ahav.

See Suares' Song of Songs, p. 55.

Hay - Here, "a golden life..." parentally emergent, evolving..."

Vayt - Here we see gold's Vayt as quantum~flux~leaky in a possible sense of gold's potential quantal phaseq changeq to a orbitally~rearranged~monatomic~elementq (ORME, see Lawrence Gardner's opus, esp., The Magdalene Legacy.). We might refer this gold dust...

...(a kind of ros (dew as dust), in any sense of rosi (in any sense of lotusesque 'rose' crux)... Essene's "Bread of Qumran." Bread of Essene (re Elaine Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis) YhShWh.


Refer Suares' Song of Songs text. Zahav appears in Song of Songs I:11, "Torey~Zahav~Naasseh~Lakh~Eim~Neqoodot~Ha'kasseph."



Also 'Zakar.'

Zekhar (Zayn~Khaf~Raysh: 7.20.200)

Malec uses his Zayn classically (i.e., potentiac as Platonic, Parmenidean, Pythagorean, Aristotelean, Newtonian, Cartesian, Einsteinian, etc.), dialecticallyc to reifyc, objectifyc, mechanizec, and formalizec Raysh as an idealc materialc container.

However, Raysh is Bayt's exalted cosmic~energyq which is pure absolutely~changing quantum~flux and unreifiablec.

Reality, as male desiresc, isn't madec of dichons-objectsc. Rather realityq is evolvedq of quantons(bosons,fermions), quantons(wavicles,wavicles) somaticq, pneumaticq and psychicq fluxq, indubitablyq (i.e., stochasticallyq)!

Zayn - Classically Zekhar treats Zayn as unlimited potential of classical objects. An oxymoron of war, horror, and tyranny.

K[h]af - Classically Zekhar treats Kaf as an objective pipe, tunnel, aqueduct through which, e.g., sperm are objective (n¤nbiological: rather n¤n bio coquescigruecal), material stuff passes.

Raysh - Classically Zekhar reveres Raysh as ideal classical 'state,' 'stability,' and 'order.'


See Heraclitus' Diels Kranz B2 quote and fathom deeply male dialectical destruction of human culture so far...


Male classical tyranny as dialectical idealization-reification of actuality.

Suares: "Zakar does not possess the capacity by which all possible possibles can come into existence..." Cipher of Genesis, near page 97. (Some editions do not page align.)

Thanks to Elubaluap [Aleph~Vav~Bayt~Lammed~Vav~Phay: 1.6[0].2.30.6[0].80], my new professor friend, for guiding me to this astonishing Suares quote. Doug is in Awe!

Compare Neqivah - female, who engenders cosmic qua.




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2014-2030 Rev. 20Feb2016  PDR Created: 18Jul2014  PDR
(19-20,24Jul2014 rev - Evolve initial text and make typo and semantic corrections. Detail saidings and unsaidings. Add 'On Said Saiding and Saidings' anchor.)
(2,10-11Sep2014 rev - Reset legacy markups. Repair missing top of page Zayn link. Add 'Seven Doubles' anchor under 'Zayn.')
(15Oct2014 rev - Add 'Zafat.')
(14Dec2014 rev - Add 'Zekhar.')
(27Jan2015 rev - Add 'Why Peace is Uncertainty' link under Zayn Interpretations of seven antinomial 'doubles.')
(10Feb2015 rev - Add 'Zahav.')
(17Sep2015 rev - Make page current. Reset legacy markups.)
(20Feb2016 rev - Add link to 'Genetic Defect in Human Reason' under 'Zayn.')
