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A Sepher Yetsiral Quantum Hologralexology
Autiot L Words and Phrases


Doug Renselle

Commencing June, 2014


A B  (C) D E H I K L M N O  P Q R S T V Y Z

Hologralex™ L Words Index
Laasot - (to) make Labakh - My heart, heart of me myself
Lakh - You, you as a quantum~grail Lakhshov - Think Lamah - Why? Layla - Dark, darkness, etc. Leezlol - Gorge as neck, as throat, as jaw, as surname

Lehavreek - Scintillate, Scintillation

Also see Dabor.

Lehhayaykh - Existential organic evolution of spirit into divine soma via grail...putting pneuma via a grail into (making) a divine soma

Lesabekh - Quantum~entangle, ~entanglement

Also see Nasha.

Lesaqom - pneumatic evolution of feminine qwf~energyings' imperative spontaneity and fecund vicissitudinality exalting all humanity

New! 7Feb2016.

Letaqom - educing mutative, evolving thought, and change of mind

New! 7Feb2016.

Lessoossati - Organic living movement of an ovum (larva) facing a phenomic birth transition into actuality's existent cosmos. Li - Actualized organic movement of existential projection Yod

Hologralex™ L Words' Content




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)

(to) Make

(to) Make
Index Laasot (Lammed~Ayn~Seen~Waw~Tav: 30.70.300.6.400)

Actual organic movement (Formation and Action) archetypically using cosmic spirit to fecund[ula]ate vicissitudinally a novel cipher encapsulation of some (any) ensembleq.

To (be able to) make, any organic movementq (Lammed) must have qua to focusq (Seen) and seeq (Ayn) its workq (Waw~Tav) ihn progressq.

Workq here, is an evolvingq quantum~process.

Work may be accomplished through a kind of fecund fertility put into action via Tav.

We may choose to see(n) vital impetus (making actuality) as quantum~radicals: rqfv and rqis.

Key here is to grasp a memeq of Action (sphere 10) working with Formation (sphere 9) to be doingq a processq of 'creation' ihn actualityq.

We eiditfy: Makingq of novelq 'forms' AKA emerqs in quantum reality.

See Tav's role in makingq Peehou, a mouthq and its livingq processq of speakingq.

This quantum~making (evolving) process offers O'gadons a view of reality far superior to that held by dialecticians. Quantum~making is naturally, physially self~other redemptive. For Doug this offers keen exegesis of why all dialectical works are doomed. Simply, their status quo absencec of redemptionq makes them temporally and chronologically extinct. Dialectic is too dumbc to survive.

In today's world, CeodE 2014, we are moving, in White Swan™ fashion, from socialc 'state-us' quo inertial classical-dialectical EEMD anti-competitive (e.g., dem, beaur, arist)Ocracies to socialq quantum~holographical EIMA cooperativeq Dologoses and Duelogoses. Note that Doug has trademarked White Swan™ in a specific sense of White Swan™ as antinomialq a dreaded Black Swan FEP eventq.




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)


My heart, heart of me myself

My heart, heart of me myself

My heart, heart of me myself

My heart, heart of me myself

My heart, heart of me myself

Labakh - (Lammed~Bayt~finalKhaf: 30.2.500)

Lammed - Existential metabolism

Bayt - of my comtainment, my heart

finalKhaf - quantumly~grailing cosmic isoenergy.

Biologically there are at least two metabolisms ihn us which keep us going:

  • Respiration rate and pressure, and
  • Heart pumping rate and pressure.

Combined they emerq our pulmonary system.

Our pulmonary system represents our quintessential existential metabolism, individual by individual. Food is our soma's energy source.

Every metabolism, like all other processes ihn quantum~reality, has two complementary~antinomial flows (fluxings):

  • anabolism - lungs breathing out, heart pumping out, and
  • catabolism - lungs breathing ihn, and heart pumping ihn.


  • ¤ut issi complementary~antinomial ihn, as
  • anabolism issi complementary~antinomial catabolism.

This complementary~antinomiality issi a principle feature of quantum~reality.

Breathing~Spirit issi quantons(ihn,¤ut), and
Metabolism issi quantons(cata,ana)!

Following Heraclitus ihn his B53 quote:

Øut issi ihn ihn and ihn issi ihn ¤ut!

Ana issi ihn cata and cata issi ihn Ana!

In dialectical, classical mechanical reality it is referred concrete 'opposition,' binary alternative denial, negation, dialectic, etc.

Existential metabolism appears in Qabala symbolically as Atta, otherwise known as Autiot's Reality Loop. See graphic right.

Notice loop's quantum~antinomial spins, fluxoid~Hæ and fluxoid~Shæ.

Sixth word of verse four of Proverbs IV:4 6.




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)

You, you as a quantum~grail 

You, you as a quantum~grail 

You, you as a quantum~grail 

You, you as a quantum~grail 

You, you as a quantum~grail 

You, you as a quantum~grail

Lakh (to you)

Atah (male you, pronoun)

At (female you, pronoun)

Seems, to Doug, those pronouns are reversed from convention, colloquial use.

Doug senses this apparently 'reversed' antinomialism is important. We'll see...


Lakh (Lammed~finalKaf: 30.500)


  • Atah (Aleph~Tav~Hay: 1.400.5)
  • At (Aleph~Tav: 1.400)

Doug senses (as a novice) that females 'give life.' Males only 'give fertilization.'

Like Pirsig's "Lila has Quality," At (Aleph~Tav) has Life.

Recall how,

via Serpent (Nahhash) as a high~energy~wave~tunneling (worm~holing) grailq,

Eve channeled 'life' into Adam? Read Suares' Cipher of Genesis.

In a way, At (Aleph~Tav) is existential life, itself. Ultimate existential feminine wisdom, Sophia, Libido, Love, Creatrix, Venus, Magdalene, Whore, Prostitute, Succubi, Siren, Hypatia, Sappho, etc. All for Aleph's purposes...servicing Aleph's cosmic creation, quantum~style.

Dawkins called it, "The Selfish Gene." Change 'gene' to genera, and view genera as Aleph's Vital Impetus as both rqfv and rqis.

I like that juxtapose! At has Life! At is Life!

At (Aleph~Tav) cannot, won't give (intentionally), birth to a dead male. She gives men 'life.' She has 'life,' intrinsically, tacitly, innately, implicitly.

We need n¤t say it, it is God~given and a tellq of why women have profoundly more energy...

(and thus potential hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq Qabalic~Gnostic~Wisdom)

...than men.

Atah needs his 'ah' just (only) to fertilize. Otherwise, if he is a dialectician, he is dead: he denies Aleph ihn Yod!

At (Aleph~Tav) has 'life' and its wisdom of energetic creation. As a quantum~being, At...

(Aleph~ihnYod~Tav, assuming her Autiot's Iot heretically chooses Aleph~ihnYod)

...existentially mimes God's Aleph~Tav perpetual life as quantons(livingsq,dyingsq) perpetual and ubiquitous qycloidalings. Thinkq of pregnancy as a n¤væl life's adventure, a Vayt into an evolving quantum~reality, a journey of existentialq creationq.

Interpretation here is crucial, is crux (crucial exegesis).

This one (crux of 'you') is almost too simple.

A Qabalic HotMeme
"All 'you' are literally quantum~grails!"™
A Qabalic HotMeme


Directly and indirectly all 'you' sensorially receive, transmute, and emit a large 'existential' partialityq of spectralq realityq's quantum~fluxings. That 'existential' partiality Doug uses both credit card and bookcase metaphor to handily 'splain.'


We see credit card as said 'partiality.'

Actually, on a cosmic scale,
it is a tiny partialitying.

It is relatively large from
any human per(con)spective.
(Relatively large in a sense that 'credit card' is all that most humans can sensorially entail as classical 'existence.' )

Sepher Yetsira emphasizes 'Tongue' and 'Voice.' YhShWh emphasizes, "For all those who have earsq to listenq."

'Voice' is allegorically aphorized as clouds of fermionic, and thus quantized, water dust (ros as dew): rosi crux: quantum~dust. Study Tooraq.

What about our other senses? Like clouds, they are all quantized, everyone of them. If that isn't a powerful experiential benchmark of flux~essential quantum~reality...

You issi quantons(reality,you)!

You are ihn reality and reality issi ihn you.

Reality grails you and you grail reality!

Ihn Qabala: Yod issi quantons(Aleph,Yod).

 Lakh appears in Song of Songs I:11, "Torey~Zahav~Naasseh~Lakh~Eim~Neqoodot~Ha'kasseph."




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)




Layla (Lammed~Yod~Lammed~Hay:

Lammed - A double Lammed on Yod, in actuality, is similar a double Sheen on any Aut or pattern of Autiot: it endarkens (assesses) said Aut or pattern of Autiot by taking its quantum~signature.

Yod - Yod is trapped twixt two Lammeds taking Yod's 'phase~energy' quantum~signature. Doing so minimizes Yod's light emission depending upon how much Hay (quantum~life) Yod 'has.'

This is autsimilar Pirsig's writing, "...Lila has quality."

Lila, Robert M. Pirsig, p. 80, Bantam, 1991 first ed. Pirsig assessed Lila's signature as very alive, full of life, even though she appeared to have some mental problems.

Pirsig did something like this, quanton(Lila,Life), where he used a mode of quantum~thinking like this: Lammed~Lila~Lammed.

Hay - Little light can be emitted by Yod's signature when Yod is barely (spiritually, pneumatically) alive, i.e., dialectical. Dialectic is final ESQ death, Mawt~HaMawt.

Early on, Pirsig said he could see Lila's Light! He was very attracted, like a moth, to Lila's Light.

We should compare Sheen~Yod~Sheen~Hay.




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)

Gorge as neck, as throat, as jaw, as surname

Gorge as neck, as throat, as jaw, as surname

Gorge as neck, as throat, as jaw, as surname

Gorge as neck, as throat, as jaw, as surname

Leezlol (Lammed~Zayn~Lammed~Waw~Lammed:

Lammed - Actualized projection of some organic movement.

Zayn - Open, unlimited potentialities. Archetype of Ayn which senses (e.g., sees) all quantum~hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]ically.

Waw - Vicissitudinal~spontaneous fertilizing fecundulationq of a ephemerally~potential n¤væl hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq somaq. Soma as used here is mostly fermionic. QED is involved, transmutatively for emerqancy in a sense of Tsadde (90) (shape of neck, for example).

Doug's philosopher friend commented, in a recent email, that an emblem Doug found to use as a logo for a new project we are working on is "gorgeous."

Doug checked out etymology of gorgeous. Gorge and gorgyas emerged.

In Autiot gorge issi leezlol.

In Autiot gorgeous issi nehedar.

Following is excerpted from Doug's email back to his philosopher friend.

"Etymology of gorgeous:

'adj.. About 1495, borrowed from Middle French gorgias elegant, fashionable, fond of jewelry (probably with reference to gorge neck), perhaps from Old French gorge bosom, throat (also in reference to something adorning the neck); see GORGE. The form gorgayse, gorges, and gorgyas eventually gave way to the spelling gorgeouse (also recorded before 1500).'

Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology.

"Shades of Song of Songs!

"GORGE is Latin for throat, neck, jaw, etc. About 1350. As a surname it appeared as early as 1185.

"In Hebrew GORGE issi leezlol: Lammed~Zayn~Lammed~Waw~Lammed:
('Organic Movement of Unlimited Potentia (openness), in Organic Movement (hermaphroditically) copulating itself.')

"What is interesting about this, to Doug, is Lammed appearing three times. It makes me think of your Qof~Qof and ramifications of that re y~our first candidate emblem.

"Fathom Suares' use of tongue (throat) in Sepher Yetsira. Deepen that meme with breath as clouds of water (fermionic) dust. Ref. Julius Zincgreff's illeatic y~cloud plates: rakrak projected, kirker projection ("to kindle"). I.e., Raysh~Hhayt~Raysh~Hhayt projected by Aleph 1000 vis-Ý-vis Hhayt~Raysh~Hhayt~Raysh projection seen by Yod.

"In Hebrew gorgeous issi nehedar: Noun~Hay~Dallet~Raysh:
('Quantized Life Throttled (Door~ed) Cosmic~contentedly.')

"Ref. Webster's Hebrew Dictionary.

"Observe 'hermaphroditic self~copulation' of Schrödinger's notebook sketch of a hydrogen atom.

"Ponder deeply now, how Qof~Qof may be complementaroceived as hermaphroditic.

"Ponder Aleph 1000's two lives as isohermaphroditic.

"In quantum~reality fractal self reference is key to evolution of life!!! Too, it is key to transmutative formation~action in Sepher Yetsira's Tree of Life (Sefirot). We may view Keter as crown~head and its Creation as gorgeous (neck throat tongue bosom and all their 'song of songs; residue of residues; quintessence of quintessencings...' quantum~self~other~referencings)."




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)




Lakhshov (Lammed~Hhayt~Sheen~Waw~Vayt: 30.8.300.6.2)

Lammed - Actualized projection of some organic movement.

Hhayt - Archetype of spirit.

Sheen - Cosmic projectionq of spiritual organic movementq.

Waw - Vicissitudinal~spontaneous fertilizing fecundulationq of a ephemerally~potential n¤væl hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq thoughtq. Thought as used here is mostly (bio)bosonic. QED is involved, transmutatively for thinkqing.

Vayt - Emerqancyq of a n¤væl lex (shell, con(m)tainer: a new Aut, perhaps ensemble of Autiot) to Yassodically 'clarify' a n¤væl thoughtq until(while) it evolvesq.

Actual organic movement archetypically using cosmic spirit to fecund[ula]ate vicissitudinally a novel cipher encapsulation of some (any) sema [thought].

Cosmic spirit provides unlimited (Ayn~Sof) unsaidsq awaiting some n¤væl thoughtq to sayq one or more saidsq.

We might think of this as quantadulation of ensembles of memesq and memeosq emerscingq n¤væl memesq and memeosq.

Fathom thoughts, saids, unsaids, memes, memeos, etc., as quantum~wave~functionings in both flux (existence) and isoflux (nonexistence).

On our quantum~stagings thoughts are quantons(scin,quan) of bosons (via synapses) and fermions (atoms' electrons in neurons): QED.

QCD manifests here too, subtly, as emergence of n¤væl nexi [thoughtq patternings] in our quantum~stagings' holographics' mutationingsq.




Lamah (Lammed~Mem~Hay: 30.40.5)

Lammed - We see in Why's exegesis organic (actual) movement of thought pondering Qabala's indetermination.

Mem - Mem appears as, again, Qabalic biospheric indetermination of "the Waters."

Hay - Life's (living existence's) hints at ubiquity and perpetuity of indetermination.


Clearly, of H5W, this is one of two modalityings'q genericsq: How(ings) and Why(ings).

Who(ings), What(ings), When(ings), and Where(ings) are notable specificsc, q.

Dialectical humanityc tends to 'scientificallyc, canonicallyc' normalizec genericsq as specificsc.




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)

Scintillate, scintillation

Scintillate, scintillation

Scintillate, scintillation

Scintillate, scintillation


A memory aid: scintillaq reek of lahav.

Another memory aid: see Dabor.

Comcision: Quantized~living~Yod evolvingq scintillationingsq twixt Vayt~Raysh~ and ~Qof.

Life'sq scintillationq may be seen as Vayt~Raysh (illusionc of idealc stasisc) and Qof (destroyer of illusionsc) fighting over Yod. Scintillation is Yod's "wayveq (grail) out," Yod's escapeq (freedomq) from status quo (Sabakah).


Lehavreek (Lammed~Hay~Vayt~Raysh~Yod~Qof:

Lammed - Actual organic movementq of livingq Yod.

Hay - Life's (Yod's quantized~livingq existenceq) hints at ubiquity and perpetuity of Yod's livingq trajectoryq Qabalic indetermination.

Vayt - (Vayt~Yod~Thav: 2.10.400) Leaky archetype of con(m)tainment, e.g., a shell, a chrysalis, etc. Part of a lifeq's trajectoryq of evolutionq. Unfoldingq of a n¤væl lifeq emerqancying.

Raysh - [[B][V]]ayt's exaltation of con(m)tainment to its both existential and n¤nexistential projectionq.

Yod - (Yod~Waw~Dallet: 10.6.4) Us (as actuality, we are) in cosmically~comscious existence. Double Yod is divine Soma. Yod which has channeled, is channeling pneuma.

Lehavreek shows Yod twixt Vayt~Raysh and Qof, indeed life~death qycloidal~channeling its both existential and n¤nexistential, yet strongly con(m)tained, projectionq.

Qof - (Qof~Waw~Phay: 100.6.80) - Self's perpetual life~death cosmic qycloidings fertilizing [Waw] of, by, and with actuality's expressed, existent compenetratingq quantum~vacuum~isoflux's spiritualq energyingsq [P[h]ay]. One of Qof's major n¤nexistential projectionq roles, similar Raysh, Sheen, and Thav, is to straddleq existence [actualityq] and n¤nexistence [n¤nactualityq].

Qof playing its role in 'Keek' as 100.10.100, Qof has Yod middle~inclusion EIMA enveloped by both 'existence' [actuality] and 'n¤nexistence' [n¤nactuality]. Fathom Yod here as, assisted by two Qofs, straddlingq quantons(n¤nexistence,existence) as quantum actual flux. A tiny fluxq packet, an EWing of quantum~flux riding reality's edgings of k~now~ings. Voila! Yod Game of Life Qabalically roleq playingq a cosmically comscious quantum.

Too, Qof imbues Yod as both Zaynesque and Ayn~Sofesque quanta with qua to scintillate other Yod as quanta, thus enabling quantum~transmutation of all actuality. This is essence of selective [quantadulative] evolutionq and n¤nsynonymous omnivergence of reality'sq Tree of Life.

A requisite of Doug's current efforts to explain his interpretations of Qabala and all its phenomenal accoutrements to a professor of philosophy, Doug is doing a Hologralexology™ entry, here, on 'scintillation' [Lehavreek (Lammed~Hay~Vayt~Raysh~Yod~Qof:] in both Autiot and its Gematria.

Ciphered as Doug has shown in Lehavreek's Qabalic fullness of both Autiot (situationalq quantum~names and their Aut signs) and its Gematria (ordinallyq wave~evolvingq roleq)...

  • quantum~wave~functional movement and rest,
  • [Jungian] animus~anima breathing~in and breathing~out psyche~soma ,
  • bosonic~fermionic hologralicityingsq energyingsq' roles

...providing Suares'

[See Suares' Sepher Yetsira, 'Explanation,' Résumé and Conclusion, paragraph 3.]

...of Lehavreek we garner linguistically, hermeneutically, and semasiologically Lahavreek as:

"Organic actual movementq aliveq in a leakyq shellq, yet strongly con(m)tained as livingq actualityq, using cosmic middle~inclusionq via Qof's immortalq and very quantal~animateq (up to Planck's rate) straddle[ings] of both existenceq and n¤nexistenceq."

Quantonics' comtextual complement of Autiot is simply, quanton(scin,quan).

quanton is an script analog of tsevet (singular), and tsvateem (plural)

scintilla issi an script analog of lehavreek which is autsimilar dabor

quanta issi an script analog of khelkeek




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)

Existential organic evolution of spirit into divine soma via grail...putting pneuma via a grail into (making) a divine soma Index

Lehhayaykh (Lammed~Hhayt~Yod~Yod~Khaf:

Lammed - Actual organic movement.

Hhayt - Archetype of cosmic spiritual energy.

Yod - Us in cosmically~comscious existence. Double Yod is divine Soma. Yod which has channeled pneuma.

Khaf - Pneuma channeling via grail while assisting soma's evolving divinity.

We see double~Yod twixt spiritual energy's archetype and a grail channel, exhibiting existential somatic~organic movement.

All of Song of Songs Chapter I, Verse 10 then is "Naoo Lehhayaykh Batoreem Tsavarekh Bahharoozeem."

Using Doug's translation we achieve,

"Quantization as existence' uncertainty principle...Existential organic evolution of spirit into divine soma via grail...putting pneuma via a grail into (making) a divine soma...To~tour, i.e., with [cum~, L.]touring, to go round and round con(m)trarotationally, antinomiallyq, in full complementarityq without con(m)tradictionc-q...I shall fertilize Aleph projecting in cosmos building a neck which breathes spiritual~pneumatic Antinomialism "whirling con(m)tra" of quantal~making and ~unmaking, quantal~living and ~dying, quantal~breathing~out and ~breathing~in, quantal~light and ~darkness, quantal~male and ~female...many strings of quanta like strings of beads..."
Quantum~entangle, ~entanglement

Quantum~entangle, ~entanglement

Quantum~entangle, ~entanglement

Quantum~entangle, ~entanglement

Quantum~entangle, ~entanglement

Quantum~entangle, ~entanglement

Quantum~entangle, ~entanglement

Quantum~entangle, ~entanglement








"Hey, Doug! What about unentangled?"

Doug has to guess here. 'Lo,' in Autiot, means 'not.' Perhaps we can show L¤ as n¤t.

Then unentangled in Autiot is:


Also see Nasha and ponder L¤'Nasha.



Lesabekh (Lammed~Sammekh~Bayt~finalKhaf:

Lammed - Actual organic movement, an actual antinomial projection of archetype Ghimel. All qycloidal and vibrational flux movement in quantum~reality, organic and otherwise is quantized, and entangled wavicles and their ensemblings [Tsvateem] of quantons scintillate one another which affects what we call "transmutative~evolution," [omniscriminate "creativeq~evolutionq"] as described by QED and quantum~radiation. Also see Doug's Creative Evolution of Quantum Systems.

Sammekh - Antinomial actual projection of Waw, male fertilization. Sammekh provides lifeq support of an ovum perhaps a larvum which will stay ihn its egg or shell or womb until it is ready for birth...starting a new lifeq's entanglementq trajectory. Support for early actualq creativeq processq of a new lifeq emerqancyq. Wæ may hereticallyq ch¤¤se to viewq a n¤væl life'sq entanglementq trajæct¤ry as a social~coquecigruesicalq, cultural [quantons(aut¤n¤my,c¤hærænce)], individual~intellectualq, emerscenturing processq.

Bayt - Archetype of con(m)tainment. This is a metaphor of entanglementq as QTP and QVP agents of macroscopic quantum~uncertainty (a rather phenomenal mixture of temporalq coherencies and entropies).

finalKhaf - Ultimate cosmic n¤nexistential grailq as cosmic~exaltation of lifeq [of life's archetype, Hay]. finalKhaf here is providing cosmic grail complementaryq~antinomialq~immanenceq as an agent of entanglementq of a pair, e.g., quanton(photon,electron) [QED], of ensemble~waviclesq (Khelkeekq).

[Doug is using] Lesabekh is playing [to play] a quantum~role of entanglementq. Said entanglementq is radically comtext~sensitive, rqcs. This is one of many essencesq of Qabala and its Sepher Yetsira as explained by Carlo Suares in his Sepher Yetsira, 'Explanation,' Résumé and Conclusion.

Doug uses this graphic to illustrate memes and enthymemes and rqcs, and other radicalingsq of quantum~ensemblings:

Permit Doug to make some Autiot~Gematraic vis-à-vis Pirsigean linguistic correlations, using Lesabekh, Khelkeek, and Tsvateem:

Dynamic Quality DQ Aleph: 1000 Undifferentiated Reality, N¤nactuality, Isoflux
Staticcareful Quality SQq Yodq: both 10 and 11siding with Aleph Cosmically Comsciousq Actualityq

Classical Linguistics:

Correlated Particlec Ac and Particlec Bc [correlated~particles]

Quantum Linguistics:

Correlated Wavicleq Aq and Wavicleq Bq [correlated~wavicles]


Khelkeek[eem]: Hhayt~Lammed~Qof~Yod~Qof






Lesabekh: Lammed~Sammekh~Bayt~finalKhaf (we may choose to view this as a cosmic grail - Doug)

Tsvateem: Tsadde~Vav~Vav~Tav~Yod~Yod~finalMem

Packet[s] of wave~energy, wavicles, EWings, of quantum~flux

Classical Linguistics:

Uncorrelated Particlec Cc and Particlec Dc [uncorrelated~particles]

Quantum Linguistics:

Uncorrelated Wavicleq Aq and Wavicleq Bq [uncorrelated~wavicles]


Khelkeek[eem]: Hhayt~Lammed~Qof~Yod~Qof

Doug does n¤t know, hasn't yet found, Autiot for 'unentangled.' In any interim let's hybridize Anglican~Autiot 'unentangle' as 'unlesabekh.'

Doug could also do this, using 'not:' lo'lesabekh which places a Lammed~Aleph 'not' as a prefix to lesabekh.



Packet[s] of wave~energy, wavicles, EWings, of quantum~flux




siding with Aleph

©Quantonics, Inc. 2014-2030

So, we may ask, "Is correlation an analogy of entanglement?" Doug isn't sure about this [yet], but he guesses, "Yæs!" They are at least autsimilar.




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)

pneumatic evolution of feminine qwf~energyings' imperative spontaneity and fecund vicissitudinality exalting all humanity

pneumatic evolution of feminine qwf~energyings' imperative spontaneity and fecund vicissitudinality exalting all humanity

Lesaqom (Lammed~Sammekh~Qof~Waw~finalMem:

Lammed - Existential organic movement, metabolism, qwf~evolutionings of

Sammekh - feminine (unintentionally Sammekh.60, n¤t (should have been) Tayt.9)

Qof - cosmic~vital~impetus

Waw - pneumatically, spiritually fecundating

finalMem - "the waters, spiritually exalted cosmically."

Doug - 7Feb2016.

Doug could find n¤ reference for this word. It doesn't exist in Webster's. It isn't present in any of Doug's prior retranslation opus. Doug has n¤t seen it prior in any of Suares' opus.

It arose, as a greenshoot, during Doug's retranslation of Sepher Yetsira I:8 when Doug was retranslating Le'Taqom:, and he sub'd (unintentionally) a Sammekh.60 for that Tayt.9.

It's QCS™ cavitationings fascinated Doug and he decided to just add this qwf~n¤væl word to this SY L Hologralexology™.

Doug - 7Feb2016.

QCS™ proffers:

~30 ~{60 ~100~ ~{6}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

QCS™ processes as a quintuple mix of gematria.
It shows an overlapping set of cavitationings of all three Aut from
column six and suggests quantum~fluxodynamic hermeneutics similar this:


evolving qwf~coaffectively~vibrationally


declension~overlapping~cavitatings spawning abundance upon~cowithihn

100.~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings
sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)~

pneumatic qwf~vibrationings qwf~modulating~transemerqancyings of


spiritual buoyancyings' ascendant overlapping reverberationings immanationings


spiritually exalted cosmically iso~vibrationings

cowithihn Iht


. . .

From Doug's complementarospective, this issi role and situation of
all femininity, perpetually, ubiquitously

Doug - 5-7Feb2016.

educing mutative, evolving thought, and change of mind

educing mutative, evolving thought, and change of mind

Letaqom (Lammed~Tayt~Qof~Waw~finalMem:

Lammed - Existential organic movement, metabolism, qwf~evolutionings of

Tayt - feminine cellular~archetypal structuration (i.e., qwf~proto~emerqancy, and subsequent evolutionary transmutationings: e.g., prokaryotes to eukaryotes...)

Qof - cosmic~vital~impetus

Waw - pneumatically, spiritually fecundating

finalMem - "the waters, spiritually exalted cosmically."

Doug - 7Feb2016.

It may be worth your while to compare QCS™ cavitationing patterns for Lesaqom vis-à-vis Letaqom:

~30 ~{60 ~100~ ~{6}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


~30.9.100~ ~{6 ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Sammekh over Tayt
changes cav and dutilde
sema radically.

Combinations and permutations of 27 Autiot are simply astonishing in their qwf~situationings~roles ordinality. To make that even more startling fathom their hologral nexi and their quantum radicals, e.g., rqcs, etc.

Audaciously, Autiot make human genome a piker. Ponder imminent Neo Sapiens in that regard. Say goodbye dialectical bee and ant worseshiping hive drones...

Doug - 7Feb2016.

QCS™ proffers:

~30.9.100~ ~{6 ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

QCS™ processes as a quintuple mix of gematria. It shows exalted column six cavitationings and suggests quantum~fluxodynamic hermeneutics similar this:




feminine~emerqant hologral omnimensional quantum~assessmentings cowithihn

100.perpetual~relentless~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)~

qwf~mutative vibrationings of


spiritually buoyant ascendant cavitationings qwf~periodicityings persistent, but naked cyclings


spiritually exalted cosmically iso~vibrationings

cowithihn Iht


Doug - 5-7Feb2016.

Lessoossati - Organic living movement of an ovum (larva) facing a phenomic birth transition into actuality's existent cosmos

Lessoossati - Organic living movement of an ovum (larva) facing a phenomic birth transition into actuality's existent cosmos



Lessoossati (Lammed~Sammekh~Sammekh~Thav~Yod:

Lammed - Simply "organic movement" in 'existence' as a projection of its archetype Ghimel (3).

Sammekh - As used in Lessoossati...Sammekh~Sammekh (Soss as root sema) which is a divine Autiot~analogical (coquecigruecalq) representation (ideogra[[ph][m]]) of an ovum perhaps a larvum which will stay ihn its egg or shell or womb until it is ready for birth..starting a new lifeq trajectory.

Thav - As used in Lessoossati transmutatesq and finally, after a durationalq lifeq trajectoryq (e.g., a seculum), frees soma's spiritualq return to holographicq undi(omni)fferentiated cosmic realityq (Aleph, DQ, VES, QVF, etc.)

Yod - That Aleph~projected 'soma' (quanton) existential antinomialq which is being powerfully con(m)tained.

Organic con(m)tained 'existence' of larvum, ovum... during gestation. First spelled~out cipher of Chapter I, Verse 9 of Suares' Song of Songs.
Actualized organic movement of existential projection Yod Index

Li (Lammed~Yod: 30.10)

Lammed - Ghimmel's existential projection, here, as organic movement of Yod.

Yod - Aleph's antinomial projection of Yod in existence, in actuality.

Shæ (Li as 'me') describes her own Yod projection of Aleph 1.

Hær apostatic hatred of YahWeh (Dodi reversed as IDod), Hamor~Dodi~Li is roughly "apostatic hatred mine."

Li is fourth word of Song of Songs' I:13, "Tsarawr Hamor Dodi Li Bein Shadai Yaleen."




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2014-2030 Rev. 7Feb2016  PDR Created: 21Aug2014  PDR
(21Aug2014 rev - Create 'L' page.)
(9-10Sep2014 rev - Add 'Laasot,' 'Make.' Add link to 'Peehou' under 'Laasot.')
(27-28Oct2014 rev - Add 'Lessoossati.' Add 'Lamah.')
(7,9Nov2014 rev - 'Update Comtextual Exegeses' under 'Laasot.' Add 'Naoo,' and 'Lehhayaykh.')
(9-12Dec2014 rev - Add 'Lesabekh.' Update 'Lesabekh' with its 'un' version, 'L¤'lesabekh.' Add 'Lehavreek.')
(10-11,26Jan2015 rev - Update 'Lehavreek' and 'Lesabekh.' Add links under 'Lehavreek' Comtextual Exegesis. Add 'Leezlol.')
(11-12,16Feb2015 rev - Add 'Lakh.' Update 'Lakh.' Add 'Li.')
(20Mar2015 rev - Update 'Maim' with 'Maym.' Reset legacy markups.)
(22Apr2015 rev - Fix typo under 'Layla,' two in place of to. Reset legacy markups.)
(7Feb2016 rev - Add 'Lesaqom,' and 'Letaqom.')
