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A Sepher Yetsiral Quantum Hologralexology
Autiot R Words and Phrases


Doug Renselle

Commencing June, 2014


A B  (C) D E H I K L M N O  P Q R S T V Y Z

Hologralex™ R Words Index
Ram - Quintessence of cosmos as 'cosmic dwelling' [Le-] Raykhha - Perfume Refesh - Cosmic EIMA mixing of all things in all; quantum~ hologra~[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]~icityingsq

Riyot - Uncertainty, implied QED's transmutative quantum~uncertainty, quantum~indetermination, absence of classical determinism and mathematicalc predication

New! 10-11Sep2015.

Rosh - Head, capit, etc. Rouahh Elohim - Breath of God,
breath of Elohim
Rouahh Merouahh - Breath of breath

Hologralex™ R Words' Content




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)

Quintessence of cosmos as 'cosmic dwelling'

Quintessence of cosmos as 'cosmic dwelling'

Quintessence of cosmos as 'cosmic dwelling'
Index Ram (Raysh~finalMem: 200.600)

Abram - without Hay.

Abraham - with Hay, Qabala: Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay; see Doug's scripting Aleph~Yod.

Colloquially in Hebrew this means lofty rank.

Qabalically its importance is relevant cosmic metaphysical proportions.

In Egypt at time of pyramids, it meant 'basis of the world.' (Earth chauvinism apparent here.)

In Arabic, pyramid is Ahram. (Comsider Abraham's Ishmael, founder of Islam, vav Abraham's Isaac, founder of Israel. See Doug's What is Gnosis? for a comparison of Autiot for Islam and Israel.)

Also comsider Ab (father) vav Em (mother). Too, ponder Adam and Emdam (mitochondrial DNA). Adam spelledq out issi Aleph~Dallet~finalMem. Emdam spelledq out issi Aleph~finalMem~Dallet~finalMem. Note feminine gnostic wisdom as increased cosmic energy of Archetype 9. This is what organized patriarchal 'religions' fear most regarding gnosis. Compare history of dates Av 9.

In Tibet Ram means 'the basis of the world.' Doug perceives this as spiritus mundi.

For Celtic Druids Ram means 'universal essence.'

Very interesting to Doug is Anglican animal 'ram' in its east Indian esoterica of Prajna-Patis' Lords of Being. Doug would remediate that like this, Lordsq of Beingq. AH and Doug have indirectly pondered this for over a decade, going back to March, 2002. Find 'quantum being' in Doug's Quantum~Stairways web page. East Indian 'ram' is prominent in many ancient language scripts. One may spend a full seculum plumbing these many languages' depths, yet barely scratch their wholeness. [Self~urges']auturgy's efficiency is one motivation (via exigencyq) for Doug's obsessionsq re Qabala and its Sepher Yetsira (book of formation which omniscribesq (d)emerscence of actualityq [to~]from n¤n actualityq).

Refer Suares' Cipher of Genesis, pp. 19-20 for much of Doug's above referrals.




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)






To-, of-perfume.


Le (Lammed: -30) Hyphen says "prefix."

Raykhha (Raysh~Yod~Hhayt: 200.10.8)

Just as a reminder, Doug uses tildes (almost always, excepting separation of phrases...) twixt all Aut to show that an Autiot phrase is a ensembleq quantum~wave~function.

Doug chooses, when an Aut stands alone, to show it with a tilde fore (anterior) and aft (posterior). E.g., ~Aut~. Too, observe how Autiot are normally written right to left, fore and aft antinomiallyq~complementq their left to right 'use.' This is a terrific and simpleq exemplarq of antinomialism'sq self~other~antinomialismq: quanton(aft,fore): aft issi ihn fore, and fore issi ihn aft (aft nissin fore; aftfore). (A recursiveq and fractalq EIMA quantum~tell.)

Raykhha takes a simpleq memeq of perfume as Le (-Lammed: 30) organic scent, and ostenses it into a memeoticq realityq that all perfumes, all scents, with unstoppableq~perpetualq~ubiquitousq evolutionq fade, degenerate, loseq their 'scentual' existenceq.

We see eidetically, ad occulos, a meme of life as perfume, a Quantum Life Motif™ as perfume. Quanton(evanescence,lost~evanescence). Quanton(Jekyll,Hyde).

Raykhha, as quantum~wave~functional Value gematria: ~200.10.8~, shows Raysh's n¤nexistential (universal~hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq) EWings ensembleq~con(m)tainmentq of Le~'scentq' degenerating back into Yod which has partiallyq, evolutionarilyq lost its archetypal potentia of spiritualq 'scentq' via Hhayt returning (Raykhha) to its 'pure' (unscented~breath) spirit.

Doug views this as Yodq evolvingq 'down' to a quasi 'classically ideal' absenceq of scent. However, ihn quantum~reality absenceq issi stochasticq 'not' dialecticc.

Doug's usage of 'degenerating' may be taken as a BAWAM of both classical and quantum.

Interpretation, left, desnouers enough exegesis..for now...

Cosmic EIMA
mixing of all things
in all; quantum~ hologra
Index Refesh (Raysh~Phay~Sheen: 200.80.300)

cosmic container of all existence (200) middle~includingq all unsaids, all undifferentiated cosmic energy (80) via cosmic spirit's immanence (300)

quanton(all_existence_both_differentiated_and_undifferentiated,all_undifferentiated_nonexistence) issi quantum~reality issi Refesh, too quanton(P[h]ay,finalPhay) where said quanton signifies Raysh and its comma~nospace signifies Sheen

Refesh is a cosmic reality hologramq of all nonactuality's unsaid nonexistence quantum~middle~including, immanently, Raysh's containment of all actualized (said) existence




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)


Uncertainty, implied QED's transmutative quantum~uncertainty, quantum~indetermination, absence of classical determinism and mathematicalc predication

New! 10-11Sep2015 - Doug.



Riyot (Raysh~Yod~Ayn~Waw~Tav:

Raysh - Cosmic comtainment of

Yod - existence

Ayn - whose quantized quantum~electrodynamic light photons

Waw - uncertainly fecundates, copulates, compenetrates, and quantadulates both permeable and impermeable

Tav - cosmic vital~impedance.

This word omniscribes quantumly all uncertainty and indetermination borne of quantum~realityings' transmutative evolutionaryq processings of QED, all quantum photon~electron perpetual and ubiquitous copulationq whose orgasm's climaxings aræra quantum~leapings, and whose anti~climaxings aræra quantum~divings.

See Doug's Quantum~Cuneiform Primer.

Fluxq fuxq fluxq!

Quantum~fluxing riotings of quantum~modulationings everywherings, everywhenings...quantons(scin,quan)!

[Perpetually and ubiquitously,] Upq issi uncertainlyq ihn downq and downq issi uncertainlyq ihn up... n¤vel beginningsq aræra uncertainlyq ihn all old endingsq and endingsq aræra uncertainlyq ihn all n¤vel beginningsq...Veyn~Bayn~Veyn~Bayn...see finalNoun.

Chance, choice and change are quintessencings of quantum~reality's absolute changeq borneq of Riyot!

Quantum~reality issi a libidicq eroticq fluxq riotq! An absolutely fluxingq teeter~totterq of both chaosq and equilibriaq, biblically~holograilically~all mixingsq all cowithihn all...

Doug - 10Sep2015.

Eighth word~phrase of SoS chapter I verse 5, pages 43-46 of Suares' Song of Songs.

Doug will do detail commentary here regarding Suares' prose over those four pages of his text.

Raysh~Yod can be rigid and thus deterministic-certain, but QED's light (Ayn) transmutes it regardless!

By comparison ESQ (Exclusive Static Quality) issi Bayt~Khaf~Raysh (column two of Autiot table). See Berikhvey ( It comtains two Bayts, a Khaf, and a Raysh: comtainment archetype twice, existential grail once, and cosmic comtainment once. Two 2s appear to be cavitationally ESQing 200.20. In this case ESQ issi permeable since Khaf issi a leaky grail. An impermeable ESQ would use Kaf in place of Khaf.

Doug - 10-11Sep2015.

Head, capit, etc. Index

Rosh (Raysh~Aleph~Sheen: 200.1.300)

Raysh - Cosmic comtainment of

Aleph - vital~impetus

Sheen - cosmically metabolizing.

Briefly, "...metabolizing (my) head cowithihn existence (me)."

That issi roughly "thought (thinking) of head."

Head thinkqing.

Refer Song of Songs II:6 "Semolo Tahhat Le'Rosh We'Imino Tahhabeqni." See SoS II:6.

That verse retranslated by Doug ihn Suarease issi, "(My) existential metabolism cosmically comtaining vital~impetus cosmically metabolising existence (me)."




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)


Breath of God,
breath of Elohim

Breath of God,
breath of Elohim

Breath of God,
breath of Elohim

rouahh elohim


Rouahh (Raysh~Waw~Hhayt: 200.6.8)

Elohim (Aleph~Yod~Yod~finalMem: Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~Mem:



Rouahh Elohim, according Carlo Suares, Elaine Pagels, et al., means "breath of god."

Sheen means "breath of god."

Linguistically they should have a autsimilar wave~function Value of Gematria 300.

To make their wave~function Gematria add up to 300 we show gematria for rouahh elohim as 200.6.8~ 214~86: 300.

Note that Doug claims (opines) that it should be acceptable to show a ascendent (especially a hermaphroditic, Chaldæan~Gnostic) 'God' as with finalMem.

Further, Doug opines that it should be valid to show a Chaldæan god head's Hæ~S~hæ breathing~out, breathing~in hermaphrodicity as Elohim[i]ot (im is plural male, ot (awt), possibly iot (ywt) and singular and plural female).

Observe there are many ways of 'saying' what fallible humans 'mean' by 'god.' Several include: El, Al, Elh, Alh, Eli, Ali, Elle, Alla, etc. Doug's use of gematria is expressing 'god' as Aleph~Yod~Yod~finalMem. Roughly pronounced "ayeem." Yod~Yod is divineness (perhaps a kind of pneumatic madness: see Jung's Redbook, Norton 2009, translated and interpreted by Sonu Shamdasani, especially 'Liber Primus' and Shamdasani's superb footnotes). Obtain how wisdom of ancients omnistinguished 'divine madness' (muse~guided ascensionq) and medically-mechanically orthodoxc and canonicc diseased 'insanityc.' finalMem is a highly matured pneuma of 'the Waters' with Aleph ihn us and us ihn Aleph. A metaphorical means to show Gaffney's gnostic secret as omnisclosed in Jesus' Last Supper 'farewell di(omni)scourse.'

Breath of breath

rouahh merouahh


Rouahh Merouahh (200.6.8, 40,200.6.8)

Breath is waters breathing.

Notice implicit quantum~recursion on breath.

Obtain, here, Self Other re Organizing Network (SOrON) recursionq.




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2014-2029 Rev. 4,10Sep2015  PDR Created: 17Jul2014  PDR
(2,12-14Jul2014 rev - Update Ayn index cell. Add table's row index links. Repair Autiot semiosy and bad Gematria Values for rouahh~elohim.
(26Jul2014 rev - Add 'Ram.')
(2,15-16Sep2014 rev - Make page current. Remove legacy markups. Add '[Le-] Raykhha.' Add quanton(evanescence,lost_evanescence) under 'Raykhha' Interpretation.)
(16Feb2015 rev - Repair gematria for elohim under Rouahh Elohim.)
(15Apr2015 rev - Reset legacy markups.)
(23May2015 rev - Add 'Rosh.')
(4Sep2015 rev - Add 'Rayhha' anchor under 'Raykhha.')
(10-11Sep2015 rev - Add 'Riyot,' uncertainty.)
