
Doug's Translation
Sepher Yetsira VI
Verse 2
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Sepher Yetsira VI:2:

Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.

Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...

...quantum aspects of Sepher Yetsira from their readers.

Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.).

Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, too in Sepher Yetsira. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica, especially quantum~alchemical and ~astrological aspects (E.g., in chapter VI, Suares shows how Abraham's Qabala refers "flow of flux." Doug assumes hologral quantum~fluxings and their quantum~two~lives~antinomial~complementary metabolismsq. Doug is unsureq whether Qabalic esoterica issi exegetically available elsewhere in addition to Suares' opus and his quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believesq Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist (classical, quantum...?). But Gnosis shows us that monismc is deceit. Doug believes latter, n¤t Suares' apparent, perhaps classical, monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can, keeping in mind that there are many classes of monism including both classical (EEMD formal mechanisms) and quantum (coherent hologral EIMAings).

Doug shows, for each Verse and word of Chapter VI of Sepher Yetsira, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes (which Doug sometimes substitutes his own...), thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Sepher Yetsira)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole Verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Genesis
Doug Renselle

Sepher Yetsira VI:2



Encountering vibrating~echoing cosmic vital~impedance resisting your existential metabolisms,
your light will be comtained somatically housing ~powers~of~generation~of~universes~ [~Ayn~] fecundating existential metabolisms cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
like a kingq as enlightened fluxq you are beingq your existential impermeable cavitational selfq grailing your existential...
...biospheres existentially metabolizing while reverberatingq your selfq cowithihn and cosmically grailing isofluxq
above existential lightingsq existentially metabolizing existence.
Your spiritually feminine essenceq made by beingq, by existentially grailing your vital~impetus cowithihn cavitating hermaphroditic placental fecundityingsq,
while yourq existential quantization of yourq principlesq of existential metabolicq lifeq as...
...freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq are divinely cocavitating, sorsoingq selfq
cowithihn timingsq and changingsq of yourq somaq cosmically metabolizing yourq lifeq's principlesq of quantizationings' FUPings,
like a kingq as enlightenedq fluxq you are beingq your existential impermeable cavitational selfq grailing your existential biospheres...
...existentially metabolizing while reverberatingq your selfq cowithihn and cosmically grailing isofluxq, and you are
in the city, a somaticq home of existential biospheres relentlessly cavitating their resistantq gatewayveings, their existential beingsq relentlessly...
...cavitating their active livesq' quantizationings of their lifeq principlesq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq.
Your uncertainq heartq's existential metabolismq protected somaticallyq, and
guarding your individualq private breathing~evolvingq selfq, and its unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic metabolism,
like a kingq as enlightenedq fluxq you are beingq your existential impermeable cavitational selfq grailing your existential...
...biospheres existentially metabolizing while reverberatingq your selfq cowithihn and cosmically grailing isofluxq.
Yourq kingshipq as meliorative~bettershipq issi somatically~existentially cavitating biospherically yourq existential...
...metabolism's unlimited possibilityingsq reverberatingq biospherically cowithihn yourq livingsq.
Yourq existential quantization of yourq FUPingsq both generatesq youq ihnto existence and degeneratesq you ihnto isofluxc' cosmic metabolism
breathing~out life~cyclec from archetypal vital~impetus to cosmic vital~impedance cowithihn all existencec.
Youq are measuringq yourq grailing plenumq of yourq existential metabolism.
Your unlimited spiritual potential issi cavitating your unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic~structurationings
of your life's potentia, and
yourq livingq lightq andq its dyingq, yourq existential metabolism's...
...[biophotonicq scintillatingq, evolvingq]...
...lightq fecundlyq cowithihn its apoptotic~processesq of dyingq
of your lifeq's potentiaq.
All lightq of youq issi cosmic metabolically evolvingq yourq lifeq's
vital~impetus, having existential metabolism, aliveq as "two livesq," cowithihn existenceq cosmic~biospherically.
Elohim affectsq cellularq fecundationq of permeable somaq as Quality of quantons(goodq,evilq) as antinomialq trajectoriesq of
heartfelt lifeq's existential metabolism's lightq comtrasting~fathoming and assessingq QED~fecundulatingq...
...existential biosphere ascendantly cavitating its maturation by experiencingq cavitationally vital~impedance of
evil as dialectic which issi cosmic comtainment of lightq as QED evolverq~transmuterq of existenceq.
Elohim affectsq cellularq fecundationq of permeable somaq as Quality of quantons(goodq,evilq) as antinomialq trajectoriesq
excelsq in goodq existential biospherical cellular fecundationq of permeable soma,
while evilc as dialectic exerts its cosmic comtainment of lightq as QED evolverq~transmuterq of existenceq,
which existentially~biospherically, moribundly, and cosmically persists at comtaining light.
So, Elohim affectsq cellularq fecundationq of permeable somaq as Quality of quantons(goodq,evilq) as antinomialq trajectoriesq of
an outcome which issi much confusion, chaosq, and uncertaintyq cowithihn existential biospheric soma desnouring its spiritual...
...unlimited possibilityingsq cowithihn hologralq existenceq cosmically quantizing its peaceq, uncertaintyq, and freedomq as its principlesq of lifeq,
while breathing~out life~cycle from archetypal vital~impetus to cosmic vital~impedance issi cowithihn all existence,
and evilc as dialectic issi cosmic comtainment of lightq as QED evolverq~transmuterq of existenceq
and transitional~evilingsq as many~dialectics show their multiplicate attempts at cosmic comtainment of lightq as QED evolversq~transmutersq of existenceq,
an outcome issi even more confusion, chaosq, and uncertaintyq cowithihn existential biospheric soma desnouring its spiritual...
...unlimited possibilityingsq cowithihn hologralq existenceq cosmically quantizing its peaceq, uncertaintyq, and freedomq as its principlesq of lifeq,
while breathing~out life~cycle from archetypal vital~impetus to cosmic vital~impedance cowithihn all existence.
So, Elohim affectsq cellularq fecundationq of permeable somaq as Quality of quantons(goodq,evilq) as antinomialq trajectoriesq,
and Quality's archetypal cellularq structurationings fecundatingq somatic spiritual unlimited possibilityingsq
evolutioningsq of myrrh's (rare) Valuingsq via cosmic metabolism of existential myrrh (rare) biospheres fecundatingq their cosmic comtainment cowithihn their lifeq existencings.
Good existential metabolism cellularlyq expressingq itselfq via cavitating~vibrational exaltation from fecund~comceptionq...
...ihnto and reverberatingq cosmic biospheric maturationq of somatic existence, and comcurrently, and
fecundatingq evil's cosmic comtainment of existential light expressing its own unlimited possibilityings.
Qualityq issi offering its feminineq cosmic~metabolic fecundationq of cosmic comtainment aliveq and livingq and guardingq all goodsq.
Evilc issi imposingc its masculinec existential metabolism of cosmic comtainment of all light in existencec...
...cosmically metabolized as deadc and dyingc 'statec' and guardingc all badsc.

. . .

Doug uses ellipses to break long lines.

Doug - 26-30Nov2015, 10Feb2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Sepher Yetsira VI:2

Sepher Yetsira VI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Tav~Lammed~Yod



..."Encountering vibrating resistancings to your existential metabolisms;"

Encountering vibrating~echoing cosmic vital~impedance resisting your existential metabolisms...]
2 Bayt~Ayn~Vav~Lammed~finalMem



..."your soma of light will be comtained cowithihn universings;"

your light will be comtained somatically housing ~powers~of~generation~of~universes~ [Ayn] fecundating existential metabolisms cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

This appears to Doug as a direct QED referral to biophotonic internals of somatic life.

See Webster's Hebrew Dictionary, paper bound, p. 31.

For Doug, n¤t an easy word to cipher.

This word also appears in a very mysterious and esoteric SY III:3, 4th or 5th word ~Bayt~Ayn~Vav~Lammed~finalMem~.

In that SY verse this same word appears in this sequence:

~3~ ~truths~ ~341~ ~soma~of~light~comtained~...

Note that 341 issi prime. Too, it, when reversed issi 143 which corresponds base 2 flux rate of one Planck quantum (which has a hell of a lot to do with quintessencingsq of QED and QCD).

~143~ may also be esoterically viewed as ~Aleph~Dallet~Ghimel~.

Adag appears meaningless idiomatically.

Gada with Beesh prefixed means roughly ne'er do well.

Doug - 28Nov2015.

3 Kaf~Mem~Lammed~finalKhaf



..."[in idiom] like a kingq are you, [quantumly] fluxq' biosphering metabolisms grailing isofluxq;"

like a kingq as enlightened fluxq you are beingq your existential impermeable cavitational selfq grailing your existential biospheres existentially metabolizing while reverberatingq your selfq cowithihn and cosmically grailing isofluxq...]

This describes (with much less arrogance than kingship) how Doug senses his own presence cowithihn hologral~quantum~reality.

In short, Doug issi always 'straddlingq.'

Try viewing 'kingq' as if it were spelled~out cowithihn Autiot as:


"Grailing existence, quantizing organic movement."

When we do that we see that kingq issi quantized, and full of peaceq, uncertaintyq, and freedomq. This clearly isn't a socialc kingc, a dialectical kingc, a tyrantc, a corruptorc, a hegemonc, a social-terrorist-monistc torturing his flock. This issi a ben~ev¤l~ent kingq, a Jeshuasq!

We see a kingq who livesq cowithihn all of us spirituallyq.

Doug - 28,30Nov2015.

4 Ayn~Lammed




above existential lightings existentially metabolizing...]
5 Kaf~Sammekh~Aleph~Waw



..."grailing your spirit made fecundly;"

your spiritually feminine essenceq made by beingq, by existentially grailing your vital~impetus cowithihn cavitating hermaphroditic placental fecundityings...]

Columnar descending populated cavitationing ~{60..6}~ of ~1~.

Obtain: this issi a powerful allegory of A~Dam: Aleph cowithihn blood! Quintessentially what kingq means!

We see (indirectly) Aleph cowithihn blood: spirit fecundly, hermaphroditically made~evolvedq cowithihn blood.

Doug - 26,28,30Nov2015.

6 Noun~Lammed~Noun~Lammed


[N¤len¤le, n¤~kah~le~n¤~kah~le [nokally~nokally]:

..."while divine quantized metabolic whirlings~jigglings are reverberating yourq freedomq, uncertaintyq, peaceq;"

while yourq existential quantization of yourq principlesq of existential metabolicq lifeq as freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq are divinely cocavitating, sorsoingq selfq...]

Overlapping divine cavitationings both ~{Noun..Noun}~ of ~Lammed~ overlapping ~{Lammed..Lammed}~ of ~Noun~.

In Gematria, divine cavitationings both ~{50..50}~ of ~30~ overlapping ~{30..30}~ of ~50~.

I.e., ~{50.[30.50}.30]~ all fractalq recursiveq.

Compare Neenoo (jiggle), and Le'Nanea (to jiggle).

Doug - 26-27Nov2015.

7 Bayt~Sheen~Noun~Hay



..."cowithihn timingsq and their absoluteq changingsq;"

cowithihn timingsq and changingsq of yourq somaq cosmically metabolizing yourq lifeq's principlesq of quantizationings' FUPings...]

We see a bare columnar declension cavitationing ~{50.5}~.

Just remember, one of Nature's greatest gift (greatest revelations) issi that while change issi absolute, we must keep in mind that uncertainty, its peace, its freedom are always stochasticq.

Doug - 26,28Nov2015.

8 Kaf~Mem~Lammed~finalKhaf



..."[in idiom] like a king are you, [quantumly] flux' biosphering metabolisms grailing isoflux;"

like a kingq as enlightened fluxq you are beingq your existential impermeable cavitational selfq grailing your existential biospheres existentially metabolizing while reverberatingq your selfq cowithihn and cosmically grailing isofluxq, and you are...]

This describes (with much less arrogance than kingship) how Doug senses his own presence cowithihn hologral~quantum~reality.

In short, Doug issi always 'straddlingq.'

Doug - 28Nov2015.

9 Bayt~Mem~Dallet~Yod~Noun~Hay



..."in the city;"

in the city, a somaticq home of existential biospheres relentlessly cavitating their resistantq gatewayveings, their existential beingsq relentlessly cavitating their active livesq' quantizationings of their lifeq principlesq of freedom, uncertainty, and peace...]

Paired nonoverlapping bare columnar declension cavitationings both ~{40.4}~ and ~{50.5}~

Both ~somatically.2~ ~{40.4}~ and ~existentially.10~ ~{50.5}~.

When we use Atta to process those bare cavitations individually first one issi


This cavitationing cycles fermionically"


and linguistically


Something similar happens with ~{50.5}~


We see Atta's reality loop at work symbolized simply by Doug's

which lies at heart of spin~1/2 fermionic~and~quark quantum~realityings.

We can show Atta (Autiot's quintessence of all existential and cosmic fractional spinq metabolismsq) like this


Doug - 26,28Nov2015.

10 Lammed~Vayt



..."your uncertainq heart (your indeterminationq, your uncertaintyq, your quantized~quantizing FUPingsq);"

your uncertainq heartq's existential metabolismq protected somaticallyq, and...] Lammed~Vayt issi heart.
11 Bayt~Noun~Phay~Sheen



..."your individual private breathing~evolvingq selfq;"

guarding your individual private breathing~evolvingq selfq and its unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic metabolism...]

Your Gnostic individualq selfq's metabolicq


A great exemplarq of nissin.

I.e., Atta quanton(breathing~ihn,breathing~¤ut).

Both complementarityq and antinomialityq shown ad occulos.

Doug - 28Nov2015.

12 Kaf~Mem~Lammed~finalKhaf



..."[in idiom] like a kingq are you, [quantumly] flux' biosphering metabolisms grailing isofluxq;"

like a kingq as enlightened fluxq you are beingq your existential impermeable cavitational selfq grailing your existential biospheres existentially metabolizing while reverberatingq your selfq cowithihn and cosmically grailing isofluxq...]

This describes (with much less arrogancec than kingshipc) how Doug senses his own presenceq cowithihn hologral~quantum~reality.

In short, Doug issi always 'straddlingq.'

Doug - 28,30Nov2015.

13 Bayt~Mem~Lammed~Hhayt~Mem~Hay



..."your kingshipq issi spiritually aliveq and livingq;"

yourq kingshipq as meliorative~bettershipq issi somatically~existentially cavitating biospherically yourq existential metabolism's unlimited possibilityingsq reverberatingq biospherically cowithihn yourq livingsq...]

Populated bilateral cavitationings ~{40...40}~ of ~30.8~.

Which issi existential biospheric cavitationings of existential metabolism's unlimited possibilityings reverberating biospherically.

Doug - 26,28,30Nov2015.

14 Noun~finalMem



..."you are sleeping like death, you are sleeping as if you are dying;"

yourq existential quantization of yourq FUPingsq both generatesq youq ihnto existence and degeneratesq you ihnto isofluxc' cosmic metabolism...]

Suares makes apparent quantum~antinomialism here by showingq that livingsq are complementaryq~antinomialq dyingsq. Why? Atta's relentless cyclesq of complementaryq antinomialsq. See his Trilogy, p.493.

Suares' antiquely refers 'opposition' and 'contradiction' instead of using antinomialq and complementaryq.

Doug - 28,30Nov2015.

15 Aleph~Tav



..."breathing~out from impetus to impedance, from A to Z, from alpha to omega, etc.;"

breathing~out life~cyclec from archetypal vital~impetus to cosmic vital~impedance cowithihn all existencec...]

See Atta.

Breathing~¤ut A to Z Atta metabolic~fermionic haploidal cyclec.


16 Kaf~Lammed



..."you are measuring all;"

youq are measuringq yourq grailing plenumq of yourq existential metabolism...]

See Eshkol.

Fathom omnitoring vis-à-vis measurement. View omnitoring assa sempiternal quantum~assessmentings.

Here we learn about grailing (K[h]afing) assa a kind of cup and hourglass type of quantum~assessmentings. Ponder grailings' need to use compenetrationq, perpendationq (worm~holingq) to assess at QREONings signaturingsq of quantum~evolutionings.

Doug - 28,30Nov2015.

17 Hhayt~Phay~finalTsadde



..."spiritual potentia of yourq differentiating existenceq cowithihn isofluxq~structurationings;"

your unlimited spiritual potential issi cavitating your unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic~structurationings...]

Bare columnar ascendant cavitationing ~{8.80}~ vibrating~whirling cosmic structuration.

Doug - 26Nov2015.

18 Zayn~Hay


[Zaha, Zeh:

..."of your life's potentia;"

of your lifeq's potentiaq...]


19 Lammed~Ayn~Waw~Mem~Tav



..."your livingq light and its dyingq;"

yourq livingq lightq andq its dyingq, yourq existential metabolism's [biophotonicq scintillatingq, evolvingq] lightq fecundlyq cowithihn its apoptotic~processesq of dyingq...]

Bare columnar ascendant cavitationing ~{40.400}~ as death and dying.

See subsequent translation below.

Doug - 26Nov2015.

20 Zayn~Hay


[Zaha, Zeh:

..."of your lifeq's potentiaq;"

of your lifeq's potentiaq...]
21 Ayn~Sheen~Hay



..."all lightq of you QED~evolvingq yourq lifeq;"

all lightq of youq cosmic metabolically evolvingq yourq lifeq...]
22 Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."the demiurge, an earthly living demiurge, as two complementaryq~antinomialq livesq;"

vital~impetus having existential metabolism, aliveq as "two livesq," cowithihn existenceq cosmic~biospherically...]

We see "two lives," as a living 'Earth God,' two complementaryq~antinomialq tricodons, similar Aut~Iot, similar Eh~Ieh, similar Yah~Weh, similar At~Ta, etc.

We see El¤~Him.

We see ad occulos eidetically a tellq of Aureolaq. El¤ as spirit and Him as embodied: "two lives." We see quanton(spirit,embodied)!!!

We see EIMA, sempiternal hologral~middle~inclusionq.

We see bilateral "two lives" populated cavitationings ~{5...5}~ acting as a evolvingq~livingq aureolicq "¤" 'corpusq callosumq' EIMA of those "two livingsq." We see quanton(El¤,Him)!!!



"two earthly lives" of demiurgic vital~impetus AKA Aleph.1:

  1. Living vital~impetus existentially metabolized (Hal~¤), and
  2. Living existence cosmically biosphered (Him).

. . .

Doug's comjecture issi that vital~impetus per se may be viewed too as "two lives:"

  1. fecund~vicissitudinality, and
  2. imperative~spontaneity.

as themselves "two lived:"

(1)fecund(1)~~(2)vicissitudinality(2): (1)Oseh~Leheetnakh~~Shel(1)~~(2)Tahapookhahot(2)
parsed as:
(1)Ayn~Waw~Seen~Hay (to make, maker of)(1)
(1)Sheen~Lammed (to undulate)(1)
(2)Tav~Hay~Pay~Waw~Khaf~Hay~Waw~Tav (vicissitudes)(2)


parsed as:
(1)Hay~Khaf~Raysh~Hhayt~Yod (mandatory)(1)
(2)Mem~Yod~Dallet~Yod~Waw~Tav (spontaneity)(2)

Compare Shelq (as Shq~Elq issi "to undulateq") just above and Shytq (Baraq~Shytq issi "to makeq Alephq").

Also observe that Oseh issi autsimilar Aassa (Ayn~Sammekh~Hay, made).

Doug - 26,29-30Nov2015.

23 Tayt~Waw~Vayt




Elohim affectsq cellularq fecundationq of permeable somaq as Quality of quantons(goodq,evilq) as antinomialq trajectoriesq of...]

Quality quintessentially issi sexq, QCD~QED

Doug - 29-30Nov2015.

24 Lammed~Ayn~Waw~Mem~Tav



..."heartfelt lifeq's (good's) generativeq lightq comtrasting~fathoming and assessingq death's (evil's) relentlessq degenerativeq imminence;"

heartfelt lifeq's existential metabolism's lightq comtrasting~fathoming and assessingq QED~fecundulating existential biosphere ascendantly cavitating its maturation by experiencingq cavitationally vital~impedance...]

Bare columnar ascendant cavitationing ~{40.400}~.

One may choose to view this as gradient maturation nearing end of any soma's Bayt life~trajectory.

See finalNoun.

Oomat issi usually Aleph~Waw~Mem~Tav as com(n)firm, verify, etc., issi similar semantic assa Esher (Aleph~Sheen~Raysh) assa assess~measure~omnitor, etc.

Lammed~Vayt (without Waw, without Vav) issi heart.

See earlier translation above.

Doug - 26,29-30Nov2015.

25 Raysh~Ayn



..."evil, evil-doer, practitioner of dialectic, educer of hatred, etc.;"

evil as dialectic issi cosmic comtainment of lightq as QED evolverq~transmuterq of existenceq...]

A Qabalic HotMeme
A lesson in Good and Evil, viewed Classically then Quantumly.™
A Qabalic

Compare Ram. Ram, semitically means, "One who possesses," a way of saying, "One who issi wise, who possesses wisdomq." See Suares' Cipher of Genesis, Ha~Qabala, p. 19, Weiser Books.

. . .

Raa issi cosmically~comtained light, making light incapable of QED~scintillating realityq, evolvingq reality, evolving life itself.

Raa thus issi "The evilc one, AKA Shatan, a consummate dialectician, a worseshiper of dead, a worseshiper of state, a worseshiper of fiat status quo."

Observe that fiat is a Roman~Latin word which means "let it be done (regardless of comsequences)." Fiat issi evil, the d'evil, the doer of evil.

We see again a juxtapose of two lives: a life of good (Tov), a life of evil (Raa). However, this isn't a dialectical dichon(goodc, evilc)! It issi a quanton(goodq,evilq).

Classical, mechanical, formal, cardinal-objectivec, worseshiping goodc is 'oppositec' evilc.

Goodc is dogmaticallyc, canonicallyc, determinatelyc, polemicallyc, arrogantly middle-excluded from evilc.

Quantum, fluxial, emerqant, ordinal~subjunctiveq, bettershiping goodq issi 'antinomialq~complementaryq' evilq.

Goodq issi holograllyq, peacefullyq, uncertainlyq, freelyq, humblyq middle~ihncluded cowithihn evilq.

See Heraclitus re quanton(lyre,bow).

Heraclitus offers us a quantum~allegory of quanton(good,evil).

I.e., Goodq nissin Evilq.

Doug - 26Nov,4Dec2015.

26 Tayt~Waw~Vayt



..."Quality, Good;"

Elohim affectsq cellularq fecundationq of permeable somaq as Quality of quantons(goodq,evilq) as antinomialq trajectoriesq of...]
27 Mem~Tayt~Waw~Vayt


[Memtov, (also, and possibly Metov as ~causal):

..."excels in good (presumed by Doug);"

excels in good existential biospherical cellular fecundation of permeable soma...]

Compare modern Hebrew's Meteev as Mem~Yod~Tayt~Yod~Vayt which means beneficial, good to, excels in...

Compare Seebah (cause) and Matarah (goal).

Seebah: Sammekh~Tayt~Bayt~Hay (~

Matarah: Mem~Tayt~Raysh~Hay (~


Doug -26,29Nov2015.

28 Vav~Raysh~Ayn



..."and evil;"

while evilc as dialectic exerts its cosmic comtainment of lightq as QED evolverq~transmuterq of existenceq...]
29 Mem~Raysh~Ayn



..."moribundly entrapping light;"

which existentially~biospherically, moribundly, and cosmically persists at comtaining light...]

"Mom, please turn the dark switch off."

Rose is Rose.

30 Hay~Tayt~Waw~Vayt



..."the Quality;"

So, Elohim affectsq cellularq fecundationq of permeable somaq as Quality of quantons(goodq,evilq) as antinomialq trajectoriesq of...]
31 Mem~Vayt~Hhayt~Yod~finalNoun



..."much confusion, much chaos, much uncertainty;"

an outcome issi much confusion, chaosq, and uncertaintyq cowithihn existential biospheric soma desnouring its spiritual unlimited possibilityingsq cowithihn hologralq existenceq cosmically quantizing its peaceq, uncertaintyq, and freedomq as its principlesq of lifeq...]

Consider Webster's Mevookh: ~Mem~Vayt~Waw~Khaf~.

Make it quantized~plural assa Mevookheen:

Doug - 27Nov2015.

32 Aleph~Tav



..."while breathing~out from impetus to impedance, from A to Z, from alpha to omega, etc.;"

while breathing~out life~cycle from archetypal vital~impetus to cosmic vital~impedance cowithihn all existence...]

See Atta.

Breathing~¤ut A to Z Atta metabolic~fermionic haploidal cycle.


33 Hay~Raysh~Ayn



..."living-dead evilc;"

and evilc as dialectic issi cosmic comtainment of lightq as QED evolverq~transmuterq of existenceq...] One...
34 Waw~Hay~Raysh~Ayn



..."with living evilsq;"

and transitional~evilingsq as many~dialectics show their multiplicate attempts at cosmic comtainment of lightq as QED evolversq~transmutersq of existenceq...] ...with many.
35 Mem~Vayt~Hhayt~Yod~finalNoun



..."much confusion, much chaos, much uncertainty;"

an outcome issi much confusion, chaosq, and uncertaintyq cowithihn existential biospheric soma desnouring its spiritual unlimited possibilityingsq cowithihn hologralq existenceq cosmically quantizing its peaceq, uncertaintyq, and freedomq as its principlesq of lifeq...]

Consider Webster's Mevookh: ~Mem~Vayt~Waw~Khaf~.

Make it quantized~plural assa Mevookheen:

Doug - 27Nov2015.

36 Aleph~Tav



..."while breathing~out from impetus to impedance, from A to Z, from alpha to omega, etc.;"

while breathing~out life~cycle from archetypal vital~impetus to cosmic vital~impedance cowithihn all existence...]

See Atta.

Breathing~¤ut A to Z Atta metabolic~fermionic haploidal cycle.


37 Hay~Tayt~Waw~Vayt



..."the Quality;"

So, Elohim affectsq cellularq fecundationq of permeable somaq as Quality of quantons(goodq,evilq) as antinomialq trajectoriesq...]
38 Tayt~Waw~Vayt~Hhayt



..."and Quality's unlimited possibilityingsq;"

and Quality's archetypal cellularq structurationings fecundatingq somatic spiritual unlimited possibilityingsq...]
39 Sheen~Mem~Waw~Raysh~Hay



..."evolutioningsq of myrrh's Valuingsq;"

evolutioningsq of myrrh's Valuingsq via cosmic metabolism of existential myrrh biospheres fecundatingq their cosmic comtainment cowithihn their lifeq existencings...]

Compare ~Mem~Waw~Raysh~ (~40.6.200~)


~Aleph~Waw~Raysh~ (~1.6.200~).

Former issi existential biospheric fecundation of cosmic comtainment: myrrh AKA Value.

Latter issi archetypal vital~impetus' fecundation of cosmic comtainment: life energy as golden~enlightenment.

Doug - 27Nov2015.

40 Lammed~Tayt~Waw~Vayt~Yod~finalMem



..."organic movement of many Qualityings;"

Good existential metabolism cellularlyq expressingq itselfq via cavitating~vibrational exaltation from fecund~comceptionq ihnto and reverberating cosmic biospheric maturation of somatic existence, and comcurrently ...]

We see ascendant, exalting columnar populated cavitationings ~{6...600}~ of ~2.10~.

Parsed it issi cavitating~vibrational exaltation from fecund~comception ihnto and reverberating cosmic biospheric maturation of somatic existence.

We see one of "two lives," Good, exalting its perpetual, ubiquitous antinomial quantum~processings.

Doug - 27Nov2015.

41 Waw~Raysh~Ayn~Hhayt


[and Raahh:

..."and evilq's unlimited possibilitiesq;"

fecundatingq evil's cosmic comtainment of existential light expressing its own unlimited possibilityings...]

We see a second of "two lives,' evil expressing its perpetual, ubiquitous oppositional dialectical-processings.

Doug - 27Nov2015.

42 Sheen~Mem~Waw~Raysh~Hay



..."feminine cosmic~spiritual guardian of goods;"

Qualityq offering its feminineq cosmic~metabolic fecundationq of cosmic comtainment aliveq and livingq and guardingq all goodsq...]

We see quantum~Qabalic~Gnoses!

Doug - 27Nov2015.

43 Lammed~Raysh~Ayn~Yod~finalMem



..."masculine existential guardian of evils;"

Evilc imposingc its masculinec existential metabolism of cosmic comtainment of all light in existencec cosmically metabolized as deadc and dyingc 'statec' and guardingc all badsc...]

We see dialectical SaSERPing monistic, ritualistic religions and 'scholarly academic disciplines.'

Some of Jung's successor~analysts refer this, i.e., dialectic, paraphrased, "The System Problem," and said problem is a prime symptom of, paraphrased, "...dialectic as a genetic defect in human reason." Refer Pirsig, Lila, Chapter 22, p. 277, last full paragraph on that page, Bantam hardbound, November, 1991.

Refer Jung indirectly via this Utoob video.

Doug - 27Nov2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034 Rev. 10Feb2016  PDR Created: 20Nov2015  PDR
(4Dec2015 rev - Add 'SY_VI_V2_W25' anchor to Verse 2, Word 25.)
(10Feb2016 rev - Add link to 'Genetic Defect in Human Reason' under word 43.)
