
Doug's Translation
John VI
[Rather, Magdalene VI]
Verses 51-60
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Magdalene VI:51-60:

Doug is following a Hebrew version of John [Magdalene] which he found on Internet.

It is good to keep in mind that contemporary Hebrew, excepting Autiot and Gematria do not carry sema of Abraham's Autiot. Modern Hebrew idiom (apparently) carries little resemblance to symbols sema of Abraham's time. Doug is assuming that Abraham had a grasp of Autiot more metabolic than its modern versions' more intransigent objective, formal, dialectical idiom. Mosheh shows us a clear exemplar of that in his sema for Ehieh Esher Ehieh. Modern translator's view that as, "I am that I am." Mosheh, according Carlo Suares, said very metabolically, "Qabala witnesses Qabala." "I am that I am," ciphered as degenerate dialectic becomes much more objective Ani Be'Aatsmee Ani (i.e., "I am myself I am."). So what does Ehieh mean metabolically? This: Aleph~living, Yod living. Any Qabalist might say, "I am that I am," however, said Qabalist would not mean that Qabala witnesses itself. Suares claims that much modern sema and semasiology is abominable idiom when compared to Abraham's hermeneutics.

To retranslate Magdalene in Suares' quantum~hologral~fluxodynamic language, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Doug offers a compact exhibit showing Suares' fractalq~recursiveq qwfal~spellingsq of Autiot's schema:

Aleph: Aleph~Lammed~Phay
Bayt: Bayt~Yod~Tav
Ghimel: Ghimel~Mem~Lammed
Dallet: Dallet~Lammed~Tav
Hay: Hay
Waw: Waw~Waw
Zayn: Zayn~Yod~Noun
Hhayt: Hhayt~Yod~Tav
Tayt: Tayt~Yod~Tav
Yod: Yod~Waw~Dallet
Khaf: Khaf~Phay
Lammed: Lammed~Mem~Dallet
Mem: Mem~Mem
Noun: Noun~Waw~Noun
Sammekh: Sammekh~Mem~Khaf
Ayn: Ayn~Yod~Noun
Phay: Phay~Hay
Tsadde: Tsadde~Dallet~Yod
Qof: Qof~Waw~Phay
Raysh: Raysh~Yod~Sheen
Sheen: Sheen~Yod~Noun
Tav: Tav~Waw
finalKhaf: ~Khaf.500~
finalMem: ~Mem.600~
finalNoun: ~Noun.700~
finalPhay: ~Phay.800~
finalTsadde: ~Tsadde.900~

See detail in Quantum Autiot Table.

Doug - 15Jan2017.

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Genesis
Doug Renselle

Magdalene VI:51

Magdalene VI:52

Magdalene VI:53

Magdalene VI:54

Magdalene VI:55

Magdalene VI:56

Magdalene VI:57

Magdalene VI:58

Magdalene VI:59

Magdalene VI:60

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VI:51 assa Magdaleneq VI:51

This verse as interpreted literally, idiomatically, dialectically, naively, androgenic-ally, etc., by 'the universal patriarchal church,' thus it is an abomination.

Why? Using wine assa an objective analogue of blood, to Doug, is absurd. To use unleavened bread 'bits' assa an objective analogue of flesh, to Doug is absurd.

There is no need for that ritual!!!

Jesus lives in all of usq, sempiternally and ubiquitously. He tells usq that in Magdalene's later verses.

"I am in you and you are in me. I am in Iht and Iht issi in me. Therefore Iht issi in you."

Said 'church' denies Jesus' own words.

They claim Iht is separatec, objectively, dialectically from us.

It is their (the church's) responsibility to keep you tied up in their ritualc prisons by periodically puttingc Jesus' flesh (bread) and blood (wine) in youc.

Doing that makes these degenerate corrupt and corrupting 'pedophiles' self-proclaimed 'divine.'



Autiot shows usq this meme of middle~inclusion of Iht and usq much more simply, much more quantum~hologral~realistically.

Ben A~Dam means...

"...Somaticq metabolicq evolutionq of principlesq of lifeq, engendered by vital~impetusings of Iht cowithihn usq, arera present cowithihn y~¤ur bloodq."

Thank you Carlo Suares for enlightening usq, via your opus, regarding sema of Ben A~Dam.

Doug - 8Feb2017.

Magdalene VI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Aleph~Noun~Khaf~Yod



..."Beingq vertical, upright, honorable, I am grailingq life'sq principleingsq ihnto existenceingsq;"

Beingq vertical, upright, honorable, I am grailingq life'sq principleingsq ihnto existenceingsq...]

~{1 ~50.20~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Lammed~Hhayt~finalMem



..."offering bread of;"

offering metabolicq spiritualq bread of...]

3 Hhayt~Yod~Yod~finalMem




of lifeq's spirituallyq qwf~cavitationally divineq existenceingsq cosmically biosphered...]

~8~ ~{~{10 10}~}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Hay~Yod~Raysh~Dallet



..."coming down;"

coming down without prior existentialq lifeq existenceingsq gatewayveingq omniversal emerqancyingsq...]

5 Mem~finalNoun



..."been born beginning a somaq biospherically cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq;"

been born beginning a somaq biospherically cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq...]

See Doug's finalNoun.

6 Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."that arera livingq and from on high;"

that arera livingq and from on high...]

~5.300~ ~{40 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Obtain how apoptosisq and resurrectionq of livingq arera tacit cowithihn Doug's use of arera.

A refresher: AR, ~Aleph~Raysh~, assa apoptosisq of Aleph.
A refresher: RA, ~Raysh~Aleph~, assa resurrectionq of Aleph.

Quanton offers hologralq EIMA complementaryq~antinomialismq of quantons(AR,RA).

'e' in AReRA represents comma~nospace as a quantum~grailing qwfal middleq~inclusionq.

Doug should show red and green complements as quantized and iso~complementary. Soon.

Livingq AReRA assa quantons(apoptosisq,resurrectionq)!

Again, compare AReRA metabolicallyq with Atta.

Doug - 22Jan2017.
7 Aleph~Dallet~finalMem



..."a man;"

an Adam assa vital~impetusings gatewayveingsq cosmic~biosphereings...]

Observe that Adam issi gatewayveing cosmic biosphereings.

Autiot shows Adam (Aleph cowithihn blood) assa <<< 'god.'

Doug - 4-5Feb2017.
8 Kaf~Yod



..."due to my will;"

due to my will for him to be grailingq existenceingsq and...]

9 Yod~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."to let him tasteq;"

to let him tasteq, via his existentialq fecundityingsq vital~impetus grailingq existentialq metabolismingsq...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~20.30~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{existentialq vital~impetus}~ ~20.30~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~grailingq existentialq metabolismingsq~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .

It becomes rather clear in this qwfal schema how (existentialq vital~impetus uses) grailingq of existentialq metabolismingsq as a way of omniscribeing how one eatsq, how one tastesq.

Doug - 29Jan2017.
10 Mem~Lammed~Hhayt~finalMem



..."bread of my flesh;"

bread of my fleshq, breadq of my biosphereings existentialq metabolismingsq spirituallyq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

This corresponds YhShWh's claim that he both existsq metabolicallyq and issi cowithihn Iht's cosmic~biosphereings.

Doug - 8Feb2017.
11 Hay~Zayn~Hay



..."and its perpetual life;"

and unlimitedq potentiaq of its perpetualq divineq qwf~cavitational livingsq...]

~{~{5 ~7~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Vav~Hhayt~Yod



..."and spirit;"

while spiritq's unlimitedq possibilityingsq dwellq qwfally cowithihn existenceingsq...]

13 Lammed~Ayn~Waw~Lammed~finalMem



..."for all;"

for all by qwf~cavitationally metabolizingq fecundq enlightenmentingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

~{30 ~70~ ~{6 ~30}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
14 Vav~Hay~Lammed~Hhayt~finalMem



..."and the bread;"

and the exaltedq livingq metabolicq spiritq of unlimitedq possibilityingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

15 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh




witness vital~impetus' cosmic metabolismq of all omniversal emerqancyingsq...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
16 Aleph~Noun~Yod




I assa vital~impetus' existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

~{1 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
17 Noun~Tav~finalNoun




giving unto all, and ostensiblyq imposingq both existential~ and cosmic ~lifeq principleingsq spread throughout all vital~impedanceings of...]

~{50 ~400~ ~700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
18 Bayt~Seen~Raysh~Yod



..."flesh of me;"

flesh of meq assa somaticq focusedq cosmic metabolismingsq of omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn existenceingsq...]

~2~ ~{300 200}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug re translated his earlier April, 2015 version of this schema from Genesis II:23 word 8. A lot of water has flowed...since then.

Notice we see an autsimilar use of Sheen~Raysh quantum~straddleing here assa that shown in Esher.

Fermionic flesh issi a very Gnosticq witnessq of lifeq principledq existenceingsq.

Comsider that flux issi crux metabolicq evolveingq principleingsq vastly omniffer stux sux principlec which Gnosis despises.

Gnosis: "Principlec rules something not itself!"

Classical things are deadc, ideally, objectively, mechanically state-ic: stux sux.

Quantons arera aliveq. Lifeq principleingsq arera aliveq: flux issi crux.

Doug - 8-9Feb2017.
19 Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."my life;"

my fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq...]

This ends up, ciphered, being a comtracted anagram of YahWeh with ~Aleph.1~. Tacit existenceings inferred by Doug.

This word appears, only just now becoming apparent to Doug, assa an antidote of (to) dialectic.


Doug - 15,22Jan2017.
20 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh




witness vital~impetus' cosmic metabolismq of all omniversal emerqancyingsq...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
21 Aleph~Thav~Noun~Noun~Waw



..."my exhalations of divine life;"

my breatheings~¤ut (my speakingq of) fecundq qwf~cavitationally divineq quanta of lifeq principleingsq, ¤ne becomes...]

"Embraceingsq indeterminationingsq."

~1.400 ~{50 50}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~At of Atta ~{50 50}~ ~fecundly~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~At of Atta
~{50 50}~

~At of Atta
~{divine embraceings via cavitationings of quantizationings of indeterminationings}~

~At of Atta
~{existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~ divine bilateral unpopulated qwf~cavitationings while ~ freely, uncertainly, peacefully, hologrally, volitionally, vicissitudinally, nowistically qwf~evolving~adapting cowithihn bilateral divinely~resonant qwf~echoings by ~existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of}~

cowithihn Iht

. . .

We might synonymously refer this, "embraceingsq indeterminationingsq ."

Doug - 12Jun2016.
22 Bayt~Ayn~Dallet



..."for the;"

for the somaticq enlightenmentingsq arera gatewayveingsq...]

23 Hhayt~Yod~Yod




lifeq of spirituallyq divineq existenceingsq...]

~8~ ~{~{10 10}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
24 Hay~Ayn~Waw~Lammed~finalMem



..."of the world;"

of the worldq assa livingq QED enlightenmentingsq fecundq metabolismingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

~5.70~ ~{6 ~30~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Realize how QED offers much of what wæ arera k~n¤w~ingsq to usq directly via our sensoryq experienceingsq of y~¤ur emergentq realityingsq.

See Doug's QVH Table illustrating quantons(scin,quan).

Suares shows us in his Cipher of Genesis that

A Carlo Suares HotMeme
Doug's k~n¤w~ingsq arera (representq) Qabala's Autiot and Gematria directly comveyingq cosmic energy (assa simple quantal~hologra~qwfings) ihnto our energy~wellingq mindsq.
A Carlo Suares HotMeme

All we need do to accept that HotMeme issi have an individual self~revelation of presenceq of Iht.

Reveal to selfq: presenceq of ~{~{iso1000}~}~.


How SOMites View Reality
How MoQites View Reality.

Tear down your classical dialectical SOM's walls.

Doug - 8Feb2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Beingq vertical, upright, honorable, I am grailingq life'sq principleingsq ihnto existenceingsq
offering metabolicq spiritualq bread of
of lifeq's spirituallyq qwf~cavitationally divineq existenceingsq cosmically biosphered
coming down without prior existential
q lifeq existenceingsq gatewayveingq omniversal emerqancyingsq
I have been born beginning a somaq biospherically cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq
that arera livingq, and from on high,
I am an Adam assa vital~impetusings gatewayv
eingsq cosmic~biosphereings
due to my will for him to be grailing
q existenceingsq and
to let him [Ben A~Dam] tasteq, via his existentialq fecundityingsq vital~impetus grailingq existentialq metabolismingsq
assa bread of my fleshq, breadq of my biosphereings existentialq metabolismingsq spirituallyq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
with unlimitedq potentiaq of Iht's perpetualq divineq qwf~cavitational livingsq,
while spiritq's unlimitedq possibilityingsq dwellq qwfally cowithihn existenceingsq,
for all, by qwf~cavitationally metabolizingq fecundq enlightenmentingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
and y~¤ur exaltedq livingq metabolicq spiritq of unlimitedq possibilityingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
witnessingq vital~impetus' cosmic metabolismq of all omniversal emerqancyingsq,
I am assa vital~impetus' existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq,
giving unto all, and ostensiblyq imposingq both existential~ and cosmic ~lifeq principleingsq spread throughout all vital~impedanceings of
flesh of me assa somaticq focusedq cosmic metabolismingsq of omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn existenceingsq,
my fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq,
q vital~impetus' cosmic metabolismq of all omniversal emerqancyingsq,
my breatheings~¤ut (my speakingq of) fecundq qwf~cavitationally divineq quanta of lifeq principleingsq, ¤ne becomes,

[A quantum uncertainty revelation: "Embraceingsq indeterminationingsq."]

for y~¤ur somaticq enlightenmentingsq arera gatewayveingsq
lifeq of spirituallyq divineq existenceingsq
of the worldq assa livingq QED enlightenmentingsq fecundq metabolismingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings.

. . .

Please read Doug's comcisionings, right most column, above.

Doug - 8Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VI:52 assa Magdaleneq VI:52

Doug - 8Feb2017.

Magdalene VI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Raysh~Ghimel~Noun~Waw



..."And therefore;"

And therefore...]

~{6 ~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Hay~Yod~Hay~Waw~Dallet~Yod~finalMem



..."the Jews;"

the Jews as wæ apparently sææ them assa divineq qwf~cavitational livingq existenceingsq overlappingq fecundlyq exaltedq qwf~cavitationings of their gatewayveingsq of their existenceingsq, wholly, cosmically biosphered...]

~{5 ~{10 ~5}~ ~{6 ~4~ ~10}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This schema's Gematria arera uneasy to parse.

We see their divine qwf~cavitational living existenceings overlapping fecundly exalted qwf~cavitationings of their gatewayveings of their existenceings, wholly, cosmically biosphered.

What disturbs Doug most regarding this schema:

o there is no Lammed,
o there is no Sheen,
o there is no Noun, finalNoun,

Yet they have divine life existenceings!

Does this explain their apparently innate dialectic?

Does it explain their apparent denial of YhShWh's metabolic~nourishment qwfings?

Doug - 8Feb2017.
3 Bayt~Yod~Noun~Yod~Hay~finalMem



..."assa Judaics;"

assa Judaics cowithihn their somaticq divinelyq lifeq principledq existenceingsq livingq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

~2~ ~{10 ~{50 ~10}~ ~5}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Lammed~Aleph~Mem~Raysh




strove by metabolically saying...]

5 Aleph~Yod~Khaf~Hay



..."in their places among one another;"

in their places among one another's vital~impetuses livingq cowithihn existenceingsq grailing y~¤ur...]

~{1 10}~ ~20.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Yod~Waw~Khaf~Lammed




ableq [Kosher] to fecundlyq grailq existentialq metabolismingsq...]

7 Zayn~Hay



..."living possibilities;"

unlimitedq potentialq of lifeq...]

Observe that Hay show cuneiformq semioticallyq quantizationings ad occulos:

Doug - 6Feb2017.
8 Lammed~Tav~Tav



..."to give;"

to metabolicallyq giveq divineq vital~impedanceings...]

~6.30 ~{~{400 400}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Lammed~Noun~Waw



..."to us;"

to usq assa fecundq metabolicq lifeq principleingsq...]

"Metabolizingq lifeq principleingsq prolificallyq."

Doug - 8Feb2017.
10 Aleph~Tav




thoroughly by breathing~¤ut...]

11 Bayt~Seen~Raysh~Waw



..."his flesh;"

his fleshq assa fecundq somaticq focusedq omniversal qwf~emerqancyings...]

~2~ ~{300 200}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Christian Liars

We can listen to his words (think of that as, "eating his words").

We can see his emerqancyings (think of that assa, "visually devouring his flesh").

Then imagine what one's mind can do with qwfal nourishmentings.

Jews at YhShWh's time apparently had few (non literal, non idiomatic) quantum intuitions, instincts. There may be ways to stochastically assess this comjecture. An obvious one is their insistence on expressing OT in vulgate idiom. Another is their condescending women as inferior. This is stuff of naive hylics.

Was this a failing of Abraham's Kosher ability to comveyq Qabala, Autiot, and Gematria's cosmic energy psychic~pneumatic sema to both Ishmael and Isaac? Doug doubts it. Abraham was too successful using Qabala and its tools to his advantage. His boys are another matter...

Perhaps both boys were predisposed to dialectical idiom?

We likely shall never be k~n¤w~ings.

Where is Isaac Casaubon when we need him?

Refer Dame Frances A. Yates, her exquisite text Giordano Bruno, Ch. XXI, p. 401, re Isaac Casaubon's showing us countless 'christian' lies, e.g., "Casaubon's allegation that the Hermetica are Christian forgeries shows what a strong hold the Christian interpretation of them had taken. The Christian influence in the writings seems to him so obvious that he accounts for it through his theory that they are Christian forgeries -- a theory which, though he does not state this -- might even implicate Lactantius' for passing off such forgeries."

Notice how Dame Yates' remarks on Isaac Casaubon agree with what Doug has been writing here. Someone has been putting idiomatic dialectical falsehoods, "forgeries," in OT translations: intentionally!!!

Recall that Catholics burned Bruno at stake in 1600 while Casaubon was uncovering more bastard christian lies!!!

"Pirsig's ancients were always enigmatic to us...until we read about Essene Gn¤stic Jesus...until Elaine Pagels taught us about what Jesus meant by 'the called AKA psychic,' and 'the elect AKA pneumatic.' Then we saw how so many of our ancient heroes and heroines were, similar Jesus, quantum gn¤stic: Confucius, Buddha, several Hindu masters, several Zen masters, Heraclitus, Zeno of Elea, Magdalene (hated and hunted by pre catholic Roman inanes), and more recently Hypatia of Alexandria (murdered by Catholics), and in 1600 Giordano Bruno burned at 'the stake' by Clement VIII, and so on... all of them share gn¤stic pneumatisms." Doug's own words borrowed from his Quantum Gn¤sticism for Healthy~Mindedness web page.

Yates' Bruno opus lends credence to Doug's endeavors to retranslate, at least, more Gnostic portions of OT, using Suares' hologral fluxodynamic memes.

I see her footsteps in sand...on my quantal island.

Christian Liars

Doug - 8Feb2017.
12 Lammed~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."for us to eat;"

for usq to eatq assa divineq metabolicq grailingsq of vital~impetusings...]

~{30 ~1.20~ ~30~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug always wondered about etymology of where "eat me" came from...

Doug feeds his mind bosonic quantons of psychic~pneumatic qwfal energyings: neuronal~synaptic network quantons(scin,quan) EWings.

Doug feeds his body metabolic quantons of qwfal fermionic nourishment.

What did YhShWh do to feed his flock?

Doug senses a kind of nourishment intra body re morphing of photons into fermions. In today's modern physics, some are making fermions out of bosons! I haven't done this, but try searching for <making fermions from bosons>.

Standunder a meme of vital~impetus assa both temporal and atemporal, and you can (may) commence understandings.

Perhaps oversimplifying we may view all of YhShWh's nourishment as spiritualq.

Recall Scott M. Peck's "Love is the will to extend oneself for the purpose of one's own and another's spiritual growth." The Road Less Traveled.

Doug - 8Feb2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

And therefore
the Jews as wæ apparently sææ them assa divineq qwf~cavitational livingq existenceingsq overlappingq ...
...fecundlyq exaltedq qwf~cavitationings of their gatewayveingsq of their existenceingsq, wholly, cosmically biosphered,
assa Judaics cowithihn their somaticq divinelyq lifeq principledq existenceingsq livingq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings
strove by metabolicallyq saying,
in their places among one another's vital~impetuses livingq cowithihn existenceingsq grailing y~¤ur
abilityq [Kosher] to fecundlyq grailq existentialq metabolismingsq,
and their unlimitedq potentialq of lifeq,
to metabolicallyq giveq divineq vital~impedanceings
to giveq to us fecundq metabolicq lifeq principleingsq
thoroughly by exhaling, by breathing~¤ut,
his fleshq assa fecundq somaticq focusedq omniversal qwf~emerqancyings,
for us to eat assa divineq metabolicq grailingsq of vital~impetusings.

. . .

You should have qua by now to heurist how nothing in Qabala's Autiot and Gematria says, "eat."
Translators have taken androgenic vulgate idiom as real (to their tiny hylic
We may choose to think quantumly of, "grailing existential metabolismings and their life principl
eings," assa nourishmentq.
Doug suggests that way of hermeneuting
here as apropos and rather psychically~pneumatically elegantq, eloquentq.

As a side note, it is apparent to Doug that many Jewish males condescend females routinely. That's why Doug used androgenic.
To me that is a great male tragedy of commons (patriarchal) sense. Their
'sense' fits all...ugh!

. . .

Androgenous appears as a non word. Doug thinks we can say that genes may be 'genous.' They do not have to be 'gynous.' Stux sux!

Doug - 8Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VI:53 assa Magdaleneq VI:53

Doug - 9Feb2017.

Magdalene VI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."And saying therefore,;"

And saying fecundq existentialq vital~impetusings biosphereing omniversal emerqancyingsq...]

Do Not Trust Idiomatic Translation

If translators didn't know what Qabala's Autiot and Gematria mean, how could they translate texts to show us what Jesus means?

We found in prior chapters of Magdalene how translators put their words into Elohim, YahWeh, and YhShWh's mouths.

We cannot trust them here either.

We have to stick with our best possible translations and interpretations of Qabala's Autiot and Gematria.

Do not trust idiom. Use it only as an outline of deeper ciphers' semantics which move us closer to quantum~realityings.

Do Not Trust Idiomatic Translation

Doug - 8Feb2017.
2 Aleph~Lammed~Yod~Hay~finalMem



..."unto them,;"

according Qabala, unto them, assa vital~impetusings existentialq livingq metabolismingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,...]

~{1 ~30~ ~10}~ ~5.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Compare Elihem and Elohim.

They are anagrams of one another, and both middle~include qwfally~comtracted anagrams of Qabala: Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay:

Too, be keenly awareq that Qabala anagramically superposesq both Elihem and Elohim.

It issi very enlightening to compare also Song of Song's Alt:


Alt issi metabolic breathing~¤ut theme of SoS.

Ali may be regarded assa an metabolic existential creation theme of Genesis: creation of all existence from its antinomial vital~impetus.

Use Ali to ponder Big Bangs.

Use Ali to ponder conception.

Then compare YhShWh's Eloh to Alt and Ali.

Autiot triples like Alt and Ali...Doug likes to think of them as qwfal codons similar our DNA's triples used to mRNA ribosome~ically build protein qwfs.

Doug - 19Dec2016, 21Jan2017, 9Feb2017.
3 Yod~Sheen~Waw~Ayn



..."via YhShWh;"

via YhShWh's fecundq existentialq cosmic metabolismingsq' qwfal messagesq (assa QED spiritualq nourishmentq) prolificallyq enlighteningq all...]

Read Suares' Second Coming of Reb YhShWh.
4 Aleph~Mem~finalNoun




"Verily, my biosphere's vital~impetus flourishesq cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq,...]



Ponder Clifford Geertz' Available Light of both schema as codonic qwfal.

Doug - 9Feb2107.
5 Aleph~Mem~finalNoun




verily, my biosphere's vital~impetus divinelyq flourishesq cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq,...]

6 Aleph~Noun~Yod




I assa vital~impetus' existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq,...]

~{1 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

YhShWh asserts unambiguously H5W He is.

Compare sema of son and light.

Compare, "Ani Ben A~Dam."

Is biophotonic lightq cowithihn y~¤ur blood?

Without biophotonic lightq...could we be?
Could we believe?
Could we write?
Could we think?
Could we say?
Could we do?

Recall Feynman's "QED explains everything actual except radiation and gravity...but we can only surmise that...we really can't physically-mechanically logicallyc knowc that." Paraphrased by Doug on recall.

Doug - 9Feb2017.
7 Aleph~Mem~Raysh




say assa vital~impetus via existentialq biosphereings omniversally emerqingq qwfal vocalizationq...]

Amer begs usq to fathomq sayingq assa quantons(Ihts~voice,y~¤ur~voice)!

Ditto understanding~believeingq, writeingq, thinkqing, and doingq!!!

See Doug's What is Consciousness?

Might we add a HotMeme there regarding believeingq?

A Doug Comsciousness HotMeme
Preferenceq assa symptomq of consciousnessq emersces onset believeingq as a symptomq of rqcs preferenceq and consciousnessq."™
A Doug Comsciousness HotMeme

Doug - 9Feb2017.
8 Lammed~Khaf~finalMem



..."you shall eat;"

metabolicallyq grailingq cosmic biosphereings...]

Eating YhShWh's Cosmic Soma

In order to grasp what eat means quantumly, one must fathom selfq assa quantons(Iht,selfq).

Then fathom YhShWh assa quantons(Iht,YhShWh).

Then quantum eating involves selfq metabolizingq YhShWh's Iht grailingq cowithihn selfq.

Doug's linguisticq hermeneuticq offers a more palatable complementarospectiveq, and thus understandingq of what eatingq means cowithihn this biblical comtext.

Oversimply, YhShWh's 'flesh' issi cosmic biosphereings of spiritualq qwfal~energyings.

Observe how your acceptance of selfq assa quantons(Iht,self) is a powerful revelation of your admission regarding presence of Iht.

Suares refers that assa, "The (since there is no other) Revelation."

Quoted with some Dugger editing, "Iht, the knowable~unknown issi a presence. The k~n¤w~ing of that presence is the unknown. There is no other revelation." Page 58, CoG, Shambala, March 1970, hardbound, 1st translated ed., 231 total pages.

Known plus Iht issi known plus ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

The known can eatq and metabolicallyq growq, assa spiritualq nourishmentq, Iht as selfq's antinomialq complementq.

Eating YhShWh's Cosmic Soma

Classical eating rituals of wine and bread are knownc, and only stux sux signsc. No revelation there, amigo.

Until you accept presence of Iht as antinomialq~complementaryq selfq you have not experienced said presenceq as a revelationq. But you have to do and be that.

There is nothing 'socially, ritually religious' (like christianity and islam) about this. It is pure individualq Gnosis!

Self must move from dialectic's dichons(material-otherc, selfc) to quantons(Iht,selfq).

In Pirsigese: move from dichons(ESQ, ESQ) to quantons(DQ,SQ).

Doug - 9Feb2017.
9 Aleph~finalMem



..."if you;"

if you ignore Mother's mojo, and...]

10 Lammed~Aleph




not metabolizeq vital~impetus'...]

11 Tav~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed~Waw




eatq [breathe~ihn, inhale] vital~impedanceings' vital~impetusings grailingsq of fecundq metabolicq...]

12 Mem~Bayt~Sammekh~Raysh




fleshq assa biosphereings of somaticq mitochondrial omniversal emerqancyingsq...]

~40~ ~{2 ~60~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Bayt~finalNoun




son assa betterq somaticq evolutionq...]

14 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem



..."of man;"

of manq assa vital~impetusings cowithihn gatewayveingsq of cosmic~biospheric bloodq...]

15 Vav~Mem~Dallet~Mem~Waw



..."and drink his blood;"

and drinkq his bloodq assa qwf~cavitational fecundationingsq of qwf~cavitational biosphereings of serumq gatewayveingsq...]

~{6 ~{~{40 ~{4}~ ~40}~}~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


A divine gorgeous qwfal palindrome!

Doug - 9Feb2017/
16 Lammed~Aleph




not metabolizeq vital~impetus'...]

17 Tav~Sheen~Thav~Waw




experienceings of fecundq divineq qwf~cavitational vital~impedanceings of cosmic metabolismingsq...]

~{~{400 ~300~ ~400}~}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Again we see our ruby rod laser metaphor.
18 Lammed~Aleph




not metabolizeq vital~impetus'...]

19 Yod~Hay~Yod~Waw




fecundlyq divineq existentialq livingsq...]

~{~{10 ~5~ ~10}~}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
20 Lammed~Khaf~finalMem




metabolicallyq grailingq cosmic biosphereings...]

21 Hhayt~Yod~Yod~finalMem




of lifeq's spirituallyq qwf~cavitationally divineq existenceingsq cosmically biosphered...]

~8~ ~{~{10 10}~}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
22 Bayt~Ayn~Tsadde~Mem~Waw~Tav~Yod~Khaf~finalMem



..."in yourselves;"

in yourselvesq assa somaticq tree of life enlightenmentingsq of existentialq biospheric structurationingsq fecundlyq encounteringq vital~impedanceings existentiallyq grailingq cosmic biosphereings...]

~{2 ~70.90~ ~{~{40 ~{6 ~400}~ ~10~ ~20}~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

A nine Aut schema!

Doug - 9Feb2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

And saying fecundq existentialq vital~impetusings biosphereing omniversal emerqancyingsq,
according Qabala, and unto them, assa vital~impetusings existentialq livingq metabolismingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
via YhShWh's fecundq existentialq cosmic metabolismingsq' qwfal messagesq (assa QED spiritualq nourishmentq) prolificallyq enlighteningq all

"Verily, my biosphere's vital~impetus flourishesq cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq,
verily, my biosphere's vital~impetus divinelyq flourishesq cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq,
I assa vital~impetus' existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq,
say assa vital~impetus via existentialq biosphereings omniversally emerqingq qwfal vocalizationq
metabolicallyq grailingq cosmic biosphereings,"

"If you ignore Mother's mojo, and
n¤t metabolizeq vital~impetus'
eatq [breathe~ihn, inhale] vital~impedanceings' vital~impetusings grailingsq of fecundq metabolicq
fleshq assa biosphereings of somaticq mitochondrial [Mother issi cowithihn all] omniversal emerqancyingsq
son assa betterq somaticq evolutionq
of manq assa vital~impetusings cowithihn gatewayveingsq of cosmic~biospheric bloodq
and drinkq his bloodq assa qwf~cavitational fecundationingsq of qwf~cavitational biosphereings of serumq gatewayveingsq
n¤t metabolizeq vital~impetus'
experienceings of fecundq divineq qwf~cavitational vital~impedanceings of cosmic metabolismingsq
n¤t metabolizeq vital~impetus'
fecundlyq divineq existentialq livingsq
metabolicallyq grailingq cosmic biosphereings
of lifeq's spirituallyq qwf~cavitationally divineq existenceingsq cosmically biosphered
in yourselves
q assa somaticq Tree of Life enlightenmentingsq of existentialq biospheric structurationingsq,...
q encounteringq vital~impedanceings existentiallyq grailingq cosmic biosphereings."

. . .

We must learnq to accept idiomatic 'eating' quantumly assa Atta's breatheing~ihn fluxoid one. Also assa inhaleing.

In this verse's comcisionings Doug shows how:

selfq issi quantons(Iht,selfq)
hShWh issi quantons(Iht,selfq)

Sharing of YhShWh's nous~soma Iht with usq may be viewedq as spiritualq nourishmentq, assa 'eatingq.'

In order for that to be viable, we must accept a revelation of presenceq of Iht: ~selfq~ issi ~selfq~ cowithihn ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

Doug - 9Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VI:54 assa Magdaleneq VI:54

Doug - 9Feb2017.

Magdalene VI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Hay~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."Those who eat;"

Those who eatq livingq vital~impetusings' grailingsq existentialq metabolismingsq of...]

2 Mem~Bayt~Seen~Raysh~Yod



..."my flesh;"

my fleshq of existentialq (temporal) biosphereings comtaining focused cosmic metabolismingsq cowithihn omniversal emerqancyingsq of my soma (flesh) metabolizedq cosmically (atemporally) cowithihn me,...]

~40.2~ ~{300 200}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Vav~Hay~Sheen~Tav~Hay




and drinksq my fecundq divineq livingq qwf~cavitationings cosmically metabolizingq all vital~impedanceings...]

~6~ ~{5 ~300.400~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Mem~Dallet~Mem~Yod



..."my blood;"

my divineq biospheric bloodq cowithihn existenceingsq...]

~{~{40 ~{4}~ ~40}~}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Yod~Sheen



..."there exists;"

there existentiallyq existsq cosmic metabolismingsq cowithihn...]

We are in it and it issi in us.

Ponder semaq of this assa biophotonicq comsciousnessq.

From Doug's What is Comsciousness?

"A most rudimentary exemplar of consciousnessq is a photon modulatingq an electron (by selective per se coobsfective choiceq, by selective per se coobsfective heresyq): QED. Notice that photon mutually chooses electron which (also) mutually chooses said photon. This is primal metabolicq comsciousq manifestaq of natural selection. Chooseing, as used by Doug here, is a symptomq of cosmic comsciousnessq. Our nous, our minds, our quantum~stageings do this!"

Doug - 6Feb2017.
6 Lammed~Waw




cosmic metabolismingsq of all fecundationingsq of...]

7 Hhayt~Yod~Yod




spirituallyq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of divineq lifeq existenceingsq...]

~8~ ~{~{10 10}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Ayn~Waw~Lammed~finalMem




forever exaltedq fecundlyq enlighteningq existentialq cosmic biosphereings...]

~70~ ~{6 ~30~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Vav~Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."and my;"

and my vital~impetus' existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

~6~ ~{1 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Aleph~Qof~Yod~Mem~Noun~Waw




shall bring my resurrectioningsq after cosmic~vital~impetusings destroys all dialectical-mechanical-analytic illusions while re raising up existenceingsq quantizing lifeq principleingsq of fecundq existentialq biosphereings...]

~{1 ~{100}~ ~10}~ ~40.50.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
11 Bayt~Yod~Waw~finalMem



..."at day;"

cowithihn exaltedq somaticq days...]

~2.10~ ~{6 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Hay~Aleph~Hhayt~Raysh~Waw~finalNoun



..."your last;"

your last, after lifeq's spiritualq vital~impetus issi fecundlyq comtained and experienceingsq cosmic lifeq principleingsq...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Those who eatq livingq vital~impetusings' grailingsq existentialq metabolismingsq of
my fleshq of existentialq (temporal) biosphereings comtaining focused cosmic metabolismingsq cowithihn...
...omniversal emerqancyings
q of my soma (flesh) metabolizedq cosmically (atemporally) cowithihn me,
and drinksq my fecundq divineq livingq qwf~cavitationings cosmically metabolizingq all vital~impedanceings
my divineq biospheric bloodq cowithihn existenceingsq,
there existentiallyq existsq cosmic metabolismingsq cowithihn
cosmic metabolismingsq of all fecundationingsq of
spirituallyq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of divineq lifeq existenceingsq,
forever exaltedq fecundlyq enlighteningq existentialq cosmic biosphereings,
and my vital~impetus' existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq
shall bring my resurrectioningsq after cosmic~vital~impetusings destroys all dialectical-mechanical-analytic illusions...
...while re raising up existenceingsq quantizing lifeq principleingsq of fecundq existentialq biosphereings
cowithihn exaltedq somaticq days,
your last, after lifeq's spiritualq vital~impetus issi fecundlyq comtained and experienceingsq cosmic lifeq principleingsq.

Doug - 9Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VI:55 assa Magdaleneq VI:55

Doug - 9Feb2017.

Magdalene VI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Kaf~Yod




For grailingq existenceingsq...]

2 Vayt~Seen~Raysh~Yod



..."flesh of me;"

fleshq of meq assa somaticq focusedq cosmic metabolismingsq of omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn existenceingsq...]

~2~ ~{300 200}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug re translated his earlier April, 2015 version of this schema from Genesis II:23 word 8. A lot of water has flowed...since then.

Notice we see an autsimilar use of Sheen~Raysh quantum~straddleing here assa that shown in Esher.

Fermionic flesh issi a very Gnosticq witnessq of lifeq principledq existenceingsq.

Comsider that flux issi crux metabolicq evolveingq principleingsq vastly omniffer stux sux principlec which Gnosis despises.

Gnosis: "Principlec rules something not itself!"

Classical things are deadc, ideally, objectively, mechanically state-ic: stux sux.

Quantons arera aliveq. Lifeq principleingsq arera aliveq: flux issi crux.

Doug - 8-9Feb2017.
3 Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."my life;"

my fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq...]

This ends up, ciphered, being a comtracted anagram of YahWeh with ~Aleph.1~. Tacit existenceings inferred by Doug.

This word appears, only just now becoming apparent to Doug, assa an antidote of (to) dialectic.


Doug - 15,22Jan2017.
4 Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."as food;"

as food assa vital~impetusings' grailingsq existentialq metabolismingsq offers...]

5 Aleph~Mem~Tav



..."truth it is indeed;"

truthq indeed assa vital~impetusings biosphereings encounteringq vital~impedanceings...]

~1~ ~{40 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We have seen Emet as truthingsq of deathingsq prior.

However, fresh meat from a dead soma, in a sense is still aliveq otherwise, we couldn't do transplants, yæs?!

So truthq indeed issi that we may kill a somaq to consume its yet fresh and livingq partsq. Now what does death really mean? Systemic?

Is death quantized?

When you die, arera your parts dead? When?

Why should we use arera here instead of classical are?

Does are dead mean systemically dead?

Does arera dead allow parts, even though systemq issi 'dead,' to still have their own livesq, briefly?

Interesting, Eh?

When your system's spirit leaves, system is dead, but do parts have their own spiritsq? How could they still be viable without their individualq spiritsq?

Do we have here SEP of spiritual quantization?

Doug claims yæs!

What about quantization of truthings? It's obvious now, yæs?

Now go review healingq modesq of quantized line and circle.


Doug - 9Feb2017.
6 Vav~Dallet~Mem~Yod



..."living blood;"

and livingq gatewayveingq biosphereingsq of existentialq bloodq...]

~6~ ~{4 40}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Sheen~Qof~Waw~Yod



..."to drink;"

to drinkq assa cosmic metabolismingsq of cosmic vital~impetusings fecundlyq cowithihn existenceings offers...]

~300~ ~{100 ~6~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Aleph~Mem~Tav



..."truth it is indeed;"

truthq indeed assa vital~impetusings biosphereings encounteringq vital~impedanceings...]

~1~ ~{40 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

For grailingq existenceingsq
fleshq of meq assa somaticq focusedq cosmic metabolismingsq of omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn existenceingsq
my fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq,
as food assa vital~impetusings' grailingsq existentialq metabolismingsq offers
truthq indeed assa vital~impetusings biosphereings encounteringq vital~impedanceings,
and livingq gatewayveingq biosphereingsq of existentialq bloodq
to drinkq assa cosmic metabolismingsq of cosmic vital~impetusings fecundlyq cowithihn existenceings offers
truthq indeed assa vital~impetusings biosphereings encounteringq vital~impedanceings.

Doug - 9Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VI:56 assa Magdaleneq VI:56

Doug - 9Feb2017.

Magdalene VI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Hay~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."Those who eat;"

Those who eatq livingq vital~impetusings' grailingsq existentialq metabolismingsq of...]

2 Aleph~Tav




thoroughly from vital~impetusings to vital~impedanceings...]

3 Bayt~Seen~Raysh~Yod



..."flesh of me;"

flesh of meq assa somaticq focusedq cosmic metabolismingsq of omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn existenceingsq...]

~2~ ~{300 200}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug re translated his earlier April, 2015 version of this schema from Genesis II:23 word 8. A lot of water has flowed...since then.

Notice we see an autsimilar use of Sheen~Raysh quantum~straddleing here assa that shown in Esher.

Fermionic flesh issi a very Gnosticq witnessq of lifeq principledq existenceingsq.

Comsider that flux issi crux metabolicq evolveingq principleingsq vastly omniffer stux sux principlec which Gnosis despises.

Gnosis: "Principlec rules something not itself!"

Classical things are deadc, ideally, objectively, mechanically state-ic: stux sux.

Quantons arera aliveq. Lifeq principleingsq arera aliveq: flux issi crux.

Doug - 8-9Feb2017.
4 Vav~Hay~Sheen~Tav~Hay



..."and drink;"

and drinkq my fecundq divineq livingq qwf~cavitationings cosmically metabolizingq all vital~impedanceings...]

~6~ ~{5 ~300.400~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Aleph~Tav




thoroughly from vital~impetusings to vital~impedanceings...]

6 Dallet~Mem~Yod



..."my blood;"

myq bloodq assa gatewayveingsq of existentialq biosphereings...]

~{4 40}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."adhereing my life;"

adhereingq my fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus and arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq...]

This ends up, ciphered, being a comtracted anagram of YahWeh with ~Aleph.1~. Tacit existenceings inferred by Doug.

This word appears, only just now becoming apparent to Doug, assa an antidote of (to) dialectic.


Doug - 15,22Jan2017.
8 Yod~Sheen~Kaf~finalNoun



..."abide in;"

abide cowithihn existentialq fecundq cosmic metabolismingsq grailingq cosmic lifeq principleingsq of...]

9 Bayt~Yod




meq assa somaticq existenceingsq...]

10 Vav~Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."and I in;"

and I assa vital~impetusings existentialq lifeq principleingsq cowithihn...]

11 Vayt~Waw




himq assa somaticq fecundationingsq...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Those who eatq livingq vital~impetusings' grailingsq existentialq metabolismingsq of,
thoroughly from vital~impetusings to vital~impedanceings,
flesh of meq assa somaticq focusedq cosmic metabolismingsq of omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn existenceingsq,
and drinkq my fecundq divineq livingq qwf~cavitationings cosmically metabolizingq all vital~impedanceings,
thoroughly from vital~impetusings to vital~impedanceings,
myq bloodq assa gatewayveingsq of existentialq biosphereings
adhereingq my fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus, and arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq, and
abide cowithi
hn existentialq fecundq cosmic metabolismingsq grailingq cosmic lifeq principleingsq of
meq assa somaticq existenceingsq,
and I assa vital~impetusings existentialq lifeq principleingsq cowithihn
himq assa somaticq fecundationingsq.

Doug - 9Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VI:57 assa Magdaleneq VI:57

Doug - 9Feb2017.

Magdalene VI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Kaf~Yod





2 Kaf~Mem~Waw




as grailingsq of fecundq biosphereings,...]

3 Hay~Aleph~Vayt



..."the living Father's;"

the livingq Father's somaticq vital~impetus, his...]

4 Hay~Hhayt~Yod



..."spirit engendering;"

livingq existentialq spiritq engenderingq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of...]

5 Sheen~Lammed~Hhayt~Noun~Yod




your cosmic and existential metabolismingsq spiritualq existentialq lifeq principleingsq...]

~{300 30}~ ~8.50.10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Vav~Aleph~Noun~Khaf~Yod




beingq vertical, upright, honorable, I am grailingq life'sq principleingsq ihnto existenceingsq...]

~6~ ~{1 ~40.20~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Hhayt~Yod




livesq of spiritualq existenceingsq...]

8 Bayt~Ghimel~Lammed~Lammed~Waw



..."because of the Father's;"

because of the Father's fecundq somaticq organicq movementingsq divineq metabolismingsq of...]

~2~ ~{3 ~{30 ~30}~}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Kaf~finalNoun



..."life principles;"

grailingq cosmic lifeq principleingsq,...]

10 Hay~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."those who eat;"

those who eatq livingq vital~impetusings' grailingsq existentialq metabolismingsq of...]

11 Aleph~Tav~Yod



..."existentially, thoroughly;"

vital~impetusings thoroughlyq cavitatingq vital~impedanceings existentiallyq...]

~{1 ~400~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Ghimel~finalMem




experienceingq organicq movementq~restq exaltationq...]

13 Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."my life;"

my fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq...]

This ends up, ciphered, being a comtracted anagram of YahWeh with ~Aleph.1~. Tacit existenceings inferred by Doug.

This word appears, only just now becoming apparent to Doug, assa an antidote of (to) dialectic.


Doug - 15,22Jan2017.
14 Yod~Hhayt~Yod~Hay



..."shall also have divineq lifeq;"

shall also have existentiallyq divineq spirituallyq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of lifeq...]

~{~{10 ~8~ ~10}~}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{existentially divine ~8~ ~existentially divine}~}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{10 ~spiritually unlimited possibilityings~ ~10}~}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{10 ~8~ ~10}~}~ of ~life~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

In a way this issi spiritual Qabala with Yod supping Aleph since all Yod has Aleph cowithihn it similar as all Bayt has Aleph cowithihn it.

When you think of ~l0~ assa ~1's~ actual projection, you may see Doug's talking point more clearly.

Qabala? "Yehhiah Shalom Esher Le'Shalomah!"

Doug - 3Jan2017.
15 Bayt~Ghimel~Lammed~Lammed~Yod



..."because of me;"

because of my existentialq somaticq organicq movementingsq divineq metabolismingsq....]

~2~ ~{3 ~{30 ~30}~}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

as grailingsq of fecundq biosphereings,
the livingq Father's somaticq vital~impetus, his
livingq existentialq spiritq engenderingq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of
your cosmic and existential metabolismingsq spiritualq existentialq lifeq principleingsq
beingq vertical, upright, honorable, I am grailingq life'sq principleingsq ihnto existenceingsq,
livesq of spiritualq existenceingsq,
because of the Father's fecundq somaticq organicq movementingsq divineq metabolismingsq of
grailingq cosmic lifeq principleingsq,
those who eatq livingq vital~impetusings' grailingsq existentialq metabolismingsq of
vital~impetusings thoroughlyq cavitatingq vital~impedanceings existentiallyq
experienceingq organicq movementq~restq exaltationq,
my fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq
shall also have existentiallyq divineq spirituallyq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of lifeq,
because of my existentialq somaticq organicq movementingsq divineq metabolismingsq.

Doug - 9Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VI:58 assa Magdaleneq VI:58

Doug - 10Feb2017.

Magdalene VI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Zayn~Hay



..."This is;"

This issi unlimitedq potentiaq of...]

2 Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."my life;"

my fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq...]

This ends up, ciphered, being a comtracted anagram of YahWeh with ~Aleph.1~. Tacit existenceings inferred by Doug.

This word appears, only just now becoming apparent to Doug, assa an antidote of (to) dialectic.


Doug - 15,22Jan2017.
3 Hay~Lammed~Hhayt~finalMem



..."the bread;"

the bread assa livingq metabolicq spiritq of unlimitedq possibilityingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

4 Hay~Yod~Raysh~Dallet



..."coming down;"

coming down without prior existentialq lifeq existenceingsq gatewayveingq omniversal emerqancyingsq...]

5 Mem~finalNoun



..."out of;"

been born beginning a somaq biospherically cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq...]

See Doug's finalNoun.

6 Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."the skies;"

the livingq skies from on high...]

~5.300~ ~{40 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Obtain how apoptosisq and resurrectionq of livingq arera tacit cowithihn Doug's use of arera.

A refresher: AR, ~Aleph~Raysh~, assa apoptosisq of Aleph.
A refresher: RA, ~Raysh~Aleph~, assa resurrectionq of Aleph.

Quanton offers hologralq EIMA complementaryq~antinomialismq of quantons(AR,RA).

'e' in AReRA represents comma~nospace as a quantum~grailing qwfal middleq~inclusionq.

Doug should show red and green complements as quantized and iso~complementary. Soon.

Livingq AReRA assa quantons(apoptosisq,resurrectionq)!

Again, compare AReRA metabolicallyq with Atta.

Doug - 22Jan2017.
7 Lammed~Aleph




not metabolizingq vital~impetusings...]

8 Khaf~Mem~finalNoun



..."out of;"

rather being born beginning a somaq biospherically cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq...]

See Doug's finalNoun.

9 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh




witnessingq vital~impetus cosmically metabolizingq omniversal emerqancyingsq...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Aleph~Khaf~Lammed~Waw



..."that they did eat;"

as did eatq [breathe~ihn, inhale] vital~impedanceings' vital~impetusings grailingsq of fecundq metabolicq...]

11 Aleph~Vayt~Waw~Tav~Yod~Khaf~finalMem



..."the fathers;"

the fathers' qwf~cavitational exaltedq fecundq somaticq vital~impetusings cowithihn existenceingsq grailingq cosmic biosphereings...]

~{1 ~{2 ~{6 ~400~ ~10}~ ~20}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Vav~Mem~Tav~Waw



..."and died;"

and diedq assa qwf~cavitationally fecundq biosphereings encounteringq impermeable vital~impedanceings...]

13 Hay~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."rather they that eat;"

rather they that eatq [breathe~ihn, inhale] vital~impedanceings' vital~impetusings grailingsq of fecundq metabolicq...]

14 Mem~finalNoun




and being born beginning a somaq biospherically cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq...]

15 Hay~Lammed~Hhayt~finalMem



..."this bread;"

this bread assa livingq metabolicq spiritq of unlimitedq possibilityingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

16 Hay~Zayn~Hay



..."and its perpetual life;"

and unlimitedq potentiaq of its perpetualq divineq qwf~cavitational livingsq...]

~{~{5 ~7~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
17 Yod~Hhayt~Yod~Hay



..."shall also have divineq lifeq;"

shall also have existentiallyq divineq spirituallyq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of lifeq...]

~{~{10 ~8~ ~10}~}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{existentially divine ~8~ ~existentially divine}~}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{10 ~spiritually unlimited possibilityings~ ~10}~}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{10 ~8~ ~10}~}~ of ~life~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

In a way this issi spiritual Qabala with Yod supping Aleph since all Yod has Aleph cowithihn it similar as all Bayt has Aleph cowithihn it.

When you think of ~l0~ assa ~1's~ actual projection, you may see Doug's talking point more clearly.

Qabala? "Yehhiah Shalom Esher Le'Shalomah!"

Doug - 3Jan2017.
18 Lammed~Ayn~Waw~Lammed~finalMem



..."for all;"

for all by qwf~cavitationally metabolizingq fecundq enlightenmentingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

~{30 ~70~ ~{6 ~30}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Metabolism Reigns Supreme

This issi unlimitedq potentiaq of
my fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq,
bread assa livingq metabolicq spiritq of unlimitedq possibilityingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings
coming down without prior existentialq lifeq existenceingsq gatewayveingq omniversal emerqancyingsq
and being born beginning a somaq biospherically cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq,
from living
q skies from on high:
not metabolizingq vital~impetusings,
rather being born beginning a somaq biospherically cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq
witnessingq vital~impetus cosmically metabolizingq omniversal emerqancyingsq
as did eatq [breathe~ihn, inhale] vital~impedanceings' vital~impetusings grailingsq of fecundq metabolicq
y~¤ur fathers' qwf~cavitational exaltedq fecundq somaticq vital~impetusings cowithihn existenceingsq grailingq cosmic biosphereings
and diedq assa qwf~cavitationally fecundq biosphereings encounteringq impermeable vital~impedanceings
rather they that eatq [breathe~ihn, inhale] vital~impedanceings' vital~impetusings grailingsq of fecundq metabolicq
and being born beginning a somaq biospherically cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq
this bread assa livingq metabolicq spiritq of unlimitedq possibilityingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
and unlimitedq potentiaq of its perpetualq divineq qwf~cavitational livingsq
shall also have existentiallyq divineq spirituallyq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of lifeq,
for all, by qwf~cavitationally metabolizingq fecundq enlightenmentingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings.

. . .

Bold green texts above, for Doug, desnouer expectationalq plausibilityq of routine resurrectionq.

Our bodies could n¤t liveq without routine plausibility of quantons(apoptosis,resurrection) of y~¤ur cellsq.

Atta's omniversal evolutionaryq metabolismq reigns supreme as Ihts modalityingsq of livingsq~dyingsq: divineq qycloidings of lifeq per se.

And there youq have Iht.

Metabolism Reigns Supreme

Doug - 10Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VI:59 assa Magdaleneq VI:59

Doug - 10Feb2017.

Magdalene VI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Kaf~Dallet~Vayt~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."These things;"

These thingsq [hologralq quantons(scin,quan)] assa grailingsq of somaticq gatewayveingsq existentialq omniversal emerqancyingsq cosmically biosphered...]

~{20 ~4~ ~{2}~ ~200}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Reinventing Self

This offers an eloquent, even exquisite omniscriptioning of hologralq energyq wellingsq.

Grailingq somaticq gatewayveingsq arera fractalq~recursiveq synapticq nexiq among EWingsq.

There arera countless of these metabolicq Quantonic interrelationshipingsq: existentiallyq interrelatingq omniversal emerqancyingsq cosmically biosphered systemicallyq cowithihn biosphereing hologramsq.

See A Reservoir of Wave Functions.

We may chooseq to thinkq of, "fractalq~recursiveq synapticq nexiq among EWingsq," assa quantons(scin,quan)!

Recall Doug's old (November, 2001) word, sobject?


See Q_C_Sobject.

At that time Doug was struggleing with what Suares refers [subjective, Iht~like wavy ropes in C 'sobject'] "presence of Iht."

To accept that revelation, one must instinctively intuit perpetual ubiquitous middle~inclusion. Sobject was one of first ways Doug started reinventing his own, ~pre~pro~ quantum, anti SOM instincts in that regard.

Pirsig's "Genetic Defect in Human Reason" does its damnedest to prevent us from having, experienceingq that revelation.

Reinventing Self

Destroy dialectic! Tear down SOM's wall, one brick at a time...

Doug - 10Feb2017.
2 Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay




y~¤ur divineq livingq Father, a g¤d...]

~{~{5 ~1.30~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We must learn to compare:



the demiurge
the livingq Father,

assa (no metabolism, but can choose...)
10.5.300.6.5 (cosmic metabolismings)
and (existential metabolism).

Doug's use of choose here begs a Jungian quanton(animus,anima) System Problem comparison. View near end of that video re System Problem.

Should 'we' choosec? (socialc dialectic)
Should wæ chooseq? (socialq coherentq~autonomyq of individualsq holographicq)

Now, ask self, "Self what appears to be Book of Revelation's major theme?"

Destruction of dialectic!

Does that ~show~tell~ usq which choose to use? Doug thinksq it does.

. . .

Too, it is well to recall that three Aut make up Qabala: ~1.5.10~ assa Ehieh assa ~

So Qabala's Autiot are ihn Elohim. To make Elohim out of Qabala what do we have to do? We have to commingleq ~existential~metabolism~ (metabolic~evolution of existenceings) and ~cosmic~biosphereings~ (emerqancy). Qabala adds The Game of Life to ~30.600~. Result? Elohim! Compare YahWeh.

~ superposeingq ~30.600~ issi ~

Are you an Elohim?

How can you be an Elohim? Adhere a meme of Ben Adam and play Qabala.

"Adhere a memeq of metabolicq evolutionq of Aleph (~vital~impetus~) cowithihn blood and Gnosticallyq play The Game of Life."

Doug - 2Nov2016, 20Jan2017.
3 Dallet~Bayt~Raysh




somaticq gatewayveingsq [Quantonic Interrelationshipings] existentialq omniversal emerqancyingsq...]

Doug often omniscribes Dabor assa quantons(scin,quan).

Quantonic interrelationshipingsq of quanta via phoxon~electron synapticq nexiq.

Doug - 10Feb2017.
4 Bayt~Lammed~Mem~Dallet~Waw



..."by teaching;"

by teachingq somaticq metabolismingsq fecund gatewayveingsq of biosphereings...]

~2.30~ ~{40 4}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Bayt~Vayt~Yod~Tav



..."in home;"

cowithihn divineq somaticq homeq of existenceingsq vitally~impeded...]

~{~{2 2}~}~ ~10.400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Hay~Kaf~Noun~Sammekh~Tav



..."of the synagogue;"

cowithihn the livingq grailingq lifeq freedom, uncertainty, and peace principledq feminineq fecundationingsq of all impermeableq vital~impedanceings...]

To Doug Magdalene issi the teacher using her life principled feminine qua to fecundate all impermeable vital~impedanceings.

YhShWh wanted Magdalene to be head of his Essene Gnostic flock.

She made fecund proliferation out of vital~impedance: lemons to lemonade.

Doug - 10Feb2017.
7 Bayt~Khaf~Pay~Raysh



..."in Caper;"

in Caper assa somaticq grailingsq of omniversal emerqancyingsq unlimitedq existentialq possibilityingsq...]

~{2 ~{20}~ ~80~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Somaticq grailingsq of omniversal emerqancyingsq unlimitedq existentialq possibilityingsq."
8 Noun~Hhayt~Waw~finalMem




Naum assa place of exaltedq spiritualq lifeq principleingsq...]

~50.8~ ~{6 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"A place of exaltedq spiritualq lifeq principleingsq.

Doug - 10Feb2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

These thingsq [hologralq quantons(scin,quan)] assa grailingsq of somaticq gatewayveingsq existentialq omniversal emerqancyingsq cosmically biosphered
y~¤ur divineq livingq Father, a g¤d whose
somaticq gatewayveingsq [Quantonic Interrelationshipings] he applies to existentialq omniversal emerqancyingsq
by teachingq somaticq metabolismingsq fecund gatewayveingsq of biosphereings
cowithihn divineq somaticq homeq of existenceingsq vitally~impeded
cowithihn y~¤ur livingq grailingq lifeq freedom, uncertainty, and peace principledq feminineq fecundationingsq of all impermeableq vital~impedanceings
in Caper assa somaticq grailingsq of omniversal emerqancyingsq unlimitedq existentialq possibilityingsq
Naum assa place of exaltedq spiritualq lifeq principleingsq.

Doug - 10Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VI:60 assa Magdaleneq VI:60

Doug - 10Feb2017.

Magdalene VI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Raysh~Bayt~Yod~finalMem



..."And Rabbis;"

And many precipitousq Rabbis assa omniversal emerqancyingsq exaltedq somaticallyq cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphereings among...]

~{6 ~{200 2}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Mem~Thav~Lammed~Mem~Yod~Dallet~Yod~Waw




disciplesq assa qwf~cavitationally divineq biosphereings of vitally~impeded metabolismingsq qwf~cavitationally existentially gatewayveingsq fecundityingsq...]

~{~{~{40 ~{~{400}~ ~30~ ~{40}~}~}~ ~{10 ~4}~ ~10}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Sheen~Mem~Ayn~Waw




heard assa cosmic metabolismingsq of biosphereings fecundlyq enlightenedq,...]

4 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh~Waw



..."therefore they said;"

therefore they said qwf~cavitationally fecundq existenceingsq vital~impetusings of biosphereings omniversal emerqancyingsq that...]

~{6 ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Qof~Sheen~Hay



..."it is too challenging to be;"

it is too challenging to assessq cosmic vital~impetus straddleingq all livingq cosmic metabolismingsq...]

Sounds Bostonian for Kosher...
6 Hay~Dallet~Vayt~Raysh



..."saying Iht is in us;"

thence saying livingq Ihts exalted somaticq gatewayveingsq [Quantonic Interrelationshipings] arera existentialq omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn usq...]

The Naassene Secret

~5.4~ ~{2 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This schema and four following it expresses our system problem beautifully!

This saying (middle~includeing synaptic interrelationshiping) defies their dialectical understanding of reality.

They have been so carefully taught like us, dialectic's stux sux.

They are stux and have no idea how that could possibly happen to them.

They have been carefully taught that reality is dialectical-mechanical-analytic.

They have n¤ memeticq intuitionsq (n¤r instinctsq) regarding Ihts includedq~middleq~presenceq assa, e.g., ~{~{iso1000}~}~ among all of ~us~them~.

Mark Gaffney in his Gnostic Secrets of the Naassenes, calls this middleq~inclusionq of Iht (cowithihn usq) meme, "The Naassene Secret."

Colloquially it is known as Finding One's Inner.

The Naassene Secret

Doug - 10Feb2017.
7 Hay~Zayn~Hay



..."and Iht has perpetual life;"

and unlimitedq potentiaq of those interrelationshipingsq perpetualq divineq qwf~cavitational livingsq...]

~{~{5 ~7~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Mem~Yod



..."who is;"

who among us arera biosphereing existenceingsq and...]

9 Yod~Waw~Khaf~Lammed




ableq [Kosher] to fecundlyq grailq existentialq metabolismingsq...]

10 Lammed~Sheen~Mem~Ayn~Waw



..."to hear and understand Iht?;"

to hear and understand Ihts presenceq assa both existentialq and cosmic metabolismingsq biosphereings of fecundq enlightenmentingsq?...]

~{30 300}~ ~40.70.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Of Jesus' twelve disciples, only two understood presenceq of Iht: Thomas Didymous and Magdalene, both masters of Qabala, Gnosis, Autiot, Gematria, etc.

Presence of Iht role~situationally implies Quantum~Realityings!

A revealing epiphany...

Doug - 10Feb2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

And many precipitousq Rabbis assa omniversal emerqancyingsq exaltedq somaticallyq cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphereings among
disciplesq assa qwf~cavitationally divineq biosphereings of vitally~impeded metabolismingsq qwf~cavitationally existentially gatewayveingsq fecundityingsq,
and they heard, assa cosmic metabolismingsq of biosphereings fecundlyq enlightenedq, about Iht,
therefore they said qwf~cavitationally fecundq existenceingsq vital~impetusings of biosphereings omniversal emerqancyingsq that
it is too challenging to assessq cosmic vital~impetus straddleingq all livingq cosmic metabolismingsq
thence saying livingq Ihts exaltedq somaticq gatewayveingsq [via Quantonic Interrelationshipings] arera existentialq omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn usq,
and unlimitedq potentiaq of those interrelationshipingsq perpetualq divineq qwf~cavitational livingsq,

"Who among us arera biosphereing existenceingsq
and ableq [Kosher] to fecundlyq grailq existentialq metabolismingsq
to hear and understand Ihts presenceq assa both existentialq and cosmic metabolismingsq biosphereings of fecundq enlightenmentingsq?"

. . .

Big deal in this verse issi an explicit exposure of The Naassene Secret as Ihts presence cowithihn usq, as a revelation of finding one's inner.

Quite simplistically, quantum subtlety abounds here.

This translationq of Magdalene isn't your father's Old-stux-mobile...

Doug - 10Feb2017.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032 - Rev. 8-10Feb2016  PDR - Created: 8Feb2016  PDR
