
Doug's Translation
John VII
[Rather, Magdalene VII]
Verses 31-40
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Magdalene VII:31-40:

Doug is following a Hebrew version of John [Magdalene] which he found on Internet.

It is good to keep in mind that contemporary Hebrew, excepting Autiot and Gematria do not carry sema of Abraham's Autiot. Modern Hebrew idiom (apparently) carries little resemblance to symbols sema of Abraham's time. Doug is assuming that Abraham had a grasp of Autiot more metabolic than its modern versions' more intransigent objective, formal, dialectical idiom. Mosheh shows us a clear exemplar of that in his sema for Ehieh Esher Ehieh. Modern translator's view that as, "I am that I am." Mosheh, according Carlo Suares, said very metabolically, "Qabala witnesses Qabala." "I am that I am," ciphered as degenerate dialectic becomes much more objective Ani Be'Aatsmee Ani (i.e., "I am myself I am."). So what does Ehieh mean metabolically? This: Aleph~living, Yod living. Any Qabalist might say, "I am that I am," however, said Qabalist would not mean that Qabala witnesses itself. Suares claims that much modern sema and semasiology is abominable idiom when compared to Abraham's hermeneutics.

To retranslate Magdalene in Suares' quantum~hologral~fluxodynamic language, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Quantum Autiot Table Cropped

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Genesis
Doug Renselle

Magdalene VII:31

Magdalene VII:32

Magdalene VII:33

Magdalene VII:34

Magdalene VII:35

Magdalene VII:36

Magdalene VII:37

Magdalene VII:38

Magdalene VII:39

Magdalene VII:40

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VII:31 assa Magdaleneq VII:31

Doug - 23Feb2017.

Magdalene VII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Raysh~Bayt~Yod~finalMem



..."But of the multitude;"

But of the multitude, many precipitousq Rabbis assa omniversal emerqancyingsq exaltedq somaticallyq cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphereings among...]

~{6 ~{200 2}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Mem~finalNoun




many biosphereings of cosmic lifeq [anti-dialectical] principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

3 Hay~Ayn~finalMem



..."much of population;"

via much of populated livingq enlightenmentq cosmically~biosphered...]

4 Hay~Aleph~Mem~Yod~Noun~Waw



..."encourage us;"

encourageingq usq to believeq ihn fecundq lifeq principleingsq...]

~{5 ~{1 ~40~ ~10}~ ~50}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Vayt~Waw



..."to understand;"

to understandq while fathomingsq somaticq fecundationingsq cowithihn usq...]

6 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh~Waw



..."therefore they said;"

therefore they said qwf~cavitationally fecundq existenceingsq vital~impetusings of biosphereings omniversal emerqancyingsq that...]

~{6 ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Hay~Khaf~Yod



..."can anything expected;"

can anythingq beq expectedq assa livingq existentialq grailingsq...]

Again we envision both temporal and atemporal stochastics.

Doug - 23Feb2017.
8 Hay~Mem~Sheen~Yod~Hhayt



..."its self as the messiah;"

Ihts immanentq selfq assa y~¤ur messiahq assa coinsidentq livingq biosphere metabolizingq y~¤ur spiritualq existenceingsq,

and we agree, however, wæ arera YhShWh's anointed, and wæ arera not cowithihn 'the dialectical christ'....]

Doug just found these words from Suares' Eight Propositions regarding fraud of Greeks claiming Jesus as Khristos,

From Proposition 1: "The Hellenistic answer, attributed to Simon, 'Thou art Khristos,' is preposterous. The very idea of being called Khristos "or Christ, the Anointed, in modern language" so horrified the Rabbi that he later on charged...his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus Christ (Matt. xvi, 20). And WHAT HE MEANT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN OTHER THAN WHAT HE SAID. (See Gospels Thomas and Philip, among others. Nag Hammadi Library has these and many other 'non approved' texts.)

"In Hebrew, Simon probably said: 'Thou art Ben~YHWH~Elohim (or Ben~YHWH), thus emphasizing the Rabbi's statement. And this answer would have been in accordance with the profound original theme of Genesis, which, ever since the appearance of YHWH (the demiurge: it has no Sheen..., it has life, Hay, but that Hay is Yodc without Aleph), proclaims the primacy of his symbolic offspring over the earth's (Adamah's) offspring of flesh and blood. We remember Caheen, son of this primal comic energy, rising above his brother Hevel, and Hevel thereby being reduced to a mere pool of blood. We have learned, through all the allegories, of the struggle between the Aleph, which wills to spring forth, and the blood which tends to stifle it." Doug's dark blue text.

Doug - 22Dec2016. Quotes commentary by Doug CeodE 2015.

A reminder:

A messiah isn't a king or social leader, rather a messiah issi a living biosphere metabolizing y~¤ur spiritual growth [maturation of and via gnostic wisdom]!

Recall Scott M. Peck's definition of love, "The will to extend oneself for a purpose of nourishing one's own and another's spiritual growth.

Beware all potentially fraudulent idiom...

Beware all MSM spin (as fraudulent).

Doug - 13Feb2017.
9 Bayt~Vayt~Aleph~Waw




appears [holograllyq projectedq] assa divineq somaticq [semi~silvered laserq likeq] qwf~cavitationings of fecundq vital~impetusings...]

~{~{2 2}~}~ ~1.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Yod~Ayn~Seen~Hay



..."as what issi done;"

assa what issi done, assa livingq existentialq enlightenmentingsq cosmically biosphered...]

11 Aleph~Tav~Waw~Tav



..."as signs;"

assa signsq, assa vital~impetusings divineq vital~impedanceings qwfal~cavitationings of all fecundationingsq...]

~1~ ~{~{400 ~6~ ~400}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Vital~impetusings encountering divineq impedanceings of all fecundityingsq.

To Doug 'signs' are linguistically analogous of Autiot. In that regard signs arera quantons(Autiot,qwfal~wayve~numberings), signs arera quantons(~Autiot~,~Gematria~).

We might choose to embrace situation and role comtextual ~temporal~atemporal~ issues of signs, too.

This sequence of text offers us a didactic of linguisticq, "how to."

Doug - 24Dec2016, 23Feb2017.
12 Raysh~Bayt~Yod~finalMem



..."of Rabbi;"

of Rabbi assa precipitousq qwf~cavitational declensioningsq from cosmic emerqancyingsq to somaq cowithihn existenceingsq cosmic biosphereings...]

~{200 2}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Mem~Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."from witnessing;"

from witnessingq assa existentialq biosphereings' vital~impetusings experienceingsq song~likeq, music~likeq qwf~cavitationings from cosmic metabolismingsq to cosmic emerqancyingsq...]

~40.1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~40.1~ ~{Shyar}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 23Feb2017.
14 Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."what this man;"

what this man assa livingq fecundationingsq of vital~impetus...]

15 Ayn~Seen~Hay



..."has accomplished;"

has accomplished assa enlightenmentingsq of livingq cosmic metabolismingsq....]

Doug is unsure, but we might look at cosmic~metabolismings assa quantons(~living~metabolismings~,~{~{Iht}~}~).

So what YhShWh accomplishes issi making some metabolismings aware practitioners of "acceptance of immanent presence of Iht."

Doug - 23Feb2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

But of the multitude, many precipitousq Rabbis assa omniversal...
q exaltedq somaticallyq cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphereings among
many biospher
eings of cosmic lifeq [anti-dialectical] principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq
via much of populated livingq enlightenmentq cosmically~biosphered
encourageingq usq to believeq ihn fecundq lifeq principleingsq
to understandq while fathomingsq somaticq fecundationingsq cowithihn usq,
therefore they said qwf~cavitationally fecundq existenceingsq vital~impetusings of biosphereings omniversal emerqancyingsq

"Can anythingq beq expectedq assa livingq existentialq grailingsq,
Ihts immanentq selfq assa y~¤ur messiahq assa coinsidentq livingq biosphere metabolizingq y~¤ur spiritualq existenceingsq,
and we agree, however, wæ
arera YhShWh's anointed, and wæ arera not cowithihn 'the dialectical christ'.
appears [holograllyq projectedq] assa divineq somaticq [semi~silvered laserq likeq] qwf~cavitationings of fecundq vital~impetusings
assa what issi done, assa livingq existentialq enlightenmentingsq cosmically biosphered
assa signsq, assa vital~impetusings divineq vital~impedanceings qwfal~cavitationings of all fecundationingsq
of Rabbi assa precipitousq qwf~cavitational declensioningsq from cosmic...
...emerqancyingsq to somaq cowithihn existenceingsq cosmic biosphereings,
from witnessingq assa existentialq biosphereings' vital~impetusings experienceingsq song~likeq,... qwf~cavitationings from cosmic metabolismingsq to cosmic emerqancyingsq
what this man assa livingq fecundationingsq of vital~impetus
has accomplished assa enlightenmentingsq of livingq cosmic metabolismingsq?"

. . .

YhShWh has appeared and is among them, and they are still asking, "What about when he appears?"

Even then "y~¤ur Messenger" couldn't get them to "see the Light."

"How can that be, Doug?"

The dialectical vulgate mind...
(it cannot quantonically see quantons(projected,projection), i.e., both
projection (state, stux)
projected (change, flux), it can only 'see' dichon(stux, sux), i.e., what's on the brick wall...):

...simply cannot accept a meme of, "immanent presence of

What's amazing to Doug is that our minds couldn't be, couldn't think, couldn't omniscriminateq and
q, chooseq, changeq without immanent presence of Iht!
Henri Louis Bergson called it, "thinking being directly:" Thibedir.

Doug - 23Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VII:32 assa Magdaleneq VII:32

Doug - 24Feb2017.

Magdalene VII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Sheen~Mem~Ayn~Waw



..."And they [wæ] heard;"

And they [wæ] heardq, assa fecundq qwf~cavitationings of existentialq biosphereings cosmic metabolicq enlightenmentingsq...]

~{6 ~10.300.40.70~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug issi intentionally 'contemporaneously com~temporizingq idiom' here to show readers how what allegorically happened to Adam and Eve issi happening to all of usq perpetually, ubiquitously.

Doug - 30Jan2017.
2 Hay~Phay~Raysh~Waw~Sheen~Yod~finalMem



..."the Pharisees;"

the Pharisees...]

~5.80~ ~{200 ~{6 ~300}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~living unlimited possibilityings~ ~{200 ~{6 ~300}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5.80~ ~{omniversal emerqancyings ~{6 ~300}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5.80~ ~{200 ~{fecund exaltationings ~300}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5.80~ ~{200 ~{6 ~cosmic metabolismings}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5.80~ ~{200 ~{6 ~300}~ ~existential~ ~cosmic biosphereings}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 24Feb2017.
3 Kaf~Yod




since grailingsq of existenceingsq...]

4 Hay~Ayn~finalMem



..."much of population;"

via much of populated livingq enlightenmentq cosmically~biosphered...]

5 Mem~Tav~Lammed~Hhayt~Sheen~Yod~finalMem




murmuringq, assa gradualq, slowq, quietq deathq of a metabolicq memeq...]

~{~{40 400}~ ~{30 ~8~ ~300}~ ~10.600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{biosphereings vital~impedanceings}~ ~{30 ~8~ ~300}~ ~10.600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{40 400}~ ~{metabolismings ~8~ ~cosmic metabolismings}~ ~10.600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{40 400}~ ~{30 ~spiritual unlimited possibilityings~ ~300}~ ~10.600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{40 400}~ ~{30 ~8~ ~300}~ ~existential cosmic biosphereings}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This might be read as, "Death of spiritual metabolismings cowithihn cosmic biospheric existenceings."

Doug fails to see any linguistic nexus with murmuring.

Closest Doug can come issi murmur as "...gradual, slow, quiet death of a metabolic meme."

Doug - 24Feb2017.
6 Kaf~Zayn~Aleph~Tav




things by grailingq unlimitedq potentiaq of At...]

At of Atta...
7 Ayn~Lammed




concerning enlightenedq metabolismingsq...]

Concern as being near...
8 Aleph~Dallet~Waw~Tav~Yod~Waw



..."communal issues;"

communal issues, assa qwf~cavitational vital~impetusings of qwf~cavitational gatewayveingsq of qwf~cavitational fecundationingsq cowithihn vital~impedanceings cowithihn existenceingsq qwf~reverberatingq fecundationingsq...]

~{1 ~{4 ~{6 ~400}~ ~10}~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Vav~Yod~Sheen~Lammed~Hhayt~Waw



..."and be sending;"

and be sending, assa qwf~cavitational fecundationingsq of qwf~cavitationings from cosmic metabolismingsq to existentialq metabolismingsq spirituallyq with unlimitedq possibilityingsq cowithihn fecundq qwf~reverberationings...]

~{6 ~10~ ~{300 30}~ ~8~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Yod





~{200 ~{1 ~300}~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{heads}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 24Feb2017.
11 Hay~Kaf~Hay~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."the priests of;"

some of those grailingq ascensioningsq of lifeq and life'sq principleingsq ihnto existenceingsq priestly cosmic biosphereings of...]

~{5 ~20~ ~{5}~ ~50}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Vav~Hay~Phay~Raysh~Waw~Sheen~Yod~finalMem



..."the Pharisees;"

and the Pharisees assa exaltedq fecundq qwf~cavitationings of qwf~cavitationings of livingsq adhereingq lifeq principleingsq coaffectingq existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

~{6 ~20~ ~{5 50}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Mem~Sheen~Raysh~Tav~Yod~finalMem



..."knowing officers;"

knowing officers, those who would kill the messenger...]

~{~{40 ~{300 200}~ ~400}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We see Mem~Tav with Shyar embedded.

Literally those who would kill 'the song,' the messenger.

Doug - 24Feb2017.
14 Lammed~Tav~Phay~Seen~Waw



..."who sought to seize, to capture him;"

who sought to seize, to capture him...]

~{30 ~400.80~ ~300}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{30 ~sought to seize, to capture him~ ~300}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 22Feb2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

And they [wæ] heardq, assa fecundq qwf~cavitationings of existentialq biosphereings cosmic metabolicq enlightenmentingsq
the Pharisees,
since grailingsq of existenceingsq
via much of populated livingq enlightenmentq cosmically~biosphered
murmuringq, assa gradualq, slowq, quietq deathq of a metabolicq memeq
things by grailingq unlimitedq potentiaq of At
concerning enlightenedq metabolismingsq
communal issues, assa qwf~cavitational vital~impetusings of qwf~cavitational gatewayveingsq of qwf~cavitational...
...fecundationingsq cowithihn vital~impedanceings cowithihn existenceingsq qwf~reverberatingq fecundationingsq,
and be sending, assa qwf~cavitational fecundationingsq of qwf~cavitationings from cosmic metabolismingsq to...
...existentialq metabolismingsq spirituallyq with unlimitedq possibilityingsq cowithihn fecundq qwf~reverberationings
some of those grailingq ascensioningsq of lifeq and life'sq principleingsq ihnto existenceingsq priestly cosmic biosphereings of,
and the Pharisees assa exaltedq fecundq qwf~cavitationings of qwf~cavitationings of livingsq ...
...adhereingq lifeq principleingsq coaffectingq existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings
knowing officers, those who would kill the messenger
who sought to seize, to capture him.

Doug - 24Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VII:33 assa Magdaleneq VII:33

Doug was simply filled with Awe to find Qabala acknowledged in this verse.

What a mind opening experienceq...witnessingq YhShWh using [speaking] Mosheh's Qabala in a situation and role of quantized QED enlightenment!

Doug - 24Feb2017.

Magdalene VII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."Therefore he said;"

Therefore he said qwf~cavitationally fecundq existenceingsq vital~impetusings of biosphereings omniversal emerqancyingsq that...]

~{6 ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Aleph~Lammed~Yod~Hay~finalMem



[unto them:

..."according Qabala, unto them, assa vital~impetusings existentialq livingq metabolismingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings;"

~{1 ~30~ ~10}~ ~5.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Compare Elihem and Elohim.

They are anagrams of one another, and both middle~include qwfally~comtracted anagrams of Qabala: Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay:

Too, be keenly awareq that Qabala anagramically superposesq both Elihem and Elohim.

It issi very enlightening to compare also Song of Song's Alt:


Alt issi metabolic breathing~¤ut theme of SoS.

Ali may be regarded assa an metabolic existential creation theme of Genesis: creation of all existence from its antinomial vital~impetus.

Use Ali to ponder Big Bangs.

Use Ali to ponder conception.

Then compare YhShWh's Eloh to Alt and Ali.

Autiot triples like Alt and Ali...Doug likes to think of them as qwfal codons similar our DNA's triples used to mRNA ribosome~ically build protein qwfs.

Doug - 19Dec2016, 21Jan2017, 9Feb2017.
3 Yod~Sheen~Waw~Ayn





4 Ayn~Waw~Dallet



...""My light is in us;"

"My lightq is cowithihn usq assa gatewayveingsq of fecundq enlightenmentingsq...]

5 Mem~Ayn~Tayt



..."with you;"

cowithihn you assa cellularq biosphereings of lightq quanta...]

6 Mem~Zayn~Ayn~Raysh



..."QED evolveing you,;"

QED evolveingq you assa omniversally emerqantq biosphereings qwf~cavitationing with unlimitedq potentiaq of lightq...]

~40~ ~{7 70}~ ~200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay



..."playing The Game of Life;"

playingq The Gameq of Lifeq assa vital~impetusings divineq qwf~cavitational livingsq existenceingsq cowithihn qwf~reverberational livingsq...]

~{1 ~{~{5 ~10}~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .


Doug - 24Feb2017.
8 Ayn~Mem~Khaf~finalMem



..."while enlightening you;"

while enlighteningq you, via scintillationingsq~transmutationingsq of your ascendentq qwf~cavitational biosphereings grailingsq exalted qwf~reverberationally cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

~70~ ~{40 ~20~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Allow Doug to hermeneut this schema using QCS™:

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~


ascendant double~column unit~populated qwf~cavitationings of


ascendant double~column unit~populated qwf~reverberationings


cowithihn Iht


. . .

That text issi generated by QCS™.

It's over two years old now, so it shows some variance with Doug's more evolved translation today.

Doug - 24Feb2017.
9 Vav~Aleph~Lammed~finalKhaf



..."and from here on;"

and from here on, assa a journeyq of fecundq vital~impetusings metabolicq cosmic grailingsq...]

10 Lammed~Yod




I assa metabolicq existenceingsq...]

11 Aleph~Lammed




go assa metabolicq vital~impetusings...]

12 Sheen~Lammed~Hay~Yod



..."to Her who sent me;"

to Her who sentq me assa Her metabolicq qwf~cavitationings from cosmic ihnto existentialq livingsq...]

~{300 30}~ ~5.10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Therefore he said qwf~cavitationally fecundq existenceingsq vital~impetusings of biosphereings omniversal emerqancyingsq that,
according Qabala, unto them, assa vital~impetusings existential
q livingq metabolismingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
YhShWh said,

"My lightq issi cowithihn usq assa gatewayveingsq of fecundq enlightenmentingsq
cowithihn you assa cellularq biosphereings of lightq quanta,
QED evolveingq you assa omniversally emerqantq biosphereings qwf~cavitationing with unlimitedq potentiaq of lightq,
playingq Qabala's The Gameq of Lifeq assa vital~impetusings divineq qwf~cavitational...
...livingsq existenceingsq cowithihn qwf~reverberational livingsq,
while enlighteningq you, via scintillationingsq~transmutationingsq of your ascendentq qwf~cavitational...
...biosphereings grailingsq exalted qwf~reverberationally cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
and from here on, assa a journeyq of fecundq vital~impetusings metabolicq cosmic grailingsq
I assa metabolicq existenceingsq
go assa metabolicq vital~impetusings
to Her who sentq me assa Her metabolicq qwf~cavitationings from cosmic ihnto existentialq livingsq.

. . .

Apoptosis of YhShWh

Doug's verse VIII:33 translation radically alters source text's:

"Jesus therefore said, 'Yet a little while am I with you, and I go unto him that sent me'."

Doug's reads,

"Therefore YhShWh said, according Qabala, 'My lightq issi cowithihn usq cowithihn you QED evolveingq you
q Qabala's The Gameq of Lifeq while enlightening you and from here on I go to Her who sent me.' "

Source text, made obvious now by Doug's retranslation of it, issi a forgery asserting patriarchy where there is none.

We see its intentional deceit! It doesn't even have enough Gnostic Wisdom to refer Qabala. Doug's opus does.

Retranslated we see great beauty in this verse expressing expectationq of YhShWh's imminent apoptosisq...
which itself begs a Bein~Vein potentia for perpetual and ubiquitous rebirth of ~Ben~Adam~ cowithi
hn all of usq...

Apoptosis of YhShWh

Militant Christianity you are pure deceit! The Order of Liars is a better appellation.

You also call it Opus Dei. Ugh!

Doug accuses you of forgery!

Doug - 24Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VII:34 assa Magdaleneq VII:34

Doug - 24Feb2017.

Magdalene VII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Thav~Vayt~Qof~Sheen~Noun~Yod



..."You shall be impeded and struggle looking for me;"

You shall struggleq lookingq for me, assa vital~impedanceings of your somaq's qwf~cavitational cosmic vital~impetusings cosmically metabolizingq your existentialq lifeq principleingsq...]

~400.2~ ~{100 ~300.50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

In a way, this verse is telling those of us who seek him shall never find him.

Heraclitus comes to mind, "Nature likes to hide."

Doug - 24Feb2017.
2 Vav~Lammed~Aleph



..."and not;"

and not...]

3 Tav~Mem~Tsadde~Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."find me;"

find me, assa qwf~cavitationings from vital~impedanceings to existentialq biosphereings of existentialq emerqantq quantal structurationingsq of qwf~cavitationings from projectedq vital~impetusings to projectioningsq of existenceingsq of lifeq principleingsq...]

~{400 40}~ ~90~ ~{1 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Vav~Vayt~Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."nor bodily witness,;"

nor bodily witnessq, assa fecundq somaticq vital~impetusings resurrectingq, breatheings~ihn~restoreingsq of vital~impetusings...]

~6.2.1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay



..."even though playing The Game of Life,;"

even though playingq The Gameq of Lifeq assa vital~impetusings divineq qwf~cavitational livingsq existenceingsq cowithihn qwf~reverberational livingsq,...]

~{1 ~{~{5 ~10}~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .


Doug - 24Feb2017.
6 Aleph~Noun~Yod





~{1 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Lammed~Aleph





8 Tav~Vav~Khaf~Lammed~Waw


[Tokholo, Ta'Ve'Kholo:

..."you hope;"

you to wisely hope assa vital~impedanceings qwf~cavitational fecundq grailingsq for all existentialq metabolismingsq...]

~400~ ~{6 ~20.30~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~400~ ~{6 ~for all~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 25Feb2017.
9 Aleph~Thav~finalMem



..."for I am going away;"

for I am going away assa withering vital~impetusings encumbered by vital~impedanceings cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

10 Lammed~Vayt~Aleph



..."you cannot come nor;"

you cannot come nor, assa your somaq embeddedq cowithihn attempted metabolismingsq of vital~impetusings...]

This schema and its use in this situation and role offers much linguistic Value.

We see Aleph embedded cowithihn Lo's "no."

Aleph issi vital~impetusings. Aleph issi both here and not here, both temporal and atemporal. Aleph exhibits neutrino~esque quantum~wayve~functionings.

So to narrate, "you cannot come nor," may be assessed as you arera (your vital~impetus is) already here and already there.

This shows YhShWh in a quanton(atemporal,temporal).

Recall how Doug has shown prior quanton assa Almighty.

YhShWh can leave usq, be with usq, not be with usq, straddle usq, etc.

He exhibits potency of what wæ might refer Almighty, yæs?

In some unpublished gospels, YhShWh omniscribes selfq assa laughing at those who do not fathom memesq surrounding what Doug has just written, Doug attempting to make them lucid.

Oversimply, no one can analytically 'kill' YhShWh.

And he issi [cowith]ihn usq...k~n¤w~ings.

And wæ arera madeq of hologralq EIMA quantons!

Doug - 24Feb2017.
11 Sheen~Mem~Hay



..."those living;"

those livingq, assa cosmic metabolismingsq of livingq biosphereings...]

This can also mean, "Any livingq name."

Now think about that. In Anglis, would we ever refer a name as livingq? To any English speaker aren't names objectivelyc 'deadc?' Anglis denies quantum~reality! Why? It issi, intentionally, a dialectical language following ancient Romans and Greeks. To most English speakers, their language is to them elegant. Ugh!

Anglis issi already an ancient (19th century) Esperanto...a language of hope...

But hope isn't classically objective...

[To Doug] Hope epigenomically expects presence of Iht.

[Search PBS videos for epigenome. Excellence.]

Quoting Talbot on Bohm, re (Anglican) dialectic:

"Indeed, Bohm believes that our almost universal tendency to [dialectically, analytically] fragment the world and ignore the dynamic interconnectedness of all things is responsible for many of our problems, not only in science but in our lives and our society as well." Michael Talbot in his, The Holographic Universe, p. 49 of 338 total pages Harper paperback. (Our brackets.)

Doug - 14Jan2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

You shall struggleq lookingq for me, assa vital~impedanceings of your somaq's qwf~cavitational...
...cosmic vital~impetusings cosmically metabolizingq your existentialq lifeq principleingsq
and not
find me, assa qwf~cavitationings from vital~impedanceings to existentialq biosphereings of existentialq emerqantq quantal...
...structurationingsq of qwf~cavitationings from projectedq vital~impetusings to projectioningsq of existenceingsq of lifeq principleingsq
nor bodily witnessq, assa fecundq somaticq vital~impetusings resurrectingq, breatheings~ihn~restoreingsq of vital~impetusings
even though playingq The Gameq of Lifeq assa vital~impetusings divineq qwf~cavitational livingsq existenceingsq cowithihn qwf~reverberational livingsq,
impeded as you are, how shall you wisely hope,
for I am going away assa withering vital~impetusings encumbered by vital~impedanceings cowithihn cosmic biosphereings
you cannot come nor, assa your somaq embeddedq cowithihn attempted metabolismingsq of vital~impetusings
those livingq, assa cosmic metabolismingsq of livingq biosphereings.

. . .

Doug's retranslation here closely aligns source text, except for added quantum~fluxodynamic Suaresian language detail.

In first word Doug turned seek into a "...struggleq lookingq."

Note how Qabala reappears here, without mention by source translators.

Subterfuge by omission?

Doug - 24Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VII:35 assa Magdaleneq VII:35

Pharisees and Sadducees

Second word of this verse refers Jews. Since Pharisees have been mentioned prior,
Doug infers that these Jews, referenced here, are (could be, possibly not) Phariseean.

Doug's old English Websters claims Pharisees were hypocritical strict adherents to Torah.
That makes Doug extremely curious. Did they practice strict adherence to Autiot and its Gematria.
Most of all, could they be fathomed as more classical, more quantum?


Big query answered here for Doug is Pharisees are Jews. Their opponents are Sadducees.
Sadducees are Jews too. They deny oral tradition, existence of spirits, and resurrection of dead.
Sadducees clearly (in Doug's opine) are more classical.
Doug guesses then, fully embraceing indetermination, Pharisees are (could be, possibly not) more quantum.
Good (situation and role) stuff to know.

Keep in mind, none of Autiot and its Qabala are classically 'abstract.'

Thank you, my love, Bethahavah!

A much bigger query: "Why didn't Sadducees and Pharisees study detailsq of Autiot and Qabala?"

Abraham did! Why didn't they?

Doug claims that hypocrisy evaporates when one fathoms Autiot and its Qabala (let's say, as references, how Abraham, Jesus and Mary did).

Again, Doug asks you, could Simon Peter have written 'John?'
Maggie explicitly used Qabala, so far, twice in her opus.
Simon Peter could not [lacked qua] do that!

Doug just counted Qabala occurrences in this book of NT. It occurs eight times! Very anti Simon's Petrifying idiomatic narrative.

This issi a very strange problem. Details boggle Doug's mind.

I hope someone takes this seriously and does a Isaac Casaubon [under Comcision] on it.
Refer Frances A. Yates' Giordano Bruno

Pharisees and Sadducees

Doug - 24Feb2017.

Magdalene VII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh~Waw



..."They therefore said;"

They therefore said, assa qwf~cavitationally fecundq existenceingsq vital~impetusings of biosphereings omniversal emerqancyingsq that...]

~{6 ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Hay~Yod~Hay~Waw~Dallet~Yod~finalMem



..."the Jews;"

the Jews assa full of divineq lifeq existenceingsq fecundlyq gatewayveingsq existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings....]

~{~{5 ~{10 ~5}~}~ ~{~6 ~{40 ~10}~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Aleph~Yod~Sheen



..."as men among themselves;"

as men among themselves assa vital~impetusings of existenceingsq cosmically metabolizedq...]

~{1 10}~ ~300~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Aleph~Lammed





5 Aleph~Hay~Yod~Waw



..."their brethren;"

their brethren assa fecundq qwf~cavitational vital~impetusings of spiritualq unlimitedq possibilityingsq reverberatingq existenceingsq...]

~{1 ~8~ ~10}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Aleph~Noun~Hay



..."whither has his;"

whither has his vital~impetus with his indeterminateq quantization and scintillationq of lifeq's principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq and peaceq...]

~1~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

[Borrowed from SoS VI:1 word 1.]

"This is so beautiful and yet so very simple.

"It combines Aleph's vital~impetus with Noun~Hay. Noun~Hay issi life's archetype Hay.5 quantized projection in existence of Noun.50 as quantization necessary for scintillation of life itself.

"Aleph issi quantons(scin,quan) issi Shyt (Sheen~Yod~Tav)!!!

"Think of Aleph assa immanent vital~impetus represented by comma~n¤space in Doug's Quantonics script. See Doug's Quanton Primer.

"Think of Aleph assa vital~impetus assa imperative~spontanæityq and fecund~vicissitudinality: quantons(scin,quan)!

"Then recall column five of Autiot Letter~Number Table:

"Hay~Noun~finalKhaf: 5.50.500.

"Quantized life maturely grailing cosmos!!!"

Doug - 18Jul2015.
7 Yod~Lammed~finalKhaf




go assa his existentialq metabolismingsq cosmic grailingsq of...]

8 Zayn~Hay



..."that we;"

potentialq cowithihn unlimitedq lifeq...]

9 Kaf~Yod





10 Lammed~Aleph





11 Noun~Mem~Tsadde~Aleph




finders of healing life principleingsq quantizationings of all existential~metabolisms emerqancyings cowithihn vital~impetusings...]

12 Aleph~Tav~Waw




his fecundq impermeableq exhalationingsq experienceingsq...]

This might be perceived as "rigid, perhaps inflexible, language."

Doug tends to associate 'breatheing~¤ut' with 'voice.'

However, it may be complementaroceived in bountiful qwfal wayveings.

Doug - 31Dec2016.
13 Hay~Yod~Lammed~finalKhaf




going assa his existentialq metabolismingsq cosmic grailingsq of...]

~{5 ~10.30~ ~500}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
14 Aleph~Lammed





15 Hay~Noun~Phay~Waw~Tsadde~Yod~finalMem



..."the Dispersion;"

the Dispersion assa [see detail under comcision]...]

~{5 50}~ ~80~ ~{6 ~90.10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{living life principleings}~ ~80~ ~{6 ~90.10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 50}~ modulating ~unlimited possibilityings~ ~{6 ~90.10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 50}~ ~80~ while ~{fecundly exalting ~90.10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 50}~ ~80~ ~{6 ~existential emerqancyings~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 50}~ ~80~ ~{6 ~90.10~ cowithihn ~cosmic biosphereings}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 24Feb2017.
16 Bayt~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde



..."among earthly;"

among earthly assa somaticq exaltationingsq of vital~impetus cowithihn cosmic omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn cosmically emerqantq structurationingsq...]

~{2 ~1~ ~200}~ ~900~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
17 Yod~Waw~finalNoun




Greeks assa fecundq existentialq cosmic lifeq principleingsq...]

18 Vav~Lammed~Lammed~Mem~Dallet



..."and teach;"

and teach assa fecundq divineq metabolismingsq biospherically gatewayveingsq...]

~6~ ~{30 30}~ ~{40 4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
19 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega...]

20 Hay~Yod~Waw~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."the Greeks;"

the Greeks assa livingq divinelyq existentialq fecundq exaltationingsq of lifeq principleingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

~{5 ~{10 ~{6 ~50}~ ~10}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

They therefore said, assa qwf~cavitationally fecundq existenceingsq vital~impetusings of biosphereings omniversal emerqancyingsq that
the Jews assa full of divineq lifeq existenceingsq fecundlyq gatewayveingsq existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
as men among themselves assa vital~impetusings of existenceingsq cosmically metabolizedq
their brethren assa fecundq qwf~cavitational vital~impetusings of spiritualq unlimitedq possibilityingsq reverberatingq existenceingsq,
whither has his vital~impetus with his indeterminateq quantization and scintillationq of lifeq's principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq and peaceq
go assa his existentialq metabolismingsq cosmic grailingsq of
potentialq cowithihn unlimitedq lifeq
find healing life principleingsq quantizationings of all existential~metabolisms emerqancyings cowithihn vital~impetusings,
his fecundq impermeableq exhalationingsq experienceingsq
going assa his existentialq metabolismingsq cosmic grailingsq
the Dispersion assa [see detail under comcision]
among earthly assa somaticq exaltationingsq of vital~impetus cowithihn cosmic omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn cosmically emerqantq structurationingsq
Greeks assa fecundq existentialq cosmic lifeq principleingsq
and teach assa fecundq divineq metabolismingsq biospherically gatewayveingsq,
from alpha to omega,
the Greeks assa livingq divinelyq existentialq fecundq exaltationingsq of lifeq principleingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings.

Doug - 24Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VII:36 assa Magdaleneq VII:36

Doug - 24Feb2017.

Magdalene VII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Mem~Hay





2 Hay~Dallet~Vayt~Raysh



..."this word telling he is telling you, scintillating you;"

this word tellingq, scintillatingq youq assa livingq gatewayveingsq somaticallyq engenderingq omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphered...]

~5.4~ ~{2 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Hay~Zayn~Hay



..."and their your lives,;"

and your perpetual lives unlimitedq potentiaq of its perpetualq divineq qwf~cavitational livingsq...]

~{~{5 ~7~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh




witnessingq assa qwf~cavitational vital~impetusings qwf~reverberating omniversal emerqancyings...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Apparencyq of 'witnessingq' assa hologralq.
5 Aleph~Mem~Raysh




sayingq assa vital~impetusings of your biosphereings omniversal emerqancyings...]

Apparencyq of 'sayingq' assa hologralq.

Wæ arera cowithihn a labyrinthianq omnimensionalq hologramq.




Doug - 25Feb2017.
6 Thav~Vayt~Qof~Sheen~Noun~Yod



..."you shall be impeded and struggle looking for me;"

you shall struggleq lookingq for me, assa vital~impedanceings of your somaq's qwf~cavitational cosmic vital~impetusings cosmically metabolizingq your existentialq lifeq principleingsq...]

~400.2~ ~{100 ~300.50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Hypocrisy of Hylic Stux Sux

In a way, this verse is telling those of us who seek him shall never find him.

Heraclitus comes to mind, "Nature likes to hide."

Wæ arera all both humans and n¤t.

Wæ arera all

Nature hides cowithihn usq.

"The vulgate tend to stick to the bottom if someone doesn't stirq the pot." Doug.

[Doug offers] Hypocrisy omniscribed in a single phasement.

To Doug, succinctly, vulgate means. "...running on automatic, [rools] is tools for fools, Hylic, politically correct, socialc hive drones."

Hypocrisy of Hylic Stux Sux

Doug - 24Feb2017.
7 Vav~Lammed~Aleph



..."and not;"

and not...]

8 Tav~Mem~Tsadde~Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."find me;"

find me, assa qwf~cavitationings from vital~impedanceings to existentialq biosphereings of existentialq emerqantq quantal structurationingsq of qwf~cavitationings from projectedq vital~impetusings to projectioningsq of existenceingsq of lifeq principleingsq...]

~{400 40}~ ~90~ ~{1 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Vav~Vayt~Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."nor bodily witness,;"

nor bodily witnessq, assa fecundq somaticq vital~impetusings resurrectingq, breatheings~ihn~restoreingsq of vital~impetusings...]

~6.2.1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay



..."playing The Game of Life;"

playingq The Gameq of Lifeq assa vital~impetusings divineq qwf~cavitational livingsq existenceingsq cowithihn qwf~reverberational livingsq...]

~{1 ~{~{5 ~10}~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .


Doug - 24Feb2017.
11 Aleph~Noun~Yod





~{1 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Lammed~Aleph





13 Tav~Waw~Khaf~Lammed~Waw



..."you hope;"

you to wisely hope assa vital~impedanceings qwf~cavitational fecundq grailingsq for all existentialq metabolismingsq...]

~400~ ~{6 ~20.30~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~400~ ~{6 ~for all~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 25Feb2017.
14 Aleph~Thav~finalMem



..."for I am going away;"

for I am going away assa withering vital~impetusings encumbered by vital~impedanceings cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

15 Lammed~Vayt~Aleph



..."you cannot come nor;"

you cannot come nor, assa your somaq embeddedq cowithihn attempted metabolismingsq of vital~impetusings...]

This schema and its use in this situation and role offers much linguistic Value.

We see Aleph embedded cowithihn Lo's "no."

Aleph issi vital~impetusings. Aleph issi both here and not here, both temporal and atemporal. Aleph exhibits neutrino~esque quantum~wayve~functionings.

So to narrate, "you cannot come nor," may be assessed as you arera (your vital~impetus is) already here and already there.

This shows YhShWh in a quanton(atemporal,temporal).

Recall how Doug has shown prior quanton assa Almighty.

YhShWh can leave usq, be with usq, not be with usq, straddle usq, etc.

He exhibits potency of what wæ might refer Almighty, yæs?

In some unpublished gospels, YhShWh omniscribes selfq assa laughing at those who do not fathom memesq surrounding what Doug has just written, attempting to make them lucid.

Oversimply, no one can analytically 'kill' YhShWh.

And he issi ihn usq...

And wæ arera madeq of quantons!

Doug - 24Feb2017.
16 Sheen~Mem~Hay



..."those living;"

those livingq, assa cosmic metabolismingsq of livingq biosphereings?...]

This can also mean, "Any livingq name."

Now think about that. In Anglis, would we ever refer a name as livingq? To any English speaker aren't names objectivelyc 'deadc?' Anglis denies quantum~reality! Why? It issi, intentionally, a dialectical language following ancient Romans and Greeks. To most English speakers, their language is to them elegant. Ugh!

Anglis issi already an ancient Esperanto...

Quoting Talbot on Bohm, re (Anglican) dialectic:

"Indeed, Bohm believes that our almost universal tendency to [dialectically, analytically] fragment the world and ignore the dynamic interconnectedness of all things is responsible for many of our problems, not only in science but in our lives and our society as well." Michael Talbot in his, The Holographic Universe, p. 49 of 338 total pages Harper paperback. (Our brackets.)

Doug - 14Jan2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

this word tellingq, scintillatingq youq assa livingq gatewayveingsq somaticallyq ...
q omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphered,
and your perpetual lives unlimitedq potentiaq of its perpetualq divineq qwf~cavitational livingsq
witnessingq assa qwf~cavitational vital~impetusings qwf~reverberating omniversal emerqancyings,
sayingq assa vital~impetusings of your biosphereings omniversal emerqancyings,
you shall struggleq lookingq for me, assa vital~impedanceings of your somaq's qwf~cavitational...
...cosmic vital~impetusings cosmically metabolizingq your existentialq lifeq principleingsq,
and not
find me, assa qwf~cavitationings from vital~impedanceings to existentialq biosphereings of existentialq emerqantq quantal...
...structurationingsq of qwf~cavitationings from projectedq vital~impetusings to projectioningsq of existenceingsq of lifeq principleingsq,
nor bodily witnessq, assa fecundq somaticq vital~impetusings resurrectingq, breatheings~ihn~restoreingsq of vital~impetusings
playingq The Gameq of Lifeq assa vital~impetusings divineq qwf~cavitational livingsq existenceingsq cowithihn qwf~reverberational livingsq
with me,
and not
will you to wisely hope assa vital~impedanceings qwf~cavitational fecundq grailingsq for all existentialq metabolismingsq,
for I am going away assa withering vital~impetusings encumbered by vital~impedanc
eings cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
you cannot come nor, assa your somaq embeddedq cowithihn attempted metabolismingsq of vital~impetusings of others,
those livingq, assa cosmic metabolismingsq of livingq biosphereings?

Doug - 24Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VII:37 assa Magdaleneq VII:37

Doug - 25Feb2017.

Magdalene VII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod



..."And all observe;"

And divinelyq again, wæ experienceq how all observe cavitating divineq doubleq existenceq archetypicallyq, recursivelyq, fractally, complementaryq~antinomiallyq fecundlyq livingq cowithihn y~¤ur quantum~selves' recursivelyq resonatingq~reverberatingq...]

~6~ ~{10 ~5~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Bayt~Yod~Waw~finalMem



..."on the last day;"

on the last day's lifeq trajectoryq, assa somaticq existenceingsq fecundq qwf~cavitational exaltationings ihnto cosmic biosphereings...]

~2.10~ ~{6 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Hay~Aleph~Hhayt~Raysh~Yod~finalNoun



..."the day, and after many more;"

the day, and after many more, assa livingq qwf~cavitational vital~impetusings projectingq spiritualq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of omniversal emerqancyings ihnto existentialq projectionsq cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

~5~ ~{1 ~8.200~ ~10}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~living~ ~{1 ~8.200~ ~10}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5~ ~{vital~impetusings of ~8.200~ ~10}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5~ ~{1 ~spiritual unlimited possibilityings of omniversal emerqancyings~ ~10}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5~ ~{1 ~8.200~ cowithihn ~existenceings}~ cowithihn ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5~ ~{1 ~8.200~ ~10}~ ~cosmic life principleings of freedom, uncertainty, and peace~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 25Feb2017.
4 Hay~Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed



..."of the great living Mother;"

of the great livingq, Mother assa Her organicq movementingsq gatewayveingsq fecundq metabolismingsq...]

This word assa Ha'Gadol makes us think if Mareh M'Gadola: Maryq Magdaleneq.

For Doug, now after all these years of study and research, She (Mareh M'Gadola) issi earth's projection: Mother representing Mother assa Her as a only partially projected Iht.

For Doug,

Her issi She issi Mother issi Iht issi partialq presenceq of ~{~{iso1000}~}~
Her issi She issi Mother issi Maryq Magdaleneq
Sophia issi mother issi feminineq~straddleingq~wisdomq of Gnosisq
YhShWh issi son issi membrane issi messenger
Fatherq issi livingq Fatherq issi He issi Him
fatherc is dialectically demiurgic dead father is analytically dead father, pater, Peter, one who petrifies all, etc.

Recall Chaldæan emerscitecture:

quantons(Mother,quantons(YhShWh,quantons(mother,dichons(Fatherq, fatherc)))).

Sophia issi her issi mother.

Sometimes Doug shows Her assa Hær (both bold and unbold). To Doug that explicitly shows Her quantumnessings linguistically. Similar as now is classical and n¤w issi quantum.

We have seen, e.g., in C. G. Jung's work (esp., his Red Book) Sophia assa quantons(~unconscious~,quantons(~Sophia~subconscious~,~conscious~))

Unconscious.~Sophia~ straddleingq~.Conscious. That is, Sophia as subconscious middle~includes assa comma~nospace quantons(unconscious,conscious).

Sophia represents feminine wisdom if Grail, Graal, san Graal, etc.
Sophia plays a big Gnostic role in fathoming Ben Adam: evolutionq of Aleph cowithihn bloodq.
Our veinsq and arteriesq arera grailsq of Ben Adam.

This issi a quantonic wayve of omniscribeingq Jung's qwfal~interrelationshipings' memesq of cons(m)ciousnessings.

Jung's philosophy succinctly omniscribes femalesq as quantizing male animus, and malesc as objectifying female anima. Some, a few, of Jung's adherents refer this, using Doug's lingo, The System Problem!

Jung's philosophy issi very powerfully relevant Pirsig's Genetic Defect in Human Reason, which is also what YhShWh means by Error, Satan, Beast, Creature, absence of Aleph in Yod, not understanding Qabala, not understanding Autiot, not understanding Gnosis, denying presence of Iht, etc.

Doug - 25Feb2017.
5 Bayt~Hhayt~Ghimel



..."of Hær feast,;"

of Hær feast, assa somaticq spiritualq organicq movementingsq,...]

6 Vav~Yod~Ayn~Mem~Dallet



..."observantly standing;"

observantlyq standingq assa enlightenedq fecundq existenceingsq experienceingsq qwf~cavitationings of biosphereings' gatewayveingsq...]

~6.10.70~ ~{40 4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

One might analogize "observantly standing," and quantum~assessmentings.

Doug - 25Feb2017.
7 Yod~Sheen~Waw~Ayn





8 Vav~Yod~Qof~Raysh~Aleph



..."and he was emotional;"

and he desideratedq fecundq existenceingsq destruction of dialectic [Satan, Beast, etc.] via omniversal emerqancyingsq of both vital~impetus and cosmic vital~impetus...]

~6~ ~{10 ~{100}~ ~200~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Hay~Waw~Yod




you, assa livingq fecundq existenceingsq...]

10 Kaf~Lammed



..."who have because of;"

who have because of your grailingsq of existenceingsq...]

11 Tsadde~Mem~Aleph




thirst assa existentialq structurationingsq biospheric vital~impetus...]

12 Lammed~Khaf~Waw



..."come to;"

come t,o assa metabolismingsq fecundq grailingsq...]

13 Aleph~Lammed~Yod




me assa vital~impetusings metabolismingsq of existenceingsq...]

14 Vav~Sheen~Tav~Waw



..."and be ready to fill, and to sate thyself;"

and be ready to fill, and to sate thyself, assa fecundq qwf~cavitationings of cosmic~metabolismingsq vital~impedanceings....]

~{6 ~300.400~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~Shet~ in modern idiom means buttocks. Used here would be a comedy of error.

Doug infers it could mean sit. That's a little closer...but...

In fluxodynamicq Autiot languageq ~Sheen~Tav~ qwfally represents an endq to a breatheing~¤ut metabolicq fluxoid~zeroq. It issi a kind of Bayt, a kind of endq to a journeyq, an anabolicq journeyq.

Fluxoid oneq commences with immediacy. It is a start of filling our lungs with fresh air, pneumaticallyq sating ourselves with oxygen, and so on...

Doug -

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

And divinelyq again, wæ experienceq how all observe cavitating divineq doubleq existenceq archetypicallyq, recursivelyq, fractally, ...
...complementaryq~antinomiallyq fecundlyq livingq cowithihn y~¤ur quantum~selves' recursivelyq resonatingq~reverberatingq
on the last day's lifeq trajectoryq, assa somaticq existenceingsq fecundq qwf~cavitational exaltationings ihnto cosmic biosphereings
the day, and after many more, assa livingq qwf~cavitational vital~impetusings projectingq spiritualq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of omniversal...
...emerqancyings ihnto existentialq projectionsq cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq
of the great livingq, Mother assa Her organicq movementingsq gatewayveingsq fecundq metabolismingsq
of Hær feast, assa somaticq spiritualq organicq movementingsq,
he was observantlyq standingq assa enlightenedq fecundq existenceingsq experienceingsq qwf~cavitationings of biosphereings' gatewayveingsq,
and he desideratedq fecundq existenceingsq destruction of dialectic [Satan, Beast, etc.] via
...omniversal emerqancyings
q of both vital~impetus and cosmic vital~impetus,
you, assa livingq fecundq existenceingsq
who have, because of your grailingsq of existenceingsq,
due your thirst, assa existentialq structurationingsq biospheric vital~impetus,
have come to, assa metabolismingsq fecundq grailingsq
me, assa vital~impetusings metabolismingsq of existenceingsq,
and arera ready to fill, and to sate thyself, assa fecundq qwf~cavitationings of cosmic~metabolismingsq vital~impedanceings.

Doug - 25Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VII:38 assa Magdaleneq VII:38

Doug - 25Feb2017.

Magdalene VII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Hay~Mem~Aleph~Mem~Yod~finalNoun



..."Those who believe in;"

Those who believe in, assa livingq divineq qwf~cavitational biosphereings' vital~impetuses coobsfectingq existenceingsq adhereingq cosmic lifeq principleingsq...]

~5~ ~{~{40 ~{1 ~40}~}~ ~10}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Bayt~Yod



..."soma of me;"

soma of my existenceingsq...]

3 Kaf~Dallet~Vayt~Raysh



..."as scripture is telling you, scintillating you;"

assa scripture is tellingq, scintillatingq youq assa livingq gatewayveingsq somaticallyq engenderingq omniversal emerqancyingsq...]

~{20 ~4~ ~{2}~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Hay~Kaf~Tav~Waw~Vayt



..."its writings;"

its writingsq assa livingsq of qwf~cavitational grailingsq of fecundq vital~impedanceings qwf~reverberating somaticallyq...]

~5~ ~{20 ~400.6~ ~2}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Mem~Qof~Raysh~Bayt~Waw



..."first hand;"

first hand, assa biosphereings destructionings of illusionings coaffectingq qwf~cavitationings of omniversal comtainmentingsq precipitouslyq descendingq ihnto fecundq somaq...]

~40.100~ ~{200 2}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Yod~Zayn~Lammed~Waw



..."that they may spread;"

that they may spread, assa existentialq unlimitedq potentiaq metabolizingq existenceings,...]

7 Noun~Hhayt~Lammed~Yod



..."like rivers;"

like riversq, assa lifeq principleingsq spirituallyq metabolizingq existenceingsq...]

Doug loves this metaphor.

Imagine your infinitely long arterial and veinous riversq of bloodq fractallyq~recursivelyq metabolizingq yourq existenceingsq.

Doug - 25Feb2017.
8 Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."of waters;"

of watersq of, assa qwf~cavitationings from biosphereings existenceingsq ihnto qwf~reverberationings of cosmic biosphereings of...]

~{40 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Hhayt~Yod~Yod~finalMem




lifeq assa spirituallyq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of divineq qwf~cavitational existenceingsq cosmically biosphered...]

~8~ ~{~{10 10}~}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Those who believe in, assa livingq divineq qwf~cavitational biosphereings' vital~impetuses coobsfectingq existenceingsq adhereingq cosmic lifeq principleingsq
soma of my existenceingsq,
assa scripture is tellingq, scintillatingq youq assa livingq gatewayveingsq somaticallyq engenderingq omniversal emerqancyingsq,
its writingsq assa livingsq of qwf~cavitational grailingsq of fecundq vital~impedanceings qwf~reverberating somaticallyq
first hand, assa biosphereings destructionings of illusionings coaffectingq qwf~cavitationings of omniversal comtainmentingsq precipitouslyq descendingq ihnto fecundq somaq,
that they may spread, assa existentialq unlimitedq potentiaq metabolizingq existenceings,
like riversq, assa lifeq principleingsq spirituallyq metabolizingq existenceingsq
of watersq of, assa qwf~cavitationings from biosphereings existenceingsq ihnto qwf~reverberationings of cosmic biosphereings of
lifeq assa spirituallyq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of divineq qwf~cavitational existenceingsq cosmically biosphered.

Doug - 25Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VII:39 assa Magdaleneq VII:39

Doug - 25Feb2017.

Magdalene VII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Kaf~Zayn~Aleph~Tav



..."But this he;"

But this he did by grailingq unlimitedq potentiaq of At...]

2 Dallet~Bayt~Raysh



..."speaking, scintillating;"

speakingq, scintillatingq assa somaticq qwf~cavitational exaltedq gatewayveingsq ihnto omniversal emerqancyingsq...]

~4~ ~{2 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Ayn~Lammed




concerning enlightenedq metabolismingsq of...]

4 Hay~Raysh~Waw~Hhayt



..."the living spirit;"

the living spirit'sq omniversal emerqancyingsq of unlimitedq spiritualq possibilityingsq...]

5 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh




witnessingq vital~impetusings cosmic metabolismingsq of omniversal emerqancyingsq...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Thav~Noun~Hhayt



..."spiritual life's possibilityings;"

spiritualq lifeq's possibilityingsq assa vital impedanceings of lifeq principleingsq unlimitedq spiritualq possibilityingsq...]

7 Ayn~Lammed




concerning enlightenedq metabolismingsq of...]

8 Hay~Mem~Aleph~Mem~Yod~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."many who are untrustworthy of uttering;"

many who are untrustworthy of uttering assa qwf~cavitationings of livingsq projectedq ihnto divineq qwf~cavitationings of biosphereings of vital~impetus qwf~cavitationings existentiallyq experienceingq projectioningsq of lifeq principleingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

~{5 ~{~{~{40 ~{1 ~40}~}~ ~{10 ~50}~ ~10}~}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Bayt~Waw



..."to understand;"

to understandq while fathomingsq somaticq fecundationingsq cowithihn usq...]

10 Kaf~Yod




because his grailingsq of existenceingsq arera...]

11 Ayn~Waw~Dallet



..."his light is in us;"

his lightq cowithihn usq assa gatewayveingsq of fecundq enlightenmentingsq...]

12 Lammed~Aleph





13 Noun~Sheen~Phay~finalKhaf



..."yet given;"

yet given assa qwf~cavitationings of lifeq principleingsq coaffectingq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of cosmic metabolismingsq qwf~reverberating cosmic grailingsq...]

~{50 ~300.80~ ~500}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
14 Raysh~Waw~Hhayt




spiritq, assa omniversal emerqancyingsq of fecundq unlimitedq archetypal possibilityingsq...]

15 Hay~Qof~Dallet~Sheen



..."since living destruction of dialectic;"

since living destruction of dialectic, assa living destruction of illusions gatewayveingsq cosmic metabolismingsq...]

16 Bayt~Tayt~Raysh~finalMem



..."was fresh and new;"

was fresh and new assa somaticq cellularq exaltationingsq ihnto omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

~{2 ~9~ ~200}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug is unsure about his exegesis of this word.

Doug - 25Feb2017.
17 Lammed~Qof~Hhayt



..."to be taken;"

to be taken, assa existentialq spiritualq metabolismingsq of cosmic vital~impetusings' destruction of dialectic cowithihn...]

This sema issi very situation and role comtextually omniffering that omniscribed in Gen III:23 word 10. As a result Comcision omniffers here.

Doug takes it like this, "YhShWh cannot be glorified until dialectic issi wholly destroyed in him." That take wholly agrees with Book of Revelation.

But there appears some, "Trouble Right Here in River City..." Jordan that is...

Implication of Doug's take is bordering incredible: Jesus too, like so many of us, suffered Genetic Defect in Human Reason called dialectic.

This mystifies Doug since, Doug has learned from other authors that Jesus was thoroughly trained in Qumran Essene Gnosis, and further trained in Judaea to be a Master in Qabala, Autiot, and its Gematria.

Doug was alerted by Pirsig in 1978 and later in 1991 regarding ills of dialectic. Those happened long prior Doug's penchant~ial forays into Abrahamic Qabala, its Gnosis, and all their myriad accoutrements.

Doug has been expecting YhShWh to be free of dialectic by time he was in his thirty~somethings...

I'm bewildered nowings...

Doug - 25Feb2017.

Note: in 1978 Doug was approximately Jesus' age when he was crossed.

Interesting that Doug, then, too, was just commencing his anti-dialectical journey which carried him early-mid 1990s into quantum empiritheory which further led to ~2005~2017~ Autiot, Gematria, Qabala, etc.

Doug - 25Feb2017.
18 Yod~Sheen~Waw~Ayn





19 Aleph~Hhayt~Raysh



..."was still following redemptiveq guidanceq;"

was still following redemptiveq guidanceq assa vital~impetusings of spiritualq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of omniversal emerqancyings...]

20 Khaf~Vayt~Waw~Dallet



..."and not yet glorified;"

and not yet glorified assa fecundq somaticq grailingsq gatewayveingsq...]

~{20 2}~ ~6.4~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

But this he did by grailingq unlimitedq potentiaq of At
speakingq, scintillatingq assa somaticq qwf~cavitational exaltedq gatewayveingsq ihnto omniversal emerqancyingsq
concerning enlightenedq metabolismingsq of
the living spirit'sq omniversal emerqancyingsq of unlimitedq spiritualq possibilityingsq,
witnessingq vital~impetusings cosmic metabolismingsq of omniversal emerqancyingsq
of spiritualq lifeq's possibilityingsq assa vital impedanceings of lifeq principleingsq unlimitedq spiritualq possibilityingsq
concerning enlightenedq metabolismingsq of
many who are untrustworthy of uttering assa qwf~cavitationings of livingsq projectedq ihnto divineq qwf~cavitationings of biosphereings of...
...vital~impetus qwf~cavitationings existentiallyq experienceingq projectioningsq of lifeq principleingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
to understandq while fathomingsq somaticq fecundationingsq cowithihn usq,
because his grailingsq of existenceingsq arera
his lightq cowithihn usq assa gatewayveingsq of fecundq enlightenmentingsq,
yet given assa qwf~cavitationings of lifeq principleingsq coaffectingq unlimitedq ...
...possibilityingsq of cosmic metabolismingsq qwf~reverberating cosmic grailingsq
of spiritq, assa omniversal emerqancyingsq of fecundq unlimitedq archetypal possibilityingsq,
since living destruction of dialectic, assa living destruction of illusions gatewayveingsq cosmic metabolismingsq
was fresh and new assa somaticq cellularq exaltationingsq ihnto omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
to be taken, assa existentialq spiritualq metabolismingsq of cosmic vital~impetusings' destruction of dialectic cowithihn
who was still following redemptiveq guidanceq assa vital~impetusings of spiritualq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of omniversal emerqancyings,
and not yet glorified assa fecundq somaticq grailingsq gatewayveingsq.

Doug - 25Feb2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

Retranslation of Johnc VII:40 assa Magdaleneq VII:40

Doug - 25Feb2017.

Magdalene VII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Sheen



..."And therefore some;"

And therefore some fecundq existenceingsq experienceingsq cosmic metabolismingsq of...]

2 Mem~finalNoun




many biosphereings of cosmic lifeq [anti-dialectical] principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

3 Hay~Ayn~finalMem



..."much of population;"

via much of populated livingq enlightenmentq cosmically~biosphered...]

4 Kaf~Sheen~Mem~Ayn~finalMem



..."grailing enlightenment;"

grailingq cosmic metabolismingsq of qwf~cavitationings from existentialq biosphereingsq to cosmic biosphereings of existentialq enlightenmentingsq...]

~20.300~ ~{40 ~70~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Aleph~Tav



..."thoroughly from alpha to omega;"

thoroughly from alpha to omega...]

6 Hay~Dallet~Vayt~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."telling, scintillating many of you;"

tellingq, scintillatingq many of youq assa livingq gatewayveingsq somaticallyq engenderingq omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphered...]

~5.4~ ~{2 200}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

7 Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay




Him assa divineq qwf~cavitationings of livingsq of vital~impetus' metabolismingsq divinelyq qwf~reverberating livingsq...]

~{~{5 ~1.30~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We must learn to compare:



the demiurge
the livingq Father,

assa (no metabolism, but can choose...)
10.5.300.6.5 (cosmic metabolismings)
and (existential metabolism).

Doug's use of choose here begs a Jungian quanton(animus,anima) System Problem comparison. View near end of that video re System Problem.

Should 'we' choosec? (socialc dialectic)
Should wæ chooseq? (socialq coherentq~autonomyq of individualsq holographicq)

Now, ask self, "Self what appears to be Book of Revelation's major theme?"

Destruction of dialectic!

Does that ~show~tell~ usq which choose to use? Doug thinksq it does.

. . .

Too, it is well to recall that three Aut make up Qabala: ~1.5.10~ assa Ehieh assa ~

So Qabala's Autiot are ihn Elohim. To make Elohim out of Qabala what do we have to do? We have to commingleq ~existential~metabolism~ (metabolic~evolution of existenceings) and ~cosmic~biosphereings~ (emerqancy). Qabala adds The Game of Life to ~30.600~. Result? Elohim! Compare YahWeh.

~ superposeingq ~30.600~ issi ~

Are you an Elohim?

How can you be an Elohim? Adhere a meme of Ben Adam and play Qabala.

"Adhere a memeq of metabolicq evolutionq of Aleph (~vital~impetus~) cowithihn blood and Gnosticallyq play The Game of Life."

Doug - 2Nov2016, 20Jan2017.
8 Aleph~Mem~Raysh~Waw




saying qwf~cavitationally fecundq existenceingsq vital~impetusings of biosphereings omniversal emerqancyingsq that...]

9 Aleph~Khaf~finalNoun



..."vitally giving;"

vitally givingq grailingsq of cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

10 Zayn~Hay



..."that we;"

potentialq cowithihn unlimitedq lifeq...]

11 Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."what this man;"

what this man assa livingq fecundationingsq of vital~impetus...]

12 Hay~Noun~Vayt~Yod~Aleph



..."is offering prophecy;"

is offeringq prophecyq of cavitationings of livingq principleingsq coaffectingq somasq' experienceingsq qwf~cavitationings returning from existenceingsq ihnto vital~impetusings...]

~{5 50}~ ~2~ ~{10 1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032

And therefore some fecundq existenceingsq experienceingsq cosmic metabolismingsq of
many biosphereings of cosmic lifeq [anti-dialectical] principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq
via much of populated livingq enlightenmentq cosmically~biosphered
grailingq cosmic metabolismingsq of qwf~cavitationings from existentialq biosphereingsq to cosmic biosphereings of existentialq enlightenmentingsq,
thoroughly from alpha to omega,
tellingq, scintillatingq many of youq assa livingq gatewayveingsq somaticallyq engenderingq ...
...omniversal emerqancyingsq cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphered ihn
Him assa divineq qwf~cavitationings of livingsq of vital~impetus' metabolismingsq divinelyq qwf~reverberating livingsq,
saying qwf~cavitationally fecundq existenceingsq vital~impetusings of biosphereings omniversal emerqancyingsq that
vitally givingq grailingsq of cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq
potentialq cowithihn unlimitedq lifeq
issi what this man assa livingq fecundationingsq of vital~impetus
issi offeringq, i.e., a prophecyq of cavitationings of livingq principleingsq coaffectingq somasq' ...
eingsq qwf~cavitationings returning from existenceingsq ihnto vital~impetusings.

. . .

Prophecy shows us, "Do not be afraid."

Doug - 25Feb2017.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017-2032 - Rev. 15May2018  PDR - Created: 23Feb2017  PDR
(15May2018 rev - Repair an index link to verse 40. Minor reformatting.)
