
Doug's Translation
Genesis II
Verses 1-7
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Genesis 2:1-7:

Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here. Suares claims 'the standard translation' of Genesis is incompetent, entirely misguiding, an abomination. A ruse, perhaps unintentional, perhaps otherwise.

Whoever did this, using whatever translation accoutrements available, hid...

...quantum aspects of Genesis from their readers.

Hiding those aspects of ultimate understanding of reality is, to Doug, ultimate classical hegemonic deceit!

Unintentional? You decide. Doug has omnicided!

Suares wouldn't even touch most of this text because of that (See Cipher of Genesis, WeiserBooks, 2005 paperback edition.). Doug, perhaps incompetently as a novice himself, has attempted, using what he has learned from Suares' opus, to do what Suares resisted doing. Take Doug's novice standingunder into account, please.

Doug shows, for each verse and word of Chapter II of Genesis, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes, thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Zondervan Interlinear Hebrew-English)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Genesis
Doug Renselle

Genesis II:1 Genesis II:2 Genesis II:3 Genesis II:4 Genesis II:5 Genesis II:6 Genesis II:7

Genesis II:8-14

Genesis II:15-25

Existence thus (was) created fecund, grail~metabolically commingling a living cosmic biospheric metabolism
(cowith)in existence both~all~while~and~many cosmic~biospherically exalted
as existential fecundity of life cowithin Aleph's cosmic
con(m)tainer commingling its cosmic structuration complement thus encompassing fecundity grailing existential metabolism
(so we see)
light channeling (grailing) cosmic biosphere — also, as Ak~em, i.e., light channeling (earth with) cosmic Mother.

Doug - 12Apr2015.


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Retranslation of Genesis II:1

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Kaf~Lammed~Waw



..."thus they were done;"

existence thus created fecund, grail~metabolically commingling...]

New beginnings
ihn old endings:
2 Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."the Heaven;"

a living cosmic biospheric metabolism in existence both~all~while~and~many cosmic~biospherically exalted...]

3 Vav~Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde



..."and the earth;"

as existential fecundity of life cowithin Aleph's cosmic con(m)tainer commingling its cosmic structuration complement...]
4 Vav~Kaf~Lammed~



..."and all of us;"

encompassing fecundity grailing existential metabolism...]
5 Ayn~Kaf~Aleph~finalMem



..."array of them;"

light channeling (grailing) cosmic biosphere — also, as Ak~em, light channeling (earth with) cosmic Mother...]

A Reservoir of

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(Creation) reaches evolutionarily~tentative~metabolic~completion (a new beginning). Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual
metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in cosmic~biosphere (600).
Day to day, existence' con(m)tained
fecundity always evolutionarily maturing
life, cosmically (transmutatively) metabolizes existence cowithin
'Light of Days, Seven(th) of Days'
of evolving~effort(ings)

witnesses, confirms, assesses, tells, grants, sanctions, authorizes, bespeaks, measures, praises,
[As in Moses' Revelation narrated in Exodus 3
:14: Qabala "Ehieh Esher Ehieh,"
"Qabala witnesses Qabala."]

focused cosmic metabolic living light.

Almighty's fecundation of creation resting on seventh day life cosmically metabolizes
existence cowithin 'Light of Days, Seven of Days'
biosphere crafted~channeling existential metabolism...Almighty
channeling (work, effort, craft, etc.) logos (Autiot Letter~Numbers ill fathomed hylically by common dialectical vulgates) into existence
of evolving~effort(ings)

witnesses, confirms, assesses, tells, grants, sanctions, authorizes, bespeaks, measures, praises, etc.,

focused cosmic metabolic living light.

Doug - 12,16Apr2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Retranslation of Genesis II:2

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Kaf~Lammed ( [Veekool: ..."and he finished;" (Creation) reaches evolutionarily~tentative~metabolic~completion (a new beginning)...]

2 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem ( [Elohim: ..."God;" Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in cosmic~biosphere (600)...]

God as
3 Bayt~Yod~Waw~finalMem ( [Bayom: ..."by the day;" day to day, existence' con(m)tained fecundity always evolutionarily maturing...]
4 Hay~Sheen~Vayt~Yod~Ayn~Yod (5.300. [Hashveani: ..."the seventh;" life cosmically metabolizes existence cowithin 'Light of Days, Seven(th) of Days'...]

5 Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Kaf~Thav~Vav ( [Melakotahvo: ..."work of him;" of evolving~effort(ings)...]
6 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh (1.300.200) [Esher: ..."which;" witnesses, confirms, assesses, tells, grants, sanctions, authorizes, bespeaks, measures, praises, as in Moses' Revelation narrated in Exodus 3:14, Qabala 'Ehieh Esher Ehieh,' 'Qabala witnesses Qabala'...]

7 Ayn~Seen~Hay (70.200.5) [Aassah: ..."he did, to do," focused cosmic metabolic living light, Seen metabolizing ("he did, to do," an explicit of choice) light (Ayn) in life (Hay)...]


8 Vav~Yod~Sheen~Bayt~Tav (6.10.300.2.400) [Veeshbot: ..."and he rested;" Almighty's fecundation of creation resting...]

9 Bayt~Yod~Waw~finalMem (2.10.600) [Bayom: ..."on the day" on seventh day...]
10 Hay~Sheen~Vayt~Yod~Ayn~Yod (5.300. [Hashveani: ..."the seventh;" life cosmically metabolizes existence cowithin 'Light of Days, Seven of Days'...]
11 Mem~Khaf~Lammed (40.20.30) [Mekhal: ..."from all of;" biosphere crafted~channeling existential metabolism...Almighty channeling (work, effort, craft, etc.) logos (Autiot words) into existence...]
12 Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Kaf~Thav~Vav ( [Melakotahvo: ..."work of him;" of evolving~effort(ings)...]
13 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh (1.300.200) [Esher: ..."which;" witnesses, confirms, assesses, tells, grants, sanctions, authorizes, bespeaks, measures, praises, etc....]

14 Ayn~Seen~Hay (70.200.5) [Aassah: ..."to do, he did" focused cosmic metabolic living light, Seen metabolizing ("he did, to do," an explicit of choice) light (Ayn) in life (Hay)...]



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Fecundity's blessing of~for its creation, its [any] life in cosmic existence blessing~communing reality's cosmos.
Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in cosmic~biosphere's (600)
Qabalic ineffable life~death cyclings. Yom is Awr's existential projection, day as light {compare Layla as dark}.
Life cosmically metabolizes existence cowithin 'Light of Days, Seven of Days' assurance creation is thermodynamically
Good, open to those abiding both vital impetus (Aleph) and vital impedance(Tav) as unending cosmic metabolism.
Fecundity as seed bearing masculine new life cycle Aleph~Tav planting seeds
{compare Tav~Aleph, Ta~sh (Ta~Esha), as feminine (breathing~in) cosmic
metabolizing, catabolisis~anabolisis, dying~living cyclings of evolving seeds into maturity}
an exclusive grailing of existence' birth as new fecundity grail middle~including cosmic metabolism and cosmic
vital impedance.
Existential biosphere exclusively grails existential metabolism, {Mekal: colloquially sometimes 'Michael'}
of evolving~effort(ings) witnesses, confirms, assesses, tells, grants, sanctions, authorizes, bespeaks, measures, praises, etc..,
archetypal comtainment becoming exalted cowithin cosmic comtainment. Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual
metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) cowithin cosmic~biosphere (600)
existential metabolism
seeing cosmic metabolism thermodynamically putting fecund~creative pressure upon vital impedance

Doug - 12-13,16Apr2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Retranslation of Genesis II:3

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~B[V]ayt~Raysh~finalKhaf




fecundity's blessing of~for its creation, its [any] life in cosmic existence blessing~communing reality's cosmos... ]
2 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem




Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in cosmic~biosphere's (600)...]

God as
3 Aleph~Tav {~Tav~Aleph}



..."unspeakably, from A to Z, from Aleph to Tav {thence Tav to Aleph perpetually, ubiquitously};"

this is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop...]

Also see

In Qabala's
Sefirot's, top 1
branch; this
Keter as top
carving (Hhaqaq),
quantizing of
all Emanations of
tree of life.

FACE, i.e.,
ECFA issi
YahWeh as
trunk of
tree of life!

See Hhaqaq
4 Yod~Waw~finalMem



..."day of;"

Yom is Awr's existential projection, day as light {compare Layla as dark}...]
5 Hay~Sheen~Vayt~Yod~Ayn~Yod (5.300. [Hashveani: ..."the seventh;" life cosmically metabolizes existence cowithin 'Light of Days, Seven of Days'...]
6 Vav~Yod~Qof~Dallet~Sheen



..."and he made holy; sanctify;"

assurance creation is thermodynamically Good, open to those abiding both vital impetus (Aleph) and vital impedance(Tav) as unending cosmic metabolism...]
7 Aleph~Tav~Waw




fecundity as seed bearing masculine new life cycle Aleph~Tav planting seeds (breathing~out) {compare Tav~Aleph, Ta~sh (Ta~Esha), as feminine (breathing~in) cosmic metabolizing, catabolisis~anabolisis, dying~living cyclings of evolving seeds into maturity}...]
8 Kaf~Yod



..."because, on him"

an exclusive grailing of existence...]
9 Vayt~Waw



..."on him;"

birth as new fecundity...]
10 Sheen~Khaf~Tav



..."he rested;"

grail middle~including cosmic metabolism and cosmic vital impedance...]
11 Mem~Kaf~Lammed



..."from all of;"

existential biosphere exclusively grails existential metabolism, colloquially sometimes 'Michael'...]
12 Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Kaf~Thav~Vav



..."work of him;"

of evolving~effort(ings)...]
13 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh (1.300.200) [Esher: ..."which;" witnesses, confirms, assesses, tells, grants, sanctions, authorizes, bespeaks, measures, praises, etc....]

14 Bayt~Raysh~Aleph



..."he created;"

archetypal comtainment becoming exalted cowithin cosmic comtainment...]

15 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem ( [Elohim: ..."God;" Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) cowithin cosmic~biosphere (600)...]

God as
16 Lammed~Ayn~Seen~Waw~Tav



..."to do;"

existential metabolism seeing cosmic metabolism thermodynamically putting fecund~creative pressure upon vital impedance...]

very similar
Shyt as Aleph in Gen I:1
we see Seen
of Ayn
Ayn's Waw
against 'anvil'
Tav: QED

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Vital impetus' metabolic life existence. Vital impedance mirroring-echoing fecund metabolic generational
ending-beginning recursively in fecund vital impedance
(we see potent evidence of evolutionaryq recursionq here).
The [
a] living cosmic biospheric metabolism in existence both~all~while~and~many cosmic~biospherically exalted
fecund spiritual life cosmically con(m)tained and cosmically fermionically~form~emerqed
.a living home cosmically
created in a spiritual cosmic~biosphere
on day seven. Focused observation of fecund completion. Existence alive,
fecundity alive
.. Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in
cosmic~biosphere (600)
. Spiritual cosmically con(m)tained cosmic enerqancyings' exaltation.
a living cosmic biospheric metabolism in existence both~all~while~and~many cosmic~biospherically exalted.

Doug - 13,16Apr,25Nov2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Retranslation of Genesis II:4

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Aleph~Lammed~Hay




vital impetus' metabolic life existence...]
2 Tav~Waw~Lammed~Dallet~Waw~Tav



..."generations of, con(m)sequences of, results of;"

vital impedance mirroring-echoing fecund metabolic generational ending-beginning recursively in fecund vital impedance (we see potent evidence of evolutionaryq recursionq here)...]

See Toledot.
3 Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."the Heavens;"

[the] a living cosmic biospheric metabolism in existence both~all~while~and~many cosmic~biospherically exalted...]

4 Vav~Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde



..."and the Earth;"

fecund spiritual life cosmically con(m)tained and cosmically fermionically~form~emerqed...]
5 Bayt~Hay~Bayt~Raysh~Aleph~finalMem



..."when to be created them;"

a living home cosmically created in a spiritual cosmic~biosphere...]
6 Bayt~Yod~Waw~finalMem



..."by the day;"

on day seven...]
7 Ayn~Seen~Waw~Tav




focused observation of fecund completion...]
8 Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay




existence alive, fecundity alive...]
9 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem




Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in cosmic~biosphere (600)...]

God as
10 Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde




spiritual cosmically con(m)tained cosmic enerqancyings' exaltation...]
11 Vav~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."and Heavens;"

[and] a living cosmic biospheric metabolism in existence both~all~while~and~many cosmic~biospherically exalted...]


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Encompassing fecundity grailing existential metabolism and cosmic metabolism evolving existence' spirit.
living cosmic metabolism evolving energy flow of life as biospheric maturation of cosmic con(m)tainment
from immature (existential) to mature (cosmic).
Existence alive, existence alive as divine life appearing cowithin Aleph's
cosmic con(m)tainer commingling its cosmic structuration complement. Encompassing fecundity grailing
existential metabolism while light of cosmic metabolism grows vegetation.
The living cosmic metabolism evolving
energy flow of life...a biospheric maturation of cosmic con(m)tainment from immature (existential) to
mature (cosmic)
becomes enlightened spirit in existential biosphere. [Behold] an exclusive grailing of existence...

{Doug is showing here that Aleph is perpetually alive (i.e., according Qabala's cipher Ehieh: Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay)
in existence thus we must NOT think of it as having an existential digital-dialectical gated on~(ana)~off~(cata) metabolism.}

living divine dust (clouds) in existence cosmically con(m)tained. Existence alive, fecundity alive. Almighty; i.e.,
existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in a cosmic~biosphere (600).
Apparent~visible existential metabolism
as life cowithin Aleph's cosmic con(m)tainer commingling its cosmic
structuration complement and mature Adam as spirit cowithin blood.
Qabalic spirit (Aleph~Hay) and existence (Yod~Hay)
isocoherently immersed in cosmic light immanent (isoflux). Light's existential metabolism as quantum~gated con(m)tainment

{We may see photons quantum~chromo~electro~fluxo~thermo~dynamically scintillate: quantum~leap
electrons which quantum~gate~con(m)tain photon~flux until electrons quantum~dive.}

[This is] Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop. Living spirit (cowith)in blood actually~existentially alive.

Doug - 13,16,18Apr2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Retranslation of Genesis II:5

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Khaf~Lammed



..."and any of;"

encompassing fecundity grailing existential metabolism...]
2 Sheen~Yod~Hhayt



..."shrub of;"

cosmic metabolism evolving existence' spirit...]
3 Hay~Sheen~Dallet~Hay



..."the field;"

the living cosmic metabolism evolving energy flow of life...]
4 Mem~Raysh~finalMem



..."heaven, 'not yet';"

biospheric maturation of cosmic con(m)tainment from immature (existential) to mature (cosmic)...]
5 Yod~Hay~Yod~Hay



..."he appeared;"

existence alive, existence alive., existence divinely alive..]

We see Yah~Yah as emergence of divine life.

Yah per se issi existential life.
6 Vayt~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde



..."on the earth;"

as life cowithin Aleph's cosmic con(m)tainer commingling its cosmic structuration complement...]
7 Vav~Khaf~Lammed~



..."all of us;"

encompassing fecundity grailing existential metabolism ...]
8 Ayn~Seen~Bayt



..."(grass) 'plant of';"

light of cosmic metabolism grows vegetation...]
9 Hay~Sheen~Dallet~Hay



..."the field;"

the living cosmic metabolism evolving energy flow of life...]
10 Mem~Raysh~finalMem



..."heaven, 'not yet';"

biospheric maturation of cosmic con(m)tainment from immature (existential) to mature (cosmic)...]
11 Yod~Ayn~Mem~Hhayt



..."he sprung up;"

enlightened spirit in existential biosphere...]
12 Kaf~Yod



..."because, for"

an exclusive grailing of existence...]
13 Lammed~Aleph




{Doug is guessing here that Aleph is perpetually alive (i.e., according Qabala's cipher Ehieh: Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay) in existence thus we must NOT think of it as having an existential gated on~(ana)~off~(cata) metabolism}...]
14 Hay~Mem~Mem~Yod~Raysh



..."he sent rain;"

living divine dust (clouds) in existence cosmically con(m)tained...]
15 Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay




existence alive, fecundity alive...]
16 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem




Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in cosmic~biosphere (600)...]

God as
17 Ayn~Lammed




apparent~visible existential metabolism...]
18 Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde



..."the earth;"

as life cowithin Aleph's cosmic con(m)tainer commingling its cosmic structuration complement...]
19 Vav~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem



..."and man;"

and mature Adam as spirit cowithin blood...]


20 Aleph~Yod~finalNoun


[Ayn (spelled out with finalNoun):

..."was not ("there is not" as a universal key to spiritual freedom), Ayn issi general equation of universe;"

Qabalic spirit (Aleph~Hay) and existence (Yod~Hay) isocoherently immersed in cosmic light immanent (isoflux)...]

This issi known as "general equation of universe." See p. 473 of Suares' Trilogy, 'Sepher Yetsira,' Text.

Doug - 27Nov2015.
21 Lammed~Ayn~Vayt~Dallet



..."con(m)tainment of light, 'to work';"

light's existential metabolism as gated con(m)tainment {photons quantum~electro~dynamically scintillate: quantum~leap electrons which gate~con(m)tain photon~flux until electrons quantum~dive}...]
22 Aleph~Tav {~Tav~Aleph}



..."unspeakably, from A to Z, from Aleph to Tav {thence Tav to Aleph perpetually, ubiquitously};"

this is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop...]

Also see

In Qabala's
Sefirot's, top 1
branch; this
Keter as top
carving (Hhaqaq),
quantizing of
all Emanations of
tree of life.

FACE, i.e.,
ECFA issi
YahWeh as
trunk of
tree of life!

See Hhaqaq
23 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~Mem~Hay



..."the ground (feminine antinomial~complement of Adam, where Adam plants his seed; again we see two lives);"

living spirit (cowith)in blood actually~existentially alive, Adamah feminine (ground) antinomial complement of Adam (seed)...]

Mother earth...

...earthly semiote of a hermaphroditic
quantum Chaldaæn godhead.

See Adamah.

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Thermodynamically, fluxodynamically evolving~flowing existence partially becoming (evolving toward) a living god.
Cosmically quantized existential biosphere (absoluteness of change and its pneumatic
freedom [stochastic uncertainty] i
hn biospheric existence), as life cowithin Aleph's cosmic con(m)tainer
commingling its cosmic structuration complement. Fecund life's evolutionary cosmic metabolism assuring perpetual~ubiquitous life

|                     >                     breathing~out                      >                     |
Aleph~This is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop~Tav~
|                     <                      breathing~in                       <                     |

Grailing, aqueducting, piping, cupping, channeling, guiding, steering, funneling of existential metabolism unstructured
energy actually quantized~projected in existence as
living spirit (cowith)in blood actually~existentially alive.

Doug - 13,15-16Apr2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Retranslation of Genesis II:6

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Aleph~Dallet



..."[dry] watercourse, 'but stream';"

thermodynamically evolving~flowing...]







..."a song (qwf) is born~emerges, 'he came up';"

..."(being) born;"

existence partially becoming (evolving toward) a living god...]

existence' metabolism of itself breaking its shell...]


"Before the song being born (sung)."
3 Mem~finalNoun




cosmically quantized existential biosphere (absolute ness of change and its pneumatic freedom [stochastic uncertainty] in biospheric existence)...]

freedom is always local, ihn existence
4 Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde



..."the earth;"

as life cowithin Aleph's cosmic con(m)tainer transmutatively, adaptively, evolutionarily commingling its cosmic structuration complement...]
5 Vav~Hay~Sheen~Qof~Hay



..."and he watered;"

..."and cosmic grailed,;"

fecund life's evolutionary cosmic metabolism assuring perpetual~ubiquitous life...]

cosmic metabolism of a cosmic grail into undifferentiated energy (isoflux) ("How to tap into reserve energy.")...]

This may not
be obvious to
you, but this
issi free energy!

'reality is
classicists say.

6 Aleph~Tav {~Tav~Aleph}



..."unspeakably, from A to Z, from Aleph to Tav {thence Tav to Aleph perpetually, ubiquitously};"

this is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop...]

Also see

In Qabala's
Sefirot's, top 1
branch; this
Keter as top
carving (Hhaqaq),
quantizing of
all Emanations of
tree of life.

FACE, i.e.,
ECFA issi
YahWeh as
trunk of
tree of life!

See Hhaqaq
7 Kaf~Lammed



..."all of it, 'whole of';"

grailing, aqueducting, piping, cupping, channeling, guiding, steering, funneling of existential metabolism...]
8 Pay~Noun~Yod



..."surface of;"

unstructured energy actually quantized~projected in existence...]
9 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~Mem~Hay



..."the ground (feminine antinomial~complement of Adam, where Adam plants his seed; again we see two lives);"

living spirit (cowith)in blood actually~existentially alive, Adamah feminine (ground) antinomial complement of Adam (seed)...]

Mother earth...

...earthly semiote of a hermaphroditic
quantum Chaldaæn godhead.

See Adamah.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

[And] divine (two lives hermaphroditic: Yod~Yod) formation (emerqancy) cosmically con(m)tained) existence alive, fecundity alive,
Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in cosmic~biosphere (600).

This is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop masculine seed (breathing~out)...

{photons, spin 1 bosons...Ayn's unseeable ("that is n¤t") quantum~dust}

...of undifferentiated energy cosmically con(m)tained cosmically quantized existential biosphere...

{absolute spiritual freedom [stochastic uncertainty] (cowith)ihn biospheric existence}

living spirit immanently (cowith)ihn blood actually~existentially alive.

(Compare At;)

Fecundity of existential undifferentiated energy ending its masculine breathing~out cycle ihn the house of vital impetus'
undifferentiated energy portrayed (fragrance, e.g., nard) in existence with fecundity quantized cosmic metabolism of existential
biosphere against vital impedance.

{Compare Shyt as Aleph vis-à-vis (nu)Shemt as quantized aural breath of:}

Double existence is divine and so life is divine as two lives...

Ihn Qabala (Ehieh:, ihn Autiot (Aut~Iot: 1.6.400~10.6.400), ihn YahWeh (Yah~Weh: 10.5~6.5), ihn quantons(antinomial,antinomial), etc.

Double existence alive, fecundity alive as masculine antinomial complement of Adamah:...

{(the feminine ground in which Adam plants his seed) (a Lammed~Sheen straddle of Noun~Phay, i.e.,}

...cosmic metabolism (evolutionary maturation) of existential metabolism (immaturity) of quantized undifferentiated energy (being as fluxodynamic~thermodynamic viability).
[We see]
unlimited primal spiritual (as fluxodynamic~thermodynamic) possibilities of Qabala's second of two lives, Yod~Hay (as long as Yod~Hay adheres Aleph~Hay; see Aleph~Yod script).

Doug - 13-15Apr2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Retranslation of Genesis II:7

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Yod~Tsadde~Raysh



..."and he formed;"

[and] divine (hermaphroditic: Yod~Yod) formation (emerqancy) cosmically con(m)tained)...]
2 Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay




existence alive, fecundity alive...]
3 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem




Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in cosmic~biosphere (600)...]

God as
4 Aleph~Tav {~Tav~Aleph}



..."unspeakably, from A to Z, from Aleph to Tav {thence Tav to Aleph perpetually, ubiquitously};"

this is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop...]

Also see

In Qabala's
Sefirot's, top 1
branch; this
Keter as top
carving (Hhaqaq),
quantizing of
all Emanations of
tree of life.

FACE, i.e.,
ECFA issi
YahWeh as
trunk of
tree of life!

See Hhaqaq
5 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem



..."the man;"

masculine antinomial complement (the masculine seed) of Adamah (the feminine ground)...]
6 Ayn~Phay~Raysh



..."ground, earth, 'dust';"

light (photons, spin 1 bosons...Ayn's quantum~dust) of undifferentiated energy cosmically con(m)tained...]
7 Mem~finalNoun




cosmically quantized existential biosphere ( absolute freedom [stochastic uncertainty] in biospheric existence)...]

freedom is always local, ihn existence
8 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~Mem~Hay



..."the ground (feminine antinomial~complement of Adam, where Adam plants his seed; again we see two lives);"

living spirit (cowith)in blood actually~existentially alive, Adamah feminine (ground) antinomial complement of Adam (seed)...]

Mother earth...

...earthly semiote of a hermaphroditic
quantum Chaldaæn godhead.

See Adamah.
9 Vav~Yod~Pay~Tav (


..."and he breathed;"

Compare At; fecundity of existential undifferentiated energy ending its masculine breathing~out cycle...]
10 Bayt~Aleph~Pay~Yod~Waw



..."into nostrils of him;"

the house of vital impetus' undifferentiated energy portrayed (fragrance) in existence with fecundity...]
11 Noun~Sheen~Mem~Tav



..."(quantized) breath of;"

quantized cosmic metabolism of existential biosphere against vital impedance {compare Shyt as Aleph vis-à-vis Shemt as aural breath of}...]




12 Hhayt~Yod~Yod~finalMem




...double existence is divine and so life is divine as two lives...ihn Qabala (Ehieh:, ihn Autiot (Aut~Iot:1.6.400.10.6.400), ihn quantons(antinomial,antinomial)...]



13 Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay



..."and he became, Lord;"

existence alive, fecundity alive...]
14 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem



..."the man;"

masculine antinomial complement (the masculine seed) of Adamah (the feminine ground)...]
15 Lammed~Noun~Phay~Sheen



..."into being;"

(a Lammed~Sheen straddle of Noun~Phay:) cosmic metabolism (evolutionary maturation) of existential metabolism (immature) of quantized undifferentiated energy (being as thermodynamic viability)...]
16 Hhayt~Yod~Hay




(we see) unlimited primal spiritual (as thermodynamic) possibilities of Qabala's second of two lives, Yod~Hay...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029 Rev. 25,27Nov2015  PDR Created: 11Apr2015  PDR
(14-15Apr2015 rev - Clean up Doug's translations for readability starting with verse seven. Repair Halam to H'Adam. Fix translation accordingly.)
(15Apr2015 rev - Extend and add to Genesis II:7. Start extension of Genesis II:6.)
(16Apr2015 rev - Continue extension of Genesis II:6. Finish extensions of Gen II:1-5.)
(18Apr2015 rev - Repair index link errors. Repair YahWeh to YahYah in verse 5.)
(29Apr2015 rev - Correct some typos under all occurrences of pronunciation 'At.')
(25,27Nov2015 rev - Add 'Gen_II_V4_W2' anchor to Toledot. Update word 20 of Gen II:5, Ayn as general equation of universe.)
