
Doug's Translation
Genesis II
Verses 8-14
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Genesis 2:8-14:

Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here. Suares claims 'the standard translation' of Genesis is incompetent, entirely misguiding, an abomination. A ruse, perhaps unintentional, perhaps otherwise.

Whoever did this, using whatever translation accoutrements available, hid...

...quantum aspects of Genesis from their readers.

Hiding those aspects of ultimate understanding of reality is, to Doug, ultimate classical hegemonic deceit!

Unintentional? You decide. Doug has omnicided!

Suares wouldn't even touch most of this text because of that (See Cipher of Genesis, WeiserBooks, 2005 paperback edition.). Doug, perhaps incompetently as a novice himself, has attempted, using what he has learned from Suares' opus, to do what Suares resisted doing. Take Doug's novice standingunder into account, please.

Doug shows, for each verse and word of Chapter II of Genesis, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes, thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Zondervan Interlinear Hebrew-English)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Genesis
Doug Renselle

Genesis II:1-7
Genesis II:8 Genesis II:9 Genesis II:10 Genesis II:11 Genesis II:12 Genesis II:13 Genesis II:14

Genesis II:15-25

Fertilization of existence in its evolutionary transmutative light~flux~metabolized organic biosphere.

{Seed (male) planted in ground (female), female quantum~evolves seed, maturing it to an adult quantum~life~living trajectory.}

Existence alive, fecundity alive. Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in cosmic~biosphere (600).
Organic movement cosmically, radically uncertainly quantized as existential~spiritual lives middle~including one another.

We see Eden as an existential home of light gradiently gatewaying cosmically quantized freedom and
its cosmic indetermination, in east where existential quantum~fluxic biosphere immortally
perpetually ubiquitously quantum~straddling, via any quantum~gradient~imposing gateway,
into its quantum~complementary~antinomial isofluxic n¤nexistential cosmic~biosphere.
[We see] The cosmic metabolism of the cosmic biosphere.

{We also see the Master Name, the Baal Shem.}

[We see] The cosmic metabolism of the cosmic biosphere.

[We perceive] this is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop.


Masculine antinomial complement (the masculine seed) of Adamah (the feminine ground) witnesses, confirms,
assesses, tells, grants, sanctions, authorizes, bespeaks, measures, praises, as in Moses' Revelation narrated
in Exodus 3:14, Qabala 'Ehieh Esher Ehieh,' 'Qabala witnesses Qabala'. transmutative emerqancy of existence.

Doug - 17,30Apr2015. Add missing word 'Eden.'


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Retranslation of Genesis II:8

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Mem~Ayn ( [Veemeea: ..."now he planted;" fertilization of existence in its evolutionary transmutative light~flux~metabolized organic biosphere, {seed (male) planted in ground (female), female quantum~evolves seed into its maturing to an adult quantum~life~living trajectory}...]

Ponder quantum~electro~

See QED.

2 Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay (



existence alive, fecundity alive...]
3 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~Mem (



Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in cosmic~biosphere (600)...]
4 Ghimmel~finalNoun (3.700) [Gan: ..."garden;" organic movement cosmically, radically uncertainly quantized as existential~spiritual livings middle~including one another...] See finalNoun.
5 Bayt~Ayn~Dallet~finalNoun



..."in Eden;"

existential home of light gradiently gatewaying cosmically quantized freedom and its cosmic indetermination...]

Doug's use of
gatewaying here
is relevant doors
and windows
in idiom.

That idiom holds
today, but a good
technical analogue
is a transistor.

In a transistor
'base' is analogue
Doug's use of

'Base' gates flow
of electrons
(quanta) from
emitter to collector.

of gating isn't
ideally dialectical.

Gradient gating
issi proportional
and quantized, not
classically bivalent
either on or off.

Dallet is typically

Thallet is typically

Notice how
adhere's Fourier's
theory of (quantal)
proportional flow.

Doug - 30Apr2015.
6 Mem~Qof~Dallet~finalMem ( [Mekadem: ..."verb: advances; noun: coefficient, factor; 'in east';" Existential quantum~fluxic biosphere immortally perpetually ubiquitously quantum~straddling, through any quantum~gradient~imposing gateway, its quantum~complementary~antinomial isofluxic n¤nexistential cosmic~biosphere...]

See Qof.

See gradience.

7 Vav~Yod~Sheen~finalMem (6.10.300.600) [Ve'Shem: ..."and he put;" the cosmic metabolism of the cosmic biosphere. {also the Master Name, Baal Shem}..]

See Eli Wiesel's
Souls on Fire.


Wie~sel, and

Fecund fermionic existence
cowithin Mother~God.

Golden light flux
bosonic rays
cowithin Mother~God.

Read Wiesel's mast poem.

8 Sheen~finalMem (300.600) [Shem: ..."name, 'there';" Cosmic metabolism of cosmic biosphere...]
9 Aleph~Tav~ {Tav~Aleph} (1.400)


..."unspeakably, from A to Z, from Aleph to Tav {thence Tav to Aleph perpetually, ubiquitously};"

this is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop...]

Also see

In Qabala's
Sefirot's, top 1
branch; this
Keter as top
carving (Hhaqaq),
quantizing of
all Emanations of
tree of life.

FACE, i.e.,
ECFA issi
YahWeh as
trunk of
tree of life!

See Hhaqaq
10 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem (


..."the man;"

masculine antinomial complement (the masculine seed) of Adamah (the feminine ground)...]

See Adam.
11 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh (1.300.200) [Esher: ..."confirm, witness, assess, 'whom';" witnesses, confirms, assesses, tells, grants, sanctions, authorizes, bespeaks, measures, praises, as in Moses' Revelation narrated in Exodus 3:14, Qabala 'Ehieh Esher Ehieh,' 'Qabala witnesses Qabala'...]

12 Yod~Tsadde~Raysh (10.90.200) [Yatser: ..."he formed;" transmutative emerqancy of existence...]

See Yatser.

See transmute.

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Fertile evolutionary emerscenture of unlimited pneumatic possibilities cowithin existential biosphere: as existence alive, and fecundity (of existence) alive.

Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in cosmic~biosphere's (600) cowithin
cosmically quantized existential biosphere (absolute freedom [stochastic uncertainty] ihn biospheric existence).

Living spirit (cowith)in blood actually~existentially alive, and Adamah feminine (ground) antinomial complement of Adam (seed).
A grailing comtainer of existential metabolism, its existential emerqancy of light evolving uncertainly, quantumly,
beautifully. [We experience] existential metabolism of actuality's biosphere cosmically mixing God and life.

As quality fecund familial cells where existential metabolisms divinely sate existential biospheres
with grailed spiritual nourishment: emerqing the tree, emerqing the life, emerqing the river.

House (home, comtainer of life) — while vitally impeding, vitally resisting — copulating cosmic grail, the organic
movement cosmically, radically uncertainly quantized, as existential~spiritual livings middle~including
one another and existential emerqancy of light both seeing and unseeing of light as reality's good as archetypical
structuration (emerqancy) fertilizing its archetypical comtainer and reality's evil as cosmic comtainment entrapping all light of life.

Doug - 17,19Apr2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Genesis II:9

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Tsadde~Mem~Hhayt ( [Ve'Yetsmo'akh: ..."and made to grow;" Fertile evolutionary emerscenture of unlimited pneumatic possibilities cowithin existential biosphere...]
2 Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay



..."and he became, Lord;"

existence alive, fecundity alive...]
3 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem




Almighty; i.e., existential spiritual metabolism (Lammed) enlivens (Hay) existence (Yod) in cosmic~biosphere's (600)...]

God as
4 Mem~finalNoun




cosmically quantized existential biosphere ( absolute freedom [stochastic uncertainty] in biospheric existence)...]

freedom is always local, ihn existence
5 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~Mem~Hay



..."the ground (feminine antinomial~complement of Adam, where Adam plants his seed; again we see two lives);"

living spirit (cowith)in blood actually~existentially alive, Adamah feminine (ground) antinomial complement of Adam (seed)...]

Mother earth...

...earthly semiote of a hermaphroditic
quantum Chaldaæn godhead.

See Adamah.
6 Kaf~Lammed (20.30) [Kol: ..."all, 'of every';" grailing comtainer of existential metabolism...]
7 Ayn~finalTsadde (70.900) [Ets: ..."tree;" existential emerqancy of light...]
8 Noun~Hhayt~Mem~Dallet ( [Na'Khemed: ..."charm, beauty, 'being pleasant';" evolving uncertainly, quantumly, beautifully...]
9 Lammed~Mem~Raysh~Aleph~Hay ( [La'Merah: ..."to sight;" existential metabolism of actuality's biosphere cosmically mixing God and life...]
10 Vav~Tayt~Waw~Vayt ( [Ve'Tov: ..."and good;" as quality fecund familial cells ...]
11 Lammed~Mem~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed ( [La'Ma'Khal: ..."for food;" where existential metabolisms divinely sate existential biospheres with grailed spiritual nourishment...]
12 Vav~Ayn~finalTsadde (5.70.900) [Ha'Ets: ..."the tree;" emerqing the tree...]
13 Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Yod~finalMem ( [Ha'Chaim: ..."the life;" emerqing the life...]
14 Bayt~Tav~Waw~finalKhaf (2.400.6.500) [Batokh: ..."in middle of;" house (home, comtainer of life) — while vitally impeding, vitally resisting — copulating cosmic grail...]

Similar quanton(isoflux,flux).

We see quantum middle~inclusion
as comma~nospace.

Quantum copulation
issi comma~nospace.

issi comma~nospace.

15 Hay~Ghimmel~finalNoun (5.3.700) [Ha'Gan: ..."the garden;" the organic movement cosmically, radically uncertainly quantized as existential~spiritual livings middle~including one another...] See finalNoun.
16 Vav~Ayn~finalTsadde (6.70.900) [Ve'Ets: ..."and tree of;" and existential emerqancy of light...] Sefirot
17 Hay~Thallet~Ayn~Tav ( [Ha'That: ..."the knowledge;" the both seeing and unseeing of light as reality ...] Quanton(unsaid,said).
18 Tayt~Waw~Vayt (9.6.2) [Tov: ..."good;" archetypical structuration (emerqancy) fertilizing its archetypical comtainer...] Evil's quantum
19 Vav~Raysh~Ayn (6.200.70) [Ve'Ra: ..."and evil;" and cosmic comtainment entrapping all light of life...]

Good's quantum

Relevant what Jesus
said, "Eli Eli Lama

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[Through] emerqing the river [we see] existence returning (demerqancy) to its source,

{biblically, idiomatically, colloquially Jeshus and two Joshuas reversed Jordan's flow}

[apparently] existential biosphere gate~wayved into quantum~nonexistential freedom.

[I.e.,] life straddling its existential and nonexistential metabolisms while exalted~Aleph fertilizes its vital impedance.

{Atta: this is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop}

[Its] organic movement cosmically, radically uncertainly quantized as existential~spiritual livings middle~including one another.
[Giving, from there] fecund metabolism of both existential and nonexistential biospheres.
Both existence and its cosmic antinomial~complement cosmically comtained together go through
(being mitigated, limited, forked, pathed, mastered, flow~modulated by)
a quantum~gradient imposing gateway, fecund spiritual life becoming existential life.

Existential metabolism as vital impetus' spiritual, cosmically comtained, cosmic light (Awr) as existence' living light
(apparently an number implication of "four headwaters") cosmic comtainment (reservoir) of vital
impetus' cosmic metabolism (chaotic flow) of existence' cosmic biosphere .

{cosmic waters; inference of an existential river's main source and its quantum comdensed~cloud
dusticulate~waviculate flow, which would require a grail, a Khaf which we do not see in Rasheem whose absence
implies a kind of reservoir of water as source of potential water (Mayeem, Maym, Maim as living energy) flow}

Doug - 17,21Apr2015, 9Apr2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Genesis II:10

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Noun~Hay~Raysh ( [Ve'Nahar: ..."and river;" [Through] emerqing the river...]
2 Yod~Tsadde~Aleph (10.90.1[1000]) [Yotsa: ..."flowing;" [we see] existence returning (demerqancy) to its source {biblically, idiomatically, colloquially Jeshus and two Joshuas reversed Jordan's flow}...]

Compare Yatsar,
Yod~Tsadde~Raysh as
emerqancy, a flowing
from existence into
its cosmic comtainer.

Imagine moving through
Sefirot from bottom
branch ten to branch one.

3 Mem~Ayn~Dallet~finalNoun ( [Maden: ..."from Eden;" existential biosphere gate~wayved into quantum~nonexistential freedom...] See wayve.
4 Lammed~Hay~Sheen~Qof~Waw~Tav (30.5.300.100.6.400) [Lahshqot: ..."to water;" [I.e.,] life straddling its existential and nonexistential metabolisms while exalted~Aleph fertilizes its vital impedance...]
5 Aleph~Tav~ {Tav~Aleph} (1.400)


..."unspeakably, from A to Z, from Aleph to Tav {thence Tav to Aleph perpetually, ubiquitously};"

this is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop...]

Also see

In Qabala's
Sefirot's, top 1
branch; this
Keter as top
carving (Hhaqaq),
quantizing of
all Emanations of
tree of life.

FACE, i.e.,
ECFA issi
YahWeh as
trunk of
tree of life!

See Hhaqaq
6 Hay~Ghimmel~finalNoun (5.3.700) [Ha'Gan: ..."the garden;" [Its] organic movement cosmically, radically uncertainly quantized as existential~spiritual livings middle~including one another...] See finalNoun.
7 Vav~Mem~Sheen~finalMem (6.40.300.600) [Voomsham: ..."and from there;" [Giving, from there] fecund metabolism of both existential and nonexistential biospheres...]

waters as

View comma~nospace as
coital fecundation, AKA
two ihn one.

8 Yod~Pay~Raysh~Dallet ( [Yeperad?: ..."he divided;" Both existence and its cosmic antinomial~complement cosmically comtained together go through (being mitigated, limited, forked, pathed, mastered, flow~modulated by) a quantum~gradient imposing gateway...] Quantons(Existence,Nonexistence)
cosmically comtained are
quantum~gated; this is
like a wormhole, a
gateway twixt existence
and nonexistence.
9 Vav~Hay~Yod~Hay ( [VehYah: ..."and he became;" fecund spiritual life becoming existential life...]

Observe that
YahWeh issi
projection of
Veh~Yah projected,
and vice versa.

It is a phenomenon
of spiritual fecundity becoming existential
as Yah.

Yah is sterile.

Yah must become YahWeh, fertile~Yah.

Evolution of qua
is quintessence
of creation.

10 Lammed~Aleph~Raysh~Bayt~Ayn~Hay ( [L'Arba'ah: ..."to {make eight, pairwise, into} four;" Existential metabolism as vital impetus' spiritual, cosmically comtained, cosmic light (Awr) as existence' living light (apparently an number implication of "four headwaters")...] Ogdoad pairs relevancy?
11 Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Yod~finalMem (200.1.300.10.600) [Rasheem: ..."main source (reservoir) of waters (Maim), 'headwaters' 'headwaters';" cosmic comtainment (reservoir) of vital impetus' cosmic metabolism (chaotic flow) of existence' cosmic biosphere {cosmic waters; inference of an existential river's main source and its quantum comdensed~cloud dusticulate~waviculate flow, which would require a grail, a Khaf which we do not see in Rasheem whose absence implies a kind of reservoir of water as source of potential water (Mayeem, Maym, Maim as living energy) flow}...]

See Y~cloud.

See Water~Waves.

See Maim.

Four headwaters:

Make an Autiot nexus
here that Iot offers
temporal existence a
two lives
(heresy) twixt
(choice as heresy)
(choice as freedom)

This answers,
"Lama Sabachthani?"

From any
we have to choose,
we have to be heretical!

Quantum (free choosings)
Dialectic (no choice)?

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Cosmic metabolism of cosmic biosphere. Living vital impetus' spiritual quantum~gateway flow~restricted.
Nonexistential cosmic energy, as...

{Aleph's vital impetus as absolute pragma.}

...experienced existentially, cosmically metabolizing (e.g., Higgs boson), fecundly, cosmic freedom.
Life's existence fertilizing vital impetus, vital impetus' existence fertilizing life, fecundity cowithin life and Iht, fecundity
cowithin life and Shyt.

(Shyt: Semiotic of Aleph as vital impetus.)
See Bara Shyt Genesis I:1.

{This is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop.}

Living feminine fecundity and comtained, living feminine fecundity ihn a sacred place.
A grailing comtainer of existential metabolism. Spiritual cosmically con(m)tained cosmic enerqancyings' exaltation.
Living spirit fertilizing existence and cosmically metabolizing life witnessing (i.e., e.g., SoS I:1)...

{witnesses, confirms, assesses, tells, grants, sanctions, authorizes, bespeaks, measures, praises, as in Moses' Revelation narrated in Exodus 3:14, Qabala 'Ehieh Esher Ehieh,' 'Qabala witnesses Qabala.'}

...cosmic metabolism of cosmic biosphere. Living unlimited~potential existentially comtained.

Doug - 17-18,21-22Apr2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Genesis II:11

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Sheen~finalMem (300.600) [Shem: ..."name, 'there';" Cosmic metabolism of cosmic biosphere...]
2 Hay~Aleph~Hhayt~Dallet ( [Ha'Akhad: ..."the one, 'the first';" living vital impetus' spiritual quantum~gateway flow~restricted ...]
3 Pay~Yod~Sheen~Waw~finalNoun (80.10.300.6.700) [Pishon: ..."Pishon;" Nonexistential energy, as (pragma) experienced existentially, cosmically metabolizing fecundly cosmic freedom...]

Four rivers:

  1. Pishon
  2. Gihon
  3. Tigris
  4. Euphrates.


Heuristically cosmic~freedom
imbues pragma~tic existential
freedom as Qabalic quantized
action, Sephirot 10.

4 Hay~Waw~Aleph (5.6.1) [Ha'Ooa: ..."he;" Life's existence fertilizing Aleph, Aleph existence fertilizing life, fecundity cowithin life and Iht, fecundity cowithin life and Shyt...]





5 Hay~Sammekh~Vayt~Vayt ( [Ha'Sayveevay: ..."the one winding;" living feminine fecundity and comtained, living feminine fecundity in a sacred place...] Double Vayt is like
"a sacred place."
6 Aleph~Tav~ {Tav~Aleph} (1.400)


..."unspeakably, from A to Z, from Aleph to Tav {thence Tav to Aleph perpetually, ubiquitously};"

this is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop...]

Also see

In Qabala's
Sefirot's, top 1
branch; this
Keter as top
carving (Hhaqaq),
quantizing of
all Emanations of
tree of life.

FACE, i.e.,
ECFA issi
YahWeh as
trunk of
tree of life!

See Hhaqaq
7 Kaf~Lammed (20.30) [Kol: ..."all, 'of every';" grailing comtainer of existential metabolism...]
8 Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde




spiritual cosmically con(m)tained cosmic enerqancyings' exaltation...]
9 Hay~Hhayt~Vav~Yod~Lammed~Hay ( [Ha'Havilah: ..."the Havilah;" living spirit fertilizing existence and cosmically metabolizing life...]
10 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh (1.300.200) [Esher: ..."confirm, witness, assess, whom, 'where';" witnesses, confirms, assesses, tells, grants, sanctions, authorizes, bespeaks, measures, praises, as in Moses' Revelation narrated in Exodus 3:14, Qabala 'Ehieh Esher Ehieh,' 'Qabala witnesses Qabala'...]

11 Sheen~finalMem (300.600) [Shem: ..."name, 'there';" Cosmic metabolism of cosmic biosphere...]
12 Hay~Zayn~Hay~Vayt ( [Ha'Zahav: ..."the gold;" living unlimited~potential existentially comtained...]

See Zahav.

Compare Ahavah.

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[We see] fecund unlimited~potential existentially comtained as life cowithin Aleph's cosmic con(m)tainer commingling its cosmic structuration complement.
[We see how] divine life fertilizes vital impetus' mandate for absolute quantum~evolutionary pragma.
[We see] archetypical structuration (emerqancy) fertilizing its archetypical comtainer Cosmic metabolism of
cosmic biosphere life comtained and quantum~gradience~gated via existential metabolism of spirit: a fertilized vital impetus.
[We see a] quantum~gradient~gateway into cosmic freedom's living cosmic metabolism: (Awr) emerq's [issi ihn] life's cosmic biosphere (Layla).

Doug - 17,22Apr2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Genesis II:12

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Zayn~Hay~Vayt ( [Voo'Zahav: ..."and gold of;" fecund unlimited~potential existentially comtained...]

Light can be alive
and yet infertile.

This word shows us
how Awr (Aur light)
can be fertile via

Quantumly, think of
bosons (phoxons)
fermions (electrons).

2 Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde



..."the land;"

as life cowithin Aleph's cosmic con(m)tainer commingling its cosmic structuration complement...]
3 Hay~Hay~Waw~Aleph ( [Ha'Haoa: ..."[an abomination, scholarly ineptness:] 'the that';" divine life fertilizes vital impetus' mandate for absolute quantum~evolutionary pragma...]

Double Hay is
divine life.

Divine life is
coitally involved
with its creatrix.

"Love G¤d."

4 Tayt~Waw~Vayt (9.6.2) [Tov: ..."good;" archetypical structuration (emerqancy) fertilizing its archetypical comtainer...] Evil's quantum
5 Sheen~finalMem (300.600) [Shem: ..."name, 'there';" Cosmic metabolism of cosmic biosphere...]
6 Hay~Bayt~Dallet~Lammed~Hhayt ( [Ha'Badalakh: ..."the resin;" life comtained and quantum~gradience~gated via existential metabolism of spirit...] Life is sticky?
7 Vav~Aleph~Dallet~finalNoun ( [Vee'Adan: ..."the hermaphrodicity of, 'the stone of';" a fertilized vital impetus quantum~gradient~gateway into cosmic freedom...]

Compare Adan
and Adam.

Aleph ihn
gated freedom
Aleph ihn blood.

See quantum

8 Hay~Sheen~Hay~finalMem (5.300.5.600) [Ha'Shoham: ..."the onyx;" living cosmic metabolism (Awr) emerq's [issi ihn] life's cosmic biosphere (Layla)...]

Is it intuitive,
in this case,
a metabolic
and blackness
hardening occurs?

Just now,
not for Doug.

Sheen is often
used by Suares
re darkness.

Doug has shown
cosmic biosphere
as darkness~Layla.

Tao dark, feminine,
tear drop is often
shown as black.
This has apparent
vaginal~cave connotations.

Atta breathing~ihn
cycle is sheen dark
layla metabolism.

Atta breathing~out
cycle is sheen light
Awr (Aur) metabolism.

Onyx appears
as a dark
of its light

In ancient times
onyx may have
'ideally' represented

Too, fathom, again
two lives:


Living cosmic
living cosmic

Black issi ihn white
white issi ihn black.

Up issi ihn down
down issi ihn up.

Catabolisis issi ihn
anabolisis issi ihn

Quantum~antinomialism aperio.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

[We see] the cosmic metabolism of the cosmic biosphere...

{also the Master Name, Baal Shem}

...emerqing the river, living freedom of quantization.
[We see] cosmically comtained living cosmic metabolism quantizing material and gravitational existence.
[We see] organic movement of that existence spiritually fecundating cosmic freedom.
[We see how] life fertilizes vital impetus, and how vital impetus fertilizes life.
[We glimmer] living hermaphroditic fecundity comtained, living hermaphroditic fecundity ihn a sacred place.

[We experience Atta:] {this is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop}

[We see] grailing comtainment of existential metabolism.
[We see] spiritual cosmically comtained cosmic enerqancyings' exaltation.
[We fathom existence' ubiquitous and perpetual] fecund grailing of cosmic metabolism.

Doug - 17Apr2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Genesis II:13

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Sheen~finalMem (6.300.600) [Ve'Shem: ..."and name of;" the cosmic metabolism of the cosmic biosphere. {also the Master Name, Baal Shem}..]

See Eli Wiesel's
Souls on Fire.


Wie~sel, and

Fecund fermionic existence
cowithin Mother~God.

Golden light flux
bosonic rays
cowithin Mother~God.

Read Wiesel's mast poem.

2 Hay~Noun~Hay~Raysh ( [Ha'Nahar: ..."the river;" emerqing the river, living freedom of quantization cosmically comtained...]
3 Hay~Sheen~Noun~Yod (5.300.50.10) [Ha'Shenee: ..."the second;" living cosmic metabolism quantizing material and gravitational existence...]

Second here is ordinal.

Quantized existence issi
spin 2 gravitational and
spin 1/2 fermionic.

4 Ghimmel~Yod~Hhayt~Waw~finalNoun ( [Gihon: ..."Gihon;" organic movement of existence spiritually fecundating cosmic freedom...]

Four rivers:

  1. Pishon
  2. Gihon
  3. Tigris
  4. Euphrates.


Heuristically cosmic~freedom
imbues pragma~tic existential
freedom as Qabalic quantized
action, Sephirot 10.

5 Hay~Waw~Aleph (5.6.1) [Haoa: ..."[he;" life fertilizes vital impetus..] Demiurge.
6 Hay~Sammekh~Waw~Vayt~Vayt ( [Ha'Sayoveevay: ..."the one winding;" living hermaphroditic fecundity comtained, living hermaphroditic fecundity in a sacred place...] Double Vayt is like
"a sacred place."
7 Aleph~Tav~ {Tav~Aleph} (1.400)


..."unspeakably, from A to Z, from Aleph to Tav {thence Tav to Aleph perpetually, ubiquitously};"

this is Qabala's ineffable life~death cyclings' reality loop...]

Also see

In Qabala's
Sefirot's, top 1
branch; this
Keter as top
carving (Hhaqaq),
quantizing of
all Emanations of
tree of life.

FACE, i.e.,
ECFA issi
YahWeh as
trunk of
tree of life!

See Hhaqaq
8 Kaf~Lammed (20.30) [Kol: ..."all of;" grailing comtainer of existential metabolism...]
9 Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde



..."land of;"

spiritual cosmically con(m)tained cosmic enerqancyings' exaltation...]
10 Kaf~Waw~Sheen (20.6.300) [Cush: ..."Cush;" grailing fecund cosmic metabolism...] Cush is a biblical place.

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the cosmic metabolism of the cosmic biosphere...

{also the Master Name, Baal Shem}

...emerqing the river, living freedom of quantization cosmically comtained. life's cosmic and existential metabolisms cowithin cosmic metabolism enfolded ihn existence.

Spiritual quantized gradient flow is a river of light,
while life fertilizes vital impetus.

Divine life's existential metabolism is grailing cosmic nonexistence.

Vital impetus' cosmic exaltation in existence is commingling existential blood while challenging vital impedance, always avoiding existential death.

[We see] existence witnessing its own cosmic metabolic comtainment while emerqing the river.
[We experience] life both cosmically and existentially comtained enfolding divine Light existentially. Life fertilizes vital impetus.
[We fathom, using our] existential perception, that unlimited cosmic energy is
cosmically~comtained while challenging reality's perpetual and ubiquitous vital impedance.

Doug - 17,22Apr2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Genesis II:14

Genesis II Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Sheen~finalMem (6.300.600) [Ve'Shem: ..."and name of;" the cosmic metabolism of the cosmic biosphere. {also the Master Name, Baal Shem}..]

See Eli Wiesel's
Souls on Fire.


Wie~sel, and

Fecund fermionic existence
cowithin Mother~God.

Golden light flux
bosonic rays
cowithin Mother~God.

Read Wiesel's mast poem.

2 Hay~Noun~Hay~Raysh ( [Ha'Nahar: ..."the river;" emerqing the river, living freedom of quantization cosmically comtained...]
3 Hay~Sheen~Lammed~Yod~Sheen~Yod (5.300.30.10.300.10) [Ha'Shleshee: ..."the third;" life's cosmic and existential metabolisms cowithin cosmic metabolism enfolded ihn existence...]

Divine double Yod
enfolds Sheen.

That existential~enfoldment
is re enfolded
quantumly ihn a

4 Hhayt~Thallet~Qof~Lammed ( [Tigris: ..."Tigris;" spiritual quantized gradient flow as a river of light...] Qof~Lammed: Light.
5 Hay~Waw~Aleph (5.6.1) [Haoa: ..."[he;" life fertilizes vital impetus..] Demiurge.
6 Hay~Hay~Lammed~finalKhaf ( [Ha'Halakh: ..."the one running;" divine life's existential metabolism grailing cosmic nonexistence...]
7 Qof~Dallet~Mem~Tav ( [Qodamet: ..."east of;" vital impetus' cosmic exaltation in existence commingling existential blood while challenging vital impedance, always avoiding existential death...]



Fathom Met as death.
(existential biosphere
eventually always
tentatively losing
to all lives'
trajectories endless

Recall Qof is destroyer
of illusion. AKA
Caheen, Cain.

Qof issi Aleph exalted!

Qof straddles both
existence and

Qof issi immortal.

Qof issi atemporal.

Qof issi ubiquitous.

Doug is unsure of
'east' nexus here.

8 Aleph~Sheen~Yod~Raysh (1.300.10.200) [Eshoer: ..."Asshur;" existence witnessing its own cosmic metabolic comtainment...]
9 Vav~Noun~Hay~Raysh ( [Ve'Nahar: ..."and river;" [Through] emerqing the river...]
10 Hay~Raysh~Vayt~Yod~Ayn~Yod ( [Ha'reve'ee: ..."the fourth;" life both cosmically and existentially comtained enfolding divine Light existentially...]

Ponder Ayn as light
and that which
is not (e.g., isoflux).

We see Light enfolded
divinely twixt a double Yod.

Consider life as
cosmically and
existentially comtained.

11 Hay~Waw~Aleph (5.6.1) [Haoa: ..."[he;" life fertilizes vital impetus..] Demiurge.
12 Phay~Raysh~Tav (80.200.400) [Euphrates: ..."Euphrates;" existential perception of unlimited cosmic energy cosmically comtained challenging vital impedance...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034 Rev. 9Apr2016  PDR Created: 17Apr2015  PDR
(23Apr2015 rev - Add 'Maden' anchor under II:10 word three.)
(29Apr2015 rev - Correct some typos under all occurrences of pronunciation 'At.')
(30Apr2015 rev - Replace missing Eden word in verse 8.)
(1May2015 rev - Add 'In Eden' anchor under verse 8.)
(2Nov2015 rev - Add 'Ha'Nahar' anchor under Genesis II:13.)
(1Dec2015 rev - Add 'Gen_II_V11_W2' anchor)
(2Feb2016 rev - Add 'Gen_II_V9_W9' anchor to 'Le'Merah.')
(14Mar2016 rev - Add 'Gen_II_V8_W12' anchor.)
(9Apr2016 rev - Add 'Rasheem' anchor under Gen II:10 word 11.)
